Reproduced from Private Eye Magazine No.1240 July 2009
FOLLOWERS of the career of Marxist feminist Green party candidate and republican journalist Beatrix Campbell were astonished when she was awarded an OBE for services to equal opportunities in the Queen's birthday honours last month (Eye 1239).
Campbell was one.ofthe first proponents of a belief in the Satanic ritual abuse myth in the early 1990s and remained resolutely vocal in support, together with a network of believers, long after government commissioned research by Professor Jean La Fontaine, concluded in 1994 there was no evidence to support the claims. Before and even since that report, dozens of families were devastated by false allegations that they were devil worshipping paedophiles sexually abusing children in Satanic rituals that included drinking blood and urine and sacrificing animals and babies.
In the 1990s Camppell also wrote in defence of the now discredited 'recovered memory" therapy after which adult patients alleged they had been sexually abused in childhood. Professional regulatory bodies have since warned practitioners such recovered memory techniques could implant false memories.
Campbell and her partner Judith Jones (formerly Dawson), a social worker involved in the notorious Nottingham case in which social workers came to believe a genuine and vile case of incest was "Satanic", wrote a book, Stolen Voices: An exposure of the Campaign to Discredit Childhood Testimony, due to be published in November 1999. In fact it was a diatribe against anyone who dared question the existence of ritual abuse and whether some allegations of abuse might be false and it had to be withdrawn on the eve of publication following extensive complaints of inaccuracies and threats of legal action for libel.
Two pre-publication reviews give a flavour. The Independent described it as "a polemic, salted with emotive language and sarcastic commentary". It concluded: "Its authors are so blinded by ideology that they do a disservice to the people they claim to represent." And in a scathing review in the Evening Standard, La Fontaine, who had debunked ritual abuse, wrote: "The authors use personal attack to advance their view. .. The use of innuendo is distasteful and, where I can judge them, the 'facts' are.not true."
Earlier, at the height of the Satanic panic, ih October 1990, Campbell had also produced a much panned documentary for Channel4's Dispatches programme, in which she claimed to reveal evidence of Satanic child abuse in Nottingham. .
The Nottinghamshire chief constable, Dan Compton, whose officers had exhaustively investigated the allegations of ritual abuse and murder made by social workers (including Campbell's partnerJudith DawsonlJones), sent a dossier to the home secretary "to kill off once and for all" the claims of ritual abuse. He accused Campbell's film of "sensationalising unsubstantiated stories".
At least the OBE will look better on the Campbell CV than the pulped book and derided documentary.
A Small Selection of The Claims Made by Beatrix Campbell and Her Satan Hunter Associates
Including Criticisms of The SAFF
This thirteen page article by Beatrix Campbell in Radical America Vol
21:4 (1988) concerns mostly the Cleveland Mass Lift case. Beatrix
begins by insisting that the paediatricians and social workers were 'right'
despite the findings of the Butler Sloss enquiry and then moves on to posit
what appears to be a convoluted political ideology of endemic sexual abuse
linked to male-dominated, right-wing family structures which are protected
by the police and the judiciary at the expense of the victims, the children.
In a very strange postscript which indicates that Beatrix is
clearly of the 'glass half full' persuasion the article continues.
'on the contrary, the doctors' diagnoses were vindicated. The judge and
her panel failed, however, to critique the behaviour of judges during the
life of the Inquiry, who threw out Cleveland cases on the grounds that the
diagnosis was suspect. The judicial panel found no reason to doubt the
pediatrician's clinical findings - an astonishing affirmation of the signs
seen on the bodies of 165 children.'
Anyone who can turn abject official condemnation of the Cleveland farago
and it's report into a supportive document for those who were admonished,
must not be reading the newspapers the rest of us read.
New Statesman October 1990. Beatrix Campbell writes of 'Ritual
Sacrifice', a conspiracy involving high-ranking members of the police and
people in powerful places, 'allegations of sexual and ritual
abuse', 'witch parties' and of obtaining 'expert advice on Satanism'. She
complained that Social Services Team leader Christine Johnstone was detained
by the police 'until she agreed that there was no witchcraft in Nottingham
' . What Beatrix did not mention was that Christine Johnstone is a
Christian Fundamentalist who, a short time later, appeared on a fundamentalist
video giving 'witness' about the supposed satanic abuse of children in this
case and praying to Jesus to save their souls. This video - sold through
Christian fundamentalist bookshops throughout the country - also included
sections equating the use of Ouija Boards and Tarot Cards with the Devil.
Social Work Today October 1990: Beatrix Campbell's 'Dispatches
'documentary' on the Nottingham case, (aired on Channel 4 on October
3rd) is given a positive review by the influential journal of the British
Association of Social Workers. They accept as fact that persistent
ritual abuse occurred in a satanic framework (later completely discredited
by the JET enquiry report) and that a tunnel had been discovered where the
children in the case claimed they had been abused, that one witness had claimed
that she had seen children being killed for sacrifice and bodies being dumped
in other people's graves. An 'expert' on SRA believed that 'the country
is riddled with Satanic Abusers'. This 'expert' was Diane Core from
Childwatch, who at one time was reported as claiming that over 4,000 children
a year were being sacrificed to the devil in the U.K. Unfortunately for Beatrix
it soon became clear via the Independent on Sunday that it is well known
to all who live in the area that Nottingham is built on a Sandstone outcrop
and is riddled with caves and tunnels which are used for a variety of perfectly
legal purposes (i.e. storage).
November 1990: Beatrix Campbell writes for Marxism Today, about
: 'the latest horror story, ritualised sexual abuse, a culture of sexual
terrorism, power and sacrifice.' that people who 'respect
children's accounts of 'satanic' or ritualised abuse aren't taken
seriously'. She maintains that there is 'an inability to
imagine that 'satanic' practices actually happen, that 'organising
rituals to penetrate any orifice available in troops of little children;
to cut open rabbits or cats or people and drink their blood; to shit on silver
trays and make the children eat it' are too horrific to be accepted.
The problem is, of course, that the definitive government
report on the scare concluded that such horrible tales have been tortuously
confabulated from children's impressionable minds via constant and repetitive
questioning by Inquisitorial social workers seeking to produce evidence to
corroborate their preconceptions and in every case there has been no actual
forensic evidence to prove any of it. We do not see nightmares
imposed upon delicate minds by insistent social workers as helpful either
to the children or to the innocent adult victims of this scare.
Beatrix then employs the failed arguments of the Christian Evangelical
circuit (The Chapter on The Bloody Sacrifice in Aleister Crowley's MAGICK
- see boykiller.htm ) to
contradict the police's claim that they have studied hundreds of other books
on occultism and satanism which do not promote human sacrifice or harm.
She then goes on to describe Team 4 as a 'largely secular network of
skilled women' completely bypassing the fundamentalist beliefs of
Christine Johnstone and the completely unacceptable world-view of the
then director of social services, Andrew Croal, who after denouncing abortion
publicly as 'a form of ritual abuse' resigned and took up a job as a leading
member of a Christian Evangelical Mission, travelling the country holding
seminars on satanic abuse!
A day seminar held on March 17, 1993 is heralded in Community Care magazine.
Hosted by Beatrix Campbell the advert says: 'Do we feel judicial
hearings from Cleveland onwards have helped or hindered good practice?'
Beatrix Campbell will trace recent issues discussing her thoughts
and ideas to date. this promises to be an important and stimulating
day for anyone involved in child sexual abuse. There will also be an opportunity
for open discussion. Tickets are £18.50 per head and 'demand for
places will be high'. (cheques made payable to the B Campbell Seminar)
WHERE SATAN GOES UNSEEN : An attack on the S.A.F.F.?
Beatrix Campbell is given a column in the Independent to reply to Bryan
Appleyard's coverage of the definitive government report on Satanic
Ritual Abuse which the Indy published a week previously. The government.
report concluded that SRA was a myth created by Christian Fundamentalists
and promoted by extremists within social work. Campbell maintains,
to the contrary, that this view was a result of a campaign by satanists to
conspire to undermine the 'advocates of children'. Her inference appears
to be that the campaign by 'satanists' confused the issues and lead to invalid
conclusions. The basis of her argument is that
'Within two weeks of the first published report of the first discovery
of alleged satanic abuse in Britain, an organisation of satanists circulated
chief constables, directors, of social services and the Home Office with
reports that tried to undermine the credibility of the care workers involved
in the case . And they have responded similarly to subsequent controversies.'
Presumably Beatrix is here referring to the SAFF because we are to our knowledge
the only 'organisation' which distributed background information to such
people at such an early date. Indeed, we were the first and only
organisation to see the dangers in this myth and had been tracking it for
months prior to it going public in a blaze of publicity. Beatrix indulges
herself in claims about ambiguous, un-named sources. If we are
not that group then let Campbell state exactly which 'satanic organistion'
she was writing about. We are NOT of course Satanists.
However the point is even if we were Satanists how would that
devalue the presentation of genuine facts? Watch out Beatrix,
your prejudices are showing. Secondly information from
the SAFF has always been absolutely accurate and turned out with the passage
of time to be the only rational response of any independent organisation
to this issue. No other group had the vision to realise how dangerous
and long-running this scare would turn out to be. Thirdly, it
is our democratic right, nay responsibility, to correspond with policy makers
and contribute information on the issue as we see it to avoid injustices
and the victimisation of those non-mainstream beliefs. Lastly Campbell
says that this 'satanic organisation' tried to 'undermine the credibility'
of care workers. We succeeded in undermining only those people in
the ranks of the satan hunters who were pursuing an unjust ideology based
on prejudice and deceit. We have of course always only ever
conveyed the TRUTH about this issue. Campbell's inference appears
to be that contributions from Witches, Satanists, and those who hold New
Age beliefs will be by qualification counterfeit whereas we believe that
only people versed in these subcultures can provide a proper insight. Time
has shown how right our view has been. In Campbell's opinion
we must all accept whatever falls from the mouth of children, foster parents,
social workers and Marxist Feminists without question however improbable
their statements and if we do question we are likely to become 'Satanists'
for doing so. Yet the truth is that if the SAFF had done anything else
other than portray the truth about their activities those care workers would
have quite rightly sued us . They didn't because they couldn't - SAFF research
has allways been truthful and accurate.
7 June 1994. Continuing her vituperative attack on the
author of the government's definitive report (which concluded that
Satanic Ritual Abuse did not exist), Campbell uses her column in the Independent
to question the research. Again she relies on the 'we are not all Christian
fundamentalists' take. It must have slipped Campbell's mind that she
sat next to Andy Croall, the former director of Social Services at Nottingham
on the TV programme After Dark, which discussed the 'prevalence' of Satanic
Ritual Abuse and during which Croall made his infamous statement about
Abortion being a form of ritual abuse. Croall made his Christian
fundamentalist world-view clear to all viewers.
There is plenty of first
hand evidence of the fact that the Christian Fundamentalist world view influenced
and promoted this scare either directly, or through the indoctrination of
third parties. In this piece Campbell says that 'U.S.
self-styled experts in SRA were not involved in the cases, failing
to mention that many of the British specialists and 'experts'; used
in the Nottinghamshire case used research and training methods provided by
'U.S.experts' to delineate SRA cases! Furthermore Beatrix seems
completely unaware that one of the 'specialists' who contributed to the Social
Services' knowledge about Satanic Ritual Abuse , Maureen Davies, had
also re-exported details of the Broxtowe case to her fundamentalist buddies
in the U.S. as 'proof' to critics there that Satanic Ritual Abuse existed
in the U.K.! The logic went thus:. Fundies and Therapists on
the make in the U.S.A. couldn't convince the authorities there that Satanic
Abuse existed because they were using the same 'believe the children' techniques
which didn't pan out. In order to add weight to the evidence the US
satan hunters exported their half-baked cases as though real and proven
into the U.K. via fundamentalist agitators and British fringe
therapists who were ready to portray them as definite proof that a satanic
consipracy to abuse children had been uncovered in the U.S. After
these witch-hunters created the first SRA case in the U.K. (the Broxtowe
case) the fundie agitators sent back information on the Broxtowe case as
'proof' that the USA satan hunters had been right in the first place!
Indeed Maureen Davies, a fundamentalist agitator who attended
many satan seminars as an 'expert' and who lectured to British social workers
and police about Satanic Ritual Abuse contributed an article to a Christian
fundamentalist journal in the U.S.A. which the editor heralded as proof of
the 'fact' that SRA existed in the U.K. and that this validated all the earlier
U.S. cases. Even though no such proof was extant and eventually the
Satanic abuse aspects of the Broxtowe case were officially discredited.
There is therefore AMPLE proof of the contamination of the British
cases of claimed SRA by American fundamentalists and American self-styled
'experts' in SRA, some of whom , like Maureen Davies herself, were later
publicly discredited. It is balderdash of the highest order for Beatrix
Campbell to claim that the fundamentalist circuit had no influence upon British
social workers' beliefs about Satanic Ritual Abuse.
The Guardian Weekend 10th September 1994: This five page
Guardian special by Catherine Bennett gives an up-to-date overview of the
Satan Scare and includes input from both sides in a balanced way. The
failures of the Rochdale and Orkney SRA cases and the conclusions
of the recently published government report which repudiate the idea, are
discussed with protagonists from both sides. Completely reversing
their original public claims the NSPCC backtracks. Kevin Barratt their
Policy Director says ' We are not saying it doesn't exist, we;re saying
we don't have evidence of it from our workers and the families we've worked
with.' The NSPCC's July 1989 Press Report (which was released
in conjunction with that appalling Cook Report's now thoroughly discredited
programme, The Devil's Work) actually stated the reverse, that
they had firm evidence from their branches and workers that satanic ritual
abuse DID exist. During 1988/89 the SAFF attempted to build up
communications with Barratt personally offering lots of background data and
information, help and assistance. Though we wrote to him many times, and
presented many papers and pieces of research Barratt demonstrably failed
to engage with us. In fact we also wrote many times to the then director
of the NSPCC and most of its executives without getting a valid response
either. After getting this run-around over nearly a year we lost patience
with the NSPCC and told them that we were going to publish all the
research we had sent them to shame them into action. The NSPCC's response
was to set their blue-chip London Barristers onto us, threatening a writ
in order to silence us! Why was the NSPCC now switching tack?
A different climate was manifesting and many of those who previously believed
in SRA had realised it was bunkum. According to the author
of this Guardian article, Beatrix Campbell, refused to be quoted when Bennett
wanted to question her about the Despatches Documentary she had produced
on the Nottingham Case.
Sight and Sound Magazine, September 1994. Beatrix Campbell and Judith
Dawson/Jones commence a critique on the research of Elizabeth Newson into
whether what is seen in videos and on TV can affect the minds of children.
Following the collapse of the Rochdale so-called Satanic Abuse Case
believers in SRA like Dawson/Jones and Campbell are attempting to validate
the accounts of children on which, it has become clear, virtually every piece
of 'evidence' to suggest the existence of Satanic Ritual Abuse depends.
Basically Newson holds that the repository of images in a child's mind is
affected by what he/she sees and that it is not always possible for them
distinguish between reality and fiction when those situations are recalled.
This was the explanation the Judge in the Rochdale Case accepted.
That the children had been allowed to watch horror videos and
under 'disclosure' by social workers, replayed mixed images from reality
and the videos which confirmed the expectancies of the Satan Hunters in the
Rochdale Social Services. Jones/Campbell repudiate this,by interviewing
other 'experts' who believe the contrary and by insinuating that because
Newson has joined forces with the British False Memory Society
( who have
historically contested the Satan-Hunters' views, her conclusions are somehow
Community Care 24-30th August 1995. Beatrix Campbell sets out
her ideology which seems to be saying everyone who does not accept her avowedly
marxist ideological view of society is somehow out of step with genuine child
care. After inferring that the police and the courts are more interested
in their own function than in protecting children she goes on to question
the Butler Sloss Inquiry report on the Cleveland Scandal. Those with
long memories will remember that the mass lifts of children in Cleveland
were prompted by over-enthusiastic child care workers fuelled by the anal
dilation syndrome method used by two consultant paediatricians , Higgs and
Richardson, to identify cases of 'child abuse'. The completely
unreliable ADS caused a massive increase in the 'detection' of so-called
child abuse, the vast majority of which were totally unfounded. Once
in the hands of the social services mafia, some of the children gave
'evidence' under 'disclosure' and mass child-lifts commenced. The usual clean-up
and white-wash operation by the Establishment occurred after the event.
Much wringing of hands and the inevitable public inquiry was held and
accepted by all, except, it would seem, for Beatrix and a handful of others
who have since fought to repudiate it under the banner of an organisation
called C.A.U.S.E. The campaign was not , now, about whether
the size or shape of a child's anus was a reliable guide to whether they
had been abused or not, but about the fact that what the children said
in their 'disclosure' questioning, was not believed. This is of course
the KEY fundamental of all witch-hunts. Historically the acceptance
of Spectral Evidence by courts during the witch crazes of the 15c allowed
children to fantasise all manner of obviously ludicrous happenings which
were taken as true by the courts and lead to the deaths of thousands of innocent
adults. The same mechanic was evident in Salem and is clearly occurring today
under the claims of 'ritual abuse'. It was only when the
courts began to reject Spectral Evidence that the 15c witch craze began
to abate.
Therein lies the difference between Beatrix and the SAFF. She
insists that we should believe the children whatever they say in order to
help them; We insist that it is not necessary to believe anything before
helping children in distress but for forensic /detection purposes nothing
must be believed until it is proven.
John Freedom, Mortlake.