Why we spent £22,000 on the Devil Report - DoH

This is the unedited and complete official response from the Department of Health concerning their funding of Valerie Sinason's Devil report.

Department of Health
Wellington House
135-155 Waterloo Road,
London SE1 8UG

Our ref: rhodes/gf Date March 2000

Tony Rhodes
Director The Sub-culture Alternatives Freedom Foundation

Dear Mr Rhodes

Thank you for your e-mail of 21 February. I am sorry for the delay in replying.In the early 1990s, the Department of Health commissioned Professor Jean La Fontaine to provide a review of the nature and extent of cases of organised abuse where there were alleged to be ritualistic elements. A summary of the main findings, The Extent and Nature of Organised and Ritual Abuse, was published in June 1994.

Professor La Fontaine found no independent material evidence to support the allegations of satanic child abuse and devil worship. This finding met with criticism from certain quarters. The Department received a great deal of correspondence from people who remained concerned that there was clear evidence to support the view that satanic and other ritual abuse does exist. In the light of this response, the Department, in order to ensure that all sides of the issue were explored, commissioned Dr Hale and Ms Sinason to undertake a pilot study of adult survivors of alleged organised ritual abuse.

While the Department is aware of recent media reports of clinical findings purportedly related to the research, we have yet to receive a draft of the research for review, following which we would expect to receive the finalised research report. It is only at this stage that the Department would be in a position to consider the implications of the research, if any, for policy and practice.

The recently revised inter-agency guidance on child protection, Working Together to Safeguard Children was issued in December 1999. It draws practitioners' attention to the possibility of bizarre and unusual aspects linked to the sexual abuse of children, in accordance with Jean Le Fontaine's findings. The text may be accessed via http://www.open.gov.uk/doh/quality.htm

Yours sincerely Bruce Clark Section Head - Child Protection and Domestic Violence Policy Unit

Is the DoH's Child Protection & Domestic Violence Policy Unit part of the Satan Hunter Cabal? We invite the DoH to make their views known here in this website and clear up any possibility of suspicion that the DOHCPDVPU is a mouthpiece of the Satan Hunter cabal. We remind readers that 1988/1991 Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth infected the whole of social work and there were 84 cases spread throughout the U.K. but in the end, despite the waste of over twenty million pounds worth of public money NOT ONE of the satan-hunters who originated those cases was ever sacked. They are all still there working in the same coteries within the child scare industry and still perpetrating their obsessions. Are the DoH taking the easy-path of capitulating to the satan hunters because they think there will be no accountability? THEN LET THE PEOPLE IN CONTROL KNOW YOUR VIEWS, THE PEOPLE'S VIEWS, VIA THE INTERNET.

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