Satanists are taking over
Britain - Christians are being overwhelmed!
Daily Telegraph covers up the collapse of the
Church with false allegations against Satanists ...
The Office of National Statistics (ONS)
released their conclusions on the 2021 Census data on
religion on 29 Nov 2022. The headline stat was
that Christians had ‘lost’ their majority in the UK.
This caused controversy right across the media as though
civilisation was collapsing. But was it true? NO, it was
not true.
Those figures were utterly misleading. What
they actually said was that of
those people who expressed a preference, fewer
people indicated they were of the Christian belief
than in the last Census in 2011.
Let's run that
again. The question on religion is voluntary, unlike
the rest of the census one does not by law have to answer
the question and so statistics drawn from it are
rather worthless as a percentage of the overall
For instance we do not know how many Christians
preferred to keep their allegiances
private. Many active Christians
have lost trust in the government and, as can be seen from
thousands of videos and podcasts on the internet, perceive
their government as anti-Christian. These people, who
number in their hundreds of thousands, are unlikely to
voluntarily fill out section 16 and will not be included
in the statistics.
The ONS Census Form on Religion
(Section 16 - see image on the right) is ambiguous and
misleading. This needs correcting if accurate figures and
comparisons are to be made in the future.
For instance, only 7 major religions are included
as tick-boxes and then people are invited to add their own
self-defined categories. This can only work if the
data collected is analysed by a human to avoid ambiguous
responses and we know that the forms are not seen by
humans but simply scanned into databanks.
Where have
all the Spiritualists Gone... Long time passing.
The religion of Spiritualism is 100% based on the
Christian belief and worship of Christ, yet the ONS
is ignorant of this, so as the SAFF analysis below shows,
33,141 Christians of the Spiritualist persuasion were
counted separately and have been omitted from the
total of Christians in the country.
Check that out again: The Telegraph promoted the idea
that an increase of Satanists from 1,893 to 5,054 in 10
years is a remarkable figure but those statistics
omitted 33,000 Christians who were wrongly designated
as Spiritualists, instead of Christians. This
rebalances those numbers wiping out the idea of a
'Satanic threat' to Christianity!
The ONS stats prove that there
has actually been a six times greater increase
in Christians in the census stats than that of
respondents who classify themselves as Druids, Animists,
Heathens etc., are all forms of Paganism,
yet the ONS considers them separately in its
Do they do this with Catholics, Protestants,
7th Day Adventists, and Baptists? Of course
not; these Christian groups are classified as one so why
don't they group all Pagans in the same way?
SAFF has collated the figures (see table right) based on
the ONS data-set to give a true indication of the
number of citizens in the UK whose beliefs are Pagan. Note
that Paganism is the original animistic belief of mankind,
represented anciently in all cultures and predominant in
Britain for tens of thousands of years. Pagans DO NOT
worship a devil figure and Paganism has nothing to do with
Satanism is a relatively modern invention of the church so
the population of Satanists ( 5,039 ) has not therefore
been included in the total for Pagans in the table and
neither have we included Spiritualists because they are,
of course, Christians. The total of Pagans in the UK comes
to 105,809
Taking the ONS results at face value the figures
indicated that Christians had for the first time become a
minority group in the overall population.
Even though that minority was still the largest
religious faction in the UK (47%).
This officially confirmed what everyone had known since
the 1990s, ( and which had been recorded in earlier
Censuses); that the Christian church was
consistently losing adherents as demographics change.
The point at issue is; What is it that is causing
this decline? The Telegraph came up with the fake news
that it was - SATANISTS!
Other British national newspapers dived into the ONS
statistics and covered this mostly accurately. See https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/nov/29/calls-grow-to-disestablish-church-of-england-as-christians-become-minority
The Guardian pointed out that numbers of many
other orthodox religions were rising whilst Christianity
was falling, and that a massive 37% of people said
that they now had no religion at all.
Telegraph Ignored the influx of Immigrants.
In other words the statistical
evidence indicated that there was a trend that some
people were abandoning religion per se and that
although others were converting from Christianity to
other orthodox religions but most of the change was caused
by a growing population of immigrants who
brought their religions with them.
The bottom line is that Christian numbers were
declining as a percentage because of the influx of
immigrants, not Satanists.
Eight million people have come to live in the UK since
Nobody can refute that this has had an effect on religious
In 2022 alone 76,000 people were welcomed from Hong-Kong,
and 21,000 people from Afghanistan.
That means a rise in the number of Buddhists, Shintoists
and Islamists by 100,000 in a single year.
Since the last census (2011) over four million immigrants
have come to Britain and the majority of them will not be
of the Christian belief. This makes the
increased numbers of Satanists in the UK look paltry
in comparison.
Rather than convey this fact, the Daily Telegraph
ran an article by Gabriella Swerling, (their religion and
social affairs correspondent), with the provocative
headline. ' Satanism and Devil Worship is on the
Rise' https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/11/29/satanism-devil-worship-rise-according-census-data/
As we have seen, that Telegraph headline was
utterly misleading. It embodied sectarian
misrepresentation and prejudice. Based on the
same stats that The Guardian saw, The
Telegraph had somehow created a sensational
story which laid stress on an imagined battle for souls
between The Christian Churches and Satanism, which
Christians were, it implied, losing. Swerling
completely ignored the consistent increase in immigration
of non-Christians over the past decades.
It was utterly fake news which has mislead many
thousands of its readers. Some might say that it was fake news
designed to hide the effect that immigration was
having on our society under a Tory government.
The SAFF complained to Swerling on
Twitter about this.
She did not reply.
She appeared to ignore us.
But a month later she responded with an even more
provocative article,
The Young Sacrifice Belief in God on Altar of
in which, as though to double-down in the false
facts in her previous piece, Swerling pushed the idea that
YOUNG people are being drawn into Satanism.
That unfact was repeated no less than NINE times in her
article without any definition or description of
what YOUNG means. No age range was ever given leaving
it open for readers to conclude that CHILDREN were
somehow being sucked into Satanism.
In this second piece, see right, Swerling rehearsed her
previous false implications from the 2021 Census that
there is a link between the fact that Satanism is gaining
souls and that Christianity is losing them.
Clearly this second Telegraph article is a
polemic, designed to rile Christians and persuade them to
see another religion (Satanism) as a threat, whilst
totally ignoring other factors in the decline of the
orthodox Churches. You can read it here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/01/14/young-people-turning-satanism-instead-stuffy-christianity/
Gabriella Swerling appears to have gone out of her way to
contact as many Satanic groups as possible and then invite
them to comment on 'young people' getting involved.
There was no ONS statistic which suggested that
Satanists were converting children.
The important fact which she appears to have ignored is
that each census form is filled in by the 'householder'
who will, by qualification, be over 18 years and it is
these people who will decide whether or not to fill in the
voluntary question on Religion. In short there is
absolutely no indication in the Census that YOUNG people
are becoming Satanists, because all the respondents were
The 2021
census did not mention children and only counted
Thus Swerling's claim that
young people are flocking to Satanism is a glib
assumption, NOT a fact.
Correlation is not Causation!
There is no evidence whatsoever for the Daily
Telegraph's implication that young Christians are
being poached from Christianity by Satanists and that
Christianity is fighting for the same souls.
Yet it is now considered 'fact' by thousands of their
trusting readers.
Are SAFF being overly cynical to think that, after we
publicly criticised her on Twitter, Swerling went hunting
for Satanists to say that YOUNG people were getting
involved? In one paragraph of her article she
quotes the leader of a relatively new British Satanic
Group as saying
'Leopold says he has seen a 200% increase
in membership at the Global Order of Satan UK over the
last five years.'
Without bothering to ask Leopold how many
that was exactly.
200%? Wow! Fearful figures.
Actually that is about 50 people.
Hardly earth-shattering.
A 200% increase sounds far scarier. Which is probably why
the Daily Star fell for Swerling's line and nicked
her ‘scoop’ to push on their front page like this! (see
image right)
As you can see the Daily Star further expanded
Swerling's unfact by changing her 'young people' claim
to 'youngsters' (clearly implying
that Satanists were preying upon children, which false
accusation was at the heart of the 1990 Satanic Panic
which did so much harm to innocent families in the UK
and undermined British Justice.)
To substantiate the unfact that she believe that the Young
are flocking to Satanism, Swerling quotes Malcolm Jarry
who, never one to miss a PR opportunity, says that the Temple
of Satan, founded in the U.S. in 2012, has 21,996
members registered from the UK, and around a million
followers worldwide.
Wow. 22,000 Satanists lurking in the UK?
The 17,000 Phantom Satanists
SAFF know that these figures are inaccurate. Our own
Occult Census http://saff.nfshost.com/census.htm
was the first and most detailed census of occult activity
in the UK and clearly showed that only 4% of those people
with an interest in Witchcraft, Paganism, Shamanism,
occultism and Magic actually defined themselves as
Satanists. The estimated overall population of all
occultists in the UK was 200,000 so the population of
Satanists in UK cannot be greater than 8,000. Indeed this
correlates very much with the ONS own figures where they
say the 2021 stats show that 5,054 people described
themselves as Satanists.
So let's run that again. A
Stateside Satanic group claims to have 22,000 members
in the UK, whereas the official Census
statistics which Swerling has herself quoted in print,
show there are only 5,000 in the UK. Yet
Swerling still includes the 22,000 claim in her
article without question or challenge.
There are 17,000 phantom Satanists missing!
It looks like Swerling's intention is to ignore the
truth if it doesn't support her own conclusions.
Who's converting whom?
Conversions from and to Christianity occur amongst
young adults as they do amongst older people because there
is a free-market in spirituality which means that people
wanting spiritual succour can now more easily find it.
Indeed almost all religious sects welcome converts from
the other orthodox religions and quite a few convert from
Christianity to Islam. Christianity in particular go
out of their way to proactively poach converts from
competing faiths. This is why the churches pay
so much attention to entraining minds at the youngest
possible moment and set up continuing outreaches to
indoctrinate them in all countries, including the
third-world. That is why Ignatius Loyola,
the 16c missionary who set up the Jesuits was fond
of saying:
me a boy before he is 8 and I will show you the
The idea is to indoctrinate children before they are
self-aware and fix them for life.
The SAFF has found 1000s of cases over the decades where
churches boast that they have converted young adults
FROM Satanism. In fact these tend to be wayward teenagers
whose parents rush them into church to ‘cure’ them of
things like Rock Music, Fantasy Games, Ouija Boards,
glue-sniffing and other teenage rebellions which are
nothing to do with Satanism but described as such by
ignorant churchmen to up the ante.
The Churches all have well resourced and funded
organisations to missionise to children, as we show
In 1992 The Right Reverend Gavin Reid OBE was appointed
Bishop of Maidstone. He had made his name in 1969 when he
published The Gagging of God ; subtitled The
Failure of the Church to Communicate in the Television
Reid was a key figure in organising the 1989 mission to
the UK by Billy Graham (whose sole life's work was
converting hundreds of thousands of people to
Reid was keen on evangelising children. He authored
All God's children, an influential plan by
the General Synod to start a UK wide campaign
to evangelise kids using various strategies which
amounted to poaching without parents' consent.
All God's Children. declared 'a
mission to recapture children for Christ'.
As far back as the 1990s the church had noticed the
consistent loss of churchgoers and set up organisations to
poach children and adults of any and every kind to
indoctrinate them with Christianity to fill pews in the
next generation. A littany of false allegations were
made by them about the imagined activities of Satanists in
relation to inculcating children into Devil Worship. The
idea was to frighten nominal Christians back into
church. Every single accusation they made was untrue
but they incontrovertibly opportunised and weaponised the
false claims being made during the 1990 Satanic
Synod and Reid go on the attack over Halloween
The SAFF wrote both to the Synod and to Gavin Reid
complaining about their tactics.
When challenged at length in
protracted correspondence by the S.A.F.F. the Synod's
Board of Education admitted that they intended
to offer extra-curricular club/entertainment
activities to non-Christian children without
their parent's knowledge and without informing the
children of the intent of the exercise
beforehand. So we published a
leaflet to expose this missionary activity and distributed
it widely, titled Kick out The Halloween Killjoys
(1992). Halloween was a Cause Celebre for Reid and
his chums. They saw the popularisation of Halloween as
some kind of Satanic plan, instead of the opportunising of
a new festival by Capitalist businesses who couldn't make
enough ghoulish tat to satisfy demand from parents and
kids having fun, as it really was.
Reid was the 'Consultant
Missionary' of the Church Pastoral Aid Society
and was also heavily involved in CofE representations
to the government when they changed the Education Act
in 1988 ( which gave Christianity an advantage over
all other beliefs in the curriculum) . Are you
getting all this Gabriella Swerling?
Because clearly if anyone is
battling to capture the souls of children it
isn't Satanists is it?
More evidence of official Church of England poaching
of childrens' souls.
In 2003 the
Church of England's Synod officially rubber-stamped Project
Reach, a church-wide strategy of indoctrinating
young children with Christianity through schools and kids
clubs. This was a development of the strategy first
outlined in All God's Children. There is absolutely
nothing like this in Satanism. Satanists do not seek to
inculcate Children, yet Christian Churches, who DO
actively seek to convert kids, with or without their
parents' consent are always the first to falsely blame
Satanists for 'ensnaring' children. Amazingly, cases
of the churches 'ensnaring children' are hardly ever heard
of in the Telegraph even though SAFF has 1000s of
recorded instances!
Like the one here where a Christian preacher wrote a
best-selling book for Christians showing them how to use a
switch to beat their children into submission if they do
not follow God's plan.
'Spare the rod, spoil the child.'
Not only is this illegal but several
children actually died.
This Christian push to missionise children was behind the
rise in the phenomenon of Witch-Children in
2006, where a rash of very young children being beaten
and killed during Christian exorcism rituals caused
the UK government to instigate the Stobart
They called them 'Witch-Children' to disingenuously
try to blame the abuse on Satanists and Witches and divert
attention from the fact that every single one of these
children were harmed in Christian churches because some
nutty pastor or minister had pronounced them the spawn of
Alongside (right) you will see how the Daily Telegraph
to its eternal shame dutifully misinformed its readers
about witch-children, using a headline
which to all intents and purposes blames the abuse on
Witches when the perpetrators were actually
Of course the SAFF didn't let them get away with these
evil lies and the true background to the Witch-Children
myth is here; http://saff.nfshost.com/stobart.htm
For those good Christians who can't believe
all this you can actually see it happenning in a rare clip
of a mass exorcism from a church in London, courtesy of
the SAFFutube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZLNfgWD1Pc
What's that you say? Gabriella Swerling never
mentioned all this in her article? No she didn't did
Christian Churches' outreach to Moslems and other
Controversially The Christian Churches also conduct
outreaches to many other faiths.
In 2016 the Guardian carried a report of how vulnerable Moslem
immigrants were being poached and baptised by
orthodox churches across Europe and UK.
Christian Churches have also conducted
outreaches to convert Jews to Jesus.
On 28 June 1991 leading Rabbi, Shlom Arkush, started a
campaign to alert all Jews to the deceitful tactics being
used by the church group Jews for Jesus, ( ex jews
who had been converted to Christianity and who, disguised
in Hasidic clothes, lie in wait to befriend and convert
Jews to Christianity in the street ).
Arkush's Operation Judaism was covered in the
Jewish Gazette under the front page headline ‘Missionaries
A Serious Threat’. The idea that Christian
churches are somehow sitting demurely whilst the Devil
takes control is utter nonsense. It is Christian
missionaries who are the provokers, not Satanists, Jews
or anyone else.
Neither do we see any evidence of any kind that Satanists
are actually going out to ensnare or push their beliefs
onto children. Most if not all Satanic groups today
have an 18 year old membership age limit. Did Gabriella
Swerling ask about this? She certainly didn't mention it
in her articles if she did.
Yet Despite This Frantic activity to stop the negative
flow of parishioners the Christian Churches are Losing
Supporters by the Dozen.
In 1999 The UK Christian Handbook noted
that regular Church attendance in Britain (across all
denominations) fell from 4.74 million in 1989 to 3.71
million in 1998; a drop of more than 20% in ten years.
Rather less than 8% of the population were likely to be in
church on an average Sunday. By 2016 weekly
attendance at the Church of England was less than a
million souls (see cutting to the right).
So, dear Gabriella, the trend of people leaving the
church is not new, it has been logged throughout the past
few decades and it is not something which is driven by
the popularity or otherwise of Satanism.
What is the real reason people are quitting the
What Gabriella Swerling did not
consider was that THOUSANDS
of good Christians have left the churches over the
last decade in disgust at the scandal of Priestly
Child Abuse.
After they falsely accused Satanists of abusing and
killing children in the 1990 Satanic Panic, the SAFF put
the churches under the microscope and our historic work in
exposing the incidence of Priestly sexual abuse of
children hidden within their churches began in 1991. http://saff.nfshost.com/sickvics.htm
We followed this up in 1996 with The Black
Museum of Priestly Abuse. After we lead
the way, it was then taken up by mainstream media in the
late 1990s in various documentaries. The SAFF had a
crucial hand in providing the research for many of
By the year 2000 national enquiries into the abuse of
children by churchmen were occurring all over the world
and in the process unearthing truly horrific repetitive
abuse by priests and bishops. Even more disgusting, the
church itself was found to be complicit in covering up for
abusing priests and moving them to other parishes where
they abused other children! When caught out some church
top-brass actually shredded records and baulked police
inquiries into historic cases!
The impact of this publicity on church numbers was
In August 2010 A
record 100,000 Austrians were expected to leave the
Roman Catholic Church after abuse scandals which have
badly damaged its image, a newspaper reported on
Tuesday. Some 57,000 quit the church in
the first six months of the year, Austrian daily Der
Standard reported, citing figures from local state
authorities. This is already more than the full-year
total for 2009 when 53,216 walked out.
Last year ( 2022 ) more than 90,000 Christians left the
Catholic church in Austria alone. Why
did Gabriella Swerling not do due diligence over this
phenomenon of Priestly Abuse instead of blaming the
loss of church numbers on Satanism?
The scandal of Priestly Abuse occurred in Britain during
the same period and thousands of British Christians left
the orthodox churches for the same reason. See:
And of course, NONE OF
THIS had anything whatsoever to do with the
popularity of Satanism amongst the young! Clearly, few if
any of the people who left the church in moral disgust
would turn to Satanism as an alternative.
So what we have here folks is the usual blind bigotry. A
rush to project false and harmful stereotypes and a
willingness to portray an imagined conflict which, if it
had been directed towards other orthodox religions such as
Sikhism or Islam or Buddhism, would have got Swerling and
the Telegraph into hot water because it basically
amounts to a form of sectarian hatred.
Swerling's article is now in the historic record.
Like thousands before her she has misinterpreted the
stereotypes and published unfact.
Will she write another article in the Telegraph admitting
these errors and putting the other side of the case?
We won't be holding our breath, because the SAFF has spent
three decades educating hacks who have tried to quietly
bury their fallacious articles. They simply cannot
resist writing tosh.
We have lost count of the Editors who have promised to
include balancing articles and then never did.
No, dear reader, you will never find out the Truth from
the Mainstream Media, but you will find it on the SAFF
website at http://saff.nfshost.com
We've already asked Gabriella Swerling to correct on
Twitter but she has ignored us, which is why we have
published this piece. Whether she will now correct
the major inaccuracies and conclusions in the Telegraph
is open to debate.
She can have space on this page to put her case if she
needs it.
John Dennis, Mortlake, Imbolc, 2023.
1. If people are leaving Christianity
it is because of serious abominations within the
Churches themselves and has nothing to do with
Satanists or Witches.
2.There is no evidence that people
are leaving churches to go to Satanism, nor that
Satanists are in any way seeking to recruit
3. Satanism is not 'taking over' by
design or by accident.
The whole thing is fake news.