![]() Felstead Family Campaign to uncover the Truth about why their daughter died after being indoctrinated with false ideas about Satanic Abuse, wins a new inquest on Carole's death. What dark secrets will be unearthed when they can publicly question the SRA therapists who were involved in Carole's 'treatment'?.See full story as The Times newspaper reported
it, here:
U.K. Satan Hunters involved in another Death of a Young Woman at Her Wits End.We Reveal The Truth behind The Tragic and Avoidable demise of Carole Feldstead.
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Justice For Carol - The True Story of Carol Felstead: The Creation of a Satanic Myth in the United Kingdom
The Case of Carol Felstead/Myers is not just one of another victim. After years of hard work overcoming NHS intransigence and courageously ferreting out factual information, personal witness and hidden documents from the NHS and the police and the coroner's office it became clear to the Felstead Family that Carol's Satanic Fantasies, obtained under misguided therapy, were not just the cause of her suicide but were pivotal to the 'confirmation' and promotion of the idea of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse in the U.K. and beyond.
Carole was used by those in the child-scare industry who wanted SRA to exist. Her imagined accounts of being Satanically abused were siezed upon as real by her feminerapists and enabled those who are obsessed with SRA to 'prove' the matter to their colleagues, motivate seminars, quell professional opposition, set up SRA victim groups and inculcate other mentally imbalanced young women into the idea of them being victims of SRA. Thus this heart-rending tale of one ordinary family's persecution by the Child Scare Industry is an exposition of what Satan Hunters did, not just to them, but to almost every other patient who fell into their clutches and the hundreds of innocents who were falsely accused because of that.
Although minutely detailed and impeccably researched this amazingly compelling book is written in a personal style and includes first-person insights into the emotional turmoil and roller-coaster of events from the initial astonishing accusations levelled against this normal middle class family, how they worked to prove their innocence, how they were exonerated by the police and how they then turned to trying to discover why their estranged daughter had said such vile things about them. Before they could do so, Carol Felstead was dead in circumstances which even today after years of investigation by the family and top-class journalists, are still obscure.
The only way this amazing family could get at the truth was to publish it themselves and you owe it to yourself for the protection of YOUR own family to read what the Child scare industry doesn't want you to know to avoid any of your relatives falling into the clutches of these dangerous campaigners who lie in wait ensconsed in the NHS system, seeking vulnerable young women at crisis points in their lives whose already loose grip on reality can be twisted into another 'victim imposter' to suit the SRA pressure groups own gravy-train.
The Felstead family have given us permission to reproduce chapter 20 of their book below. There are still some gaps in their understanding of how an ordinary nurse who needed help for depression could end up on the couch of Satan Hunter therapists making false accusations such as having been sexually abused with a claw-hammer by a Tory minister at Conservative Central Office; and how something as stupid as that could actually be believed .
The more aware of you might also see links and motifs transplanted from some of Carol's indoctrinated fantasies into the later hysteria surrounding Jimmy Savile and the Elm Guest House. If anyone needs any reminding, the Celebrity Paedophile Hunt is largely a sub-set of the Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth come back to haunt the very media which initially jumped on the bandwagon to promote it.
Tony Rhodes.
CHAPTER 20 – Dr Fisher and Recovered Memory Therapy Carol’s medical notes are horrendous, revealing a pattern of self-destructiveness at the hands of a shadowy network of delusional therapists. The records of Carol’s protracted psychotherapy are missing – yet her therapists are alluded to time and time again by Carol’s doctors and psychiatrists. The onset of Carol’s terminal decline began in 1985 when Carol was aged 21 and working in full time employment as a nurse. Carol complained to her doctor about reoccurring headaches and was then referred on to a specialist for further examination. Mr I Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon 5 November 1985 Thank you for asking me to see this nurse who you saw recently, because of an ocular problem but at the same time, she described intermittent headaches and you noted a heart murmur. Her main worry is about her vision and headaches, which she describes as right frontal headaches, sometimes preceded by slight blurring of vision but without any definite flashing lights. These attacks are quite severe and may be associated with light sensitivity. She has tried analgesins without benefit. Her symptoms have been worse for the last few months, during which time she has been studying for her finals which she has just taken, and at that time her attacks have occurred once every week or so. During this period, she has also been noted to have a rather labile blood pressure... I gather previously her G.P. readings have been low normal. There is a moderate family history of hypertension, and I gather one brother had possible migraine. She previously was a moderate smoker but has given up recently. On examination she was slightly overweight and anxious, pulse 80 regular, blood pressure 145/85, repeat 145/90. Heart sounds normal... Chest (was) clear. Rest of the physical (was) examination normal including neurological examination. I feel the murmur is benign and of no haemodynamic significance. In addition her blood pressure seems labile rather than definitely suggesting true hypertension. Her headaches could well represent migraine but may well be associated with the recent tension of the run up to her finals...
Mr L Consultant Physician
To sum up, in 1985 Carol presented with nothing more than a common headache – which appeared to be symptomatic of migraine or examination stress as her studying intensified. The ‘brother’ who suffered from migraine was David. He was admitted to hospital for tests. The headaches were diet-related and he was advised to cut back on dairy products. Apart from headaches, the notes show that Carol’s health was otherwise unremarkable. She had mild blood pressure, which was not thought to be serious. Carol’s headaches persisted, however, as is made clear from the following (unsigned) letter: 23 June 1986 Dear Mr L Re: Carol Felstead (DOB 08.06.64) I recently saw this 22 year-old nurse. Thank you for your letter and photocopies of previous investigations. I note the history of labile blood pressure. She continues to have diffuse dull headaches, approximately once per week. There is no diurnal variation and although she feels nauseated with the headache, there is no vomiting. There is no visual disturbance, nor aura, and the headaches are poorly relieved by analgesics. She made no other complaints. There appears to be no past history or family history of any significance. Physical examination was essentially normal and her blood pressure in the right arm was 120/85.
That statement, ‘there appears to be no past history or family history of any significance,’ is a vital piece of evidence which demolishes the preposterous false history summarized in the Life Assessment document. There was no mention of Satanic Abuse, no mention of Carol being abused and being impregnated by members of a Satanic cult, nor was there any suspicion that Carol had been mute, neglected, maltreated or forced into child prostitution. There is no grey area here. Consultant doctors examined Carol and concluded that her health was perfectly normal, and so was her childhood and family history. From where, then, did those wild allegations about Satanic Ritual Abuse and infanticide originate? It is at this point that Dr Fisher enters the narrative.
The following letter was the first in the notes to make reference to Dr Fisher’s influence over Carol and to the early formation of a systemic smear campaign against us by Dr Fisher and her associates who sought desperately to promote the concept of recovered memory therapy. Mr X Macclesfield D.G.H 27 November 1986 Re: Carol Felstead DOB 8. 6. 64 This 22 year-old is a nurse, at present at Barnes Hospital.... In September, she required to see Dr Fisher for psycho-sexual counselling about a family problem, and I think these problems may have some bearing on her symptoms. It is difficult to say how much. Also in September, she saw Mrs T who gave her a clean bill of health. Thank you for seeing her. Mr S Consultant Surgeon
So Carol was examined by another medical consultant who could not find anything wrong with her. In fact Mrs T ‘gave Carol a clean bill of health.’ That statement provides further independent evidence that Carol’s health was perfectly normal, prior to receiving psychotherapy and psychiatric input. In spite of concrete medical evidence to the contrary, Dr Fisher was supposed to be treating Carol for a so-called ‘family problem’, the nature of which is unspecified. That is not surprising because it didn’t exist.
The term ‘psycho-sexual counselling’ is not defined in Carol’s notes. On the surface, it appears to suggest that Carol was receiving counselling from Dr Fisher for a sexual problem. But we now know that was not the case, because Dr Fisher defined her treatment in interview with investigative journalist Will Storr, published in the Observer Magazine in December 2011. The passages quoted below are fundamental to understanding the origins of Carol’s subsequent physical and mental collapse.
From the article: Finally, we get to the question of whether Carol’s memories of satanic abuse were recovered. Initially Fisher refuses to speak about Carol. “I have a duty of confidentiality, even after a patient has died. I was never her psychiatrist or psychotherapist or anything like that.” She raises her voice. “I’m not a psychotherapist, for God’s sake.” Will Storr: “According to her medical notes, she saw you for counselling,” I say. Dr Fisher: “No.” Will Storr: “I have the letter here, dated 27 November 1986, that says: ‘She required to see Dr Fisher for psychosexual counselling.’” There’s a silence. Dr Fisher: “Psychosexual is the wrong term.... “ Will Storr: “What’s the correct term?” Dr Fisher: “Uh, I really don’t know. People come and tell you things that have happened to them.” Will Storr: “Things like abuse?” Dr Fisher: “Things that have happened to them,” she repeats crossly. “I’m not saying anything else. It’s not right that this woman’s privacy should be breached in this way.” Will Storr: She’s shouting now. Dr Fisher: “She’s dead! She’s goddamned dead.” Will Storr: “Was she (Dr Fisher) ever worried that Carol had lapsed into fantasy?” Dr Fisher: “Never, never.” she says. Will Storr: “By 1997,” I tell her, “Carol was claiming a government minister had raped her with a claw hammer in Conservative Central Office.” Dr Fisher: “That’s not something I knew about,” she says. “It may have been fantasy. I couldn’t say. In general she was a common-sense woman.” Will Storr: “Are you aware of any evidence that any of Carol’s claims actually happened?” Dr Fisher: “I never looked for any evidence.” Will Storr: “Then what made you believe her?” Dr Fisher: “She’s not the only patient I’ve had who told the same kind of stories.” Will Storr: “About Ritual Abuse?” Dr Fisher: “It turned out to be that, yes. The people didn’t remember at first. They weren’t aware. They were memories they’d had a long time and they just came out. Let’s consider what Dr Fisher said to Will Storr. At first she pretended that she did not give Carol psychotherapy – conceding that point only when the journalist quoted directly from Carol’s medical files. Dr Fisher admitted that she did not bother to check Carol’s therapeutically-induced claims against the facts (“I never looked for any evidence”), yet following Carol’s death she gave copies of Carol’s Life Assessment to officers from the Metropolitan Police Service and Battersea Coroner’s Court. It is worth reiterating that the allegations contained in the Life Assessment were meant to have been the defining traumas of Carol’s life: At three years of age, my mother smothered my sister who was born with Down’s syndrome; she sat me on top of her and then set the house on fire... I became pregnant from the age of eleven onwards and endured several abortions (as part of the abuse), which were consequently sacrificed... Another document in Carol’s medical file alleged that Carol: ... Suffered extensive physical and sexual abuse in the past.... She claimed she had disclosed her abuse to someone at the age of 15 who was then killed in front of her by members of the Cult.... But Dr Fisher did not instigate even a rudimentary check to ascertain if these extraordinary claims were valid. Dr Fisher’s statements to Will Storr about Carol are mind-boggling. She confirms that, prior to receiving psychotherapy Carol could not remember being abused. That is not surprising because Carol wasn’t abused. In an earlier interview published in The Sunday Times newspaper in 2011, Dr Fisher told journalist, Daniel Foggo, that Carol had “no knowledge” of any ritual abuse when she first saw her. “Very often” she said, “people who have had difficult experiences repress them then they suddenly begin to come back in dreams or flashbacks." Those
statements shed light on Dr Fisher’s delusional belief system. If
Carol herself could not actually ‘remember’ being abused then who
persuaded her that she was abused? Richard was quick to pick up on
this. “That showed,” he said, “that all of Carol’s problems
began and ended with her therapy.” As we proceeded, and uncovered
more and more evidence, we began to discover the reality behind those words. The Mystery of Carol Myers, http://www.richardfelstead.com/goto/http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2011 http://www.richardfelstead.com/sunday-times-article-satani-abuse-claims-doomed-our-girl
Family win new inquest on ‘satanic abuse’ nurseby David BrownThe family of a nurse who died in
mysterious circumstances after becoming convinced she was the victim
of satanic abuse have won the right to a-new inquest.
Carole Myers falsely claimed that her parents were senior satanists after undergoing "recovered memory" therapy and was used as proof of the existence of ritual abuse by devil worshippers in Britain.
A coroner in Westminster has agreed to hold a new inquest after Ms Myers’s family uncovered her relationship with Dr Fleur Fisher, a former head of ethics of the- British Medical Association. Dr
Fisher called police in June 2005 saying she believed that Ms Myers,
41, had taken an overdose.
She later claimed to be Ms Myers’s next of kin in an attempt to arrange her cremation and to empty her flat of its contents. Dr Fisher was not called to give evidence at the original inquest, which recorded an open verdict.
Ms Myers’s family were first contacted by a coroner’s
ofiicer a day before her planned cremation and were later devastated to
learn that over the previous 16 years she had falsely claimed to
been abused by her parents. Her untrue
allegations included that as teenager she had given birth to six
babies, which were sacrificed by the cult, and that she had been abused
by two , members of Margaret Thatcher’s cabinet.
Her family discovered that Ms Myers’s claims had been used by experts as an example of the existence of ritual satanic abuse and that the untrue allegations against her parents were recorded by police.
They later found that at age 21she had gone to her GP complaining of
headaches and was referred to a therapist, who had concluded that they
were the result of serious sexual abuse as a child, of which she had no
memory. She later underwent psychosexual counselling with Dr Fisher in
1985 before being referred to other experts.
Dr Kevin- Felstead, her brother,. said: “We are now hopeful that we can ascertain Dr Fisher, who was head of
ethics, science and information for the BMA from 1991-96, told police
she had tried to arrange the cremation
because Ms Myers did not want to be buried and she believed that her
friend did not want her family to find her. No action- was taken
against her.
Source: The Times Newspaper; Monday June 23 - 2014 |
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