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Ritual Murder
The Devil and The Jews,
by Joseph Trachtenberg
The first “ritual murders” had nothing to do with Passover, or
indeed with any Jewish festival. Let us listen to a contemporary
chronicler describing the fate of the very first boy martyr, William of Norwich, who disappeared unaccountably in 1144:
“The Jews of Norwich bought a Christian child before Easter and
tortured him with all the tortures wherewith our Lord was tortured, and
on Long Friday hanged him on a rood in hatred of our Lord, and
afterwards buried him.”
Not a very plausible story, but
it was based on the statement of a Jewish convert to Christianity, one
Theobald of Canterbury, who obligingly came forward with the explanation
that the Jews were required to sacrifice a Christian child annually at
Easter; the choice of place was made, according to him, by a yearly
conference of rabbis, which had met the year before at Narbonne and
selected Norwich. His tale evidently did not command much credence at
the time, despite the chronicler’s tone of assurance, for no Jews
were tried or punished for the alleged crime — there was no evidence
that a murder had been committed. Yet the mere statement of this convert
led to the bringing of identical charges at Gloucester in 1168 and
It will not be amiss to repeat here an extract from a contemporary
account of the martyrdom of Harold of Gloucester in tribute both to the author and to the logic of the times:
“The boy Harold ... is said to have been carried away secretly by Jews,
in the opinion of many, on February 21st, and by them hidden till March
16th. [Ed: The Jewish Festival of Purim] On that night . . . the
Jews of all England coming together . . . they tortured the lad placed
before them with immense tortures. It is true no Christian was present,
or saw or heard the deed, nor have we found that anything was betrayed
by any Jew. . . . [ But, the boy’s wounds having been examined ]
those tortures were believed or guessed to have been inflicted on
him in that manner. It was clear that they had made him a glorious martyr to Christ.”
Similar charges were made at Blois in 1171, at Bury St. Edmonds in 1181,
at Pontoise, Braisne, and Saragossa in 1182, and at Winchester in 1192.
There was no trial in any of these cases; rumour was sufficient to
establish the martyrdom of the children.
Theobald’s fable of the required Easter sacrifice did not hold up for
long, but his story of the annual rabbinical conference enjoyed a much
hardier career. It struck a responsive chord in the public fancy, for it
spread rapidly through Europe and was often repeated in connection with
supposed Jewish crimes of this sort. In time it was expanded to
make room for a secret Jewish society whose function it was to kidnap
and kill Christian children and distribute the blood to the major Jewish
communities, at the bidding of the Council, whose permanent meeting
place was ultimately fixed in Spain. All sorts of traitorous criminal
acts were laid at the door of this mythical body.“
A Timeline of Audrey Harpers ascendency from druggie to doyen of Fundie False accusers.
25 December 1939 Born In Crewe. Put in Barnardo's Home in Kelvden when a few months old.
1955: Left Barnardo's when she was 16 years old.
1957: Joined WRAF signed on for 4 years but left on medical reasons when first child born.
1958: first child given up for adoption.
1961: Initiated into Virginia Water Coven
1962: Got pregnant a second time with 'Rosemary's Baby'
1962: entered in Warley Mental Hospital , Brentwood
1962: Gave birth to 2nd child and gave it up for adoption, didn't even know what sex it was.
1963: Spent summer working at Southend
1966: Admitted to Psychiatric Ward, London July 1966.
1967: Admitted to Severals Hospital in Colchester for eight months.
1967: Joined Christian group Life for the World in early 1967 at a crusade meeting, but then shied off.
1973: Harper's third child born.
1981: Recommenced Churchgoing.
1986: Exorcised for 3 hours by preacher Roy Davies
1986: March 23rd: Baptised by Roy Davies
1987: Joined Reachout Trust
1987: October 25th: Gave interview to Doorways to Danger which
did not include claims of sacrificing a baby.
1988: February: Chat magazine SATANS CHILDREN includes an interview with Audrey Harper
who is only shown in silhouette and is given the pseudonym of
Anna Dixon. No claims of sacrificing babies.
1988: December 1st: Harper announces she had seen a baby sacrificed on Time and the place
1990: February 14th Caroline Marchant took an overdose in Kevin Logan's vicarage.
1990: March 5th: Caroline Marchant died in hospital with Harper by her side.
1990 October 5th. Dance with the Devil first published.
The Charge: "Lift Up the Veil" from the Gardenerian Book of Shadows (1949)
Magus: "Listen to the words of the Great mother, who of old was also
called among men Artemis, Astarte, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite,
Cerridwen, Diana, Arianrhod, Bride, and by many other names."
High Priestess: "At mine Altars the youth of Lacedaemon in Sparta
made due sacrifice. Whenever ye have need of anything, once in the
month, and better it be when the moon is full, ye shall assemble in some
secret place and adore the spirit of Me who am Queen of all Witcheries
and magics. There ye shall assemble, ye who are fain to learn all
sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets. To these will I teach
things that are yet unknown. And ye shall be free from slavery, and as a
sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites, both men
and women, and ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music, and love, all in
my praise. There is a Secret Door that I have made to establish the way
to taste even on earth the elixir of immortality. Say, 'Let ecstasy be
mine, and joy on earth even to me, To Me,' For I am a gracious Goddess. I
give unimaginable joys on earth, certainty, not faith, while in life!
And upon death, peace unutterable, rest, and ecstasy, nor do I demand
aught in sacrifice."
Magus: "Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess."
High Priestess: "I love you: I yearn for you: pale or purple, veiled
or voluptuous. I who am all pleasure, and purple and drunkenness of the
innermost senses, desire you. Put on the wings, arouse the coiled
splendor within you. Come unto me, for I am the flame that burns in the
heart of every man, and the core of every Star. Let it be your inmost
divine self who art lost in the constant rapture of infinite joy. Let
the rituals be rightly performed with joy and beauty. Remember that all
acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. So let there be beauty and
strength, leaping laughter, force and fire by within you. And if thou
sayest, 'I have journeyed unto thee, and it availed me not,' rather
shalt thou say, 'I called upon thee, and I waited patiently, and Lo,
thou wast with me from the beginning,' for they that ever desired me
shall ever attain me, even to the end of all desire.
This much of the rites must ever be performed to prepare for any initiation, whether of one degree or of all three degrees.
The Initiation Rite
First Degree. From the Gardnerian Book of Shadows,(1949)
Magus leaves circle by the doorway, goes to Postulant, and says,
"Since there is no other brother here, I must be thy sponsor, as well as
priest. I am about to give you a warning. If you are still of the same
mind, answer it with these words:
'Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.'"
Placing the point of the sword to the Postulant's chest, he says,
thou who standeth on the threshold between the pleasant world of men and
the domains of the Dread Lords of the Outer Spaces, hast thou the
courage to make the Assay? For I tell thee verily, it were better to
rush on my weapon and perish miserably than to make the attempt with
fear in thy heart."
Postulant: "I have two Passwords: Perfect Love and
Perfect Trust."
Magus drops the sword point, saying,
"All who approach
with perfect love and perfect trust are doubly welcome."
Going around
behind her, he blindfolds her, then putting his left arm around her
waist and his right arm around her neck, he pulls her head back, says,
"I give you the 3rd password, a Kiss to pass through this dread Door,"
and pushes her forward through the doorway and into the
circle. Once inside, he releases her saying,
"This is the way all are
first brought into the circle."
Magus closes the doorway by drawing the
point of the sword across it three times, joining all three circles,
"Agla, Azoth, Adonai,"
then drawing three pentacles to seal it.
Magus guides Postulant to south of altar, and whispers,
"Now there is
the Ordeal."
Taking a short piece of cord from the altar, he ties it
around her right ankle, saying,
"Feet neither bound nor free."
Taking a
longer cord, he ties her hands together behind her back, then pulls them
up, so that the arms form a triangle, and ties the cord around her
neck, leaving the end dangling down in front as a Cable Tow.
With the
Cable Tow in his left hand and the sword in his right hand, the Magus
leads her sunwise around the circle to the east, where he salutes with
the sword and proclaims,
"Take heed, O Lords of the Watchtowers of the
East, (name), properly prepared, will be made a Priestess and a Witch."
Magus leads her similarly to the south, west, and north, making the
proclamation at each quarter. Next, clasping Postulant around the waist
with his left arm, and holding the sword erect in his right hand, he
makes her circumambulate three times around the circle with a
half-running, half-dancing step. He halts her at the south of the altar,
and strikes eleven knells on the bell. He then kneels at her feet,
"In other religions the postulant kneels, as the Priests claim
supreme power, but in the Art Magical, we are taught to be humble, so we
kneel to welcome them and say:
"Blessed be thy feet that have brought thee in these ways." (He kisses her feet.)
"Blessed be thy knees that shall kneel at the sacred altar." (He kisses her knees.)
"Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be." (He kisses her womb.)
"Blessed by thy breasts, formed in beauty and in strength." (He kisses her breasts.)
"Blessed be thy lips, which shall utter the sacred names." (He kisses her lips.)
Take measure thus: height, around forehead, across the heart, and
across the hips. Magus says, "Be pleased to kneel," and helps her
kneel before the altar.
He ties the end of the Cable Tow to a ring in
the altar, so that the postulant is bent sharply forward, with her head
almost touching the floor. He also ties her feet together with the short
cord. Magus strikes three knells on the bell and says,
"Art ready to
swear that thou wilt always be true to the Art?"
Witch: "I am."
Magus strikes seven knells on the bell and says, "Before ye are sworn, art willing to pass the ordeal and be purified?"
Witch: "I am."
Magus strikes eleven knells on the bell, Magus says, "Ye have bravely
passed the test. Art always ready to help, protect, and defend thy
Brothers and Sisters of the Art?"
Witch: "I am."
Magus: "Art armed?"
Witch: "With a knife in my hair."
Magus: "Then on that knife wilt thou swear absolute secrecy?"
Witch: "I will."
Magus: "Then say after me. 'I, (witch-name), in the presence of the Mighty
Ones, do of my own will and accord, most solemnly swear that I will ever
keep secret and never reveal the secrets of the Art, except it be to a
proper person, properly prepared, within a circle such as I am now in.
All this I swear by my hopes of a future life, mindful that my measure
has been taken, and may my magical weapons turn against me if I break this my
solemn oath.'"
Magus now unbinds her feet, unties the Cable Tow from the altar, removes the blindfold, and helps her up to her feet.
Magus says, "I hereby sign thee with the triple sign.
"I consecrate thee with oil." (He anoints her with oil on the womb, the right breast, the left breast, and the womb again.)
"I consecrate thee with wine." (He anoints her with wine in the same pattern.)
"I consecrate thee with my lips" (he kisses her in the same pattern), "Priestess and Witch."
Magus now unbinds her hands and removes the last cord, saying, "
Now I
Present to thee the Working Tools of a Witch.
"First the Magic Sword.
With this, as with the Athame, thou canst form all Magic Circles,
dominate, subdue, and punish all rebellious Spirits and Demons, and even
persuade the Angels and Geniuses.
With this in your hand you are the
ruler of the Circle. [Here "kiss" means that the initiate kisses the
tool, and the Magus then kisses the Witch being initiated.]
"Next I present the Athame. This is the true Witch's weapon and has all the powers of the Magic Sword [kiss].
"Next I present the White-Handled Knife. Its use is to form all
instruments used in the Art. It can only be properly used within a Magic
Circle [Kiss].
"Next I present the Wand. Its use is to call up and control certain
Angels and geniuses, to whom it would not be mete to use the Magic Sword
"Next I present the pentacles. These are for the purpose of calling up appropriate Spirits [Kiss].
"Next I present the Censer of Incense. This is used to encourage and welcome Good Spirits and to banish Evil Spirits.[kiss]
"Next I present the scourge. This is a symbol of power and domination.
It is also to cause suffering and purification, for it is written, to
learn you must suffer and be purified. Art willing to suffer to learn?"
Witch: "I am."[Kiss]
Magus: "Next, and lastly I present the Cords. They are of use to bind
the sigils in the Art, the material basis, and to enforce thy will.
Also they are necessary in the oath. I Salute thee in the name of Aradia
and Cernunnos, Newly made Priestess and Witch."
Magus strikes seven
knells on the bell and kisses Witch again, then circumambulates with
her, proclaiming to the four quarters,
"Hear, ye Mighty Ones, (witch-name)
hath been consecrated Priestess and Witch of the Gods."
Ceremony ends here, close circle with
"I thank ye for attending, and I
dismiss ye to your pleasant abodes. Hail and farewell."
Doorways To Danger
Audrey Harper's First telling of her story about being initiated into a Satanic/Witchcraft Coven published in 1987.
There were NO claims of sacrificing babies at this time. Click on the image to open it up full size to read.

could not give them names and addresses, times and dates, phone numbers
and car registrations, the nitty-gritty details needed for a successful
police investigation'
In other words Harper could not produce one jot of proof of her
fantasies that the police could go on.
Why couldn't Harper take them to the places she lived at and frequented with the 'Satanists' for five years?
Why couldn't she name any of the commune?
Why couldn't she remember any telephone numbers or dates or addresses of anyone else?
Why couldn't she remember their 'drug suppliers'?
Why couldn't Harper remember where their Satanic paraphernalia was purchased from or made?
Why can't she describe in detail the paraphernalia used?
Why was she the only person who left the 'coven' and told about it?
Why was there only one sacrifice of a baby in the five years she was
with the 'coven'?
We hear nothing of these things. The truth of course is that Harper's
story was fantasised. There was no sacrificed baby and there was no
Satanic Coven in London in the 1960s.
| Audrey Harper's DANCE WITH THE DEVIL is a pack of Sectarian Lies
We dismantle the wickedest fundie book of the 20th Century.
Dance With the Devil is
lauded by second wave Satanic Scaremongers as original proof that
Satanic Ritual Child Abuse and Human Sacrifice has been going on
secretly for Sixty Years. Yet it is a Fake Memoir, as we shall
prove below.
Dance with the Devil is in fact a religious treatise dressed up as pulp-fiction. The modern Christian counterpart to the infamous Protocols of the Elders of Zion,
a hoax document which has caused the deaths of millions of Jews since
it was first published in 1905. It comprised a deceitful sectarian hatred,
presented as an expose of an (imagined) Jewish conspiracy to bring down
Christianity. And it lead directly to the Final Solution and the industrial
murder of six million Jews.

Harper's Dance With the Devil
sets out to do exactly the same thing for Pagans as the forged
Protocols did for Jews, by inventing the threat of a secret Witchcraft
Cult and writing a false narrative to encourage prejudiced people in
Christianity to believe the worst about human nature and act to suppress the world's oldest religious belief.
The direct
comparisons between the Protocols and Dance With The Devil can clearly
be seen below where in the first image we reproduce a copy of the Nazis
Dur Sturmer propaganda magazine showing a drawing of Jews sacrificing a
Christian child by slitting it's throat and catching it's blood in a
dish and then drinking it.
Next to this is the vile text from Dance With The Devil where Harper makes up this despicable Sectarian lie:
"It was a baby girl nine days old, she lay on the altar without
making a sound, as if she was drugged or something..... The Warlock
picked up the dagger while muttering a sort of ritualist speech,
something like, 'We offer this sacrifice and hope it pleases you'. Then
with no more emotion than a butcher shows when he's slicing off a steak,
he cut the baby's throat. I thought I was going to pass out I just
stood there and turned absolutely numb, I watched him take the
chalice and catch the blood as it gushed from the gaping wound.... The
Warlock raised the chalice to his lips and drank the still warm blood.
He then moved around from behind the atlar and handed the challice to
the witches in the circle, she passed it to the next witch and so on
round the circle. " (page 54)
Of course the intention is to put all Witches and Pagans
beyond the Pale, to suggest, just as the Nazis did about the Jews, that
they had secret rites to abominate Christianity and sacrifice Christian
children. In the left-most column you will find an extract from 'The Devil And The Jews' a historical
review of the first accusations in Britain of the Ritual Murder of
Children by Jews. Yes dear reader, this despicable blood libel accusation is
eight hundred years old! To Christian fundamentalists in the 12c
Jews were the Witches and Satanists who worked against
Christianity. Today they can't get away with such anti-semitic
lies, so have projected them onto Pagans instead!
Are we saying that Audrey Harper purposefully wrote the book to cause
the deaths of Pagans? Of course not! But neither did Theobald of Canterbury
a convert to Christianity from Judaism who dreamed up the idea of a
secret committee of Jews who met each year to select a Christian child
as a blood sacrifice in the twelfth century. ( see full historical
account in the leftmost column under 'The Devil And The Jews' ) . Theobald
probably made that up to out-Christianise the Christians he was now
dependent on. His invented tale of this imagined conclave of Jewry
was over 800 years later worked up into the Zionist New World Order
Myth of the Protocols of The Elders of Zion and so Theobald's
irresponsible inventiveness which probably didn't seem so radical at
the time, ended up causing millions of deaths in the 20th century.
Converts to any religion are often more extreme than the religion
itself, take another Jewish convert to Christianity, Torquemada, who
originated the Inquisition and was responsible for over 2,000 executions
for heresy. The Inquisition went on to kill hundreds of thousands
The Blood Libel
against Jews is so ancient that civilised people often consider it an
aberration from the past but that is not so, it is always with us. The
cutting on the right shows that in the middle of the 1990 Satanic Panic
far-right groups were publishing Sectarian Lies and distributing them
freely in Britain. If you click on the image it will open up
to larger format so you can read it but one part says:
'Jewish Tributes to our Child Martyrs'
and refers to the anniversary of the massacre of 150 Jewish men women
and children at Clifford's Tower in York in 1190. The pamphlet describes
the atrocity as 'an act of atonement by today's Jewish community in memory of Christian children who were crucified, tortured and bled to death all over Europe in mediaeval times to satisfy Jewish religious rituals'
Yes dear reader this evil pamphlet was
being distributed in 1990 just after Audrey Harper had published her
despicable Dance With The Devil with the very same blood libel
accusations aimed at Witches and Pagans. The SAFF has already exposed the historical lies about Clifford's Tower here:
Ironically in 1990 the Crown Prosecution Service actually had the gall
to refuse to prosecute the publishers of this pamphlet because it wasn't
anti-Semitic enough! A situation which could not happen in
today's more sensitive climate of course.
I shouldn't need to say that Audrey Harper's account of her time in the Virginia Water Coven is an utterly false
representation of Paganism/Witchcraft but there are literally hundreds of
thousands of stupid people on the internet who actually believe that
Harper saw a baby sacrificed. Of course anyone with
any sense can read her biography Dance with The Devil and
see that it
carefully avoids any identification to enable outsiders to check her
accusations. She cannot remember locations, address, phone numbers, or
the names
of anyone in the Witches Coven she claimed to have spent five years
with. How convenient. It has allowed fanatical people like Wilfred
Wong and Jon Wedger, and many others, to portray Dance with the Devil as crucial proof of SRA when in fact it is a pack of sectarian lies as we shall prove below.
Worse, it was a cocktail of Sectarian Lies which the Media simply could
not refuse. Printing her completely unsubstantiated claims was bad
enough, but printing them without carrying any response or comment from
anyone who actually was a Witch or Pagan to refute the Sectarian Lies
was unforgivable. When some jumped-up hack next tells you that the
media is important for protecting freedom-of-speech, point to their
track record on SRA! Amazingly that is exactly what happened; the
vast majority of newspapers and TV programmes published her claims
without any form of critical questioning. They just accepted claims of
child-murder, and by doing so gave her book a gravitas which it clearly
did not deserve.
But they can't get away with this any longer! In this SAFF special we go the extra mile and
have found ample evidence to show that Dance With The Devil is absolute bunkum.
Anyone who believes in it after reading our research below is an
absolute fool!
In fact when she first began making these accusations to closed church
audiences 'witnessing' to god about her redemption from 'evil' in 1986 Harper told her story without any accusations of baby sacrifice.
Those outrageous human sacrifice claims caused a sensation when she
first made her baby killing accusations in December 1988. But earlier that
year she had appeared in numerous interviews and newspaper articles
recounting her story of being initiated into a Witchcraft Coven and did not mention human sacrifice at all.
Harper 'came out' as an accessory to child murder in December 1988 on the Time and The Place TV show. It created sensational headlines nationwide. The police immediately started an
investigation into her horrendous claims but found 'NO CASE TO
ANSWER'. That is a legal phrase which means there was no evidence
that what she was saying was true.
When she first made her baby-killing accusations on TV the police immediately started an
investigation and found NO evidence that what she was saying was true.
The Surrey Police
investigated her claims minutely. Interestingly, before
going to the police the first thing Harper did was to take the unusual
step of getting a 'Christian solicitor' to go with her. This
Christian solicitor was a member of the Evangelical Alliance, a
group of fundie activists who were at that moment (1988) campaigning to
establish SRA as a threat to children. The police questioned
Harper for 3 hours but as the terminally ambiguous Harper admits:
'I could not give them
names and addresses, times and dates, phone numbers and car
registrations, - the nitty gritty details needed for a successful police
investigation'... next time a child is reported missing or next
time the body of a baby is found the police might look towards
Witchcraft as a possible cause. (page 14)
Harper tries to imply that the police believed her tale but couldn't do
anything about it for lack of evidence! That is of course
because she never gave them any real evidence. However,
after unique detective work the SAFF has found evidence indicating that
Harper may not have been wholly helpful with the police. Our finds show that
her story is a collection of fantasies which have manipulated many of
her readers who sucked it in.
We will outline the proof in detail
below, but you should
know that Dance with The Devil was first published in 1990 in
the midst of the Satanic Panic of those times and that literally
HUNDREDS of such accusations were made against innocent people. The
police did indeed 'look towards Witchcraft as a possible cause' as Harper wanted them to, but
in the intervening three decades there has not been one case of Satanic
Ritual Child Abuse, Human Sacrifice, Cannibalism or Child Sexual
Abuse related to Satanism and Witchcraft which has been proven real. Not one.
There has not been one other case which supports Audrey Harper's claims
of a secret cult killing babies and drinking their blood as part of
their religious liturgy. Not one.
There has not been one other case which supports Audrey Harper's claims
of a secret cult killing babies and drinking their blood as part of
their religious liturgy. Not one.
Harper's intention, to smear another religion in order to 'Drop Christians to their knees in prayer'.
has almost worked. She and her awful book are now a cause celebre in fundie internet forums. This is how the hoax played out:
Harper hit the fundie big-time when she joined the Reachout Trust
and became a colleague
of Maureen Davies in 1987. Reachout is a founder member of the
Evangelical Alliance. The EA was specifically set up to bind together
disparate Christian churches to campaign against SRA.
Reachout became so influential in the 1990 Satan Scare that Davies actually ended
up 'training' and lecturing to Police Officers at Bramshill
police college. All helped
along by Harper's sectarian lies against Witches.
So from 1987 until 1990 when she published Dance With The Devil Harper told her false
tale of initiation widely, but did not include the bit about sacrificing
a baby until December 1988. Why didn't she make this a key
feature of her testimony during those early months? We will
explain this in detail below, first back to how it developed.
Travelling Satanic Sideshow
Harper was the prototype victim-imposter of the Satanic Panic and was
rolled out whenever journalists required first-hand-proof of the threat
of SRA. She appears in almost all of the most sensational tabloid
articles about SRA, and always with the Gang of Five in tow. It was a travelling Satanic Sideshow. Once she had written and published Dance With The Devil, it monumentalised the idea that Satanists and Witches were killing and eating babies.
The anti-social effects
were immense. On the Time and the Place TV show where
Harper first said she had been present when a baby had had its throat
slit, another member of the audience was literally, nearly lynched, and
Mike Scott, the host had a hard time regaining control as the audience
went for him. Such emotionally triggered responses are still
occurring today, because, thirty years later
this wicked book is hailed as a first-person true account of Satanic
Ritual Abuse by millions of fundamentalist Christians around the world
who really believed it happened, when in respect of the Witchcraft tales in it, it is fiction.
Astoundingly Harper's bigoted prejudices abound in Dance with the
Devil. As well as a fixation on Satanism and Witchcraft Harper is
also prejudiced against Jews and Lesbians, whom she mentions
pejoratively eight times in the book.
Another Anti-Semitic Christian Like Luther
Of Jews she says this:
Her first child was the product of a relationship with a RAF airman.
They made arrangements to marry and Harper became pregnant.
Inconveniently David then died in an accident three months before the
baby was born. After the birth, David's devastated parents wanted
to help her and the new baby, their grandson, but cold-hearted Harper
refused to let them adopt their natural grandson because they were
Jewish and she didn't want the child brought up as a Jew (Page 32).
What a nice woman Audrey is. Especially when you learn that she
later gave that child away to someone else to adopt through her
social worker. Presumably that family were Christian and not Jewish?
Christian Homophobia
Audrey Gay people are both evil and child abusers. Lesbianism is a
product of the Devil. In an interview she gave in the
infamous Cook Report Special 'The Devil's Work' in 1989 she said:
' (Witchcraft ) attracts homosexuals they attract Lesbians they attract paedophiles because they can get away with it'
You can see by the way that Harper's eyes move that she's
dissembling, that she has no evidence, that she's spouting fears and not
It is pure bigotry in action. Listen to a short clip and watch her Sectarian Lies pour out by clicking on the photo (right).
Roger Cook should have cut this deplorable accusation ( for which he had
no proof ) out of the programme but he didn't because what else did he
have to prove his Hoax about SRA?
Nothing as, 30 years later, it can now be seen that every one of 21 cases of SRA he alluded to in that programme had failed in the courts.
Harper's false link between Gay/Lesbian people and child abuse was
attacked by viewers who phoned in to complain. The TV TIMES
magazine printed a letter from a viewer about
that programme which
pointed out that it
is not a qualification of homosexuality to
indulge in witchcraft or child-abuse, whereupon a spokesperson for
Central TV apologised
in general to the gay community. (Ed:
if you want to see the full show, the most despicable Trial by TV in
Media History which sold the British public an absolute lie, then it is here )
On page 65 of Dance with the Devil Harper says:
"...many of the witches were hugging and kissing, there is a
lot of Lesbianism in witchcraft, I think many women join covens because
the female predominance means they will find others of the same sexual inclination."
But as I point out elsewhere Audrey Harper is fabricating to suit her own prejudices. There is no predominance of
women in witchcraft, it is one of the rules of the Craft that each Coven
is 'balanced' sexually, that is, has equal men to women. I have
never noticed a predominance of Lesbians in Witchcraft and I know a lot
more about it than Audrey does. Here Harper is simply inventing to
suit the narrative of fundamentalist Christians for whom her book is
exclusively intended. In fact there are no less than 8
derogatory references to Lesbians in Dance with The Devil - I think she
must be obsessed with it as the following extracts prove.
On page 65 Harper speaks of a desecration she took part in at a graveyard and says:
were drinking quite heavily, including me and many of the witches were
hugging and kissing. There is a lot of Lesbianism in Witchcraft - I
think many women join the covens because the female predominance means
they will find others of the same sexual inclination.
On page 72 Harper fantasises a paedophile witchcraft orgy with young boys and girls who had been drugged:
The drinks, I suspect,
were spiked with some drug, probably LSD, that soon took effect. The
youngsters began pawing each other. And the witches who were there,
obviously Lesbians, homed in on the young girls.
Obviously! On page 75 Harper waxes to her anti-Lesbian theme:
witnessed horrible sights as those evil people, spurred on by the warlock
and witches, abused those children. There were dreadful Lesbian
scenes where some of the women used contraptions to sexually interfere
with little girls.
On page 78 Harper infers
the other female members of the coven were lesbians and tried to seduce
her but she complained to the Warlock and he stopped it. (?)
On page 87 Harper decamped from London to Southend for the holiday
season and lived next to two Lesbians who were drug pushers.
Apparently Audrey Harper has never met a Lesbian who wasn't into some
kind of criminal or immoral activity.
The reason I mention these asides in detail is that I want to give the
reader a perspective on Harper's reality. The average reader will
find her anti-semitism and hatred of Gay people despicable but what it
shows is how she is prepared to use black propaganda to demonise and discredit
others based on a purposeful misrepresentation of facts. You can
her dissembling here about Lesbians, do you now understand that her
accusations in the book about Witchcraft and Paganism are also
Sectarian Lies? Fundies will often lie for Jesus (I
give examples later on) and think that
because the cause is a good one that their lies will be forgiven
them. In fact in one unguarded interview with a Christian magazine
Harper clearly says:
".... if God tells you to do something you've got to go and do it
regardless of cost".
and, presumably, regardless of fact?
Harper's Dissolute Early Life:
To understand why one
person making completely unsubstantiated claims about the sacrifice of a
baby in a Witchcraft/Pagan ceremony could be taken seriously and,
furthermore, how that false claim was used by the Media and other
fundamentalists to wrongly extrapolate that ALL Witches and Pagans and Satanists
were by qualification abusing, torturing and killing children because
it was demanded in their rites, we will have to look into the
Biographical details in Audrey Harper's book:
was born on 25th December 1939 in a two room rented flat above an
opticians in Crewe. Her father had died three months before
the birth. In those days it was not uncommon for mothers, trying to
make ends meet without a man in work, to send younger members of a
family to charitable institutions because they could not look after
them properly. They could not work and keep themselves and look after
Harper and her three year old sister were packed off
to the Dr Barnardo's home at Farm Hill in Kelvden, Essex. The
image to the right shows some of the attendees at Kelvden. If you click
on it you will see a short video of how happy and well fed and cared for
they were. Ironically from the 1970s Barnardos was hit by a
number of scandals related to forcible emigration of children for
adoption but as you will see from this clip Harper had as good if not
better childhood than she probably would have got in Crewe.
Harper admits to hating her mother for dumping her in Barnardo's,
though, in lesser circumstances she later gave up two of her own
illegitimate babies to others with little qualm. Even so Harper,
like many of her type, was looking for someone to blame for her lot in
life and in the early days it was her mother whom she found at
fault. In fact in 1966 Harper was in such a state from
taking heroin and other drugs that she was sectioned in Severals Hospital
in Colchester for eight months. During this time she attempted suicide
with a plastic dinner knife. More a cry for help, the wrist cuts didn't
need stitches but when she recovered Harper hatched a plan to murder her mother, blaming her for everything that had befallen her. (page 154)
This seems typical of Audrey Harper's history, everything negative that
happened in her life was always someone else's fault. If it wasn't
her mother, it was Satan. Yet her history of crime, deceit,
antisocial actions, self-harm and mental instability was entirely due to
her own poor decisions and actions. Time and time again when she
was at the lowest ebb and literally near to dying she was given a chance
by various good people and charities who cleaned her up and gave her a
stable home, yet time and time again she used and abused them, taking
advantage of their goodwill and resources, then leaving, sometimes
secretly in
the middle of the night without even saying thanks and goodbye; to
go back to the Drug subculture she felt at home in.
For instance, in 1962 she was on the game and got pregnant. She got into
her head that the baby was a 'Rosemary's Baby' and obtained a
back-street abortion which didn't work. Then she was admitted to Warley mental hospital
at Brentwood after telling police she wanted to kill her baby.
She gave up the child for adoption immediately it was born, never even
bothering knowing what sex it was. Presumably the poor baby was born
addicted to heroin, but as far as Harper was concerned:
'Once the baby
was born my mental illness vanished. With the devil's child nestling in
my womb I had become deranged.' (page 85)
never Audrey's fault is it? No matter to what level she descends
there is always someone else to blame isn't there? If it's not the
Witches, it's the Devil, or a baby in her womb.
Once the hospital had organised the birth for her,
and stabilised Harper they then got her a job at an old people's
home, but, typically, she packed it in within 3 months after arguing
with the Matron, going back to London's West-End drug culture as before.
Then in early summer 1963 she travelled to Southend for the summer
season, got a job as a 'Clippie' (conductor on a bus) which lasted a few
more months during which time Audrey bragged about bilking customers
and short-changing them. When she wasn't bilking passengers she
was having affairs with other bus company employees, one of them married,
causing confrontations and all out slanging matches at the Christmas
Party. She was amused at the irony of having a sexual
relationship with a local detective from the drugs squad, whilst, in the
flats where she lived, her next door neighbours were drug pushers who
supplied her with drugs. Then her life fell into the usual pattern, she
began absenting herself from work and turning up late until she was
sacked. Without income her landlord began to put pressure on her for the
rent. She got an evening job at a Cafe to help but couldn't pay her way
so she stole money from the Cafe till, and absconded her debts, going
back to her Druggie friends in London's West-End, resorting to
prostitution and stealing to get money for fixes.
At one point Harper says she was on THREE packets of Heroin a day. So
this inability to live a normal and decent life dogged Harper
throughout her youth and it had nothing whatsoever to do with Satanism or Witchcraft.
Her story of her heroin dependency reveals how
Harper works-up stories to suit herself. Watch carefully: Although
Harper several times blames 'The Warlock' for getting her on Heroin it
is clear that most of the people she mixed with in the 'Dilly' drug subculture prior to
being 'initiated' were Heroin addicts and she admits to taking pill
drugs and marijuana regularly. On page 63 of Dance with The Devil Harper says:
Later with the help of my new friends in the coven. I graduated to heroin.
I Told him (the
warlock) that I was needing drugs more and more and I needed money to
pay for them, and I was in a mess. He said ' As long as you keep coming
here, and working for us, we will provide drugs for you.' He gave
me a small sachet of white powder. It looked like talc but it was
heroin. I had taken most other drugs before, but never heroin. ..... The warlock was given me enough for a couple of fixes (page 96)
states that she received a packet of a 'couple of fixes' at each coven meeting she went
to. Harper says that she went to meetings every three weeks or so (page 97)
. We have pointed out that Pagans actually meet every four weeks
at the full moon, but if we allow three weeks for Harper's imaginary
coven that would mean she obtained free heroin sufficient for two fixes
every three weeks. Obviously this isn't enough so (page 98)
Audrey says that she was left a packet of heroin in between time at a
local pub in Curzon Street which acted as a message drop off for the
coven. Did Harper tell the police about this pub, drug dealing
etc? She was investigated and questioned by Surrey Police in
December 1988 following her sensational confession live on TV when she
first told her Baby Sacrifice story on The Time and The Place, (1st
December 1988). Harper says in Dance with the Devil that she
used to telephoned the coven and the packets of heroin would be left at
the bar. She admits in her book that she regularly phoned
Dianna's number for details of the next coven meeting, yet on page 13
she says that when interviewed by the police she couldn't remember any
phone numbers.
Harper then says about her drug supply obtained via the pub:
This was just a small quantity, enough to tide me over until the next meeting' (page 98).
But on page 122 Harper says she was needing up to THREE fixes a
day. Allowing for reduced drug effect over time we could
conservatively estimate that Harper was using at least one fix per day
during her time with the coven. Most heroin addicts require at
least one fix a day. But allowing for Harper's supplementing the
Coven's supply through prostitution and crime, let's be even more
lenient and say that she took a fix every couple of days. That
means she would have needed at least ten fixes from the Coven at a
street value of, by her own pricing, £40.00 a time (page 96)
from each three week coven meeting to the next. She says she was
given one packet of two fixes at each coven meeting so would be
telephoning the coven once a week for more. By the time she got to
the next coven meeting they would have subsidised Harper to the tune of
over £400.00. In today's money that would have cost the coven
£6,344.67 a month! I mean honestly, do you REALLY believe
this? At a time when the average man's wage was £20.00 a week and
many unskilled workers earned a lot less? When two months worth of
heroin was equivalent to the price of a brand new Hilman Super Minx
car? What was she to the coven? A druggie or The Queen?
There is something very wrong here. Harper has exaggerated or
misrepresented the Truth in some way we cannot see but as Witchcraft
covens DO NOT deal in heroin, my belief is that this is just a Sectarian
Lie and she got all of her heroin supply on the streets.
The major take-away in respect of her sojourn in
Southend is this: She committed multiple crimes and bilked
other people, kept on taking drugs, had affairs with married men,
worked-up debts and broke trust with many people she came into contact
with over a six month period without any influence or contact with anyone involved in Witchcraft, Paganism or Satanism. During this time Harper was free of the occult for half a year and STILL continually messed up her life. Audrey Harper's behaviour was clearly a result of personality problems, not Satanism.
Audrey Harper's behaviour was clearly a result of personality problems, not Satanism.
Her life , as detailed in her own book, is a panoply of missed opportunities and selfish actions. Note
that many of these traumas had occurred prior to her story of becoming a
Witch and continued in parallel with it. In the main problems in
her life Harper was not corrupted by Witchcraft but by her own actions.
In the main problems in
her life Harper was not corrupted by Witchcraft but by her own actions.
Much of Dance with the Devil is
not about Witchcraft or
Satanism, it is about Harper's dissolute life in the Drug sub-culture
and the victims she leaves by the wayside. From what is
written in her
book Audrey is a one-woman crime wave. I think a profile of
her criminal activities and deceit is important as it sets the stage for how reliable her word is.
She becomes proficient at
wholesale shoplifting stealing multiple items at one go (page 42/43)
which are then passed to a 'fence' for money for drugs.
She becomes a
street prostitute to get money for her drug fixes (page 40) and then
after charging for her sexual favours she steals her clients' wallets and money (Page 44),
She steals
money from places she works at, Turns to mugging old ladies for loose
change (Page 91), Begs on the street for money from passers by, then pulls a
blade and threatens to knife them if they don't cough up. ( Page 119 ).
She forges prescriptions for drugs (page 120)
Harper goes along with a seasoned cat-burglar and learns how to spot the
best houses to rob and then goes on her own crime spree carrying a
crow-bar to jemmy open doors. After breaking in to other peoples' homes and stealing valuables,
she coolly raids the fridge as well because 'crime always makes her
hungry'. (page 118)
There is not much one can say about this depraved catalogue of
anti-social, and vicious acts save that you would have thought that Harper
might have been bright enough to threaten a man with a knife and take his
wallet BEFORE she had sex with him?
However the main take-away is that all this criminal activity has no
connection whatsoever with Satanism or Paganism and simply illustrates
the lack of moral fibre and corrupted character of Harper at that time
in her life.
Let me correct that, there is one instance which did
involve the occult and here it is:
When Harper tried to steal a purse from a woman's
handbag, she is spotted and a chase ensues during which Audrey is caught by the
woman and recognised. Harper breaks free and escapes, but fears the
woman can identify her and will report her to the police so sHarper goes back to her flat and
works a Satanic Curse on the woman by drawing a pentagram on the floor with a
woman's shape in the middle and then sticking pins in it. Harper then records that
the woman, who was pregnant, lost her baby the very next day (Page 100).
What a selfish, stupid and vindictive person this Harper really
is. But of course, whenever she reveals these sins, she always
adds the corollary that it was the
'Devil that made her Do it'.
Oh, and to add to the string of law-breaking above we mustn't forget
these very serious crimes which the police don't seem remotely
interested in investigating:
- Harper failed to report the fatal drug overdose of her friend Marylin, leaving her dead on the floor ( page159)
- Harper
solicited and attempted an abortion from a back street abortionist whom
she was bedding and dodged police questioning about him in hospital
because she was 'too ill'. (page 83)
- Harper recruited young run-aways for child-abuse parties and attended them herself. (page 71)
- Harper Failed to report the child abuse parties to the police even though she says she was revolted by them.
- Harper confesses to vandalising many churches but did not report the damage to the police. (page 105)
- She failed to report the murder of the baby in the supposed Satanic Sacrifice to the police.
And she complains about what Witches do!
Later in this review of her book we
challenge almost all of her story about being involved in a
child-sacrifice. It never happened and we will prove it. Meanwhile
let us see how much Harper really knows about Satanism and Witchcraft
after supposedly spending 5 years as a member of the Virginia Water
Dirth of Detail In Her Tall Tales of Witchcraft:
Dance with the Devil
was primarily written for Christian readers and published by KingsWay
publications of Eastbourne, a Christian publishing company. Their
range of books espouses fundamentalist Christianity. Their
Christian customers would have no understanding of the real things that
go on at Witchcraft meetings, nor any knowledge of the ideology of
Witchcraft so can be mislead very easily. I don't know
how many copies of Dance With The Devil they've sold but it must be in the
hundreds of thousands. This company, Kingsway publications is equally
responsible for the Sectarian Lies within it.
We append some examples of how the pearl-clutching Christian fundamentalists received and reviewed Dance With the Devil below,
the example on the right shows what the Tabloid Press did with it. They
took Harper's imagined account and added further falsification to
it. The artists impression of the 'chilling moment Audrey became
Satan's sex slave' is completely fictitious going by the description given
in DWTD but what does fact matter?
Most Christians swallow the constant mediaeval black-propaganda on
Witches/Pagans which lies at the base of Audrey Harper's stories.
They do not understand that Paganism is as complex and well defined religion as
Christianity is. Fundies are therefore quite willing to accept
Sectarian Lies that Harper puts out. For instance, Harper continually and purposefully confuses Satanism with Paganism. Only as a final adjunct to her book does she in her penultimate chapter (page 227) add a one-page perfunctory definition of what she calls 'white witchcraft'
and Paganism. Only then does she introduce a perspective on the
separate religion of Neo-Satanism (inaugurated by Anton LaVey in 1966).
I have a sneaking feeling that this sop to reality was done to avoid
charges of Sectarian Hatred, (since 2006 a crime in British Law).
Harper's understanding is corrupt and ignorant and reads
to me as though it is an attempt not to define the true nature of
Paganism, but to ally it to the evil Satanic Deeds she has spent the
whole book trying to establish.
It is an attempt not to define the true nature of
Paganism, but to ally it to the evil Satanic Deeds she has spent the
whole book trying to establish.
In places (Page 227) she actually undermines her own story. For
instance, before La Vey's opening of The Church of Satan in 1966 there
were no 'Satanic' Covens in the UK. All Witchcraft covens in the UK
are Neo-pagan covens. That is, reconstitutions of ancient Pagan
religions of various types, interest in which began in the 1890s during
what has been termed 'The Occult Renaissance', when interest in Theosophy, Spiritualism, Freemasonry and Classical religions became common.
We go into detail at the bottom of this webpage about how this resurgence happened but
obviously if Neo-Satanism didn't exist prior to 1966 how does Harper
portray them as being a blight on Britain in 1961? Audrey HAD to
confuse Witchcraft/Pagan covens with Satanic Temples depicting all as
Devil Worshippers, which they are not, otherwise she wouldn't have had
any material.
Look at this: In Dance with The Devil Harper
mentions Satanists and Satanism a hundred and two times (102), but she
apportions blame to Witches and Pagans one hundred and fifty four times
(154). Thus her target is neither Satanism or Witchcraft but the mediaeval stereotype of the Devil Worshipper.
Thus her target is neither Satanism or Witchcraft but the mediaeval stereotype of the Devil Worshipper.
Even a cursory look at Paganism reveals that there is no devil figure in the Witchcraft Pantheon. Pagans/Witches DO NOT WORSHIP THE DEVIL or SATAN.
Why then would Audrey Harper's 'Warlock master' want to sacrifice
anything in order to get Satan's attention? It is utterly
illogical, and it is illogical because it is untrue!
The figure of Satan is an adjunct to the Christian Religion not an enemy
of it. Satan is a component part of the Christian
mythos. As Harper frequently
points out, Lucifer was an angel expelled from heaven for conflicting
with God. Witches do not have a Lucifer deity in the Pagan pantheon.
Why then would Harper's 'Satanic Coven' give her the magical name of
'Luci'? She says her 'coven name' was chosen as Luci because it
'supposedly the fallen half of Lucifer' (page 53).
This is meaningless mumbo-jumbo indicating that Harper doesn't know what she is talking about. . No self-respecting Pagan/Witchcraft coven would ever choose Luci as a name.
In fact Lucifer means 'Light Bearer' (as in Lucifer matches). There are
many 'bearers of light' in ancient religions. The most famous one
in the Celtic Witchcraft tradition is Lugh who is worshipped at
Lughnasadh on August 1st. That is a major Witchcraft/Pagan
festival, yet here is Harper trying to convince you that she is being
named after a Christian Angel on Halloween (October 31st) by a
Witchcraft Coven whose light-bearer festival is on August 1st.
It just doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make sense because it is a fantasy.
Harper appears to know absolutely nothing about Paganism/Witchcraft
other than several token words which she peppers throughout the
book. For instance she frequently uses the term Warlock. Warlock is an old Scotts word for a male witch - Pagans themselves NEVER use it because it was a term of derision, an insult!
No leader of a Witchcraft coven is EVER termed 'A Warlock'.
Later in her book Harper tries to convince her readers of her expertise and knowledge of
Witchcraft and Satanism by saying:
'there are four main witchcraft festivals - February 2 (Candlemass), May Eve (Roodmass), August 1st Lammas, and November Eve (All Hallows eve)'
Their are in fact EIGHT main
witchcraft festivals not four. If she had worked with a coven for 5
years how could she possibly make that mistake?
Harper has proven herself ignorant of Witchcraft ceremonies. She claims
to be an initiated Satanic Witch yet is an ignoramus about the basics of
Witchcraft/Paganism. There are eight festivals in the Witchcraft
year, which is why it is called the Eight Fold Way and there are plenty of books explaining this such as 'Eight Sabbats for Witches' (Farrar). Harper obviously doesn't know anything about the cross-quarter festivals of the Spring equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice. These are KEY festival dates which ALL witches/pagans must observe. Yet
she's oblivious to them. She obviously didn't attend any. She didn't
attend any because her time with the Coven is a fantasy.
Additionally, instead of using the true Pagan/Witchcraft names for her
'Four main festivals' she attaches CHRISTIAN feasts to them. (e.g.
Roodmass;) Additionally she, again,
makes a faux pas by calling August 1st 'Lammas' (A Christian festival)
instead of Lughnasadh, which is the ancient festival which the Christian
church tried to hi-jack by renaming it Lammas! She calls the
pagan feast of Samhain, Halloween. Halloween is a
contraction of All Hallows Eve, a Christian festival which the church
tried to impose on Samhain to wipe it out. Her 'coven of Satanic
Witches' is looking less and less real the more she opens her mouth.
Harper goes on to fantasise that the Coven met much more frequently than on these festivals 'almost every month'. She obviously doesn't know that Witches MUST meet every month to 'catch the lunar tides' in their Esbat meetings. Getting the picture?
Clearly this woman has never ever been in a Witchraft/Pagan coven. She must be making it all up.
The more she talks about what she was taught in her Witchcraft classes
the more she reveals that she is confabulating because she drops really
serious mistakes which no witch, even a newcomer, would ever do.
For instance she says that she was taught by the Coven that witches were
'persecuted tortured and put to death in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and had to go underground. (page 69)
In fact church witch-hunts against Pagans began 200 years
earlier in the 14th century with two trials at Carcassone and Toulouse
during which 600 people were burned alive as witches. Harper knows
NOTHING about Pagan History.
Then on page 69 she makes the absolute corker of a Sectarian Lie by saying that the Warlock taught her that:
In British law, a witch is 'a person who hath conference with the devil to consult with him or do some act'.
This is absolute bunkum.
Firstly it would never have been taught to her that way by any genuine witch because Pagans do not worship the Devil and
secondly it is a fiction anyway.
In the seven witchcraft laws enacted in
Britain since 1541 (which was the point at which witchcraft was taken
away from the jurisdiction of the Ecclesiastical courts) not one of these Acts has any mention of the Devil or Satan.
I don't know where Harper got this quote from but it was probably
researched for her afterwards in some fundie book about pre sixteenth
century Ecclesiastical Law! In fact one of the purposes of
later acts, particularly the 1735 Witchcraft Act, was to divorce
superstition about Devils and Satan from laws intended to avoid gullible people being tricked for money by people who pretended to be Witches for fraudulent purposes.
A belief in the supernatural was NOT outlawed, what was outlawed was
the fraudulent manipulation of those beliefs. British secular law
has never supported the idea of the existence of an anthropomorphic deity called The Devil.
A true definition of Witchcraft/Paganism would be:
Paganism aims to offer a way to recognise and attune oneself with the
manifold forces of Nature, which already exist within and without us,
and which are vital to our survival, fulfilment and evolution. By
celebrating the seasons and becoming one with other living creatures,
Pagans synchronise intimately with the planet, and liberate their
personalities and magnify their perceptions and talents, in the
interests of themselves, their groups and communities, and humankind as a
whole .
Which is taken from the Pagan Credo first published in 1990. Read it in full and learn about genuine Paganism here : not the vicious stereotypes pushed out by Audrey Harper and her fundie mates.
I'll tell you what I think, I think that Harper boned up on
Witchcraft history from encyclopaedias long after the supposed baby
sacrifice which she claimed had taken place in 1961. I bet she
only began learning about witchcraft in 1986 after she had been
exorcised by Roy Davies. I believe she knew little or nothing prior to that
because her Pagan/Satanic teachers were as imaginary as the sacrifice of
the baby. It never happened. It's all a Sectarian Lie. The only
proof she has about her claimed time in a Witchcraft Coven is her
insider knowledge of Witchcraft/Paganism and I've just shown that everything she says about it is a Sectarian lie.
I've just proven everything she opines about Witchcraft is a Sectarian lie.
There are hundreds of similar contradictions to the testimony of Audrey
Harper throughout her wicked book. For instance, she says;
Beltaine is witches new year's day. (page66)
Beltaine is actually a celebration of Spring, The witches' new year festival is Samhain/Halloween.
On page 50 Harper says that witches must have no trace of alcohol in her
system before initiation. In fact there is no Witchcraft or Satanic law
in any of the rune books demanding this and many recommend imbibing a little Bacchus to loosen inhibitions .
On page 101 she says that her coven was all female except for the
'Warlock Master'.
In real-life all covens MUST be balanced in
sexuality. That is, equally male and female. This is a strict rule.
On page 102 of her disgusting book Harper recounts what she thinks are the Differences between a Coven and a Satanic Temple:
"A Coven and a Satanic
Temple are similar, but there are technical differences. The coven tends
to be the more secretive, more protective, more cautious about who they
invite to join them, and then they are attended only by members who
have been initiated. The Satanic Temple is more open. They often
have a building where meetings are held regularly. They hold masses at
the temples using the Satanic Bible, and they have a form of
communion. But at both Covens and Temples the main objective is to
worship Satan, (Page 102).
Where shall we start dissecting this nonsense? Well the above paragraph
is largely meaningless and certainly not 'technical'. In
this one paragraph Audrey Harper gets so many things wrong it shows that
she's never ever met any real witches let alone attended any of their
Audrey Harper gets so many things wrong it shows that
she's never met any real witches let alone attended any of their
1: There is no similarity between a Satanic Temple and a Pagan Coven. They are two entirely different philosophies.
Only a fool like Harper would mix them up. Because of this their
rites and ceremonies are completely different. The ceremonies of most
Satanic Temples are a dramatised catharsis to free the Satanist from
the thrall of dualistic thinking therefore they will involve those
things considered forbidden, unhealthy or immoral by small minded
puritans. By 'exorcising' any guilt for these things within themselves
Satanism becomes a form of ritual self-analysis and frees the Satanist's
mind. The object is to free the mind, not worship Satan. Most
Satanists don't even believe in Satan, to them it is a psychological
'There is a beast in man which needs exercising, not exorcising'. ..Anton La Vey
Paganism/Witchcraft is entirely different. It is nature religion based
on the immutable cycles of the earth, which is why they meet at the full
moon for Esbats and the cross-quarter festivals for the turning of the
Sun. These natural cycles have far more of an effect on human
consciousness and health than most people realise. The object of
Paganism/Witchcraft observance is to attune each member of the coven to
the natural and cosmic cycles of the Earth. Their ceremonies involve
symbolic rites which do this.
For instance, monthly meetings (Esbats) are held at the full moon
because the lunar force makes divination more effective at the full
moon. Divination is then used to divine methods of healing best used to
cure a human or animal's health problems etc. The entire
motivation of Pagans is to atone with the planet, recognise their place
in the ecology and perfect their awareness and understanding of natural
magic (i.e. Herbalism, healing, divination, self-awareness etc).
Evil is not a part of their thinking and never has been.
Pagans have no interest in Christianity whatsoever and do not believe in the Christian Devil.
The only person who appears to worship Satan is Audrey Harper because she never shuts up about it.
2: Harper insists that Satanists are more open to new members and
Witches Covens are more careful about who can join them and be
initiated. This completely contradicts her own story of when she was initiated. On
page 45 she recounts being touted in a pub by two women who recruit her
to a party without mentioning Witchcraft, and then, on page 51, she is
tarted up by them and taken blindfolded to a Coven Meeting in Virginia
Water which turns out to be her 'initiation' and before she knows what is
happening a baby is murdered and she is raped on the altar.
This is an outright Sectarian Lie which we will dismantle in detail
later. At the moment it is only necessary that the reader know this:
Witchcraft/Pagan covens DO NOT harm children, they certainly do not kill
them and there has never ever in history been evidence to suggest
it. What Harper recounts is a ceremony completely unknown to
all Pagans. It is unknown because it is fictional. Pagans do not
rape people on altars or anywhere else for that matter. One of the
first runes of the Craft learned by ALL initiates is
'Do what thou wilt, providing it harms no one!
Later in her
appalling book Harper actually tries to misrepresent this ancient creed
by cutting off half the axiom -( ie censoring. 'providing it harms no one') and tries to portray Witches as freely breaking all natural and moral laws because they selfishly 'Do What They wilt.'
Another evil Sectarian Lie.
Involvement of Children in Witchcraft Rites:
There is a long-standing rule of the
Craft which says that children must NOT be involved within the magic
circle in any ceremonies until they are of the age of initiation
(usually 16), slightly older than the 'confirmation rites' of
Christianity. Before anyone is initiated, whether young or
old, they first have to learn about the history of Paganism and the
philosophy of Paganism. Joining Paganism is like joining any other
religion, the priests of that religion want to make sure that the
novitiate is serious and intelligent enough to add to the sum of the
religion's parts.
Witches do not 'tout' in bars for new members, usually there is a
waiting list to join created by word of mouth, and anyone who requests
to join will be interviewed and tested about their current beliefs and
motivations. Far more applicants are rejected than are
accepted. As Harper herself says, many idiots want to join
Paganism/Witchcraft for immature and faulty reasons such as the greed
for power over others or the wish to get revenge on others. Unlike
in Christianity where every single person who converts is accepted,
fools and devious people are quickly weeded out and expunged from
Paganism/Witchcraft groups.
Those novitiates who stay the course are taught the history, laws and
philosophy of Witchcraft/Paganism. Traditionally this takes 'a year and a day' or '13 moons'.
All of this conflicts directly with Harper's later telling of her story
where she says that she was taught the history of Paganism/Witchcraft
at the monthly meetings AFTER she was initiated. (actually she even
got that wrong, she said that the coven in her story met every three
weeks, which is nonsense for it is the 28.7 day cycle of the moon which
dictates meetings. You simply can't believe a thing this woman says).
Lastly despite Harper continually saying otherwise, Paganism is not secretive. There are thousands of books now available explaining the philosophy and rites of Paganism and all of these books will reflect the established rites of Witchcraft which are entirely innocuous.
An estimated 75,000 pagans/witches live in the UK in 2020 and that
number is growing. Pagans have their own public-facing association
The Pagan Federation, and various other public events and open-days to allow outsiders to come and see what they do. To suggest that Witches are secretive and have something to hide is Sectarian Lies of the worst order.
In short this one paragraph from Harper on (page 102) proves that her story is fantasy and not in any way connected with either Satanism or Witchcraft/Paganism.
page 105 Harper launches into another untrue account of how Witches and
Pagans make it their job to defile Christian churches and
graveyards. As we have pointed out above, Pagans are simply not
interested in what Christians do. Why would they want to do such a
disgusting thing? Trying to find a motive to back up her
story about them attacking churches she works-up the fact that
many old churches occupy the sites of earlier Pagan sacred sites.
There is truth in some of this, probably one of the few truths in her
book. When Christianity came to the British Isles in the 7th
century Christian missionaries worked WITH the beliefs of the local
Pagans in order to win them over, and because gods and goddess are
paralleled throughout all ancient civilisations they found it expedient
to hi-jack local pagan deities. For instance the Celtic
Mother-Goddess Bridget was equated with The Virgin
Mary. As Mary herself was a symbol that the early Christian
church had appropriated from the even earlier Ancient Egyptian pantheon (see
image of Isis feeding Osiris on the right) you can see how this
religious appropriation worked throughout history.
The early church cooperated with Pagans and built multiple-use churches
on Pagan sites. Often these early 10th century churches had two altars. A
main Christian altar and a side-altar to the local Pagan deity, with a
separate access door (later given the pejorative name of The Devil's
Door). Once Christianity had become politically powerful they
dispensed with this cooperation and attempted to suppress the Old
Religion of Paganism. So the idea that Pagan's might want
their sacred sites back would be logical, but for two facts:
According to Harper the Coven drove for 15 minutes to get to the church
to desecrate it. That is about a ten mile radius. Within a ten mile area of Virginia Water there are no churches built on ancient sacred sites.
All the village churches in that area were built much
later. So sectarian untruther Audrey Harper's first
motivation for desecration is false. Pagans do not attack
churches,whether they are on pagan sacred sites or not. There are no cases of this ever happening.
She is left therefore with the second Sectarian Lie about Witches
wanting to 'defile' churches to abominate God.
The difficulty with this is that there has not been one instance of
Pagans defiling churches in modern times. The idea is a retelling
of the legends of when the Vikings pillaged Britain in the 8th century
beginning with looting Lindisfarne Abbey of its gold in 793.
Because the Vikings had not been Christianised they became the
'Satanists' of the day and were bad-mouthed by Christian
chroniclers. All they were really after was the gold. Of
course the Christians blame their actions on them being Pagan,
conveniently forgetting about all the looting and rapine that was
carried out by pious Christian Crusaders in the Holy Wars of the Middle
Ages. Or indeed the defacing of Catholic Icons and Churches during
the Reformation. Fundies like Harper are always very selective
about the stories they tell.
many churches are indeed vandalised and of course lead and copper
stripped from their roofs. Occasionally glue-sniffers and wayward kids
may spray-paint pentagrams on headstones or break a few windows and some
enterprising teenagers go the extra mile in surprising fashion (see
story in image right- click on it for a larger version to read ) which
all adds to the false idea that Witches and Pagans have a disposition to
attack Churches when they never do.
But Witches and Pagans have no need to attack Christianity and as they
do not believe in Christian symbols and icons why on earth would they be
bothered to? What would they get out of it?
Harper tries to convey a feeling of euphoria after tearing up
bibles and stamping on crosses. Weird if you ask me.
You gotta be
rather twisted to get a high from that, but there's a lot of other
contradictory nonsense in her desecration stories, all of which denoting
that they are imagined.
For instance: on page 106 the 'Warlock Master', walks into the church to
begin the process of sullying the church. How did he get
past the lock on the door? Even in the 1960s churches were
locked at night. Harper says that the Coven chose 'isolated'
churches. There are no isolated churches. They are all placed
squarely within the Hamlets they serve. The sight and sounds of
several car loads of 'Witches' turning up to desecrate a church,
parking, slamming doors, turning on lights in the church, breaking
glass, stamping on brass crucifixes and chanting would wake the entire
neighbourhood, but perhaps the loudest noise would be trying to
break down the big oak deadlocked church doors! That is nigh on
impossible. It's actually unbelievable. It's unbelievable because it is not true.
Harper cannot name any of these
churches. She is always blindfolded or the night is always too dark to
see, or there is some other impediment to avoid her having to identify
those churches she claims were desecrated. Most churches are quite
different inside and have something notable in the type of font, hangings,
rood-screen etc. but Harper never notices anything. Her
geography is so poor she
can't even remember the direction they went off in and doesn't know
which way they came back. It really is too much. It is too
much because it is untrue.
She imagines this
stuff without thinking out the details but of course, as this book is a
kind of Christian Parable written for already sold Christian
Fundamentalists who are more interested in justifying their hatred of
Pagans than the facts, who cares? Well we
Then Harper remembers that the Witches 'were chanting'. On
page 80 she speaks in tongues and repeats unknown words as if by
magic. As with geography and names, Harper's command of language
also diminishes when she comes to trying to remember ANY of the calls,
chants, periapts or rituals which she claims to have experienced in the
five years she claims she was a member of the Coven.
Most Witchcraft ceremonies do have chants and they are usually associated with 'circle dances', but they are repetitive and
simple. They obviously repeat throughout the year. One well known
one is
- Eko Eko Azarak
- Eko Eko Zomelak
- Zod ru koz e zod ru koo
- Zod ru goz e goo ru moo
- Eeo Eeo hoo hoo hoo!
After five years one would have
expected Harper to be able to repeat at least the first two lines of
this ubiquitous chant which almost everyone involved in the occult is
familiar with. She can't do so because I don't believe she's ever
been a member of a Pagan/Witchcraft coven. She claims to have
been hypnotised by the chanting of the Coven and in some mysterious and
convenient way chanted words she couldn't actually understand or
remember. The Eko Eko chant above is used every Samhain rite
(Halloween) and in some others too. I've never been hypnotised by
it! If she really was a member of a coven she will have heard it
performed it at least FIVE times if she stayed with the coven for 5
years. But she can't remember it. She can't remember it
because she doesn't know it, because she never heard any chanting,
because she was never there.
In contradistinction her recall on non-Witchcraft things is minutely
perfect. For instance on page 137, she can reconstitute a 1966
letter written to a pastor asking for help in drug rehabilitation, word
for word. She wrote it once 24 years earlier and can remember every word.
Suspicious? I'll say.
Here's another impossible thing on page 107.
'The Warlock took the
communion chalice and urinated into it. The first witch in the line
stepped forward, spat at the cross, then knelt and took a sip from the
chalice....Somebody nudged me and I went forward...'
Where did the Warlock get the chalice from? All ritual paraphernalia is locked away in churches to avoid theft?
Then, to ensure she doesn't alienate herself from her Christian audience Harper says in passing:
I spat at the cross but nothing came out of my mouth it was dry with fear.
How convenient. Have you noticed that
whenever Audrey is involved in any Satanic act, it somehow never comes
off, or there is somehow some excuse, or she ducks the
issue? Strange that. It's a bit like the old News of the World
reporters who visited brothels and drug-dens giving minute salacious
detail of everything until it came to the nitty-gritty, whereupon the
reporter 'made an excuse and left' so as not to be classed as an
The Warlock offered me a
plate. I couldn't see in the dim light what was on it, but I picked
it up and put it in my mouth. It was faeces. We were eating faeces
and drinking urine in a horrible mockery of the Christian communion
service. It made me feel sick but I somehow had to stop myself vomiting (page 108).
Earlier, page 107, Harper had said that
they had turned on a light. Whether or not the light was too dim to see
the faeces properly surely her nose would have told her what the brown
stuff on the plate was long before she stuck her fingers in it?
Nobody can taste faeces without smelling it first. If it was
dimly lit and she couldn't see the faeces she would have smelled them. Why didn't she therefore just
pretend to eat the shit?
Whose shit was it anyway?
Where did they do the shit?
Who shovelled it onto the plate?
It is all completely ridiculous.
And the purpose of this abomination?
Apparently to make the Witches vomit over the crucifix.
Why didn't they just smear faeces on it?
Then there is a further abomination.
The crucifix, covered in vomit and
faeces, is laid on the ground and a 20 year old girl who was apparently
part of the other coven who joined them, is brought in, made to lie on
the cross and raped by the Warlock. The pain of the cross sticking
into her back would probably have made the whole thing impossible, let alone the stench of the faeces and vomit, but after this
Harper says a witch began tearing pages out of the Lectern bible.
Another began tearing down banners from the walls. All the
witches were chanting (but of course Audrey couldn't actually remember
what they were chanting, not even one tiny little word. She has that mental
block for those things as we know) and Harper was then made to tear pages out of a Prayer book.
The whole story is a fabrication. Had it been true there would have been
uproar in the county and countrywide headlines to prove it. There
are no such media reports of this or any other such defiling going on
at that time, or since, yet Harper claims they defiled about 8 churches
every year. One every six weeks. In police terms that is a
crime-fad but the police don't know anything about it all. There
are no recorded Satanic desecrations in the area of such magnitude at
that time. It is inconceivable that a series of desecrations could
occur without causing uproar and a long-term investigation.
She implies that other Witches do the same thing and that there are
hundreds of Pagan Covens. There are indeed, which is why we know
that this desecration accusations is a Sectarian Lie, because there have been no such desecrations
reported! The police keep detailed records of crimes against
churches. There are, sadly, thousands of vandal attacks and
instances of theft but nothing at all which would even remotely match
this fantasy of hers, over the last 30 years for sure. It is a
Sectarian Lie. Pagans and Witches DO NOT attack or defile or
vandalise churches in any way and at any time. But there's
more, Audrey
whose personal depravity included living unwashed in a drugged stupor in
a filthy squat, covered in lice, whilst having sex with passers by to
get money for drugs, can think of one more abomination to outrage her
"These (parties) were
when we became involved with the paedophiles who abused young
children. That happened more than once when we raided churches.
Youngsters who were drugged so they wouldn't make a noise, were brought
along and used in hideous ceremonies to show our reverence for
I remember a little boy, who cannot have been more than six or seven,
being tied naked to the inverted cross in one church and, while the
circle of witches chanted, some of the men who had come along sexually
abused that youngster. I tried to hide when these awful
things were going on. I hid behind the lectern or would find a pillar to
hide behind but I knew they were going on and it sickened me.
Another Sectarian Lie. I quite simply don't believe this ever happened. For a start church crucifixes
are far too small to tie the average six year old to. It would require a cross four
feet across. And surely, if she HAD seen this horrible occurrence
Harper would have immediately reported them to the police to avoid it
happening again to other children? SURELY? Hiding behind pillars
is just too weak an excuse. Any decent human would have immediately gone
to the police afterwards regardless, and, particularly when, as she
admits, she knew in advance when these abuses were going to take place
the coven could have been caught red-handed. I don't believe a
word of it, no ordinary human being could stand by and allow such abuses
to occur and she has absolutely no evidence to confirm these
far-fetched stories. That can be seen by the next quote:
'As well as our raids
on churches, sometimes we went to Satanic Temples. The activities of
these temples were quite different from the covens. The covens did more
powerful and evil things.' (P 113)
But Harper fails to itemise the 'more powerful and 'evil' things
they could have done nor explain how they could be more evil than their
abusing of children had been. Perhaps she had exhausted her
imagination for evil that day?
Again, as Satanism revolves around the need for each individual to
break-free of the puritanical Christian mind-set it is the psychodrama
in their ceremonies which is required and they don't go out to get
revenge on Church property. That would be counterproductive.
And in this connection here is another impossible happening from
Audrey. Harper mentions Satanist Temples using 'The Satanic
Bible' (page 102). yet The Satanic Bible was written by Anton La Vey in 1969 - three years after Harper had walked away and had finished with Satanism and Witchcraft. Couldn't have happened could it? It couldn't have happened because it is untrue.
Indeed, the Satanic Bible does not contain any Satanic Ceremonies, it was purely a polemic on Satanic philosophy with the admixture of a handful of invocations.
Additionally on page 114 Harper says that attendances at Satanic Temples
can reach 100. I think she must be talking about public lectures,
there is no Satanic Temple large enough to hold 100 people in the UK.
Also on page114 she says that
'they even say the Lord's Prayer backwards. '
I always smile when I hear this nonsense repeated by people who haven't fully thought it out.
How does one 'repeat the Paternoster backwards?'
Is it with each line top and tailed like this;
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven. |
on earth as it is in heaven.
thy will be done,
thy kingdom come,
hallowed be thy Name,
Our Father, who art in heaven |
Or is it each line top and tailed AND the words reversed? Like this:
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven. |
heaven in is it as earth on
done be will thy
come kingdom thy
name thy be hallowed
heaven in art who father our. |
Or is it top and tailed and every letter reversed? Like this:
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven |
no htrae sa ti si ni nevaeh
yht lliw eb enod
yht modgnik emoc
dewollah eb yht eman
ruo rehtaf ohw tra ni nevaeh |
Or is it some other combination of those alternatives?
I'm very knowledgeable about the occult and have never ever seen it written out 'in
reverse' in any book anywhere, Satanic, Pagan, or otherwise. It
certainly doesn't appear in The Satanic Bible, as Harper implies.
And what purpose would reciting the paternoster backwards serve
anyway? It is just nonsense. Harper trips these mediaeval
memes off her tongue without ANY evidence whatsoever. If she can
baldly state that Satanists recite the Lord's Prayer backwards, which is
untrue, what else is she saying that is untrue? Well most of her
book actually. And aren't fundies just so stupid for believing in it.
Defiling Graveyards and Christian Sacred Places
On page 114 Harper makes another clear Sectarian Lie when she says:
"Graveyards are
frequently attacked....We did however make use of graveyards and I'm
sure witches still do, for a purpose more sinister than silly
vandalism. A grave is the perfect place to hide a body. The baby
who was sacrificed at my initiation ceremony was just nine days
old and all the evidence that it had ever lived and of its awful death
was destroyed by burning the tiny body. But I had heard tales of older
children sometimes adults, being sacrificed. Their bones do not
disintegrate so easily in a fire.
The favourite way of disposing
of such bodies was in a graveyard. A grave would be carefully dug
up and the coffin opened and the new body placed beside the mouldering
corpse. It is my belief that some of the hundreds of
children and adults who go missing every year end up being sacrificed on
the altars of the scores of covens which are flourishing today in
English towns and cities. and I'm sure that if the police were able to
make a search of our graveyards they would find many of those missing
people sharing coffins with the official dead."
Wicked eh? Audrey certainly has a tortuous mind to fantasise this kind of evil. The only problem is that it would be impossible to open up an old grave without anyone knowing.
It takes about 3-4 hours for an experienced sexton to dig a grave, even
in daylight. By the light of lamps on a quiet night, the use of
pick-axes and shovels would ring out clear for miles around.
Most people today are not buried, they are cremated and so fresh graves
in church yards are rare. Old graves are difficult to break open
as the soil has compacted over the years. Even if
Harper's imagined satanic grave-robbers were able to steal up in
their van, sneak into the Graveyard undetected in the dead of night,
break open a grave quietly, shovel two cubic yards of soil out, quietly,
and dump a new body on top of the old one and then fill it in again
without making any noise and without being spotted, it would be immediately seen the next day by the verger as a noticeable mound of soil. Even if the Satanic Burke and Hares carefully peeled off the grass turf and then tried to put it back again neatly on top they could not compress the soil back to the original soil level
unless they had brought with them a JCB digger with a very noisy
engine! There is absolutely no way that this imagined crime
could occur in any English churchyard without the church warden
spotting it within hours and it never has been done. It is a Sectarian
LIE. Records show that over the last 30 years certainly, there has
not been one such case ever happening.
whole purpose of Dance With The Devil is to provide 'evidence' that
Witches, Pagans and Satanists kill children because their religion
demands it. A review of DWTD shown in the image (right)
was part of an anti-Halloween church propaganda leaflet published at
Halloween 1990. DWTD was published in October 1990 and this
preview of her book was advance advertising it to fundamentalist
Christians. Harper declares that Dance With The Devil is a
polemic to "Drive Christians to Their Knees In Prayer."
This is just one of similar 'previews' set up by the Christian
propaganda machine, another (see right, below) from Christian Family magazine, headed DELIVERANCE,
gives the book a two full page spread' There are many other examples in SAFF
files. In short this was a concerted campaign within Christianity to
establish as a fact the very doubtful words of a crusading
fundamentalist Christian to push completely unproven Sectarian
Lies. In the review headed 'Deliverance' (a term used by fundies
which means deliverance from Satan in an exorcism) Harper says:
"The Church fell asleep and that gave witchcraft the chance to
grow....but if God tells you to do something you've got to go and do it
regardless of cost".
Presumably that means that doing God's work to counteract the
growing popularity of Witchcraft/Paganism comes before everything,
including Truth and Honesty?
Later in the Deliverance article the magazine reports that
' Audrey has suffered two strokes - which she attributes to satanic origin.'
Another absolutely unprovable and irrational untruth from the mouth
of Audrey Harper. It reminds one of the innocent old women burned
at the stake in the 15c for causing a cow's milk to dry up! It
all makes disgusting reading but if you click on the images on this page
they will open up so you can read the evil words in full.
have seen how these historic Blood Libels were first falsely levelled
by Christians at the Jews 800 years ago, and how that transferred in the
fundamentalist mind to other 'heretics'. Many old women executed
as 'witches' during the Reformation, were in fact recusant Catholics,
as the Protestants began a witch-hunt against then forbidden
Catholicism. The Lancashire Witches was a case in
point when 10 women were executed for practising witchcraft in and
around Pendle in 1612 who are now thought to have been, not witches,
but recusant Catholics. The religious mania increased
as Catholic and Protestant enmity grew, it was vitally important to
feign piousness, declare oneself Protestant and go to church frequently to avoid being caught up in the witch-hunt and killed. It's more or less the same in NI today.
Baby Sacrifice Claims Tacked on Later
The SAFF's research shows that Harper worked-up her claims of Baby Sacrifice AFTER she jumped on the SRA bandwagon. This important article pictured right, I Was Satan's Virgin Sacrifice,
published by the Sunday Sport on 13th March 1988, is the earliest
known publication of Audrey Harper's story of her initiation into the
Virginia Water coven. It is all here from start to finish and
accords almost identically to the ceremony outlined in her book Dance With the Devil, which was published 31 months later at the height of the 1990 Satanic Ritual Abuse Scare, except for one thing. THERE IS NO KILLING OF A BABY. The only thing sacrificed is a cockerel!
THERE IS NO KILLING OF A BABY. The only thing sacrificed is a cockerel!
Note that the earliest ever press coverage of Audrey Harper touting
her Witchcraft experiences, occurred a month before this in an article
in Chat magazine in February 1988. Here she hid behind the pseudonym of Black Anna and was shown in Silhouette. Again no claims of Baby sacrifice were made.
Harper then joined the Reachout Trust and becomes one of the Gang of Five who foisted the SRA Myth onto Britain in the 1990s.
After finding God and being baptised in 1986 Harper started to
become evangelically active, and a 'counsellor' to people who imagined
they had been involved in occultism (e.g. frightened themselves by using
a Ouija board) Through the fundie network she joined with the Reachout Trust,
a key player in foisting the SRA myth onto Britain in 1987. The
Reachout Trust had gained massive coverage and promotion of the idea of
SRA in the British Media on the strength of the first UK claimed SRA
case, the Broxtowe, case in Nottingham See here:.
That case was officially ruled to have had no SRA content
at all, but whilst the controversy about it was ongoing it enabled Reachout Trust to work with fundie Social
Workers and give lectures posing as 'occult experts', to inflame the
Harper held her first public hallelujah meeting for Reachout Trust during March 1988 to an audience of 400 at the Prince of Wales Theatre, Colwyn Bay, North Wales. (page 208 of DWTD ). She gave the audience her history of depravity in the Virginia Water Coven but did not mention human or baby sacrifice.
Local newspaper reports featured claims at the meeting that children were being 'trapped by the lure of the unknown' but
these child-abuse allegations were still embryonic and Reachout had not
yet honed their propaganda shock-tactics, complaining not of SRA but of
Ouija Boards, Fantasy Games, Rock Music Tarot Cards, and Astrology
magazines. There were no claims of human or baby sacrifice
until ten months later when Audrey Harper caused a sensation by claiming
to have witnessed a baby sacrifice when she was interviewed live on The
Time And The Place TV show in December 1988. This was the very
first time she had publicly made that Sectarian Lie.
Harper the Copy-Cat?
However, The text in Dance With The Devil was not unique. When
reading it I thought 'I've heard this somewhere before'. And then it hit me, the
exact same claims about Harper's initiation ritual were made 17 years
earlier in a lesser known work by another fundamentalist named Doreen
Irvine. Irvine was the very first British Occult Victim Imposter. Her book, From Witchcraft To Christ
contained almost verbatim, the same allegations, which appeared in
Harper's DWTD in 1990. Look at this extract, written
by Caitlin Morris. Morris was writing for She Magazine and rounded up
Irvine's book in this way: (N.B. we have underlined in blue the
duplicate statements matching in Irvine's 1973 book and Harper's 1990
" Doreen Irvine was a prostitute at 14,. then a heroin addict and night club. stripper.
A conversation overheard one night in the strip club had aroused her curiosity.
Satanism was being talked about by two other strippers.
"l was ripe for it," she told me. "I’d tried everything else.
And there were no warnings then, nothing about it in the papers. I was
gullible, I was lonely and looking for a sense of belonging."
Doreen was taken ` to a satanists‘ temple for a meeting- blindfolded
because of the need for complete secrecy.
She found herself in a large hall with with about 500 people who were worshipping the Chief Satanist
in a ritual involving strange chanting and
the sacrifice of a cockerel.
Doreen was aware of the Chief Satanist`s eyes on her and she was afraid.
‘I saw the most dreadful evil acts that night.
But some power I couldn‘t explain made me ask to be taken to the next meeting."
She learnt that there is no class distinction in satanism.
"There were some of the highest ranks of professional people at those meetings, and there were shopkeepers and prostitutes." Their common bond is the worship of Satan."
The Chief Satanist had recognised Doreen`s openness and
he made her his mistress, and ensured her supply of heroin.
She learnt to believe in the warping of truth, that sin was to be condoned and freely committed.
The more she became entrenched in evil, the more her psychic powers developed, so that she too
could get into other people`s minds.
Dressed in a black robe, she was ceremonially sworn in as a child of Satan.
Her arm was cut and her blood mixed in a silver cup
with that of the sacrificed cockerel.
She drank the blood
and also used it to sign a parchment selling her soul to the devil.
She joined a coven of black witches.
"They have great power and should never be taken lightly," said Doreen.
"They are able to call up powers to help them in their evil deeds"
They often exhume fresh graves and offer the bodies in sacrifice to Satan.
They desecrate churches and holy ground,
leaving behind a witch‘s mark.
They are so evil many of them go insane."
Amazing isn't it? It is virtually word for word the same.
Now I can already see the minds of fundies working overtime.
'Well they both experienced Witchcraft/Satanism so it WOULD be the same
wouldn't it?'
but this won't wash - you can't have it both ways.
Firstly, Doreen Irvine's book was also a fable. The SAFF have researched and dismantled its falsities here:
Secondly: Irvine's story came first, in 1973, when there was absolutely no talk of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse. At that time it simply had not been thought-up and so Irvine does not make any accusations of human sacrifice, baby killing or child sexual abuse. Those awful false allegations were added to the mythos in Dance With The Devil
to suit the prevaling hysterical climate of the 1990 Satanic Panic,
just as poor Caroline Marchant added them to her hoax Satanic Diary
during the same period.
You can't have it both ways. If the similarities in Irvine and
Harper's experiences in Witchcraft were typical, why didn't Irvine
mention baby sacrifice and child sexual abuse as part of her coven's
operations? In respect of the ritual claims made in DWTD it
is virtually a template of From Witchcraft To Christ.
I believe Harper has no real knowledge of Witchcraft or Satanism other
than what she has picked up from other fundies and read from old
Christian books complaining about supposed devilish activities and I
will prove it below.
Irvine does not make any accusations of human sacrifice, baby killing or child sexual abuse in from Witchcraft To Christ.
Remember, the text reproduced above is a review of From Witchcraft to Christ written
by an independent observer. Although published in 1973 the Satanic
happenings in FWTC all occurred in the late 1950s so it is
contemporaneous with Harper's involvement with her Virginia Water
coven. They are both claiming to have experienced the hidden
world of the occult at the same period. Yet in Irvine's account there is
no human sacrifice, no murders of babies. In Harper's account
there is. If you compare the full text with Dance With The Devil,
the similarities are even greater. One might actually think
Harper's story had been copied from Irvine's story. God forbid! Especially
when you realise that although first published in 1973 Irvine's From Witchcraft To Christ made
very little impact on mainstream society when published and had been
almost forgotten by all but the most fervent fundies by the mid 1980s. It was forgotten because it was not venomous enough for modern day fundies.
They are both claiming to have experienced the hidden
world of the occult at the same period. Yet in Irvine's account there is
no human sacrifice, no murders of babies. In Harper's account
there is.
to be a Victim of Satanism by plagiarising other fundie books and
writings is actually quite common. For instance the tragic Caroline Marchant used Irvine's From Witchcraft to Christ to
write a 'Satanic Diary' of her supposed victimisation in a Satanic
Coven. It was an utter lie. Anyone versed in these things
could see she had copied Irvine's story verbatim and this was publicly
exposed, along with illustrations of her hoax diary to prove it, in
December 1990 by the Independent on Sunday newspaper.
Why was this surprising? Caroline had been personally
'counselled' by Doreen Irvine at the Yate Christian Centre, Bristol and
was well versed in fundie-speak. However, note that Marchant
had hyped Irvine's story and added abominations of SRA abuse, which
Irvine never mentioned, to suit the hysterical climate of the 1990s.
Caroline's worked-up story of SRA was very valuable to the fundie
propaganda machine in the Satanic Panic and she was then passed along
the fundie network as a 'star' SRA victim until she ended up in the maw
of The Reachout Trust. Caroline's story was completely
untrue and she had never experienced any satanic abuse. The Independent
on Sunday tracked her life minutely to prove that what she said had hapened was impossible. She had worked-up a fantastic
story in order to continue to get sympathy and help from the fundie
network. Unfortunately as the Independent said:
'Caroline Marchant claimed to have been a victim of
satanic abuse, but there is strong evidence that she was making the
story up. In the end, it may have been the pressure to sustain the
fiction that drove her to suicide'.
Unable to continue her facade poor Caroline Marchant took an overdose in Kevin Logan's vicarage (the Reachout Trust
'safe-house'). The local hospital was unable to save her and she
died two weeks later with Audrey Harper sitting by her bedside. The Satanic Ritual Abuse myth has caused many deaths but this was probably the least necessary of any.
When Jon Wedger and the odious Wilfred Wong next talk about Satanic
Abuse perhaps they would address the fact that falsehoods they are
promoting in Dance With The Devil have actually caused untimely
deaths of several young people whilst Witches and Satanists have not
caused the deaths of anyone at all. (see Carole Myer's Death here)
Christian Fundamentalist Liars Abound
to what many Christians think, people who lie about Satanic Ritual Abuse are
quite common, and have many motivations for doing so. The most
celebrated case was that of Laurel Rose Wilson who, under the pen name
of Lauren Stratford, wrote Satan's Underground a million copy
best seller about her time in a Satanic Coven. First published in the
U.S. in 1988 (just after Audrey had joined Reachout Trust), Satan's Underground
had all the same mediaeval motifs of Harper's book, evil satanists,
abusing and killing children, and more. The only thing it
had to its credit was that it wasn't a copy of Doreen Irvine's tract and
had some novel ideas which thrilled the fundie circuit.
Satan's Underground was a sensation in the U.S. and used then as 'proof' of SRA,
just as today's fundies are using Dance With The Devil as 'proof' of
SRA. Being from the USA nothing succeeds like
excess and Wilson's story ended up in all the reading lists of fundie
counselling and survivor groups, including Reachout Trust.
However two years later ( February 1990) the Christian magazine Cornerstone, exposed Wilson's tale as a complete and utter fabrication.
This extract below from their now world-famous article shows just how
these evil fears are projected as real and add to a miasma of belief in
fundamentalist circles of the Blood Libel; Satanists abusing and killing children.
The Christian magazine Cornerstone, exposed Wilson's tale as a complete and utter fabrication.
"Satanism, was, he told Lauren, the ultimate path to power and sexual
At first he forced her to attend satanic rituals
where he and others sexually abused her.
Then he demanded she
participate in a child sacrifice ritual.
She refused and underwent
brainwashing and torture for an unspecified period of time.
Victor threatened he would ritually kill a baby each week that she
continued to refuse.
After holding out for four weeks, she was locked
in a metal drum with the dead bodies of four babies who had been
sacrified. She finally gave in and evidently participated in an infant
sacrifice ritual on Halloween night. She says, “It was the last time I
ever participated in a satanic ritual.”
Yup, same shit.
In February 1990, the gaff was up and Wilson's publishers withdrew the book from sale.
It had encouraged many false allegations against innocent parents.
The publishers were open to writs and killed this and another similar book they had published by Wilson.
Wilson was an out and out LIAR.
All those fundies who had used Satan's Underground as 'proof' of
Satanic Ritual Abuse went quiet and said nothing. Some didn't even
bother taking it off their recommended reading lists!
They acted, as they usually do, as though nothing had happened.
They ignored the Truth because they wanted the Sectarian Lies to be true.
The Truth was that they had been made a fool of by a liar who told them what they wanted to hear.
Unforgivably, you can still obtain new copies of Satan's Underground on Amazon in ebook form.
Yes that's right, you can obtain copies of an utter hoax, which hundreds
of thousands of stupid people still believe is real today, even though
Wilson herself did a bunk when she was found out and made no attempt to
justify her position because shed been caught bang-to-rights.
There are hundreds of reader reviews on Satan's Underground across
the internet, all
lauding its praises as though it actually happened, written by
self-righteous fundies who want to keep the moral panic going.
Most of these
reviews occurred AFTER the book was proven a hoax!
Christian fundamentalists would appear to be either very dim or very
Undeterred, Wilson, a compulsive liar, was discovered later
claiming to have been a child victim of the Holocaust!
That's right, Wilson had dropped her SRA allegations, infiltrated a Holocaust survivor group and
built another entirely fraudulent childhood history to get attention for
herself under the name of Lisa Grabowski.
And some Christian fundamentalist fools still value Satan's Underground!
You can read the Cornerstone article which exposed Wilson's lies, here:
Carl 'Nick' Beech Leads The Police A Merry Dance
course in the UK our most recent SRA victim-imposter was Carl Beech who
sentenced to 18 years imprisonment on 26th July 2019, for defrauding
the government of £22,000.00 victim compensation and corrupting the
of justice by making false accusations against innocent people which
resulted in a massive police inquiry which wasted over £2Million pounds of taxpayers' money.
Compared with what poor Caroline Marchant had to suffer I suppose
Carl might think 18 years in clink is lucky.
So let's just run through that all again for you:
1: Audrey's Story of satanic baby sacrifice came AFTER she was converted to Christianity and became a fundamentalist activist.
2: She clearly says that her intention in writing the book was to
Christians to Their Knees In Prayer'
and she has publicly stated
"if God tells you to do something you've got to go and do it
regardless of cost".
In other words the ends justifies the means.
3: Harper's story is uncannily like a similar book written to frighten
Christians back into pews in 1973, 'From Witchcraft To Christ' by Doreen
Irvine. Indeed in all major respects but one it is a virtual copy
of it. That one major difference is that Irvine never claimed that she had seen or heard of any murders of babies or
Sacrifices in her Coven were made using cockerels, not humans.
4: Harper's initial telling of her own story about spending 5 years in a Satanic coven DID NOT INCLUDE allegations of sacrificing a Baby but included details of sacrificing Cockerels.
Harper's allegations of human sacrifice occurred when she was working
with an out and out fundamentalist group whose main intention was to
establish the idea that Witches were practising Human sacrifice and
abusing children. Harper made her Baby Sacrifice allegations at a
point during the build up to the 1990 Satanic Panic when almost the
entire Media of this country had been shocked into backing the hysteria
and 21 suspected cases had been 'found'. It is difficult to
remember the all pervading hysteria now, but in 1990 the most shocking
untrue allegations had become rational currency, such as the Daily
Sport's 'I Skinned My Baby For Satan' headline (right). Audrey's
claims of slitting a baby's throat were relatively tame alongside those
headlines. As time has proven, all of those cases eventually
evaporated and were disproven. It was all Sectarian Lies.
So Harper's tall tale of a Sacrificed Baby comes from the above
fundie mind-set. Even though this baby sacrifice is central to
the book, the actual Baby Killing crime is detailed in just one ten page
chapter, chapter 5, the rest of the book is supplementary waffle.
We have reproduced that chapter hereunder along with more SAFF research that shows it cannot possibly be true.
There was a car waiting outside a large luxurious car with a man driving
. One of the women put a coat over my robe so I wouldn' t be cold. I
got into the back of the car with Shirley who produced a blindfold and
told me to put it over my eyes. She must have seen my anxiety, for
she quickly added that everybody had to do the same for their first
meeting. So I did.
What type of car?
What make of car? What colour was it? Who was the man
driving? Was he a member of the Witches' Coven or what? Did
he speak during the journey? If so what did he say? Why is
there never any detailed description of anything? Why did these
evil witches even bother put a coat over Harper to stop her getting
cold? If the driver was an unconnected taxi driver then it might
be that the two coven members wanted to hide Harper's robe, but if the
driver was part of the Coven then covering her up would not
matter. I cannot imagine a taxi-driver going along with
having a passenger blindfolded so I am presupposing he was part of the
coven. In which case why cover her robe up with a coat? In fact
when they tried to blindfold her why didn't Harper just stop the car and
get out?
None of this story makes any sense.
We were driving for six or seven minutes before we pulled up.I couldn't
see the place then because I was still wearing the blindfold. But I saw
it later. It was a large house with its own drive. The girls lead
me alongside the house to another building before they took off the
blindfold and I was able to see where I was.
I was inside the Witches' temple. For the first time I felt a
quiver of fear. A tiny voice inside me warned. 'Now Audrey, what have
you let yourself in for ?' But it was too late to back out. Anyway, I
had the feeling I wouldn't have been allowed to.
The building was obviously purpose-built. There was an altar at one end,
and the altar cloth, purple in colour had a golden pentagram emblazoned
on it. There was another pentagram, much larger, set out in tiles
on the floor.
So the 'Witches
Temple was five minutes from Dianna's house in Virginia Water.
That's about three miles. I believe that the blindfolding incident,
identical to the one in From Witchcraft to Christ, is to
avoid the fact that Harper is unable to identify anyone or any place in
this story. There is absolutely no independent factual evidence to
support any of it. I believe she
cannot identify anyone because it never happened. Harper first
broke her Baby Sacrifice story in December 1988 on Border Television's, The Time and The Place TV
show. It caused a nationwide uproar in the Media so the Surrey
police began an investigation. They questioned Harper for three
hours over it. We have not seen her police statement but I can
hazard a guess that it didn't have all the information in it that she
reveals in this book. Remember that Dance With The Devil was
written AFTER the police interview and published two years later in
1990. The SAFF wrote to the Chief Constable of Surrey in December 1988
when he commenced his investigation warning him that he should publish
findings to avoid the untruth about the baby sacrifice gaining currency
and causing sectarian hatred, but he failed to do that, instead
pronouncing only that 'There was no Case To Answer'.
However, with the extra information gleaned from Harper's published
account of the events
the police could have easily interpolated a search radius around
Dianna's house of say ten miles and then taken Harper on a tour to
identify the 'Witches Temple'. Certainly they would have been able
to identify Dianna, (Harper's key coven contact throughout the
entire book), because Harper had her telephone number and used it many
times. The lackadaisical investigation by Surrey Police is a major
cause of why this book has not been discredited before.
Note that Harper here contradicts herself over this so-called
Witches Temple; on page 86 it is a 'purpose built' building, but
page 76 it becomes 'an ordinary looking bungalow'
There was very little light just two black candles flickering at either
side of the altar. A heady, sickly- sweet smell from burning incense
filled the room. The place was warm and there was a heavy air of
expectancy. It took a little while for,my eyes to become
accustomed to the poor light and to make out what was happening. There
were a lot of shadowy figures around, between twenty and thirty
altogether all of them in hooded robes.
Eleven of them were standing in a semi-circle facing the altar,
with a gap in the middle. The others wene standing behind. Later I
found out why - the eleven were members of the coven I was to join,
thus making up the twelve. The others were guests from other covens who
had been invited along - an invitation on Halloween night is an
important function.
This seems clear cut but inconsistencies in Audrey's story abound. On 13th March 1988 (two years before she wrote DWTD)
in an early description of her 'Initiation' Harper had told the Sunday
Sport that 'There were 13 women and one man - the high priest.'
That makes 14 doesn't it? But of course 14 isn't a 'mystic number' so in 1990 the 14 become 13!
I was gently but firmly steered towards the gap in the front row. I
noticed that all the other women were wearing black robes. I was the
only one in white.
We stood there in silence for a minute or two. Then from the side of the
hall a man appeared. He too was all in black, a large hood
masking most of his face. He took his place behind the altar
facing the witches. They all knelt down, leaving me the ony one
What I could see of his face was deathly pale and skeletal, the face of a
man in his early forties. The most striking feature was his eyes. They
were dark and sunken. Looking at them I felt I was staring into two
black holes; It made me shudder.
I remember thinking perhaps I too should be kneeling like all the
others. I was conscious of being the odd one out, and it seemed to focus
attention on me and make me feel a little afraid. But then all the
others got up and started chanting.
It was a strange sound. Some words I recognised but others seemed to
belong to a curious language that couldn't recognise. The chanting got
louder, like war drums in the jungle. The only phrase that I could
pick up was 'We Welcome You Oh Master' They sang this several times.
The chanting got faster and louder, and it built up a sense of
excitement and anticipation. It was contagious. I got caught up in it -
it was impossible to remain unaffected.
There is no rite in Pagan or Satanic liturgy which includes the term 'We Welcome You Oh Master'.
It is a meaningless phrase. It is noteworthy that although the chants
were made repeatedly and loudly Harper cannot remember a single one of
them. In comparison I append in the leftmost column the full First
Degree Right of Initiation from the Gardenarian Book of Shadows.
This was first published in 1949 so had been in use for over ten years when Harper's 'initiation' occurred. You will note
that there is not one 'chant' in the ceremony and it is utterly
different in detail to the one Harper blathers on about. Harper's imagined initiation is drivel.
Suddenly, as if at a signal, the chanting stopped. Then the warlock
reached under his cloak and produced his athame, the special ceremonial
dagger used in such ceremonies. He laid it on the altar. Then
those black bottomless eyes swivelled round and he spoke. He had a
smooth voice with a slight cockney accent.
Several times during
this tale Harper will dramatise by saying that the 'warlock' pulled a
knife from under his cloak, both to slit the baby's throat and to
threaten her with. This obviously could not have happened, because
elsewhere in this initiation rite she says that he was naked under his
robe. Where did he put/keep the knife under his cloak?
It doesn't gel because it never happened. It never happened because it is untrue.
'Where is the initiate' ?
The two witches at either side of me gently pushed me forward. He looked
at me searchingly. I was conscious of my heartbeat speeding up as I
stood, the only one in white, in the middle of the semi-circle just in
front of the altar.
'Do you want to be initiated'?' he asked.
I can't remember saying anything beyond a mumble, which was taken as a yes.
Why didn't Harper say 'NO! I hadn't bargained for this and want to think about it'?
There was a long pause. He liked to take his time and savour his words. Then he said:
'Do you promise on your life to serve the master at all times in obedience'
All I had to say was yes so I said yes.
Readers may have gathered so far that Harper's
tale is so far away from any genuine traditional initiatory Pagan or
Satanic rite that it is laughable. There are plenty of available
books written by genuine witches and Satanists that give their
initiation rites in great detail. They are far more complex, far
more beautiful and interesting and do not use the meaningless words 'Do you promise on your life to serve the master at all times in obedience'. which is grade A bull.
The whole purpose of initiation is to get the neophyte to accept and
understand his responsibilities in his new life, not force him to
obediently comply with some unspecified 'Master'.
So that readers can check Harper's apalling pastiches of supposed
Pagan/Witchcraft rites I have appended in the leftmost column the
obligatory 'Right of Lifting The Veil' which is a traditional ceremony used in virtually all Witchcraft meetings, particularly in Initiations. Note well the injunction in this verse: "..nor do I demand
aught in sacrifice."
I then had to step forward to the altar. He picked up his dagger and
took hold of my left arm. He pricked my wrist and drew a tiny quantity
of blood which he collected in a little pot, about the size of a
Then he laid out a parchment. I didn't read it all, but, having seen
such documents since, I know what the words were: 'I am no longer my
own. Satan is my master - I live to serve him only.'
He dipped the athame into the blood and motioned me to hold the end of
it. With me still holding it he made a mark on the parchment. I didn't
even have to write my name or initials, simply scratch the dagger across
the parchment so that it left a smudge of my blood.
When I had done that, he took the knife and laid it back on the altar.
Then he addressed me, telling me my coven name was Luci (supposedly the
fallen half of Lucifer)
'Having seen pacts
with the devil since?' This woman talks utter rubbish. It
is as though she is re-enacting a hotch-potch of images from a bad
Hammer Horror film, and that is probably nearer the truth than you might
think. Her version of the pact ; 'cutting her left wrist'
clearly links it to the story of Faustus first published in 1587.
This is the first manuscript which created the idea of a pact with the
Devil. The actual 'parchment pact' in that original MSS contains a
two paragraph periapt abominating God. It is of course a fiction
because when Goethe first wrote his eponymous play about Faustus he had
been dead for 65 years thus any wording of such 'pact' would have been
completely re-imagined and fictionalised by Goethe. There is still
speculation about whether Faustus actually existed or was a legendary
figure So it is impossible for anyone to know what a 'pact with
the devil' looks like, least of all someone as uneducated in occult
matters as Audrey Harper.
Furthermore, as I am tired of saying, Witches do not worship the
Christian Devil so Witches do not and never have made initiates sign a
pact with the devil or anyone else for that matter. Why would
they? A personal oath is quite sufficient thank
you. You
will see in the Initiation Rite in the leftmost column that NO blood is
drawn and the only thing taken from the initiate is his/her 'measure'.
I don't believe Harper's aside that she has seen documents which are Pacts with the Devil.
I've never seen one which wasn't a Hammer Horror pastiche of Goethe's imagined version.
He then reached out and turned me round to face the other witches. They
began chanting again. I felt quite relieved. I thought that was it: I
was in and the ordeal was over. The warlock moved away from the altar
and returned with a silver chalice. Then he intoned in that bland
cockney accent, 'Who Brings the Sacrifice'?
I was a little bit perturbed, as this was something I had not expected. I
had visions of a cockerel or perhaps a cat, being brought to the altar.
One of the Women in the semi-circle stepped forward. She was holding a
baby. I hadn't noticed it earlier, It hadn't made a sound during the
ceremony, The woman stepped up to the altar, unwrapped the child from
its shawl and laid it naked on the altar.
It was a baby girl, nine days old as I later discovered. She lay on the
altar without making a sound as if she was drugged or something.
Though the room was stiffling hot, I began to feel cold. I could
feel the goose-pimples rising at what I was now anticipating. I couldn't
really take it in. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. One
minute I was all heady and caught up in the excitement and the throb of
the chant; then I felt my legs turn to jelly.
The warlock picked up the dagger while muttering a sort of ritualistic speech something like, 'We offer this sacrifice and hope it pleases you' Then, with no more emotion than a butcher shows when he's slicing off a steak, he cut the baby's throat.
I thought I was going to pass out. I just stood there and turned
absolutely numb, I watched him take the chalice and catch the blood as
it gushed from the gaping wound.
The babies body was taken off the altar and carried away by her mother.
The warlock raised the chalice to his lips and drank the still warm
blood. He then moved around from behind the altar and handed the chalice
to the witch on the left of the semi-circle. She raised it to her
'mouth and after taking a sip passed it to the next witch, who then
passed it to her neighbour.
OK. So this is the
false Blood Libel accusation which is of course utterly and completely
There is no such sacrifice demanded in Neo-Paganism.
As you have seen Pagans do not employ sacrifices "..nor do I demand aught in sacrifice."
The Sectarian Lie about the killing of babies in Satanic ceremonies
started in France with the Affair of the Poisons during Louise XIV
reign. His court was so licentious that it required a full-time
Abortionist and midwife , Madame La Voisin.
Voisin was a fortune teller, a midwife, and also a provider of poison for gold-digger Parisian
women who, being hypocritical Catholics, could not divorce their aged
husbands so poisoned them instead to get their money.
The fortune-teller link was transformed into her being a 'Witch' but there is absolutely no evidence that she was.
The whole thing was exposed in a public show trial in 1675 which shocked
the French population with tall stories from informers wanting to save
their own skins. The universal disgust eventually lead to the
French Revolution.
During the show trials, Abbot Guiborg ( associated with the French
Court) was said to have officiated at mock Christian ceremonies
where Christian liturgy was stood on it's head and consenting women and
men had sex on altars, ( very much as occurred in the Hellfire Club in
Britain in the 18c) . Because Guiborg was a priest these
ceremonies were eventually termed a 'Black Mass'.
The concatenation of the shock of the abortions regularly undertaken by
Voisin and the abominations done by Guiborg developed the idea that a
cult of anti-Christians existed to kill children in sexual rites.
This was developed into a more defined form of 'Satanism' during the
Reformation, often used by Protestants to defame Catholic rites and the
Catholic Church.
Soon it was my turn. The terror of what might happen to me if I fainted
kept me on my feet, and the same fear made me raise the chalice and
moisten my lips with the baby's blood,revolting though I found it. I
could taste the salty flavour on my tongue.
There are some
statements which convey more than the sum of their parts. I once
remember reading Helter Skelter, about the Manson Murders, written by
the prosecutor who had him imprisoned for life, Vincent Bugliosi,
In his book he recalls how he questioned Susan Atkins, a young and
virginal type who had been involved in the killing of Sharon
Tate. He asked her how she had stabbed the heavily pregnant
Tate and then asked what she felt, she reportedly said 'It was like
stabbing a pillow'. I remember being heavily impressed by this
statement because it emotionally chimed in my mind. Only someone who had
done such a thing could possibly know that. But as I later reflected I
saw that because she was psychopathic she could have easily practised
stabbing a pillow prior to going on her murderous rampage.
Similarly the words 'I could taste the salty flavour on my tongue' seem
to convey the sacrifice as a fact when of course people cut themselves
all the time and suck their blood finding it salty. Atkins
did kill Sharon Tate. I don't believe Harper drank baby blood.
Each of the witches in our coven was handed the chalice, but the guests
were not invited to participate. When all twelve of us had taken our
turn, the warlock took the chalice back to the first witch. This time he
held it whilst each witch dipped a finger into into the blood and
smudged it on to the left wrist. But he bypassed me, and moved on to the
woman on my right. He went right around our coven missing me out
of this part of the ceremony.
Even though I had been left out, it soon became obvious that I, the only
one in white, was the focus of attention. At this stage, knowing
nothing of the ritual, I was ignorant of the Sacrifice of The White
Virgin. But I was soon to learn.
The warlock had taken up his place behind the altar again and, as he
gazed at me, the other witches began to chant. The two on either
side of me then took my elbows and eased me forward. I allowed myself to
go, but then I stiffened as the thought occurred to me, 'He's going to
kill me. Now it's my turn to be sacrificed.'
The warlock was still staring at me, a strange look entirely devoid of
any emotion. I was frightened to look back at him. Then my two escorts
tugged at the shoulders of my robes and it slithered to the floor.
I stood there naked.
The two witches then moved the black candles to one end, and half lifted
me on the altar so that I was lying spreadeagled on my back. The
warlock approached me holding the chalice and he began to daub me with
the blood, first on my arms and then on the inside of my thighs. He
handed the chalice to one of the witches. I didn't know what was going
to happen next, but I had a horrible suspicion. He came towards me,
parting his cloak, Underneath he was naked. At that moment I wished he
was holding the dagger and would plunge it into my heart. Instead he
raped me.
It is difficult to describe how I felt about it. I suppose most
women would have been mortified at the actual sexual aspect of the rape.
But to me the sex was not all that important. That part of it was not
all that different to what I was doing with men almost every day to get
money for drugs. It didn't really bother me.
It was the fact that he showed nothing, no emotions not even lust - that
I found so degrading. That all all those pairs of eyes around the
room watching our movements as they continued with their frenetic
He was sweaty, and there was an unpleasant odour about him. He hadn't
been drinking, but his breath and body seemed to exude a strange smell a
little like stale alcohol, as though he'd rubbed himself down with some
weird oil or spirit.
I have been with countless men, some of them pretty disgusting. All of
them had wanted me, desired my body, or perhaps just needed the body of a
woman, any woman. But this man didn't even seem to have need or desire.
It was as if something lifeless had entered me, like a walking corpse.
There is no such ceremony of The Sacrifice of the White Virgin in Paganism/Witchcraft.
It is not only infactual, it is tautological. All Virgins are, by qualification pure/white.
So is there a Sacrifice of the Virgin in Paganism/Witchcraft? No. Absolutely not.
In antiquity there are mentions of Virgins being Sacrificed to
propitiate local gods in almost every society but no absolute evidence
of it has been found. It certainly does not exist as a formal rite in
An example of a virgin sacrifice is also mentioned in the Bible—the
sacrifice of Jephthah’s daughter in Judges 11, in which Jephthah vows to
sacrifice to God whatever or whoever comes to greet him at the door
when he returns home if he is victorious.
In the Book of Judges 11:31 in
which Jephthah says, “whatever comes out of the door of my house to
meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord's,
and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering." Unfortunately, when
Jephthah returns from battle, it’s his virgin daughter who comes out of
his door to greet him. But did he sacrifice her?
In Harper's tale the 'sacrifice' alluded to is not murder but the sacrifice of a girl's virginity.
I do not wish to be unkind but I cannot see how Harper could be
considered a virgin pure and white considering she admits she was a
prostitute at the time. It therefore does not make any
sense. If this
imagined Satanic Coven were really pleasing their 'Master' and had
designs on a virgin they would have chosen someone else to initiate, not
The warlock was a small, wiry man, his hair just beginmng to show signs
of greying. When he was close to me I was conscious of his yellow teeth.
But the eyes were the most frightening feature, I shall never forget
them. I couldn't make eye contact with him. They just seemed to go
further and further back like voids.
I try now to think back to my own emotions. I know I felt anger that he
was raping me in front of aII the others, although I realised afterwards
that each of them, in their turn, must have had to put up with the same
experience. '. He was our Master, and he could call upon us when
he wished.
But, looking back, my main feehng soon became one of relief. At least he
hadn't killed me. I was also pleased, in retrospect, that I wasn't a
virgin. Had I been, the ordeal would have been much worse.
It was most peculiar. I was there. This was really happening. Yet, I
suppose because of the fear and the trauma of it all, I was able to
detach myself from it„and see it as if I was looking in from the
When he had finished, he got up and I got up and stood by the altar. I
was handed a robe, but not the white one I had been wearing. It was a
black robe. Another witch put an inverted black cross around my neck.
They were all saying: 'Welcome, Luci', and hugged me and greeted me into
their midst.
I was in a daze, but the part of the ritual in which I was at centre
stage was now over. The coven had other business to attend to. One
of the witches complained that somebody had upset her, and she called
upon the Warlock to put a curse on whoever it was.
He moved from the altar and stood in the middle of the pentagram on the
floor, surrounded by members of . the coven. He was mumbling words I
didn't understand from some strange language, calling on the powers of
Then he turned to one of the witches and said. 'Your problem is solved,'
He meant he had put a curse upon the offending party but after what I
had been through my memory is hazy and I wasn't really aware of who was
bring cursed, or the reason for it.
That concluded the night's business, and the warlock„ the thirteenth
member of the coven, simply walked out of the room through a door behind
the altar. The rest went into a different room where they removed
their robes and put on their clothes. I followed meekly behind. I was
handed my own clothes - the dirty jeans. and sweatshirt I was
wearing when I left London.
There wasn't much chatter. That was something I discovered later - the
witches do not socialise or have anthing to do with each other outside
meetings of the coven. But I did overhear one fragment of
conversation. One of the witches asked, 'What's happened to the baby''
and somebody replied; 'It's been burned.
Really? Who
burned the baby's body? Where did the burning take
Harper says she was told it 'had' been burned (past
How could that have happened in such a short time after the
Was it burned on an open fire? No , that wouldn't have
been hot enough to take everything down to ash.
Was it burned in a
furnace? Where was the furnace?
It is all such pie in
the sky nonsense.
The real message is that there was no evidence left. Not much evidence of ANYTHING in Harper's tale though, is there?
There are many things wrong with this
relating of the Coven's Halloween Meeting and the first is that Initiations
and Magic Spells/Curses are by tradition NEVER undertaken at the Eight
main Festivals of the year (the Sabbats). These are reserved solely for
reverentially worshipping the Old Gods. All magic and initiations are
undertaken at the monthly Esbats, not the Sabbats. Harper has things
all topsy-turvey. The initiation would not have taken place at Halloween.
Either way it does not represent the religion of
Additionally Harper maintaines that
she didn't have her own Robe and was given one when she turned up at each
Coven meeting.
This is very curious because in genuine
Witchcraft/Paganism each member is responsible for their own robe and is
often made to stitch it up for themselves with certain symbols added.
Each member brings it with them to each meeting. They wash and
clean it themselves. The idea of the Coven providing a laundering
service for members is bunkum.
Also inconsistent is the idea that
everyone leaves the temple immediately after the ceremony and just goes
Normally there is a lot of work to be done and clearing up
to do and the person who was initiated last gets the job of cleaning the
mucky incense burner, polishing the candlesticks, storing away the
paraphernalia etc. etc.
Harper knows nothing of this
because she's never been a member of a coven.
She's never
thought of the down-to-earth requirements of maintaining a
She doesn't mention that every Witch MUST have
his / her own Athame (sacred dagger).
It is used continuously in the
Harper claims to have spent five years with the
Virginia Water Coven and never had one of her own!
She doesn't know that An Athame (which is black handled) is the dagger
which is rarely used and kept sacred, but that witches also have a
'working knife' which has a WHITE handle.
She is
SO oblivious to all the runes and laws of Witchcraft/Paganism. It
is as if she floats in to the meetings and floats out again never
speaking to anyone, never being helped by them, or never helping them.
Comradeship is a vitally important part of Coven life but she doesn't even
know it exists.
I simply don't believe any of her meanderings.
disseminating untruths.
Not knowing what actually goes on, she
invents stuff which never goes on.
It didn't make much impact on me at the time. I had seen so much, and so
much had happened to me, that the fate of the child's body seemed
The mother's name was Mary. She didn't seem at all bothered by what had
happened to her baby daughter as she got dressed. I didn't know at that
time that babies born to the coven, and fathered by the warlock, are
bred to be sacrificed.
That is the whole purpose of having them, and they are sacrificed
before they are registered so they are not missed by society.
Sounds awful but of
course it is another Sectarian Lie for which Harper has absolutely no
The concept of 'Breeders' was first started by the
pathological liar Laurel Rose Wilson (Lauren Stratford) author of the
hoax book Satan's Underground' which we have already demolished as a pack of lies, above.
'During her
years of imprisonment in a down town Los Angeles 'breeder' warehouse,
Lauren Stratford (Laurel Rose Wilson) said she was forcibly impregnated
so that the satanic cult that was holding her captive could ritually
sacrifice a baby she bore ... she escaped from the cult so that she
could tell her tale of being a 'breeder for Satan'. (Breeders for Satan: A sociology of Sexual Trauma Tales)
In short prior to the publication in 1988 of Satan's Underground
there had not been any claims of 'Breeders' in occult victim
literature. The idea was unknown. Which is why they do
not appear in Doreen Irvine's earlier book From Witchcraft To Christ.
Thus it is clear that Harper is repeating an invention from 1988 which concerned an accusation which did not exist when she claimed to have been impregnated as a breeder in 1961. It is all a Sectarian Lie.
If I expected the same welcome, the same hospitality, the same
friendly fuss, as Diana and Shirley had shown earher when they met me, I
couldn't have been more mistaken. Now I was one of them, and I soon
found out I had to find my own way.
A luxurious car had brought me, but there wasn't even a bike to take me
away. When I was dressed, in the scruffy old clothes of a London
layabout, I was shown the door without being told when we were to meet
again, or even given a friendly goodnight.
It was between one and two o'clock in the morning. I walked down from
the house on to a road. There wasn't a soul about to ask the
way, or any traffic to hitch a lift. But one thing was certain: no way
was I going back to ask for directions. I struck off along the road not
really knowing where it would lead me. But my head was in a whirl and I
didn' t much care. My mind kept flashing back to that baby having its
throat cut. Had it been real, or was it all a bad dream?
I knew the answer. (So do we. It is a Sectarian Lie )
I quickened my stride. I wanted to get as much distance between me and
that house of horrors as I could. But eventually, after I had been
walking an hour or more, tiredness overcame me. I crawled under the
hedge of one of those posh suburban houses and went to sleep.
The rumbling traffic woke me early. I stretched, brushed myself down and
stepped out to hitch a lift. The driver was going to London He
dropped me off near the Embankment where I was living at that time.
Several times on the journey, and when I was waiking along by the river,
I pinched myself and wondered had it really happened? Had a baby reatld
been murdered? Had I really been raped? Or was it all some dreadful
nightmare, perhaps a trip after popping some of the halucinatory pills I
sometimes took?
I'd like to think it hadn't happened. But it had. The memory was so
fresh it hurt. The smel~of t e viarlock was still in my nostrils. Those
hymns to Satan the witches had sun so enthusiastically were still
ringing in my ears.
As the day went on, I was gripped by more ominous thoughts. These people
were powerful. They could harm those who threatened them. They could
put a curse on anyone who failed to carry out their will. It occurred to
me I might be in danger.
What could I do? Going to the police would be a waste of time. They had
been clever enough to ensure I knew no names and I couldn't identify the
house because I had been blindfolded.
The coppers knew me - a young junkie who had often been warned for
soliciting. Would they believe me if I told them I had seen a baby
having its throat slit? I doubt it. How much notice would they
take if I reported I'd been raped by a man in a long black cloak?
Not very much. The more I thought about it, the more I came to
realise I was trapped. In my head I had this frightening, dangerous
knowledge, and the only people I could share it with were my fellow
witches. Yes, my fellow witches: I was one of them now and there was no
escaping that fact.
One of them had said as I was leaving the house they would be in touch
with me to tell me about the next meeting of the Coven. All I
could do was wait. But there was one way I knew to make thc waiting
easier and to relieve the pain that seemed to be welling up in my head
to the point where I thought it would explode. I turned up from
the Embankment into 'Trafalgar Square and headed for the West End. I
needed some pills, and I knew where I could get them. At least they
would alleviate my headache, although they would never erase the memory
of what I had seen that terrible night. That will stay with me for ever.
Okay, so although
Audrey said that she couldn't identify the location of the Temple or its
whereabouts because she was blindfolded when taken there. She was NOT blindfolded when she made her own way back to London.
whilst walking away from the house and finding somewhere to doss for
the night she could see where she was and could have identified it
She got a lift during daylight, from where she spent the
night, and was not blindfolded then so she could track her way back home
and therefore could have tracked her way back to the doss
With a little help from the police she could have
traced these murderers and stopped any further baby killing or child
abuse. But she did not do that. That makes her either an accessory to murder or a sectarian liar.
Additionally from page 66 onwards Harper introduces another ambiguity.
After her initiation she has to find her own way to Virginia Water on
the train to attend Coven meetings once every three weeks and is always
picked up by a Taxi which has been pre-paid.
Did the taxi driver
make her wear a blind-fold? Or did she just daydream out of the window not wishing to know where she was going?
inference is that there was no consistency in the locations she was
taken to, but I believe this is just another obfuscation to alleviate Harper from identifying any place the Coven used.
Of course this would not matter because all Taxi firms
have to keep strict records of jobs, pick-ups, destinations, durations,
times and payments. How many taxi firms are there in a small
town like Virginia Water? The police could have easily located
the Taxi company the Coven used and traced ALL of their meetings using
Taxi records, including who paid for each trip.
Did Harper tell this part of her story in her
interrogation by the Surrey Police in 1988?
Ah well you see,
the benefit of waiting 27 years to tell your story of the sacrifice of a
baby is that all trails have gone cold.
The police obviously realised she was talking nonsense and threw her and her story out.
Lastly, on page 78 Audrey admits that in all her five years with
the Virginia Water Coven no more babies were ever killed and that when a
sacrifice was needed they killed a cockerel instead. She never
witnessed a 2nd sacrifice, which actually makes her tale of the first sacrifice
so much less believable.
In my years as a Witch I
never witnessed a second human sacrifice. I did hear of human
sacrifices in other covens, but I only ever saw the one at my own
iniitiation.....sometimes there would be a blood acrifice but it was always be a Cockerel.
However as usual, she injects further
hearsay to confirm the original sectarian lie. People did tell her
that other sacrifices did occur she says. Omitting to say Who told her
that rumour? Which coven were they a part of and when was
she told this? As usual with Harper's narrative every salient
detail is missing to prove her Sectarian Lies.
Do YOU believe this tripe?
No, neither do I.
The Highgate Cemetery Desecration:
Chapter 6, Page 64
Having dispensed with any semblance of reality to Harper's sacrificed
baby story there are one or two other Sectarian Lies which she
intersperses in Dance with The Devil which show how Harper wove her
story in retrospect. That is, 'remembered' things to suit 27
years after the event. To 'prove' her accusations about
desecration of Graveyards Harper quotes a big get-together event
where her Coven met with other Witches at Highgate Cemetery in North
London. This is notable because it is the ONLY accusation of
criminal desecration which Audrey Harper actually
identifies by name. All the other 'crimes' which her coven commits in Dance With The Devil are in places she cannot identify with people she does not know, at locations she cannot remember.
But why would a Coven based in Virginia Water want to travel an
hour and a half through the centre of London to
get to Highgate Cemetery? Well now, there's a story here:
Today the Highgate/Hampstead area has been gentrified and many well
to do people live there but in the 1960s Highgate cemetery was a
dump. The Victorian cemetery at Highgate (The Western Cemetery) had
been more or less abandoned to nature by the local authority. It
was thoroughly overgrown and nature was taking the area back.
Trees and bushes had grown between the graves and had upturned
gravestones and pushed off the tops of tomb-slabs. Vandals had assisted
the general air of dereliction. In some parts of the cemetery mausoleums
had been broken into and coffins containing corpses were freely to be
seen. It was a place few people frequented.
In the 1960s the interest in Horror and Vampire movies had
From 1966 to 1974 the Hammer film company had produced
no less than TEN very successful vampire films and many other film
companies had produced movies with a vampire slant to catch the same
All of these movies were what is known as Victorian
Gothic Horror and Highgate was the epitome of Gothic Horror with it's
creepy mausoleums, symbolic figures, broken crosses and broken tombs. It
soon became the centre of interest for ghost and vampire hunters.
At Halloween in 1968 (remember that Harper wroe that she had severed ties with
her Virginia Water coven two years earlier in 1966) officials discovered a strange
occurrence at
the cemetery. A tomb had been broken open and an iron 'cross' (actually
an iron railing) had been driven into the chest of the corpse in true
Vampire Fashion. This created MASSIVE nationwide publicity and
made the cemetery a honeypot for Vampire-hunters.
In 1969 two local occult publicity-seekers, Sean Manchester and
David Farrant, maximised this publicity for themselves in a flamboyant
attempt to find and destroy the so-called 'Highgate Vampire'.
Publicity about Vampires, Ghosts and Witches was a regular occurrence
throughout the early 1970s.
In one instance Farrant said he had seen a 'grey phantom' in the
cemetery. In another Manchester, using a psychic to divine the Highgate
Vampire's whereabouts, had laced a tomb with garlic and performed a
banishing spell on it.
Soon the local newspapers were full of letters from locals who
wrote giving their personal experiences of seeing ghoulish things in Highgate
cemetery. For his part Manchester announced he would hold an
exorcism for the Highgate Vampire on March 13th 1970 . This was
covered by ITV news. Within an hour of broadcast a mob of vampire
hunters had descended on Highgate cemetery from all over London.
The police could not control them and they swarmed all over the
cemetery. The ensuing publicity was immense.
In late August 1970 Farrant was found by police near the
cemetery carrying a crucifix and a wooden stake. He was arrested and
charged with desecration. Manchester and Farrant then 'faced
off' in 'magical battles' and other promotional stunts, all of which
created banner headlines.
You had to be there to see just how much coverage these incident
caused. Acres of column inches across local and national
newspapers. There was no-one living in London during the late 1960s and 1970s who did not know about the Highgate Vampire. It became part of the folklore of the fundies of those days who also jumped on the bandwagon. However, there was absolutely no genuine Witchcraft, Pagan or Satanic Connection to ANY of it.
How the Highgate Vampire was woven into tall tales of Satanic Abuse
Fast forward twenty years to 24th April 1988 and we find Geoffrey Dickens MP, who was part of the Gang of Five trying to foist false accusations of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse onto Britain, making unproven allegations to the Sunday Times
about Witches robbing graves and 'abusing skeletons' in
Where did Dickens get this information from? We
know that Dickens, a fundie himself, collated rumours and false
accusations from other fundies which he accepted as fact without any
attempt to investigate the claims. so the legend could have come from
anywhere but someone had told him that
Witches had dis-entombed corpses from graves and sexually abused the
skeletons. It was barmy but the ONLY incidence of anything remotely like
this happening which we can find is linked to the Highgate Vampire scare and is firmly
fixed in the fundie mindset, as well as having its own entry on
How Geoffrey Dickens and Audrey Harper got acquainted - the genesis of the sacrificed baby.
Audrey Harper says (page 205)
that she joined Dickens' SRA campaign after a speech he made against
Witchcraft in the Commons in April 1988. Her first appearance with him
was on May 13th 1988 (a fortnight before he made his wacky Satanists
Abuse Skeletons accusation ) Harper sat next to him on Central
TVs 'Weekend'
discussion programme. During the discussion Dickens turned to
Harper and said
'Audrey, to your knowledge ,is child sacrifice going on?'
Harper replied: 'To my knowledge, yes.'
This weak opinion did not cause anything like the utter sensation that her appearance on The Time and The Place
did later in December 1988 where she claimed she had participated in
the killing of a baby; because at this point in their campaign the black
propaganda of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse had not gained traction
with Social Workers and the Media. However, earlier on page
205 Harper reveals that she had arranged with Dickens what she should
say. Having told him privately that she had witnessed child
sacrifice she said that he said 'We must get this on the programme tonight'. She was worried about her legal position but Dickens assuaged her fears.
Check the Timeline: Firstly this 'Weekend' programme went out
live and was broadcast on the 13th of May 1988 but according to
Hansard, Dickens didn't make his first Commons speech about Witchcraft
and child-abuse until 15th of May two days AFTER he had met Harper. Harper can't have written to introduce herself after his commons announcement if she had met him prior to the CTV programme two days earlier. We think they were put into contact during February by the Reachout Trust.
This is how Harper got onto the SRA bandwagon.
By 1987 Harper had joined with The Reachout Trust which had been cultivating believers in SRA for some months. The core of SRA believers in Reachout were Maureen Davies and Reverend Kevin Logan,
Davies acted as an 'occult expert', Logan gave the 'official Christian
view' in any publicity. What they were short of was proof of their
SRA allegations. What they needed was a victim of SRA and Audrey, claiming to have been present at a baby
sacrifice, fitted the bill nicely.
Harper's story was repeated
endlessly in literally hundreds of newspaper articles and TV programmes
over the next couple of years and ALWAYS together with quotes from
Davies, and Logan. They cannot deny that they were working in
concert to suppress Paganism and establish SRA as real. It was a roadshow of SRA allegations.
1987 Logan and Davies were at the same time in touch with Dianne Core,
who ran the child-protection charity Childwatch. Geoffrey
Dickens was Childwatch's Parliamentary Representative, he had been
working with Core for several years on other campaigns prior to the SRA
panic. Anything related to SRA usually came from Reachout,
through Core to Dickens (see the Pennells' case quoted elsewhere in this
website). Reachout was also a founder member of the Evangelical
Alliance. As you can see there's a web of interconnected
self-interest in this network.
becoming born-again in 1986 Harper had appeared at local church halls
giving talks on her redemption from Satan but her first move into the
big-time was her appearance in Doorways To Danger in October 1987 (see evil background to this pamphlet here) .
This infamous fundie tract/leaflet produced by the Evangelical Alliance,
contained unfounded stories from other fundie activists on the usual
complaints (tarot, ouija boards, astrology etc) and also featured Kevin
Logan warning about the 'dangers of the occult'. Harper's story was detailed as it later appeared in Dance With The Devil but there was no mention of baby sacrifice.
So, a pamphlet produced by the EA which had been inaugurated precisely
to deal with perceived threats of Satanic Ritual Abuse and human
sacrifice, went to the trouble of publishing a tract warning people
against the occult, included Audrey's story, but did not include any
claims of human sacrifice.
In February 1988 Harper appeared in a Chat magazine story which also included an interview with Dianne Core of Childwatch. Core was part of the Gang of Five.
She obtained much of her 'dossier' on occultism from Reverend Kevin
Logan whose contributions were often deceitful. He rigged a 'survey' of
300 children to be able to publicise the fact that the majority of them
were in the clutches of Occultism when they weren't. Dickens actually referred to this hoax
survey in his Commons speech about SRA as 'proof' of the threat to children. There were other
instances of Logan claiming that ritual murders had occurred on his home
patch when they had not. That statement, originally made in a radio
interview, is important because it caused a police investigation of his
claims, and they were proven untrue, just as Audrey Harper's claims of a
baby sacrifice would be later in 1988. The Chat magazine story gave a round up of Audrey's story in Dance With The Devil but again does not include any mention of baby sacrifice.
Harper says in her book that the first public meeting she did for Reachout Trust was in Colwyn Bay in March 1988 (page 208). She related her story to the audience of 400 attendees but again did not make any allegations of baby sacrifice. Interestingly
part of this crusade meeting involved the exorcism of disturbed people
who thought they had been contaminated by exposure to the devil.
Dianne Core was in close touch with Dickens who was Childwatch's
parliamentary representative, therefore we estimate that Harper must
have been in touch with Core/Dickens earlier than she stated in her
book, probably January/February 1988.
on Central Weekend was
therefore a kind of set-up, where Dickens gave Audrey a chance to force
the issue on her claims of SRA. However, interestingly this entire
programme was more of a setup than we first thought because the Witch
who produced a voodoo doll of Geoffrey Dickens and threatened to stick
pins in it was one Beth Gurevitch. By doing so she alienated the
audience from the other Pagans present. However Gurevitch, a fortune
teller and 'headshop' owner from Birmingham, had spent the last month
actually liaising with Dickens and Core giving insider information to
smear occultism with. She provided him with information to put in
his infamous Satan Dossier which he promised to send to the Home
Secretary but never did. Why was she threatening to stick pins in
a doll of Dickens? Why did Dickens and Gurevitch act like enemies
when they were colleagues? By producing the voodoo doll she
'confirmed' the nastiness of Witchcraft in the public's mind and
derailed the arguments of
the Genuine pagans in the debate! Viewers sucked it
in. Not only viewers. 30 years later the granddaughter
of Geoffrey Dickens also fell for it at face value and made a fool of
herself here.
By 19th Sept 1988 Geoffrey Dickens felt that belief in SRA was so
strong in the populace that he was able to claim in British newspapers
that 'Children were Being Sacrificed to the Devil'. We
don't know what evidence he based this claim on other than the word of
Harper. All his previous allegations had referred to children
being physically and sexually abused in Satanic rites, not killed. This
is the first time he accused Satanists of killing children.
The next astonishing claim of child sacrifice made by one of the Gang of Five occurred on
15th November 1988 less than a month before Harper outed herself on The Time and Place. When talking to the USA newspaper The New Federalist Diane Core, Dickens' close confidant, claimed that 4,000 children a year were being sacrificed in the UK alone in Satanic Rituals. This
was obviously a completely ridiculous and insupportable claim, yet Core
probably thought no one in Britain would ever see it. They did,
courtesy of the SAFF, and it ruined her reputation in the social work
So let's recap the Timeline:
1986 Harper is converted to Christianity.
1986 Harper lectures to churches and the fundie network about her redemption.
1987 Harper joins Reachout Trust
1987 October: Harper Appears in Doorways to Danger - No baby sacrifice claimed
1988: February: Harper appeared in a Chat magazine - No baby sacrifice claimed
1988 February: Harper Makes first contact with Geoffrey Dickens through Core after appearing with her in Chat mag article.
1988: March 13th: I Was Satan's Virgin Sacrifice' article in the Sunday Sport. Harper gives full story of her initiation as it will later appear in Dance With The Devil - not only is no baby sacrifice claimed, a Cockerel is sacrificed instead.
1988 March: Harper Speaks to audience of 400 at Colwyn Bay. No baby sacrifice claimed.
1988 May 13th 1988 Appears on CTV Weekend with Geoffrey Dickens. Baby sacrifice claims first muted in passing but do not create a sensation.
1988 15th of May Dickens makes first announcement of threat of SRA in House of Commons.
1988 September 19th: Geoffrey Dickens claims in British newspapers
that 'Children are Being Sacrificed to the Devil'.
1988 October: SHE magazine special Devil Hides Out on SRA interviews Audrey under 'The Witch's Tale'
No baby sacrifice claimed. Here it is a cockerel which is sacrificed instead.
1988 November 15th Dianne Core claims 4,000 children are killed every year in Satanism.
1988 December 1st: Harper announces she was present at the Sacrifice of a baby on the Time and the Place TV programme.
1988 December 6: Surrey Police begin investigation, question Harper for 3 hrs and find 'No Case To Answer'.
1988 December 6: The Post prints details of Audrey
baby sacrifice allegations a 2nd time. When she was asked
why she confessed on the Time and the Place programme she replies:
"I just
found myself telling the presenter...I'm glad that I did, this problem has got to come out".
1988 December: Surrey police investigation into Harper's story concludes saying
there's absolutely no evidence to support Harper's claims. It is utterly
ignored by the national and local media, who continue to print SRA
allegations from her and others in the Gang of Five regardless.
The result is, dear reader, that today, as you read this, MILLIONS
of fundies on the internet believe an outright Sectarian Lie.
Witches DO NOT sacrifice babies, children, adults or animals of any kind
and never have done.
Today's self-appointed Witchfinder General, Wilfred Wong tells MILLIONS of gullible people who trust him
covens which committed human sacrifice were in existence in England
as far back as 1961.
So the
existence and the extent of SRA that exists today is much bigger than
when Audrey joined the coven, back in 1961. And what they were doing
is very similar to what the covens do today, "
So, without ANY evidence other than the very dubious tales of
Audrey Harper, Wong seeks to Inspire hatred in other Christians against Paganism. This is not only immoral and
against the Religious Hatred laws in the UK but it also breaks the
Bibles own rules. Proverbs 6: 16-19 clearly says so.
DO NOT sacrifice babies, children, adults or animals of any kind and
never have done. Anyone who says different is an evil Sectarian Liar who
disrupts society and should be shunned in their own community and
prosecuted for Religious Hatred.
By John Freedom
with Arnold Frampton
The Modern History of Fundamentalist Agitation:
Fundamentalist Christian
agitators almost universally come
from the 'new churches' (Pentecostal, Baptist, Methodist etc) which hang
on the coat-tails of Catholicism and the established Anglican
Church. These people seek evidence of God's Work in freestyle
ceremonies and psychodramas which seek to create religious mania to gain
influence over nominal Christians whom they consider are insufficiently
pious and prey to Satan.
The development of so-called 'House
Churches' where Fundie disciples were sent in to a 'sinful' area
and, using the cover of ordinary Christianity wormed their way into the
local communal scene and began holding services for small groups in
their house or flat, 'seeding' a religious community which constantly
sought out evidence of Satan to frighten nominal Christians into
line. This is EXACTLY what happened with the Satan Myth, coteries
of Fundies worked together to foist the biggest hoax of the 20th century
onto this country and, as can be seen by the Three Blind Mice video are
still doing it today.
Part of the process is called in Fundiespeak 'witnessing'.
religious activists go into the seediest and most deprived areas and
seek out vulnerable people who had become involved with drugs, violence,
crime and reached a low ebb in their lives. The process involves
befriending such 'lost souls' and slowly making them psychologically (
and often materially) dependent upon the Fundie group set. The
way that these lost-souls paid the group back for saving them from
dissolution was to submit to Exorcism, a kind of public hyper-confession
where demons ( negative desires and sinful experiences) were rattled to
the surface and 'healed' to drive out 'Satan'.
Exorcism confabulated life-stories were created to account for
the evil that had now been assuaged. From then on these
converts had to 'witness' in front of the Church congregation and
anyone who would listen, as to their 'redemption' from Satan.
'I was on the slippery slope of drugs, fell into prostitution
to pay for it, did abominable things (long list of disgusting
experiences here) and then just when I thought my life was finished I
was saved by Jesus, hallelujah!'
some converts were far more inventive and dramatic in their
story-telling. The first of these Christian Converts to set the
scene for claims of Satanic Ritual Abuse was undoubtedly Doreen Irvine
who in 1973 wrote the best selling 'From Witchcraft to Christ'
. It hardly mentioned 'Satanists' because Satanists were few and
far between at the time, the condemnation from Irvine was concentrated
on 'Witchcraft' as the title shows, because in 1951 the Witchcraft Act (which had been in place since 1735) was repealed and the Fraudulent Mediums Act enacted in its place.
There was already a small caucus of Pagans in the UK which had for
decades kept 'The Old Religion' alive, consisting mostly of ancient
healing methods and herbal knowledge, divination systems and shamanic
lore which were handed down in families. These few cells of
Paganism dotted around the country became known as 'The Hereditary
Craft' and were unknown to mainstream society. Interest in
Ancient Paganism and prehistoric religions was always bubbling under the
surface. In 1899 Charles Leyland had published his 'Aradia,
Gospel of the Witches' and in 1930s egyptologist Margaret Murray
wrote her seminal 'Witch Cult in Western Europe' and in 1931 'The God of The Witches',
but these were academic offerings, now, after the anachronistic
Witchcraft Law was repealed, other people came forward who were ACTUAL
witches, in particular Gerald B Gardner (the 'Father of Modern
Witchcraft') who published his famous 'Witchcraft Today' a book which purported to chart a continuous sub-culture of Paganism throughout history.
The ground was set for a resurgence in 'The Old Religion' and by
the 1960s interest was growing fast in 'Wicca' a modern
reconstruction of ancient rites and ceremonies from the Classical
religions laced with prehistoric religion and history. At last, after
over a thousand years of persecution and suppression by the Church, the
original prehistoric shamanistic religions which our ancestors used and
which had affected all our history was being uncovered and practised,
sensibly, responsibly and sincerely by Neo-Pagans. The stories of
Black Masses and Human Sacrifice were simply lies put out by the Church
to suppress Paganism which had been the established religion of the
British Isles for thousands of years prior to Christian missionaries
arriving here in the 7th century.
This unleashed an interest in Witchcraft which extended right across
social boundaries and which the Media began to capitalise on for all it
was worth. In typical form the Tabloids featured salacious tales
of naked witchcraft orgies and 'Black Masses'. Basically a reinforcement
of the lies of the Church in the minds of the masses.
Only later in the 1970s would the media wake up to the fact that
Witchcraft/Paganism was a genuine religion which harmed no one and
helped many.
A number of 'celebrity witches' worked-up the tits and bums aspect to
get press
coverage, principally Alex and Maxine Sanders and their coven who were
forever being
photographed naked in magic circles and delighted in the title of 'King
and Queen of the Witches'. Real witches do not have Kings or
Queens but note that when Irvine wrote her book she included a story
about having been chosen as 'The Queen of The Witches'. This
denoted that she had been reading Sunday Tabloid nonsense derived from
Sanders' articles and worked the lie into her fictional account )
All this pro-withcraft coverage shocked the Christian community who saw it as
the Tribulations prophesied in the Bible prior to Jesus' second coming.
A campaign was started to try to discredit Witchcraft but NO MENTION OF
complaints were about immorality and lewdness. In reality it was
an attempt to try to disgrace Witchcraft in the minds of the populace so
that Paganism could not flourish in competition with
Christianity. In fact what the Church had repetitively done over the
Irvine made tens of thousands of pounds out of her pot-boiler From Witchraft To Christ which
captured the Christian Pound and influenced many other Christian
activists, Audrey Harper for one and Caroline Marchant. She donated a lot of it to Christian groups to assist
their work in converting nominal Christians to true believers, mostly to The Zion Christian Temple at Yate, near Bristol.
Ironically Irvine was later involved in 'counselling' Caroline Marchant, there. Marchant was the tragic SRA Victim Imposter who eventually committed suicide in Reverend
Kevin Logan's 'SRA Safe House'. The SAFF have a detailed review of
Irvine's book here;
The main take-away from From Witchcraft to Christ was that it was
nonsense. A poorly researched, badly written, dull Christian polemic
designed to be read by other Christians to help them abominate the upsurge of interest in Witchcraft and
Neo-Paganism. Like all such imagined dramas there is just enough
of a thread of reality which runs through the fantasy to stitch the
story together but never enough details to actually have anything
forensically checked. Ultimately like all such polemics from
fundamentalists it fails to understand the difference between Witchcraft / Paganism and Satanism.
Neo-Paganism is a reformation of the Classic Mystery traditions.
Witchcraft was the ceremonial magic of those traditions.
Neopaganism has nothing whatsoever to do with Satanism; there is no
devil figure in Witchcraft cosmology. Today Neo-Paganism is
officially recognised as a genuine religion and hundreds of thousands of
good people follow it in the Western World.
It was in fact Paganism which spawned the rise
of a respect for the Ecology and the Green Movement. The SAFF
conducted an important survey of just over 1,000 occultists and pagans
in 1989 and published The historic The Occult Census (download a copy from here) which
their beliefs and activities. It showed that out of the 1000 sample only
3% had a serious interest in Neo-Satanism, that is, the Hedonistic
self-indulgent atheist philosophy first espoused by Anton LaVey.
Neo-Satanism uses the trappings of Church Myth Satanism to shock but
true Satanists don't believe in the Devil either! In
short to be the type of Satanist which fundies complain about you have
to have been a lapsed Christian first. Without that it doesn't
make sense.
Doreen Irvine had set the (low) standard there were a small number of
other high-profile influential books written along similar lines but
still the term Satanism was infrequent and the term 'Satanic Abuse' unheard of.
It was the popularisation of Satanism by Anton LaVey which caught the
public's attention in the U.S. in the late 1960s and brought the term
'Satanism' into common use. LaVey set up the Church of Satan in
California in 1966 and charged subscriptions for postal membership.
Anyone could buy a CoS membership card to impress the girls.
He attracted a lot of the Hollywood/LA entertainment crowd
and got a lot of media coverage for his Satanic Hedonism which seemed to
reflect the preoccupation of the me society of the 1960s.
This caused shock-waves through U.S. fundamentalist churches (always
ready to see the signs of the Tribulation before Jesus' second coming)
and they attacked him mercilessly on TV shows and in newspapers.
Precisely what LaVey wanted.
In 1969 LaVey did the unthinkable, he published his Satanic Bible.
Although this contained very little to complain about, no direct attack
on Christianity and non-criminal liturgies which would offend very few,
it was seen as a direct threat to their own
teachings by fundamentalist Christians. The title alone was an
Further Shock-horror came in 1972 when LaVey published his 'Satanic Rituals' which
outlined the full ceremonies of his reconstituted Satanic Religion. The
shock was that there was nothing in the book which was illegal and
certainly nothing to do with harming children. What did that
matter to the fundies? It took several more years for the Church
of Satan to make inroads into the U.K. and make LaVey's reconstructed
Satanism popular here.
The fundamentalist agenda now turned to trying to suppress Witchcraft
AND Satanism by confusing the two separate philosophies. Though Satanism
and Neopaganism were entirely different, had different
rituals and liturgies they were all treated as 'satanic' and bad-mouthed
by the fundies. In order to do this the 'converts' who
were being exorcised out of past 'sins' were now lead to confabulate not just stories about
drugs, prostitution, and pornography, but false experiences of Satanic
Rituals and heinous black masses.
There has not been one case in the past 30 years, since the idea
of SRA was floated by the fundies which confirms their beliefs. Not one
child murder. Not one gang of SRA abusers caught. No bodies, no bones,
no forensic evidence of ANY kind to support their contentions.
By Tony Rhodes,