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The Pagan Credo
Compiled by Stewart and Janet Farrar
with help from Leonora James, head of the Pagan Federation, Chris Bray and other Pagans.
First published April 1990
1. Paganism is a religion (or field of related religions) in its
own right, being traceable from prehistoric times through most ancient
and modern cultures, and making a continuing contribution to the
spiritual evolution of our species.
2. It is not rigid or dogmatic in form its exact expression
depends on the individual Pagan, or willingly cooperating group of
Pagans. This Credo is therefore itself not dogma, but an attempt to
describe the mainstream characteristics of Pagan philosophy.
3. Paganism aims to offer a way to recognise and attune oneself with
the manifold forces of Nature, which already exist within and without
us, and which are vital to our survival, fulfilment and evolution. By
celebrating the seasons and becoming one with other living creatures,
Pagans synchronise intimately with the planet, and liberate their
personalities and magnify their perceptions and talents, in the
interests of themselves, their groups and communities, and humankind as a
whole .
4. Paganism believes in the same Divine Creative Force as anyone
else, because if there is one there can only be One. Like any other
religion, Paganism personifies this Ultimate as a means of attuning
oneself to It, because It cannot be apprehended directly except perhaps
in brief flashes of intuition.
5. Paganism's basic personification of this Ultimate is in Its
creative polarisation of male and female aspects, as the Father God and
the Mother Goddess. The God represents the fertilising, energising,
analysing, intellectual, left-brain-function aspects. The Goddess
represents the formative, nourishing, synthesising , intuitive,
right-brain-function aspects.
6 As above, so below; this basic Divine polarisation is the
primal cause of all manifestation, and it is reflected at all levels of
being, including ourselves.
7 Pagans make use of many different God and Goddess forms as
tuning-signals to different aspects of the essential God and Goddess.
These forms vary according to cultural, geographical, and personal
backgrounds, and are USUALLY (and naturally, since men and women aspire
to emu;ate them) envisaged in perfected human form, but they are all
valid. They are real, in the sense that if one attunes oneself to them
sincerely they are vitalised and empowered by the Ultimate of which they
represent aspects. They are not idols, but are the numinous archetypal
symbols which are vital (or in everyday language, "God-given")
components of the human Collective Unconscious.
8. Pagans do not worship the Devil; that would be totally
incompatible with the principle of paragraphs 4 and 7 above.
The Devil of monotheist religions does not exist in Pagan philosophy;
Pagans regard evil as an imbalance to be corrected, not as an
independent force or entity.
9. Like all religions. Paganism believes in multi-level reality.
These levels are generally defined in Pagan thinking as the spiritual,
mental, astral, etheric and physical levels. Each level has its own
laws, but the laws of different levels do not conflict with each other,
(as, for example, the laws of mathematics, chemistry and biology are
different, but do not conflict with each other.) Pagans believe that
by understanding these laws and their interaction, one can achieve
results generally defined as magical.
10. Pagans regard all these levels as equally holy, and essential
parts of the cosmic spectrum of manifestation. They totally reject the
dualistic concept which equates the spiritual with good and matter with
11. Pagan philosophy and worship therefore tend to be strongly
Nature-based. Mother Earth is not a temporary stopping-place, but our
home, of which we are a living part, and for the health and protection
of which we bear a constant responsibility.
12. The Pagan view of the Cosmos is essentially organic. The
Ultimate is its creative life-force; but all manifestation is part of
the total organism. Our own planet can be regarded as one limb or
organ of it, and we ourselves (and all Earth's other creatures and
components) as cells within that limb or organ. Our health depends on
its health, and vice versa.
13. Paganism therefore does not envisage a gulf between Creator and
Created. The spectrum is continuous and interdependent. Each
individual is of the same nature as the Source, and is capable of being a
channel for it.
14. On the basis of all the foregoing, most Pagans regard all sincere
religions as different paths to the same truths. The particular
Deity-personifications, symbology, and meaningful mythology which suit
one person as tuning-signals to the Ultimate may not suit another.
Pagans are therefore essentially ecumenical, non-proselytising, and
15. This does not mean that Pagans cannot voice constructive
criticism of the attitudes of some religious hierarchies, or of the
narrowness and bigotry of some dogmatic systems. Pagans reject as
dangerous and destructive, in particular, the belief that one's own
religion is the only true one, and that all others are devilish and
therefore to be condemned and persecuted.
16. Pagans lay more emphasis on continuing spiritual development than
on instant revelation, though they accept that the latter can sometimes
happen - usually as a breakthrough to consciousness of a longer
unconscious accumulation.
17. Most Pagans believe in reincarnation, in one form or another.
This belief further strengthens Pagans' attitude to Earth as our
continuing home for the foreseeable future, rather than as a temporary
and restrictive stopping-place.
It is also a powerful moral force, because it emphasises that all
offences against other individuals, the community, or the Earth,
and all failure to learn lessons, must ultimately be put right by
oneself, and cannot be evaded by bodily death.
18. Pagans' ethical attitude is often summed up in the sentence: "An
it harm none, do what you will."
This means achieving full self - development while accepting equally full
responsibility towards one's fellow-humans,
one's fellow-creatures, and the Earth itself. Love for all of these is a
foundation -stone of Paganism.
In particular. Pagans feel a special responsibility towards the young;
their vulnerability must not be abused,
and they must be helped to develop themselves according to their own
natures, so that when they are mature they
can choose their own paths and their own religious forms - with maximum
awareness and without pressurisation from their elders.
Ends: |
How the NSPCC worked hard to avoid
any facts and information which undermined the lies on SRA and then
after condemning the SAFF and refusing our evidence had to do an about turn and apologise for its SRA mistakes.
The following is a non-exhaustive
diary of correspondence between the SAFF and the NSPCC right at the
start of the Satanic Panic which they promoted, back in 1989.
Few people now remember that
SRA allegations had been sporadically surfacing via Geoffrey Dickens MPs
campaign during the previous year but up to this point no sensible
child-charity had jumped on the bandwagon. It was only when the
NSPCC issued their July 17th 1989 press release 'rubber stamping'
the existence of Satanic
Ritual Child Abuse that the hysteria took off across the nation.
The NSPCC caused that hysteria to happen. This diary shows that they had a choice not to,
but went ahead with the sensational and unproveable claims anyway,
for the publicity , or the fund raising. Whatever it was,
their despicable actions resulted in the mental torture of 86 innocent
children and the splitting up of loving families. In one case a child
was taken from his mother and father and kept in care for SIX
years! Remember this when an NSPCC volunteer next shakes a
donation tin in your face.
April 28th 1989: SAFF
sends a copy of the 1989 Occult Census to Allen Gilmour , then Director
of the NSPCC, along with a 2 page letter
asks tne NSPCC not to jump on the SRA bandwagon.
SAFF provides a copy of the Home Office letter clearly stating
that there is no substance in the SRA
allegations and that they are
perpetrated not to save children but to suppress
Paganism and Witchcraft by
followers of an
opposing religion.
May 11th 1989: Christopher Cloke then Policy Information
officer replies on Dr . Gilmour's behalf acknowledging
receipt of the information which has 'been
placed on file for future reference'.
(in other words, piss off)
July 17th 1989 NSPCC press release is issued supporting the
Cook Report. It refers to ritualised
abuse of children
and gave the press the first and only non-fundamentalist
of the occult-crime related allegations. Despite its
ambiguous wording and generalisation this NSPCC
press release provides sufficient righteousness
for the media to claim that the allegations had been
even though no evidence was ever presented.
July 25th 1989 SAFF contacts NSPCC and provides them with full
and total
breakdown of
characters and background to anti-occult
conspiracy and
complains to them
about the NSPCC statment in support of Cook
Report. The 28 page
document SAFF provides
reveals the facts and thoroughly contradicts the NSPCC statement.
July 27th 1989: Alan Gilmour the director of NSPCC replies "Thank
you for your
letter and its enclosures; I
would like to share these with my professional
advisers. "
(In other words - we're kicking it into the long-grass)
August 10th 1989: Barrett responds to an enquiry concerning
the July 17th NSPCC
statement by confirming its
contents but declining the additional
added to it. ' I
am not in a position to comment upon the refernce elsewhere
the article to about 20 cases of this kind of abuse
having come to light in the
past year. I do not know
where the journalist obtained such a figure or of
organisation which might be able to confirm its accuracy.'
October 20th 1989: On being unable to obtain the promised
from the NSPCC the SAFF instructs its
solicitors to write a letter accusing them
collaboration with the Cook Report to promote a myth. The
NSPCC acknowledge our solicitor's letter but
it is not
replied to.
November 14th 1989: Our solicitor has written more letters
the NSPCC but they have only replied
that they 'are obtaining legal
December 1st 1989: SAFF asks our solicitor to write yet again to hurry up the NSPCC .
December 6th 1989 : NSPCC answers our solicitor's letter
saying that following
legal advice taken by NSPCC the
society was not involved in Cook Report
mentioned the programme in its statement ' in passing comment'.
The NSPCC deny
that their statement
supported or condoned The Cook Report.
The NSPCC admit
receiving SAFF documented
evidence concerning anti-occult conspiracy
and The
Occult Census but say that 'a reply was not called for'. NSPCC say that
they are not prepared to make comment on that material nor further documents
now provided to them concerning the falsehood of the anti-occult allegations.
The NSPCC refuse to comment any further.
December 15th 1989 SAFF introduces itself to Kevin Barrett
Policy Information
Officer of NSPCC. Educates
him about background to conspiracy, confirms SAFF's earlier letters and
evidence and requests a copy of July 17 press
December 19th 1989. Barrett acknowledges receipt of
letter and says he will
reply in due course.
January 8th 1990 Barrett provides the NSPCC statement
at long last and says
that the NSPCC is
only looking after the best interests of children and that
the NSPCC is not prepared to enter into any detailed observations concerning
the allegations.
JANUARY 25th 1990: SAFF writes to NSPCC
concerning discoveries that
original July 17 press statement was
misinterpreted by The Press Association
that all subsequent
press exposure included
references to Devil
Worship / Satanism / Witchcraft / Evil / Coven which words were not included in the
NSPCC statement.
SAFF ask Barrett to disclaim reporting of that statement
inaccurate or make the NSPCC position clear as to
whether they hold any evidence
to support Satanic child abuse theory. SAFF also asked him to confirm that the NSPCC
is aware of the danger of young Pagan families
being split up by
inspectors who are
untutored in the dignity of Pagan
religion under
the misaprehension that
Paganism is Satanism. SAFF accuse NSPCC of
inspectors whose religious bias has
interfered with their objectivity
produce two examples of
NSPCC inspectors having an
anti-occult pro-fundamentalist bias in
interviews; exaggerating truth and making
allegations on behalf of NSPCC.
January 29th 1990 Barrett acknowledges receipt of SAFF letter.
February 5th 1990: Barrett responds to letter of Jan 25.
"It is not for the
society to take any step in
connection with an alleged misinterpretation
newspapers of the Society's press
(In other words - we quite like all this publicity and are not going to minimise it!)
The Society has always been
sensitive to the needs and requirements of members of different social,ethnic
and religious groups.
Society has no comment to make about
attributed to Mr Kearns
(fundamentalist inspired NSPCC inspector) in
newspaper published in July 1989."
February 21st 1990 : SAFF replies insisting upon NSPCC
addressing problem of
funadmentalism in its
ranks. Reminding Barrett that NSPCC has not
with the request to issue a directive warning its
inspectors to take minority
beliefs such as Paganism into account. SAFF makes point that
over two dozen
vicars were prosecuted for
child-abuse during 1989 and asks NSPCC to confirm
that they will inspect their procedures to ensure
Pagan families are not
through ignorance and prejudice. The letter also
discloses that
SAFF have discovered that the systems operator of a
Christian fundamentalist
bulletin board
which imports sensational and discredited information on
satanic child-abuse scare CLAIMS TO BE A SENIOR INSPECTOR FOR
what do the NSPCC intend to do
about this?
March 2nd 1990: Barrett responds that all this has been carefully considered and
that the
'Society can do no more than to emphasis
what I said in the
paragraph of my last letter to you'
That the NSPCC has no further
comment to make on fundamentalism within its ranks.
March 12th 1990: NSPCC publish their
annual report containing allegations
Ritualised Abuse of children and their National Child
Care Officer Jim Harding
(it is he in the cutting at the
bottom of the next column headed Children Forced Into Satanic Sex Rituals) Harding talks of Cult Sacrifice and singles out Witchcraft and Devil Worship for blame.
March 10th 1991. The NSPCC eat humble pie after their Rochdale
SRA case collapses and they are castigated by the media and lose the
highly lucrative 'at-risk' registers. Harding apologises on behalf
of the NSPCC for using 'wild statements' that they cannot
substantiate. The Mail On Sunday headline reads: A Rethink
by The NSPCC. NSPCC Sorry for 'Wild Statements'.
Yeah, sure, like a crocodile sheds tears when it is eating its prey.
£100 Million down the drain?
mega-inquiry into child abuse in Religion hides the perpetrators,
misleads the public and lets the child-scare industry off the hook.
It took six years and £100M for IICSA to do what the SAFF had already done for free three decades ago; and it looks like they've still made a hash of it.
The SAFF published its groundbreaking research into
paedophile priests, The Black Museum of Priestly Abuse in 1991. ( See: ) This was the very first attempt to quantify the extent and nature of
child-abuse in Christian churches from 1978 to 1991, but the world was
not ready for the truth and the Great and the Good ignored it.
The SAFF repeated the survey in
1996 in greater detail in Black Museum 2 and CONFIRMED the now undeniable threat that
paedophile priests posed to children. Black Museum 2 showed that Priests and
clergyman mainly preyed upon 8-12
year old boys and sucked-in three new child victims each and every
( )
SAFF also charged the Catholic and Anglican churches with COVERING-UP this
abuse and protecting priests by moving them to other parishes where
some abused again.
These findings were astounding and shocking but What
happened? Very little, some of The Great and the Good
refuted our findings, others turned a blind-eye as though it had never
SAFF Research proved that 3 children
are abused each and every week by Clergymen and that when their crimes
are discovered the churches sought to hide them and cover-up the abuse.
Undetered the SAFF worked with several TV companies on
documentaries to 'out' paedophile priests and get something done, the
first being World In Action's The Sins of The Fathers, first
broadcast on 7th July 1992 which bypassed the
Establishment and brought the debate out into the open. Slowly but
surely the threat of Priestly Abuse was being accepted and there was a
watershed in 2014 when the UN denounced the Vatican for its handling and
cover-up of child-abusing priests.
Since BM1 the
SAFF has spent three decades urging society to recognise the problem of
consistent abuse in the orthodox churches. The USA followed
a similar path and was the first to unearth astonishing numbers of
victims of abusing priests, then in 2009 came the Ryan and Murphy
reports in Ireland which lifted the veil on Catholic church secrecy and
confirmed everything the SAFF had said in 1991.
It was only a
matter of time before the scandal had to be addressed in the UK and it
was the national uproar over Jimmy Savile which was the watershed.
Here, below, is the inside story of how successive governments tried to turn a
eye to the fact that some priests are paedophiles and abuse
children in their care.
The government's Independent
Inquiry into Child sexual Abuse (IICSA) was announced on 7th July
by then prime minister Theresa May largely in response to public
pressure over the Savile allegations. Successive
had been hit by several child-abuse scandals of preceding years going
back to the sensational Satanic Ritual Child Abuse allegations of
the 1990s.
Dangerous Strangers - a primal human fear
The fear of child abuse and murder from
'dangerous strangers' is an atavistic fear amongst parents, even though
child welfare specialists know from statistical data that the vast
majority, perhaps 99.9%, of abuse occurs not from strangers but by close
relatives or someone the child knows well.
The 1985 murder of
14 year old Jason Swift following a gang rape lead by the
pervert Sidney Cooke, caused outrage across the UK and became a rallying
cry for every decent
person. Following on from the massive publicity surrounding
the Swift case, child protection charities jumped on the bandwagon and
a focus on 'dangerous strangers' gave the general public the
idea that a hidden sub-culture of paedophile gangs existed
which was a greater threat to children than any other.
By 1988
this suspicion had morphed into rumours of 'paedophile
rings' and the inevitable 'Satanic Ritual Child Abuse hysteria which was
a shibboleth representing the absolute worst in human nature; an abomination unto god.
Still the statistics
told the same truth - a child was almost exclusively at risk from family and
relatives and dangerous strangers were a rarity, but this fact was too unpalatable for both the child welfare
charities (always on the make) , the government and society at large, so the Child Abuse
Industry, in particular the NSPCC, backed the myth of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse ( SRA ) as a rallying cry
to the populace. Now with the permission of the highly respected NSPCC we could all justifiably hate an underclass
of sub-humans who apparently committed abusive crimes for pure evil; an evil which
ordinary decent folk could simply not understand; and in the process ignore the
thousands of cases happening daily where 'ordinary' people were actually
doing the abusing.
Of course only the SAFF saw the truth - that the majority of people
trying to convince us all about the existence of Satanic Ritual Child
Abuse were from churches who had for years covered up child-abusing priests who were endemic in their midst. SRA was the best smokescreen that the orthodox churches would ever get.
Many of those trying to convince us that Satanists sexually abused and murdered
children were from churches which had for years covered up thousands of
child-abusing priests in their midst.
As time, and the failure of every single allegation of SRA has proved,
the dramatic and sensational claims of Satanic Abuse simply did not
exist. It was a mass hysteria, but it set in motion a sequence of events
which lead directly to the inauguration of IICSA in 2014. Here's how that happened:
The 1990 SRA hysteria took five years to subside. It was scotched by the government's own report authored by Prof.
Jean La Fontaine and published in 1994 titled The Extent and Nature of Organised and Ritual Abuse ( ). The
report found absolutely no evidence of SRA in any of the 86 cases
claimed to contain it during the Satanic Panic.
report found absolutely no evidence of SRA in any of the 86 cases
claimed by the NSPCC and other child-scare industry stalwarts during the Satanic Panic.
During those five years
millions of pounds worth of government funding and police resources had
into chasing mythical Satanic Abusers and the child protection industry enjoyed a renaissance of funding. The 1991 Orkney SRA case public Inquiry
cost six million pounds alone. Child charities, particularly
the NSPCC but also the National Children's Home had not
only grabbed
acres of self-promoting headlines, appeared on dozens of documentaries
and sponsored regular Satan Seminars at £450 a throw, but also
appealed for funding to fight SRA, (something that did not exist and
they could not therefore correct).
Regardless of these charities and lobbies bearing responsibility in
creating the SRA hysteria in the
1990s, a decade later the UK government and local authorities donated
£20 million pounds in funding to the NSPCC (2009). The following year
the NSPCC turned-over just short of £150 million. The British
gave £11 million that year alone just to fund the running of
(now totally owned and run by the NSPCC). Lesser government
funding went to other similar charities. The child-scare industry
is a
major drain on government finances yet for decades it has
been impossible for the NSPCC and other child-charities to actually
correlate children saved to money spent. In other words the cost of
their operations increase without any definite rise in the number of
children helped. It's all PR hogwash.
Brainwashing Kids for Hours on end like the Spanish Inquisition.
the back of the 1990 Satanic Panic an evil thing
happened. Despite being proven wrong in all the cases they had
claimed were Satanic Abuse RAINS and the Radfems refused to say they had been wrong and instead insisted that SRA
existed. To 'prove' it people working in the child-protection
world began to seek
out vulnerable people and put false memories of SRA into their
It started originally with the children, whom social workers questioned
hour after hour until the poor kids were fed with images and horrific
suggestions, which were themselves highly abusive to the mental health
of the child, and
then when the exhausted kids replayed them back to the social workers who
had put them there, these crusading social workers, many of whom were
Christians, immediately ignored
the other eight hours of negative responses the children had given and
selected the SRA suspicions they
were after in the first place! The yellow panel on the right is a
good example of how this worked. Double click on the image to get a
larger version to read more easily. ( Please note that you can
enlarge all the images on this web-page to get readable copies in the
same way. )
This brainwashing of kids happened in 86 cases
during the early 1990s and the social-services witch-hunt eventually resulted in the seminal Rochdale SRA case
( ) which, when challenged in court utterly destroyed the SRA allegations that
social workers and the child charities like the NSPCC who worked
on that case, had originally maintained.
Workers were, rightly condemned
in the national press and chastised by judges in family hearings. The
clutch of SRA cases (Epping, Ayrshire, Orkney etc) which were already in
train, were
taken to task in courts
across the country and proved nonsense. All of them failed. SRA
was a MYTH driven by sectarian prejudice and money-grubbing charities.
The NSPCC which had driven much of the Satan Scare ( ), lost the
highly lucrative 'At Risk Registers' which they maintained at high cost
for some local authorities, (£90,000 a time ). Trust in the expertise of the NSPCC and social workers dived to an all time low.
The Satan Hunters retired to lick their
wounds and regroup. They lied and said that it was the media who
had pushed the Satanic sensationalism but 'ritual abuse' was
real. The core of people who had started the
SRA myth - the radical feminists who were members of the now
infamous RAINS (Ritual
Abuse Information Network and Support) continued to hold their Satan
Seminars to indoctrinate other people in the child abuse industry,
but this time away from the public glare and media
reporting they had earlier coveted so much.
How the 'Survivors' Movement was created.
Prof. La Fontaine's 1994 report resulted in the government Social Services
Inspectorate banning the use of repetitive questioning and
imprinting of false memories into children during 'disclosure'
questioning. They couldn't twist the minds of kids any more so these witch-hunters turned instead to trawling for
vulnerable adults who were already either in psychiatric care or were
being 'helped' by Christian 'counsellors' who had a fast-track to a hard
core of fundie therapists who were ready to diagnose Satanic Abuse at
the drop of a hat.
These 'counsellors' used an unproven and harmful
pseudo-therapeutic method called MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder)
which the SAFF have exposed as fraudulent here: (
) MPD/DID took vulnerable people and tortured them mentally to
produce horrific memories of things that never happened, and then made
them 'inform' upon and blame their spouses, their fathers, their
relatives, celebrities, people in the news; anyone in fact who was
handy. Hundreds of these cases occurred and at least two deaths resulted from it. ( See: and for full details of those cases )
This creation of a sub-culture of hundreds of people, usually neurotic
women, also generated another phenomenon which was to completely capture
the child-scare Industry and give rise to IICSA - the Survivor
Movement . The very same MPD/DID techniques were being used
by other therapists who did NOT believe in Satanic Abuse and so they
also were creating fictional stories of abuse unrelated to claims
of SRA
in their patients' minds. The Evil technique of MPD/DID
was used to implant false memories in people of all kinds. Those
therapists from the Christian network who had a personal obsession with
the Devil implanted false memories of Satanism but therapists using the
technique who were not religiously biased still produced false memories
in their patients of 'ordinary' abuse. This phenomenon directly
demeaned those genuine victims who had been abused and undermined their
true stories. MPD / DID therapy should have been banned but it was
actually welcomed and promoted by dolts at the Royal College of Psychiatry.
Christian therapists who had a personal obsession with the Devil implanted
false memories of Satanism but therapists using the technique who were
not religiously biased still produced false memories in their patients
of 'ordinary' abuse.
The tranche of patients who believed they had been
satanically abused were urged by SRA hunting social workers to tell their sensational stories, either on church
podiums, or during group-encounter sessions, to the media and at
Satan Seminars to convince those in social work and the police who
doubted the issue. You can see this happening from this clip on the SAFF YouTube channel here:
of Vera diamond using the infamous recovered memory therapy (RMT)
The 'Survivor Movement' became a hotbed of DIY psychiatry. It empowered victims and taught them
how to play to the gallery. Being mentally vulnerable and
impressionable, meant that most SRA 'victims' overdid
it and in gilding the lily with even more sensational claims caused
them to step away from mainstream therapy into social groups of their
own, finally becoming their own therapists using free-style therapeutic
methods and then embellishing their sensational
horror stories ad
infinitum on social media to other 'survivors'.
let us make it perfectly clear here that once the 'Survivor Movement'
phenomenon had gained pace many genuine people claiming to be
survivors or ORDINARY sexual abuse started their own groups and one of
their main aims was to get attention for institutional shortcomings in
Children's homes, churches etc., and bring historic abusers to
justice. This is of course a major plank of IICSA, a kind of Truth and
Reconciliation hearing where victims can tell their stories and get it
all of their chest in the hope that it will help themselves and others to gain closure.
The Scam of Christian Counselling.
We are not in
any way criticising the rights of such groups to exist, we are pointing
out that these type of groups had their origins in the pseudo-therapy of 'counselling'
which was originally invented by Christian evangelists to missionise to
nominal Christians and act as a recruiting platform for SRA
victims. It is an organised form of 'Confirmation Bias'.
This can be clearly seen by the publication in
Spring of 1994, just before La Fontaine's report was published, of this
article alongside, 'Caring for Ritual Abuse Survivors' in 'Counselling
magazine, an outreach of the Waverley College. Note that Waverley
was a key participant in defining and organising professional
qualifications for counselling for the UK government.
The article
was written by Maureen Davies, an out and out bible-thumping fundamentalist
Christian who was a key player in foisting the Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth
onto Britain (see:
) and actually taught a new generation of police top-brass mediaeval
concepts akin to the Spanish Inquisition, during training sessions at
Bramshill Police College in 1990. It is due to her obsessive work against the devil,
and the efforts of other fundamentalist agent-provocateurs , that the
Metropolitan Police eventually caved in and started new Satanic Seminars
for their child-protection officers in 2004 and ended up making a fool of themselves over human sacrifice claims. ( see: )
Simply put, what happened was that fundamentalists hi-jacked the growing
'therapy' movement and snatched the initiative away from mainstream
The government found 'counselling' attractive because it was so cost-effective.
Whenever any tragedy occurred, be it crime or accidental death through
train crashes or other disasters, the government could rely on an army of do-gooders trained as
'counsellors' at Christian centres like the Ellel Grange Trust, just outside Preston in Lancashire, to give
the victims a shoulder to cry on. In the vast majority of cases the
counsellors were volunteers who did it for free. What's not to like? You shall soon see the dangers.
Ellel Grange is unashamedly Christian fundamentalist. Being a
Christian was the ONLY qualification required to sit their weekend
course in Counselling abused
people, after which the evangelicals who attended were given
'counselling credentials' to go out and discover more
SRA! It was a
kind of religious pyramid sell, preying upon vulnerable people, like
Jennifer, a
mousey woman who was 'counselled' by Ellel Grange into claiming that she
had given birth to a baby which had been killed by a Satanic
Coven. She was the 'star witness' in the 1992 Bogus Devil Video Hoax,
which other fundies foisted on Channel 4 TV who dutifully broadcast an
hour of abject lies which cemented the phantom of SRA in the minds of
the populace, only to have the SAFF overturn every single part of the
'evidence' produced within days. Jennifer was found and confessed that she was
programmed to lie about the baby which never existed by Ellel
Grange and then transferred to the fundie producer of Beyond Belief as a
'witness' to make false claims of murder. ( See )
The way that fundamentalist Christians hi-jacked therapy can clearly be
seen in the 2020 case of child-kidnappers Wilfred Wong and Janet
Stevenson. Stevenson is a Christian counsellor who together with
Wong conspired to abduct an 8 year old child from Anglesey in Wales
because they believed (wrongly) that the father was a Satanic
Abuser. See (
Wong inculcated vulnerable folk into believing that SRA existed
through multiple interviews he gave on the internet 'diagnosing' what
he believed to be SRA. When people got in touch with him for information
about SRA, he passed them to Janet Stevenson who used Christian counselling to
'confirm' that they had been satanically abused! This is
little more than what Ellel Grange had inaugurated in 1990.
will notice in the extract from Ellel Grange's course (see image right
- double click on it to get a larger version to read more easily ) that
the most innocuous everyday things are reinterpreted as indications of
Satanic Ritual Abuse, which means any and every vulnerable person who
falls into their clutches will be brainwashed with those false ideas and
end up becoming a 'survivor' of SRA.
Notice that
Ellel Grange add the additional technique of EXORCISM to their MPD/DID
treatments! People like these should've been prosecuted and
stopped by the authorities but they are still flogging this stuff today.
The government and the police won't touch them because they claim to
be Christians.
Imaginary Survivors damage real victims of abuse
problem of a phalanx of imaginary 'survivors' within the regular
survivor movement can clearly be seen in the way that Alexis Jay had to
publicly rule a woman's (codenamed WM-A5) evidence of being a victim of
Satanists in High Places as bunkum. The woman's story fell apart in half
a dozen key places, all outlined by Private Eye. We attach just one
extract from WM-A5's evidence alongside. WM-A5's submission to IICSA was easily disproven as unreliable
fantasies. Such fake evidence may have
convinced Alexis Jay to reject outright any evidence related to the then
current Westminster strand SRA accusations which she struck from IICSA's agenda in January 2018.
By 2007 the mentally disturbed patients in the SRA victim-imposter
stable had worked-up their stories to begin to include VIPs and
celebrities. Joan Coleman, founder member of RAINS, compiled a 'Who's Who' of Satanic Abusers in high
places, known as the Helen-G List the origins and contents of
which you can see here:
The SAFF were the first to expose this previously secret list
which had been passed surreptitiously around the SRA believers' network.
utterly false
allegations in the Helen-G list were amassed from victim-imposters in
the RAINS therapy circuit and were
distributed to all RAINS members. It dramatically corrupted many
police investigations which followed and wasted £2M in Operation Conifer
run by Wilts Police and other investigations. Ted Heath was mentioned and falsely accused
in the Helen-G list. The SAFF have traced these fantasies back to Jim
Phillips 'stable' of SRA victim imposters in 1993 where Phillips and Vera
Diamond (RAINS member) got headlines also accusing the Royal Family of
being Satanists (see:
) . You can see how Phillips created victim imposters from a
group of chronically mentally ill patients which mainstream psychiatry
had jettisoned in this clip on our SAFFutube Channel ( )
Within a short time VIPs mentioned in the Helen-G list
were dutifully investigated by the police which had, under pressure
from radical feminists, adopted a process of believing everything that
any accuser said about their claimed abuse even before an investigation
establish the facts had been undertaken! As time
passes the mistakes of the authorities in these cases has faded
into history but not quite gone from view yet, as the Daily Mail newspaper recently
published a series of articles on how those falsely accused VIPs are
fighting back to demand the resignation of the Met's Chief
Constable for incompetence. See here:
The comedian
Jimmy Tarbuck was one of those unfairly dragged into this
nonsense. Another name on this list of dozens of
supposed Arch Satanists was Ted Heath (former UK prime-minister).
Celebrity/VIPabuse had arrived!
The 2008 Jersey SRA Hysteria
By 2008 another SRA high-point was
hit when allegations of Satanic Abuse in Jersey created yet another national
panic which included claims of the finding of a 'child's skull'. This
turned out on analysis to be a piece of coconut! ( see
) Again, following a lengthy
police and government inquiry the Jersey SRA case ws found to be
nonsense and quietly faded from view but the initial scaremongering
yet again reinforced the untrue idea of SRA and abuse in the minds of the unquestioning
The NSPCC 'helped' the police by trawling for
'victims' in the Jersey SRA case. They found many people who claimed to be victims but in the end there
was only one prosecution of historic physical abuse by a teacher who had long since retired. There was no sexual abuse and no Satanists were involved.
By March 2011, the RAINS mob were on a high, campaigning to re-establish
the use of MPD and get government funding for it, by the devious
practice of simply renaming MPD which had by then become tainted by its
links to false SRA allegations, and calling it DID (Dissociate Identity
Disorder ). They succeeded -
in 2019 they got just short of a million pounds.
circus was churning out 'victims' and the whole
idea of Victimhood, pushed by radfems in academe, had become an
'accepted fact' because the
general consensus was that to repudiate a victim's tale would be to add
insult to injury . Radical feminists insisted this would be mental
abuse in
itself and the government and police bought into it. The logic was
poor because many of those who were
self-declaring themselves as 'victims' were doing so using false
memories. The traditional police method was to take down their
statements without comment and then check out the locations and people
involved to see if any of it gelled. The new method, promoted by
Keir Starmer and the College of Policing, was to believe instantly that
the accuser HAD been abused and make allowances which corrupted the
investigation, for instance, having their 'therapist' alongside them
giving them cues when at the police station and constantly replacing and
expanding on their statement when they had invented more! As most
of these victims were already networking with survivor groups on social
media the contamination of stories was immense. See ( )
The Death of Jimmy Savile
Later that same year (October 2011) a watershed occurred; the death of
Jimmy Savile. The Savilemonster hysteria was another
sensational replay of the 1990 Satanic Panic. See ( ). Again the media lead
the witch-hunt . With an accused who was now dead there was no
accountability and hacks and 'victims' could make any allegations they liked and many did.
Savile's fanbase found dozens of inaccuracies and fake allegations in
the accusations from people who came forward but the tsunami of hatred
in the media overwhelmed these. See. for perhaps the best examples of the inside story about Savile ).
The NSPCC, never one to miss an opportunity, organised the
trawling for Savile
victims and he became the most hated figure since Hitler in the minds
of the populace. They ended up with 450 Savile victims.
Months later it was revealed that 239 of these were fake and their cases
were refused compensation. This could be taken to indicate
that 50% of all historic abuse allegations may be false.
Some of Savile's 'victims' said they had been
abused by him in Satanic Ceremonies. Close-cropped photos appeared on
the internet of him wearing a Satanic Green
Robe (see alongside) but the full uncropped photo showed it to be a flamboyant vestment he
wore when he regularly attended St John's Church, Hebden Bridge,
Yorkshire, where he was an honorary church warden! Savile's good
work for this church had somehow been inverted to become evidence of
media entirely
forgot the millions Savile had raised for kids and the
underprivileged, his 'clunk-click' campaign to persuade people to wear
seat-belts which saved literally tens of thousands of lives before becoming
compulsory in 1983. Neither did the media mention the fact that he had
enough money to establish Stoke Mandeville Hospital which had helped
thousands of sick people. And so as not to tarnish their demonisation they completely omitted from their
narrative the
fact that he did such good work for people in need of help that he was
invited to meet the
Pope and given an award by him.
Only when the hysteria had
abated and official inquiries had looked into the claims made by people
against Savile did it become clear that this was another Satanic
Witch-hunt by any other name and a direct development of the SRA myth
melded with Celebrity/VIPabuse which RAINS had itself created.
The same people who were behind the 1990 Satanic Panic were also involved in the
Savile SRA allegations. They had bided their time and polished up their
propaganda for an opportunity like this.
Completely bowled over by the sheer vituperance of the media and
the populace combining in anger against the abomination called Savile,
whom they had earlier lionised and lauded for most of his life, and, on the
back-foot due to several detailed previous inquiries into abuse in
children's homes the government and the BBC were open to claims that 'they
didn't do enough' . In response the BBC inaugurated an
independent inquiry (The Smith Inquiry) into why they hadn't spotted 'the world's most
prolific abuser' during his 40 year reign at the BBC. Theresa May then announced the final,
be-all-and-end-all mega-child-abuse inquiry of them all ;
IICSA would gather witness accounts, hear evidence from people involved
in accused institutions, delve in detail into historic cases and get to
the bottom of it once and for all.
But it didn't get off to a good start.
The Commencement of IICSA
The government had earmarked Baroness Butler-Sloss for the post as
chairperson of the inquiry. She
had chaired other inquiries very capably in the past, but
the radical feminists in the child-scare industry mounted a campaign to
deny her the post. Why? She had been in charge of the
governments 1988 public inquiry into the Cleveland
Mass Lifts Scandal which some of RAINS members were peripherally
involved in and the radical feminists in child-care refuted her conclusions in the Cleveland Scandal and had ever
since tried to discredit her report.
Cleveland was the first case of mass abuse in the UK and created the
notorious Dawn-lifts of 120 children stolen from their parents by social
workers based
on a trick anal
dilation syndrome (see
for full details
). Baroness Butler-Sloss saw all this and pronounced it all wrong,
making various recommendations to stop mass-lifts happening again.
This stopped the radfem juggernaut in its tracks. So someone
uncovered a family connection which
might have possibly compromised Butler-Sloss's independence.
Her brother had been Attorney General during the 1980s and as she might
have had to oversee some of his judgements this might undermine the
independence of IICSA, some said. As one of IICSA's main strands was an
independent inspection of government action related to historic
child-abuse which some victims said it the government had itself covered-up this wouldn't do and Baroness Butler-Sloss declined the
chairship of
UK government
then went to Australia to find another person who this time had no connection
whatsoever with the past history of the UK child-scare-industry or its government. Justice
Lowell Goddard was imported to handle the job. She commenced work
and in November 2015 published a list of the organisations from which
she would take evidence. However the political ramifications of
this inquiry were quickly becoming apparent
and the radical feminists did not appear to like Goddard's independent
In early March 2016 the UKCSAPT (UK Child Sex Abuse
People's Tribunal) sent a presentation to Goddard which mentioned
Satanic Ritual Child Abuse 32 times in a 36 page presentation!
In response the SAFF wrote to Justice Goddard in late March
sending a presentation exposing the links between the SRA hunters in
Britain, some of whom were queuing up to present evidence to her.
In July 2016 the Daily Mail revealed that the chair of IICSA would be
paid two and a half million pounds over five years.
August 2016 Goddard had resigned her post
stating that the conflicting pressures and political chicanery attached
to IICSA were 'insurmountable'.
Later that year
(November) BBC Newsnight reported a relative avalanche of resignations
from IICSA:
"BBC Newsnight understands that Aileen McColgan has quit because of serious concerns over the inquiry's leadership. She was the barrister leading the inquiry's investigations into the Anglican and Catholic Churches. The
inquiry said that lawyers come and go according to their professional
obligations - and a spokeswoman declined to "comment on specifics".
It is understood
Aileen McColgan had concerns over the competency of the inquiry's
leadership and the way it had previously responded to the resignation of
lawyers instructed by it. As well as working on the inquiry, she is
also a Professor of Law at King's College London.
It is understood that two other barristers have told the inquiry of their desire to leave because of similar concerns.
The inquiry has suffered a series of setbacks in recent months, including the departures of a number of senior lawyers.
So a satisfactory chairperson was eventually found who was also acceptable to the Radical
Feminists; Prof. Alexis
Jay, the woman who had authored the 2014 Rotherham Asian Gangs report
estimating 1,400 children had been raped there. She was definitely on
the side of the victims, and was well qualified to do the job.
In making her the chair of IICSA the
government may have thought they had pacified everyone.
How foolish of
Much later in the middle of the inquiry in February
2018 Private Eye Magazine revealed that Jay had attended a November 2017 meeting
of the ESTD (European Society for Trauma and Dissociation) an
group for MPD/DID therapists whose journal carried articles promoting
Satanic Ritual Abuse and
featured lectures on SRA at this conference, including
contributions by
Valerie Sinason, a founder member of RAINS!
Wasn't this a clear
conflict of interest? Jay's team said she had been
invited to observe proceedings and dismissed it as irrelevant.
Although IICSA originally
took 'evidence' on the Westminster/VIP abuse strand, (which included
allegations of Satanic abuse by Ted Heath and others ) by January 2018
they ruled it beyond IICSA's remit. This Wise decision begs the
question why did Alexis Jay attend the ESTD conference three months
earlier when it was clear to any informed observer that the ESTD was a
hotbed of believers in the 1990 Satanic Panic and harboured key players
active in that scare?
At the
time the police had begun to investigate a key witness in SRA claims
made against Ted/Edward Heath (RAINS list) for perverting the
course of justice. It was Carl 'Nick' Beech's testimony which had driven the media frenzy on
VIP/Westminster abuse (See ).
However, on
22nd Jan 2019 this key witness, Carl 'Nick' Beech, admitted
kiddie porn; by 18 July 2019 he stood trial for perverting the
course of justice and was sentenced to 18 years in
prison for lying about his abuse to gain compensation
money. This sequence of events shows clearly how false
accusations drove the survivor narrative which was at the heart of
IICSA, both in the press and in the political arena.
Beatrix Campbell and the Cleveland Radfem Mafia.
strands of the inquiry were also apparently being compromised. IICSA took
evidence from Beatrix Campbell, a feminist Marxist activist who had been
heavily involved in both the Cleveland Scandal and the Satanic Ritual
Child Abuse scare of the 1990s.
On 26th February 2018 Campbell was
given an IICSA platform to rewrite history and complain that Baroness Butler
Sloss's 1988 Cleveland inquiry (fully accepted as accurate and
professional by the government at the time) had reached the wrong
Not only was IICSA content to listen to
this re-writing of history and allow it to go unchallenged but IICSA also hosted a
seminar titled 'Social and Political Narratives about Child Sexual
Abuse' of which the keynote speaker was none other than Beatrix
Campbell's presentation repeated her now tiresome Marxist chant that
there was a hidden epidemic of abuse against children orchestrated by
The Patriarchy and that it would continue to cover it up unless the Patriarchy was dismantled and women were put in charge. Or
words to that effect, as you can see by this SAFF bio of Campbell's
political activities here and in the U.S.
Beatrix Campbell's obsessive belief In Satanic Ritual Abuse lead to her
involvement in the very first claimed SRA case in the UK in Broxtowe,
Nottingham ( ) in 1988 whilst
the Cleveland controversy was still ongoing over the disgusting actions of the despised Marietta
Higgs and Wyatt and Wynn.
You can see Campbell's take on SRA in a
documentary 'Listen to the Children' here (
) which Campbell produced
and narrated on the Broxtowe case to promote the acceptance of the idea
that Satanists were abusing the children. Campbell was closely
with Team 4 at Notts Social Services and they insisted that Broxtowe
was the FIRST example of SRA which had been uncovered in
Britain. Campbell's documentary turned out to be misleading
perpetuated falsehoods in major aspects as is noted in comments to this
With claims and counter-claims the controversy over Broxtowe lasted
years and became a cause celebre for radical feminists nationally and
the lobby of therapists who believed in the existence of
SRA. Unfortunately for them, Broxtowe was officially declared NOT
to have any Satanic
Content in 1997 when
Nottingham's JET inquiry report explained how Tim Tate (the
producer/researcher of the Cook Report) and Ray Wyre (a Baptist preacher
turned paedophile therapist who ran courses to 're-program'
Christian Priestly abusers who had reoffended after the churches had
backed them ) had inveigled their
way into Team 4, given leading-edge SRA materials including a now
notorious false SRA indicator list from
the U.S. to foster parents looking after the children. The
children had been in care for over a year without mentioning SRA but It
was only after
this SRA information was presented to the foster-mothers that the
children began talking about witches and ghosts in response to the
foster mothers' questions.
When the teenage victims in the case reversed their earlier
statements of what happened and
explained that they had originally been threatened with social work
power shadow if
they didn't confirm the smaller children's accounts, the full story
came out.
Nursery Crimes.
In the U.S. in 1986 an infamous mass abuse case was alleged to
have occurred at the McMartin Nursery at Manhattan Beach California.
The hysteria surrounding this case, which included many SRA motifs, lasted until July 1990 when
all the defendants were acquitted. It was the longest and most costly
trial in US history. No abuse had occurred.
the late 1990s in Newcastle, England, a complicated series of
events resulted in an attempt to establish a case of alleged abuse
at a nursery which had very similar motifs and allegations to the
McMartin case and this controversy went on for years too.
It resulted in legal actions which put the case out of the view of the
public. The Newcastle Nursery Crimes case was finalised in the
of 2002 when the high court ruled for those who had been falsely
accused and against those who had accused them. The Daily Mail
exposed the shenanigans in the Newcastle Nursery Crimes fiasco
After the court case had concluded. researchers were free to comment and
the SAFF published a comprehensive insight into how the facts had been
manipulated for political purposes here:
Was IICSA infiltrated by Radical Feminists
Had IICSA been hijacked
and taken over by radical feminists who had first promoted the idea of non-existent Satanic Ritual Child Abuse?
When Tom Watson,
then deputy leader of the Labour Party began his campaign to smear
leading Conservatives with allegations related to the false
Westminster/VIP abuse allegations in 2015
he was subsequently roundly condemned in parliament and forced to
apologise. His scurrilous attacks on Lord Brittan, based solely on
the allegations of Carl 'Nick' Beech (whose testimony was proven
false and fraudulent in 2019) was even criticised by the Guardian.
One of the few people who
came out publicly in support of Watson in TV interviews and discussions
was Beatrix Campbell.
Mandatory Reporting
The SAFF knew what was happening with IICSA. The movers and shakers
behind the child-scare industry were putting their ducks in order to get
another watershed change of legislation to enforce Mandatory Reporting.
This is something they've been after for many years since the
Radfems successfully pressed for it in the U.S. in the 1970s.
reporting is one of those ideas which sound good at the time but when
looked into has massive deleterious manifestations. It provides a legal
responsibility in law which makes any person
knowing of abuse and not reporting it to be guilty of a crime and
therefore can be
imprisoned for it even though they were not complicit in the crime.
Note here that we are not taking about someone who is an 'accessory' to
a crime. Someone who knows abuse is going on and tacitly condones it,
or facilitates it, can be prosecuted under the law of
Accessory. Mandatory Reporting is not for that. It is to
punish bystanders who, had they been more aware or clued in, MIGHT have
spotted abuse being undertaken by someone else but failed to notice
it. The child-scare industry would say they SHOULD have known and
are therefore guilty. In that case almost ever single person
working for the BBC might go to prison under Mandatory Reporting,
for Savile was said to have been abusing hundreds of victims 'in plain
sight' and nobody noticed.
I know of no instance where anyone in social
services, or any teacher or other professional has known that abuse has
been taking place and not reported it. The main aim of Mandatory
Reporting is to create a situation where a professional person becomes
neurotic and over-reports suspected abuse in order to cover themselves
for any later blame and charges under the law of Mandatory Reporting.
How Dangerous is Mandatory Reporting?
Mandatory Reporting can and will destroy the careers of
doctors, teachers, social
workers and anyone else who regularly comes into contact with children
or vulnerable adults and who does not constantly act as an inquisitor
for the child-scare industry. In other words on the
better-safe-than-sorry principle people will report the slightest whiff
of allegations of abuse, the slightest symptoms, Satanic or otherwise, to exculpate
themselves from blame - just in case! False allegations
will become the norm and
increase in number exponentially. This is exactly what happened in the United States following their adoption of Mandatory Reporting.
"As of 2013, there had been a huge increase of reporting over the decades with enormous numbers of unsubstantiated cases.[7][8]
Referrals increase each year, but the actual substantiated cases remain
low and are approximately the same or decline each year.[9]
Media and commentators often take the number of referrals to be
synonymous with the number of cases of actual child maltreatment, which
makes the problem appear larger than it actually is.[10]
The figures clearly show that whilst ACTUAL cases are diminishing in number False Allegations of child-abuse increased astronomically year on year.
The Statistics shown here are astonishing.
Nationwide, there was a 2,348% increase in hotline calls from 150,000 in 1963 to 3.3 million in 2009.[8] In 2011, there were 3.4 million calls.[9]
From 1992 to 2009 in the US, substantiated cases of sexual abuse
declined 62%, physical abuse decreased 56% and neglect was down 10%. About 1% of
the child population are substantiated victims of abuse.[11]
In short Mandatory Reporting
is a Snitches' Charter.
It distorts, exaggerates and magnifies the reporting of suspected
child-abuse for no good reason and can only be seen as a pyramid
process to fill the coffers of the rich child-protection
charities and push more 'victims' into the therapy industry which wastes
millions of pounds of taxpayers' money each year. In our analysis
of the MPD/DID therapy movement alone we estimate that DID therapy
wastes £60M of government funding each and every year, and it's growing.
You can see this harvesting of victims happening today with the NSPCC's
Childline telephone line reporting system where in 2014 more
than a million (1,200,000) children phoned the Childline free phone
service. The really crucial figure of course is how many of these children received help and were saved from abuse? That simple statistic is never ever disclosed
because, as with the US experience of Mandatory Reporting, the
actual abuse statistics remain fairly static, it is the astronomical
number of false allegations which increase because telephone call-in
services spend a fortune advertising themselves to children to encourage
them to call in for absolutely any reason which makes them feel
This is the way that all witch-hunts go. Stalin's 'Great Terror'
during which millions of innocent people were killed or transshipped to
Siberian work camps to die from deprivation was overseen by the NKVD who 'discovered'
millions of 'traitors' by asking two simple questions during
interrogations. Who recruited you? and Whom did you recruit?
Terrified suspects gave, under mental and physical torture, any names
they could think of. Neighbours, relatives, even their own
children. The answers doomed
thousands more innocent people each of whom were asked the same two
questions in a kind of pyramid selling scheme designed solely to elicit
more victims for the NKVDs torture chambers.
It created a
paranoid climate in Stalin's Soviet where everyone was considered a
government snitch. Where all public and family discourse had to be
censored, children informed on their parents, and even Jokes could literally condemn one to death. Voluntary
State-Snitches were everywhere; terrified of being
implicated they consistently informed on others around them using
tittle-tattle, rumour and personal jealousy/enmity to avoid being
interrogated themselves. This is the kind of climate Mandatory Reporting will create, and false accusations will explode, just as they did in the U.S. enabling the child-charities to demand MORE funding from government.
During the witch-hunts of the 15th century inquisitors asked almost the
same questions to get 'witches' to confess their 'accomplices'
. It was officially termed 'putting the question' and
the naming of people by those calling out names to stop the
excruciating tortures being inflicted upon them, implicated
thousands more 'witches' into the hands of the Inquisition to be
tortured and burned a the stake after they themselves had been tortured
into calling-out more victims in a horrific cycle of
violence. About 350,000 innocent people, mostly women,
died in this way.
you can see, Childline is a similar method of recruiting victims and of
falsely accusing suspects. It has been working now since the mid
I have yet to see any statistics to show how effective the scheme is in
saving the suffering of children who are in abusive situations.
doubt if more than a few hundred have actually been helped during that
entire time and challenge the NSPCC to release statistics on their
success rate .
Of course the NSPCC lists all these calls as 'evidence of abuse' and
refers them all to local child-protection departments, when it is clear
that many kids telephone Childline because they need a friend or someone
to talk to, are subject to teeange angst, or are just up for the
jape to see how they can manipulate gullible adults on the other end of
the phone.
The seriousness and severity of each call is rated by NSPCC staff,
mostly volunteers, who have a vested interest in eagerly defining
abuses. Ironically, in December 2017 the Daily
Telegraph revealed that Carl 'Nick' Beech, the pervert who plead
guilty to having kiddie-porn and who was subsequently given 18 years in
prison for lying about Satanic child-murder ( and causing a £2M Police
investigation after fraudulently accusing several innocent people of
child abuse which never happened), had volunteered as a Child-Line phone
answerer, giving advice to children whom he deemed had been
abused! This is the man who tricked the
Metropolitan Police into besmirching the reputations of MPs, Ministers
and leaders in Westminster by making invented false accusations to
obtain abuse compensation of £22,000.00 by fraud! A classic example of the dangers of Mandatory Reporting.
So can you trust in conclusions and opinions made by people in
the child-scare industry? Well, way back in August 1990 a national
conference on child abuse was held
in Harrow, England. One section of this conference unveiled the
then very new claims about Satanic Ritual Child Abuse. The
conference was one
of the first Satan Seminars. Amongst the attendees was Valerie
then director of Childline. On the subject of 'Child abuse
linked to Satanic Cults' she told The Guardian newspaper:
'Valerie Howarth a former local authority director of social
services told the conference on Monday that there was no stereotype of
child victims of abuse . I particularly want to commend what
Sue Hutchinson has to say, said Miss Howarth a director of Childline,
the child abuse phone service. " I will vouch for Sue and her
Guardian Wed August 8th 1990
Sue Hutchinson was a prototype
SRA victim imposter who claimed to have been abused in Satanic
Ceremonies. She had links with SRA supremo Vera Diamond (see here:
). She started SAFE, a survivor group for SRA 'victims'. In
the past 30 years she has never ever been able to prove her allegations
about Satanists abusing children and none of the cases she supported have been proven real. I wonder if Valerie
Howarth would publicly commend and support Sue Hutchinson's allegations about SRA
today? I wonder also whether Childline phone answerers have been trained in how to detect non-existent Satanic Ritual Abuse?
What Happens to People Who Sense Accusers are Lying?
Mandatory Reporting will be a new form of
Stalinist child-protection with extensive ramifications illustrated by
the awful case of Head teacher Kathryn Bell who refused
allegations from a pupil which she considered to be mischeivous and was
subsequently crucified and lost her job because of it. (see image right).
See the image below right from the
petition for Daniel Pelka. This is instrutive because it clearly shows what is
going to happen if Mandatory Reporting is put into law. Daniel Pelka was murdered by his parents and this
petition clearly lays the cause of that at the feet of his teachers for
not reporting his abuse.
Like most statistics and cases
by the child-scare industry it is another blame-swapping exercise,
for Daniel's family had been under social services care for FOUR
YEARS before he was beaten to death. He had a long history of referrals
and problems which so-called child-protectionists missed or
In 2011, a year before Daniel's death, he was taken to hospital
with broken bones and bruises whereupon lazy social service personnel in
charge of his case allowed a doctor's estimation that the break could
have occurred by accident to rule their better judgement and they returned him
to the parents who eventually killed him. As you can see Daniel
Pelka's death had nothing to do with his teachers. It is the social
services, doctors and police who should be blamed for his murder. Yet
this petition misuses Daniel's death for its own purposes and tries to
convince readers that Daniel could have been saved if Mandatory Reporting
was on the law books. It is utterly false.
If this case is the best that Paula Barrow can come up with to persuade people to adopt Mandatory Reporting it doesn't gel. She claims Mandatory Reporting would 'Better protect vulnerable children'
but the Pelka case is actually an indictment of how the child-scare industry constantly
seeks to blame avoidable tragedy on others to cover their own
failings in caring for vulnerable children. The Pelka case is not
an example of a child being abused, spotted and then ignored, which is
the worst-case-scenario Mandatory Reporting advocates always claim, for in fact Daniel's school did notice and referred Daniel several times early on in the case. It wasn't the teachers
who let Daniel down, the entire panoply of child safeguarding
systems let him down. The police, the social services, his
doctors, his school - everyone. He died because they all failed to do their duty, he didn't die because teachers did not report his abuse and it is wicked to suggest it. In short Mandatory Reporting would have done nothing to save his life.
Here, teachers who left Daniel Pelka's plight to
social workers who made crucial mistakes in their duty of care, are being persecuted by the child-scare industry for not
doing child-protections job for them! They and poor Daniel are being used as a
scapegoat in a campaign to get
Mandatory Reporting on the UK statute
But Daniel Pelka's case is not the only one in which a child who was under the
'care' of child-protectionists ends up dead because they can't do their
job right. The tragic case of 8 year old Victoria Climbie in
February 2000 condemned the entire child-scare industry.
Victoria Climbie's Death.
had been under social services and NSPCC family unit care for seven
months yet was still beaten to death by her vicious guardians in what is
perhaps the first recorded case in the UK of Witch-Children. (Note: 'witch-children'
have nothing to do with witchcraft or Satanism, it is a product of the
fevered mind of Christian fundamentalists seeking out Satan and blaming
misbehaving children of being possessed by devils. The children are then
beaten to drive the devil out of them and some die. The SAFF's unique
expose of the phenomenon can be seen here: and we comment at length on it below here: ) . Mandatory Reporting would not have saved poor Victoria Climbie's life either
but less hypocrisy in the NSPCC and social services might have.
Here's how Angus Stickler reported the Inquiry into Victoria's
death for the BBC.
"The Public Inquiry into
the death of Victoria
Climbie has heard damning evidence about the
role of the NSPCC in events leading up to the
little girls death. The eight-year-old was
murdered by her great aunt Marie Therese
Kouao and Kouao's boyfriend.
She was
regularly beaten, trussed up in a bin liner and left in a
freezing bath-tub.
Victoria was referred to a
centre run by the NSPCC, which worked with
problem families, it was an urgent case, but no
action was taken for nearly seven months.
Confidential documents shown to this
programme also prove that crucial details on
files were changed after Victoria's death.
Members of staff were questioned during the
inquiry about whether they had falsified
documents to hide the truth. And the charity
itself has been criticised for providing the inquiry
with doctored photocopies rather than original
The NSPCC is keen to promote an
image of slick professionalism at the cutting
edge of child protection. But this is at odds with
evidence heard by the public inquiry into the
death of eight year old Victoria Climbie. She
was referred to one of the charity's Family
Centres in North London on the 5th of August
1999, nearly seven months before her death.
There were concerns about poor hygiene,
inappropriate dress and that she seemed
anxious around her great aunt. She was a child
in desperate need. But even though she was
referred to the project as an urgent case, staff
were preparing for a party. It was a week before
she was allocated a social worker. And even
then, no one at the project ever went to see her.
During the inquiry NSPCC staff admitted that
the centre was a shambles, a project in crisis,
where the difficulties were so entrenched that it
was unable to provide a quality service...." (Source: BBC Radio 4 'Features' 29 January 2002 )
The SAFF has tweeted many
times since IICSA began its hearings in 2015 that the child-scare
industry was seeking to conclude and recommend Mandatory Reporting to the government which parliament
will not be able to resist, and which will recommence the sex-abuse
witch-hunt anew with more life destroying false
allegations without doing one whit to protect children at risk.
IICSA Promises Mandatory Reporting
In the latest Sept 2021 report from IICSA
on Child Abuse in Religious Organisations they actually admitted that SAFF prediction was correct where on page 117 they say:
H.2: Matters to be explored further by the Inquiry
36. The Inquiry will return to a number of issues that emerged during this investigation,
including but not limited to:
• mandatory reporting;
• vetting and barring;
• regulation of the voluntary sector in respect of religious organisations and settings;
• introducing primary legislation to provide that voluntary settings adhere to basic
child protection standards.
We anticipate these issues will be addressed in our final report
Yup, top of the list. There are 90 mentions of
Mandatory Reporting in the 226 pages of this report and it comes first
in the summing up of matters that IICSA intends to focus on in their
final overall report next year. In other words, as SAFF
predicted, their first and foremost aim is to impose Mandatory Reporting
on the public, which according to their text will include people who
work with kids in Social and Sports arenas etc. If your job
involves working with kids you should be worried, very worried, for
experience of past inquisitions shows that once the blame-game starts
innocents are often drawn in and can have their lives destroyed.
The spate of false allegations during 2015 which stigmatised and
tortured innocent VIPs and celebrities must be kept in mind.
The Black Museum of Priestly Abuse and the Selective Cognisance of IICSA
Having followed the IICSA circus since its inception the SAFF have tried
to obtain input to the proceedings and we have sent documentation to it
but IICSA have assiduously avoided any direct contact with us or any
consideration of SAFF historical research on the subject of child
protection. After reading the above insider information you
might now know why a £100M inquiry-to-end-all-enquiries has never
responded to any documents the SAFF have sent them, nor any tweets we
have made on their timeline.
The Publication of the SAFF's Black Museum of Priestly Abuse (BM1) in 1991 (see here: )
was a watershed which was resisted tooth and nail by the great and the
good in the child-scare industry. They simply refuted it.
We updated those statistics to get confirmation of BM1 in 1996 when we published BM2. (see: )
We then took both of these ground-breaking studies to the NSPCC in 1997
with a request for them to add the threat of Priestly Abuse to their
established pie-chart of risks to children to warn parents.
The organisation which had been the front-runner in scaring parents
with false tales of non-existent Satanic Abuse in nationwide headlines
in the 1990 Satanic Panic actually REFUSED to include Priestly Abuse in
their pie-chart of risks to children when the SAFF met them. (see image
right - double click on it to get a large version to read).
We asked the @NSPCC to alert parents but they refused! SAFF
calculate that nearly 5,000 more children have been abused by
priests in the years following our publication of BM1.
However, although not taking any part in the condemnation of abusive
priests the NSPCC were later found trawling for victims of Jimmy Savile
and bigging-up his abuses. In the end despite the mass
hysteria about
Savile there were 211 'official' Savile victims. This is shocking
nowhere near as shocking as the THOUSANDS of child victims of paedophile
priests which the NSPCC was ignoring.
NSPCC Wash Their Hands of Priestly Abuse
You see dear reader, decent Catholics and
Anglicans are precisely those people who support and fund the @NSPCC
most. THIRTY YEARS after the SAFF had alerted society to Priestly
Abuse an estimated 5,000 small innocent children had been horribly
abused by clergymen, their suffering was being ignored entirely by
the chattering classes in the Child Scare Industry.
THIRTY YEARS after the SAFF's unique work on this issue which
everyone else wanted to sweep under the carpet, the government's turgid
Historical Child Abuse Inquiry (IICSA) questioned the
churches and their victims. What were IICSA's conclusions?
They came out with the weakest and most mealy-mouthed
semi-condemnations of thousands of undeniable cases of the clearest
child-abuse imaginable on a far greater scale than any of the other
strands in their inquiry. Far greater than children's' homes, far, far
greater than Celebrity Abuse, far, far, far greater than VIPabuse and
any of the other strands IICSA is pursuing. After learning of the
THOUSANDS of undeniable instances of Clergymen abusing kids what do
IICSA have to say?
"The report, which is the latest in a series of publications from the
IICSA, said 390 clergy members and other church leaders were convicted
of abuse between the 1940s and 2018."
SAFF'S own reports show that
this is a grossly underestimated statistic. There are far more than 390
instances of priestly abuse in our own files. How could IICSA with
six years and £100 million pounds worth of resources and staff come to
any lesser conclusion? Because it is the usual white-wash.
Readers who deny this should check out the following fantastic
SAFF exposes:
Child-Abuse has become an Industry and as SAFF experience shows,
is rarely about saving children from abuse. If they REALLY wanted to
protect kids they'd have taken SAFF research seriously 30 years ago and
saved thousands of them from abuse. They clamour for
Mandatory Reporting but utterly fail to listen to the SAFF's reporting
on these issues. Not listening to the SAFF was a
dereliction of their duty to children everywhere.
Did IICSA condemn the orthodoxies?
So after 100 million pounds worth of taxpayers' money went into IICSA
over six years, what did they say in detail about Clergymen abusing
kids. Well not much, because they hid the true guilt of
the Catholic and Anglican churches by subsuming them with a handful of
cases from minority religions and cultures to spread the blame which the
Catholic Church and the Anglican church deserved.
They hid the guilt of
the churches by amalgamating their extensive crimes with a handful of
cases from minority religions to spread the blame which the
Catholic Church and the Anglican church deserved.
survey of religions by percentage of population taken from census data
concludes that:
59% of people in Britain are classified as
Only 5% are Muslim.
Just 1.6% are Hindu and
0.5% are Jewish.
Buddhist and Sikh populations are also around 0.5%.
All these
beliefs are lumped together in IICSA's survey of religions, including
Paganism of which there is at last count an estimated 200,000 which is
approx 0.1% of the population.
Clearly the impact of abuse in Christian churches is phenomenal when
compared with other faiths where instances of abuse is a drop in the ocean. Whilst it would be remiss of IICSA
not to include observations and recommendations from all religions,
treating them all as part of the same problem is just nonsense and can
only be seen as a tacit cover-up of enormous proportions. Forcing
Buddhist temples to set up child safeguarding rules which are never used
will not stop abusive Priests or Clergymen from their consistent proven continuous abuse
of children in mainstream churches.
For instance, the Catholic Church alone was calculated to harbour over
40,000 child-abusing priests when the Ryan and Murphy reports concluded
their investigation in Ireland in May 2009 .
Yes dear reader, most other
Western countries have also undertaken similar long-term inquiries into
failures in their own child-protection systems and they did so much earlier than we
did in the UK.
The Irish public inquiry roundly berated the Catholic church not only
for ignoring the damage that their abusive priests had caused but for
hiding abusive priests in other jurisdictions to avoid their cases
getting out into the public domain.
Additionally the Ryan report
specifically condemned the Vatican for refusing to cooperate with it and provide information on cases only they held.
In the U.S. where thousands of cases occurred many diocese were
bankrupted by the compensation claims from an avalanche of historic
However, in Britain IICSA has been very limp-wristed in its dealings
the churches showing the usual deference which allows them to escape
accountability. The SAFF have logged literally THOUSANDS of
instances of abuse by Catholic Priests and Church of England vicars and
clergymen in
the UK. But when trying to obscure this undeniable
avalanche of abuse by clergymen IICSA resorts to paying, of all people,
the NSPCC to do
'research' into the use of religious texts and beliefs in minority
religions to see if they
had been mis-used in abuses to children.
Remember that the NSPCC
were the ones who REFUSED to address the problem of Priestly Abuse when
the SAFF first alerted them to it! All part of the heady
'incestuous' circle of the child-scare industry.
What did the NSPCC find?
C.4: The use of religious texts and beliefs
13. For many, religious beliefs are strongly held and deeply ingrained. Abusers have been
known to take advantage of a victim’s faith in order to facilitate their abuse, and to ensure
their silence.
14. The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) analysed serious
case reviews involving religious organisations and settings, and undertook work in 2017 in
relation to Hindu and Buddhist communities. It identified that the use of religious texts and
teaching affected attitudes and behaviours in safeguarding children.
In other words the NSPCC which
had told the world that they had found a new type of mass abuse by
Satanists which involved sexually and physically abusing small children
and babies which turned out to be completely untrue, is now
blaming Hindu and Buddhist communities for having holy books which are
open to manipulation by abusers!
Remember that the NSPCC have for years utterly ignored SAFF research into the dangers to children of
paedophile priests which had proved thousands of extant cases, yet is
now turning over stones to try to find examples of it in Hinduism and
Buddhism for IICSA. See how they fly?
By accreting the
handful of cases in which Hindu and Buddhist preachers had abused
children and positing abuse as being present in ALL religions, IICSA and
the NSPCC utterly corrupt and contort the real truth which is that
THOUSANDS of children have been abused by Catholic Priests and Anglican
clergymen over the past 30 years. They know it but they simply
won't admit it. They want to reassure the public that there is no
difference between renegade Priests of any religion but this hides the fact
that a predominance of abuse has gone on and continues to go on inside
Christian churches which is out of proportion to any threat of any kind
posed by minority religions like Buddhism and Hinduism, Judaism and
The SAFF maintain that there is an abuse peculiar
Catholicism and Anglicanism and it is not the same type of abuse which
occurs sporadically in minority cultures. We proved it here: and here: years before IICSA tried to minimise it.
For instance, IICSA appear to have taken absolutely no account of
the effects of Celibacy in the Catholic church. Something which is
alien to Hinduism, Buddhism etc. Celibacy is notable by its complete
absence in this latest IICSA report.
The IICSA report on 'Child Protection in Religious organisations and
Settings' is a partial, overly-mild and ineffective form of condemnation of orthodox churches which
under-estimates the real damage and suffering that Priestly Abuse causes to victims.
Palming it off as 'typical' of all religions is disgusting and thoroughly misleads the
public and other professionals into the standard
pitch that there's nothing to see here , when in fact an estimated 4% of all Priests are evil
perverts who abuse kids and escape
because their church covers up their crimes. Remember, these
are the people wanting to harangue teachers, sports trainers,
scout-masters and the like with Mandatory
In a 6 year long investigation into UK child abuse there is no mention
whatsoever of Satanic Ritual Abuse in this IICSA report!
But the real bombshell from IICSA's report is that this comprehensive
overview of Abuse in Religious Organisations which evolved directly from
the NSPCC's 1990 claims of Satanic Ritual Abuse , does not include one comment on SATANISM!
As SAFF have shown above, the various child-abuse hysterias which have
occurred since 1988 have all followed and been predicated upon the 1990
Satanic Panic. Allegations of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse began the
mass hysteria over child-abuse and have resurfaced in ALL of the strands IICSA have
undertaken yet their Child Protection in Religious organisations and
Settings report does not report on or mention Satan or Satanists once. Not once. It is as if it doesn't exist.
That's because it DOESN'T exist!
IICSA's Final Report on Abuse in Religious Settings does not mention Satanism once. That's because it DOESN'T exist.
There is however ONE mention in the report of abuse through a belief in
WITCHCRAFT. When one looks carefully at this we find
it is simply a replay of the fictitious link with Witchcraft which has
historically been used by the child-abuse industry to avoid having to
address the fact that abuse occurred because Christian
evangelists had accused children of being witches and beaten them, in
some instances, to death to drive the devil out of them.
This is therefore not abuse in Witchcraft but another example of physical abuse by CHRISTIAN
CHURCHES, usually evangelical and fundamentalist ones, It is another form of child-abuse by Christians and has nothing whatsoever to do with witchcraft.
For goodness sake people! If IICSA cannot see the reality of this
and has rushed to condemn a belief in Witchcraft as a form of abuse
how on earth is this inquiry supposed to fix the problem that
really exists by letting Evangelical Christians off the hook and blaming
it on witchcraft?
on earth is this IICSA inquiry supposed to fix the problem of abuse of
children in churches by letting Evangelical Christians off the hook and
blaming it on Witchcraft when it has nothing to do with Witchcraft?
we mentioned above, the SAFF identified the utter falsity of
'witch-children' back in 2006 when ANOTHER government inquiry into
child-abuse, the Stobart report, was set up to chart the rise of incidences of abuse of children in church exorcism ceremonies ( see and and ).
Because the name 'witch-children' caught-on in the Media, leading to
exaggerated headlines, it was useful for the child-abuse industry to
maximise the hysteria and like the Satanic Abuse allegations which had
served their purpose a decade before, it falsely reinforced in the minds
of the populace that somehow Witchcraft and the people who believed in
Witchcraft (i.e. Pagans) were at it again!
It mattered little to the press, to the TV; and to IICSA it
would seem, that Pagans were diametrically opposed to Satanists in
their liturgy and philosophy and had never abused any children.
What mattered to everyone, it seemed, was blaming the 'untermensch'
again for child-abuse when it was actually happening right under their
noses in Christian Churches!
Of everything IICSA has dealt with in its inquiries the 'witch-children' hysteria of 2006 is
proof positive of the fact that the entire child-abuse system was
refusing to look at the TRUTH of a situation because the bald truth was
unpalatable to those involved in assessing it who were, because the UK is a
majority Christian country, mostly Christians who would not condemn the
crimes against children occurring in a religion they had chosen. The
additional fact of it being specific to BLACK Christian churches, i.e. racially specific, made
them recoil from the truth even further. How much easier for them to just
blame the Witches eh?
The Witch-Child hysteria showed the vicious feedback cycle of abuse in
some Christian Churches. Whilst blaming Satanists for
abusing children in the most horrendous ways the very Churches themselves had
worked-up a belief in the reality of the Devil in their congregation to
hysterical proportions. This caused superstitious evangelical
Christians to see the devil in their wayward children and blame them for
everything negative in their lives.
These churchmen accused small
children in front of the entire church of being possessed with devils
and they tortured and beat the poor kids to drive the Devil out. Some of
them died. Many ended up needing medical help. How clear can
it be? The very churches who invented the Satanic Panic and
promoted it also condemned small children to suffering and in some
instances, like that of poor Victoria Climbie, death. And in both
instances blamed Satanists for doing it whilst the stupid British Media
took the lie and ran with it. But this was not clear to
the great and the good who populate IICSA I'm afraid. Here's what
their misguided report said:
20. There is a governmental national action plan, on which the Department for Education
is taking the lead, to tackle child abuse linked to faith and belief, which provides information
about child abuse linked to belief in spirit possession, demons or the devil, the ‘evil eye’,
djinns (in the Islamic faith context), dakinis (in the Hindu context), and rituals related to magic
Child protection in religious organisations and settings: Investigation Report
and witchcraft. Such beliefs are not confined to one faith, nationality or ethnic community.
There are examples recorded in Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Pagan faiths, among others.
While only a small minority of those who hold such beliefs go on to abuse children, such
abuse is seen as being under-reported. There is relatively little known about the nature,
scale and frequency of this type of abuse.
is relatively little known about it? EVERYTHING is known
about it!
The SAFF and Stepping Stones Charity ( now known
as 'Safe Child' (
) have known about 'Witch-Children' for nearly 20 years! How in
good conscience can Alexis Jay's inquiry act as though little is known
about witch-children whilst refusing input from SAFF and Stepping Stones?
We know that the exorcism of children is a form of child abuse which can lead to torture and death.
We know that it is predominantly practised in Black African evangelistic churches.
We know that despite a handful of cases occurring in Islam, Hinduism and
other minority beliefs the over-arching cause is a belief in spirit
possession engendered by the Christian Church.
Indeed the SAFF exposed the dangers of Christian Exorcisms of all kinds
way back in 2002 and we actually publicly blamed and condemned the BBC Religious Affairs department and
churches of promoting harmful exorcism. We warned them what harm it would cause to adults and children.
(see : )
Yet the BBC and MSM's promotion of Exorcism as a valid form of therapy
lead to the Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, actually calling in the House of Lords for the government to provide Exorcism therapy on the NHS! (see rightmost image)
Yes, you heard that right. In 2011 four years after the
Witch-Children hysteria had manifested, one of the pillars of the Church
of England demanded that adults and children be exorcised as a form of
therapy and exampled the fact that he had himself conducted an exorcism
on 'a young girl'. Are you getting this Alexis
Jay? Who have you got working for you there at the
IICSA, a bunch of amateurs or what? Here at the SAFF we are
all volunteers but we are top notch at what we do. If we can
research and log all these cases why can't IICSA find them? Why did IICSA conclude
falsely that 'There is relatively little known about the nature, scale and frequency of this type of abuse'. Wasn't £100 million pounds enough to enable you to do it?
Yeah, we know the answer IICSA - it's a whitewash as usual.
is very difficult for people who believe in the goodness of
Christianity to even consider how Christ's teaching can be misconstrued
and used to abuse children so the SAFF uploaded a rare film of mass
exorcisms in a Black London church in the mid 1990s ( See:
). Some of the children you see in this clip from the
BBC are likely to have been physically abused and tortured in exactly
the same way that Victoria Climbie was in 2000, and may have, like her,
died from it. IICSA would have done well to watch this
clip and learn but they obviously didn't did they!
That's why,
like the three Brass Monkeys, they can make the blatant lie that :
There is relatively little known about the nature, scale and frequency of this type of abuse.'
They would sooner close their eyes and ears to Christian Exorcism abuse
and talk about non existent 'WITCHES' instead. Watch the
clip and weep.
And of course they tried to blame Paganism again didn't they?
that context IICSA astoundingly tries to shift some of the blame
onto Paganism and Witchcraft. For instance, IICSA append a
very long and
detailed glossary in their report to define all the beliefs which are
covered by their report. The Pagan Federation, long since
seen as an
amateur association of gullible pagans, were naive enough to take part
in the report and in so doing inadvertently rubber-stamped the un-fact that some abuse
occurs in Witchcraft and Pagan ceremonies. To be fair the PF
attempted to make the distinction the SAFF have above but in rather meek
form, requesting that IICSA make it clear that Stobart's report on
'Witch-Children' had nothing to do with Witchcraft and Paganism.
They were digging their own grave of course because IICSA said exactly the reverse.
25. There were other organisations that made informal spiritual or pastoral support
available, but this support is often not systematic or well publicised. For example, Mr Michael
Stygal, President of the Pagan Federation, said that it:
“has not been directly involved in the provision of pastoral support to victims
of child sexual abuse, partly because of the lack of recent allegations, and also
because we do not have a pool of volunteers trained to provide such support.”
IICSA have misused the honesty of the Pagan Federation, a voluntary
group set up by like-minds to look after the interests of Paganism
in the UK. In admitting that they do not have any rules for
dealing with child abusers in their midst because there haven't been any,
their words are twisted it to imply that there is abuse in Paganism but
the PF has not the resources to cope with it!
This has historically been what happens when naive pagans attempt to
deal on a trusting basis with the child-abuse industry. Of
course IICSA did not come to the SAFF for its extensive knowledge on
Paganism and the Pagan community. They certainly didn't go to PAN (
The Pagan Anti-defamation Network ) which has spent the last 30 years
decrying false and fraudulent allegations of child-abuse against
Paganism and which has consistently berated the Pagan Federation for its
lackadaisical response to sectarian lies of this kind. PAN's website is here: )
all the world it seems that IICSA wanted a patsy so it could confuse
the issue with the public; and the Pagan Federation fell for it.
Pagan is as Pagan does
Nowhere is IICSA's ignorance of their subject more glaring than in the report's throw-away definition of Paganism in IICSA's glossary. Here it is:
Paganism: A polytheistic or pantheistic nature-worshipping religion.
Of course this completely misses the point, for it does not
differentiate between traditional ancient Paganism and today's Neo-Paganism.
Although the Pagan Federation continually bills itself as representing
'Paganism' it in fact can only represent Neo-Paganism. The original
Paganism was the animistic belief of prehistoric times which came to the
fore in the stone age when religious icons like Stonehenge and many
other prehistoric sites dotted our land. All
countries the world over have their unique Pagan religious roots, thus Paganism is
the original religion of mankind. Why was this not stated?
The prehistoric religion of mankind. The first religious
philosophy known in history involving pantheism and the worship of
truth was not stated because it would upset the orthodox churches and
we couldn't countenance doing that could we?
I mean there's only
40,000 abusive priests in the orthodox religions, we don't want to
insult the poor things do we?
If we can't bring ourselves to admit that they've
abused thousands of kids we certainly can't admit that Paganism was the
world's first religion because the church tells us they are the source
of all evil don't they?
Apologies for the sarcasm, having to
repeat these facts every other week for three decades becomes somewhat
A proper definition of Paganism is crucial because being the original
religion of mankind Paganism came into conflict with Christian missionaries
when that religion imposed its absolutist theocracy upon the
world and
outlawed Paganism when they took control of the Holy Roman Empire after
the death of Constantine in
337CE. It is the historic enmity created by
Christianity towards Paganism which perpetuates the false idea that
Witches abuse kill and eat babies to this very day - the very motifs
which started the 1990 Satanic Panic which is at the root of the
child-abuse mania.
Kindly note that Paganism is based on a reverence for Nature and flourished in all
countries with different pantheons. It was only when the Christian
church developed its brand of radical monotheism that conflict
occurred. Once in power the early Christians said: There is
only one god, and our's is it. Your pagan gods are counterfeit and
you must convert to Christianity or be extirpated. And this they did through destroying all Pagan temples and via hundreds
of years of genocide and the burning innocent old women at the stake as witches and the creation of the Satan Myth.
Today's Neo-Paganism
Neo-Paganism is the style of Paganism which was reconstituted following
the change in the law in 1951 which repealed the age-old Witchcraft
Act which had for centuries driven it underground. Strains
of Paganism, Pagan folklore, natural healing wisdom and other liberating
perspectives which had been held secretly in
families and stored away in little known documents and manuscripts were
then unearthed by Neo-Pagans and
reprinted to capture the enthusiasm of a new generation of young people
who found Neo-Paganism a fine philosophy which respected the planet and
all creatures on it. They reconstituted the Old Ways and in the
process repudiated the old sectarian lies from Christianity about the
supposed dangers of Witchcraft and Paganism. This age-old
conflict is at the base of all of today's claims of sexual abuse of
children in Paganism, Witchcraft and Satanism so you think IICSA would
have made efforts to get it right.
true history is instead apparently ignored by IICSA. Their sanitised
throw-away one-liner definition is so unfocused it would apply not only to Neo-Pagans but also to Hindusim,
which of course is one of the few religions going back to prehistoric
times and therefore more Pagan than modern Neo-Paganism itself.
There are many other sects which have animistic propensities, including
the oldest religion in the world - Zoroastrianism. And these beliefs don't
abuse kids either!
IICSA's perfunctory definition is NOT
therefore a proper definition of Paganism, it demeans Paganism - but
what would they care - they're only producing a historic national
inquiry into harm caused in religious groups in today's Britain.
Had IICSA asked SAFF we would have referred them to the Pagan Credo,
a statement of the philosophy of Neo-Paganism first published in 1990
by the SAFF in conjunction with the Pagan Federation, and several
leading lights in the Neo-Pagan movement at the time. You can read it here:
and we've also reproduced it in the leftmost column of this web-page.
The Pagan Credo was distributed in response to the massive
misrepresentation of the tenets of Paganism being made in the media
during the Satanic Panic. How telling that we are having to re-use it again 30 years later. Do you think IICSA was
interested in all this? Why would they be, they've just tacitly repeated those
age-old sectarian lies!
Again this is another good example of the way that IICSA's world-view
has been distorted and manipulated to present its own perspective on the
problems of child-abuse within religious
organisations. If their intention was to do a thoroughly
accurate and insightful overview of religious harm they would have
included all this instead of tacitly accusing Pagans of being
child-abusers 'like some Priests are'.
Having tracked the SRA myth since 1988
the SAFF is best placed to comment and our research and analysis shows
that there has not been a single case of child sexual abuse within
Neo-Pagan covens in the last three decades. There have been a
handful of instances of perverts using the trappings of the occult to
manipulate children into abuse but they were not genuine Pagans and their abuse had nothing to do with the rites and ceremonies of Neo-Paganism.
It is impossible to control or even detect pretenders of this type who
may disguise themselves as representatives of any religion so IICSA's
new rules for safeguarding would
therefore miss their mark. This is a completely different thing to
the abuse problem in the Christian Churches because those abusing
clergymen are members of the Church - they are not pretending to
be. This is what the Pagan Federation should have told IICSA and
this is
what should have been noted by Alexis Jay in her report.
It's all down to a sense of proportion which is sadly lacking in IICSA's report.
If the Tory government thought that this mother-of-all-inquiries was going to get at the truth it was sadly mistaken.
If they thought it would silence the Satan-hunters, it was a forlorn hope.
If they expected it to actually protect children they were deluding themselves.
As far as we can see from this strand of their inquiry IICSA have
radically missed the boat and offered up the usual platitudes, placing
the blame on dead people and demanding the usual rigmarole; 'More Money, More Training.'
We've heard it SO many times before.
We heard it after Cleveland, after Rochdale, after Orkney, after
Ayrshire, after Conifer, after Midland and all the rest, the thread-bare
cry goes up. 'Yes, we made mistakes, now give us a few more
million so we can increase training and qualifications'.
What they never say is that the
child-scare industry is a self-serving
behemoth which rarely saves children from any harm when it really
Charities like the NSPCC, the NCH and others which offer a
lot and deliver little, should be looked at by the Charity
Commission and millions of pounds of taxpayer's money distributed to
them via government and local authorities should be checked to see where
it is going and whether it is giving good value or simply powering a
massive PR machine to benefit the charity itself.
and dangerous therapies such as DID and MPD should be banned for
perpetuating the patient's sickness and trapping them in a Bizzaro world
for life. If they are allowed to prosper then government
funding should be withdrawn from them immediately.
if IICSA wants to recommend a new law then it should forget Mandatory
Reporting and instead recommend a law for the removal of the indemnity
which local authorities, the NHS and professional bodies extend to their
employees and members. At the moment any doctor, policeman,
social-worker or therapist can do his or her worst and get off
scot-free, damages claims are aimed at the organisation or local
authority, not the person who caused them. This just encourages
bad practice. That protection indemnity should be removed so
that, at last, patients whose lives have been destroyed by
pseudo-psychiatry and tragedies caused by obsessive religious beliefs of
social workers, can gain redress through the courts by suing the
person who persecuted them. This would be an easy move and
in an instant change the landscape of child-protection for the better
whilst saving taxpayers millions of pounds a year.
At the moment allowing the child-scare industry to police itself gives as good a
result as allowing the churches to police themselves over abusive
priests did. It resulted in decades of a self-serving cover-up and more abused kids into the bargain.
That is the real lesson from IICSA's wasted millions.
John Freedom
Paula Young
Tony Rhodes

Above: March 1990 'NSPCC say five year olds are being forced into
Satanic Rituals involving sexual abuse animal sacrifices and drinking
blood. One year later: March 1992.
Rochdale Case, which the NSPCC was involved in, crashes. There was no
Satanic Abuse and the NSPCC recant 'We are sorry for our wild
Are they? During 1990 the SAFF wrote to the director of the
NSPCC multiple times offering our expertise, insight and research on SRA
showing that it did not exist. They gave us the run-around. We
offered to come down and give their staff a presentation on the subject.
They messed us about. Clearly delaying and refusing our input. We
threatened to go public. The NSPCC then paid for their blue-chip
barristers Mischon de Reya to threaten to sue us for libel if we
We replied that you can't be done for libel if you are telling the truth.
The NSPCC ACTIVELY manipulated the situation to avoid any diminution of
their chosen false message that SRA existed and was a threat to
children. So you can see how the child-scare industry lie and
cheat we have appended a diary of correspondence with the NSPCC in the
leftmost column. Note that this is only a partial list of
information we sent, it is not exhaustive.
