------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B.B.D.S. = BIBLE BASHER DEFENSE SYSTEM THE ALTERNATIVE BIBLE CONCORDANCE An antidote to Scriptural Terrorism By Fra. ABSALHEVADA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ During the current "Decade of Evangelism" liberal folk are being faced with Christian missionaries persistently visiting our homes and causing local and national controversies over scriptural dictums . Their ultimate authority is the bible which these groups insist is the exact word of God. But is the bible the exact word of God? Use the B.B.D.S. to find out and stop the Scriptural Terrorists from brow-beating you! THREE EASY STEPS TO ACTIVATE YOUR B.B.D.S.: 1) Obtain your own personal copy of the KING JAMES EDITION of the Bible (second-hand bookshops usually have plenty of copies for a few pence a throw). 2) Using the index provided find each reference quoted and circle the verse in red ink, writing in the cross-reference to the contradiction. Do this for the entire index. YOU NOW HAVE AN ANTI-BIBLE BASHER KIT which you can use to protect yourself if they come knocking at your door. 3) When the missionaries call ask them if they really believe the bible to be entirely God's word. Take your BBDS bible and go through the index, get the bible bashers to read out the offensive and contradicting verses from their own bible and counter it with YOURS. Ask them again; is this bible really the word of God??? THE BIBLE IS AN IMPORTANT AND INFLUENTIAL HISTORICAL DOCUMENT BUT IS IT REALLY THE EXACT WORD OF GOD AS BIBLE-THUMPERS BELIEVE? SEE FOR YOURSELF: OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE - WORD OF GOD? --------------------------------- a) EAT FAECES AND DRINK URINE; 2 KINGS 18:27 and ISAIAH 36:12. b) FAECES ON YOUR FACES; MALACHI 2:3. c) EAT CAKE WITH FAECES; EZEKIEL 4:12-15. d) THE BASTARD SHALL NOT ENTER; DEUT. 23:2. e) BASTARDS SHALL DWELL..; ZECHARIAH 9:6. f) YE ARE THE BASTRADS...; HEBREWS 12:8. g) PRESSED BREASTS AND BRUISED TITS; EZEKIEL 23:3 (Chapter 23 is particularly vile and pointless). INCEST, LEWDNESS AND SMUTT IN THE BIBLE. --------------------------------------- a) SAMSON & A WHORE; JUDGES 16:1. b) INCEST; GENESIS 19:33-36. c) RAPE & INCEST; 2 SAMUEL 13:11-15. d) BARE-BUTTOCKS; ISAIAH 20:4. A SAMPLE OF IRRATIONAL CONTRADICTIONS ------------------------------------- a) 2 SAMUEL 24:1 vs 1 CHRON. 21:1 1 b) 2 SAMUEL 10:18 vs CHRON. 19:18. c) 1 KINGS 7:26 vs 2 CHRON. 4:5. d) 2 CHRON. 9:25 vs 1 KINGS 4:26. e) 1 SAMUEL 28:6 vs 1 CHRON. 10:13-14. f) JOHN 3:13 vs 2 KINGS 2:11 & GENESIS 5:24. g) JOHN 18:19 vs JOHN 17:12. h) 2 CHRON. 6:36 vs 1JOHN 3:9. i) 1 CORINTH. 14:33 vs ISAIAH 45:7 & 1 SAMUEL 16:14 & 2 THESSAL. 2:11. j) MARK 10:27 & MATTHEW 19:26 vs JUDGES 1:19. k) PSALMS 30:5 vs NUMBERS 32:13. l) NUMBERS 23:19 vs 1 SAMUEL 15:35 & EXODUS 32:14. m) 1 SAMUEL 15:3 vs PSLAMS 100:5. n) 1 TIMOTHY 6:16 vs 1 KINGS 8:12. o) JAMES 1:13 vs GENESIS 22:1. WEIRD/PSYCHOPATHIC QUALITIES ATTRIBUTED TO GOD BY THE BIBLE. ----------------------------------------------------------- a) A HISSING GOD? ISAIAH 5:26, 7:18, ZECH. 10:8. b) A ROARING GOD? ISAIAH 42:13, JEREM. 25:30. c) A BARBER GOD? ISAIAH 7:20. d) A PENITENT GOD? JEREM. 15:6, GENESIS 6:6. e) A RIDING GOD? 2 SAMUEL 22:11. f) GOD MURDERS 50,070 PEOPLE FOR LOOKING INTO A BOX? 1 SAMUEL 6:19. g) A TIRED GOD? GENESIS 2:2-3, EXODUS 31:17. ANTI-SOCIAL ACTIVITIES & STRANGE DISCREPANCIES. ---------------------------------------------- a) JESUS IGNORANT OF SEASONS; MARK 11:12. b) HATE IS FOUNDATION OF FAITH; LUKE 14:26. c) JESUS IS RACIST; MATTHEW 10:5-6. d) JESUS KILLS 2,000 PIGS IN MAGICAL RITE; MARK 5:13. e) SAMSON KILLS 1,000 MEN WITH A DONKEY'S JAWBONE!! JUDGES 15:15-16. SO IS THE BIBLE REALLY THE EXACT WORD OF GOD AND VALID AS AN ULTIMATE AUTHORITY FOR ALL MORAL AND SPIRITUAL JUDGEMENTS? ARE THESE REALLY GOD'S WORDS? FURTHER USES OF THE BBDS: Photocopy this leaflet, go to your local library and insert one copy in each book in the Theology section. Distribute more copies to minorities at risk from Scriptural Terrorism (ie. Sikhs, Hindus, Jews, Pagans, Bahais, Spiritualists, Buddhists etc). Send copies of the leaflet to interested organisations and magazines. Deliver door to door in your neighbourhood when the fundamentalists leaflet the area. When a Bible-Basher writes to the local paper quoting scripture - write to contradict him/her with extracts from the BBDS. ENDS: Publ. 23.7.93: Copyright The Sub-culture Alternatives Freedom Foundation. Copyright relinquished for all free distibutions providing this copyright notice is attached and a link given back to this website. 2.
The Bible Basher Defence System is a historic document which was very useful to the SAFF and to others
who defended freedom of speech from attack by Fundamentalists in the pre-internet days. We laud the
insight of Frater Absalhevada and his theological knowledge used in compiling it.
It is clear that on the web an updated version not limited in length or size will be relevant and if any person reading this would care to build on Absalhevada's work by sending us digitised files of the verses he refers to above, we will of course include them (and an acknowldgement of their contribution) in an expanded page to allow more efficient use by other free-thinkers and those who find themsleves being preyed upon by extremists. As the footer above suggests. The text of the above may be used by anyone free of charge either on the net or in print providing it is copied in its entirety and the following acknowledgement is attached to it. 'World Copyright The Sub-culture Alternatives Freedom Foundation (S.A.F.F.) 1993: http://www.saff.org.uk' |
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A Message From Darren![]() When I started my own business I could only volunteer for one day a week but I've done that for 18 months. I doubt if anyone could quantify just how many people have been helped out of difficult situations by the SAFF, thousands probably, I've personally been instrumental in assisting dozens and I can tell you just how grateful they are to have somehwere to go where good people with tons of experience can cut through the confusion for them. My main message to you is that we could achieve so much more if our resources were even greater and on behalf of my volunteer friends here at the SAFF I promise you that we will make 100% best use of any donation you make. Please consider donating something, even a pound or two will swell the coffers and help us to continue the fight. |
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