Repetitive allegations about past cases of child abuse
which pro-SRAMists (SRAM = Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth; 'pro-SRAMists' = those who
in the existence of Satanic Ritual Abuse)
uncover has become a constant
feature of attempts to perpetuate the idea of SRAM.
It has taken this route
in the U.S.A. and it seems that a permanent controversy over these cases is
in view for the U.K. leaving the way open for a continuous debate within which
personal prejudices and religious bigotry can manifest.
There was an urgent
need to prepare a technique to quickly analyse and validate such claims and
the Satanic Footprint is the result.
The difficulty is that answering these
type of allegations isvirtually impossible for any discussion becomes
fundamentally circular. If there were any REAL proof that SRAM existed the
debate would automatically end. Therefore we are dealing with arguments from
the convinced and the arena of argument is specified using values which are
culturally biased therefore any attempt to explain alternative perspectives
is doomed to sound apologetic, unconvincing or paltry.
Before responding to the allegations it is essential to ask the pro-SRAMists to
substantiate aspects which must apply to ALL such cases but which have until now not been
adequately addressed, thereby scoping a balanced arena of argument. These questions
(b) There is a whole demonology
of Biblical Spirits (penned and described by obsesed Christian pedants)
but these are not used by Satanists and NO GENUINE Satanic Intelligences (as
known and taught by the tradition)appear in these cases. Especialy not one
called Santamas (See Reginald Harris Case 1990) nor Asmodeus (See McKenzie
case 1989) so presumably Harris and McKenzie knew nothing about
genuine Occultism/Satanism and made it all up; hence were not REAL Satanists.
(c) Asmodeus or Asmoday is one of the 72 intelligences of the Lemegeton
and first appears in a 17c source manuscript. Supposedly the original work
and knowledge of the Judaic King Solomon. This book therefore concerns WHITE
magick not 'black' and none of the Goetic Intelligences are Satanic. However
even if we deign to believe in the existence of Asmoday, then he/she/it has nothing
to do with Lechery and Debauchery as was claimed in the McKenzie case but
is indicated in the grimoires as conferring the inoccuous arts of Arithmetic,
Astronomy, Geometry and Handicrafts. In short McKenzie knew nothing of genuine occultism.
All the cases so far presented have one thing in common to the eye of an accomplished
genuine occultist. They are BOGUS. The people concerned were NOT genuine
occultists. Their knowledge is suspect; their actions inconsistent with the
needs of traditional ritual workings; their trappings confuse traditions and no
known, firm or lasting connections within the occult sub-culture or erstwhile
Satanic accomplices have ever been found.
However there
IS acaucus of agreement in their ranks and it is from this that we have built the
Satanic Footprint. It seems obvious that the best way of clearing the confusion
and erradicating or proving any known cases or set of suspicious circumstances,
is to profile a Satanic Footprint which can then be compared with pro-SRAMist
cases and given an objective 'score' which would indicate the level of validity
of the case.
Before the Satanic Footprint pro-SRAMists conducted a
catch-as-catch-can argument ducking and weaving between the listeners' ignorance.
By providing the Satanic Footprint we have a datum by which opinion gives
way to known facts and evidence whoever the listeners are. Research by the SAFF
into the frequency and scope of pro-SRAMist allegations reveals certain specific
claims which are definite crimes not open to interpretation and upon which
all pro-Sramists agree
These become: THE SATANC FOOTPRINT: and
Satanists hide their identity with costumes, masks and/or robes.
Satanists dance strange dances to music.
Satanists use magic circles.
Satanists keep snakes.
Satanists conduct religous festivals or ceremonies.
Satanists frequent tunnels or Caves and Woods.
Satanists use candles.
Satanists use strange symbols and signs.
Satanists keep their activities secret.
Before we begin to draw conclusions from these
tables it is necessary to make clear that no pro-SRAMist has insisted that ALL these
indicators and Satanic Footprint Crimes will occur in every single case,
but research and analytical logic shows that the chances of a case being correctly
diagnosed as SATANIC increase with the incidence of these indicators. This
is PRECISELY the logic that individual pro-SRAMists themselves used when attempting
to gain support by presenting their own list of 'indicators' to the social
services and therapeutic professions.
The great difference here is that the Satanic Footprint does not rely upon
interpretation of testimony from adult or child 'survivors' but on the objective
analysis off actual occurrences.
Additionally any number of permutations
of these indicators may produce the same ambiguity in a genuine situation
(for example, in the ceremonies of many unorthodox beliefs or minority cultures)
and also unintentionally in, say, a fancy dress party. Secondly the
Footprint itself contains sixteen serious crimes which the pro-SRAMists have
universally attributed to Satanism. Yet only the first two of these crimes
are EXCLUSIVELY Satanic. The rest are not dependent upon links with Satanism
and occur repetitively throughout all societies from motivations which have
nothing to do with Satanism.
Therefore it is plain that, using the standards
provided by the pro-SRAMists themselves, the only irrefutable indication
of a SATANIC crime will occur when one or other (or both) of the first two
conditions in the Satanic Footprint have been satisfied. If this is not the case,
then statistics and prior experience show that the rest of the crimes in the
Satanic Footprint have a greater than even chance of being attributable to
criminal activity and having nothing whatsoever to do with Satanism.
In short,
for the pro-SRAMists to establish the existence of and persue the prosecution
of a definite and seperate genre of Satanic Crime/Abuse (i.e. crime/abuse
that results directly and solely from the liturgy of Satanism and which must
therefore be treated entirely independently and seperately from Crimes resulting
from any other 'regular' human motivational source) cases must be found or
uncovered which meet those first two conditions in the Satanic Footprint.
the Satanic Footprint provides a profile with which to gauge the reliability
and validity of past court cases and put a stop to the endless interpretation
and argument over whether a case was a genuine case of Satanic Abuse or not.
The attached sampling of real cases are included to illustrate the insight
that the Satanic Footprint can bring. The result is very clear:
What are Satanists supposed to gain?
The pro-SRAMist needs to explain and prove a detailed
strategy and philosophy related to the religious proclivities of Satanismwhich have
some cohesive direction and aim. They have consistently been unable to define
that perspective let alone prove it
(a)Satanists don't use Ouija Boards (see Hazel Paul case 1988) for these are used by
Spiritists and mediums; the device was developed in Germany as late as the 19c and
therefore antedate the known Satanic Tradition.
N.B.("...the details do appear to be
very similar across theworld. If children all over the world are giving you
identical details of bizarre abuse either you have an international conspiracy
of toddlers, which seems unlikely, or you have something rather more organised
on an adult bais" - Tim Tate, CookReport Researcher, Outlook Programme, World
Service 19.9.89.
In short the allegations that the children are supposedly
making and the known coses DO NOT CO-INCIDE. The content is different. Pro-SRAMists
are trying to fit the horrors of child fantasies into cases which have no
such indications or crimes.
We have coined the term Satanic Footprint to
represent the totallity of pro-SRAMist thinking. Previously pro-SRAMists have dipped into
a lucky-dip of evil attrocities which humans have committed and plucked out random
examples which seem to convince us of one particular aspect of their argument. Although
many individual
pro-SRAMists have attempted profiles or 'indicators' of Satanic Abuse and Satanic Crime
all of these rely upon individual elaboration supposition and interpretation
and most such attempts differ considerably in major assertions.
Satanists breed children and then sacrifice them.
Satanists drink human blood from sacrifices and eat human body parts.
Satanists Murder children and adults.
Satanists Cage or imprison victims.
Satanists Kill and torture Animals.
Satanists forcibly induce abortions.
Satanists sexually abuse children and adults.
Satanists Threaten victims and use post hypnotic commands.
Satanists administer hallucinogenic drugs to victims.
Satanists force victims into prostitution.
Satanists force victims into drug-peddling.
Satanists force victims into crime.
Satanists desecrate churches and graveyards.
Satanists kidnap victims.
Satanists conspire to reduce society to Anarchy so that they can take over.
Additionally there are peripheral claims which ARE NOT crimes in themselves but which are
thought by Pro-SRAMists to signify Satanic involvement in cases of suspected 'regular'
child abuse.
Firstly it immediately becomes obvious
that, unlike the Satanic Footprint itself, the complete list of Non Criminal
is entirely dependent upon the INTERPRETATION of the circumstances by the
observer and that every one of the indications is ambiguous and may occur
independently of any Satanic Involvement.
Satanists breed children and then sacrifice them. NO :
Satanists drink human blood from sacrifices/eat human bodyparts. NO :
Satanists Murder children and adults. NO :
Satanists Cage or imprison victims. NO :
Satanists Kill and torture Animals NO :
Satanists forcibly induce abortions. YES:
Satanists sexually abuse children and adults.YES:
Satanists Threaten victims and use post hypnotic commands.NO :
Satanists administer hallucinogenic drugs to victims. NO :
Satanists force victims into prostitution NO :
Satanists force victims into drug-peddling NO :
Satanists force victims into crime. NO :
Satanists desecrate churches and graveyards.NO :
Satanists kidnap victims.NO :
Satanists conspire for society's collapse.
HITS: 2 out of 16: No Major conditions met.
Satanists hide their identity with costumes, masks and/or robes.NO :
Satanists dance strange dances to music YES:
Satanists use magic circlesNO :
Satanists keep snakes YES:
Satanists conduct religous festivals or ceremonies NO :
Satanists frequent tunnels or Caves and Woods. YES:
Satanists use candles.YES:
Satanists use strange symbols and signs.YES:
Satanists keep their activities secret. -------
HITS: 5 out of 9 Majority of Minor criterion of suspicions met.
Satanists breed children amd then sacrifice them. NO :
Satanists drink human blood from sacrifices and eat human body parts. NO :
Satanists Murder children and adults. YES:
Satanists Cage or imprison victims. NO :
Satanists Kill and torture Animals NO :
Satanists forcibly induce abortions. YES:
Satanists sexually abuse children and adults. YES:
Satanists Threaten victims and use post hypnotic commands. NO :
Satanists administer hallucinogenic drugs to victims. NO :
Satanists force victims into prostitution NO :
Satanists force victims into drug-peddling NO :
Satanists force victims into crime. NO :
Satanists desecrate churches and graveyards. NO :
Satanists kidnap victims. NO :
Satanists conspire for society's collapse. No:
HITS: 3 out of 16: No Major conditions met.
Satanists hide their identity with costumes, masks and/or robes. NO :
Satanists dance strange dances to music NO :
Satanists use magic circles NO :
Satanists keep snakes NO:
Satanists conduct religous festivals or ceremonies NO :
Satanists frequent tunnels or Caves and Woods. YES:
Satanists use candles.YES:
Satanists use strange symbols and signs. YES:
Satanists keep their activities secret. NO.
HITS: 3 out of 9 Minority of Minor criteria met.
Satanists breed children and then sacrifice them.NO :
Satanists drink human blood from sacrifices and eat human body parts.NO :
Satanists Murder children and adults. NO :
Satanists Cage or imprison victims. NO :
Satanists Kill and torture Animals NO :
Satanists forcibly induce abortions.YES:
Satanists sexually abuse children and adults.YES:
Satanists Threaten victims and use post hypnotic commands.NO :
Satanists administer hallucinogenic drugs to victims. NO :
Satanists force victims into prostitution NO :
Satanists force victims into drug-peddling NO :
Satanists force victims into crime. NO :
Satanists desecrate churches and graveyards.NO :
Satanists kidnap victims. NO :
Satanistsconspire for society's collapse. NO:
7 HITS: 2 out of 16: No Major conditions met.
Satanists hide their identity with costumes, masks and/or robes.NO :
Satanists dance strange dances to music NO :
Satanists use magic circles NO :
Satanists keep snakes YES:
Satanists conduct religous festivals or ceremonies NO :
Satanists frequent tunnels or Caves and Woods. NO :
Satanists use candles.YES:
Satanists use strange symbols and signs. YES:
Satanists keep their activities secret. NO:
HITS: 3 out of 9 Minority of Minor criteria met.
Satanists breed children and then sacrifice them. NO :
Satanists drink human blood from sacrifices and eat human body parts. NO :
Satanists Murder children and adults. NO :
Satanists Cage or imprison victims. NO :
Satanists Kill and torture Animals NO :
Satanists forcibly induce abortions. YES:
Satanists sexually abuse children and adults. YES:
Satanists Threaten victims and use post hypnotic commands. NO :
Satanists administer hallucinogenic drugs to victims. NO :
Satanists force victims into prostitution NO :
Satanists force victims into drug-peddling NO :
Satanists force victims into crime. NO :
Satanists desecrate churches and graveyards.NO :
Satanists kidnap victims. NO :
Satanists conspire for society's collapse. NO:
HITS: 2 out of 16: No Major conditions met.
Satanists hide their identity with costumes, masks and/or robes. NO :
Satanists dance strange dances to music YES:
Satanists use magic circles NO :
Satanists keep snakes YES:
Satanists conduct religous festivals or ceremonies NO :
Satanists frequent tunnels or Caves and Woods. NO :
Satanists use candles. YES:
Satanists use strange symbols and signs. YES:
Satanists keep their activities secret. NO.
HITS: 4 out of 9 Minority of Minor criteria met.
A random application of the Satanic Footprint to other cases quoted byfundamentalists and pro-SRAMists as being 'conclusive' has given similar results. There is no doubt that the Footprint is one of the most important aids to deciphering the controversy of SRAM.
It must be borne in mind that the Satanic Footprint depends upon the application of CRIMINAL criteria which are supported by definite physical evidence. (i.e. bodies, murder weapons, blood stains,injuries, etc.) To avoid the hysteria, misinterpretation and prejudice which has hallmared the SRAM all allegations or suspicions which are non-evidential or which result from testimony of a suspect or unreliable witness can only be applied as a guide to the Non-Criminal indicators.
The Satanic Footprint is a measure of proveable fact, not opinion. It is destined for use in detection and investigation, not therapy. It is because too many people have judged a case by the applied rumour and suspicion which was generated around it that the SRA controversy caused so much damage and has reached this level of it complexity. As if to illustrate the dangers of ignoring thisrule we append comparison Footprints of the celebrated Broxtowe case. (the first alleged case of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse in the U.K. in 1988)
Satanists breed children and then sacrifice them. NO : Satanists drink human blood from sacrifices and eat human body parts. NO : Satanists Murder children and adults. NO : Satanists Cage or imprison victims. NO : Satanists Kill and torture Animals YES: Satanists forcibly induce abortions.YES: Satanists sexually abuse children and adults. YES: Satanists Threaten victims and use post hypnotic commands.NO : Satanists administer hallucinogenic drugs to victims. NO : Satanists force victims into prostitution NO : Satanists force victims into drug-peddling NO : Satanists force victims into crime. NO : Satanists desecrate churches and graveyards. NO : Satanists kidnap victims. NO : Satanists conspire for society's collapse. ----HITS: 3 out of 16: No Major conditions met. NON-CRIMINAL INDICATIONS: Satanists hide their identity with costumes, masks and/or robes.YES: Satanists dance strang e dances to music YES: Satanists use magic circles YES: Satanists keep snakes YES: Satanists conduct religous festivals or ceremonies YES: Satanists frequent tunnels or Caves and Woods.YES: Satanists use candles.YES: Satanists use strange symbols and signs. YES: Satanists keep their activities secret Yes: HITS: 9 out of 9 100% of Minor criteria met.
Satanists breed children and then sacrifice them.YES: Satanists drink human blood from sacrifices and eat human body parts.NO : Satanists Murder children and adults. NO: Satanists Cage or imprison victims.YES: Satanists Kill and torture Animals YES: Satanists forcibly induce abortions. YES: Satanists sexually abuse children and adults.YES: Satanists Threaten victims and use post hypnotic commands.YES: Satanists administer hallucinogenic drugs to victims. NO : Satanists force victims into prostitution NO : Satanists force victims into drug-peddling NO : Satanists force victims into crime.NO: Satanists desecrate churches and graveyards. YES: Satanists kidnap victims.NO : Satanists conspire with others for society's collapse. NO: HITS: 7 out of 16: One Conclusive Condition achieved and a Minority of Major conditions revealed. NON-CRIMINAL INDICATIONS: ---- Satanists hide their identity with costumes, masks and/or robes.YES: Satanists dance strange dances to music YES: Satanists use magic circles YES: Satanists keep snakes YES: Satanists conduct religous festivals or ceremonies YES: Satanists frequent tunnels or Caves and Woods.YES: Satanists use candles. YES: Satanists use strange symbols and signs. YES: Satanists keep their activities secret. Yes: HITS: 9 out of 9 ALL Minor criteria met.
This Footprint gives the clearest indication yet why Broxtowe case is crucial to the acceptance of S.R.A.M. Arguably the most perverted and extensive child abuse crimes in English history provoking emotional responses by the very nature of the allegations and the scope of the perversions. Although achieving 100% suspicion rating on both the first and second Non-Criminal Indications (top marks for any footprint so far run), the first(genuine) Footprint shows it to have scored LESS than the McKenzie case. The Satanic Footprint technique has clearly revealed the bias in the case. Ends:
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