![]() This Salacious book
written by Cotton Mather, who virtually single-handedly ran the Salem witch-hunt is a prototype of the "Victim Imposter" genre
now seen so commonly in modern cases where Satanic Ritual Abuse is
![]() With
a Ram between her legs and riding a phallic broomstick with which she
rubs her pudenda this 15c drawing by Albrecht Durer epitomises the tacit
suppression of sexuality and hatred of self-possessed women which the
early church Witch-hunts created. Erotic fantasies of this kind
were common in an era of repressed sexuality created by the impossible
restrictions the church itself set. 'Confessing' the visitations of
'incubi' and 'succubi' (sexual demons who supposedly 'raped' women and
men in their dreams) was one way of absolving oneself of inner-guilt for
'sinful' sexual desires which leaked out of human consciousness and
doomed one to eternal Hellfire and Damnation. At the same time
hypocritically providing a vicarious public display of otherwise
forbidden fantasies which then set in motion a sequence of grossly
indecent erotically sadistic tortures upon innocent women who were
falsely accused and dragged into the narrative. It was an
officially sanctioned pornography.
If you are one of those people who thinks Evil is Obvious then we've got news for you. After 3 years of hysterical scaremongering the Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth (SRAM) has boomeranged back into the hands of Christian fundamentalists who invented the Scare in the first place. If we are to ensure that the terrible victimisations such as has occurred in the Rochdale Case are not to re-occur we have to face the facts. History repetitively confirms that people with an obsession for good have a more than even chance of perpetrating the most shocking evil acts. The facts are that the REAL Satanists are the pious and fanatical self-righteous do-gooders who excelled in evil in their haste to victimise innocent people.
![]() As the myth of SRA had also created false cases in Orkney we at the same time mailed 300 of these RUNICS randomly to addresses in the Orkney Islands in order to inform the Orcadians of the history of the situation and stimulate their self-defence against the S.R.A.M., If you had been following the news at that time you'll know how well that worked, as the subsequent public Inquiry revealed a catalogue of manic and vindictive persecution against innocent Orcadians. |
By their own admission these people were the 'experts' in Satanism and those who claimed to know all about Satanism have, without exception, been religious fanatics. Those who pored over the most sickening detail of every torture supposedly meeted out by Satanists; those who logged the minutiae of the alleged sexual aberrations; those who rushed to speak in public of the distasteful and horrific abuses who had a monopoly on the shock, and abhorrence of those who admitted to having witnessed atrocities, who said the crimes were unspeakable but who went on to speak about them, were, in every instance Christian fundamentalists. Throughout three years of hate and allegation upon allegation aimed at Occultism one thing was proven above all else. When it comes to accusations of evil, fundamentalist Christians have a monopoly on it.
Bigoted religious zealots get their jollies by proxy and thereby dodge
the way in the Set of the Sanctimonious.
Such self-deceit, designed to bring them nearer the subject without the
risk of impiety, is not a new dodge. It has countless number of
historical counterparts during the 'Witch Burning Times' of the 15th
and 16th centuries. Looking back to those times we see a direct
parallel to the Rochdale Cases and to the Witchunt which is current
amongst the evangelical Christians. Juxtapositions of
statements give us a GREAT insight into the illusion the
fundamentalists have been creating today. A false illusion, designed
by small
people with wicked minds. An illusion which manipulated politicians,
national institutions and the media in equal measure.
A lie which even now ninety percent of the British population consider
to have some truth.
YOU think you know who the Satanists are; but do you?
The Rochdale Case began when Social Workers wrongly interpreted the fantasies of one small child with an over-active imagination. In other similar cases the scenario had been exactly the same, whether in 1990 Rochdale or 1692 Salem. The Salem Witch Trials report young girls saying they were tormented by spectres of the people they had accused. The idea of Spectral Evidence was drawn from accusations of 'witnesses' who claimed the accused had appeared to them in a dream or vision. Rossel Hope Robbins writes in his seminal Encyclopaedia of Witchcraft & Demonology
"In most witch trials this evidence was decisive",..and ... "On such evidence TENS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE were executed"CHRISTIAN SATANIC CHILD ABUSE?
"The mere fact of youth did not in itself call for any mitigation."
says Robbins. One Scottish girl of thirteen was let off with imprisonment in place of burning but that was an arbitrary act.
Remy (l595) said he REGRETTED that instead of burning children along with their elders he had merely sentenced them to be flogged while watching their parents burn. What a nice pious man he was. He knew who the Satanists were alright. Do YOU?
The Child Scare Industry maintains that Children cannot think
up such horrible crimes. History proves that they can and did, and that Adults who question and cajole them are
quite capable of putting words in children's mouths just as the Inquisitors did.
Social Workers and Fundamentalist Christians working through voluntary agencies and charities became the Inquisition here in 1989 and 1990. They developed lists of 'SYMPTOMS' which supposedly indicated Satanic Abuse. Just like Bishop Peter Binsfeld who in 1622 published his Commentarius which instructed 'judges and the clergy' on how to identify satanists, the ludicrous list of symptoms was almost as ridiculous as that peddled by Maureen Davies and the REACHOUT trust; where excessive flatulence at the dinner table somehow signifies that children had been satanically abused! British Social Workers sat riveted through Satan Seminars where they were given a crash course in pseudo-Occultism, told the (wrong) difference between Witches and Satanists and what the witch-hunters thought they believed in. Information which had in the most part been extracted from William West's rabid Simboleography published in London during 1594. West's list was bad but the 1990 Social Workers list was far worse, they didn't even know where the fundamentalists had sourced it from and accepted it as real!
British Social Workers and their task-masters the fundamentalists
went to town on this one.
First they insisted that the lack of evidence was evidence in itself -
who else but devilish people could commit crimes and not
leave evidence behind? Sound familiar? It must have done to the
learned lawyer Henry Bouguet who, during the 16 century and
in order to obtain the
execution of an alleged witch said
"Witches work at night and in secret AND CLEAR PROOF OF SUCH DEEDS IS IMPOSSIBLE".The promoters of the Satanic Child Abuse Scare had the same problem, because they were dealing with the same lies. When people demanded proof the Social Workers said that they couldn't reveal details or give the sources of the evidence or even allow the parents to see their children because of fear of supernatural signs which would strike the children dumb. Strike a Chord? It would if you had read the Maleus Maleficarum (1466) the despicable handbook for inquisitors which notes that the accused is stripped;
"LEST SOME MEANS OF WITCHCRAFT MAY HAVE BEEN SEWED INTO THE CLOTHING"and later to discover talismans which he imagined that they prepared
"from the bodies of unbaptized infants, that they may forfeit salvation".
Before long the social workers fell back on the old ploy that evidence was IRRELEVANT. Everyone knew what a danger Satanism was to children anyway didn't they? The risk was too great to take and for some reason judges believed this strange logic and families were bust apart for no good reason. Does this ring a bell? It would to Sir Edmund Anderson who addressed a witchcraft trial jury in 1603 by saying:
"The malice of witches is great, their practice devilish, AND IF WE DO NOT CONVICT THEM WITHOUT THEIR OWN CONFESSION OR DIRECT PROOF WHERE THE PRESUMPTIONS ARE SO GREAT AND THE CIRCUMSTANCES SO APPARENT, they will in a short time overrun the whole land".
Often professional opportunism walked hand in hand with religious
bigotry. Experts crawled out of the woodwork at a fair pace, all of
them toting their 'satanic indicators' and victim imposters generated by recovered memory therapy. Absolutely certain of
the existence of Satanic Child Abuse
these people
were the foil for the Social Services and the Fundamentalists. When
in doubt ask an 'expert'. Like Professeur Jean Bodin, learned,
respected and powerful. In 1580 he advised that:
"..to diminish the number of evil-doers, to make secure the life of the well-disposed and to punish the most detestable crimes of which the human mind can conceive, it is to punish with the utmost rigour The Witches.".Was Prof Bodin right? Not really. Bodin was pretty detestable. He insisted that witches were:
'burned over a slow (i.e. green) fire for normal faggots could not last above half an hour before the witches died whereas slow fires gave a much longer agony."Do you STILL know who the satanists are?
Unlike their mediaeval counterparts the modern day Witch-hunters had two difficulties.
Compare this with the well-documented experiences of poor Clara Geissler a 69 year old widow who was accused of witchcraft in the 16 century. Inquisitors reserved the most despicable tortures in order to obtain names of 'accomplices' from the accused. Clara resisted the thumbscrews but the records show that:
"Her feet were crushed and her body stretched out to a greater length, then she screamed piteously and said all was true THAT THEY HAD DEMANDED OF HER; she DRANK THE BLOOD OF CHILDREN WHOM SHE STOLE ON HER NIGHT FLIGHTS AND SHE HAD MURDERED ABOUT SIXTY INFANTS. She named twenty other women who had been with her at the Sabbats.."After she had momentarily recovered her senses from the bout of torture poor Clara retracted her 'confession' and said the other people she had named were innocent - BUT THE WITCH JUDGE TORTURED THE PEOPLE SHE HAD NAMED ANYWAY. Of course, under such duress one of them confessed her involvement. Clara was tortured again a further two times. The poor woman confessed but shortly thereafter died from her tortures, her body broken in almost every limb. It is a fact that Social Workers who believe in SRA have selectively used testimony from children which supported their prejudices even when such testimony had later been retracted by the child or subsequently discredited in fact. Do you STILL think you know who the Satanists are?
No Satan Catchers or social workers have yet been able to give a
definitive reason why Satanists would want to
commit these alleged atrocities, but as we have seen the historical
evidence for prejudiced fundamentalists to commit theirs is simply
that a belief in Satanism is a concomitant part of a belief in
Preparations for the torture of satanists and witches read like a cheap SM novel. Robbins writes;
"in practice records clearly show trials were simply outlets for the sadism of the prosecutors,".
"The stripping is performed without regard to humanity or honour, not only to men but to women and virgins, the most virtuous and chaste of whom they have sometimes in the prisons. For they cause them to be stripped even to their pudenda...'Robbins adds:
"More likely the woman, during her stripping would be raped by the torturer's assistants as happened to Frau Peller the wife of a court officer in her trial at Rheinbach in 1631. Evidence proves that Frau Peller was accused of Witchcraft because her sister had refused to sleep with the witch finder Franz Buirmann,"Nun Madeleine Bavent was 'roughly and indecently" searched for devil's marks by the inquisitor in 1643.
A common adjunct to this constant and ongoing torture was immersion in baths of SCALDING WATER to which CAUSTIC LIME had been added.
A regular torture consisted of a pair of oversize boots which after being put on the victim would be filled with MOLTEN LEAD.
To vary their evil deeds somewhat these 'good people', following their religious convictions, would use 'water torture' which involved pouring gallons of water down their victim's throat whilst feeding a long strip of thick cloth into their stomach to cause choking. The cloth was yanked out before the patient suffocated and in the process tore up their entrails.
In 1642 Jean Gehauds had his foot chopped off because he had allegedly trampled the host underfoot.
Sometimes victims were impaled by being pressed to a spiked chair and then roasted over a fire until they confessed.
To ensure that these odious and terribly evil inquisitors felt utterly safe from their own paranoia occasionally the accused's dead body would be smashed and its LIMBS HACKED OFF.
The methodical and wicked perversions of these evil Christians defy understanding but these are all well documented and factual tortures which were used repeatedly in THOUSANDS of cases over many decades by influential people who were 'pillars' of the society of the time.
One of the most penetrating observations about their motivations comes from Rossel Robbins when he says;
"Apologists for the demonologists point out that it is illogical and unfair for the 20th century to judge the 16th century by modern standards of right and wrong. In this they are correct but since a rationalist, humanist and scientific approach was being offered as an alternative AT THAT TIME and was rejected, then every thinking person has the right and duty to condemn the demonologists.."Do you STILL think you know who the Satanists are? When are you going to stop listening to the modern day witch-hunters?
These are FACTS. More shocking and more factual than anything which has
been alleged in the Satanic Ritual Abuse Scare,
The information has been extracted from the Anals of Christianity and
each case is well attested and incontrovertibly documented.
We could list hundreds more examples of barbarous cruelty by Judges, Churchmen and zealots against innocent individuals.
If you are a nominal Christian such
statements will be upsetting but they are nevertheless true and you
have to ask yourself why leaders of your churches stooped
to such evil and perverted actions. Everyone MUST take on board the
conclusions that naturally follow.
The badge of Christianity is not an immunity against evil doing.
Christian's can be as mislead and manipulated as anyone else.
By allowing extremist fanatics within its midst to capitalise on
mediaeval superstition and incite the public to hatred of
other beliefs Christianity perpetuates evil. And it is doing it again
today, in the modern world.
The Satanism these people seek can only be found within themselves.
It will NEVER stop until YOU, all of you, decide to decry the pernicious and wicked people who promote it.
MARK THESE WORDS WELL BECAUSE HISTORY IS WATCHING WHAT YOU WILL DO ABOUT ITThe Torture and Murder of Little Children now being perpetrated by Christian Evangelicals in Modern Day Britain is the Direct result of the child scare industry and successive government inquiries ignoring our 1991 warnings. Christian fundamentalists denigrate, torture and kill children they claim are witches today, Why is it so difficult for the Great and the Good to see the problem? Why do they always fall into the mind-traps set for them by the fundies and blame Pagans and Satanists?The next time the Child Scare Industry and the hundreds of hangers-on child welfare charities ask you for money or moral support, show them the above article and ask them why they ignored the deaths and torture of THOUSANDS of little children in favour of chasing the Satanic Ritual Child Abuse Myth which did not save one child (because no children were actually ever at risk from an imaginary threat). |
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