Reachout Trust Used Nazi Blood Libels that killed Six Million Jews to Smear Today's Pagans.
The following outright untruths are taken from a 10 page printed document published by Reachout in 1988 at the start of the Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth which feigned to offer expert knowledge on occult practices which
Reachout claimed were causing horrific abuse of children in the
In fact the Blood Libels Reachout repeated against
todays Pagans and Satanists were precisely the same false claims the
Nazis made about Jews to whip up the German population against them and
which lead to the Final Solution.
The illustration at the top of this column is fromm
Der Sturmer! an official Nazi propaganda newspaper, which constantly
made the Blood Libel against Jews. The drawing depicts two old Jews catching the blood drained from the throats of Christian babies sacrificed to Jewry.
"Der Stürmer was an anti-Semitic "tabloid style"
newspaper published by Julius Streicher from 1923 almost continuously
through to the end of World War II. Der Stürmer was viewed by Hitler as
playing a significant role in the Nazi propaganda machinery and a
useful tool in influencing the "common man on the street". [Official Holocaust Research Project]
Compare these two statements:
"Whoever had the
occasion to be an eye -witness he is reminded of
the crimes which these evil people have committed for centuries.. He will
be reminded of the ritual murder. History points out
hundreds of cases in which children were tortured to death.
They also were given the same incision through the throat as is found on
slaughtered animals. They also were slowly bled to death while fully
conscious" |
The semen and blood is also
wiped all over the dishes before they eat out of them. The blood can be
human or from animals....this can be by slitting their throats, or
by stabbing with a dagger through the heart. Before a child is
sacrificed, its mouth is taped so it' cannot shout. After the sacrifice
they take out the heart, spleen, and. eyes and eat them. The blood
of the infant is then drunk, then the body is eaten. What is not
eaten is stored for the next ritual. |
The first column is from Der Sturmer! The Second is from The Reachout Trust!
Are we saying that people who work for Reachout are Nazis? NO! Because the Nazis did not invent the Blood Libel, Christians created those ideas hundreds of years before and the Nazis just capitalised on them.
The earliest claims
that Jews killed children and drank their blood was made by
fundamentalist Christians during the first crusades of the 11C but in
England Satanic Abuse claims were prevalent as long ago as 1144 when a
boy was found dead in Norwich and the Jews were blamed for it:
"In this case, the Jews of Norwich were alleged to have "bought a
Christian child [the 'boy-martyr' William] before Easter and tortured
him with all the tortures wherewith our Lord was tortured, and on Long
Friday hanged him on a rood in hatred of our Lord. "
Subsequent Blood Libel cases were recorded in
Gloucester, England (1168);
France (1171);
Saragossa, Spain (1182);
Bristol, England (1183);
Germany (1235);
Lincoln, England (1255); and
Munich, Germany (1286).
Medieval poet Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Prioress's Tale" (in The Canterbury Tales) also invokes the blood libel motif, describing Jews as aroused by satanic urges to murder Christian children."
You will notice
that FIVE of the seven recorded instances of this Blood Libel occurred
in England. It is the SAFF's intention to show below how Reachout, a
group of fundamentalist Christians, knowingly or unconsciously, created
another false scare about the same child-sacrifice in 1988.
Reachout accusations are made as bare fact.
In hindsight it is clear that most of the
'evidence' that the Reachout Trust used to promote the idea of SRA came
the fantasies of children who were sucked into alleged cases of SRA by
fundamentalist social workers and foster carers who obsessively
questioned the children for evidence of it. Some of these kids
were questioned hour after
hour until they stumbled upon a reply which dovetailed with the Blood
Libels the fundie questioners
wanted in the first place.
Note however that nowhere in any of the
statements by Reachout Trust is there any caution or balance. They
didn't say.
"Children tell us about SRA therefore the claims
need investigating because we have no other reliable evidence that it is
occurring and don't really know much about Pagan/Satanic
No. They said,
'Satanic Ritual Abuse exists and children are
being abused and killed right now by Satanists and witches in the U.K.,
We've got to stop them and here's what to watch for and the dates of
occult rites when children will be abused and killed.'
This is a sectarian LIE. So we call Reachout what they are indiscriminate sectarian LIARS.
'Satanic Ritual Abuse' the new Malleus Malleficarum for modern day fundies.
The Reachout text reproduced below, is an extract from just three pages of a document of their's titled
'Satanic Ritual Abuse' which reignited the Blood Libel in the UK.
It was written by Reachout Trust director Maureen Davies , a dental nurse, who had no expertise whatsoever about
the real workings of occult beliefs but who had a long history of
fundamentalist activity making unproven accusations against New Age
Davies was an influential keynote speaker at all the infamous
Satan Seminars in the 1990s . Afterwards this
document was distributed to social workers, therapists, police
personnel, and academics. She later posted it to other fundamentalist
Christians and anyone else who might request it from Reachout HQ.
This document therefore formed the backbone of the 1990 Satan Scare
yet it has absolutely no child-protection value and is nothing but a pack of historical Sectarian Suspicions.
Police, Social Workers
and therapists actually relied on this document for first-hand
'evidence' and the M.O. of the existence of Satanic Ritual Abusers. Yes,
It shows that the Reachout Trust was the major promoter of
the myth of Satanic Ritual Abuse in the U.K. Journalists and others
actually took these sectarian lies and used them as a framework for
persecuting innocent people.
This subsequently created the mass hysteria which
still surrounds child-abuse today. You will be stunned to read
below how such mediaeval and illogical concepts could be rehashed to
stampede the UK into the biggest hoax in the 20th century.
we come across ritual abuse, the same evil practices occur again and
again. The following list contains activities reported to me by the
children themselves, and these reports are backed up by people I know
personally, who have come out of Satanism." [Ed: Maureen Davies said later that this was not true, she had not had these things reported to her by the children. (see Telegraph article in next column )
Children are given drugs,‘by injection, medicine, or in drinks that
are laced. This to is either to sedate them or cause them to
hallucinate. Muscle relaxants are also given, so that 'if they are
young they can still be used in the sexual activities of participants
without causing too much physical damage." (Ed:
There has not been any case in 30 years where any child has been given
drugs to sedate them so they can be abused in a Satanic ceremony, )
Candles are laced with drugs to give the ‘effects mentioned above.
Also incense that excites the emotions is used to induce sexual arousal. " (Ed: In 30 years no instances have ever been found of candles being mixed with drugs. The few Witches and Satanists who might take drugs are unlikely to mix it in their candles. If incense could cause sexual arousal church pews might be fuller than they actually are. )
Some are taught self-hypnosis. and have a trigger
word that
starts an abnormal fear." (Ed: The concepts of
secret 'trigger-words' is utterly unfounded. In 30 years there has not
been one claimed SRA case where a child was subjected to
'trigger-words'. See: )
Chanting takes place during these rituals to call up demons." ( Ed: Pagan/witchcraft ceremonies do NOT call up demons, they observe the natural seasonal cycles of the earth.)
They are taught to hate God, Jesus. and everything that is good,
good is evil and evil is good." (Ed:
Pagan/Witchcraft is a completely separate religion from Christianity and
predates it by thousands of years. There is no devil figure in Pagan
cosmology and witches are therefore disinterested in Jesus. The only children who are taught to hate people of other religions appear to be the offspring of Christian fundamentalists.)
In some of the rituals the people dress up and wear masks e.g. goats
heads etc., to frighten the children." (Ed: In Paganism/Witchcraft head-dresses and masks are worn to represent the natural forces of nature (as in all pagan religions the world over) they are NOT worn to 'frighten children' or anyone else.)
Nursery rhymes are recited with indecent overtones e.g. Ring a Ring
of Roses, A pocket full of posies, Atishoo! Atishoo! We drop our
pants down." (Ed: Do I REALLY have to respond to this nonsense?)
The children are urinated upon frequently and excrement is wiped over
their bodies. including their heads. This is done to defile
innocent children and ruin their purity. Urine and excrement
is mixed with blood and semen and the children are made to eat it. The
semen and blood is also wiped all over the dishes before they eat out of
them. The blood can be human or from animals"
(Ed: Witches/Pagans/Satanists DO NOT smear faeces on anyone or any thing at anytime. Why on earth would they? There has not been one case of SRA in 30yrs in which children were smeared with faeces.
The implication that Witches/Pagans sacrifice animals is another
absurd slander, they are actually animal lovers)
After the blood ritual the children have to drink the blood.
Sometimes they have to drink from human skulls of children or
adults. The blood is also smeared over their bodies." (Ed: In 30years there has been no claimed
case of SRA in which children have been made to drink out of
skulls. No skulls have ever been found that have been drunk out
of. How would Witches/Pagans clean out and prepare rotting skulls so that they can hold blood?
The whole thing is utterly preposterous and those police and social
workers still reading and taking this despicable document seriously aught to be sacked. The implication that Witches/Pagans/Satanists commit human sacrifice is a replay of a mediaeval Blood Libel which we cover in detail here: The religious Blood Libel has caused millions of deaths over history and is a form of fascism, it should never be allowed to stand without challenge. )
These children are threatened with death if they tell what they are
involved in. One way they are kept silent is by involving them in
the rituals themselves. Fear is a tremendous tool
that the people use and of course. if the children have been
introduced by a member of their own family, they are doubly trapped." (Ed. You could postulate exactly the same about Christian Children in church - most are kept there through fear - and it would be just as much a lie! This is simply bigoted propaganda by one religion against a competing one. Where are the FACTS?)
Children are placed in coffins and buried alive. When they shout for
their parents, they do not come, but eventually (perhaps hours
later) the satanist leader comes, to show them that he is the only
one who really cares! " (Ed: In 30
years there has never been an instance in which a child was buried
alive in a coffin to torture them.
You cannot shout from a buried
coffin. Davies obviously doesn't realise that if they were
left there for 'hours' the child would be dead from asphyxiation. Another Sectarian untruth postulated without ANY evidence to support it.)
Children are also placed in cages. Some children state that they
have had an electric shock when they touch the bars."
(Ed: In 30 years there has been no example of any cages, electrified or
otherwise, ever being found. Here Davies reveals where her
'information' is coming from, the mouths of little children
tortured by repetitive questioning from fundie social workers intent on
discovering SRA at all costs, in other words FANTASIES. )
Children are made to eat insects such as beetles and spiders, and
are told that whenever they see these insects there will be someone
watching them and that they can never be away from their grip. You
can imagine the fear that this brings on a child." (Ed:
Here Davies reveals where her 'information' is coming from, the mouths
of little children tortured by repetitive questioning from fundie
social workers intent on discovering SRA at all costs, in other words more FANTASIES. )
Perverted sex takes place the children are passed around as objects for
the entertainment of the adults in the group. Woman are used as
altars or placed on altars. The children have objects such as live
snakes, crosses, pieces of wood, and other instruments placed up
their anus or vagina. This causes great pain to the children." (Ed: There is no known liturgy in history of any Witchcraft/Pagan religion doing any of this.
There has been no investigation in the last 30years where any of this featured. Though it DID feature in already discredited stories from Davies' co-director Audrey Harper, another Reachout agent-provocateur whose story we and the Surrey police undermined in the column alongside.)
Sex with animals, humans and dead bodies takes place. Children take
part in these activities. with some of the
actually abusing others. Those who been abused in this way then have
to abuse others the same way. The victim then becomes the victimiser
in the rituals." (Ed: What is Davies trying to say here? Children are made to have sex with dead bodies of other children and the dead bodies of animals? I mean what type of mental cripple listens seriously to this nonsense? in 30yrs there has never been a case of one child found dead through 'ordinary' SRA let alone Necrophilic SRA. Sex with the dead is not part of the liturgy of any Witchcraft/Pagan/Satanic philosophy. IT IS A MONSTROUS FABRICATION )
Snakes seem to play an important part in the torture. The children
can be tied to trees or to upside down crosses where the snake is
allowed to roam over the children. Younger children are also left on
the floor with snakes roaming around them. They report that when
they are screaming the adults are laughing at them." (Ed: Another child fantasy forced out of them by Christian
counsellors and their trick-cyclists. Witches/Pagans do not use
crosses of any sort, upside down or not. Snakes? What snakes? Is she talking about Adders, the only native snake in Britain and very rare? The Adder's bite will kill a child and make an adult very ill. In
30 years there has never been a case where Snakes were found.
There's never been an instance of any child being hospitalised by
snakebite in any claimed SRA case. Witches/Pagans/Satanists do NOT use snakes in their worship or ceremonies. In fact the only snake-cults we can find are the ones from Maureen's own fundie religion!
Upside down crosses are used to inflict pain or punishment. Children are
left to hang upon them for hours if they have been naughty. The
children are tortured because satanists say the pain makes them
purer. " (Ed: Show me any document or
liturgy, modern or historical, where Witches, Pagans
or Satanists state that pain makes children purer? It is a mendacious
assertion. In 30 years there has not been one case of SRA where
children were
hung on inverted crosses. However the Christian bible does insist
that parents beat their children and some fundies have actually killed
their offspring as a consequence. . There was a case where an evil Priest inserted his blessed crucifix up the vagina of an 8 year old girl. Perhaps Davies is getting confused with the criminals in her own religion?
Witches/Pagans do not use crosses of any kind in their ceremonies. )
Sacrifice. The children have to witness and take part in a variety
of sacrifices: In
the temples or covens they have young girls or older women that they
call "Brood Mares". These girls are there to be made
pregnant purely for the sacrifices. when they are five and a half
months pregnant, the birth is induced. At this stage the foetus is
alive and can be sacrificed. The blood of the infant is then drunk,
then the body is eaten. What is not eaten is stored for the next
ritual." (Ed: The Blood Libel clear for
all to see. Little evidence needed, apparently, for Davies to make
the most serious and most despicable allegations against Witches
and Pagans whose bona-fide religion is far older and more
established than hers. The ramblings of a six year old prompted by
fundie social workers is entirely sufficient to smear hundreds of
thousands of innocent Witches and Pagans as ritual murderers!
There has not been one instance in 30 years of any Brood Mares being found. In one case a teenager (who now an adult, has recanted her earlier lies) lied under fundie interrogation and said she had been forced to produce foetuses for sacrifice. The trial caused by her case in 1989 at the Old Bailey in which Reachout was involved, was thrown out after 3 days as poppycock. Of course the 'Brood Mares' fantasy is simply a worst case scenario for all anti-abortionists and the fact that, without ANY proof or forensic evidence whatsoever Davies insists that the foetus is always removed by Satanists/Witches/Pagans after five and a half months because it is at that stage 'alive' , appears simply to be a reference to complaints by anti-abortionists about the cut-off date for legal abortions. )
term babies whose births have not been registered: Children
who have been born into the temple or coven before the time of
registering are also used as sacrifice. These leave no trace as
they have not been registered. " (Ed: Teenagers attending
school cannot escape without discovery if they are pregnant.
Neighbours who see pregnant young women and then no baby
afterwards call the NSPCC or the police. Complications in the pregnancy and associated medical matters mean it is NOT possible for babies to be born anonymously in the U.K.
In 30 yrs of Reachout peddling their myths there has not been one instance of anyone found from the Pagan/Witchcraft community murdering a baby which has not been registered. The suggestion is a downright Sectarian Lie.)
children: The children have told me about older children being
sacrificed. This can be either by placing on an upside cross and
slitting their throats, or by stabbing with a dagger through their
heart, after which the bodies are set on fire. The children state
that before a child is sacrificed, its mouth is taped so it'
cannot shout." (Ed: Again Maureen Davies
is telling her audience that child victims of SRA have told her
personally of these things, yet she has denied having any first-hand
contact with SRA child victims when challenged about it before. In short her words are untrustworthy. There has been no instance in 30 years of any case where a child has been killed by being placed on a cross and having its
throat slit. Not one. Yet here Davies is talking about it as though it is absolute fact. She's trying to convince readers
that Witches/Pagans/Satanists murder children repetitively. Blood Libel!)
disturbing factor that has been reported to us is ’ the
willingness of some of those who are going to be sacrificed. They
are promised a better life after they have died because they believe
in reincarnation". (Ed: . Witches/Pagans do not believe in reincarnation and neither do Satanists.
Witches/Pagans believe in life after death in the Summerlands, the
Christian equivalent of Heaven. Most Satanists are hedonistic
atheists and don't believe in a hereafter or reincarnation. She accuses victims of Satanists of being happy to go
to their deaths then blames that falsely on a belief in Reincarnation, without noticing that her own religion offers redemption in Heaven! )
sacrifice. The.children state how someone goes "shopping for a
victim" and comes back with an individual who is then ritually
murdered either by slitting the throat, by stabbing through the
heart, or by being burnt. In
certain cases the children themselves take part in the sacrifice.
Teenage girls and adult women have to sacrifice their own children.
This makes them guilty of murder which is then used to bring about
another aspect of showing them they are in the system and can’t
get out." (Ed: Another flight of hypothetical fancy. Several women victim-imposters have claimed to have borne and murdered their offspring for cults but in every instance when investigated by the police these turned out to be liars or fundie agent-provocateurs.
The idea that if women are forced to murder their baby they would then forever be in the control of the Satanists is bunkum - as is proven by Maureen Davies' friend Audrey Harper who has claimed many times that she took part in the sacrifice of a child in a satanic ceremony. This would make her an accessory and subject to a life-term in prison. However the police investigated her SRA claims TWICE and said that there was no case to answer. If Harper can escape Satanic cults then so can others. If human sacrifice like this was even a small part of Satanic practices then there would be an army of women claiming they were murderesses and hundreds of cases successfully prosecuted. It's all Blood Libel nonsense!)
the sacrifice they take out the heart, spleen, and. eyes and eat
them. The children are also taught how to remove these parts of the
body. The children state how bodies are chopped up. What is not eaten
of the foetus is stored. Some of the bodies are melted down. The fat
is used for candles and the bones are ground down and the powder is
used as an aphrodisiac."
(Ed. Someone is making this up. Firstly in
sympathetic magic the world over anthropologists' research has shown
that aphrodisiac potions are exclusively made from the sexual parts, not from heart, spleen, eyes or bones!
Secondly, the idea that babies' fat is melted down to form candles is an historic lie first used during the 14c witch trials to justify burning innocent old women alive. There has never been any
evidence historically or in modern times to suggest that human
fat was so used. In the Nazi period human fat from Jewish inmates
exterminated in the camps was used in a project to produce SOAP but not
candles. Horrific untrue claims like this are frequent from Satan Hunters like
Davies and have been made in previous centuries by other ardent Christians. Dianne Core of the Childwatch charity, ( a
colleague of Maureen who attended many of the same Satan seminars) ,
actually stated on film that Satanists strung finger bones from
children they had sacrificed on cord and wore them around their necks. Where is the evidence? None exists! No such bones or candles have ever been found. It's all part of the Blood Libel. )
I have reported so far is only a partial picture. I know that there
are other types of rituals which I have not mentioned. From our
information a lot of these rituals are videoed by the people involved" .(Ed: Are they?
In which case why have none of these many hundreds of videos turned up? Why has Reachout not found one to show us? 30 years have now passed since Maureen Davies made this claim and not one example of any such 'snuff movie' has ever been found. There is no evidence whatsoever for those vicious claims but Reachout and their friends did try hard on this one, witness the
Channel 4 Beyond Belief documentary which tried to pass extracts from a
1970s Performance Art video off as actual footage of Satanic
Abuse. SAFF found the complete video and it was all shown to be
Sectarian Lies. See: )
Note: The above is a three-page extract from 'Satanic Ritual Abuse' which states the main accusations by Reachout against Witchcraft, Paganism and Satanism.
The other 7 pages of this document are equally in error. Anyone interested in seeing the full document can email us on

and we will send them a copy.
group of Christian Fundamentalists intent on unfairly
discrediting New Age beliefs and alternative religions through the
promotion of falsehoods about Satanic Ritual Child Abuse
The Reachout Trust was a sectarian Christian charity
originally established in the 1980s to discredit Jehovah's Witnesses whom
its leader Doug Harris (deceased) believed was a
'cult' . They 'refined' their later technique of slanderous
accusations against other religions by libellous tracts against the JWs
and by exaggerating the supposed negative mental effects of remaining a
JW. They set up support and safe havens for any ex-JW
'survivors'. Observers of the recent false-accusation phenomenon
will see in Reachout a prototype of the 'survivor' movement.
Although largely hidden from view to all but the most persistent
inquirer Reachout's intent was not psychological help but SPIRITUAL
their main 'therapy' was Deliverance Ministry a buzzword for EXORCISM.
' alongside churches in what it calls it's work
of Deliverance. "We avoid the emotive word 'exorcism' said
national organiser Mr Dough Harris. 'The sufferer says: I want to be
delivered in the name of Jesus' There's no pummelling.
The demons react to that.
It is they who throw people to the ground." '
North Wales Weekly News, March 1988
Reachout's philosophy was that everything which is not
strictly of god is a symptom of the Devil's Work and thus possessed the souls
of adults and children who bought into it. At first Reachout
therefore campaigned against stupid things, like Hypnosis,
Transcendental Meditation, Tarot Cards, Christian Spiritualists,
Halloween, Fantasy Games, Rock Music and later on even Harry Potter
books. At this point they were just run-of-the-mill hyper-sensitive fundie troublemakers
and had NO expertise whatsoever of child-protection or child-abuse.
But then came Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens and his 'Children abused in witchcraft ceremonies' lies. This was a platform too good to miss. Reachout Trust
was the first fundie group to jump on that bandwagon and their
'knowledge' of demonology enabled them to pretend to know all about
Satanism and Witchcraft to child-charities like the NSPCC and Childline,
NCH etc. who were clamouring for more insight after the first false
claims were made.
Reachout's swift move to monopolise the supply of
information on Witchcraft, Paganism and Satanism (to exclude ACTUAL
representatives of today's
REAL Witches and Satanists ) was very clever and very successful. You
might be interested to hear that the SAFF tried over many months
to provide GENUINE information on current occult beliefs to the NSPCC at
the same time as the charity was listening to Reachout . The NSPCC
actively dodged any contact with us and refused information from us,
leading us a dance in the process. We wrote frequently to Ian Gilmour (then Director of the
NSPCC) and offered help and insight. We kept up consistent communication
with their Press Officer Kevin Barrett. We even offered to come down to
their HQ and do a presentation for them on the True nature of Paganism
etc., but they simply would not listen. After dozens of letters
over the space of many months and being rebuffed every single time, sometimes
snidely, the SAFF wrote one last time and told them that we were going
to publish our train of correspondence with the NSPCC to show the public
how the charity appeared to be censoring facts about SRA to suit the
SRA narrative which was giving them lots of free advertising and
coverage. The NSPCC immediately ordered blue-chip
barristers Mischon de Reya to threaten the SAFF with legal action to
stop us from telling the world what they'd done.
Naturally we told them to get lost and have made a point of often
reminding the public of the dastardly actions of the country's 'most
treasured child charity' in respect of pushing the SRA myth for all it was worth. You can find it here:
As Reachout Trust became almost the sole go-to for
Media, Social Workers, Therapists and Police it meant of course that
nobody in social work or child-protection was getting any REAL facts
about what witches and satanists actually did. Allegations about abusing
and sacrificing children was simply age-old lies. This closed shop of
belief was bound to result in false allegations against innocent people
in a modern witch-hunt and it did so in spades destroying the lives of
many children and their parents. 86 children were kidnapped from
their parents, some for over a decade. Some children were actually put
into permanent adoption. It was a despicable period which need not have
happened had the government and the police and social workers listened
to the S.A.F.F. What we had here was an
extreme fundamentalist Christian group dictating mediaeval dogma to
destroy any group or philosophy which was not aligned with Christian
Holy Writ.
Dough Harris
had networked amongst the thousands of fringe Christian groups in the
U.K., many from the 'House Church' movement which was fashionable at the
time. These 'House Churches' were cells of 'renegade' Christians, who
ran parallel to the orthodox churches, holding small religious meetings
in their homes, usually consisting of hard-line fundamentalists, who were not welcome in
the orthodox churches. The types that accost you in city centres with
loud speakers, pushing tracts
into the hands of passers by. In this hierarchy adamance rates
highly and the most radical Christians rise to the top. Eventually
Harris built a small coterie of Christian evangelists which included Maureen Davies (a dental nurse from Rhyl who from
an early age 'put religious tracts on car wind shields and complained
about astrology books in WHSmiths), Audrey Harper, the prototype
Victim-Imposter, and a renegade CofE vicar called Kevin Logan,
an ex
Coal-Board journalist who had campaigned to get a giant crucifix erected
on the top of Pendle Hill to 'counter' it's use by Satanists due to its
historical connection with the 17th century Lancaster Witch
Trials! In short Reachout amounted to a core of extreme
activists. How would anyone take this bunch seriously? You
will find out below how influential they were at twisting history.
Maureen Davies wrote a fundamentalist Christian
training manual entitled 'How to Deal with the Occult in your Area' which
was distributed by Reachout as both a pamphlet and an audio recording taped during one
of her many visits to other Churches to enthuse and train-up erstwhile
fundie recruits. She taught them how to complain to schools and local
councils and generally object to anything in the area that was not Holy Writ.
was Maureen Davies (director of Reachout's specialist
department on Satanic Ritual Child Abuse) who acted as the 'expert' on
SRA in an attempt to convince unbelievers, starting around 1988.
She got so good at it that she was invited to lecture to the police
officer training college at Bramshill! (Cue a generation of
infected leaders of the police some of whom just happen to also be
evangelical Christians - )
Maureen Davies appeared as a star keynote speaker promoting false ideas
about Satanic Abuseat every one of the notorious Satan Seminars held for
police, social workers, aligned Christian groups, child-care charities
and therapists during that time. Not one of her claimed
cases proved to be what she said it was and her invented stories of the 'Satanic Method'
were utterly in error, being a rehashing of details from the
Inquisitors' 14C Malleus Maleficarum rather than an overview of what modern Satanists and Pagans actually did. .
Despite her manic claims of SRA she and Reachout never had ANY real cases. All the supposed cases of claimed SRA which Reachout highlighted
failed in the course of time. SAFF can dispense with every single
one of them. Give us the dates and names and we will explain how every
one failed (see Pennel case below for a classic example)
One of the key players in the Reachout Trust was Audrey Harper, An ex-Bernardo's girl who became a member of the Moravian church.
began telling anyone who would listen that she'd been present at the
ritual murder of a baby whose throat had been cut in a Satanic
Harper had plied this unprovable claim prior to linking up with the Reachout Trust. Note that one component of it was the location she gave of the supposed 'sacrifice' , Virginia Water, right next to the Queen's Windsor Estate ( cue mad claims of later Royal Satanic Goings on by Jim Phillips - see below )
During her pre-Reachout days Harper's 'witnessing' or rather religious
grandstanding at various church meetings
caused the Surrey police to investigate her claims.
They found no case to answer.
When Harper joined Reachout she soon began promoting
her SRA story. Unlike the unreliable
anecdotal third and fourth hand false claims from others which made up much of Reachout's
'evidence' her story was first-hand and she repeated it interminably in
dozens of newspaper articles all over the country. She appeared
in so many newspaper articles they
actually used a silhouetted photo of her and gave her a
pseudonyms; perhaps in case
people began to question whether she was the only first-hand SRA
'witness' ?
All this Reachout publicity caused a SECOND investigation into Harper's
false claims by the Police. The SAFF corresponded with the Chief
Constable of Surrey Police at the time, alerting him to the earlier
investigation and asking for a detailed statement about the second.
He point blank refused to communicate any details to us other than there
'no case to answer'.
How fundamentalists work to a tacit agenda which few outsiders see:
We point out that many of the 'cases' Reachout used
were from other fundamentalist Christians, who worked-up situations
which did not exist or exaggerated and misinterpreted innocuous
situations. They often told third and fourth hand stories which had no
basis in fact. The Pennels case from the North East was a classic example. In March 1988
they claimed their cat had been sacrificed by Satanists because the Pennels were high-profile Christians. A local newspaper
report of the incident actually said local youths had done it and
implied that the Pennels were hypersensitive, they actually used the term 'bible thumpers'!
The Pennel's
uncorroborated testimony about Satanic cat sacrifice was printed in their local newspaper alongside an article containing allegations
of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse and included an interview with the committed Christian and
anti-Witchcraft campaigner Geoffrey
Dickens MP. Dickens had that month made his first announcement in the Commons
about his campaign against what he termed child abuse within witchcraft, making the perennial
mistake that all bigots make of confusing Satanism (a sub-text of the Christian belief) with Paganism
(the original religion of prehistory which covered the globe millennia before Christianity was thought of).
At around the same time Dianne Core of Childwatch ,
one of the most obsessive early believers in the doctrine, who had claimed that 4,000 children
a year were being sacrificed to Satan, visited the Pennel's
locality to
investigate allegations of Satanic Abuse. Dianne Core is an ardent
Christian. Geoffrey Dickens was her 'parliamentary representative' and
she was his close 'aide'. A great deal of the information in Dicken's Dossier
came through her and she helped organise his anti-occult campaign.
Dianne Core was in close touch with and regularly worked with the
directors of the Reachout Trust.
You will see a cutting on the right about the Pennels campaigning for
the banning of the religions of Satanism and Paganism, and, just to add
another fundamentalist hatred, a repeal of the laws permitting
homosexuality as well! You
can see from this letter how opportunist Christian fundamentalist
activists will do
anything to try to suppress competing religions.
Personally I wouldn't believe a word they said.
Even though the Pennels' 'cat case' was hearsay it was sent to Geoffrey Dickens MP
(Christian lay-preacher ) as though a genuine Satanic attack and formed part of his now infamous 'dossier'
on SRA which SRAhunters today love to quote as 'evidence' but which was SO
appallingly weak and unsubstantiated that it was never
sent to the Home Office as Dickens promised it would be.
Ordinary folk often see the over-egged claims from Christian
evangelicals as societal aberrations. They think that loopy fundies are
just whistling in the dark and nobody takes them seriously. However
when the dots are joined things can look
far more sinister. For instance on April 15th 1988, less than a
month after the Pennells sent their letter to the Home Secretary
demanding a change in the law to ban witchcraft, Geoffrey Dickens announced in parliament that he
would be seeking to introduce amendments to the Criminal Justice Bill,
then in process, to ban children from any Satanic or Pagan ceremony.
One report of this by Associated Press, (see left) interviewed
Dickens who, to provide 'evidence' to support his amendment, quoted from
a statistical survey saying that 87% of schoolchildren had dabbled in
the occult (see last paragraph of the cutting). That 'survey' was actually undertaken by Rev. Kevin Logan for the Reachout Trust
and has been widely quoted in the media since as 'proof' of the
insidious nature of occultism snaring youngsters, yet it was all a con. A
form with leading questions provided to a single CofE school in
Blackburn which teenage pupils were forced to fill in. It included 'An interest in Rock Music' and 'fantasy games', and TV programmes like 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch' as a positive indicator of occult involvement! I ask you, which teenager do you know who DOESN'T like pop music and electronic games?
As statistical research it was absolutely worthless yet these false
'results' went around the world and the survey was seriously quoted as
'proof' that there was a problem with the way Pagan parents were
bringing up their kids and that their offspring may be at
risk. This is a classic example of the way that
fundamentalist troublemakers create conflict in the media without either
the public, or the journalists who report on it, knowing they are
acting as their shills.
The SAFF put up a powerful fight against Dicken's amendment based on
the U.N. declaration of Human Rights which protects the right of parents
to pass on their religious beliefs to their offspring. After a
great deal of work and correspondence with the Home Office, plus a
lot of publicity and lobbying, the SAFF won the day for all
free-thinkers. Parliament's lawyers told Dickens that his amendment
would be unconstitutional and so it was dropped. The evil man
promised to reframe it and try again but fortunately died before he
could do so.
Just to give you an extra flavour of the chummy network behind the false SRA
claims, Dickens later wrote the Foreward to a reprint of Audrey Harper's
book Dance with The Devil, an autobiography of her time as a 'witch'. He said:
'With the support of Christ I am glad Audrey Harper has has the strength to tell her story'
And just in case you think there's no objection to a person
writing an autobiography about being an SRA victim, here's the cover of another book she
wrote in 1992 about the pleasures of Exorcism.
The national and international controversy over the Rochdale and Orkney false SRA cases is now
largely forgotten it would seem, but at the time it caused hundreds of
hours of TV coverage and millions of column inches of newspaper reports.
Rochdale and Orkney had high-level repercussions, entailed special
inquiries, even caused a judge led public inquiry, all of which resulted
in the conclusion that there was no satanic involvement to any of
it. Yet today a new generation of fundamentalist untruthers
lead by Australian criminologist Mark Salter and others have actually
had the gall to try to suggest that both Rochdale and Orkney WERE cases
of Satanic Abuse!
In 1991 just after the headline grabbing nationwide scandal over Rochdale and Orkney, which
had caused the media to realise the dangers of the SRAmyth, they began
to turn on Social services and the 'experts' who had earlier mislead
them. Davies and Reachout, who had influenced Rochdale and Orkney and other major cases in various ways , were exposed in a full page Daily Telegraph article written by Victoria Macdonald headed
'Holy Crusader on The Trail of Satanism'
it showed that Maureen Davies really had no expertise in the matter at
all. The Social Services and the Police and various government
Departments had been listening to Sectarian nonsense from a group of
When Macdonald challenged Davies, who had spearheaded Reachout's SRA
she backtracked and claimed that despite being on record as saying
now claimed that she had actually never personally dealt with any child
SRA victims! This was a key point for it was social workers who forced
SRA ideas into the
minds of small children in their care which was found to be the cause of
not only the Rochdale and Orkney fiascos but also, (according to Prof La Fontaine's 1994
definitive government report on the issue), ALL of the other cases in the U.K.
involving 86 children which were previously claimed as SRA during that period . The entire SRA allegations were unsubstantiated untruths. Not one case was real. Here is a sample of Macdonald's piece:
"It is said that. she (Davies) spoke to a group of Scottish
social workers shortly before the first children were taken from the
Orkneys. It was also claimed that she became involved in the Rochdale
saga. She denies this. She says she addressed a
Scottish,conference organised by church leaders but does not know
whether social workers were in the audience. "In the Rochdale,. case, if
anything I was on the side of the parents" she says.- Mrs Davies says
she can back up her claims of widespread satanic abuses with evidence
from the mouths of the abused, from adults desperate to get out of the
"hundreds of sects”, and from occult magazines. She refers to
cases of babies and virgins being sacrificed on altars, of urination and
defecation on victims, and of blood- drinking. She says she has never
had to deal with anyone younger than a teenager. But in one of the
Beacon Foundation's pamphlet ” handed out " to social workers and at the
mainly church-organised meetings she addresses she writes; "The
following list contains, activities reported to me by the children
Sunday Telegraph 7th April 1991
But that
statement by Davies wasn't quite true. She must have forgotten how she
was filmed in Kevin Logan's church by the Cook Report
attending the
exorcism of young children who had, the programme claimed, been affected
by Satanic Abuse. Here's a clip from the Devil's work showing
Davies stood next to Audrey Harper , dressed in blue.
ducking and diving, after being probably the most high-profile and adamant promoter
of SRA untruths during the Satan Scare of the 1990s, was also evident a
few months later as her bubble began to collapse further. In
October 1991 BBC Wales documentary series Week In Week Out broadcast
a stunning programme (which like many of the time used SAFF research
and documentation) on the SRA myth in connection with the tragic death
of Caroline Marchant, a young SRA victim-imposter who killed herself at the Reverend Kevin Logan's vicarage in Blackburn.
Logan, a long-time fundie activist was also a director of The Reachout
Trust. He had appeared alongside Davies and Harper in many
newspaper articles wearing his dog-collar. Readers might be
forgiven for thinking that as a representative of the Church of England
he sort of ratified and normalised the extreme allegations coming from
other fundamentalists? They wouldn't have known that he once
tore-down a Sunday Trading banner outside a Blackburn supermarket in
protest against relaxation of laws against shopping on the Lord's Day.
Davies was involved with meeting and handling poor
Caroline as an ace witness. Reportedly, Audrey Harper sat by her
bedside in tears as poor Caroline expired from her overdose. Yet
sterling journalistic work by Nick Anning and Dave Hebditch who wrote a
three page special for the Independent newspaper on Caroline's death,
clearly showed with documentary evidence that Caroline's SRA story was
an utter lie. (
More on the Marchant suicide here: )
The two part Week in Week Out
documentary eventually ended with 'doorstepping' Davies at her home in Rhyl. In juxtaposition to
her years of eagerness to talk to the media about Satanic Abuse she definitely
didn't want to answer ANY questions on camera as you will see from this
Due to SAFF work over the years, the first 1990 wave of the SRAmyth
began to collapse quickly from then on. Harris, the founder of the
Reachout Trust distanced himself from Davies and she set up her own specialised SRA charity called The Beacon Foundation. If you Google Beacon Foundation
you will find dozens of Christian activist groups using the same or
similar names. Here are the details of Maureen Davies' Beacon
3 Grosvenor Avenue, Rhyl, LL18 4HA
Helpline: 01745 343600
National telephone helpline for survivors of ritual abuse
and those supporting them. Also act as a referral point in the North
Wales area for survivors of sexual abuse.
Last Updated: 16/07/2007
For some time Harris used to direct SRA enquiries to The Beacon Foundation but as the hue and cry subsided, the Reachout Trust itself began to pick up the reins again and use the SRAmyth to promote its Christian perspectives.
It is ABUNDANTLY clear, as the SAFF has continuously pointed out and just proved above, that
the SRAmyth has been invented by and promoted by activist fundamentalist
and evangelical Christians first in the U.S. and thence in the
U.K. The SAFF has a photograph of Davies stood in her office
in 1988 before the Satan Scare hit the U.K. with box-files behind her
listing documents from most of the dangerous extreme fundie groups and
outfits which promoted the SRA scare in the U.S. a few years
earlier; and which were subsequently discredited. Amongst
these were The Christian Lydia Fellowship, The notorious Mark Warnke Ministries, Multiple Personality/DID groups in USA, Exodus, Eagle Forum, the manic File 18, Pat Pulling's Bothered About Dungeons and Dragons (a fundie anti-fantasy game campaign which falsely claimed DD forced teenagers to commit suicide when it didn't), and COIN a group of Christian Cult Cops in U.S. etc. A veritable who's who of fundie Satanic Abuse untruthers.
That U.S. sectarian information came into the country through Davies and her
fundie friends and helped to create the first claimed UK SRA case in Broxtowe in Nottingham in 1988. Davies worked with Tim Tate a TV producer who worked with Roger Cook's team, and Ray Wyre, ( an ex baptist minister turned paedophile-therapist) who according to the official Notts inquiry into Broxtowe,
imported biased SRA evidence from the same U.S. fundie clique and gave
it to the Foster Carers of the children who straight away forced Satanic
motifs into the poor kids' little brains. Davies not only 'advised' on the
appallingly tabloid Cook Report: Devil's Work (which Tate, a Theology
graduate, produced) but she actually handled the Helplines after
the programme! (see pic right)
You can view important clips from Roger Cook's disgusting Devil's Work programme here:
I can assure you that as time progresses it is being revealed as the worst example of Tabloid Hoax TV in history.
Reachout Trust had doors opened for it at a high level
in British society by other fundamentalist Christians who are,
naturally, enmeshed in the state machinery of a Christian country.
Reachout got entry to parliament early on and submitted presentations on
SRA to the parliamentary committee of Dame Jill Knight an evangelical
Christian. All the 'cases' put forward by Reachout in that
presentation were utterly false and disprovable AT THE TIME THEY WERE
PRESENTED. SAFF tried to correspond and warn Dame Jill Knight of
this but she refused to listen. She continued to believe in those false
cases and presumably influenced others within her clique.
See those
false cases itemised and disproved by the SAFF here:
Other well-meaning Christians have also been overgenerous with their
sympathy and time to Reachout, including Lord David Alton,
Baroness Cox and many others. Reachout Trust also coalesced
support for their belief in SRA from the inter-denominational Evangelical Alliance
which gave them a mandate of thousands of supporters to brow-beat
police and media with to get their way to promote uncorroborated SRA
allegations and the weakest of anecdotal cases. See
SAFF have said it before and we will say it again now. The SRA myth is an
ecclesiastical Witch-Hunt. It has nothing whatsoever to do with
child or adult victims of abuse. It is all about re-igniting Christian
platforms of control within society to usher in a Neo-Puritan agenda.
They succeed because the vast majority of nominal Christians always
assume that any devout Christian cannot lie or cheat and so listen to
the untruths, whereas time and 40,000 child abusing priests, has shown
that some Christians will gladly lie, cheat and even kill to pursue
their ends.
Any politician who listens to or repeats Reachout's cases today when
their failures and dishonour are so well documented should be called out
for working against the best interests of society and wasting
taxpayers' money on the biggest hoax of the 21st century.
moment the SAFF got near to exposing the Truth about this religious
fifth-column back in the 1990s, it melted into the background and turned
to promoting and opening doors for loonies to do their dirty work for
them. Loonies like Jim Phillips the Birmingham
doctor who created a 'stable' of SRA victim-imposters from existing
mentally ill patents whom orthodox psychiatry could not satisfy. He was
subsequently struck-off the Medical Register for making his patients'
illnesses worse. Later he committed suicide.
He and other fundies kept the pot boiling and as their narrative has
become more polished and perfected with its retelling over the years,
star fundies are now being brought back into the fold, as with Wedger, Wong, Kurz, Lacter
and the current crop of influential SRA campaigners. Not only
they believe EXACTLY THE SAME FALSE ALLEGATIONS which were proved to be
abject lies
in the 1990s but they are, apparently using exactly the same corrupted
evidence and cases which have been categorically undermined decades
before. Gullible MPs who cannot resist the opportunity to align
themselves with 'survivors' are giving them credence so we appear to be
set for a
re-run of the 1990 scare, see Rumpelstilzchen Syndrome below left
this religious fifth-column is recognised and discredited they will
continue to press for the institutionalisation of SRA as a real
problem when it is complete fiction; because doing it gives them power
to influence laws, curb free-speech and generally impose bigotry upon
society. They are now MUCH stronger than they were, due entirely
to the lies about SRA coalescing their network
The SAFF has mountains of accurate, tested information, cuttings, documents, recorded
interviews both here and in the U.S. on the Reachout Trust, it's
personnel and the people who networked with it. We can prove everything we say without
question, for instance ALL the correspondence we sent to government
departments and VIPs were sent Advice of Recorded Delivery. We have
documentary proof that they got them and know when they got them. These
people cannot hide behind the excuse that they didn't get our
correspondence; it was all signed for.
If anyone wants to
challenge our statements, you are
invited to test us. All this documentary evidence is
available to any journalist or researcher for free, as it always has
been. Please note that if you right click on the images above they
should open up in large format so you can study them in greater detail.
"Those who do not remember the evils of the past are condemned to repeat them."
John Freedom, Samhain 2018.

