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The Wong, Alton, Sinason Axis.
Read what the Times Religious Correspondent had to say about the gullibility of Satan Hunters at Westminster
By Damian Thompson
12:01AM GMT 22 Mar 2002
RITUAL satanic abuse is back. Yesterday, a private meeting at
Westminster, chaired by Lord Alton, discussed assaults on children by
hooded, chanting Satanists. "You may be aware," the organisers said,
"that, for several years, there have been reports of the ritual abuse of
children and in some cases ritual murder. The rituals reportedly often
involve the Black Mass and the wearing of robes. Adult survivors of
ritual abuse are divulging important evidence regarding the large scale
of this problem in the UK."
One of the organisers, Wilfred Wong, an evangelical Christian, is
campaigning for ritual abuse to be made a specific crime, so that the
Satanists - responsible for "hundreds, if not thousands" of sexual
assaults and murders - can be brought to justice. "But so far little has
been done," he says plaintively.
That is a matter of opinion. In the early 1990s, far too much was done.
In Rochdale, 20 children were removed from their homes after a
six-year-old boy told teachers he had seen babies murdered; the claims
were dismissed by the High Court. In the Orkney islands, village gossip
about satanic practices led to the removal of nine children from their
homes; after a £6 million inquiry, all charges were dismissed and social
workers criticised for planting ideas in children's heads. In 1994, a
three-year Department of Health inquiry by the anthropologist Prof Jean
La Fontaine into 84 alleged cases of ritual abuse found no evidence of
Satanism in any of them.
What the inquiry did expose, however, was the tangle of folklore and
urban legend that produced the scare. The ingredients included: stories
of baby sacrifice borrowed from 19th-century anti-Catholic propaganda
(many Satan-hunters are anti-Catholic fundamentalists); the anti-Semitic
blood libel; corny images of devil-worshippers owing more to The Wicker
Man than to any real occult rubric; television cartoons (the Orkney
allegations featured adults dressed as Ninja Turtles); and the
scatological rambling of small children.
As Prof La Fontaine points out, paedophilia is the most potent
representation of evil in modern society; it is not surprising that it
should become conflated with older folk devils, or that groups with a
distrust of the Establishment - fundamentalists, feminists, social
workers - should prove receptive to such a myth. What is surprising is
that they have been able to sustain their belief in the face of the
empirical demolition of their claims.
They have done so by retreating into the time-honoured logic of the
conspiracy theorist: the absence of evidence proves the effectiveness of
the conspiracy. The resourceful Satanists dispose of bodies by feeding
them into mincing machines, dissolving them in acid baths, burning them
in furnaces or just eating them. How do they get away with it? Dr Joan
Coleman, a psychiatrist who spoke at yesterday's meeting, says the
abusers have "Masonic connections", though an American campaigner, Prof
Cory Hammond, thinks they are part of a Nazi conspiracy led by a
renegade Jew.
The anti-Satan lobby has also seized opportunistically on isolated
crimes. Last September, the torso of a five-year-old black boy was found
in the Thames. Valerie Sinason, a psychotherapist at St George's
Hospital in London, told the press that the case bore all the hallmarks
of a ritual murder. "Sadly, I do not think this is a one-off," she said.
Of course she doesn't. Miss Sinason, the main speaker yesterday, is on
the record as saying that Satanists are breeding babies for ritual
murder, a practice she described to the Catholic Herald as "an Auschwitz
in peacetime". Until now, not one body has surfaced to corroborate this
theory, which explains why the ritual abuse lobby is so eager to claim
the Thames torso for Satanism. But this, too, is nonsense. The little
boy may have been ritually killed - but by an African witchdoctor
harvesting body parts for the magical medicine known as muti. It has
nothing to do with suburban devil-worship.
Prof La Fontaine's verdict on Valerie Sinason goes to the heart of the
problem. "It's depressing to find someone who has a position at leading
London hospitals who is so cut off from what research methodology is,
and what rational evidence is," she says. When Miss Sinason announces
that she has "clinical evidence" of infanticide and cannibalism, she
means that her patients have told her stories about them. The
implication is that, because the suffering of these people is real,
their "memories" must be accurate.
Miss Sinason's claims are so implausible that they are unlikely to win
much of an audience this time. The real cause for concern is the
influence on our thinking about a range of social problems: chronic
fatigue, cot death, post-battlefield stress, autism. In each case, it is
more emotionally satisfying to identify a single cause - an
undiscovered virus, chemical warfare, the MMR jab - than to accept that
nasty things happen randomly, or are produced by a mixture of causes.
It is not just that we have lost faith in science: it is also that we
have done so without bothering to understand the limits within which
science must operate. Statistical probabilities are hard to grasp; we
prefer to encounter our evidence in the form of human interest stories.
Proper research, which is fundamentally about measurement, lacks
entertainment value: Prof La Fontaine's report cannot compete with the
Hammer Horror scenario of satanic abuse, just as the painstaking work of
real archaeologists pales in comparison with the tales of "lost
civilisations" that television companies, to their shame, still
Fortunately, inconvenient facts have a way of fighting to the surface.
Lord Alton - who says he is keeping an "open mind" on satanic abuse -
might want to consider the following story. Last year, Jeremy Laurance,
the health editor of the Independent, was alerted by a well known
psychotherapist to the existence of pictures on the internet of a man
eating a dismembered baby. The paper ran the story. A week later it
apologised. "Let's not beat about the bush. I've been had," said
Laurance. It turned out that the photographs were a hoax by a Chinese
performance artist. And the gullible psychotherapist? Valerie Sinason,
of course.
Catholic Inroads Into Democracy
" For the pope's private Masses in the Apostolic Palace. Attending Mass
in the small chapel was a rare privilege for the occasional head of
state, like British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his family."
According to the head teacher, David Owens, it's all thanks to a Labour
prime minister. "Tony Blair opened the door in the debate on faith
schools," he explains. "So it's time for people like us to strike while
the iron is hot."
The school is part of the Carmel Christian Centre, one of a growing
number of locally based hard-line Christian organisations. The aim of
these groups is to spread a fundamentalist form of Christianity. The
followers believe that the Bible is literally true and not open to any
degree of interpretation. They are the only "true" Christians because
they have confessed their sins before Jesus and become "born again".
Those who have not converted are damned.
Catholic Inroads Into Democracy
From The Times October 15, 2009
In the cathedral I saw a sign. God help us. The message I received from Saint Therese... and who it was about
Matthew Parris Another miracle! Having now visited the casket containing
pieces of her foot and thigh bone, all my doubts about the supernatural
powers of St Therese of Lisieux have fled. You may remember that some
weeks ago, as a lapsed militant atheist, I experienced a miraculous
reconversion to my dastardly faith after contemplating the arrival at
Portsmouth (for a tour of Britain) of a casket containing some of the
relics of St Therese. Well, yesterday the 19th-century French saint sent
me another sign. It happened like this . . . I had decided to visit the
bones yesterday at Westminster Cathedral. Already there was a
near-carnival atmosphere surrounding the bones. A temporary fish
-and-chips stall had sprung up beside a smoothies-and-coffee tent. In
front of the cathedral was a huge array of steel-barriered paddocks for
pilgrims queueing for the relics. Following other pilgrims, made my way
into the cathedral, joining a long queue. Something like a shopfront
faced me: Candles, Roses. I bought a red rose. I passed a first-aid
alcove for those seeking medical help from St Therese, and huge banks of
burning candles. A notice declared: Lighting a candle is a prayer,
which is not the case Then came a gallery of photographs of the young
Therese. She looked a good and lovely person, and I'm sure she was.
Apparently Pope Benedict has declared a special grant of
indulgences to pilgrims to these relics at Westminster. One indulgence
may be gained each day and may be applied either to a soul in Purgatory
or the pilgrim himself or herself. A Lutheran rage rose in my gorge.
Jesus would have been incandescent. I think I'm a Protestant atheist.
And then the relics. Or rather the casket containing the relics.
Clutching my rose, I stood in front of the glass box, touching it;
staring; then (like them) touching my rose on to the glass. Then I left,
my experience complete. Or was it? At the front of the cathedral,
among the departing pilgrims, was a man apparently alone. It was
Tony Blair. He half-acknowledged me, and walked away. Blimey. Can these
relics help a man become president of Europe? This was no
photo-opportunity: our former Prime Minister and warrior for Western
values had not expected to see a journalist;his expression betrayed
that. So he really means it. Means it not just about God, but the God to
whom Catholics think they have access. I didn't know whether to be
impressed, or horrified. Both, I think. Thank you, St Therese. And God
help us, every one.
Blair Babe, Ruth Kelly faces yet more controversy over efforts to
square membership of Opus Dei (hard line Jesuit international political
intrigue) with her day-to-day duties as Minister for Women and Equality.
" For the pope's private Masses in the Apostolic Palace. Attending Mass
in the small chapel was a rare privilege for the occasional head of
state, like British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his family."
Sun, 27 Jun 2010 12:14:59 +0000 (GMT)
Ann Widdecombe ( Who recently left the
Anglican church and converted to Catholicism.) is favourite to be next
British ambassador to the Vatican . She would be the first Roman
Catholic woman to be appointed to the post and would succeed Francis
Campbell, the current ambassador. The post, which comes with an official
residence in Rome, was created after the
Reformation, yet was not given ambassadorial status until 1982. Â It had
never been held by a Catholic until Mr Campbell was appointed by Tony
Blair in 2006. Â At the time there were questions over whether a
Catholic would be able to be objective in serving the Government in
negotiating with the Holy See, but the diplomat is widely admired for
the job he has done.
New Pressure Group has Christian Mission,
Political candidates in Ribble Valley are to be called to account at the
General Election by a new pressure group, the Movement For Christian
Democracy which just formed a branch here...the movement was set up by
David Alton and Ken Hargreaves in November 1990 and now has 5,000
members. [Lancs Evening Post 18 Feb 1992]
The visit of Cardinal Daly, Archbishop of Armagh, to Parliament on
December 1st as a guest of the Catholic Community in both Houses draws will address a gathering of ....over 200 MPs, Peers,
Ambassadors. I have never been involved in such a timely event which has
generated such interest....welcoming representatives of the Papal
Nunciature.. The three Parliamentary Christian Fellowshisp for Members
staff and wives of MPs and Peers, whcih contain a majority of the
Protestant Christians in Parliament will be playing their part, many
attending Mass for the first time. [Christopher Graffius, (David Alton's
Aide-de-camp at Westminster) writing in the Catholic Times 28 Noember
[After leaving parliament] David Alton mentions the work he will do with
the Movement for Christian Democracy, now 10,000 strong, and
spreading its wings. This is the politics of the future, unhampered by
the Parliamentary straitjacket.. [Christopher Graffius, Catholic Times 6
august 1995.] [Alton inaugurated the MDC in 1990 Graffius worked for 9
years as Alton's gopher in Westminster and the Jubilee Campaign]
English Churchman Fridays, 24 th June & 1 st July 2016
by Wilfred Wong
Satanist Ritual Abuse (SRA) exists in Britain and is a growing problem,
harming and destroying the lives of an increasing number of children and
vulnerable adults because the UK authorities are simply not taking this
crime seriously, a conference in
London of about 60 Christians heard on Saturday 21 May 2016. The
conference was organised by the Christian organisation, the Coalition
Against Satanist Ritual
Abuse (CASRA).
The conference was entitled:
“Satanist Ritual Abuse - The Battle for Justice”.
Conference speakers included Andrew Boyd, a Christian journalist who is the author of "Blasphemous
Rumours", one of the leading books on SRA in Britain. [It's sh*te, you can see how badly researched it is and how many lies it contains about 'jennifer' here: ] Boyd conducted two years of intense and extensive
research across the UK on SRA. Boyd said that there is "compelling" evidence for the existence of SRA in
Britain. This includes SRA cases that were successfully prosecuted in
Britain’s criminal courts. He urged that Britain should have specific
criminal laws on SRA just as some states in the US have done.
An English SRA Survivor, Victoria Ash, described her long battle for justice, which has lasted for over 25
years. She said that the local police have repeatedly refused to properly investigate her SRA allegations. [The police refused
because what Vicky Ash has said is palpable nonsense and she cannot
produce any forensic evidence, locations or names to enable them
to take it further - you can see her drivel here: ]
But her ongoing campaign managed to prevent her alleged Satanist Ritual Abuser from starting a nursery for 40 young children.
Victoria described her horrific experience of SRA as including being
sexually abused from as early as 3 to 4 years old, being drugged and
taken to Satanist rituals, which involved the killing of animals, babies
or children, being forced to watch pornography and also to have sex
with animals. Indecent photos were also taken of her. [Except that no
such photos have ever been found, no animal carcases have been produced
and Satanists don't kill animals in their rites; The SAFF undermined
fantasies about Satanic Animal Sacrifice here: they are simply not true]
Robert Green, the leading campaigner on Scotland’s largest, current SRA
case, the Hollie Greig case, said that Hollie, a young woman with Down’s
Syndrome, had
identified 23 alleged Satanist Ritual Abusers, including a senior police
officer, 2 Head Teachers, 2 Social Workers and a Judge. Green said that
Greig has described not only experiencing SRA but also witnessing the
Satanists ritually sacrificing a man. The Scottish Police have refused
to thoroughly investigate Greig’s allegations and tried to silence Green
by imprisoning him at least twice.
[ Robert Green was a psychopathic nutter who
pressed his false allegations too far and was sentenced for
stalking. There was no abuse in the Holly Greig case, Green
invented it all. Here's the actual facts
Wilfred Wong, the Chairman of CASRA, and a Child Protection Campaigner
with 23 years experience of working on SRA, emphasised that SRA had to
be clearly, publicly and extensively identified in Britain as SRA, and
not as anything else. He said that too many attempts were made to dilute
the name of the problem. Some of these attempts were well-intentioned
but misguided, while others had a more sinister objective to further
conceal the reality of SRA from public knowledge.
Wilfred emphasised that effective and diligent law enforcement against
SRA is crucial. The public have to know more about SRA so that they in
turn strongly pressure the UK authorities to fulfil their duty to
protect children and vulnerable adults from Satanist Ritual Abusers, by
bringing such abusers to justice, instead of simply looking the other
way, which is what happens most of the time.
Wilfred Wong says, “There is plenty of evidence that SRA exists in the
UK. For example, there are several SRA cases that have been successfully
prosecuted in the British courts. Given the very high standards of
proof and evidence required in Britain’s criminal courts in order to
secure convictions, this is conclusive evidence of the existence of SRA.
But for every SRA case that
is successfully prosecuted in Britain, there are many more that are not,
because the police won’t thoroughly investigate them or the prosecuting
authorities refuse to prosecute the cases.”
[ Wong contradicts himself. First he says that the reason why
people don't take SRA seriously is that the justice system is biased
against it and filled with Satanic Abusers so cases never come to
court, but then goes on to say that the fact that TWO cases in 30
years have been ascribed to SRA by the media - they weren't true SRA as
we will show if you read the links below - is proof that hundreds
of cases of SRA are hidden! What kind of logic is
Here's the SAFF analysis of Wong's two cases: ]
Links to articles about Jimmy Savile being a Satanist who engaged in
SRA: ttp://
[Links to SAFF analysis of the Savilemonster
scare and how fundies like Wong tried to hi-jack it, adding Satanism
where no satanism existed:
Wilfred Wong Accused of Spreading Religious Hatred

Wilfred Wong Spreading Religious Hatred
A Key Christian Extremist who
helped along the 1990 Satanic Panic returns to Fan the Flames of
Intolerance in a new generation of believers in Satanic Abuse.
This SAFF exclusive report reveals the inner secrets of just how much
trouble organisers of fundamentalist poison can create.
Religious slander and mediaeval biblical
defamations are reappearing in Britain as Wilfred Wong winds-up a
new-wave of conspiracy-loons with Sectarian Lies designed to produce Religious Hatred in another 'last ditch battle
with Satan'. Creating an unnecessary and avoidable
which not only disgraces Britain in the 21st century, but which will
cause more suffering of innocents who fall into their thrall if the authorities fail to act, as they did in 1990.
Parliamentary Connections
Wilfred Wong isn't your regular bible-thumper, he's been at it since the late 1980s. In his youth he acted as the foil for Lord David Alton's Catholic machiavellianism within the corridors of Westminster. For years he worked with Christopher Graffius on the Jubilee Campaign. Alton inaugurated the Catholic inspired Jubilee Campaign and pushed it relentlessly in his regular columns in the Catholic Universe and Catholic Pictorial newspapers.
It was always billed as an 'ecumenical' group to bring all of the
various Christian churches together yet it was based at St John's
Seminary, Wonersh, Surrey, which specialised in training and teaching
radical catholic lay-preachers and priests and, to be honest ,was hardly
ecumenical. For exxample, in April 1995 Alton lead a delegation from the Jubilee Campaign to the Vatican. In a personal meeting with the Pope Alton updated him on what Jubilee Campaign had achieved.
The focus of the Jubilee Campaign is
somewhat difficult to describe because it was a wrapper for many
different Catholic fundamentalist projects over the years, but
it was a front for introducing fundamentalist Catholic teachings into
British political system, the holding of 'ecumenical' prayer meetings in
Palace of Westminster, and coalescing support for Christian agendas such
as restricting Abortion, fighting homosexuality reform, attacking
Islamic teachngs and bringing in Censorship of TV and Videos and
much else.
Many of the 200 or so evangelical Christians in Parliament came within their ambit,
including Dame Jill Knight (rabid homophobe and mover of Clause
28 in
which Geoffrey Dickens was seconder) and many others. This formed a
fifth column of very powerful Christians in parliament which is still
controlling and amending our laws to suit their own idea of Holy Writ 30
years later. All this began in the early 1990s alongside
the first claims of there being a threat from Satanic Abusers. The
SAFF saw these false claims as an attempt to develop an imagined threat
which could coalesce Christians in the democratic process.
Indeed shortly afterwards Alton inaugurated the Movement for Christian Democracy
which was designed as a fledgling political party setting up a network
of 10,000 evangelicals who worked to 'out' any local candidates which
non-biblical aligned policies and personal lives. The SAFF pointed
all this out at the time in our special report here: Lord Alton Uses Mother of Parliaments to Restart the Satanic Panic.
In respect of their self-appointed overseas remit the Jubilee Campaign
worked in the defence of Christian activists in other countries who had
got themselves into trouble by provoking the local authorities.
You know the kind of thing; local laws say no bibles, so Christian
activists smuggle in bibles, get caught distributing them and then complain of religious persecution when they are imprisoned.
One of the Jubilee Campaign's first projects was to work with Jewish 'Refusnik' groups
in Russia who had been denied the right to emigrate to Israel.
Few people realise that it was the Catholic church which encouraged a
resistance network against Russian atheism and supported Solidarinocz thru Lec Walesa which
began the fall of the Soviet Union ,and eventually brought down the
Berlin Wall in 1989. This great victory is why Pope John Paul II
was so swiftly beatified after his death. During this period many
activist Catholics did their best to stir up dissent in Soviet Russia and
set public opinion against Russia here in the UK.
After the Berlin wall fell in 1989, Jubilee Campaign turned it's
attention to sex-tourism, child prostitution and street-girls in South East Asia and
elsewhere. Wong travelled with David Alton on a fact-finding
tour. Later, in September 1992 Alton announced that Wilfred Wong had been
given charge of a new sub-group The Freedom Foundation. It
doesn't exist today and SAFF can't find anything relating to its work,
however Jubilee Campaign continued, though had a change of name to the
Jubilee Trust in 1994, and then morphed again in 2014 to 'Chance for
Childhood' . Over the years 2016-2018 Chance for Childhood charity turned over donations worth
nearly four million pounds. In short, Wong is synchronised into
powerful and influential lobbies in the Catholic world.
Wilfred Wong's life-long commitment to Catholic expansionism
is clear. The initial SRA allegations in the 1990 Satanic Panic
were thoroughly squashed by Prof La Fontaine's definitive government
report in 1994 which did not find any of the 86 claimed SRA victims'
cases to have any Satanic content whatsoever. see here
Prof La Fontaine's definitive government
report in 1994 did not find any of the 86 claimed SRA victims'
cases to have any Satanic content whatsoever
The Thames Torso and SRA
Believers in SRA who had made the running in the 1990s went quiet
until the Thames Torso case occurred in 2002. On the back of this
case ( which the SAFF analysed in detail here:
) a renewed SRA hysteria occurred with false claims that the Thames Torso was a ritual killing being
interpreted by those who had created the the failed1990 Satanic Panic. As
SAFF's masterly analysis showed the police failed to find 'Adam's' murderer
because their investigation was hijacked by SRAhunters.
It is this case
which caused Wong to organise a meeting in Westminster chaired by Lord David Alton to
restate the same disproven SRA allegations which Alton had himself
backed in the early 1990s. The quality papers refused to bite and
a number of critical reviews were published, including The Times whose article headlined: People Who Believe That Satanists Might Eat Your Baby,
is reproduced in full in the leftmost column (click here to read) . The Times ridiculed Wong, Alton, Valerie Sinason and the other troublemakers.
Again the Satan Hunters ducked their heads and went quiet, but after it
became clear that the Thames Torso case was grinding to a halt Jubilee
Campaign popped up again in Sept 2004 with a report of the plight of war orphans
and street kids from the Democratic Republic of Congo. One section dealt
with 'witch-children'
5.15 In addition, we took evidence on the phenomenon of 'witch children'
cited in the All Party Parliamentary groups report. Although
witchcraft has always been practised in the Congo, and deep
superstitions remain ingrained in their lore, over the past decade a new
and disturbing trend has emerged. In a climate of deep poverty families
who cannot cope with the up-bringing of their children, or who have a
child with behavioural problems or disabilities, declare the children to
be witches or involved in sorcery. This is used as a pretext for
abandoning their children to the streets.
The Witch-Children phenomenon finally hit the headlines in the
UK in 2006 and was misrepresented by the Child Scare Industry and most
SRA hunting Christians as Satanists abusing children. The SAFF exposed this sectarian lie in our piece on the Stobart Report here
In fact the cause of children being physically abused was the
activities of Christian pastors and priests from the missionary churches
in Africa who, in their own paranoia and constant search for Satan, accused
wayward children of being possessed with the Devil and then put them
through tortuous Christian exorcism ceremonies and physical beatings to drive the devils out.
It had nothing to do with Witchcraft or Satanism, the abuse occurred
within Christian churches because of hyper-aggressive fears of the Devil
by Christians in those churches. The same kind of fears and false
allegations which Wilfred Wong is rehashing today
Witch-Children had nothing to do with Witchcraft or Satanism, the abuse occurred within Christian church exorcisms.
However by 2012 the very same suspects who were flogging the dead horse
of SRA in 1990 had hi-jacked the Witch-Children scare and neatly allied
it to the still unresolved Thames Torso hysteria. In a
letter to the Guardian the heretofore unknown Committee on Ritual Abuse, wrote a collectively signed letter which said:
'We were
pleased to see your report (An abuse of faith, Social care, 18 January)
outlining the evidence of the numbers of black children subjected to
violence linked to witchcraft. This is extremely concerning and many of
us have worked with such children and adults from the black communities
who have experienced abusive aspects of juju, Santeria, witchcraft and
possession in the UK. While our major religious institutions are now
putting safeguarding procedures into place, children (and adults) from
smaller religious groups do not have that safety. We are also concerned
as individuals and as a committee that the ritual abuse of white
children (and adults) is less easily acknowledged (the Kidwelly case in
2011). It can be far easier, sometimes for racist reasons, to accept the
ritual abuse of black children (witness the Adam Case known as "Torso
in The Thames" in 2001), and especially from working-class backgrounds.
The white middle-class children (and adults) and those who work with
them and support them are subject to implications that such experiences,
if the victim is not black, must be bizarre delusions. This makes it
harder for disclosures to be made and for the police to help, and delays
the understanding of the impact of ritual on all children and adults
when used abusively.
Letter to Guardian Jan 23 2012
Dr V Sinason, Rachel Wingfield, Prof Joseph Schwartz, Dr Sandra Buck, Dr Joan Coleman, Carole Mallard, Wilfred Wong, Deborah Briggs, Dr Pat Frankish, David Leevers, Orit Badouk-Epstein, Lynn Greenwood
Committee on Ritual Abuse, London
This was a tortuous and deceitful definition of Witch-Children
which misrepresented the actual causes which had nothing whatsoever to
do with either racism or witchcraft. Every
single one of these 12 signatories
had been key movers in the failed
1990 Satanic Panic and their allegations during that time had all come
to naught, just as their prognostications over Witch-Children also came
to nothing. You will note that Wilfred Wong is one of the
signatories. The word
'Satanist' is notable by it's absence. They didn't want to
lift the lid publicly on that Pandora's box again until they had created
a new caucus of SRA believers.
The Media did not react to the CRA rallying cry, probably because the SAFF had undermined belief in the CRA's claims about the Thames Torso and Witch-Children scares. Note that the commitee's title - Committee on Ritual Abuse - did not make any reference to Satanism but two years later in 2014 Wilfred Wong started a new
organisation which was a development of the now seemingly defunct Committee on Ritual Abuse.
called CASRA which clearly DID (Coalition Against Satanic Ritual Abuse).
As soon as SAFF spotted and focussed public attention on
CASRA it's website was taken down.
English Church-man Duped
Then two years later in July 2016 Wilfred Wong published a sensational article in the English Church-Man magazine. 'Christians Demand Action On Satanist Ritual Abuse' calling
on all Christians to take part in the battle. This was clearly a
change in strategy. The English Church-Man is a rabidly fundamentalist
protestant journal which promotes the religious differences in Northern
Ireland and campaigns for Biblical Writ. Previously, Wong had
cultivated Satan Hunters in child-protection (almost all the signatories
to the CRA letter to the Guardian had been from this clique), the
majority were activists from the secular world, but now Wong was openly
referring to and promoting fundamentalist Christians to action in an
avowedly vehement Christian group. What had happened?
Wong, an ardent Catholic, had got in under the radar of the absolutist
Protestant group by liaising with the growing clique of Christian
fundamentalists Satan-Hunters created by social media. These SRA
conspiracyloons are almost universally Protestants, but are often
so preoccupied with their aim to prove the existence of
Satanic Ritual Abuse that they do not understand or take into account
the historic fault-lines between Catholics and Protestants, particularly
in Northern Ireland where much of English Church-man support comes
The coterie of Conspiracyloon Protestants therefore were either ignorant
of or purposefully ignored Wilfred Wong's life-long work for the Papacy
and presumably vouched for Wong when introducing him to The English
Church-man group. The ECM group obviously took them at their word
because under normal circumstances Catholicism is an anathema to ECM.
Their newspaper has for years contained articles attacking
Catholics, and the Papacy, yet here they are allowing Wilfred Wong to
not only infiltrate their magazine but promote a long term Catholic
strategy through which the Vatican can affect the laws in Britain to
suit their biblical reach. To say this would completely undermine
the trust of their Protestant supporters is an understatement.
The article on the right (see image) is how the English Church-man group
thinks of Catholics and Catholicism:
The Papacy is a demonically energised apostate system
that will be judged and utterly condemned by the Lord.....The Papal
programme is wicked and wilful and its genius in means and method,
English Church-man magazine 30th June 2017
attacks on Catholicism are a frequent occurrence in the magazine, as
you can see from the image above this is a regular column equating the
Pope with Satan. How on earth did English Church-man fall for
Wong's strategy? What idiots they've turned out to be.
The Deceiver is amongst them! Now that the SAFF has alerted them
to the 'sleeper' in their midst I can guarantee you that Wong's articles
will be deleted forthwith!
Can we be allowed a conspiracy theory of our own? Are Alton and
Wong Opus Dei agents? Don't snort too quickly, Ruth Kelly,
Education Secretary ) was outed as an Opus Dei member in 2005. Blair
himself converted to Catholicism during his time in office. Other
defectors occurred from the CofE to Catholicism (Anne Widdecombe and
others) The Jubilee Campaign had indeed coalesced Catholicism in
Parliament. Alongside (right) you can see a picture of
Widdecombe celebrating her Catholicism with Alton, her 'sponsor',
on 2nd May 1993. In the leftmost column you will find a report from the
Catholic Times (11th Sept 1993) about the Jubilee Campaign organising
a Prayer Breakfast attended by 850 people, including 'the majority of
Christians in parliament'. Wong is a product of this missionary caucus.
22nd September 2017 Wilfred Wong spoke at a Conference in London on
Satanic Ritual Abuse. His co-speaker was Rainer Kurz who has strong
links with the Roman Catholic church in Germany and attends RC church
conferences there on SRA.
If you need any more proof of how Catholics have steered the British
political agenda over the past few decades you can find it here: an expose of Alton's promotions of the SRA myth in Parliament
Wilfred Wong's Faulty Evidence
So how accurate and trustworthy is Wilfred Wong's 'evidence' about SRA?
- Well actually almost all of it has either been disproved years ago, or is wilfully fictional.
- It doesn't matter how many times this fundie Wong asserts that SRA exists, there is no evidence that it does.
- It does not matter how vehemently he pronounces it, SRA is just a figment of the minds of fundies.
- It does not matter how certain his own belief about it is - he has no proof.
- It does not matter how many victim-imposters queue up to claim
they've been satanically abused - none of them have ever come up with
ANY forensic evidence to support their claims.
- It does not matter how many other Christians would rather believe it to fit in with their sectarian world-view - there is NO evidence of a pan-global Satanic sub-culture which abuses children as part of its rites.
Suggesting that some people with a slanting connection with occultism or
Witchcraft have sexually abused others is not the same thing as saying
that a special form of abuse exists which is created by the demands of
the liturgy of the Satanic or Pagan religions. After
all, there are, literally THOUSANDS of abusing Priests within the
Catholic church and even the SAFF don't try to float the ridiculous idea
of Christian Ritual Child Abuse! The reason is clear to
anyone with any sense. The abuse of those Priests comes from the
darkness of their own hearts, not from the liturgy or aims of
Christianity. Wong's ferreting out of co-incidental information
and misinterpreted cases and the promotion of the tall tales of
compulsive liars to try to prove his twisted belief in the existence
of SRA is simply Religious Hatred. Remember dear reader,
that is exactly what Goebbels did to the Jews in Germany to create a
climate of hate which ended up killing six million souls.
It doesn't matter how
many times Wilfred Wong asserts that SRA exists, over the past 30 years
he's been making these claims absolutely no evidence has been found to
say that it does. No bones, no bodies, no locations, no forensic evidence whatsoever.
However, there have been thousands of cases which believers like Wong have tried to push as SRA which have failed. Every single one of the cases held up as SRA in the 1990s Satanic Panic, which Wong supported FAILED.
The Congleton Case, The Manchester Case, The Epping Case, The Broxtowe
Case, The Ayrshire Case, The Isle of Lewis Case, The Rochdale
case, the Orkney Case, and more, were all found not to have been
caused by Perverted Satanists, but by Bigoted believers in SRA like Wong
who had created situations out of nothing.
People today have forgotten what this idiot Wong is actually
saying. He's saying,: Forget the fourteen (14) major inquiries,
the Clyde Inquiry which cost millions, the Rochdale SSI inquiry, the
governments own 1994 La Fontaine report, the JET report and all the
rest; he's asking you to forget the failure of every single case that he himself believed in and promoted in 1990.
He's asking you to forget about those cases which are actually proof
when his claims were tested in court that SRA does NOT exist! He
is instead trying to flog you an utterly insane idea that somehow all of
that was a conspiracy by Satanists! The police, The
judiciary, The government, The social services, the courts and the local
authorities , the Media, Academics, Specialists, Experts and a cast of
tens of thousands of people were actors in a conspiracy which would be
utterly impossible to sustain for 32 years. Not once, but hundreds of times. Anyone who thinks that needs professional help.
Does Wong Prefer Chasing Imagined Satanists than Real Priests?
here's the rub; in contradistinction with the lack of evidence for SRA,
during the very same period there has been incontrovertible evidence of
thousands of Roman Catholic Priests abusing children in their
care. There is no debate about Priestly Abuse, most of the
hundreds of priests brought to court plead guilty. There's
no need to rattle on about hidden conspiracies over Priestly
Abuse. Priestly Abuse is endemic. The Vatican has paid out
an estimated four BILLION dollars in hush-money over the past two
decades to silence victims of Priestly Abuse. The English
Church-man magazine itself regularly calls out Abusing Catholic Priests -
here's an example, in the image on the right, which blames the late
Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor for hiding and whitewashing paedophile priests.
This was published in EC magazine 22 Sept 2017, the very day Wong was
attending an SRA conference to flog his 10 false cases of it in
So what is happening here? Are we seeking to reduce the appalling
number of children being abused? For if we are then surely it
would be better to highlight and root out Priestly Abusers in the
Catholic Church which,by the RCC's own estimates, make up an
estimated 4% of all ordained priests. There's plenty of
work for Wong to do unearthing abusive priests in Britain but he doesn't
appear to be interested in that. Why? Because his job as a
Catholic agitator is to frighten nominal Christians back into the arms
of the churches with false tales of Satanic Ritual Abuse. SRA is a missionary push and has little to do with child protection.
The SAFF years ago made the point that one of the best ways of
covering up tens of thousands of child victims of Catholic Priests is to
make up stories about Satanists doing the same. It's a kind of of
The SAFF realised this truth decades ago. It is why we
were the very first organisation to do statistical research on the
incidence of Priestly Abuse when nobody else anywhere in government and
the Media were interested in addressing it. It resulted in our
1991 report: The Black Museum of Priestly Abuse
Which proved the threat of Priestly Abuse to children and which we backed up with extra statistics in 1996 - Black Museum II here:
which proved that 8 year old young boys were most at risk.
It was from this SAFF work in protecting children that the atrocious
methods the church had used to whitewash and cover-up it's own priests
was exposed. Does that ring a bell? Well it should, because
what the Catholic church did was create a world-wide network to
transfer abusing priests from country to country and cover-up child
abuse at a high-level. Exactly what Wong is claiming Satanists do! Is the intention becoming a little clearer now?
The SAFF created the climate which has resulted in
historic priestly abuse inquiries in all Western countries. So
whilst Wong and his ilk were wasting their time and yours chasing after
phantom Satanists, the SAFF was quietly doing work to actually protect
children from the most horrendous abuse within the RCC and other
churches. Evil is as evil does. Believe these
people at your peril.
24 Sectarian Lies Wilfred Wong Tells You About Paganism and Satanism:
The Quotations below are taken directly from an hour long
interview on Satanic Ritual Abuse which Wilfred Wong gave to Jon Wedger
on 26 march 2019. Almost the entire interview is a pack of lies
and misdirections. We have chosen 24 glaring errors, mistakes and
Sectarian Lies to prove it to you. You can see the full interview
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.1:
especially like to target children, because they believe that this is
something that the devil wants them to do."
Who says the Devil wants Satanists to do these things? Nobody but
Wong. There are no extant Satanic or Pagan Rites which demand that
children must be involved and certainly none which say they must be
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.2:
of SRA is to force children to sexually abuse each other and part of
SRA is to force children to do things that corrupt them. For example,
forcing them to watch pornography or using them to make pornography or
both.' Wilfred Wong.
Wong is dissembling, there has not been one instance where
Satanists or Pagans have
been caught forcing children to sexually abuse each other. There
has not been one case where Satanists or Pagans have forced children to
watch pornography. It's a Lie.
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.3:
"In the Satanist calendar, there are specific dates that are set aside
for Satanist orgies.
do not have a 'Satanic Calendar'. The most influential books on
modern Satanism are The Satanic Bible, and The Satanic Rituals, both by
Anton LaVey. In 1966 LaVey created Neo-Satanism and these books
have guided Neo-Satanists ever since. There is not one date in
either book! There are no Calendars no festival timings given. No events
of any kind tied to the Solar or Lunar cycles on which traditional
religion (for example Paganism and Christianity) is fixed. The Satanic Rituals gives only five main Satanic
Rites and they can be worked at any time of the year as the operant wishes. There are
no 'specific dates set aside for Satanist Orgies'. It is a Sectarian Lie.
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.4:
of the signs that SRA is being inflicted on a child is the
regular use of drugs, and the Satanist orgies that we mentioned
earlier, uh, it’s also common for drugs to be taken at such orgies.
Uh, Satanists are very, uh, quick to use drugs,in their
practices and it’s not surprising that sometimes Satanist covens
engage in drug trafficking."
There has not been one case in which Satanic groups
have been found to have trafficked drugs or been prosecuted for dealing
in drugs. Satanic rituals are public property and there is no published
Satanic or Pagan rite which demands the use of drugs. It's a Sectarian Lie.
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.5:
covens which committed human sacrifice were in existence in England
as far back as 1961, the So the
existence and the extent of SRA that exists today is much bigger than
when Audrey joined the coven, back in 1961. And what they were doing
is very similar to what the covens do today, "
bases this 'false-fact' on the testimony of Audrey Harper who says she
witnessed the sacrifice of a baby at a satanic ceremony in the early
1960s. However, as we will show below, Neo-Satanism did not exist until
1966 and Harper was talking about what she termed ' Black Witches' not
Satanists. Harper's false tales of sacrifice were investigated by
the British police TWICE and in both instances they found 'no case to
answer'. In her book Dance with the Devil, which Wong quotes from she admits this by saying:
'I could not give them names and addresses, times and dates, phone
numbers and car registrations, the nitty-gritty details needed for a
successful police investigation'
In other words Harper could not produce one jot of proof of her
fantasies that the police could go on. Why couldn't Harper take
them to the places she lived at and frequented with the 'Satanists' for
five years? Why couldn't she name any of the commune?
Why couldn't she remember any telephone numbers or dates or addresses of anyone else? Why was there only one sacrifice of a baby in the five years she was
with the 'coven'?
What were the 'satanists' doing for the next 4 years, 11 months and 30 days? The truth of course is that Harper's
story was fantasised.
There was no sacrificed baby and there was no
Satanic Coven in Virginia Water in the 1960s.
The SAFF has dissected her book and proven it false here:
It's a Sectarian Lie
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.6:
"They love to promote death, so where death occurs, like
abortion clinics, er, and abortion can be seen - and I believe is - a
modern form of child sacrifice. ... 'They would go there to do
their rituals. They're even attracted to suicide spots, spots where
there are a lot of suicides."
Complete fabrication. There is absolutely no case in which
Satanists have been found frequenting suicide spots or abortion
clinics, not one. It's just sectarian bad-mouthing and black propaganda.' The first instance of abortion being designated 'Satanic' occurred during the false Nottingham Broxtowe case here: when
Andy Croall the fundamentalist inspired deputy director of Nottingham Social
Services who were handling the case was suspended in a row after he said
'Abortion is a form of child abuse' on Channel 4's After Dark programme
on 9th March 1991) The uproar from social services unions was immense
as the statement stigmatised all women who had had abortions.
Croall, an Elder of the Restoration Church and a rabid anti-abortionist
eventually resigned from his post and took up a directorship with the
Christian fundamentalist group Caring Professions Concern, travelling
the country lecturing on Satanic Ritual Abuse, a bit like Wong. During the Broxtowe
case the Nottinghamshire police consistently said that the evidence showed
that there was no satanic aspects involved but the fundie social workers
involved in the case tried to browbeat the police into changing their
minds. This controversy enabled SRA fanatics to portray Broxtowe as
evidence of SRA when it wasn't. Eventually in 1997 a comprehensive and
detailed independent report (the JET report) concluded there was
absolutely no satanic content to the case and showed in detail how the
fundie social workers had put words into the childrens' mouths whilst
searching for satan. Thus the first use of the idea that Satanists
and Witches were linked to abortions came from this widely publicised
controversy but the idea was utterly without foundation and were of
course simply the fears of a lunatic fundamentalist agitator. Wong can
produce no evidence whatosever to back up this lie. It's a LIE.
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.7:
(6mins:20secs in)
Wedger asks about Orkney case, says it was included in his police training for child protection.
Wong says: Yes, I’m aware of that. I’m also aware that many of the
survivors of the SRA there sadly harmed themselves or took their
of the children taken into care under false allegations of Satanic
Ritual Abuse in Orkney ever harmed themselves or took their lives. What
they did do was take the Social Services department to court. In 1996
each were given £40,000.00 compensation because of the false allegations
of SRA they had been subjected to. There had not been one person accused who had been
involved in Satanism or ritual abuse and not one child had been abused
at all in any Satanic ceremonies. Why therefore would they want to kill or harm
themselves? Two troublemaking social workers who believed in SRA
virtually created the case from scratch even though one of them, Liz
McLean had been involved in the Rochdale SRA allegations the year
previously which had also failed. Wikipedia says of her:
Liz McLean, the social worker who led the interviews with the children, had also been involved in the 1990 Rochdale "Satanic Abuse" case.
She was later sharply criticised by Lord Clyde in the official inquiry
into the South Ronaldsay case, and in another investigation into similar
allegations in Ayrshire.[2]
how Wong and Wedger's prejudice is clear to see when the light of Truth
is shone on their statements. Obviously the dimwits who follow
Wedger and trust in their word are just kept in the dark It's Sectarian Lie No.7
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.8:
Sectarian Lie No.8 Children are Sacrificed at Halloween Parties:
Wedger tries to assert that children are often abused at parties (absolutely no evidence to suggest that is true) and that their faulty child memories mean that cops and SS are overlooking an epidemic of abuse by treating it as regular abuse and not Satanic; watch him spin this lie here:
( 13:12) Wilfred Wong says: "Yes, you’re right. Um, in
fact, a lot of these so called ‘parties’ are actually Satanist orgies.
And in the Satanist calendar, there are specific dates that are set
aside for-for Satanist orgies. And sometimes, the police miss these
signs - in fact probably often they miss these signs because of the
general denial of SRA’s existence, "
set up the idea of kids being abused at 'regular' parties, he then
jumps to compound his sectarian bile by mentioning only one type which
is 'evidenced' in Audrey Harper's book (mentioned later) where a baby
was claimed to have been sacrificed at Halloween. There has never been a case where
abuse has taken place in Pagan or Satanic rites at Halloween and
certainly no human sacrifice has ever been recorded. Wong Lie No.8!
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.9:
(15mins :01secs in) Wedger says he's personally spoken with two 'victims' who say they were satanically abused by Ted Heath and he then misrepresents the Conifer report saying it found that Heath was a Satanist and abused children in satanic rituals. Then Wedger confirms the lie that conifer
found evidence of SRA in the Heath accusations (see later at 52:20)
Wilfred Wong says: 'Now, the Operation Conifer report which came years later acknowledged that six - witnesses independent of each other identify Edward Heath as being involved in Satanic abuse.'
Deceitful Wong is referring to para 8:11 in the Operation Conifer Report, the chapter dealing
with Ritual Abuse allegations where Wilts say that SIX people made allegations, however two paragraphs further down the page the report also says quite clearly that:
'Following investigation, no further corroborative evidence was found to
support the disclosures that Sir Edward Heath was involved in ritual
Now Wong, a retired barrister, must know full well that the Conifer report completely debunks
the Heath SRA claims. He cannot have missed that paragraph when reading that page, yet
here portrays the accusations as proof of SRA in backing up the first lie from Wedger about the Conifer Report whilst omitting to mention to his
listeners the third para which concludes that NONE of the Heath
accusations were proven valid. He's messing with your minds folks! Wong Lie No.9!
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.10: Ten 'proven' cases of SRA.
( 18:00) WW: Okay, first let me just touch on the list of
successfully prosecuted SRA cases in this country, and especially in
light of how difficult it is to get a successful criminal prosecution in
this country. This is very strong evidence of the existence of SRA.
This list was put together in the early nineties by two British
journalists, who put together two
separate lists on successfully prosecuted SRA cases. One was put
together by Tim Tate, and the other was put together by Andrew Boyd.
Both of them are professional British journalists who have both written
two separate books on SRA in, in the UK.
Now from my memory ALL the ten cases Wong used were done by Tate but
some of them were nicked by Boyd for his Beyond Belief book. Wong proceeds to pick
out what he seems to think is the best example of SRA from this list of 10 claimed cases.
(19:46) WW:
November, 1982, Malcolm and Susan Smith, and Albert and Carol Hickman,
were convicted in Telford, Shropshire for a series of sexual and
physical assaults against children during the course of Satanic rituals.
Malcolm Smith carved an inverted cross on one child’s abdomen, and
branded her genitals with are red hot altar knife. So the inverted cross
on the child’s abdomen, that is quite commonly used Satanic
SAFF actually undermined this case as far back as 1991 when Tim Tate first
tried to float it in his book Children for the Devil. We dissect it in detail at
http://saff.nfshost/tatebkli.htm. None of the participants in the
Smith/Hickman case were genuine Satanists, not even genuine Witches or
Pagans, their abuse had occult trappings only to spice up their sex
- they were not genuine Satanists and there was no genuine Satanic
ritual involved, the main take-away from this case was that Smith was a
compulsive liar and the Hickman sisters were actually long-time members
of the Salvation Army, not Satanism! Whatever Wong tells you
must be checked for so far his batting average is such that I don't
believe a word that comes out of his mouth. The
MalcolmSmith/Hickman case is NOT a case of Satanic Ritual Abuse.
course if the listener does not know about the chequered history of Tim
Tate in relation to claims of Satanic Ritual Abuse even that might be
forgiven, but as he was a major proponent of the Broxtowe case
(mentioned above) and was the researcher and co-producer of the
discredited Cook Report 'The Devil's Work' which claimed that 21 cases
of SRA existed in Britain. What listeners won't know is that every
single one of those claimed 21 cases failed in the course of time. Not
only that but the book in which Tate researched his 10 'proven' cases of
SRA was withdrawn and pulped due to libellous inaccuracies a short time
after publication. We will have to assume that Wong is so badly
informed that he did not know all this before trying to re-foist those 10
'proven' cases of SRA onto his fundie friends in this interview.
The SAFF dismantled the inaccuracies in Tate's book, Children for The Devil, here:
then goes on to say that he got some of his 10 'proven' cases from Andrew
Boyd. Boyd was a key player in the 1990 Satanic Panic. Not
yer average fundie, Boyd was a member of the Petersfield Christian Commune and
edited God's Word Now, a Holy tract sheet to be given away in the street
to passers by. He also helped edit and write for Prophecy Today
the journal of Prophetic World Ministries. You can see the type of
utterly manic religious hatred published by Boyd in the image on the
right. 'Europe will be under water' 'Hillsborough disaster a warning from god' 'Muslims plan to kill Madonna' and so on.
Wong relies on
information in Andrew Boyd's book Beyond Belief and tries to present him as a quality trustworthy journalist but nothing could be further from the Truth. Beyond Belief
was first
published late in 1991, and formed the 'research' for the
notorious Channel 4 TV documentary 'Beyond Belief' which was broadcast
at 10.30pm on the 19th February 1992 to nationwide headlines by making
the claim that it was to feature an actual video of Satanic Ritual Abuse
taking place. The idea was to crush the opinions of anyone
like the SAFF, which had complained that there was no evidence of
SRA. The advance promotion was picked up by almost all
British newspapers and treated as deadly serious. When the programme was
aired the press went wild concluding that this was indeed prima facie proof that
SRA existed and no one could now deny it. . However, unique research by the SAFF proved that it
was NOT a film of SRA at all, but a little known 18 rated performance art video
by The Temple of Psychic Youth rock band. By producing the
original video the SAFF was able to show that everything about the
content of Boyd's programme had been lied about or misrepresented. By
that time the Obscene publication squad had 'busted' Psychic
TV's Brighton HQ, but the investigation found nothing of course.
When Scotland Yard demanded to speak to 'Jennifer' the
witness who had said on
camera that she was the SRA 'victim' in the video, Channel 4 refused to
let the police see her! For a while there were threats by Scotland
Yard to prosecute Channel 4 but before this happened, separate
detective work by the Daily Mail
located 'Jennifer' and she completely recanted her story, saying that she had
lied because she had been forced into recovering SRA memories during
'counselling' at a key Christian commune (Ellel Grange) which was
closely connected with the Reachout Trust
and other fundie groups which
had foisted allegations of SRA onto Britain. So again, what
appeared to be evidence of SRA turned out to be the fantasies of
Christian converts and activists whose minds had been 'turned' in
deliverance ministry. The hard fact is that fundamentalist
Christians imagine these things and cram them into the minds of
vulnerable people who pretend to be victims. There is and there never
has been objective, independent, forensic evidence that SRA exists. It is all a harmful fantasy.
Eventually within a week Boyd had
admitted on air in an interview in The Right To Reply programme that he
KNEW that the video was performance art by TOPY but didn't bother
mentioning it in the programme! Thus the second biggest
hoax of the 20th century had been perpetrated on the UK
population. The video was unreal, the victim was unreal, the
Stanic Abuse had never happened. Subsequently The SAFF
challenged almost every single fact in Boyd's book and found them
untrue, exaggerated, wanting, or misrepresented. THIS is the
person whom Wilfred Wong disingenuinely tries to tell you was a British
Journalist who had 'strong' evidence of SRA! The SAFF published a
detailed expose of the Devil Video Hoax here: If
you click on the image of Boyd's face above you can, courtesy of
SAFFutube, see and hear the interview he gave to try to excuse his
sectarian lies.
Anyone who even
considers trusting Wilfred Wong's opinion that Boyd's cases had some
validity should seek professional help. The 10 cases Wong has
popularised are NOT proof of SRA and his word is becoming dishonourable.
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.11: Satanic Sacrifice going on since 1961.
(25:21) Wong states that SRA has been going on long
before the 1990 scare and that it started at least in 1961 - he is using
Audrey Harper's book 'Dance With The Devil' , to establish that date -
Harper claimed she was a member of a witchcraft coven during the
early 1960s!
This is a double sectarian lie. The first lie
is that there is prior proof. Harper, herself a
fundie agent provocateur, only publicly declared her supposed 1961 witchcraft
experiences during 1988. Therefore we have the questionable sight
of a woman who had recently converted to Christianity (Like J'ennifer')
in 1986, making murder allegations about witchcraft in the 1960s 28 years after the
event! Her book is NOT proof of the existence of SRA in 1961
as Wong claims. . Wong must know
that the police investigated Harper's accusations and concluded there
was no evidence of any such crime. If it had found evidence Harper
would be in clink as an accessory in murdering an infant.
We therefore have the spectacle of fundie Wong exaggerating the
implications of fundie Harper's false allegations about her supposed
experiences in witchcraft in 1961 which the police say never
Note well that Harper was part of the Reachout Trust team, the first fundie group
which foisted SRA onto the UK in 1987 and that although gibbering about
her supposed insider's view of Witchcraft Harper suspiciously changed her
story to suit the evolution and growing hysteria of the 1990 Satanic
Panic. In 1987 when first detailing her 'initiation' she did NOT
include claims of baby sacrifice but said that a cockerel had been
sacrificed. She repeated this cockerel story for some time until December
1988 when she switched to saying that it was a baby and not a cockerel
that had been sacrificed. That is what caused the police to
her. The SAFF have dissected and dismantled almost every
assertion in Harper's book Dance With The Devil and have proved that she
knows nothing about genuine satanism or Witchcraft - her story is made
up. You can read how we exposed her sectarian lies here:
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.12 : The Kidwelly Case.
Wong says: A more recent case, which was the Kidwelly
case, on 11 March 2011, Colin Batley, the leader of a Satanist
coven was convicted at Swansea Crown Court of more than twenty sexual
offences against children, including 11 rapes. He and other Satanists
had ritually abused children in Kidwelly, Wales, where their coven was
based. The children, some as young as 11, were subjected to organised
and systematic abuse
(21:48 ) 'I even attended a briefing by a police detective,
who spoke about how they successfully managed to crack this SRA case.
Um, so it is no secret that there are several successfully prosecuted
SRA cases in this country,
The SAFF debunked this case here:
This was more of a Brothel than a Satanic Temple.
Although Batley did follow occult precepts none of the abuse occurred
during those ceremonies which were Thelemic and not Satanic. The main
'victim' (a young woman) who gave evidence for the prosecution about SRA
had actually been having a consensual affair with Batley but fell out
and, during the time she was giving evidence to the police, was living
with Batley's son. The only 'children' in the case was one 15 year
old lad who had unlawful sex, not in a ceremonial framework with some
of Batley's 'harem' who were all actually prostitutes, not satanic
handmaiden. Other people regularly involved in the abuse and
brothel were NOT
involved in the occult at all. Most of the sex between Batley and
the 'SRA victim' occurred when they were alone in a seaside caravan. It
difficult to see what satanic purpose this would serve. When the
'SRA victim' got pregnant she elected to have an abortion but Batley
stopped her from
doing so, the implication was that he wanted the baby for sacrifice,
but as there is no evidence he ever dreamed of sacrificing anything,
the more balanced conclusion would be that he just didn't want her
to have the baby aborted as he had moral objections to it. In short this case was not a typical
case of imagined SRA at all, but just depraved idiots committing sexual
excesses. The SAFF exposed the true details behind the shock-horror Kidwelly headlines here:
The Kidwelly case is certain NOT proof of the existence of a pan-global
satanic child-murdering network of Satanists. There were no human
sacrifices, no baby sacrifices, no tortures and no Satanic
ceremonial. The prosecution made great play on Batley's interest
in Aleister Crowley's system of Thelema but despite Wong's idiotic
insistence that Crowley was a Satanist, he was not. You can check out
the truth on Crowley here:
The Kidwelly case has nothing to do with genuine Neo-Satanism and is
not proof of occultists abusing children in their rites.
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.13: The Helen-G List
( 51:15) WW: Yes. She had a system. Erm, her system, the-the
woman was- her name was Dr. Joan Coleman, and she died not too long ago
in her eighties and, er, she told me her system was, that at least two
SRA survivors who are independent of each other, had to identify the
same name for the name to go on the list. And just to show you how
accurate her list is, her list includes the name Edward Heath -'
The Helen-G List was first exposed and disproved by the SAFF here: (
It was clearly a fabrication by a disturbed psychologically ill patient
of Joan Coleman a psychiatrist who was one of the major players in foisting the 1990 Satanic Panic on Britain.
After writing Helen G's accusations down, Coleman then
began to add to them with the imaginings of other patients' stories
which she came into contact with. There was never any attempt to
qualify, question or investigate the fantasies. She just recorded
every silly thing that poured out of her patients' minds.
The Helen-G List was first
compiled around 2006/2007 long after Joan Coleman had started RAINS
(Ritual Abuse Information Network and Support). RAINS was first
inaugurated with Valerie Sinason in 1989 and had hundreds of members
during the 1990 satanic panic. As Wong was several times linked
with Sinason (see the committee for Ritual Abuse above where both are
signatories) I'm also presuming that he knew Coleman. She was a
liar who falsely accused people who disagreed with her take on
The question is this: Why then was there no mention of
Edward Heath and VIP abuse for the seventeen years prior to the Helen-G
List? The answer is: Because the mad tales of VIP abuse in Westminster were not then
current but were worked-up later post 2007 AFTER the Helen-G list began
to be distributed to other SRA believing therapists. It is a
classic illustration of the way that memes developed within the
SRAhunter sub-culture. All new memes were contributed to a central
body of knowledge which was then used by other 'therapists' to help
their loopy patients winkle out recovered memories of imagined abuse in
high places.
If you read the original Helen-G list (exclusively first scooped and published by the SAFF here)
and read SAFF documentation in it to show how inaccurate and dishonest
the information is, you will see that it in no-way clarifies the
involvement of Edward Heath in Satanic rituals or any form of
abuse. Furthermore, as the nutter Helen-G made dozens of other false accusations against important people I want you to ask yourself why only Edward Heath was focussed upon?
There is a simple answer.
He was dead and so could not give the nay.
All the named VIPs who were still alive sued the pants off anyone who
dare repeat those untrue allegations. Lord McAlpine being the
classic example, when Channel 4 fell for the lies in the Helen G List which
were used by a serial accuser called Stephen Masham. When
McAlpine sued Channel 4 for repeating the lies in an interview with
Masham the TV company demanded that Massham give them evidence so that
they could mount a defence. Massham recanted instantly and said that
he'd made a mistake in identification and that it probably wasn't
McAlpine who had abused him!
Channel 4 paid out a fortune to McAlpine who gave it all to
charity. However, the list still has some idiots believing in
it. Robert Green, the self-appointed crusader of the Holly Greig
SRAmyth, which dumb Wong believes in, sent a copy of the Helen-G
list to the Chief Constable of Wiltshire, Mike Veale, as 'proof'
of SRA when Veale was conducting Operation Conifer, the UK's most
in-depth investigation into claims against Heath and other VIPs.
After spending nearly 2 million pounds drilling down into all aspects of
Heath's life the conclusion by Wiltshire police was that there was
absolutely no evidence to suggest that Heath was involved in any form of
Satanic or Ritualised Abuse. The Helen-G list was worthless to him. Heath wasn't an abuser and neither was McAlpine yet here the vindictive Wong is telling you
that you should trust in the Helen-G List and that it is factual. I
wouldn't believe a word that came out of this man's mouth.
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.14: Dianne Core was Silenced
(55:12) WW: Yes. I think it's important to note that in 1991,
a book was published called Chasing Satan by Dianne Core, who was one
of the activists - one of the first activists - speaking out about SRA
publicly, and she got the usual hatchet job done on her- '
Wong goes on to say that Core pointed to the fact that Satanists are not 'regular paedophiles' and are wanting to infiltrate government and take over society to impose a Satanic world on everyone else. This is a reference of course to Core's 1989 speech to Lyndon La Rouche's Rome conference on SRA and Freemasonry in which she urged a Spiritual War on Satanists. Wong is basically saying that nobody in authority
can be trusted unless they are committed Christians.
What Wong didn't say is that after being amongst the pathfinders in trying
to establish SRA as real, that Core 'retired' in 1991 after it became
clear that she had never really had even one genuine SRA case and her
reputation had been sullied with extreme right-wing links and poor
judgement in interfering with an ordinary instance of abuse in Hull to
redefine it as Satanic which the police
said had ruined their case against a 'normal' abuser. Then and only then did the media, rightly, turn against her.
The book Wong things is so illuminating Chasing Satan, was a
collection of half truths and sectarian lies. Core's book went on to
claim that 4,000 children A YEAR were being
sacrificed to the Devil in the UK alone but as she had never ever had
even one genuine SRA case how would she know? The idea that 4,000
murders can go undetected in the UK every year is absolutely
preposterous. Think about it.
And what does Wong say
about Core's claims that Satanists make necklaces made from dead babies
fingers and use their fat to make black candles from? Well he'd fully
believe that tosh of course, because it suits his sectarian
purpose. There has not been one instance ever of babies being
'melted' to be made into black candles, no necklaces made from babies
fingers have EVER been found.
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.16: Jimmy Savile Was a Satanic Abuser.
(57:58) 'I noticed a change in people's attitudes since the revelations about Jimmy Savile -
Wong now drags in Jimmy Savile: Remember that the sole accusations about Jimmy Savile being a satanist come originally from two patients of Valerie Sinason's who ten years before the Savile hysteria, had implicated him and other VIPs in Satanic rites , when Savile was still alive, but which she had not then bothered to mention. See
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.17: Wong attacks Hoaxtead
At ( 58:42) '.. what do they (Satanists) do? They set up groups like HOAXTEAD..'
and Wedger infer, without a shred of evidence, that Hoaxtead are not
only satanists but satanic abusers. If you haven't seen Hoaxtead's
great work on the Hampstead SRA case then you should peruse it because
they were instrumental in combating the hysteria there and getting justice for the falsely accused parents.
Hoaxted are NOT Satanists and they are NOT child abusers but what does
truth matter to Wong who can glibly falsely accuse anyone who
contradicts his Sectarian Lies?
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.18: Wilfred attacks the False Memory Groups
(1:04:00) WW: Well, if you look at the history of the
so-called false memory movement, it's mainly traced back to two people
who are themselves involved in child abuse
This is
an absolute misdirection. Firstly Wong is referring to one member
of the American False Memory Society who was not accused of
paedophillary but was falsely accused of supporting reducing the age of consent. The British False Memory society is a completely different proposition,
funded by government and staffed by respected high-level academics, doctors and
neurosurgeons. Wong hopes that by dissing the U.S. group he will
misdirect listeners away from the UK False Memory Society which has done
and is still doing excellent academic work proving that recovered memories is impossible
and that most patients subjected to Recovered Memory therapy will be
lead to confabulate SRA stories by leading questions from therapists who
are believers in SRA. You can see lots of very helpful and
totally trustworthy work by the BFMS here: Don't believe a word Wong Says.
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.19:
Next Wedger attacks an unnamed 'journalist' whom either he or Brees had spoken to and who said that they knew about Wilfred Wong. Wedger asks Wong if he thinks he (Wong) has been cursed!
The implication is that the journalist is a part of the Satanic conspiracy!
(1: 12: 00) JW: And, would you say
because-because of the work you do and there was even a - a journalist
was set out to debunk the work that I
and my group are doing and your name was mentioned, you see, she said
“Yes, I know who that is”. I mean, do you think these people would have
cursed you, put hexes on you, may have done rituals you know to- to see
your downfall?
WW: They may have. I don't care! The fact of the matter is, there's a job to be done and that's exposing SRA.
course there is absolutely no evidence that this unnamed journalist was
a Satanist and no evidence that anyone has cursed anyone else. If
Wedger and Wong were really committed to their work why didn't they NAME
this journalist? Because they know that if they did they could be exposed as liars and sued. Never believe anything these SRA hunters say unless they offer proof to back up their allegations.
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.20: Savile was a Necrophiliac
Next Wedger tries to link-in the utterly fallacious accusations about Savile being a necrophiliac. Wong flies off at a tangent talking about Satanists at Highgate Cemetery in London.
(1:14:00) JW: There was a porter as well, I think –
WW: - at a hospital -
JW: Saint James’s Hospital and he had access to the mortuary.
At (1:16:13) Wong goes on to say that satanists have 'been on the back foot' since
2011 when the Savile hysteria hit and that now is the time for Christians to destroy them.
course there is absolutely NO evidence that Savile was a necrophiliac.
The official investigations into his volunteer work at Leeds General
Infirmary and at Stoke Mandeville and Broadmoor hospitals did not find
any such evidence.
In the extensive 253 page inquiry by Leeds
Teaching Hospitals NHS trust there were two mentions of
necrophilia. One witness, who worked at Broadmoor said that Savile
told him he would 'mess about' with dead bodies in the mortuary but
this was in the form of a sick joke, not sexually, which of course is
the definition of Necrophilia. Several other witnesses said that other people had told them that Savile was a Necrophiliac, in
otherwords there was no first-hand evidence and it was all baseless rumour.
In the even more comprehensive
Stoke Mandeville investigation report (358 pages) there were again,
two sources of he-said-she-said third-hand evidence where witnesses said
that someone had told them that Savile was a necrophiliac. Again
these witnesses had no first hand
evidence whatsoever of Savile being a Necrophiliac and the third parties
who told them about it could not be found or would
not respond to requests to tell their story to the inquiry.
In the six major inquiries into Savile's history the
only actual third-hand evidence which contained checkable facts
came from another witness in the Stoke Mandeville report who said that she had been told that two
trainee nurses had seen Savile 'having sex with a dead body' through a
grille/air-vent in the wall of the mortuary. When the inquiry
checked, no such grille had ever existed. In other words their evidence was false. .
despite the rumours of Savile's predeliction for necrophilia there was
no evidence that it was fact in any of the four independent
investigations into him.
There was evidence of 'mortuary humour'
and Savile did shock people by showing them a ring made from a glass-eye
supposedly from his dead friend, but there was no evidence whatsoever
that Savile was having sex with dead bodies (necrophilia) nor was
any evidence of any kind that he was doing it in Satanic Rituals.
In relation to necrophilia Satanism was never mentioned by any witness. In case Wong and Wedger are dumb enough not to know it, you don't need to be a Satanist to be a necrophiliac!
in the six major reports published after in-depth investigations into
allegations of abuse by Jimmy Savile, including one for the Crown
Prosecution Service, there is not one mention of Satanism.
These reports listed ALL official complaints against Savile and
therefore are proof that he had no involvement in Satanism. It is ironic that Savile is used by Wong, the ardent Catholic to further the Satan Myth
because Savile had been a life-long Catholic himself and had met the
pope in 1986 and been given a Papal Knighthood in 1990!
The Savile is a necrophile' rumour gained widespread acceptance
before all these inquiries took place by the publication in the national
press of unwise statements by Paul Gambaccini, ( ironically later himself falsely
accused of sexual abuse), which the media misrepresented as though Gambaccini had
first-hand knowledge of it. In reality, again, it was rumour.
Gambaccini said he had been told in the1980s by a third party, that
someone had told the third party that Savile was a necrophiliac. Rumour not fact!
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.21: Highgate Cemetery
WW: Yes, er, so they would be attracted to graveyards, er,
cemeteries to, er, sometimes even try and access the bodies in those
graveyards. Especially freshly buried bodies for their rituals and, erm,
for example, Highgate Cemetery is notorious for Satanists rituals
has-has been for many years and Audrey Harper describes one of her
coven’s rituals at Highgate Cemetery, back in the early 60s. Erm,
there are also other places which they may use,...'
Now no one Wong talks to today about this would probably remember The Highgate Vampire but the SAFF do. The ONLY instance of strange goings on at Highgate was indeed in the closing years of the 1960s, when a self-styled
satanist, David Farrant and another publicity seeker Shaun
Manchester, were getting acres of local and national publicity
by claiming that a Vampire was haunting Highgate Cemetery. The
Highgate Vampire scare caused the cemetery to be the haunt of ghost and vampire
hunters, not Satanists. At that time Highgate cemetery was a forlorn and dilapidated place, overgrown and neglected. Teenagers hung around there for a laugh vandalising everything. Today, partly because it contains the grave of Karl Marx, it is much more cared for and a gentrified area to boot, but in the late 1960s the Victorian mausoleums had been vandalised and corpses were easy to get at. One day Farrant was caught near the cemetery by police with a wooden stake and taken to court for 'desecration'. This is the single case which turned Highgate into a cause celebre for vampire-hunters and ghost hunters.
Vampire Hunting and ghost hunting has since become de-rigeur on
mainstream TV of course. What it does NOT signify is evidence of Satanic
Ritual Abuse! However SAFF believe that to pad out her book Audrey
Harper worked a fictional account of a modified form of the Highgate Vampire into her Dance
With the Devil and we've explained how she did it here:
You should also know that Geoffrey Dickens ( who Wilfred Wong elsewhere says he worked with on SRA) himself quoted this publicity when talking to the Sunday Times on 24 April 1988 (Black Magic on the Back Bench) where he told the columnist that:
'...bodies have been taken from the grave, and their heads cut off. People have cut the heads off and then sexually abused the skeleton'.
The political columnist wrote: 'I sit very still wondering just how it is possible to sexually assault
a skeleton but Geoffrey is off and running......
This outburst was shortly after Dickens met Audrey Harper and was told her story about being a witch.
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.22: The McMartin Pre-School Nursery Case
At (1:16:13) Wong actually has the gall to bring in the
McMartin case as though it adds to the sum of knowledge on SRA and
implies it has proven it in the U.S. ; he insists that Satanists
infiltrate nursery schools to obtain children to abuse.
McMartin Nursery School case was the first in the U.S. in which SRA
claims were made. It began in 1983 and resulted in the longest and most
expensive trial in U.S. criminal history. FBI involvement and cross-questioning of accusers
during various trials and retrials proved beyond doubt that there was absolutely NO evidence of SRA. In
1990 all the accused were exonerated of causing any harm to any
children. It is a 'perfect storm' of lies, deceit,
and duplicity and a classic example of how false SRA cases are created
from nothing. Yet here Wong is telling listeners that it somehow
'proves' the existence of SRA. If Wong still believes this was a case of
SRA he is a
loony. The history of it is here: McMartin Case.
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.23: Marc Dutroux
Then Wong drags in the Marc Dutroux case. The despicable
Dutroux headed up a paedophile network linked to high-up members of the
Belgian Elite some of which allegedly covered up for Dutroux who was
busted in 1996 after bodies were found following chaotic and careless
police investigations). Although a genuine Satanic group (Institut
Abrasax, a high-profile media-savvy group of occultists well known in Belgium)
was investigated as a side-issue as the investigation grew (remember
that claims of SRA were being made virtually daily in the 1990 satanic
panic) , the only link to the Abraxas Institute was an anonymous
memo found at the crime scene. Some consider this memo to have been
planted after the affair became public to deflect blame from the Elite
paedophile network onto SRA to obfuscate the issue because many high-up members of
Belgian society and corrupt police were involved in Dutroux's industrialised abuse of young girls.
Institut Abrasax was thoroughly investigated, none of Dutroux's perpetrators were members of it and it was dismissed from the
investigation. Satanic Abuse was not a feature of any of the
deaths of any of the victims. Two girls had been imprisoned and
abused by Dutroux for years; they gave a full account of their abuses
and none of that abuse was Satanic or performed in Satanic Rituals. The Dutroux case was NOT a case of SRA. Background here:
Wilfred Wong's Sectarian Lie No.24: Edward Heath
Wong calls the Heath case 'a smoking gun' which proves both VIPabuse and
SRA. Of course this interview was in March 2019 and, as you may know,
the British government's extensive judicial inquiry into Historic Abuse
and cover-ups (IICSA) spent months giving people
who had accused Ted Heath an opportunity to state their case as well as
taking evidence from police, politicians and friends of the late Prime
Minister. The Heath strand concluded in February 2020 saying that there was
absolutely no evidence of any abuses in their investigation. That means
there was no substance to Wong's claims that Heath abused people in
Satanic rituals. Indeed in July 2019 one of the main accusers
of Heath was imprisoned for 18 years for perverting the course of
justice by lying about abuse by Heath in order to fraudulently
obtain £22,000.00 compensation. Earlier in 2015 another
false-accuser 'Darren' recanted similar claims made against
high-profile VIPs. Amazing how Wong's assured manner on SRA
never includes details like that when he's talking about Heath.
At (1:24:00) Wedger asks Wong to read from the bible and wong
assures Wedger that if he continues fighting against evil, god will
protect him from the 'bullshitters' who say that SRA doesn't exist. Wong
infers that all good Christians should do this.
Wilfred there's only one 'bullshitter' around here and this webpage has
just shown who it is. You have no documentary evidence to prove any of
your dastardly allegations. You are a sectarian Bigot willing to say
anything about any competing religious belief. You are a sectarian
troublemaker who seems to care not one whit for the many thousands of
people who have had their lives destroyed by this evil SRA myth.
Lives have been lost. People pushed over the limit by an evil Myth
you are still promoting, have committed suicide. Look the
Felstead family in the eye and tell them that people who repudiate SRA
are evil 'bullshitters' you selfish cretin. You can read her story here The
suicide of their daughter was caused DIRECTLY by those who promulgated
the SRA myth. From where I'm standing you certainly won't get into
heaven for your share of pushing it, Wong.
Basically the entire video is an epistle to lunatic fundies to hunt down imaginary Satanic Abusers. As
you will have seen, very much of the Wedger-Wong interview is a classic
fundamentalist attack on Paganism/Witchcraft and Satanism. Wong
puts forward, not evidence about what Satanists have been discovered
doing, but a sectarian polemic on the battle between good and evil as it
is seen by the Catholic church. Later in the interview he lets
slip some revealing manic fundie statements which breach the 2006
Religious Hatred
laws. Wong is an evil man, promulgating evil Sectarian Lies for
which there is absolutely no proof other then his ingrained Catholic
mind-set of mediaeval religious prejudices indoctrinated into him from
birth. Wong is a pariah. He quotes the bible at the drop of a
hat, but always to suit himself. He is so busy accusing others he
doesn't, for instance ever quote Proverbs 6:16-19 where God lays out the
Seven Deadly Sins which are detestable to Him. Just to remind Wong of his biblical responsibilities, here they are:
16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Looks like Wong is 100% going to Hell. What do you think?
By John Freedom
with Arnold Frampton
Mortlake, July 2020