THE CLIMBIE ENQUIRY AND THE NSPCCBy Angus Stickler![]() She was regularly beaten, trussed up in a bin liner and left in a freezing bath-tub. Victoria was referred to a centre run by the charity, which worked with problem families, it was an urgent case, but no action was taken for nearly seven months. Confidential documents shown to this programme also prove that crucial details on files were changed after Victoria's death. Members of staff were questioned during the inquiry about whether they had falsified documents to hide the truth. And the charity itself has been criticised for providing the inquiry with doctored photocopies rather than original documents. The NSPCC is keen to promote an image of slick professionalism at the cutting edge of child protection. But this is at odds with evidence heard by the public inquiry into the death of eight year old Victoria Climbie. She was referred to one of the charity's Family Centres in North London on the 5th of August 1999, nearly seven months before her death. There were concerns about poor hygiene, inappropriate dress and that she seemed anxious around her great aunt. She was a child in desperate need. But even though she was referred to the project as an urgent case, staff were preparing for a party. It was a week before she was allocated a social worker. And even then, no one at the project ever went to see her. During the inquiry NSPCC staff admitted that the centre was a shambles, a project in crisis, where the difficulties were so entrenched that it was unable to provide a quality service....
" Is the NSPCC sensationalising threats to gain prominence?" |
The sensationalised leaflet shown above typifies the British child-scare industry as a whole which continually demands more public money to solve sensational types of child abuse which they claim to have uncovered. The research which produces 'evidence' of these new types of abuse is usually the result of feeding back millions of pounds of donors' money into doubtful experimental research by the very same child welfare charities! For instance, the use of witch-costumes, and rubber snakes which created the Satanic Panic of the 1990s. (see here)
The tag line in the
NSPCC's letter is precise 'Will you give £15.00
to save a child's life?' but it is a play on
words for the NSPCC cannot produce any evidence to
show that an increase in money given to them has
resulted in a decrease in child harm. However it is
possible to show that money given to them was wasted
on the false idea of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse in the
1990s and, we predict, more trouble for innocent
parents following the Witch-Child Action Plan, an
initiative cobbled together by lobbies with a vested
![]() |
New Director For The NSPCC" Andrew Flanagan's progress will be watched carefully in the light of questions raised in recent years about the NSPCC's strategy. Last year, a report from New Philanthropy Capital argued there was no evidence that the NSPCC's Full Stop campaign, aimed at raising public awareness of child abuse, and which raised around £250m in donations, would make any real dent in child cruelty statistics. Its television adverts have also been criticised for allegedly stoking public fears about the risks posed to children."Source. The Guardian newspaperAfter the NSPCC's farcical actions in respect of Satanic Ritual Abuse the question has to be asked: |
After the NSPCC's
farcical actions in respect of Satanic Ritual Abuse
the question has to be asked:
Would £250 million s save more childrens' lives if we
spent it on road safety rather than on sustaining
bloated organisations in the child-scare industry who
redirect a large slice of income (28 million in the
case of the NSPCC), to advertising for more donations?
The sad fact is that the NSPCC has not been able to
show any link between increases in the amount of money
the public give them and the number of children saved
from harm.
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SIGNS OF POSSESSION (from the Roman Ritual of Exorcism)The following are official symptoms of possession as represented in the Roman Ritual of Exorcism. In most cases, a victim will have one or more of the traits listed.
External Pain - deals strictly with physical suffering. This includes the beatings, scourging, and injuries caused by inexplicable pushing, falling objects, and so on, that we read about in the lives of many saints, such as the Curé of Ars. Saint Paul of the Cross, and Padre Pio. These occurrences are not as rare as we may think, and the demon's activity is usually confined to external activity; internal activity, if any, is only temporary and limited to the duration of a particular disturbance. Diabolic Possession - is the gravest
form of demonic activity, which allows a
continuing presence of a demon in a
human body. The evil symptoms do not
have to be continuous but can alternate
between periods of crisis and periods of
rest. Possession implies intervals of
temporary suspension of mental,
intellectual, affective, and volitive
faculties. Symptoms can include the
knowledge of languages unknown to the
victim, superhuman strength, and the
ability to know the occult or someone
else's thoughts. Typically, there is an
aversion to anything sacred, often in
conjunction with blasphemy. |
Exorcism and Christianity go together like peas in a pod. Yet look at this: In the NSPCC's 40 page document there are no less than 39 (thirty nine) mentions of 'witch' or 'witchcraft'. THERE IS NOT ONE MENTION OF CHRISTIANITY. Yet the people who abused these 'witch-children' were all church-going christians who believed in the power of exorcism. Every single one of the children was tortured to purify them of supposed witchcraft. It is CHRISTIAN EXORCISM which is the prime common-denominator in ALL these cases yet the NSPCC assiduously avoids mentioning Christianity. Does it mention 'exorcism' in its report? Yes, it couldn't very well ignore it but it mollifies it this way: We also recommend to add the sentence which states that there have been cases of individuals who present themselves as faith leaders being paid by parents to “exorcise” children suggests that abuse linked to a belief in spirit possession and witchcraft is perpetrated by a minority of rogue faith leaders. But the world-wide FACTS clearly show that the vast majority of children who have been accused of being witches, have been accused of being witches by GENUINE christian pastors, not rogue con-men. The PRIME cause of witch-children is the eager accusations from christian ministers that misbehaving children brought to church by their parents are witches who must undergo exorcism. They obviously are NOT witches, but once this accusation has been injected into the minds of parents who believe in the fundamentals of the Christian faith, they follow through with repeated exorcisms until the child is tortured to death. That is the nub of it, yet the NSPCC is here implying that exorcism is some kind oif secondary factor! Continuing their ignorant overview the NSPCC then wraps all of their religious prejudice up in one recommendation. Under part (b) How do I best promote the welfare of the child? we suggest a new bullet point is added stating that professionals should not be afraid to ask questions or seek advice about a religion, culture or set of beliefs they are not familiar with or do not understand. It is important that professionals are encouraged to ask questions if they are not fully equipped and knowledgeable about another faith, culture or religion. |
Catherine Gould's Infamous List of SATANIC INDICATORSThis is the infamous list of Satanic Indicators, various editions of which were taken up and used by the NSPCC and British Social Services in the 1990s to 'discover' cases of supposed Satanic Abuse. The indicators are so general and loose that I defy you to check this list with your own child without finding some 'evidence' of satanic abuse in the process! It is this list combined with inquisitorial practices used by social workers when questioning kids which produced 'evidence' in all the early cases. |
Characterising Satanic Ritual
Abuse Not usually seen in sexual
abuse cases
Is it really possible that the NSPCC is so inefficient and its expertise so inaccurate that they would actually make the biggest mistake the charity has ever made a SECOND time? YES! They've already done it, as you will read below: We reproduce these indicators in full above to illustrate how dim a social worker would have to be to take them seriously yet fundamentalist christians with an axe to grind were believing in them and infecting social work with their expectancies during the 1990s. Now the child-scare industry is falling for it again with the witch-child scare. Look at this:Catherine Gould is still at it. She has contributed articles on Satanic Ritual Abuse to a U.S. organisation called S.M.A.R.T. which has for 20 years been busily working up contacts with believers in SRA worldwide. Another busy contributor to S.M.A.R.T. is Elen Lacter, ( an American self-professed 'expert' in SRA who runs Lacter penned a modified list of Indicators of Satanic Child Abuse in 2004 which was obviously based on Gould's earlier list minus the now unfashionable sections on farting and faeces. Even though Lacter is a Christian fundamentalist she was invited as a keynote speaker at a big multi-disciplinary Satan Seminar in the U.K. in 2009 (see here). Soon we find Laurie Matthews, the woman who heads up the Ritual Abuse Information Network Scotland travelling to the U.S. to lecture at a S.M.A.R.T. conference there. Matthews later obtained half a million of Lottery Funding to finance research work on ritual and sexual abuse, slavery and torture in immigrant communities in Britain. No doubt the results of that research have been fed into the witch-children scare. And the NSPCC have the audacity to blame everything on witchcraft. If corroboration were ever needed of our fear that ordinary social workers, Christian activists, therapists, teachers and most untutored people who work with kids will completely misread and mis-apply the Government's 'Witch-Child Action Plan ' the unquestioning way it was reported in the influential Nursery World makes the fact utterly clear. Parents, particularly those who have a (perfectly legal) belief in paganism, or whose religions involve harmless 'cults' and obscure faiths will be targeted whilst the real culprits, Christian evangelists and fundamentalists, will be left to torture and kill children with impunity in exorcism ceremonies. Can we remind readers that the problem is not witches but Christian evangelists who believe children are bewitched. In case the facts
revealed on this webpage haven't
yet made it abundantly clear
these Witch-Child cases are NOT
cases of witchcraft or voodoo.
None of
the murderers or
participants were involved
in Voodoo, Santeria,
Kindoki, Muti, Celtic
Witchcraft, Paganism,
Neo-Paganism, Black Magic,
Satanism OR
humankind; yet
the head of the NSPCC is
telling the British
public that there is
some connection. Is he
as ignorant as he
sounds, or is it yet
another opportunity to
demand money for a
threat which does not
exist? |
This Was The Press Conference Which Started The Satanic PanicPress Association July 17, 1989, Monday OFFENSIVE LAUNCHED AGAINST SATANIC CHILD ABUSERSBYLINE: Sally Weale, Press AssociationA child protection society warned tonight that it was becoming "increasingly concerned" about the ritualistic abuse of children in occult ceremonies. The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children urged parents and professionals not to simply dismiss childrens' accounts as "fantasy" but to listen and offer help and protection....... The NSPCC said a major fear must now be that some children have been killed during ceremonies and that others were seriously at risk. The problem is highlighted on ITV tonight by The Cook Report. After the investigative programme, helplines will be opened for people who have fallen victim to satanic groups. Cases which have come to light involve young girls being raped and babies being induced five-and-a-half months into pregnancy then killed and eaten during satanic ceremonies. The national network of counsellors is made up of experts from organisations already dealing with occult-related problems and has been brought together by the Evangelical Alliance, an inter-denominational church body. Copyright 1989 The Press Association Limited Note: All the cases mentioned as ongoing in this press-release proved false when brought to fruition. |
The problem is
not witchcraft
but Christian
who believe
children are
They Torture
and beat the
'devil' out of
them until
they die.
Witchcraft has
nothing to do
with it.
Witch-Children Abused by Witches = 0
Children raped by abusing Priests = 40,000
How the NSPCC refused to acknowledge the risk to children from paedophiles within churches
You've seen the effort
the NSPCC put in to damn and falsely
accuse Witches and Pagans and
Satanists of non-existent
abuse. Now see just how
hard they fought to deny the existence
of the Priestly Abuse of Children when
SAFF showed them our 1991
research into the epidemic
of abuse within churches.
After SAFF research exposed the fact
that SRA had been used by
churches as a smokescreen to
cover-up the extensive abuse
of small children by priests and
vicars the NSPCC still shied off and
REFUSED to include Abusing Priests
in their pie-chart of abuse in their
leaflets warning parents of risks to
their kids. The campaign
to expose Priestly Abuse which the
SAFF started gained momentum and
within a short while children who had
been abused in the Anglican Church and
its childrens' homes ran into the
thousands. The Vatican itself
admitted to having 40,000 abusing
priests in its ranks and paid over
BILLIONS in compensation payments to
its victims. Whilst the NSPCC
was banging-on about non-existent
Satanic Abusers and phantom
Witch-children, THOUSANDS of
children were being terribly
sexually abused by priests under
their noses. If the NSPCC had
thrown their weight behind the
SAFF's campaign thousands of
children could have been saved from
abuse. Why did they not do so?
Why did the most well-known
child-charity in the UK which had
consistently creamed-off millions in
donations from the public fail
children over the epidemic of
Priestly Abuse? Was it because
the caucus of volunteers and people
employed by them were Christians
whom they did not want to alienate
with the Truth? Was it
face-saving after we had proved them
so wrong about Satanic Ritual Abuse?
Was it that they could not give the
SAFF any credence after earlier
threatening us with a writ for lying
when everything we told them was
absolutely true?
Whatever, the NSPCC will forever
remain damned for not saving those
children. See the full
story here:
If you have
personal experience of mistakes,
inaccuracies, injustices and
single-mindedness in dealings with
the Child Scare Industry you can
share your experiences anonymously
on our
Feedback Forum - You can leave a
message anonymously or just read
what others have |
Then please click here to go to our Feedback Forum - You can leave a message anonymously or just read what others have to say. |