the SAFF's most extensive five-part overview of the Westminster VIP
paedophile ring myth allegations ever written, with an exclusive expose
of the activists who caused it.
1. Click here to see the lies about The Elm Guest House & Dolphin Square laid bare.
2. Click Here to read The Exaro Scandal and the truth about 'Nick's' false allegations against Harvey Proctor
3. Click Here for: The 1993 origins of the Westminster lies & links with Satanic Abuse
4. Click Here for: The real activists behind the Myth and why they do it.
5. UKCSAPT a front for 1990 Satan Hunters. Will Goddard Inquiry sucker in?
Panorama exposes the deceits behind the Westminster VIP Ring
But it takes the SAFF to reveal the core agitators who mould the fantasies of pathological liars
"Pathological lying, also called pseudologia fantastica and mythomania, and closely related to compulsive lying, was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck. Pathological lying has been defined as "falsification entirely
disproportionate to any discernible end in view. It may be extensive and
very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a
The individual may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are
telling the truth, being unaware that they are relating fantasies." Wikipedia
Daniel Foggo's excellent BBC Panorama documentary 'VIP Paedophiles: What's The Truth?'
cleverly exposed the complex network of false allegations which have
obsessed the U.K. over the past few years in relation to a rumoured
clique of paedophile politicians and high-flyers in the
Establishment. The Panorama
investigation, which itself lasted almost a year, restored our faith in
the journalistic profession but there were a few areas where the BBC
dared not go, the most
glaring being that the programme missed out, consciously or not, the
links between the Westminster VIP Paedophile Ring myth and it's progenitor The 1990 Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth .
In this latest SAFF special we will reveal those links and publish information
to prove if beyond doubt, but we commend Panorama for the
fantastic job they did in ferreting out information which proved that
the accusers making these vile allegations against innocent people are
simply pathological liars. The first question which comes to mind therefore is this: Why couldn't the police have done the same?
Dolphin Square and The Elm Guest House
There are two interconnecting locations in central London where these Westminster VIP Paedophile Ring
abuses were
rumoured to have taken place. These addresses have been repeated
endlessly across the internet and been the foundation of all the recent
headline-grabbing allegations. One was the prestigious luxury
block of
flats known as Dolphin Square, where, it is well known that some MPs had
their London flats (near
Vauxhall Bridge) - and The Elm Guest House, on the opposite
(South) side of
the Thames which has featured in rumours and speculation for the past
30 years.
How rumour becomes reality in the minds of susceptibles.
The Elm Guest House opened in 1979 and was closed down in 1982. One of Panorama's key witnesses was a man who had worked at the Elm Guest House
the early 1980s. He stated on camera that when he first started to work
there he
was doing basic cleaning duties. After he had worked there a while he
said he became involved in providing oral sex and masturbation
in a top floor room.
witness said that there were no
high-profile visitors when he worked there and to his personal
knowledge no young children were ever taken to the Elm Guest House to be
abused. This man's testimony is perhaps the only first-hand
account of the Elm Guest House now extant and completely overturns the wild accusations made about it by conspiracy-theorists on the internet.
In June 1982 The Elm Guest House was raided by the police and shut down.
For the past thirty years or so it has been a private residence.
The people who originally owned it and who were involved in the brothel were Carol Kasir and her husband Harry Kasir.
In court they were given a suspended sentence.
Seven years later (1989) Chris Fay, a social worker, met Carol Kasir.
According to Fay's testimony Kasir told him that it
had all been a cover-up to protect MPs and other pillars of the Establishment.
Key-point 1: Fay said that Carol Kasir
showed him a 'guest book' which contained a list of 'nicknames'.
Key-point 2: Fay
said he copied some of the nicknames down and said that Kasir then told
what the real names behind the nicknames were. He says that she said
that some powerful men in government and the Westminster clique were
This scrappy hand-written list has subsequently come to be known as theinfamous'Elm Guest House List' and is held by believers across the internet to be first-hand evidence of the Westminster VIP paedophile Ring. A 'dossier' of child abusers.
It is of course nothing of the kind. It is a casually hand-written list of meaningless names. The
correlation with real Westminster VIPs was predicated solely on Carol Kasir's
say-so. There is no other evidence to back up the claims of child murder made today by internet freaks and victim-imposters.
No one knows what state Carol Kasir's mind was in when she confided
'names' to Fay and nobody has yet ferreted out her medical history, however a
later in 1990 Carol
Kasir was disturbed enough to kill herself. The long and the short of it is that we only have Fay's word that she did in fact 'name names',
Because scraps of paper have no date confirmation it is possible for
them to be glossed and updated at any time. In the screen-shot of
Fay's list (see pic on right) it is possible that
the note "Various calls up to Early June" could indicate that the
was being modified relatively recently by contributors who Fay was
corresponding with, most probably from the Westminster VIP paedophile
ring conspiracy
clutch. People who are being charitable might consider the
opinions of these people as
'evidence' but in reality its just suspicion. It is certainly not proof
of what believers maintain; that there is a clique of Satanic Child
abusers in Westminster.
Carol Kasir's Inquest:
Much weight is given to the fact that Chris Fay attended Kasir's inquest in 1990 and told his story to the Coroner but there was of course no actual forensic evidence for any of it.
Fay says that the incriminating photographs Kasir had shown him (of high-flyers in the Westminster clique) could not be found.
Fay also claimed that Kasir had a box of videos and papers from Elm Guest House which he had earlier viewed, but that these could also not now be found.
Of course in true internet conspiracy fashion the lack of Fay's evidence
is seen not to be a sign that we only have his word for any of it, but
proof that it was stolen by government spooks intent on hiding the VIP
We do not know if Fay gave the Coroner the original list or a copy of it
but if so it will of course still be in the archives and it would be
interesting to see it and compare it with what is being circulated at
According to the newspaper report (see cutting alongside: House of Porn, bylined Chris House and Ian Miller,) Fay also insisted that there were also: photographs of a top Russian Spy and Sir Anthony Blunt, ( one of the Cambridge spy ring).
Fay also claimed that there were videos of 'A Bishop, a high court Judge, a top businessman and, lest he had left out anyone important, ' a director of social services', all caught in the act.
There are a number of inconsistencies here which the Panorama programme did not address and Fay was not questioned about.
Why did the police who raided and searched the Elm Guest House
for obscene material to complete their case, not find those
photographs and videos and confiscate them in 1982?
Why did Carol Kasir and Harry Kasir not mention any of this at their trial?
Why did Harry Kasir not mention it after Carol's suicide?
Did Fay give the Coroner the original list or a copy of it?
Why would anyone attending Elm Guest House for nefarious purposes actually bother to sign a register?
How could Fay identify the naked photograph of 'a Russian Spy'?
As a social-worker himself we are ready to accept that Fay might have recognised 'a director of social services', but why didn't Fay identify him in 1990 or, indeed
during the 25 intervening years? Why has he not named him now in
this current bout of publicity? Similarly, if he did NOT know the
identity of the 'director of social services' then, as with the Russian
spy, how could he have identified his vocation from a naked photograph?
Did journalists House and Miller who wrote the Inquest news report investigate the allegations
further? If not why not? The lack of a follow-up article from them suggests
to us that there was no real evidence.
Conspiracy Theorist Heaven:
Chris Fay's Elm Guest House list became a template for conspiracy-theory rumour-mongering. We can't understand why the
police don't see
Look at this:
The Era of Spies: The Cambridge Spy Ring, in which rumours of Sir Anthony Blunt's
involvement was well-documented by the tabloid press, occurred in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
They were all home-grown British turncoats from the upper echelons of
society. During 1961 The spy George Blake was put on
trial, found guilty and
given 42 (forty two) years in prison in an orgy of Establishment pique
which ran and ran in the tabloids for months. Also during 1961 The
Portland Spy Ring was broken and ' Gordon Lonsdale' a Russian sleeper
spy was arrested along with four others. Spy mania was rampant;
but the only 'Russian Spy' involved in any 'sex scandal' to come within
the scope of the tabloids at this period was the Soviet Naval Attache Yevgeny Ivanov whose sexual entanglement with Christine Keeler and the Profumo Scandal
in 1963 was crucial to bringing down Macmillan's Tory government.
Allegations and rumours about cover ups at a high level appeared in the tabloid press day
after day for months and formed a template for suspected outrageous sexual activities in Westminster.
Anyone who lived through that 'Spy Era' would have all these occurences
(and others we haven't mentioned) intermingled in the public
mind. The 'Russian Spy' accusation in Fay's testimony is to us, highly suspect.
All of these Spy events are stock grist to conspiracy-theorists. Fay
lived through that era and would have undoubtedly been influenced by
it. To us his comments at the Inquest reveal his own beliefs about Establishment cover-ups, not that of Kasir.The
only thing that hasn't yet been woven into the tale from that period is
the assassination of John F Kennedy in November 1963! Of
course that awful event was the one that gave rise to the entire
Conspiracy-theory genre which has flourished ever since.
The first Westminster abuse Claims
Geoffrey Dickens MP (the political buffoon of the Conservative Party)
began a campaign against child pornography in 1981 following the arrest
of a number of men for possession of it. These men were also
members of PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange) a group openly lobbying
for a relaxation of laws against homosexuality. Dickens, a member
of the 'flog 'em, hang 'em and stick 'em in the army' brigade,
began his allegations about homosexuals in Westminster in spring 1981
and gained massive amounts of press coverage about it for weeks on
end. By Autumn 1981 it had all died a death but in April 1982
Dickens claimed that a break-in at his flat and office were masterminded
by the British secret services. There was absolutely no evidence
of this but Dickens was a consumate publicity monger. You can find
a detailed timeline which the SAFF has compiled on Dickens false
allegations and publicity stunts in the leftmost column of this page. Dickens allegations were regurgitated by Conspiracy Theorists in 2012 and lie at the root of the idea that a Westminster VIP paedophile ring exists in Westminster. If you check the link we have just given you will see just how far from the truth Dickens allegations were
but the point we are making is that they were happening at the time
that Carol Kasir was being prosecuted for running the Elm Guest
House. In relation to that period and the front page headline
press coverage that associated claims by Dickens were getting,
genuine evidence of a Westminster paedophile Ring at the Elm Guest
House would not have been ignored, either by Dickens or by the Press or by the Coroner. If
Carol Kasir had wanted to spill the beans at her trial all she needed
to do was telephone Geoffrey Dickens and it would have been splashed
across every national newspaper in the country.
The Satan Effect: 1989 child abuse hysteria and Westminster Claims
It is important to realise that, at the time Fay was in contact with Carol Kasir, the Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth had
gained great traction. Geoffrey Dickens MP was again grabbing headlines throughout 1988 and 1989 (see here for full background). By mid 1989 with the broadcast of the infamously tabloidesque
Cook Report 'The Devil's Work' causing nationwide controversy,
the idea
of a child-abusing clique involving powerful people, usually freemasons (
which dovetails nicely with believers' allegations against the
aristocracy) was frequently portrayed in epidemic proportions by
the British media for months on end. The term Satanic Ritual Abuse was
on everyone's
lips at the time.
It would be understandable if Carol Kasir might have worked this up
in private conversation with Fay. We can also conjecture that
Fay, a life-long left-wing social-worker might be indulging in a
class-war from his council flat in his autumn years. A trying to make sense of his life-choices, might find conspiracy
theories about Pillars of the Establishment attractive.
Panorama did not ask these important questions to give Chris Fay an
opportunity of putting them right. This is particularly important
because of Fay's later links with Tom Watson MP who pressed the police
to investigate Tory politicians over the accusations over a woman who
alleged that Leon Brittan raped her in 1967 but whose claims turned out
to be false. It was then discovered she was a life-long Labour party
activist with a hatred for Tories (see cutting on right).
Notwithstanding the lack of real evidence Fay took the story
to John Oakes an experienced freelance reporter for investigation.
Panorama tracked
John Oakes down and he candidly admitted on camera that every lead given
to him came to a dead end. He could do nothing with the story and gave
up. Presumably that's also what happened with House and Miller who wrote
the news report of the inquest shown above.
A Dangerous Gestation
The Elm Guest House legend then gathered dust
for 20 years until, in 2012, the 'giant killer' of the Labour Left, Tom Watson MP, reignited
suggestions of a VIP paedophile ring in parliament and was put in touch with Chris
Fay. According to Panorama, Fay told Watson that 22 children had been 'trafficked' for
abuse from a
nearby children's home (Grafton Close - now closed) and said 17 of them
been abused by VIPs. One of these victims was 'Mark' who Fay had apparently tried to
cultivate in the past. Mark wasn't having any of it, then or now. He relinquished his
anonymity for Panorama and made a clear statement on camera thathe had never been taken from the children's home to the Elm
Guest House. He said he had not ever spoken to Fay. So that was at least one victim who denied the claims Fay had made.
Panorama pointed out that the
Metropolitan Police were aware that Chris Fay had been jailed for a
shares fraud in 2011 but
dutifully followed up his leads. The police contacted many prior
residents of Grafton Close,
now adults. They discovered that abuse had occurredin the home itself, by the
children's home manager and his friend but never at the Elm
Guest House. The police could find no connection between the home and the Elm Guest House.
The manager of Grafton Close died before he could be tried but his
friend, a catholic priest, was jailed for three years for multiple
Panorama gave the following ringing conclusion on the Elm Guest House Legend
"During month's of research we found no evidence of a VIP paedophile
ring using Elm Guest House. Neither have we found any other evidence
that the photographs Chris Fay told us about existed. "
The Exaro Scandal:
The Race to do a Woodward and Bernstein.
The truth about how the media proprietised the Westminster VIP Paedophile Myth
On 18th December 2014 the BBC Six O'Clock News lead with a sensational story that "three
young boys had been murdered by a paedophile ring which included people
at the heart of the British Establishment."
The accusations came
from a man known only as 'Nick'. For legal reasons his full name cannot
be published because all victims, even self-styled ones, are allowed
'Nick' made many allegations including having been sadistically
abused when a child at a flat in Dolphin Square and that he had personally watched VIPs involved in the abuse murder three boys. This
first hand account was scooped by Exaro News, a four year old on-line news agency
run by Mark Watts and financed by Jerome Booth.
Originally set up 'to bring politicians to account' it
had been cultivating 'Nick' for five months and went public with the
first expose of the cataclysmic VIP paedophile accusations in July 2014. Exaro
was so closely linked to Nick's interests that Exaro reporters were actually allowed
to be present when 'Nick' gave an official statement to the police!
Like Topsy, Nick's story just grew and grew...
Panorma discovered that this was not 'Nick's' first foray into making accusations of abuse. Earlier in
2012 he told Wiltshire police that as a boy he had been abused by his
step-father. Because the man was now dead the police could take the
matter no further but notably "Nick" did not make claims about VIP abusers at that
Later (March 2015) under another pseudonym 'Stephen' (see pic left) 'Nick'
appeared in silouhette on Channel5's 'Jimmy Savile; Britain's Worst
Crimes', explaining how he (Stephen/Nick) had been abused first by his father and then passed
over to a paedophile ring which included Jimmy Savile.These additional allegations apparently also did not appear in his earlier story to Wiltshire police.
Nick's allegation of the murder of three children by an MP was first mentioned in
the Autumn of 2014 but strangely was not included in Channel5's
programme in 2015.
Nick then wrote a blog on-line detailing
his allegations, swapping information with
others across the net.
Our 27 years experience of analysing the Satanic Ritual Abuse
Myth shows that this is remarkably like the profile of Satanic Ritual
Abuse victim imposters. This is the cycle of what happens.
People become mentally vulnerable due to life's inevitable vicissitudes.
They go to see their doctor who gives them tranqs.
Tranqs don't help so the GP sends them for orthodox psychiatric treatment.
The psychiatrist refers them along the line to the therapy
network. Resistance to treatment is seen not as the wrong treatment but
as evidence of sexual abuse, which, as Freud maintained, is always the
cause of repressed complexes. They are then subjected to Recovered Memory therapy and forced
into confabulating fantastical memories of abuse.
They become trapped into their own victimhood.
They are passed around the therapy jungle creating more false memories until the money dries up,
They then join 'survivor groups' to indulge their fantasies free of charge on the internet.
Because sane people do not believe their nonsense it makes them
even more paranoid and subject to beliefs in conspiracies against them. They start
up blogs working-up their stories to get both recognition and sympathy
for their plight.
Their imaginations create a pool of shock-horror crimes so horrid it is impossible for them to retract when
plod turns up.
The police are duty bound to investigate any allegation. They are
also punch-drunk from being blamed for 'not caring' by the
child-abuse-industry (child charities and social services who have
traditionally sought to put the blame on the police when cases they were
in charge of turn bad (e.g. the Victoria Climbie case here)).
The police also have to handle the insatiable demand for more grist for the media's 24hr news
circus. This means the police having to set up a quick-quote
conveyor-belt system in every police-force to make sure the police are
protected from media excoriation for not taking the proper action
quickly enough because, as they are well aware, if the police don't give
the media something positive to report, they'll simply make up
criticisms about police recalcitrance and ruin a few careers instead.
The result is an epidemic of inquiries, investigations and reports
most of which are simply cosmetic, at a horrendous and unnecessary cost
to the taxpayer.
Police go over-the-top
All these things should have rang warning bells but media frenzy was at
such a height that, a month after listening to his story, the police astonishingly
backed 'Nick's' tale 100%
and started up a triple-murder inquiry codenamed 'Operation
Midland' They were indicating to the media and the public at large that that Nick's story was true.
has been interviewed over a long period of time by experienced
detectives from the child abuse command and he has also met an
investigator from the murder command, they and I believe what Nick to be
saying is credible and true, so yes we do believe what Nick is saying.
" Det. Supt Kenny McDonald.
To emphasis their position the police repeated the statement backing
Nick's story in subsequent interviews in which Kenny McDonald said:
"I believe what nick is saying to be credible and to be true"
Initially this statement gave great impetus to the Westminster VIP paedophile Ring myth-mongers and Nick's
allegations were given extra credence in the media but it
back-fired. There was an uproar of dissent and the police retracted
saying that it was an unwise statement. By October 22 The Times
was reporting that Kenny McDonald had been 'sidelined' from Operation
Midland as the taskforce went under reorganisation following a merger of
the Operation Midland and Operation Fairbank child-abuse inquiries which began to dovetail. We say they dovetailed because the allegations were from the same pool of myth-mongers!
Are the Westminster VIP paedophile allegations simply a gay witch-hunt?
One of the people falsely accused in 'Nick's' story was ex-MP Harvey
Proctor who in 1987 resigned from politics after pleading guilty to
gross indecency. Mr Proctor had consensual homosexual activity with a
whom he believed to be over the legal age of consent (at that time
21) but who was in fact younger. The law was changed several years
later to allow consensual homosexual sex between people over 18
years old. In 2003 laws were enacted to equalise human rights and
allow the age of consent for both homosexual and heterosexual sex to be
fixed at 16 years. Thus although guilty of 'indecency'
the person with whom Mr Proctor had sex was a man, not a boy, and there was never
any suggestion that the sex was sadistic, harmful or otherwise
However the massive publicity and news coverage surrounding Mr Proctor's
1987 resignation became folklore. After living a honourable life
since then, he was dragged into the net again 28 years
'Nick's' accusations against Harvey Proctor were numerous, specific and
sensational but only he, Exaro News, and the police knew the full extent of them.
Suspicion over Proctor's alleged involvement became common
knowledge following unsubstantiated internet rumour and he was
pilloried by the
press whilst being in a state of limbo, unable to see the formal
allegations which the police were investigating and therefore unable to
answer or comment on them directly.
On 19th June 2015, the police officially interviewed Harvey Proctor and
gave him the formal allegations. Amongst other things these involved
accusations of sadistic and sexual child abuse; and of being an accessory to
the murder of three children and actual murderer of one. Stunningly serious accusations, yet after answering all the police
questions he was not arrested. The internet was rife with rumour,
enflamed by Exaro and Needleblog and many other commentators who
supported the idea of the Westminster VIP paedophile conspiracy.
25th August 2015 Harvey Procter had had enough of the trial by
media and held a now famous press conference where he outed 'Nick's allegations to get them into the public domain and stop the
rumour-mongering It
was a risky and courageous thing to do but once the full allegations
could be seen it was clear that something was seriously
wrong. In his press conference Harvey Proctor, voice
trembling with emotion, read out the accusations:
"Mr Proctor then stripped the victim and tied him to a table, he then
produced a large kitchen knife and stabbed the child through the arm
and other parts of the body over a period of 40 minutes. Mr
Proctor untied the victim and anally raped him on the table. Mr Proctor
then strangled the victim until the boy's body went limp...... On
another occasion at the same location Mr Proctor sexually assaulted 'Nick'
before producing a penknife and threatening to cut Nick's genitals.....
I was asked if I knew Jimmy Savile, I told them I did not......Nick
alleges, surprise, surprise, that Savile attended the sex parties... I
was asked if I visited the Elm Guest House, I am sorry to have to
disappoint the fantasists on the Internet but I did not visit Elm Guest
House. "
Other important people were named in the statement; Maurice
Oldfield, (former head of MI6), Sir Michael Hanley, (former director general
of MI5) and most astonishingly of all, former prime Minister Sir Edward
Proctor continued...
"I was asked if I could recognise images of the pen knife mentioned
earlier. It was suggested it was Edward Heath who persuaded me not to
castrate Nick with it. It is so far fetched as to be unbelievable.
It is unbelievable because it is not true. "
Harvey Proctor went on to say 'the Metropolitan police's Operation
Midland Inquiry Team,
set up to examine claims that boys were systematically abused by an
establishment paedophile ring, should be wound up and its head be put in
charge of parking offences.' Proctor claimed ex home secretary Leon
Brittan (also previously drawn into the Elm Guest House / Dolphin Square
accusations) had been driven to his death by police action.
"In summary, the paranoid police have pursued a homosexual witch-hunt on
this issue, egged on by media, Labour MPs and a ragbag of internet
Mr Proctor's press conference threw the cat amongst the pigeons.
Some journalists now began to ask detailed questions about the fantastic
and so far unproven allegations. The police were put onto the
back-foot. Exaro News which had orchestrated the scare with 'Nick' from
start to finish was also heavily criticised by the
journalistic community for stoking the witch-hunt and Mark Watts was
asked to substantiate Exaro's reports in numerous interviews.
Political intrigue?
The whole
motivation behind the involvement of several Labour MPs who campaigned
on this issue in the lead up to the 2015 general election was
also questioned. Some drew parallels between these paedophile allegations about Tory
mandarins/ex-MPs and the so-called 'anti-sleaze' campaign
which some say won the general election for Labour in 1997 with a landslide
majority. (see:
Unofficially some police sources were reported as saying that Operation
Midland should be wound up but said that the Met were in a 'the king has no clothes' situation and couldn't.
Although shocking Nick's story was very short on forensic evidence. No
bodies or sites of crimes could be firmly established. The only
checkable part of Nick's story was when he claimed that a child he was
walking down the street with was deliberately run down and killed in a hit-and-run
murder by a member of the paedophile group as a warning to stop him
(Nick) from telling the authorities. Strangely Nick could not
remember the boy's surname so there was little to go on, but Panorama did
it's job well; it searched out most pupils who went to school with Nick
at that time, traced down all the ones with the same first name. All
were alive and kicking and none of them remembered any accident in which
pupils had died, or indeed any similar accident ever occurring. There were
no official records of any similar accident in that area at that time.
No bones, no bodies, no blood, and no victims....
Another warning flag occurred when the extensive publicity about Nick's
claimsresulted in a paucity of victims. The Savile debacle had
proved to the police that wide media coverage of abuse resulted in many
people coming
forward to confirm first-wave allegations. There were 450 responses in
the wake of the Jimmy Savile allegations. However even though the
publicity surrounding Nick's claims was extensive, no other victims came
forward to support his stories.
Latest: Latest: Latest: Latest: Latest
'Darren' admits his allegations were fantasies!
Step forward 'Darren' and Australian Tabloid TV - The Cook Report reincarnated....
then produced another 'victim' codenamed 'Darren'. His abuse was said to have occurred ten years after 'Nicks' but details were remarkably
similar. 'A Cabinet Minister' was involved', said
'Darren'. Exaro and Darren worked extensively with a well-established
Australian Tabloid TV programme called '60 Minutes'. A series very
similar in format to the Cook Report. Their choice of title says
it all:'Spies, Lords and
Predators'.No need for any caution in their reporting! On 19th July 2015 '60 minutes' told 23 million Australians that there WAS a paedophile ring
embedded within the British Establishment solely based on 'Darren's testimony and unproven rehashed internet nonsense about Leon Brittan which had become 'common-knowledge'.
As if the links between the Satanic Ritual Child Abuse myth of the
1990s and the Westminster VIP Paedo myth of today were not clear for all
to see, we point out that '60 Minutes' worked with the Cook Report in
1989 to produce a copy-cat 'documentary' on the since disproved Satanic
Ritual Child Abuse allegations. '60 Minutes' used the same 'victims'
passed onto them by the Cook Report. In the Cook Report's 'Devil's Work' the star victim
was codenamed 'Natalie' and her face was blacked out just as Darren's has
been in this 2015 re-run. In the '60 minutes' report on 1989 Satanic AbuseAllegations
was renamed 'Theresa' and apparently didn't mind her face being
shown. We have appended stills from both programmes below.
Banned Doctor Vows to Continue War on Satanism
Jim Phillips is a deluded believer in Satanic Ritual Abuse. His
interference in the proper treatment of mentally ill patients created
many of the 'victims' of SRA who acted as the foundation of the myth
for those who wanted to persuade you it was real.
Jim Phillips was featured in award winning documentary maker Antony Thomas's 1993 film "In Satan's Name" (click on Jim's photo above to see a SAFFutube excerpt of his interview with Jim)
article reproduced below from the Birmingham Post reveals how many of
the early SRA 'victims' were worked up from a pool of mentally ill
people who needed proper help but got sucked into the SRA controversy
and were indoctrinated with SRA motifs and ideas.
the Police tell us that there have been 500 calls and cases of
abuse following a TV appeal on the issue it is people of
this ilk, with unsubstantiated and mostly imagined cases, who
often ring in and in the process distort reaction to the claims.
The Westminster VIP paedophile accusations are inextricably linked
to the 1990 Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth.
Didn't you realise that today's
Westminster Paedo allegations were first floated in 1993 as part of the
Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth?
As our regular readers will know the SAFF has been tracking the Wesminster VIP Paedophile Myth since it
began within the bowels of the 1990 Satanic Ritual Child Abuse Myth. We keep
on telling people in authority how dangerous and costly the SRA myth has
been to our country but our expertise is ignored in direct relation to the way that
the government sucks-in scares invented by the child-abuse-industry. So we'll try again.
The Wesminster VIP Paedophile Myth was circulating
in almost excactly the same form you see it today in 1993 within SRA 'survivor'
circles, ( see cutting left, and see full details of Jim Phillips'
training camp for SRA 'survivors' in the rightmost panel) which he started in 1988.
Patients who
need proper psychiatric care were brainwashed by Phillips into believing this
VIP Satanic Abuse nonsense and wasted millions of pounds worth of taxpayers money in the
Allegations that 'Members of the Royal Family and government
ministers were involved in ritual slaughter of children in sacrificial
ceremonies'were made in 1989, developed more detail
in 1993 and have resurfaced regularly since then, each time being honed
and perfected until it is now making our political masters look like
fools. Why weren't the authorities watching? We told them often enough
as you can see by the content of this website.
What ordinary folk don't realise is that after 27 years of this
corrupt therapy there are now literally thousands of people out there with
implanted False Memories. Thousands of people ready to tell horrendous tales for
the media to suck-up.
Royal Family Expurgated from the public face of the myth until 2015
You will see from Royals in Satan Storm, ( published in the Daily Sport, 16th June 1993, cutting above ) that the PRIME accusation, beyond any allegations of the involvement of MPs or Ministers, is that our Royal Family are the head of a ring of Satanic Child Abusers in high places.
This was, of course, a step too loony even for these left-wing inspired
class-war rumours, because the vast majority of the population
have great respect for the Queen and found the accusations irrational
and unbelievable. Which is why at that time few other newspapers
reported on it. That is why for 20 years the original claims of the involvement of the Queen and Prince Philip have been expunged from the media's reporting of the Westminster VIP Paedophile Ring allegations,
however the fact that nutters still believe this outrageous lie and
promulgate it in their 'survivors internet cliques' was clearly proven
by the massive publicity surrounding the January 2015
allegations that Prince Andrew had an under-age 'sex-slave'.
This rumour was picked up not from direct allegations by Virginia Roberts, the girl involved, but from third-hand
written testimony used in a legal battle in the U.S. to try to blacken
the reputation of someone Andrew had stayed with years previously when
the 'incriminating' photograph was taken. It amounted to proof of
nothing but the twisted strategy of greedy lawyers but it was pounced
upon and worked-up by the conspiracy-theorists and dutifully massaged by
the ever deceitful British Press to whom it is always open-season on
minor Royals.
The Leveson Undercurrent
Of course another factor in the media's willingness to print
uncorroborated atrocious stories about MPs ( and in particular Tory MPs )
was as propaganda in their fight-back to resist the findings in the
Government's Leveson Report which recommended new legal
responsibilities and (as they saw it) 'restrictions' for press excesses
(e.g. phone hacking etc). Notably Leveson's recommendations have still
not been implemented 3 years later. Not so coincidentally the Leveson
report was published in November 2012, around about the time the latest batch of Westminster VIP Paedophile accusations began.
Yes dear reader, there are many threads, many self-serving lobbies, and
many 'strange bedfellows', interwoven in this despicable myth.
Here's the Proof that the Westminster VIP
Paedophile Myth and the Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth are one in the same:
We expose the network of Agents of Influence who have promoted these
child-abuse scares since 1988
The SAFF covered the birth of the Westminster VIP Paedophile Myth when it happened in 1993 and in particular we spelled-out its development and
inevitable damage here Look at the document reproduced at the foot of that web-page,
It will prove beyond doubt that the same people who
pushed the Satanic Ritual Child Abuse nonsense in the 1990s are a major cause of the Westminster VIP paedophile Ring Myth today.
If you check out that link you will see at the bottom of the page a
'RAINS Satanic Abuse VIP Suspects List' compiled as early as 1997 which includes a whole tranche of VIPs and
Aristocratic names, along
with a smattering of Celebrities who, long before the Savile scare had
manifested, were being entrained for 'the treatment' whenever some
indoctrinated victim imposter could be brainwashed into accusing them by
Satan hunter therapists who should have been sacked and professionally discredited 27 years
RAINS is a pressure group set up in 1988 by key figures in the
child-scare-industry who created the 1990 SRA panic. It's full title isRitual Abuse Information Network & Supportand it's intended plan was to form an association of believers in
SRA, including both victims and professionals, to campaign behind the
scenes in a 'long-march' through social work, government, the police and
the therapy industry to establish SRA as a world-wide threat to
They did this by publishing books, holding Satan Seminars, and moulding the
training of social workers and police towards the idea of SRA. It
worked. In 2004 one of their number held Satan Seminars to
indoctrinate the Met police child abuse team run by Peter Spindler, later head
of Yewtree. The people involved in RAINS run across the
gamut of child-care. Social Workers, Therapists, Solicitors,
Barristers, Doctors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Child-Welfare
experts, Academics, and many Media people. Some of the key
supporters who have been most active in
the promotion of the Westminster VIP Paedophile Ring Myth and which we will speak of here are
Joan Coleman, Valerie Sinason (see her involvement in Savile here), Sarah Nelson, Beatrix Campbell and Tim
Tate. Like the religious fundamentalists they often work with,
these people obviously sincerely believe that they are campaigning to
help stop the suffering of children but they are chasing a phantom of
their own making and will not let it go regardless of the damage it is doing to innocents.
TheRAINS Satanic Abuse VIP Suspects Listis nothing other than a prototype 'Elm Guest House List' compiled
by a key promulgator of the 1990 Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth from the
paranoic delusions and fantasies gained during so-called 'recovered
memory therapy' from her patients over a number of years. As
well as treating her patients orthodoxly she compiled a list of
their ramblings and accusations to confirm RAINS belief in a conspiracy
to abuse children in high places, and then distributed it to contacts in
the Satan Hunter clique. The people which
her patients' confabulated libelous accusations about include august
figures like:
Lord William Rees-Mogg : Lord Montagu : Mike Hancock. MP for Portsmouth :
Duke of Norfolk : Lord (Peter) Goldsmith : Charles Clarke MP :
Ruth Kelly MP : Lord Caernarvon : Sir Edward Hulse : Lord
Porchester : Marquis of Blandford : Paul Boeteng. MP : Marquis of Bath :
Mark Oaten, MP : and yes, the doyen of them all, Ted Heath who has been
stigmatised as a child abuser on the Satan Hunters' 'hit-list' since
the early 1990s!
Was it lunatic accusations of
this kind which prepared the ground for the suspicion against and
subsequent arrest of Jimmy Tarbuck under Operation Yew Tree in May
2013? Did an undercurrent of tittle-tattle amass in the Satan-hunter
subculture to almost destroy a nationally known celebrity and was only stopped
by the fact that Tarbuck could completely exonerate himself? Tarbuck
is mentioned in this RAINS document as 'having been seen' during
at the location where human sacrifices took place! Did the police question him about this incident we wonder?
After the police
investigated him, Jimmy Tarbuck was exonerated and released
without charge in March 2014.
It is therefore clear that when checked the allegations
of Helen G are not upheld in his case which strongly suggests that all the other allegations are also fantasy.
Not to mention a host of celebrities including Jimmy Tarbuck (fully
exonerated after another waste of police time and resources)- see panel
The vile slander
perpetrated against the late Lord McAlpine, whose reputation was almost destroyed
by Channel 4 when they ran with the inventions of
Steven Messham, a fantasist who 'fingered' McAlpine as
being a member of the Westminster VIP Paedophile Ring in 2012 and then, when
McAlpine threatened to sue everyone in sight, Messham immediately retracted and
said he wasn't sure it was him after all - leaving Channel 4 having to
make a public apology on air for their stupidity in believing
these false accusers. (full background here)
What none of them knew was that McAlpine had been included years before this in
the 1990 RAINS Satanic Abuse VIP Suspects list. Did Messham have access to theRAINS Satanic Abuse VIP Suspects List? Did Messham's therapist have access to it? The innocent people mentioned on this list have been
set-up for false accusations in the future. They should be quaking in
their boots if Jimmy Tarbuck's and Harvey Proctor's experience is anything to go by.
The RAINS Satanic Abuse VIP Suspects List
includes totally innocent people whom
the Satan
Hunters have had in their sights for decades. These self-appointed
moral arbiters act as judge and jury to stigmatise anyone they
like. For three decades they have
been creating their own demonology, mind-bending their victim-imposters,
building up a network of 'believers' in parliament and elsewhere.
The police are chasing
phantoms and being lead-on by dysfunctional people backed by
liars most of which have a history of mental illness who are being used
as pawns in a
game of power politics by left-wing social engineers, class
warmongers, religious idealists and feminist revolutionaries who
want to destroy the power-base of patriarchal society.
Here's an example of how RAINS works to allow the lies to gain momentum.
will see in the images below an article advocating the existence of
Satanic Ritual Abuse by Psychiatrist Joan Coleman, head of RAINS.
The article was published in an on-line magazine called Namaste. It
normally concerns itself with a wide range of conspiracy theory
nonsense. Just the type of magazine which would coalesce and enthuse
anyone who wanted to make hysterical allegations about Westminster
In 2010 and 2011 the editor of Namaste, Carl Sims, got involved in the Holly Greig myth
where a teenage Down's Syndrome girl became the centre of allegations
that she was being systematically sexually abused in a paedophile ring
in Aberdeen. The people involved in these wild allegations
were very similar in psychology to the ones who perpetrated the
Hampstead SRA hoax in 2015. The allegations fell to pieces under
their own weight after many months, though there are still claims about
it being true on the internet today.
Sims was involved at the heart of them by organising a support group for
Holly Greig. In 2011, presumably in relation to the Holly Greig
allegations, Sims re-published a long article written by Joan Coleman on
Satanic Ritual Abuse which basically repudiates all the cases over the
past 30 years which were found to be false; and insists they were real
cases of SRA. Against all reality Coleman also refutes all
the government and judicial inquiries as well as any academic or
specialist who disagrees with the idea of SRA. To give you an
insight into what this long article (which has been reproduced in many
other places ) promulgates in respect of the Westminster VIP paedo ring myth we have reproduced these extracts:
Recent History - Part 1
Dr Joan Coleman
frequent claims that there
has never been any evidence
of satanic crime and that no
cases have been convicted, this
is far from the truth. This article
was compiled in 1998 since
then, there is less scepticism and
more organisations supporting
therapists and survivors.
Even though in the 1990s the (DoH) Department of Health
in England released a dimissive
book entitled Speak of the
Devil: Tales of Satanic Abuse in
Contempory England published in
1998 by Cambride University Press
in an attempt to undermine and
quash any belief in the existence
of ritual abuse. Ritual abuse
has been going on for centuries.
Shockingly though it may
seem, it has been reported that
many prominent and influential
people are involved in such
survivors have provided names
of abusers. Often they have clear
and consistent memories to back
these claims. Some of these are prominent
in their professions. The disclosure
of these names could be an
embarrassment to any government
and it is infinitely more convenient
to deny the existence of such
......Some courageous
journalists such as Tim Tate,
Bea Campbell, Sarah Nelson and
Jean Rafferty have tried to expose
ritual abuse, but they are a minority. ........
here we have Coleman, in at the start of the 1990 Satan Scare
trafficking with internet loonies and inferring that their is some
substance to their manic belief that people in powerful places who
control our society are part of a paedophile network. Presumably
anyone who reads this and asks for more proof will be sent the RAINS Satanic Abuse VIP Suspects List?
Note well her acknowledgement of Tim Tate, Beatrix Campbell, Sarah Nelson etc.
The article then goes on to include a Satanic Festival Dates calendar
(completely and utterly fictitious as it was complied by American
fundamentalists to be able to designate any crime as a Satanic crime)
and libelously defames a dozen or so academics, who have in the past
ridiculed the idea of Satanic Ritual Abuse.
Read about the Gang of Five who have spent 30 years perpetuating a myth.
Tim Tate, the SRA lobby's friend in the Media
If you needed any more evidence that the people who invented and
promoted the Satanic Ritual Child Abuse Myth are the same people on
the Westminster VIP paedophile bandwagon all you need do is check out Tim Tate's
latest blog on the issue here
where he once again assumes the moral high-ground, attacks Exaro News
for being tabloid.
Whilst blethering on about the need for higher
standards in
journalism he omits to mention his pivotal role in first promoting the
idea of SRA to the nation in the Cook Report's tabloidesque 'The Devil's Work' Tate was the researcher-producer
for the Cook Report's discredited special on Satanic Ritual Abuse (The
Devil's Work) which basically started the scare in July 1989. Tate
has probably done more in the past 30 years to promote the idea of
SRA than any other in his clique. He works with RAINS people,
has lectured with them on SRA, has written a book on SRA and has a track-record of supporting some
dubious SRA believers. Such as Diane Core the head of
Childwatch who helped Geoffrey Dickens with his campaign and claimed
that 4,000 children a year were being sacrifice to Satan!
Is Tate still chatting to the police?
One would have thought that after that farce and the failure of his
programme and book to prove the existence of SRA in 1989 that Tate might
not have been the first person the police would turn to for insider
information but In his blog recently he clearly stated that
as late as 2013/14 he was meeting
with and had input into Operation Fairbank/Fernbridge.
you did hear that aright.
The media man who first 'broke' the
Satanic Ritual Child Abuse scare in the U.K.,
Whose own book on the
subject was withdrawn and pulped for libelous inaccuracies,
Whose twenty
claimed cases of SRA in the Cook Report all failed,
Who trafficked with extremist Christian fundamentalist agitators
Who worked with, and lectured at RAINS
Satan Seminars, leaders of which compiled the
RAINS Satanic Abuse VIP Suspects Listshown here
Who regularly writes for Needleblog, the counterpart to ExaroNews which obsesses about
Westminster VIP paedophiles and includes comments from many lunatic conspiracy theorists.....
still apparently being listened to by the
British police and talking to the policemen who are actually investigating the Elm
Guest House/Dolphin Square accusations!
Well I suppose the police have to take all points of view into consideration, but, you know what? They don't take ours!
So we've made it easy for the Met. They can read more about Tate's approach to Satanic Ritual Abuse here.
And lots about his discredited Cook Report programme, which, like St Peter, of late he has taken to thrice denying, here:
They can also see the background to why Tate's book aimed at 'proving' the existence of SRA titled 'Children for The Devil' was pulped after a libel trial here
And to give you and them the gist of his influence here's what Tate wrote in his own book:
On 17 July 1989 - prompted by the Cook Report programme
detailing evidence of a number of such cases - the NSPCC issued its
first public statement of the problem. (pp268)
course the NSPCC was heavily involved in the push to hoist SRA into the
nation's consciousness. It was the backing of the NSPCC and its
irresponsible publicity
mongering about SRA which gave the myth wings, creating one of the
biggest hoaxes in media history. Headlines appeared all over the nation
like the one on the right.
Tate worked with the NSPCC and the feministas in the social services who
were pushing the idea of
SRA in the Nottinghamshire Broxtowe case in which the first UK Satanic Ritual Abuse
claims were made. Tate included key Christian fundamentalist
extremists who had a sectarian axe to grind in his research,
of whom not only appeared in his Cook Report programme acting as victims but who
also handled the 'helplines' after the documentary was broadcast.
Tate wrote numerous articles for newspapers stating that SRA existed. He
produced other TV programs insisting that SRA existed. He appeared in
programs himself arguing for it like this one:
Ignoring Tate's slippery rhetoric, what one had of course, was not a
world-wide conspiracy of toddlers but a group of evangelistic social
workers forcing SRA motifs into the minds of children in their care. Or
as the Daily Mail put it when a secret copy of the JET report into the
Broxtowe case was leaked to them in June 1990:
"The report found that social workers used
'interrogation pressure' to make the children believe they had been
involved in satanic rites... the method was described as a 'typical
psychological ploy to induce confession' which actually worsened the
children's emotional upset....After three months of 'therapy' one girl
alleged acts of cannibalism and claimed to have seen seven murders. But
she later admitted fabricating the story under pressure..."
All the other scandalous failed cases of SRA were caused by
the same method of indoctrinating children with false memories. It
happened in Nottingham, in Rochdale, in Orkney, In Epping and elsewhere
but this didn't deter Tim Tate. When the owner of a bookshop
whom Tate had wrongly associated with SRA in his atrocious 'Devil's
Work' wrote to him on 11th March 1991, following the collapse of the
Rochdale Satanic Ritual Abuse case in which social workers were found to
have been guilty of putting lies into the mouths of children in their
care, Tate was as adamant as ever...
"You ask if I am still happy with the term 'Satanic
Ritual Abuse'. The answer is yes: for your enlightenment I refer you to
my letter in the Guardian of 22 February 1991 detailing six successful
prosecutions in Britain and to my forthcoming book 'Children for The
Devil' due to be published in August"
Well dear reader you can see what happened to Tate's 'six successful
prosecutions' in the review of his book by the New Statesman reproduced
in the rightmost column below - they all failed!
Tate liaised with RAINS to promote the existence of Satanic Ritual Abuse,
lectured at their satan seminars and has consistently refuted all the
government inquiries and reports on the issue, all of which have said
that he has it wrong. At the same time Tate has criticised anyone who questioned his evidence.
For instance, on September 24th 1994 in a letter to the Guardian Tate
insisted that the government's own report published that year (which had
concluded that SRA was a myth) actually contained evidence to support
his contentions. The following week the Guardian published a letter from
the author of the government report (Prof. Jean La Fontaine) correcting
Tate's interpretations of her work, adding that his conclusions were
David Aaronovitch has suffered similar treatment from Tate after
Aaronovitch broadcast his two-part BBC Radio4 Analysis programme
on the Westminster VIP
allegations. You can read about it here.
Tate has recently taken to distancing himself from the Cook Report's
'Devil's Work' ( which he himself organised ) and Aaronovitch didn't question him about it when he
interviewed him for Analysis. We challenged Aaronovitch
about this and he said:
Indeed, Tate has swerved before when dealing with
'insiders' in the media: The following passage is from a letter to a
third party about the Cook Report:
On 19th June 1990, Jean Ritchie (author of many books on crime
and the psychology of crime) wrote for information for a new
book she had been commissioned to write. This was how her letter
I initially made contact with Tim Tate (I
did not see the Cook Report, but had heard about it and was
referred by their office to Tim Tate.) He agreed to see me, and
gave me several names connected with two religions, paganism and
satanism. He explained to me that there had been a problem with
the programme, in that it did not differentiate between the two
When we challenged Tate directly about the 20 failed SRA cases in his Cook Report this is what happened:
Then he BLOCKED us to stop the conversation continuing!
SAFF information shows that Tate wasn't just the researcher for that ill-fated Cook Report,
it was almost entirely his bag, his idea, his research, he conceived
and constructed the programme and was there directing some of the filming.
Tate had worked with Cook for many years since Cook's 'Checkpoint' days
and even co-authored books on consumer rights with him.
An extract from a legal statement by Mr Chris Bray of the Sorcerer's Apprentice Bookshop whom Cook unfairly 'doorstepped' in The Devil's Work gives the gist of how Tate steered things:
But, as soon as the sergeant had disappeared the film-crew set up the
camera on a tripod on the pavement opposite the shop and appeared to be filming
through the upstairs windows using a powerful telephoto lens.......
If readers want to follow the frame-up of Mr Bray by the Cook Report and the lies they told about him then they can do so by going here:
What can you do with someone who spouts about high moral standards in
the press one minute and films fundamentalists saying they were present
at the sacrifice of a baby which had it's throat slit the next?
Particularly when that fundamentalist's accusations had already been
investigated by the police TWICE years beforehand and concluded there
was no case to answer!
Yes, dear reader, are we perhaps getting a sense of dejavu in all this?
But there is more to come....
The Feminist Connection: Information you will find nowhere else but here:
David Aaronovitch's Radio4 'Analysis' programme was broadcast in
July 2015 it showed that people like
RAINS were creating problems in child-care. Tim Tate was interviewed in
it, but never mentioned his belief in Satanic Ritual Abuse. Tate
didn't like the program's conclusions so replied with a broadside
invective in Needleblog questioning Aaronovitch's professionalism You can read about it here.
Almost syncroniously Sarah Nelson, another person who has
been involved campaigning to prove SRA for many years did the
Aaronovitch interviewed Nelson in his Analysis piece too but he also let
her off the hook when he did not mention her appearance at the 1996 RAINS Warwick Satan Seminar
in which, to an invited audience of believers in SRA, she delivered a
paper which basically redefined all forms of mental illness including
depression and other common syndromes as indications of Satanic Ritual
Using unproven guesstimates like these:
"Suppose 5% of the adult population over 16 have a
childhood history of sexual abuse. Suppose only one in ten of these
abused people experienced SRA. In the adult greater Edinburgh population
of about 333,000, more than 1650 people would have been involved in
Astonishingly, Nelson has now become something of a child protection
celebrity in Edinburgh University and apparently advises the Scottish
Executive. Her lecture above was rounded out for Edinburgh University's School of Social and Political Studies in
1997 (Working Paper No 10) and is presumably being taught to
wet-behind-the-ears students there today. Cue another generation
of Satan Hunters.
In 2008 Nelson contributed another essay
(The Orkney “Satanic Abuse Case:” Who Cared About
the Children?) in support of the hopeless and
embarrassing-for-the-authorities Orkney SRA blunder ( Pub. Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-First
Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social, and Political
Considerations) Does Nelson REALLY maintain
that the Orkney children (now adults) who recently lambasted the social
workers who stole them from their parents and cynically forced them to
'confess' to being SRA victims when they weren't, owe a debt to
social work for it's help? If anything shows that SRA hunters live
in a parallel universe this is it. We now have the unedifying scene where victims of Scottish Child Care are suing the government for persecuting them whilst
at the same time the Scottish Education funding cliques
of SRA believers who are entrenching the same lies which actually caused
the Orkney and Lewis and Ayrshire false SRA cases!
Note that alongside Sara Nelson's essay the book Ritual Abuse in the 21st Century includes chapters from Sandra Buck, Graham Galton, and Carole Mallard.
Mallard is a retired ex Met policewoman who was given the job of
researching into SRA for the Met Obscene Publications Dept in
1991. The SAFF wrote to Mallard several times in 1991-1992
offering our valuable research to her for free, but she deigned never to
There is another key SRA/RAINS player who contributed a chapter to Ritual Abuse in the 21st Century ; the inimitable fundie SRA hunter, Ellen Lacter (see here)
who also believes in CIA MK Ultra mind-control. All of these
people have been involved in recycling unproven SRA allegations since
the early 1990s.
A CHILD'S SKULL HAS BEEN FOUND! The Jersey Satanic Ritual Abuse Case: Lenny Harper, Sarah Nelson and the Satan Hunters of Haut de la Garenne.
2008 was a busy year for believers in Satanic Ritual Abuse. Late
in 2007 Deputy Jersey Police chief Lenny Harper had inaugurated an
investigation into allegations of mass child abuse at the Haut de La Garenne childrens' home in Jersey.
By early 2008 a succession of sensational 'finds' had occurred including 'torture chambers', metal 'restraint' cuffs, underground cells, 'immersion baths' and, most heinous of all, in February 2008 the now infamous 'child's skull', reported in sensational terms by the hysterical British Media ( see Guardian report above right)
a week or so later on 4th March 2008 Sarah Nelson pro-actively
contacted Lenny Harper to offer her 'expertise' on Ritual Abuse.
She gave him further suggestions as to where he might look for
'evidence' of it in the case, including trawling psychiatric hospitals
for 'victims'.
In a follow up email on 21st May, Nelson provided Harper with
biased, misleading and pejorative information about a number of
highly-regarded journalists who had at one time or another published
articles denying the existence of Ritualised Abuse.
Nelson took it upon herself to blacken the work of these top-level
journalists and denigrate their hunt for the truth. In the process she
encouraged Harper in his suspicions that ritual abuse had occurred at Haut de la Garenne.
Amongst other things she stated that
'Richard Webster, author and Bob Woffinden
investigative journalist are very well known apologists for accused
adults who have spent many years rubbishing allegations of sexual abuse
and accusing adult survivors of doing it for the money and of being
criminals and psychiatric cases.' ....
Nelson then went on to accuse Bob Woffinden of orchestrating personal attacks on herself in Private Eye magazine.
Not content with this litany of bias, she then criticised award winning
journalist David Rose for 'specialising in claiming that allegations are
witch-hunts and moral panics'.
What Nelson did not do was admit that the writings of these people had
been tested and found truthful and factual in every instance.
In writing to Harper was it Nelson's intention to focus his
mind on the conspiracy of ritual and satanic abuse which she believes
exists and to devalue the work and opinions of those who have found that
it is all a myth? Well yes. This is how she put it:
'Webster and Woffinden are part of what we
would call the 'flying circus' who go round every single case trying to
rubbish it or appear as so-called expert witnesses."
The Haut de la Garennecase
had quickly turned into another phantom sex abuse scandal. It was
initially seized upon by the usual players in the Child-Scare-industry
and hyped for all it was worth as being THE case which would vindicate
their 25 year failed accusations. When the hysteria died
down, the lack of hard evidence brought into question the
professionalism of the police running the investigation and, as always
happens, the battle lines were then drawn in a PR war between those
whose had believed and those who saw that it was all bunkum.
We at the SAFF have seen this procedure played out in every single case
in which allegations of ritual or satanic abuse have featured over the
past 30 years. They all descend into a vehicle to protect the initial
mistakes made by professionals who inaugurated the case. To do
that they have to insist, against all realities, that the first (false)
claims of Satanic or Ritual Abuse were true, but, as time and our detailed expose of the Haut de la Garenne case here shows, it was just another false case of SRA
There is no doubt that Lenny Harper considered Nelson's 'input'
because he quoted her in his long affidavit for the subsequent Jersey
Inquiry which heavily criticised the way he handled the HDLG case.
However the main point we are making is this. Harper was an
accomplished and experienced policeman. His investigation into HDLG
should have been on the simple facts, but here we are at the start of
the case, finding Nelson, with her career-long history of links with
RAINS and other key believers in Satanic Ritual Abuse, trying to
influence and offer 'expert' support to a policeman under pressure to
confirm a belief in Satanic Ritual Abuse. Here you see this
normally hidden process working in all its clarity.
'believers' brook absolutely no opposition and so after the Analysis programme
Sarah Nelson put in a complaint to the BBC and also published a scathing
attack on Aaronovitch - also on Needleblog ( Needleblog is perhaps the
most-read on-line news service for believers in and contributors to the Westminster VIP paedophile ring myth).
Within days another feminist from their stable also made a complaint to the BBC and published an
attack on David Aaronovitch on the Open Democracy website. This was Beatrix
Campbell. A 30 year supporter of the idea of Satanic Abuse and colleague
of Tim Tate and Sarah Nelson. Beatrix Campbell's support
for the existence of SRA has been extensive over the years, including TV
documentaries, appearing on discussion shows, writing articles on the 'reality' of SRA. In
particular she believes the radical feminist idea that a patriarchal
society is inherently abusive to children and that the police and courts
are there to hush it up.
Campbell's background:
Campbell was heavily involved in the leading-edge feminist group CAUSE, a campaigning
group set up to support the social workers and doctors who caused the dawn-lifts of 130 children beginning February 1987
Cleveland scandal . CAUSE fought the conclusions of the public
inquiry which found the witch-hunting methods of the key doctors who
diagnosed the abuse [Wynne and Marietta Higgs] at fault. The full
story of the Cleveland push by these radical feminists to 'expose' what
they hoped would be multiple instances of child-abuse hidden by the
State, is explained here.
The accused parents were entirely innocent and the children were quickly
returned. Butler-Sloss's report condemning the whole farago and
blaming campaigning social workers was published in 1988. It was the
first big blunder by the Child-Abuse-Industry and all the headline
grabbers closed ranks to protect those involved. The following
image is a teletext of a newspaper article from June 1988 indicating
that Geoffrey Dickens MP and Dianne Core of Childwatch (one of
the key SRA accusers in the later SRA myth) were already 'on message'
supporting CAUSE long before actual SRA cases had been announced.
but in the
intervening year Campbell's focus had moved
In September 1987, eight months after Cleveland, Tim Tate was first introduced to the idea that a
global network of Satanists were abusing and killing children. He was
sent material from the U.S. where the myth had been
The very next month (October 1987) Seven Children from the Broxtowe
council estate in Nottingham were taken into care and had been found to
have suffered the worst instance of multi-generational abuse ever
uncovered in Britain. There was no argument over the fact that these
children had been abused, but once the kids were in care in the course
of their investigations social workers from what later came to be known
as 'Team 4' who were overseeing the case began to allege that they had
uncovered the first case of Satanic Ritual Abuse in the U.K.
Amongst the other influential child abuse campaigners who were involved
in the Broxtowe case was Ray Wyre, an ex-baptist minister who ran the
Gracewell Clinic in Birmingham where abusive priests were
'rehabilitated'. He became a key figure in allegations of Satanic Ritual
Abuse and not only appeared in Tate's Cook Report but was there
handling the help-lines afterwards.
Wyre studied child abuse in the U.S. in 1984 and had obtained
information from there on Satanic Abuse. As soon as the social
workers in Team 4 'discovered' what they thought were satanic motifs in
the Broxtowe case (that is, had worked them-up with campaigning
Christian Foster parents by implanting ideas into the minds of kids in
their care) Wyre was called in as an 'expert' and gave them
information on SRA. Of course what Wyre was doing, was simply importing sectarian propaganda from the fundie
circuit in the U.S. Wyre was one of the talking-heads who gave
interviews confirming the existence of SRA to national newspapers
telling the public that SRA existed. Quotes from him are peppered
through articles published during that period. On the Cook Report
actually said:
"What's clear is that there is an assumption right through which leads eventually to the killing of the child"
Even though there had never and has never been ANY instance in 30 years of a Satanist killing a child.
Geoffrey Dickens MP (doyenne of today's Westminster VIP paedophile
ring accusers) jumped on the SRA
bandwagon at this time. Lots of articles then include quotes from him
and Wyre opining about SRA. That Dickens was closely following the
Broxtowe case was
shown when even though sub-judicae he slipped and mentioned it on the
James Whale show prior to
the case coming to court. His aide-de-camp Dianne Core was also
clued-in. She consistently appeared in the media at that time making all
manner of sensational allegations and providing Dickens with a
'dossier' on SRA. She appeared in her local newspaper warning
about SRA over 300 (three hundred) times during that year. But
once the press began demanding proof of her allegations she stopped
making them and has disappeared from the scene ever since. At that time
though she was so involved that Tim Tate 'retained' her as an advisor on the Cook Report.
Tim Tate was heavily involved in the Broxtowe case during its development and his book Children for the Devil was complied from his voluminous research into it.
So was Beatrix Campbell. In fact Campbell was so closely involved
that after Judith Dawson ,the social worker who was the head of Team 4, left
the employ of Notts Social Services after the Joint Enquiry Team report ; she also left her husband,
eloped with Campbell and they set up home together in Newcastle.
This information may put a completely different complexion on the Channel4 Despatches special called 'Listen To The Children'
which Campbell produced and appeared in during October 1990. It had no new evidence
yet reiterated the Team 4 take on the Broxtowe case. To those in the know it appeared to be
simply a propaganda exercise to defend the conclusions of Team 4. You can see clips from the programme on the SAFFutube channel here:
programme arrived at just the right time for believers in SRA because
their crusading zeal had been severely truncated following the horrendous
mistakes made in Rochdale in March 1990 where 17 children were abducted
by the local social work department in dawn-lifts following allegations
of SRA and the bubble broke. Most people in the U.K. now began to see that there was a serious
problem with these manic SRA allegations. In 1991 Lord
Justice Brown pronounced the Rochdale case false.
The JET report concluded incontrovertibly that there was no Satanic
context to any of the abuses in the Broxtowe case but various leaks
the press and supportive articles in social work magazines and the so
called 'quality' newspapers of the chattering classes, meant that
before the JET report was finalised thousands of people wrongly believed
that the Broxtowe case included Satanic Abuse when it did not.
When the government's definitive report on the 1990 SRA accusations was published and found that there was no SRA in any of the cases Satan Hunters had earmarked, the
child-abuse-industry went onto the attack. The Independent
exemplified the bias of the liberal-elite throughout the SRA allegations
by carrying an utterly prejudiced and unfairly written article by
Campbell 'Where Satan Goes Unseen' viciously attacking the author
of the report (Jean La Fontaine), outrageously infering that she was part of a
paedophile cover-up and quoting her own lover Judith Dawson to back herself up :
"Yet there has been remarkably little curiosity about this crusade to
stifle professional debate. Judith Dawson is the child protection
consultant who was involved in Britain's first satanic abuse case in
Nottingham, which, despite its success in the courts in 1989, has been
the object of a critical crusade. She says: 'Never in my career have I
been subjected to such an organised and personal campaign of
disinformation and discrediting, by occult groups, supported by
advocates of paedophilia, and given authority by academics who are so
disrespectful of carers and specialists struggling with this problem."
There was of course no SRA case in Nottingham and the misrepresentation
of the Broxtowe case as being 'successful' hijacked the good work the
police did in bringing family abusers to court and misrepresents it as
proof of SRA. Duplicitous indeed. The 'occult groups'
in the quotation is actually referring to us! The
SAFF. We are not satanists and we are not an occult 'group' but
the inverted rhetoric of Satan Hunters regularly accuses anyone who
questions their evidence of being either paedophiles or Satanists.
how Campbell is still insisting, after the JET report said otherwise
that Broxtowe was a case of SRA and that it was a successful case proven
in the courts. What she meant of course was that the trial was
successful in prosecuting abusers - only she and her ilk misinterprets
them as Satanic to people who are ignorant of the facts. The trial
certainly did not confirm the existence of Satanism in the case, which
is what she is leading the readers of the Independent to conclude.
Judith Dawson and Beatrix Campbell resurfaced a little time later when
two innocent nursery nurses were wrongly persecuted and accused of abuse
in Newcastle. See background here.
Beatrix Campbell and Tom Watson MP
What a surprise then to see that, when the tide turned against 'believers' in the Westminster VIP paedophile ring in October 2015 and
journalists began critically questioning Tom Watson MP about possible political
interference in police investigations overthe allegations, it was none other than Beatrix Campbell who jumped on the bandwagon to defend
Watson's statements and actions. On Andrew Neill's 'This Week' discussion show:
which may indicate that Beatrix was already in contact with Watson and
lending a hand.
She was also given an unprecedented
opportunity to defend Watson on BBC News. In both instances there was no
mention of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse which both RAINS and Campbell still insist
But just five days later Watson was called to explain his actions in front of the Commons Home Affairs Committee
and suddenly was less bullish. At last he bowed to the inevitable
and officially apologised to Leon Brittan's widow for calling her
dying husband
"As close to evil as any man can get".
when there was no evidence to suggest he had done anything wrong. Disappointingly Watson tried to squirm out of a full apology by blaming the quote on a 'survivor' who had said it to him! Of course the fact that ALL of the many serious allegations about the Westminster VIP paedophile ring which
Watson had made in the media over the past year were from self-styled
survivors whose words and allegations which he repeated without
apparently ever bothering to check or challenge, seemed lost on the
crusading Labour MP. In a bid to protect himself Watson had in fact
brought into question all of the survivors' stories he used to
smear the Tories in the lead up to the general election.
So much for Beatrix Campbell's efforts to justify Watson's statements and actions.
Campbell's influence in the uber-feminist world is undoubted but her
actions and effects in the allegations of Satanic Abuse are not so well
known. The SAFF outlined some of them here:
The Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth and the Westminster VIP paedophile ring
myth will never go away because after 30 years of them conspiring to
create it there is now a very large caucus of believers within social
work and the social sciences. All of these people have now enmeshed
their careers with this new industry of SRA victimhood. The
government should have seized the opportunity to discredit these people
professionally in 1994 when their definitive report came out but instead
the weakness of the liberal-elite allowed them to work unhindred behind
the scenes. Actually gave them grants and money to do it. Now the
weight of their demands and their interference is so great it is not
now possible for them to be erradicated from modern society.
Their propaganda is irreversible and has in fact won the war. It
will continue to infect our society for decades.
But is that a surprise? Don't we all still remember today
that Herod ordered the slaughter of all children in Bethlehem?
The truth is that these campaigners have spent 30 years hunting down
supposedly abusing satanists and found nothing. Their activity and
propaganda in the media is frequent and influential. Their advocacy has
convinced millions of people across the world. Hundreds of
thousands of feminists and social workers, thousands of doctors and
teachers, hundreds of policemen and thousands of Christian
fundamentalists across the world have been on the lookout for any slight
instance of Satanic Ritual Abuse FOR THIRTY YEARS. During this
period we have had childrens' home abuse, paedophile ring abuse,
celebrity abuse, Asian gangs abuse, trafficked sex-slaves abuse and have also
uncovered the most extensive network of thousands of abusing priests - yet there has not been even ONE case in thirty years where RAINS' SRA allegations have come true or been substantiated.
And could it be that the thing which
is most responsible for creating this quagmire is not the ideology of
the crusading feminists, or the crusading fundamentalists, or the
crusading media, or the crusading child charities but the simple fact
that IT PAYS. Money on the backs of other peoples'
suffering. That is certainly the case in the instance of
ambulance-chasing lawyers who help historical abuse victims' get
compensation yet whose disbursement bills are larger than what the
victim gets. And those conference lecturers who speak on SRA (going to
listen to their rot can set you back £400.00 pounds a day.)
As the SAFF has pointed out many times before. The only thing which will
stop these people from expanding their empire is the removal of
professional indemnity for malpractice by Hospitals, professional
associations and unions. If each one of these troublemakers were
legally accountable there would be some rationality. As it is they can
do and say almost anything they like; create a scandal which ruins the
lives of others and are never brought to book over it. If they are
brought to court their costs and damage payments are covered by the
indemnities. They pay nothing themselves. Ten years down the line
the Hospital or Council they worked for pays YOUR money over to the
victims in damages, further denuding strapped-for-cash authorities.
Those who perpetrate the damage just move on to cause more trouble;
because they can. Those who campaign to bring Satanists to account
are themselves unaccountable.
By Tony Rhodes and John Freedom: Samhain 2015
"Pathological lying, also called pseudologia fantastica and mythomania, and closely related to compulsive lying, was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck. Pathological lying has been defined as "falsification entirely
disproportionate to any discernible end in view. It may be extensive and
very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a
The individual may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are
telling the truth, being unaware that they are relating fantasies." Wikipedia
STOP PRESS: The latest surprise in the continuing conspiracy to undermine our
democracy occurred before we had chance to finish this article: Here it
The farce continues as the British People suck it in: Watch this space!
Tim Tate and The Paedophile Information Exchange List
A few days after this SAFF webpage on Panorama was
published Tim Tate added to his personal Blog his most powerful evidence
yet to convince observers (and his loyal supporters in the conspiracy theory melee) of the existence
of a ring of abusers within Westminster.
Switching from his recent
childish obsession in trying to discredit David Aaronovitch's
professionalism he at last, most probably in response to the SAFF's
complaints about his trafficking with the police (above) , begins to
justify his 30 year stance with news that he had secret information on
PIE going back to 1987.
The first question to ask of course is "Why didn't he reveal this earlier?"
And the second is;
"If he knew all this in 1987 why did he spend the next 20 years chasing mythical Satanic abusers?"
To the outsider Tate's detailed rendition of The PIE list appears
convincing and , at last, concrete evidence of the fact that the
authorities turned a blind eye to child-abuse. Yet observers may not be
as experienced in detecting Tate's slick misdirections, learned from his years demonising people
on the Cook Report.
(1) PIE existed: Nobody is desputing that an organisation
called PIE (The Paedophile Information Exchange) existed, nor that some
of those involved in it were close to the Westminster Clique - we
underlined as much in our timeline of Geoffrey Dickens campaign to
highlight it in our webpage here.
Nor do we disagree that in those far-off days child-protection was not
considered a priority by police or politicians. The law itself
which Tate assiduously avoids a discussion about, was highly
ambivalent. It was not a great crime then to possess child
pornography, but it was illegal to be involved in the abuse which
produced and distributed it. Indeed with the advent of the
distribution of kiddie-porn on the Internet the government updated
the Criminal Justice Act 1988 to make it illegal to possess child
pornography as well as produce it.
The distinction between production and possession was difficult to
prove unless the perpetrator was actually in the pictures. This is why,
in his open response to Dickens' formal questions to the Home Office
about Sir Peter Hayman's possession of child-pornography Leon Brittan wrote on
20th March 1984:
"I should explain that, whilst the importation of indecent or obscene
articles is prohibited, a criminal offence only arises when there is a
deliberate attempt to evade prohibition. Customs and Excise policy with
regard to cases such as those involving indecent or obscene articles
depicting children in sexual situations is to institute criminal
proceedings where there is sufficient evidence. There have been at
least six such prosecutions in 1983 all successful, some of which were
against people in responsible positions. If, however, there is not
sufficient evidence, they confine their actions to seizure of the
articles concerned. That most often is the case with postal
Importation; simply to be the addressee of a postal package is not
evidence of an offence. This is what happened in the case
referred to by your correspondent where customs seized and destroyed
the photographs and slides but did not have the necessary evidence to
Undoubtedly people who today would have been sent to prison then
weren't. But ignoring the actions of people working under the
unenlightened prespective of those days is a recipe for confusion and
(2) PIE was not a secret organisation: Despite Tate's intrigue
PIE was not an elite secret organisation hiding away in the shadows.
Tate fails to mention that it was overtly political and made attempts to
get the homosexual age of consent in line with the age of consent for
heterosexuals. At the time liberal-elite politicians from
all sides (and yes, probably many of them were homosexuals) gave PIE
credence. Certainly one leftist London Borough gave them funding
and lesser politicians, including some women were supportive of some of
their intentions.
Of course at the time many other politicians disagreed with what PIE was
doing including Barbara Castle. During PIE's hayday in the early
1980s she claimed that she knew of 16 politicians who were
'sympathetic to the Paedophile Information Exchange
(PIE)'. source
Today of course the word 'sympathetic' would be seen as dynamite and
to be evidence of involvement in paedophillia ( indeed that was what
happened as you can see by the link) , but in the early 1980s it
meant 'politically supportive'. Even the word Paedophile did
not have the dastardly connotations of today but rather was defined as a
little known psychological syndrome; which is why a clique of
homosexuals with paedophilic tendencies chose the name for their
pressure group.
In 1983 Geoffrey Dickens threatened to 'name names' connected with PIE and said:
'eight public figures were on his list of shame and one of them had been a personal friend'
Presumably referring to someone he knew from Parliament. Today
this is taken to be evidence that MPs were actually abusing children but
as we have pointed out some members of the liberal-elite supported the
attempt by PIE to reduce the age of consent for gay sex to that of
heterosexual sex. Bound up in PIE was a push for equal homosexual
Were some politicians of the time gay? YES of course.
Did they hide their homosexuality and have clandestine sex?
Yes; because for years before the legalisation of homosexuality casual,
secret, anonymous, no-questions-asked sex was the only way they could
follow their natural proclivities.
Does being a homosexual mean you have an urge to sexually abuse children?
Obviously not.
So of what does the PIE list actually consist? How many of the
people on it were users of child pornography or abusers of children and
how many were homosexuals wanting equal rights?
(3) How reliable is the PIE list:
Tate's inferences are multitudinous. He writes:
There are no recognizable politicians’ names on the list.
Is he claiming that politicians ARE on the list but were using
Tate goes on to state that spy Geoffrey Prime who was
'rumoured to be a member of PIE' was not on the list. Was Prime then a member at
all? Is Tate suggesting that the absence of his name is proof that he is on the
list? If not why mention Prime?
Is Tate saying Prime used a
pseudonym or is Tate admitting that the list is unreliable?
Firstly we
are lead to believe that many of the names are pseudonyms; then that some are real
names; then Tate says no politicians names are included and, most strange of
all, that Sir Peter Hayman's name ( who we know from the October 1980
Old Bailey committal proceedings WAS a member of PIE ) was not on the original PIE list but written onto it afterwards.
You will see from SAFF research here
that in relation to PIE Hayman used the pseudonym R Henderson.
Was R Henderson on the original list?
Tate explains that the
original list had 1,000 names but that:
The original full register was, in those pre-computer days, cut up
and parceled to several police forces. This remaining list – the only
one, to my knowledge, still in existence – is the result of that
makes Scotland Yard look like fools. They may not have had
computers Tim, but they certainly had photo-copiers in almost every
office. Is Tate really suggesting that the police cut up the original
PIE membership list (crucial evidence) and pasted it on paper to suit
the geographic needs of various police forces? Absurd. A
photocopy of the original list may have been distributed and local
police forces may have cut and pasted those addresses under their
jurisdiction. Tate obviously has access to one of those.
mentions none of this, though he does admit that " Four of the members
were women.". He has the list in front of him yet what he doesn't do is
tell us whether any of these women were known politicians.
Tate also acknowledges that because of the 'public' nature of PIE other
people were on the membership list who weren't paedophiles.
"There are three University academics, two in the UK: one, Ken Plummer of Essex University, said last year that he had only joined PIE to facilitate his research. "
Now it is not the SAFF's job to protect or apologise for
paedophiles. Anyone abusing children is a pariah who should be
prosecuted and sent to prison. What we are attempting to do is to show
how Scare Illogic works in producing apocryphal rumour and contort the
(3) PIE was first exposed by Private Eye in 1980: Tate
writes about his list in whodunit style as though he was instrumental in
exposing something secret but as our timeline here shows the PIE + Hayman scandal was exposed to public scruitiny by Private Eye magazine in November 1980.
The public knew all about PIE in 1980. By the time Tate became
involved, six years later, the controversy had abated.
As usual Tates makes a meal of interpreting facts to suit himself.
Watch this space!
The Hidden Political intentions you Need to Know
The SAFF has for decades maintained that the child-scare lobby invented
mass-cases of child abuse, including allegations of Satanic Ritual Abuse
to suit it's own purposes which were to hi-jack the media and use it
for propaganda purposes to restructure society along radical feminist
lines, break patriarchal strongholds within it, bring down the political
right-wing, disenfranchise parents and impose a state-parent mentality
on the courts and government.
The 1988 Cleveland Scandal was in fact the first shots in an
intellectual revolution following on from the failure of the Miner's
Strike in 1984 and encapsulated a hatred for everyone in the Tory
Government which brought the unions to their knees. This can clearly be
seen in the constant left wing derision of Thatcher as a 'stealer of milk from children' and
the more recent allegations of child sex abuse aimed at most of the
people in her cabinet and the Tory party of the time, dead or
Or how feminists plan to create a scare which brands all male
as rapists to bring down a patriarchal government
Otherwise known as the Westminster Paedo Allegations:
With the added frisson of the truth about why Butler-Sloss was hounded
out of the Government Child Abuse Inquiry.
Following the publication of the Cleveland Butler Sloss report in 1988,
public meetings were held which included journalist Beatrix Campbell and
the disgraced professionals. Campbell had taken a stand of supporting
the professionals early on in the scandal in 1987. Rallying to their
cause, she had monitored the inquiry and published the first edition of
her book Unofficial Secrets on publication of the report ( which
basically attempted to repudiate the entire inquiry.)
As a feminist Marxist who frequently wrote for the Guardian, Campbell
was an influential propagandist with a large following among
left-leaning welfare professionals. Her platform throughout the
Cleveland saga and beyond, was not the traditional class warfare but the
new politics of gender. This became translated into a theory where men
were substituted for the capitalist ruling class as the oppressors with
women and children their captives. In this world vision sexual abuse was
posited as a universal means of control of women and children (with
boys as well as girls abused by their fathers as a method of induction
into patriarchy).
This perversion of dogma was not new. It had begun in the 1970s and
became closely aligned with what would come to be known as "repressed
memory" theory. This methodology of abuse "disclosure" became linked
with the family dysfunction model of child sexual abuse that had taken
root in the UK in the early 1980s at Great Ormond St Hospital, the
Tavistock Clinic and the NSPCC.
It can also be seen in the recent hail of abuse and condemnation of
Baroness Butler-Sloss after she was offered the job of running the
government's child abuse Inquiry. Why so vehement? Because Butler-Sloss was the judge who oversaw the 1988 Cleveland Inquiry which
found that there was no child abuse in any of the cases and that a
coterie of feminist activists combined with crusading paediatricians who
had invented a trick method of 'detecting abuse'.
Much like
a Rorschach inkblot test, they checked the shape of the anal
sphinctres of children who came to them with other problems when there
was no other evidence of abuse, and pronounced over 130 of them
positive! This lead to the first ever mass-lifts of children from their
(innocent) families.
A Birmingham doctor who claims Satanism is rife in Britain has vowed to
carry on treating patients despite a General Medical Council ban.
Dr Jim Phillips who runs a controversial project for victims of child
sex abuse, plans to move his clinic to Hertfordshire to make new start.
The GP was suspended from practice by the GMC last Thursday, days
before the screening of a televison documentary in which he claimed one
in ten Britons was a Satanist.
Dr Phillips alleges at least one member of the Royal Family and a
former prime minister are active devil-worshippers, along wth half the
Conservative Party, Cabinet members and 20 percent of the police force.
Yesterday Dr Phillips said: "There is one great big conspiracy of
corruption against me but I am not going to be beaten. "Members of my group here are dedicated to the work I do and several
have promised to move south with me."
The doctor, who lives in a one-room flat above his surgery in Bristol
Road South, Northfield, set up the Jupiter Trust in 1989 to treat adult
victims of sexual and satanic ritual abuse.
His clientelle is largely
made up of vulnerable young runaways with histories of severe mental
illness, crime and drug addiction.
Most joined the therapy programme
after visiting his NHS surgery.
Multiple Personality Disorder diagnoses 100 people in one Body
Dr Phillips claims his patients are all
suffering from multiple personality disorder, a condition unrecognised
by medical authorities in Britain.
He believes the trauma of abuse causes separate identities to be
created within an individual, with up to 100 different personalities in
a severly disturbed patient.
Through group counselling and hypnotherapy
sessions, he claims patients can gradually cast off their adverse
identities to be left with their 'virgin'unspoiled self.
He alleges at least half a dozen schizophrenic and psychopathic
patients of the 350 who have passed through his clinic have been cured.
The doctor admits many of his patients do not realise they have been
sexually or physically abused until he tells them.
30 Minute Questionnaire Finds SRA from Dreams
He claims he can
make the diagnosis within 30 minutes by studying their responses to two
questionnaires and asking them about the contents of their dreams.
References to fire, water, crucifixes and witchcraft indicate the
patient may have fallen prey to Satanic abuse.
The more ticks a patient
places on a questionnaire about their emotions the more seriously Dr
Phillips says they have been abused.
Patients Do Not Remember Abuse Before Phillips Diagnoses It.
"Some patients are shocked when I tell them they have been abused as
children, but they come to realise my diagnosis is correct" he said
Anyone With a Mental Illness Has Been Abused
"If my theory is right, anyone with mental illness has suffered abuse
as a child."
Dr Phillips underwent psychiatric treatment himself after attempting
suicide twice in the last year.
He funds the Jupiter Trust himself
making no charge for therapy, and says he is close to bankruptcy.
He plans to appeal against his suspension. A locum is currently running
his 1400 patient NHS surgery.
Source: Birmingham Post, 18 July 1993
The venom of the long distance Satanic Accuser?
SAFF experience shows that believers in SRA
can become exceedingly bitter when challenged. There have
been instances when Tate has remonstrated with
his fellow journalists. His professional pique at Mark Watts at
Exaro News being the latest example here .
One of the first journalists to question the SRA myth in 1989 was Rosie Waterhouse, now
professor of journalism at the LSE. Her work over the years in
puncturing the SRA lies involved querying a lot of Tate's conclusions
and there followed a number of clashes in print. Tate's book 'Children for the Devil'
was compiled from the research he did into SRA for the Cook Report and as he
was at the centre of the cyclone everyone expected to find incontrovertible proof of his SRA allegations in there.
Unfortunately the book was ill-conceived and ill-fated. It met a hail of derision and was eventually pulped because of libelous inaccuracies
Ms Waterhouse's review of Tate's 'Children for The Devil' in the New Statesmen undermines his research and reveals that many of Tate's SRA allegations are suspect. We reprint it here:
Witch Hunt:
Children for the Devil: Ritual
Abuse and Satanic Crime: Tim Tate (Methuen, 16.99)
By Rosie Waterhouse
September 1987, Tim Tate, a journalist researching a book on child
pornography, was first introduced to the
notion that a worldwide network of Satanists was sexually abusing
children, breeding babies for sacrifice and sometimes eating them during
depraved black-magic rituals. He was sent literature from
the US, where stories were beginning to circulate that a phenomenon
called Satanic or ritual abuse ; was rife. Tate, then a
researcher for Central Television's Cook Report, began working on a
film and his next book.
Since then, the Satanic abuse scare has come to Britain. Tate's role in spreading it is not insignificant.
He was active behind the scenes, helping social workers in
Nottingham, where one of the earliest full scale panics began.
There have been other sensational investigations, most notably in
Rochdale and the Orkney Islands. But, so far, police have found no
evidence. Spelling it out on radio in March this year, Sir John
Woodcock, chief inspector of constabulary, said:
"Police have no
evidence of rituals or Satanic abuse inflicted on children anywhere
in England and Wales. A lot of well-intentioned hype has got out of
Tate's latest book, Children for the Devil, is
positively dangerous hype, which he is about to peddle on the
conference circuit to unsuspecting social workers and other
child-care professionals, frightened of remaining ignorant of a
supposed new form of child abuse.
Tate claims to have succeeded,
where police forces in the US, Canada, the Netherlands and Britain
have failed, in finding evidence of Satanic abuse. He claims it is
"abundant and convincing" and that it is revealed in his book.
There is not one shred of the physical, concrete, corroborative sort
of evidence that stands up in court. Apart from its historical
research, the book contains nothing new. It is largely a rehash of
The Devils Work, the Cook Report of two years ago that was criticised
by the Broadcasting Complaints Commission and panned by critics as "tabloid television".
Tate has been promising me for months
that the book would reveal six proven court cases of Satanic or
ritual abuse in Britain. I thought it would be worth reading for
these cases alone. But I was astonished to find that just eight pages were devoted to these potentially important revelations.
soon became obvious why. In each case, the police, prosecuting
lawyers or judge decided that the Satanism or rituals were a
pretence, "a mere trick", as Tate puts it, used by sex
offenders to frighten their victims into silence or submission. I'm
amazed that the publishers fell for it: eight pages that destroy his
own thesis.
Tate devotes much more space to the Nottingham affair: an
indisputably vile case of incest, in which ten adults were jailed
for sexually abusing 23 children from one extended family. He quotes
from ` the diaries written by their foster mothers, based on things
the children said. They were clearly describing unspeakable acts; but
these acts also appeared to have an occult context. But, as a
confidential report on the Nottingham case reveals, the children
began talking of witches, snakes, babies and blood only after they
were given such toys as witches' costumes, snakes, dolls and syringes
to play with during therapy with social workers from the NSPCC.
states that the children's stories were corroborated by three older
members of the family. Again, the Nottingham report said that two of
them retracted their stories, and that all three "have been found
to be lying in every respect that could actually be checked". According to the report, social workers had inadvertently led the
children into making disclosures with leading questions.
Tate is very
knowledgeable about historic witch hunts. At first sight, the research
is impressive, but he has been cunningly selective, especially
in his use of witness "evidence" gained through torture during
the witch trials of the 15th and 16th centuries. For instance, he
quotes from records showing that a rich Frenchman, Gilles de Rais,
admitted murdering 800 children in devil-worshipping ceremonies. He
does not mention that two servants were tortured into making
allegations against him; nor that his inquisitors offered him the
choice of death by being burned alive at the stake or, if he
confessed, the "mercy" of being strangled first. '
The book
quotes from the autobiography of Magdalein Bavent, a "Satanist nun"
who confessed to all manner of atrocities, including eating children.
Tate omits the fact that she also claimed to have had sex with a
ghost, that she was raped by the Devil in the form of a black cat,
saw blood trickling from a holy wafer and consorted with half human
It would take a tome twice as long as Tate's to give the full
story behind his historic "evidence".
Tate attacks police
officers for their incompetence, judges for their blindness, lawyers
for twisting evidence, and journalists for ignoring it.
accusations and snide innuendo he reserves for me, because of my
sceptical articles in the Independent an Sunday, are defamatory,
misleading and false. For the record: I left the Sunday Times on a
point of principle that would be lost on a journalist such as Tim
Tate; for most of the time I worked on the Insight team, not under a
by-line, so he could not possibly know what I produced there; and I
have never appeared on a television chat show. l wonder how many he
will be appearing on to sell his book?
New Statesman: pp36: 6th September 1991
The 1990 Satan Hunters and their links to
The UK Child Sexual Abuse People's Tribunal (UKCSAPT)
grandiose-sounding UKCSAPT represents itself as an authoritative body set up
to care for people who claim to be 'survivors' of sexual abuse in the
U.K. but is in fact yet another vehicle for the clique of therapists,
journalists, feminists, fundamentalists and lobby groups which created
the Satan Scare of the 1990s.
UKCSAPT was inaugurated following the tsunami of publicity
over the Westminster VIP paedo, and Celebrity Abuse allegations which
in 2011.
Hidden Agenda
If you read
theUKCSAPT website there is hardly any mention of Satanic Ritual Abuse
but don't let that fool you - their first 'paper' on the state of
child-protection in the U.K. which extended to 36 pages actually
contained 32 mentions of SRA! See here:
UKCSAPT's intent is undoubtedly to attenuate the government's own Goddard Inquiry
into historic abuse and gain more control over the direction of child-protection
in the U.K. so Satan Hunters can pursue their fanatical feminist pogroms against
Men and the Nuclear Family.
The links between the
'old crowd' of Satan Hunters and UKCSAPT is clear and we will reveal
them below, however , is it their stated intention to undermine,
manipulate or replace the National Independent Inquiry Into Organised
Child Abuse (IICSA) ?
"UKCSAPT is a unique volunteer-based attempt to examine cases of
institutional child sex abuse. It runs in parallel (and in some
contrast) to the official enquiry
led by Justice Lowell Goddard: it has none of that body’s inquisitorial
powers, nor its vast budget. But it is nonetheless carefully organised
on sound legal principles and has the benefit of expert advice from a
reputable firm of solicitors. Its panel of judges
include a former UN War Crimes prosecutor and a highly experienced
clinical psychologist specialising in child protection. Their findings
will, in time, be presented to the Home Secretary." Source:
Is it
UKCSAPT plan to bypass Lowell Goddard's
Inquiry with a spoiler report of it's own?
History Repeats Itself
That's more or less what the
Satan Hunters did in 1994 when the government published the La Fontaine
Report on the 1990 SRA scare. Valerie Sinason, founder
member of RAINS obtained a commission and £20,000.00 from the Department
of Health to look into SRA and eventually wrote a research paper so
worthless that it has never been published for public gaze. (see full story here)
However her biased conclusions prejudiced towards the existence of SRA
by years of prior campaigning found, surprise, surprise, that SRA was
'real'. Those conclusions were published and recycled ad infinitum by
the Satan Hunter clique and gullible media to smother the government's
definitive report which said that SRA did not exist.
It must have worked, because even though the official conclusion then
was that SRA was a figment of the imagination of activists in social
work here we are 22 years later with thousands more therapists on
the SRA bandwagon and another vastly more expensive and more extensive
Goddard Inquiry looking into it again!
SRA extremists who fooled the Met
The legal advisor to
the steering committee of UKCSAPT is Alan Collins a director of
the Association of Child Abuse Lawyers (ACAL).
ACAL was started by Lee Moore, an ex-barrister who claims to have
herself been satanically abused. It was Lee Moore who organised
the first Satan Seminars for police in the Met. along with then DI Peter
Spindler who a short time later went on to head Operation Yewtree
which more or less hyper-ventilated the British Press about Jimmy
Savile and other celebrities many of whom were falsely accused of abuse
and later exonerated.
In May 2005 Lee Moore wrote a detailed article about her own supposed Satanic Abuse for Community Care, a
magazine for social workers which played a major part in spreading the
lies about the 1990 SRA myth. The article's hysterical tone is
immediately apparent:
are familiar dynamics to me for I was raised by individuals who
practised satanic rituals, which entailed the killing, torture
and sacrifice of human and animal life. Silence was crucial to avoid criminal convictions.
I have no proof of my experiences. I have no witnesses to the atrocities
I suffered, save for the perpetrators who will never disclose and
children who were tortured with me. Some of those children are now dead.
Others do not enquire into the reasons for their troubled and joyless
lives. ...
...So there was no one there to help me on the numerous occasions when, as a child, my ankles were tied with rope and I was hung
upside down from large hooks; nor when I was compelled to ingest bodily fluids and substances and forced to take part in acts of
bestiality; nor to release me when I was buried alive in coffins with snakes slithering over me."
The idea that anyone who underwent such horrible experiences could
(a) not remember any of it for 12 years until Moore was 'therapised' following a breakdown and
(b) not be able to recall any single thing which would give police a lead on hunting down her claimed attackers,
is absolute nonsense. Are these now the standards by which
all other 'survivors' are judged in UKCSAPT ?
In June 2015 following the uproar over the Hampstead Satanic Ritual Abuse Allegations,
( a case of alleged SRA which turned out to be provably false and which
was ruled on by Justice Pauffley), one of those making
the allegations did a bunk to Europe to escape the legal ramifications of her lies.
Private Eye magazine (issue 1395) carried an article connected with this and lambasted ACAL and it's leaders.
But the total lack of physical evidence does not deter the compensation
chasers. At a child abuse training day in London last week run by the
Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, delegates were told that satanic
abuse was a reality. Barrister Lee Moore – a self-proclaimed satanic
abuse survivor – and solicitor Peter Garsden, who are respectively the
past and current president of the Association of Child Abuse Lawyers,
“kept going on about satanic ritual abuse”, according to a barrister who
was present.
“Lee Moore got quite agitated when one social work expert who was
presenting a paper, Dr Bernard Gallagher from Huddersfield University,
politely pointed out that these days no one believes in satanic abuse,”
the barrister told the Eye.
went on: “Peter Garsden told the assembled band of lawyers that SRA was
prevalent and would be accepted as such, ‘given time’.
Garsden is the senior partner of the Cheshire-based
Quality Solicitors Abney Garsden. In a controversial blog in October
2014, he declared his belief in the existence of satanic abuse. “My own
belief is that there are several hidden societies in England and Wales
which practise ritualistic abuse to the present day, which includes the
sacrifice of children… It will be interesting to look back at this blog
in years to come, when maybe there have been a glut of satanic abuse
prosecutions in this country, and we have uncovered secret societies
operating right under our noses… the broadmindedness of the police
appears to be limitless, which is gratifying… watch this space.”
I wouldn't hold your
breath Garsden. So far the people who started the SRA myth have
been hunting Satanic Ritual Abusers full-tilt for nearly 30 years and
have failed to find even ONE case of SRA to prove their allegations.
Collins and the Jersey SRA non-event.
ACAL is now lead by
Alan Collins. UKCSAPT bills him as having been involved in the Jersey
Haut-de-la-Garrene SRA case, as if this increases his expertise! The
Jersey SRA case was 99.9% scare. It was proved to be a fiction from start to finish. Does Collins
believe otherwise because UKCASAPT obviously thinks it was real? Newcomers can read the true background to Haut-de-la-Garrene here:
What does Tim Tate, doyenne of failed SRA allegations, say about UKCSAPT:
"For two days the UK Child Sexual Abuse People's Tribunal heard testimony from those who had endured rape and molestation in
childhood. UKCSAPT is a unique volunteer-based attempt to examine cases
of institutional child sex abuse. It runs in parallel (and in some
contrast) to the official enquiry
led by Justice Lowell Goddard: it has none of that body’s inquisitorial
powers, nor its vast budget. But it is nonetheless carefully organised
on sound legal principles and has the benefit of expert advice from a
reputable firm of solicitors. [Ed he's talking about Collins]
Its panel of judges
include a former UN War Crimes prosecutor and a highly experienced
clinical psychologist specialising in child protection. Their findings
will, in time, be presented to the Home Secretary.
I was privileged to be asked to film the Tribunal’s proceedings, to
make a record for future understanding, of the testimony given by its
.... I was asked to film the Tribunal because I have a long history (as a
journalist) of investigating organised child sexual abuse. ....
Posted on
Yet the failure of Tate's allegations and predictions on the subject is
extensive. There is no mention here of his work with the Cook Report of
wrongly accusing a bookshop owner, of listing 21 cases of SRA which
failed, of incriminating a USA man who had already been
exonerated, of writing a book on SRA which had to be pulped for
inaccuracies, or of being the one who 'exposed' the very first SRA
claims in 1989 in his documentary The Devil's Work.
Tate also does not mention his continued support
for the social workers who took children away from innocent parents in
Britain's first Mass Child Lifts scandal in Cleveland in 1987.
Many believers in Cleveland still maintain the children HAD been
abused, even though they are now all adults and say they
werent! Even though the official government enquiry said they
weren't. Tate is still pushing the idea that Cleveland was
somehow 'covered-up' here:
There is always a 'cover-up' in the SRA bandwagon. There are always
claims of conspiracies in high places and of being 'silenced' by
threatening forces. It's one of the hallmarks of the SRA myth and it is
of course bunkum. Tate has been prattling on about SRA for 30
years, in TV programs, documentaries, lectures, seminars, books, radio
programs and newspaper articles. Silenced? I wish someone
would get him to take a breath!
This is an important point when you realise that, in his own words the ' highly experienced
clinical psychologist specialising in child protection.' who is
advising UKCSAPT is Heather Bacon, a child-protection academic who was
peripherally involved in the Cleveland Scandal and mentioned in the
official enquiry report. Yes dear reader, the tentacles of the myth goes back that far. (click on the image below to see what the child victims of Cleveland had to say when they grew up)
The Cleveland public enquiry was overseen by Justice Butler-sloss. It
concluded that mass lifts had been a result of the caucus of activist
social workers and therapists involved in it. The children had not been abused in any way. The pack of cards had fallen following the use of 'trick' anal-dilation checks by Higgs and Wynne.
Included amongst those activists was Sue Richardson, another SRA colleague of
Tate's who in 1988 started a lobby group called CAUSE to support
and vindicate those the Inquiry found responsible for the Cleveland
Richardson had earlier lectured at the The Dark Side of
the Rainbow, a RAINS Satanic Abuse conference on 22nd
September 2001. She also spoke at the notorious 2009 Bowlby Satan Seminar The leaflet advertising her lecture ends with the words 'This
presentation does not contain any specific images or descriptions of abuse
which might be triggering' . (For the uninitiated the idea of Trigger Words'
used by Satanists to silence their victims is utterly fallacious
but was part of the 1990 scare and is a speciality of Ellen Lacter (see
later) who attended the same conference alongside Richardson.
Note that Richardson is now listed as a 'trainer' for ACAL. Who is she training and why?
Many of those linked by Cleveland evolved into another group, RAINS
(Ritual Abuse Information Network and Support) which during the
past quarter of a century has done very much what UKCSAPT is doing
today. Collating
a stable of 'SRA victim imposters', nurturing their fantasies into
cohesive narratives for conferences and then presenting their subjective
experiences as 'evidence' to mainstream
child-protection. (see here for full story)
Basically UKCSAPT is, if you like, a wolf in sheep's clothing. An
extension of RAINS which is outwardly more palatable to the
masses. It's legacy is CAUSE, RAINS, UKCSAPT.
Lunatic Fringe still in the background
In their latest paper on SRA
(March 1st 2016) UKCSAPT lists many references,
whom is Ellen Lacter. The SAFF exposed Lacter as an SRA extremist
in 2009 when she attended one of the last Satan Seminars held in the
U.K. She believes in demon infestation of the body and exorcism.
She is a close aquaintence of recovered memory practitioners who have
been sued in the States for twisting patient's minds and a bridge
between formal social work and the David Icke type of mind-control
conspiracyloon. You can read her
bonkers approach to SRA here:
UKCSAPT certainly haven't lost touch with the lunatic fringe if they are recommending Lacter's research as worthy of study!
How Satan Hunters tried to control a government Inquiry
2014 when Butler-sloss was being considered by the home secretary
to head up the Historic Child Abuse Inquiry, her old Cleveland enemies
the CAUSE/RAINS arena began a campaign to unseat her which, due to the
despicable nature of the British Press and the kow-towing of government,
actually succeeded. Then Fiona Woolf was also
rejected by
'survivor groups' because she was 'too close' to the
Establishment. In a stroke of genius Teresa May brought in
New Zealand judge Lowell
Goddard, completely detached from any UK VIPs. The SRA
were stymied because one of the KEY Satan Hunters strategies is
to complain of not being able to air their views whilst utterly and
completely censoring and silencing any alternative view to their
own. A truly independent inquiry was NOT what they wanted. Believers straight-away began a campaign to side-step the Goddard
Inquiry and get control again. UKCSAPT is clearly part of that move.
This is what Sue Richardson and Heather Bacon wrote in October 29th 2014.
inquiry is seen by those most likely to benefit from it, victims of
abuse and professionals trying to help them, as a cover-up of
The main group of stakeholders are surely those survivors who have been
abused then betrayed again via inaction and the concealment of
evidence... They have been patronised as a victim community by Woolf...
Is it part of a continuing need for containment and denial that
acknowledged experts in the field who have thought and learned most
about the problems are not being consulted....
In short everyone must accept what the Satan Hunters say and ONLY what they say.
The Satan Hunters will not cease their false allegations and will not
desist from bleating about victims until they and only they are given
control of the entire arena so that no common-sense or forensic evidence
is allowed to contradict their psychotic view of the world.
This is the usual witch-hunt employed by such people. Regardless of how
many innocent people are harmed, they consistently cry about the
unutterable harm suffered by victims, though rarely explain how that
Is sexual abuse worse than murder?
Can a victim of sexual abuse EVER recover?
Is sexual abuse more harmful than the evil and danger that concentration camp victims were exposed to?
Is it more or less worse than having to put down your pet?
Or suffer the death of a loved one?
On a scale of harm from 1 to 10 where would they put Sexual Abuse?
Why exactly is sexual abuse so harmful that SRA victims can't ever get
over it, when most Holocaust Survivors continued to live a full and
rewarding life following their much worse trauma?
Why is it that 'SRA survivors' are always crowing about needing to TELL their stories, when Holocaust Survivors prefer not to?
And so on.
The people who have made a career out of promoting the myth of Satanic Ritual Abuse and it's corollary scares, Celebrity Abuse and Westminster VIP abuse, have
done well out of the hysteria. So have the self-declared
'victims' some of whom can earn many thousands of pounds in compensation without
actually having to produce any actual forensic evidence to prove their
The people who carry the can for their irresponsible campaigning are the
innocents who've had their lives ruined by false
We feel sure that UKCSAPT people are doing what they think is best and
their intention is clearly to help people who are vulnerable. A few of
their 'victims' may actually be victims and we suggest that they report
their abuse to the police and get closure that way. Most however
are SRA victim imposters; the misguided, the imbalanced and the
pathological liars who are encouraged by stronger people to play to
their tune in the SRA circus.
UKCSAPT has nothing to do with 'the people' and it is preposterous to
pretend otherwise. Neither is it a proper 'Tribunal'. These terms
have been chosen to give the group a gravity it does not deserve.
As you have seen from the above, the people behind UKCSAPT are not
beyond criticism and have questions to answer. We believe
the organisation is simply
another propaganda device in the Satan Hunters campaign to establish
Lowell Goddard listens to their oft discredited nonsense then this
country will pay dearly for it in the long run.