Sensational Satanic 
Headlines preceding the Glasgow 2023 SRA trial

..................................Headlines Were False Yet Again : No Forensic Evidence Found of Any Form of Satanic Ritual Abuse : Prosecution Withdraws ALL Witchcraft Related Allegations : Satan Hunters in Scotland FAIL to Hoist Another SRA Hysteria......................................... .........EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT SATANIC ABUSE BUT WERE TOO AFRAID TO ASK!
View of Glasgow High Court

Witch Hunt Mania Recommences in Scotland Despite NEW SATANIC ABUSE TRIAL FAILURE

The sensational headlines on the banner above look like they came from the 1990 Satanic Panic, but despite 35 years of failed court cases and not a single conviction for Satanic Ritual Abuse in all that time, despite knowing the dangers to innocents who have been falsely accused, the British Media still cannot show restraint and rush to sensationalise thread-bare claims as though fact. Satanic Abuse refuses to die because the Media love the click-bait sensationalism and the sectarian lynch-mob expects it.

Selection of Tweets about Glasgow 
Within hours of the announcement of this new Satanic Abuse trial on 3 August 2022, the internet was rife with rumour and speculation. The 'trigger-words' used in the press headlines set in motion an instantaneous wave of hatred from all those believers in SRA who were certain that the Glasgow trial would, at long last, prove the existence of Satanic Ritual Abuse ; A typical selection of the thousands of irate tweets is alongside. [Double click on any image on this web page for a larger version to read more easily.]

The trial was slated to begin in September 2023 but at a pre-trial hearing in January of that year the defense lawyers complained to the judge about a TikTokvideo recorded by SRA conspiracyloons on location outside Glasgow High Court which also featured photographs of the accused and revealed other information which breached sub-judicae laws.

The defence asked the judge to order the police to remove it and any other infringements. It was the very same jump-to-condemn which hallmarks all previous Satanic Panics. The SRA lynch-mob was on the bandwagon again.

As soon as the trial indictments 'confirmed' the links to Satanism and Witchcraft, the Satan Hunter lobby in Scotland had swung into action with a mob gathering around the homes of two of the accused who were taken away by the police 'for their own safety'. The court, the Crown Procurator Fiscal's Office and the police MUST have realised the panic and hysteria that would have been caused by the use of the terms Witchcraft and Satanism in this trial yet they brazenly publicised those allegations all the same.

Safety Fears. Lynch mob surrounds homes of the accused Similar videos on the case are still up on Tik-Tok today. For example, the group #exposescotland , a set of SRA vigilantes, is just one of the many SRA-hunter outfits which jumped on the Glasgow trial to spread the false notion that here at last was vindication that the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children did exist. In the video a self-appointed Scottish Satan-hunter with a Glaswegian accent tells her followers it's a done deal: [ Source] No need for a Trial, or a Jury. Let's Just hang the Witch!

The Scottish Legal Establishment and Press breached the religious rights of Pagans without a thought.

The condemnation of today's Pagans was so great that the Times actually reported hate crimes against Scottish Witches;
'Scotland's Pagans are facing threats and discrimination after their religion was linked with a court case alleging that a Satanic child sex ring was operating in Glasgow, the Scottish Pagan Federation said today. Source: Times 5 November 2022 ]

Scottish pagans threatened

The Trial Begins:

Amidst this roiling hatred reminiscent of fifteenth century Scottish Witch-trials, the prosecution of the 11 accused began on 6 September 2023 with warnings from the judge that it could take six to eight weeks to complete. The Media and the Satan Hunters readied themselves for a Satan-Fest of enormous proportions... but then on the 13th of October the Witchcraft and Satanic Components of the trial began to collapse:
* All eight charges relating to witchcraft and Satanism were thrown out of court.

* The indictment claimed adults made the children participate in Witchcraft classes and seances but it was UNTRUE!

* The Crown lawyers said the defendants were Witches and used Ouija Boards and Wands - Untrue! The people accused were not Witches or Satanists.

View of Glasgow High Court

...The Prosecution Has Withdrawn ALL Witchcraft Related Charges - There was NO Satanic Abuse In This Case .......

The Satan-hunter rabble-rousers who had, once again, pinned their hopes on getting 'proof' of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse, were stunned. For the umpteenth time a case sensationalised by the Media had been pounced upon by the lynch-mob and this one had seemed so cut-and-dried, so incontrovertible. It had so many expected motifs. The indictments appeared SO believable;  but they were false, as in every other case in the past.

The SRA lynch-mob had made up their minds long before they knew the facts. Yet as the SAFF has been telling folk for the past three decades tales of SRA are a MYTH, a witch-hunt, and those who jump to condemn will look as foolish as those people do now on Twitter and TikTok and other social media platforms who got sucked-in by the seemingly 'obviously true' shock headlines.

There was no real forensic evidence
of any form of Satanic Ritual Abuse

As the trial progressed it became clear that the very slight injuries shown to the court in photographs of the childrens' bodies, were typical of those in accidents and non-abusive incidents. They could not in any way be said to have been evidence of 'Ritual Abuse' and they did not constitute any sort of evidence of a link with Witchcraft or Satanism.

The Prosecution's case relating to the Witchcraft and Satanic claims was tissue-thin and unprovable, as we shall show below. After the Defence objected, the judge halted the trial and conferred with the Prosecution which agreed to withdraw ALL eight of the charges related to Witchcraft and Satanism. This was NOT a case of SRA. There was NO Satanism or Witchcraft involved in any of it.

The Media and the on-line pundits were WRONG.  This was not a real case of SRA after all - there was no Satanism or Witchcraft involved in any of it.

The case continued as a 'conventional' trial of 'regular' child sex abuse but SAFF believe that the inclusion of false claims of ritual abuse has damaged the prosecution's case to a point at which the veracity of the children's testimony on 'regular' abuse is now also in question, making an appeal against the convictions a racing certainty.

Yet even as the jury delivered their verdict of guilty on 8 of the accused the witless British Press could not resist re-inserting made-up claims of Witchcraft and Satanism into their reports regardless of the fact that the Judge and the Prosecution itself had said they were untrue -  Just like they did in the 1990 Satanic Panic. Almost every news report contained the phrase
An allegation that the accused used a Ouija board to “call on spirits and demons” causing the child victims to “believe that they could see, hear and communicate with spirits and demons” and making them take part in “witchcraft”, was dropped by prosecutors during the trial.

If the court had found this untrue, which it had, then why include it?

If the court had dropped claims of using a Ouija Board, which it had, then why mention it?

If the court had rejected claims that the paedophiles had 'called on spirits and demons' in 'witchcraft' ceremonies, which it had, then why recall it?
It is like some mediaeval compulsion the British Press cannot resist - to restate untruths in order to abominate people who have committed crimes beyond the pale. Saying these people are evil isn't enough. Relating their terrible crimes is insufficient - we must say they are DEMONS too and rile the baying mob to a crescendo.

Daily Mail runs with the 
Ironically the worst offender in the Tabloid excesses was the Daily Mail.   Back in the 1990s The Daily Mail & Sunday Mail were proper newspapers which had lead the press to challenge the claims of Satanic Abuse in the Rochdale and Orkney cases and helped this country to break free from the grip of a mediaeval hysteria. They spent tens of thousands on legal actions taking Rochdale and Orkney councils to the high court to force them to reveal case documents which showed just how badly and on what flimsy pretexts the Scottish Social Services had kidnapped kids from their innocent parents and how the social workers had tried to cover-up their mania about Satanic Abuse.

This long tradition of all that is best in British Journalism has now apparently sunk to an all time low as a new generation of hacks who are completely ignorant of the good work their newspaper did before, quickly jumped on the SRA bandwagon in 2023. The completely inaccurate headline alongside says it all. The defendants did not 'pose as witches and wizards' All references to witches and wizards were false and removed from the court on the 13th October.

Even worse, having attempted to make this a case of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse when it was no such thing, Natasha Anderson and Eirian Jane Prosser then go on to use these choice untruths:
Throughout the trial the group was described as a satanic coven - a mixture of 'Witches and Wizards' They were accused of getting the children involved in ' practices' casting 'spells' and turning them into animals.

This is utterly untrue. These terms were used in the original court indictments and were dropped by the Prosecution a week into the trial on the 13th October. Clearly these two hacks were transfixed by the same early shock-horror headlines that marked the start of this trial and just ASSUMED that the 'Devil Worship' was real.

Not only is that statement untrue but it is also moronic. Let's educate Anderson and Prosser shall we? Witches and Satanists do not mix - they are completely different beliefs as we outline in detail below.
1. There were no spells.
2. These despicable people were not charged with being Witches or Satanists.
3. They were not members of any occult group or society.
4. They did not use any known form of Witchcraft or Satanic rituals.
5. They did not own any ceremonial paraphernalia from either the Witchcraft / Pagan or the Satanic traditions.
6. They did not even claim to be Witches or Satanists.

The evil abusers are dross who would never be accepted into a genuine Coven, whether it was Witchcraft or Satanic. Yet Anderson and Prosser just throw the lie in to the mix to enrage the baying mob anyway.

As if the actual facts of the abuse that these depraved individuals had meted out to these poor children wasn't bad enough to report, the Mail had to excoriate into the stratosphere with:

The horrendous ordeals only emerged after the brave victims revealed what they had suffered to a couple they got to know, documenting accounts of depraved abuse, witchcraft and slaughtering of dogs in the dirty city hovel.

Witches do not abuse anyone, adults or children. Neither do they kill or harm animals. All witchcraft claims were dropped early in this trial when the defence first challenged them.

Anderson and Prosser may not know it but Witchcraft is a bona-fide religion across the world. Witches are not 'dirty' and they do not live in 'hovels'. These descriptors are the same kind of untruths which caused the death of six  million Jews in Nazi Germany and here Prosser and Anderson glibly trot them out to demonise another section of the community even though Pagans and Witches have religious rights which make those statements a hate crime.

The stupendously ignorant inclusion of Witchcraft in that statement in a society which is now paranoid about diversity can be more readily seen if the word Witches were changed to Jews. Would Anderson and Prosser DARE say that Jews killed dogs and abused children? Because amongst many blood libels, that's what they've been accused of by Jew haters since the 12th century! Where do these hacks get off changing the truth and haphazardly incorporating casual hatred into their journalism, just because they think they can get away with it?

And then, right at the bottom of their article, as a kind of legal absolution, Anderson and Prosser add:

Prosecutors had withdrawn witchcraft allegations during the trial.

In other words, pandering to the conspiracyloons as though inferring that the Satanic content was somehow censored or banned when in fact, nothing they had written in relation to defamatory attacks on Witches and Satanists has been true and if anyone complains about their religious rights to the IPCC, the Mail's legal eagles will point to this disclaimer. Nice. 

Orkney Island Families up in arms.The entire history of the Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth, its horrendous cost to society, the tens of thousands of innocent people who have had their lives destroyed, and the thousands of little children who have suffered being split from their families for years, sometimes forever, for no good reason, occurred PRECISELY because of sloppy self-serving journalism such as that written by these two hacks from the Mail.  

Back in 1991 the SAFF worked intensely with the Mail on Sunday team and the Daily Mail over many months providing contacts, unique documents, insight and rare evidence to show that the Rochdale and Orkney  claimed Satanic Abuse cases  were not just tragic mistakes but an organised campaign by Marxist politicians and fundamentalist troublemakers to foist the Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth onto Britain. 

Our founder undertook many extensive conversations with the late MoS editor, Iain Walker, about false accusations of SRA . SAFF  evidence was crucial in the newspaper's award-winning campaign to clear the Rochdale families .  Poor Iain  will be turning in his grave at the drivel Prosser and Anderson have produced today,  for there is a far bigger, more extensive and more shocking story in the Glasgow SRA case which these dolts have utterly missed!  A story which might have enshrined their careers but instead they run with this gibberish.    

The First UK case of claimed SRA Broxtowe Now do not get us wrong here, our criticism of the Glasgow SRA trial is not an attempt to minimise the  suffering of the poor children involved, nor are we denying the evil machinations of this group of perverts who abused them. We are concerned only with the false attribution of this case as one of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse when it was nothing of the kind.

The SAFF was the FIRST organisation to identify SRA claims as a myth and we are the only group to have  tracked this dangerous myth of SRA continuously for over three decades.  Despite the many thousands of historians, sociologists, criminologists, anomolists and other specialists whose opinions on the Satanic Panic now litter the internet regurgitating the 'received opinion' only the SAFF has the on-the-ground, true inside track, which can make sense of it all. 

How It All Began

The very first claimed case of SRA was in Broxtowe, Nottingham in 1988. That involved multiple perpetrators in an extended family, just like the Glasgow Case. The Broxtowe case also involved almost identical claims from young children about animal and baby sacrifice which were worked-up by Satan Hunters in Nottinghamshire Social Services.

But, as in the Glasgow case, the police investigating Broxtowe could find not a single forensic fact to support the claims of SRA and concluded there was no Satanic Ritual Abuse in the case. [see full story in the newspaper cutting above Satanic Inquisitors From The Town Hall - double click to get a larger version to read] 

The perpetrators, (for just as in the Glasgow case, the children were abused terribly),  were successfully prosecuted through the courts and given large sentences for their heinous abuse of children. The Nottinghamshire police not only publicly said that there wasn't a shred of evidence of Satanic Abuse in the case, but to quell the hysteria the chief constable actually published a report ramming home that fact, which was sent to the Home Office.  Even so, hacks in  the media ran with the SRA memes from the Satan Hunters just as they did today and it caused a mania over Satanic Abuse which has lasted 35 years. Obviously the hacks Anderson and Prosser know nothing of this or they would perhaps have chosen their words more carefully.

The SAFF predict that the Glasgow case is the start of a new bout of SRA hysteria in Scotland. You will watch it happen over the next few months. Many of the SRA hunters in social work whose belief in SRA was eventually discredited in England moved to Scotland and have been sensitising police and the social services there to ridiculous claims of SRA ever since.

Why did the Crown Procurator Fiscal's Office chance it?

One has to ask WHY the Crown persisted with tagging flimsy claims of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse onto this case after three decades of getting it wrong so many times on SRA before? An inquiry must now be held about how and why the Procurator Fiscal's  office decided to list archaic charges of Witchcraft against the accused was allowed to do so.

  • There was no forensic evidence of Witchcraft or Satanism.
  • There were no black-books or manuals found,
  • No robes or other paraphernalia were ever discovered.
  • No photos
  • No videos
  • No incense
  • No ritual tools.
  • No Pagan or Satanic network unearthed.
  • No bodies of sacrificed animals.
  • No baths of blood.

  • And there was absolutely no evidence that those accused had anything at all to do with any Witchcraft sect or coven. The only thing the Prosecution had was the tales told to them by the children, which, just as in every case in the past , were fantasies as the dropping of the indictments shows.

    False tales of horrific occult ritual abuse, worked up by consistent questioning of children were at the root of every single false case of Satanic Abuse in the 1990 panic.   The children are not 'lying' they are simply being lead to fabricate memories, or exaggerate memories by crusading social workers and pseudo-therapists on the make who continue to pester them with questions until they make something up.  There is absolutely undeniable evidence of this happening in all the court records and tape recordings of the 'disclosure' questioning of children by social workers at the time.

    Children questioned 40 times

    Could it be that, in the Glasgow case evidence was so thin that the The Crown believed that tagging on claims of Witches and Satanists would sway the jury?  Maybe; SAFF has research which shows how the occult and devil-worship is sometimes dragged into weak trials to abominate the accused in the eyes of juries. Tragically it is a legal strategy that sometimes works. But not in this case for here actual Witch Crimes were claimed - even though they did not exist and the court threw them out.

    So, once again, allegations of Satanic Ritual Abuse have been  proven untrue in a British court. Yet again, after dozens of failed past instances. The myth of Satanic Ritual Abuse has been dashed a thousand times and proved to be sheer nonsense a thousand times - but still it will not die.

    Satanic Abuse Will not Die

    Why is this so? Why do millions of evangelical Christians become obsessed with it and end up looking like fools? Why do Social Work Departments country-wide still make idiots of themselves with claimed cases of SRA which collapse? Simple. They want it to be true. It is a confirmation of their own belief in God. We shall explain it all in detail below.   Some readers may have difficulty in believing the factual information we present about how this state of affairs has come to pass and how Courts, Police and the Scottish Legal System, have been made to look foolish over considering the myth of Satanic Ritual Abuse to be real.

    The SAFF has documented evidence of this manic belief in a phantom which has caused failure after failure happening consistently over the last 35 years in UK courts, particularly in Scotland. It brings the whole of our Justice System into disrepute and the Law Lords should ensure it never allows British Justice to be opened to ridicule in this way ever again. 

    We have published reproductions of documents as proof, on this web-page below.

    It Was Only A Matter Of Time

    It was therefore only a matter of time before the clique of satan hunters who started the 1990 Satanic Panic interfered with and corrupted yet another case with false tales. With the latest SRA trial of eleven people which opened on 5 September 2023 at the High Court in Glasgow, the foolishness of the high and mighty who run Scotland returned to persecute more people for supernatural crimes which never existed.

    It's like being transported back to the Satanic Panic of the 1990s, or Salem in 1692.  The very same mistakes, false claims, exaggerations and incorrect suppositions are being repeated by a new generation of half-wits in the police, judiciary, social services and Media. The charge-sheet of the 2023 Glasgow trial reads like a re-run of all the other failed Scottish SRA cases.

    Orkney Residents in FearAyr, Orkney, Isle of Lewis,
    Remember them?

    Did you know most of the extreme cases of SRA also occurred in Scotland?

    Did you know that the first public instance of the 1990 Satanic Panic began not in England, but in Dundee, in September 1988?

    A witty SAFF volunteer just said that instead of being nicknamed 'Beano Town', Dundee should be called Devil Town. Devil Town Dundee! It has a certain ring to it does it not, for Dundee University is still a centre of academic dissemination of mediaeval nonsense on Witches and Satanists.

    The demonology of Scottish Witchcraft appears to be deeply embedded in the fundamentalist psyche in Scotland. Irretrievably so it would seem. Look at these motifs which are, after decades of the Media promoting them, now seen as a component part of all Satanic Abuse allegations (even though no case has ever been prosecuted which has confirmed any of them):
    • Drinking Blood
    • People wearing 'Devil' Masks,
    • Robes,
    • Snakes
    • Spiders
    • Animal sacrifice,
    • Child Sacrifice,
    • Ouija Boards,
    • Child Porn,
    • Snuff Movies,
    • Torture,
    • Ritual dancing,
    • Trapping victims in small spaces, Cages, Caves
    • Crucifying or Hanging on hooks,
    • Cooking victims in microwave ovens,
    • Baths full of blood.
    It was all back on the agenda for this Glasgow case in 2023! And of course the media were salivating at the prospect of hysterical overload.

    The Satanic Footprint

    Note that all of these things in the above list are simply the inner fears and phobias of children and adults which rise up in their minds when they are asked to imagine horrific things to do with 'witches'.

    Witch Drawings forced on  children in the 
Broxtowe Case In 1991 the SAFF first published a monograph titled The Satanic Footprint which compared motifs and memes across dozens of claimed cases of SRA which had occurred during the early part of the 1990 panic. Our intention was to provide a method for social workers and police to profile 'Satanic' claims to see if there was any truth in them at the outset and avoid false cases.

    What our report showed was that because children and their interrogators are by and large ignorant of what Witches do, and consistently fed with improperganda about Witches in fairy stories, legends and in the Media, that the memes which predominated were a result of stereotypical phobias.

    For example drawings of Witches with Pointy Hats (see illustration to the right which comes from an actual case of claimed SRA) which is a media stereotype - Witches and Satanists do not wear pointy hats!   These claimed  motifs had no importance in the traditional worship and cosmology of Pagans/Witches - they are residual images from Fairy Stories told to children and pushed by the Media.

    In short what the Satan Hunters claim Satanists and Witches do has nothing to do with what Witches or Satanists actually do, but epitomises what they THINK witches do after watching TV cartoons, Movies and listening to Fairy Tales about 'wicked-witches'.

    The Evil of Microwave Ovens and the NSPCC

    Microwave ovens are an example of how apocryphal rumour is embellished and added to the demonisation of Witches and Satanists. Claims of children being killed in Microwave Ovens are a key feature in the 2023 Glasgow SRA case. The story of the incorporation of Microwave ovens into the SRA myth is therefore worthy of inspection
    Kids forced into satan orgies NSPCC says
    Microwave ovens featured as a (false) claim in the very FIRST Satan Seminar held in Devil Town Dundee in 1988. Watch the circular Scottish links folks! The assembled throng of several hundred delegates from social work departments, the police and childrens' charities, who attended that Satan Seminar in Dundee were told that Satanists put babies in microwave ovens to cook them alive and then eat their flesh as a modern form of sacrifice! In the current Glasgow case the claim was that they had put children in a microwave to kill them but the implication was clearly 'sacrifice'.

    The first public knowledge of the Microwave oven claim was in the despicable  NSPCC Press Release put out on the 17th July 1989 which largely started the Satanic Panic in the UK. The NSPCC called a press conference at their HQ to announce that they had 'discovered' that Satanists were horribly abusing and killing children in occult rites in the UK.  

    It was a SENSATIONAL statement which, at a stroke, backed up and confirmed the worst fears of social work agitators, cult hunters and fundamentalist provocateurs. It was also untrue, but the backing of the NSPCC for these ludicrous allegations was a key confirmation of what RAINS (Ritual Abuse Information Network Support, a coterie of leading-edge feminists in social work) had been claiming for months previously and therefore the NSPCC's backing authoritatively rubber-stamped a belief in the existence of SRA in the minds of the public.  Such an august and respected national treasure as the NSPCC would never lie about something like this would it?  Well yes actually it did, as we will show below.

    More than anything else it was when the NSPCC jumped on the SRA bandwagon that the 1990 Satanic Panic took off and the panic itself could be said to have begun on that day. Prior to July 1989 coverage of SRA had been over-the-top articles in the Tabloids which had printed false, but supposedly first-hand accounts of Satanic Abuse from deluded Christian fundamentalists. This was a relatively new psychological syndrome which occurred alongside similar claims of Alien Abduction ( see The Self Victimisation Syndrome (J Schnabel) 1993 )  in which psychiatrists and psychologists were reporting thousands of people stepping forward to claim that they had been abducted by aliens or Satanists and sexually abused, with stories which were completely untrue but held as a firm reality by the patients themselves). 

    When the NSPCC ('the Nation's Favourite Charity') stepped up to confirm their twisted opinion that an SRA threat existed, the Media went into overdrive.  The Microwave claim was subsequently cut out of the NSPCC press release at the last moment, but as Melanie Phillips of the Guardian said in her write up:

    'References in their briefing notes to a human sacrifice and a baby in a microwave were deleted from their remarks although the Daily Mirror got hold of them and duly plastered them across its front page. The charity's press manager said these claims were deleted because they were uncorroborated. But since all the other claims were similarly unsubstantiated, what's the difference? ( Guardian, 16 March 1990.)

    NSPCC backtracks on its claim that SRA exists The way in which the NSPCC mislead the British public over Satanic Ritual Abuse was wicked, it happened during a period when donations had fallen considerably and some journalists began to question motives.  By March 10th of the following year the NSPCC was back-tracking big-time and told the Daily Mail that they were 'sorry for their wild statements' (see image right double click for a large version to read)

    What the public did not know was that the SAFF had been in constant communication with the NSPCC over false  claims of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse as far back as April 1989 when we had conducted correspondence with Ian Gilmour the Director of the NSPCC to warn him of the dangers of them jumping on the SRA bandwagon! 

    We offered our expertise and training assistance to the society to avoid problems. He handed the correspondence over to Kevin Barrett, the NSPCCs Policy Information Officer who played catch-as-catch-can with our sincere attempts to educate and inform the society. After patiently trying for months to get the NSPCC to see sense and being given the run around we suspected that SRA was just too good a cause for the NSPCC to miss.    We said we would tell the public how the NSPCC had dodged the issue and devalued our evidence which showed that SRA was a Myth. The response of the NSPCC was shocking.  They ordered Mischon de Reya, their blue-chip lawyers, to write a letter to us threatening to take the SAFF to court if we did! In response we called the NSPCC's legal bluff and went ahead and published the correspondence (see rightmost column for full details).

    Later, when the NSPCC decided to jettison the idea of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse in March 1990 after their key actions in creating the scandalous Rochdale false SRA case, their weasel words were far less sensational than the false claims they had made in July 1989. 'Britain's Favourite Charity' then began to sit on the fence about SRA. This is what Kevin Barrett of the NSPCC ( the same one that had given the SAFF the run-around BEFORE Rochdale ) told the Guardian's Catherine Bennett:
    Not until allegations of organised satanic abuse in Rochdale and the Orkney cases had been investigated and dropped for lack of evidence did the flood of child cases begin to subside. The NSPCC which in 1990 indulged the media's appetite for satanic horrors, with stories of blood drinking and animal sacrifice, began a dignified retreat into agnosticism. "We're not saying it doesn't exist" is the latest position from the NSPCC's policy director Kevin Barratt. " We're saying we don't have evidence of it from our workers and the families we've worked with". [Guardian: Satanic Verses, 10 Sept 1994]

    So the NSPCC top-brass knew ( four months before they went public with claims of SRA ) that the allegations were suspect and the people they were liaising with (RAINS, Reachout et al who, we told them, were providing false information, even lies, yet they continued to jump on the SRA bandwagon and terminally disgrace their organisation anyway.

    How hard did the NSPCC try to avoid SAFF evidence that Satanic Ritual Child Abuse did not exist? Very Hard. In the rightmost column of this webpage you will see a diary of correspondence between the SAFF and the NSPCC right at the start of the Satanic Panic and the arrogance and dismissiveness of those who lead the NSPCC at that time is abundantly clear.  Obviously SRA was an advertising opportunity too good to miss.

    When you read their weasel words you have to ask yourself how many children the NSPCC really save from hurt every year to qualify for their £125 Million pound budget and six figure salaries. Almost every year they start some new initiative on child-protection to generate funds from the British Public but there is absolutely no scientific evidence to prove that more funds mean more children are saved by them. In the case of NSPCC's backing of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse and involvement in all the key cases which failed, 86 children in the UK had their young lives destroyed by supporters of this fanatical belief, not saved.

    The Genesis of Satanic Abuse

    Few people now remember that SRA allegations had been sporadically surfacing via Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens'  madcap campaign during 1988, but up to this point no sensible child-charity had jumped on the bandwagon. It was only when the NSPCC issued their July 17th 1989 press release 'rubber stamping' the existence of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse that the hysteria took off across the nation.  Yet what kind of in-depth research was it that made the NSPCC decide to go for the Satanic Child Abuse Myth?   Let us tell you; they sent out a questionaire  to their 66 branches around the UK.  Seven of these local branches said they were working with cases which could involve claims of Satanic Abuse and another 7 branches said they were aware of the 'threat' of SRA (whatever that meant considering no cases had so far been found to prove the fanciful allegations). 

    Of course as there had been literally thousands of column inches in the tabloid press BASPCAN's 2015 Edinburgh university conferencewith uncorroborated false claims of SRA during the previous year the seven branches who reported knowing about the 'threat' could be ignored, almost everyone had heard about it.  The seven branches which reported actual cases were working on the first celebrated cases claimed to have been SRA in the UK.  Broxtowe, Rochdale, Epping, Ayrshire etc.,  which the NSPCC had a hand in influencing.

    The NSPCC had financed a clique of radical feminist Marxists in its ranks under the sub-group of BASPCAN (British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect - since 2014 known as TACPP ( The Association of Child Protection Professionals ) which held its 2015 and 2016 conferences in Edinburgh under the aegis of the University of Edinburgh.     BAPSCAN published key 'papers' on SRA for 'child welfare professionals' during 1988 and 1989, all of which concluded that SRA was a threat and these must have influenced the NSPCC's approach to it.  So the NSPCC was simply presenting experimental theories and claims as a reality when they were untested.  Yet that is not what they told the public.  They told the public that '

    ." The NSPCC said a major fear must now be that some children have been killed during ceremonies and that others were seriously at risk "  (Press Association report of the NSPCC 17 July 1989 Press Conference confirming the existence of Satanic Abuse )

    SRA Cases. Now You See It - Now You Don't.

    People forget entirely that prior to 1988 there was no concept of Satanic Ritual Abuse in UK social work. The phenomenon was simply not recorded.
    It wasn't overlooked, missed or otherwise ignored;  It simply did not exist.

    The police did not stumble on any SRA cases.
    Social Services did not see or discover any SRA cases in the thousands of instances of abuse they dealt with every year.
    No journalists or broadcasters exposed SRA cases.
    SRA cases simply did not exist until the privatisation of the child-scare industry created a hyper-vigilance which resulted in fantasies about SRA

    SAFF believe that the NSPCC caused embryonic SRA suspicions to turn into a manic nationwide hysteria.  The diary of our correspondence with the NSPCC shows that they had a choice not to, but went ahead with the sensational and unprovable claims anyway, either for the publicity , or the fund raising, or the wish to follow leading-edge thinking in social work. Whatever it was, their actions effectively resulted in the mental torture of 86 innocent children and the splitting up of innocent families. In one case a child was taken from his mother and father and kept in care for SIX years!  SIX YEARS.  Remember this when an NSPCC volunteer next rattles a donation tin in your face and uses gingoistic slogans like 'Not one More Child'. NSPCC Kicked Out

    By March 10th 1991 the NSPCC was forced to eat humble-pie after their Rochdale SRA case had collapsed and they were castigated by the media.

    They began to lose the highly lucrative 'at-risk' registers worth £140,000 per annum from Manchester alone (today's value nearly half a million pounds). The NSPCC had the contracts for at-risk registers in most large cities and their obsession with SRA was now seen as irresponsible.

    Jim Harding apologised on behalf of the NSPCC for using 'wild statements' that they could not substantiate. The Mail On Sunday headline reads: A Rethink by The NSPCC. NSPCC Sorry for 'Wild Statements'.

    There is no mention that the SAFF had warned them that this would happen two months earlier!   If you want to see a blow-by-blow account of just how hard the NSPCC worked to turn a blind eye to the truth about false claims of SRA then check out the long series of correspondence we had with them during the early months of that year here in the rightmost column. The NSPCC knew just how paper-thin we said claims of SRA were but never engaged with us about it and still went ahead to ride the tsunami of hysteria anyway! 

    The child scare industry is big business, in 2023 the NSPCC turned over £123M (£125M if you add in Childlying which the NSPCC owns) NSPCC Staff Salaries and pensions soaked up £60M of that and they still ended up with a £20M surplus to stick in the bank after operating expenses. 

    What Was Happening In Scotland?

    Yet despite this apparent public contrition over SRA claims by the NSPCC in England , just four days later at 7pm on the 14th March 1991 a coterie of SRA hunters, some of whom had influenced the NSPCC, were interviewed on BBC SCOTLAND radio "FOCUS" ( a current affairs programme ) about 'Ritual Abuse', pushing the idea of SRA and implying it was a threat to children in Scotland. The list of participants makes interesting reading. Here they are:

     Mhairi Trickett, (Chairperson of Orkney Islands Social Services during the Orkney SRA case - )
    Christine Johnson Second in command of Team 4, the Nottingham Social Services team which took charge of the Broxtowe false SRA case. She and her team insisted that they had found the first case of SRA in Britain. Note that the Broxtowe case had already been pronounced false in Nottinghamshire council's JET Report Inquiry during the previous April 1990 ( nearly a year before Johnson was interviewed here about the existence of SRA.)  The JET report put paid to continuing false claims of SRA made by Team 4 in relation to Broxtowe. Additionally, the Chief Constable of Nottinghamshire provided the Home Office with his own official report which concluded that there was no Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Broxtowe case. This was sent to the Home Office on 4th November 1990, six months prior to Johnson's interview being broadcast. 

    Also present or interviewed in this BBC Scotland programme were

    4000 kids a year sacrificed to SatanGeoffrey Dickens MP (fundamentalist lay preacher and parliamentary Representative of Childwatch in Hull, whose director, Dianne Core, claimed 4,000 children a year were being sacrificed to Satan - see image to the right) .

    Ian Gilmour ( former acting director of social work, Glasgow Council and president of ADSW 1991/2 Chair West of Scotland Child Protection Consortium)

    Norman Dunning from the RSSPCC ( Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, the Scottish counterpart to the NSPCC since 1995 renamed 'Children First'). The RSSPCC was later  heavily criticised in  Lord Clyde's Public Inquiry Report of the Orkney SRA Scandal.

    Jan Van Vagdendonk  [ He is Introduced as a development consultant for  Child  Sexual  Abuse  with National Children's Home, with the words.   "he has seen 20 cases  of  ritualistic  abuse in the past 2 yrs ( This must be a reference to the 21 cases of SRA which Tim Tate claimed to have found in the Cook Report broadcast in July 1989 - every single one of which failed in the course of time ). "

    Tim Tate & Ray Wyre - colleagues and first-believers in SRA who helped import the myth from the USA. They worked together on the Broxtowe false SRA case with Team 4 and other SRA crusaders. According to the JET report, It was they who gave the scandalous Satanic Indicators invented by Catherine Gould to Social Work Team 4.  The JET report said that SRA claims did not exist in the case until after the foster mothers and Team 4 were given the infamous Satanic Indicators. Later, modified 'indicators' from this original list were to be involved in almost ALL the early claimed cases of SRA.  They were read by social workers who imposed their prejudice upon the children they were supposedly 'helping' by asking leading questions related to the 'indicators'.

    Tate and Wyre had collaborated on the Cook Report's July 1989 'The Devil's Work' , a hysterically sensational and inaccurate hour long 'documentary' which unleashed the Satanic Panic on the unsuspecting British public in tandem with the NSPCC's own public announcement.
    You would think that after the failures over Broxtowe, the scandal of Rochdale and the about-turn of the NSPCC the people interviewed in this BBC Scotland current affairs programme would have been more cautious about their prognostications about a phenomenon which despite acres of newsprint still had not produced a single genuine case to prove the existence of SRA in a nationwide hunt which had lasted three years, but  the following extracts from this 20 minute BBC Focus programme make it clear that whilst the NSPCC was back-tracking on SRA in England, in the Scottish Capital, Satan Hunters were selling Satanic Ritual Child Abuse as though the failures of Broxtowe, Epping, Ayrshire and the Rochdale investigations had never ever happened.

    Norman Dunning big-wig from the RSSPCC, chair of West Scotland Child Protection Consortium, appeared alongside Ian Gilmour, acting director of social work for Glasgow Council and president of ADSW (Association of Directors of Social Work) , and said:
    NORMAN DUNNING: "The easiest thing to say is that we are beginning to learn about this problem of ritualistic and satanic abuse and to some extent we are still unsure of what we are speaking about. I mean the Societies' knowledge of this comes, in the first place, because people who are now adults have begun to tell us things that happened to them in their childhood which at one time we might have dismissed as fantasy but we are now beginning to realise that they telling us quite factually what their experiences were. And we have also had one or two contacts with children more recently where we have assisted with  investigations and we believe that these children might have been involved in some really quite worrying widespread central practices involving groups of people and there may have been a ritual element to this.

    JAN  VAN  VAGDENDONK:   "The ritual is used to scare children into silence and also in a sense to make  sure  that when they do tell their story it is so unbelievable that nobody in  their right minds,  almost, decide that the children are telling the truth. An  example  of this is a child,  a 2 year old,  who is talking about having  been  abused  by a lion and it makes absolutely no sense to people until a  nine  or  ten  year old child says yes that actually happens but I knew it wasn't a real  lion  because there were zips round its paws.   So we now know that the  child  was likely to have been abused by a person dressed up as a lion.
    CHRISTINE JOHNSON: Is introduced as leader of Team 4 and founder of RAINS: She says:  "I don't think there is a recognised definition of ritual abuse for social workers. When we came across the issue in Nottingham we worked out our own definition which was that ritual abuse is the severe sexual and physical and emotional abuse of children set in a context of symbols and activities which appear to be religious or magical or have supernatural overtones and where these are repeated over a length of time in order to intimidate or frighten children.

    This is a good example of how crusaders against non-existent Satanic Abuse worked the language to suit themselves and convince an audience that their worries are not the hysterical reactions they really are.   SAFF know this definition as the 'Lone Ritualist Definition' and RAINS repeated it many times when they wanted to imply that they were hunting lone paedophiles who used occult imagery to frighten children into compliance, but this is just a convenient lie which happens to co-incide with 10 cases of regular child-abuse which had some peripheral Occult content which Reachout Trust and Tim Tate had dredged up from the thousands of child abuse prosecutions over a ten year period which, when tortuously squeezed to mis-portray some kind of occult connection, were published and then held by the rest of RAINS as 'proof' that  paedophiles  were using the cloak of Satanism for their perverted desires. The SAFF had already exposed and discredited these faux cases in 1990 with our publication The Truth and The Tales ( which clearly showed how the caucus of Satan Hunters had mislead a parliamentary committee in the House of Commons ) , and also in our 1991 expose of Tim Tate's collection of 'SRA cases' here:
    As you will see if you read the above links, the 'proven cases of SRA' which RAINS are quoting are anything but evidence of Satanic Abuse. By widening the definition out in this way it allows almost any peripheral occult happening, quote, or location to be used to designate the case as 'Satanic' and up the numbers, but this is just semantic flim-flam.

    When speaking to a 'sold' audience RAINS are absolutely clear that what they are talking about  is a pan-global network of multiple abusers who are part of an international Satanic Sex Cult and whose sole motive for supposedly abusing children is to defile them in the eyes of Satan and turn them into perpetual slaves of the sex-cult.

    This network simply does not exist but it does not stop RAINS from waxing lyrical about it as though it does, as you can see from the extract below from a Guardian article in 1994 where the prime mover of RAINS,  Joan Coleman, makes it perfectly clear that she is not talking about perverts dressed up in lion costumes.

    What RAINS really think a definition of SRA should include

    Isn't it astonishing just how easily these Satan Hunters build entirely fictitious ideas and reasoning from the outpourings of their mentally  unstable patients even though they are clearly instances of Factitious Disorder/ Munchaussen's Syndrome.    These crusading shrinks rationalise and sequentialise their patients' outpourings to make them sound cohesive but they are anything but that.   What the Guardian reader does not see is the way that the story was created in a patchwork of out-of-sequence claims over months of 'therapy' where the SRA obsessed therapist uses leading questions to elicit further 'proof' and the patient dutifully makes something up.  The 'therapist' then collates it all and presents it as an accurate profile of SRA and by omitting anything which does not align with current RAINS collective thinking, produces a 'consensus' which supports and encourages other 'therapists' to interrogate their own patients about key motifs, later 'confirming' that they too have experienced the same things which become a completely fictitious modus-operandi for SRA.     If you want a blow-by-blow account of how this is done see

    Now back to the BBC Focus programme:  

    MHAIRI TRICKETT;  who had overseen much of the social work involvement with the W children in Orkney, said:
    'The police and social work department were in receipt of information which made it essential to take these [Orkney Case] children to a place of safety. Not to take any action could have been construed as negligence."
    What these self-styled  SRA 'experts' were saying was first broadcast on the BBC on 14 March 1991 when the Orkney SRA scandal had exploded in the Scottish and UK press. The month previously the RSSPCC (the counterpart to the NSPCC in Scotland) had obtained legal permission to raid and lift 9 children from their parents on false allegations of Satanic Ritual Abuse in Orkney!

    On the morning of 27th February 1991 raids were made on accusations from children at least one of whom had already retracted his fantasies, but it made no difference. Nine children were taken away from four innocent families and it took 18 months for their parents to get them back home out of the clutches of the wicked Scottish Social Services.

    The other 7 children involved in false allegations of SRA in Orkney never did get back home. They had been in the clutches of Orkney social services since 1989 for 'ordinary' abuse and their family was simply destroyed,  as you can read in the right most column, (see Orkney 7 Action Group)

    Like a crocodile sheds tears when it is eating its prey the child-scare industry did its worst whilst claiming to be looking after the best interests of children. When you read what they did to the W family you will be incensed. The Orkney case is pivotal to all that has since gone wrong in child-care in Scotland. As the current Glasgow case proves, the canker of false tales of Satanic Ritual Abuse was never cut, out despite several costly Inquiries.

    The inside story of the W family Is in the rightmost column of this page. See Orkney 7 Action Group Press Release:

    Montage of headlines from the Orkney Scandal of 
1991/2 How Stupid People Who Lead Scotland Put Children At Risk

    Look at these hysterical headlines.  The Great and the Good promised you they would never again fall for these mad SRA stories epitomised by the headlines on the right but they have and false allegations of Satanic Ritual Abuse are back to haunt us all in 2023.

    Look at those terrible headlines again. With the national outrage following the 1991 Orkney Satanic Ritual Abuse fiasco and the £6M Public Inquiry to put it right, you might think that the Scottish Government would have rushed to educate their social workers, child-care specialists, police and judiciary to never again fall for the lies pushed by obsessed believers in the Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth, but they did the precise opposite as we shall reveal.

    The Scottish educational establishment, knowingly or unknowingly made room for these evil Satan Hunters to do their worst. They have for decades paid some of them nice salaries as self-styled 'experts' to proselytise the 'dangers' of non-existent Satanic Ritual abuse in Scottish universities and encouraged them to 'train' Scottish social workers and community groups in re-designating mentally vulnerable people as victims of Satanic Abuse which does not exist.

    Scotgov has thrown resources at small charities run by fundamentalists specifically set up to perpetuate sectarian lies about Satanic Ritual Child Abuse (SRA) which damaged so many innocent Scottish children and their families in the 1990s. Now, 30 years later, in the Glasgow 2023 SRA case, another generation of gullible people in the police, judiciary and social services have suckered in to one of the most persistent and damaging social myths of the 21st century. We will tell you how they did it. It is unique information that you will find nowhere else. How the Orkney SRA case bit the dust

    The 'experts' who got 194 things wrong.

    Lord Clyde's Public Inquiry into the Orkney False Satanic Ritual Abuse case made one hundred and ninety four recommended changes. It was a REQUIREMENT put upon the devolved authorities because of the hysteria which had taken hold of Child-protection in Scotland.  Lest we forget; these obsessive SRA hunters in social services ended up kidnapping children from their innocent families in despicable dawn raids and kept them in care for YEARS without any evidence whatsoever except for mindless prejudice.

    These Do-gooders didn't 'save' children - they ruined their lives.

    Nobody was safe. Every parent had nightmares of it happening to them. One family was implicated simply because they had a Dennis Wheatley novel on their bookshelf! Wheatley wrote many successful novels on Witchcraft and published 50 MILLION copies of his books. Yet stupid policemen saw it as 'evidence' of Satanic Ritual Abuse!

    All parents lived in fear of having  their  children snatched from them.
    A completely innocent church Minister was falsely accused of embroiling children in Satanic Ceremonies in BLACK ROBES where chanting occurred (As if all ministers did not normally wear black surplices and chant in church!)

    The hysteria caused gullible Scots police and social services to break up loving families and even sought to permanently foster the daughters of one mother who had been falsely accused - as a form of punishment for resisting the power shadow of the Nazi SS in Orkney.

    It is impossible now to feel the terror and fear struck into the hearts of those innocent children at being snatched from their beds; nor the long-term trauma they suffered at the hands of self-righteous do-gooders in Scotland who were actually being paid to alleviate the suffering of children but ended up doing the reverse.

    The end result was that the misuse of child-protection laws and the despicable subsequent attempt at a legal cover-ups caused social work in Scotland to be reviled by the public

    The result of the vicious machinations of believers in Satanic Abuse was to cause a complete lack of faith in social work in Scotland, yet here they are doing it again in the Glasgow case!

    During the Clyde Inquiry the key personnel who believed in SRA and who had started the Orkney fiasco and then retreated behind 'case confidentiality' to avoid the public seeing what they had done, were made to stand in the witness box and admit their malpractice. The extent of the lunacy which had infected Scottish Social Work was then exposed. Some children were continually interrogated to get them to say any foolish thing which confirmed the prejudice and suspicions of the social services crusaders. The children were horribly questioned 40 (forty) times in 13 days. That is child abuse in itself! From people whose sole job is to save the suffering of small children!

    It Was The Satanic Turtles What Did it!

    teenage ninja turtles are satanic
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a media creation for kids which had been popularised in film, in magazines and on TV at the time. The Orkney Inquiry records that children were shown posters of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and from what the kids fantasised about this the 'experts' deduced that Satanic Abuse had occurred!   Cowabunga!

    The madness was clear! Lord Clyde's Inquiry found 194 faults with the way Orkney Social Service Department and the RSSPCC had dealt with it all. So, after originally sitting back and not only allowing these travesties of justice to occur but cooperating with and supporting believers in Satanic Abuse, the Scottish government, and anyone remotely criticised over the scandal (and there were MANY) became contrite, promising to the rafters that they would make those 194 needed changes to ensure that the Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth could not again harm innocent children and their familiess. There will be NO more 'Dawn Lifts', they said. We shall learn from our mistakes, they said. But did they?

    After the Orkney Inquiry did you believe that the predilection for believing in the Devil had been exorcised from Scottish Social Services? Then you would be Wrong, Wrong, Wrong

    Liz McLean retires from RSSPCC Despite the self-flagellation no-one was ever sacked from Orkney Social Services. A handful resigned and walked away with their 'honour' intact. 

    The RSSPCC,  which was heavily involved, virtually collapsed. Heads of Orkney SS retired early with nice pensions. But not one single social worker was actually made to pay for their numerous errors and victimisation of the innocent families.
    'Liz MacLean (see right) has no regrets about her role in the Orkney child abuse case despite being a prime target of criticism in the 343-page inquiry report by Lord Clyde.'... ' Janette Chisolm her working partner shares much of the same feelings..the two have hit out at the Public Inquiry three weeks after its conclusions were published .' ....
    (Sunday Times. 22: November 1992 )

    Liz MacLean was mentioned 372 times in Lord Clyde's Inquiry report. One of them was that she had not kept proper records of the crucial disclosure sessions with the children from which allegations of SRA were suspected, thus it was impossible for outsiders to see what the children had really said about the abuse and gauge how relevant those allegations were. Inconsistencies between the RSSPCC, MacLean and the Orkney SS department were evident as the Inquiry records:
    13:16 Such distortion may well have occurred in the present case. The account conveyed over the telephone by Mrs Liz MacLean to Mrs Susan Millar on 13th February was one of penetrative abuse by all the adults of all the children. When Mrs MacLean addressed the social workers on 26th February the picture she conveyed was one where all the adults had abused all the children and the indication given of the kind of abuse was that it was penetrative. But while that appears to have been the understanding on the part of the social workers that was not the understanding which the Police had obtained from the information given to them. It is by no means clear from Constable Williamson’s record of the interviews that all the adults had been engaged in abuse and it could indeed be questioned whether even if each of the children had been drawn into the circle each child had suffered such abuse. The absence of a full transcript of the critical interviews makes it impossible to ascertain with any certainty precisely what the W children had said or to assess the reliability of the account which they had given. At least it can be noticed that there was a significant inconsistency in the accounts given by the interviewers of the allegations of abuse.
    Liz MacLean, then the chief investigator for the RSSPCC, was made redundant in June 1992 along with 22 other RSSPCC staff. She had helped interview the W children 40 times. The Clyde report shows that she was involved in major decisions such as refusing to allow the children to have any letters and cards sent by their parents when they were taken into care. This basically cut the kids off from their parents at the most traumatic time and can only have been a result of the RAINS madcap theory that Satanists could impose trigger-words and trigger symbols in letters, birthday cards, etc. which would strike childrens' minds into a zombified state, frighten them or stop them speaking about their abuse. See:

    Liz  MacLean Disappearance MacLean, who was also connected with Scotland's longest running case in Scottish criminal history ( the failed Ayrshire Satanic Ritual Abuse case in 1990) 'disappeared' sometime later according to this clipping. - see cutting right -.  Anyone know what she's doing today?

    How SRA Hysteria Grew

    The clique of believers in manic tales of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse which had formed around the very first allegations by RAINS in England linked to the Broxtowe case in 1988, pushed out the idea across the land in articles in the social work press and in The Guardian which was rather too supportive of Satan Hunters' claims.

    Ayrshire SRA case bites the dust.All this activity soon produced the first mass case of suspected Satanic Abuse in Scotland in Ayr in June 1990 when eight children were kidnapped by the state. The Dawn Lifts of the Ayrshire case children occurred just weeks after the Rochdale false SRA case had started in England but just before the Orkney claims surfaced.

    The twisted minds of the social workers, who had been converted to believe in SRA, ensured that the poor children who were taken from their innocent parents were not returned for years. If you want to see just how perfidious Social Workers can be look at this:

    The last boy released by their SS captors in Rochdale was sent back home in December 1996 SIX YEARS after being snatched from his bed in those evil dawn raids Yet he and his parents had been pronounced innocent by the police in September 1990 after their inquiries had ended with no case to answer.

    He was kept captive by Rochdale Social Services for six long years AFTER the police had exonerated his parents!

    The Ayrshire case began when in the summer of 1990 four boys and four girls, aged 10 months to 11 years were given initial social services examinations which indicated abuse and were removed into care by social workers using place-of-safety orders at an initial hearing in Ayr in August 1990. It finally concluded five years later in 1995 when sheriff Colin Miller produced a 430 page official report which roundly criticised the social workers involved, including Lyn Gilmour and June Gardiner.

    The history of SRA in the UK is tainted by the fact that not a single social worker or police officer has ever been prosecuted for the malpractice they have committed against hundreds of innocent families. Every single one of them did their worst and walked away with fat pensions. Some made a successful lifelong career out of persisting in their discredited allegations, as we will outline below. Some have actually been 'honoured' by the State!

    'The parents bitterly criticised the social workers whose investigations in 1990 led to the initial care orders. The Strathclyde social work department had failed to learn the lessons of the Cleveland child sex abuse scandal in 1987, they said. "Like other parents, I handed my girl to these people for tests," the girl's father said. "They said I would get her back in two or three days - and it was five YEARS. Five years in which she was crying in the dark."  '
    [source: independent Newspaper 28 February 1995 ]

    Five Years in Which my little daughter
    was crying alone and in the dark

    How the RAINS clique Manipulated Scottish child care on Satanic Abuse

    Most of the public may have believed the weasel words of the authorities when the spotlight of publicity was upon them, but what did the great and the good in Scotland actually do? They allowed the mischievousness of Satan Hunters to continue and even gave grants and funding to groups such as RANS (Ritual Abuse Information Network Scotland) which was a clique connected to the lobby which had helped start the 1990 Satan Myth in England and Wales. '

    No. The Scottish government did not rid social work of these Satan Hunters, instead they continued to encourage a clique of obsessive believers in SRA despite the errors of Orkney and Ayrshire. It was only a matter of time before the Satan Hunters did it again and that was in the Isle of Lewis case which began in 2003, ten years after the Orkney Scandal had fallen from public view and had been conveniently forgotten by those in Scotland whose job it is to protect children and their families
    Times report on the Isle of Lewis Satanic Abuse Case 

    The Isle of Lewis case - another travesty of police and social service judgement based on ridiculous untrue claims of Satanic Ritual Abuse

    In October 2003 thirteen adults were arrested and accused of the abuse of three children on the Isle of Lewis in the Inner Hebrides, Scotland.

    The combined police and social services investigation began earlier in July when a young person began making bizarre claims about ritual sex and the inquiry quickly grew into another hysterical panic with claims of an 'island wide Satanic paedophile ring'. Yes folks, we were here again witnessing hyper-vigilant child protectionists having a hysterical fit over the non-existent threat of SRA. Rochdale had been forgotten, Ayr had been, ignored ; Orkney and it's £6M inquiry had been chucked out the window.

    One falsely accused family, The Campbell's, were among 11 people arrested that October morning in dawn raids on homes on Lewis; but others were arrested as far away as Leicestershire, West Yorkshire and Dorset.

    We remind readers that the Social Services Inspectorate had specifically banned the use of 'dawn lifts' of children after they had been used in the Rochdale SRA Case in 1990. Yet here we are, after the tragic mistakes of Orkney, with Scottish social workers and police doing it again in 2003. What it shows is that providing self-regulating rules to stop social workers and police who believe in SRA from incriminating innocent people does not work.

    After Rochdale the government imposed a blanket ruling that any social workers who came across any suggestions or claims of Satanic Ritual Abuse MUST before they take any action, report it to their Directors of Social Work. This stopped crusading social workers from starting mass-abuse cases based on hysteria. Obviously today that rule has been forgotten!

    In the Ayrshire case eight people were charged with sexual offences against children which police said had occurred over a period of six years between 1995 and 2001. The national and international press went wild with claims of ritual abuse and Satanic ceremonies, yet again trotting out the false claims of believers in SRA in RAINS.

    Once the details began to be revealed in the media a nationwide uproar ensured. The Western Isles police and social services soon began to tone down their SRA claims and avoided using the Satan word. Then in July 2004 the Crown Office abruptly dropped ALL charges against ALL those arrested and ruled that no further action would be taken. There was NO Satanic Abuse in the Ayrshire case and no kids were ever abused in any way.

    The Procurator Fiscal's office dropped all charges - there was no Satanic Abuse
    involved in the Ayrshire case

    Are you, dear reader, beginning to get the gist of how this myth prospers yet?  Can you see the direct parallels with the Glasgow case trial yet?  

    ANOTHER official inquiry was set up into what had gone wrong in social work with these interminable false claims of SRA. It was headed by Alexis Jay (later renowned for her discovery of 10,000 victims of Asian Gang Rapes in Rotherham; and subsequently made head of the government's six-year long mega-Inquiry into Historic Abuse of Children and Adults - IICSA).  Jay's  Isle of Lewis case report was published in August 2005 and was a very strange affair as the 170 page report did not mention Satanism at all,
    it did not use any ritual or occult terminology,
    it did not mention ceremonies or Witches once; as though that mad belief which had lain behind the original hysterical police reaction, had not ever occurred.
    The report ran to 55,000 words but there was only one single unqualified mention of 'rituals' quickly passed over as an aside in paragraph 304.

      Even more mysteriously the report was not titled 'An investigation into allegations of Satanic Abuse in the Isle of Lewis 2003' as one might expect, but rather someone chose to use the Gaelic name of Eilean Siar instead. The title of the report became: '

    An inspection into the care and protection of children in Eilean Siar'

    A moniker guaranteed to have the report mouldering in the archives and lost to public and historical attention forever!    Is it not amazing how these Satan hunters rush headlong into these cases shouting loudly and seeking the smallest insinuation of Satanism to 'confirm' their worst fears and then go public with horrendously sensational claims about SRA, yet, when they are proved to have abdicated their professional responsibility to the children and the parents, they simply fade away into the background quietly, like ghosts blending back into the Scottish mist.

    But they didn't get away entirely scott free.  The press were unreservedly critical of the whole investigation, the police operation and the report itself. The best overview of 'yet another Orkney' which the authorities in Scotland had promised you would NEVER happen, was by award winning journalist Rosie Waterhouse in her article in the Guardian here: society/2004/jul/16/childprotection , which has a blow by blow account of the errors the police and social services made. And, as if we needed a postscript on the lunacy of Ayrshire social services, less than a year later the 'SRA victim' at the centre of the allegations just up and admitted that she had lied all along!

    24 Sept 2006 Observer reports that Isle of Lewis Witness lied

    In 2006 the main female witness in the Isle of Lewis case, who had been believed utterly by social services and the police admitted she had made up all the Satanic false allegations against the accused. None of it had ever happened.

    The parents who were falsely accused could easily have gone to prison for a 'life' sentence and it was only luck that they didn't.

    Surely THIS was the last straw which would finally terminate the Satan Myth in Scotland? 

    NOPE!  Read on...

    1650 people in Edinburgh are victims of 
Satanic Abuse The people who run Edinburgh and Dundee universities allowed their courses to be infected with false allegations of 'ritual abuse' and a host of unfacts so that students on social work courses would be tainted with the Satanic Abuse lies for the future.

    Did you know that 1650 Residents of Edinburgh have been Satanically abused?

    Are Edinburgh university students actually being taught that 1650 citizens in Edinburgh have been Satanically Abused (double click on the image left to get a large version to read).

    Clearly NO inhabitants of Edinburgh have ever been Satanically Abused. Edinburgh university has allowed this unfact ( an insult to the city's inhabitants) to continue without censure or correction. Note that when the SAFF informed Edinburgh University of this fact they simply ignored us as though it didn't matter. Maybe the Truth does not matter to this educational institution? They even made key players in promoting the idea of Satanic Ritual Abuse in Scotland their go-to 'experts' for local press and social services!

    Microwaved Babies, Again.

    Baby cooked in microwave oven The Microwaved Baby rumour actually began in the 1960s. Snopes covers it here , and it started as a moral tale on the dangers of drug usage. Astonishingly more recently there has been a case where a baby was killed in an oven (not a microwave, see clipping on the right) but this was nothing whatsoever to do with Satanists or Witches or the occult.

    SAFF researches show that there have also been several instances of microwaved pets. In 2013 a thirteen year old girl microwaved to death her pet hamster in front of a group of friends. She told her parents it had died of natural causes and buried it in the back garden. She was later overheard bragging about it. The RSPCA found out and she ended up in court here. One would hope that this girl is now under social services watch as she may or may not make a good parent in future! Whatever, the girl was NOT a Satanist and no Satanists or Witches have ever microwaved pets or babies. It is not a required part of their liturgy. Witches and Satanists DO NOT sacrifice living things, they are animal lovers like everyone else.

    In the 2023 Glasgow SRA case this microwave meme has been modified, the indictment says that children were 'put inside' a microwave oven. The 'experts' are so obsessed with their 'satanic significators' that they didn't see how foolish what they were saying is. There are no microwave ovens big enough to trap an 8 year old child inside yet they insist on making this one of the official charges in court. Why? Is it because microwaves were a key significator in the 1990 Satanic Panic which has been carried over as a given by the clique of Satan Hunters?   Are people connected with those who created the demonology of the 1990 panic reasserting their nonsense in this case by repeating earlier claims, the source of which has been forgotten? SAFF think so. In the press-briefing Police Scotland held following the trial verdict Detective Inspector Nicola Kilbane said:
    Since the investigation began we worked closely with a range of partners in social work , health, education, Crown Office, and Third Sector to protect and support the victims. ... there was well over 1,000 lines of inquiry progressed by the investigation team using all available resources but we could not have done it by ourselves and it has taken us working alongside our partners in Social Work, Health, Education and the Third Sector to be able to do so.

    In other-words many groups involved in child-protection, in both the professions, and the voluntary sector had input. For those unfamiliar with the term 'third sector':
    You may have heard other terms used to describe organisations [ now collectively known as the Third Sector ] – the voluntary sector, non-governmental organisations, non-profit organisations – charities, support groups,

    Presumably any person or any group which claimed to have expertise in the facets of the Glasgow SRA case. Which would of course include those groups and individuals who claim to have insider knowledge about Satanic Ritual Abuse. 

    This apparently included a man and his wife, both church-workers , who questioned the children about Satanism and Witchcraft numerous times. This Man gave evidence in court the day before all the Witchcraft charges were dropped. This is how his testimony was reported in BBC News on line.

    'The children were said to have made allegations to a man who took notes and then sent them to police and social workers. The man said he had got to know the children through his work and church and often saw them with his wife.
    The girl, who would have been of pre-school age at the time of the alleged abuse, is one of a number of complainers who are aged under 13.
    She was alleged to have said in her statement to the man: "I didn't like it when all the witches pointed their wands at me." The older alleged victims said there was a large group of witches and wizards in a room who put a spell on the girl every day to make her a different animal.
    The older children were also alleged to have told the man that the group referred to as "the coven" killed dogs in front of them and got them to stab the dogs themselves.
    It was further alleged that the group had a ouija board that was used to talk to dead people and spirits.
    Under cross examination the man agreed with a lawyer for one of the accused that he had not heard a whisper about abuse and witchcraft in the considerable time he had known the children before these allegations were said to have been made.

    The SRA allegations appear to have started in 2021 a year after the perpetrators were arrested. The bulk of the accusations relating to SRA seem to have come from one teenage boy.
    A boy told a police officer that he ate a heart, drank blood and killed a budgie, a witchcraft and child sex abuse trial has heard.

    "The child made the claims to detective constable Brian Hamilton when quizzed by police in December 2021 in a series of 15 interviews and stated that he and fellow 'wizards' passed around and consumed the heart and a wine glass of blood while in a circle. He earlier told the officer that he was held under a bath of blood and killed a budgie as part of an initiation to become a wizard.

    The boy claimed he then received a wand which he and the other wizards later used to cast a 'spell' on a young girl. The group also contacted demons, spirits and a 'beast with horns on their head' using a Ouija board when he was aged between seven and nine, the boy claimed.

    He stated that he was aged six or seven when he was submerged in a bath of blood. The boy said: 'I was just held under the bath, I just remember seeing it and it was all blood. I remember going in but I don't remember what happened.

    'I just remember being drowned, I feel like I nearly drowned when this was happening. 'That's why they put me in the bath of blood and to kill the budgie - it was like an initiation. 'One of them said one day everyone will be doing witchcraft. Everyone said that I was a wizard.'

    The boy recalled killing a budgie with a knife either on the same day as the bath incident or a later date. He said: 'I just remember someone holding it and me having to kill it - sometimes I still get nightmares about it.

    DC Hamilton asked the boy who gave him the knife and he replied: 'I don't know. The boy later said: 'They day I killed the budgie, they gave me a was like a brown stick made of wood.' He went on to tell the officer that he and the wizards would gather in a circle to eat a heart and drink blood. The boy said: 'People would pass it around and have a bit and pass it on to the next person...that's when I took it. I had a bit of the heart and took blood.' He stated that the blood was in a 'special wine glass' with a 'special rim'.

    He stated demons named Henrik, Fredrick, George, Molly and Dark Wyat attached themselves to particular people. He said: 'They would just talk to us, at the time I enjoyed it but now I'm frightened of it.' He added that the group and the demons sometimes spoke in English but different languages as well.

    The boy recalled the group wearing cloaks 'down to their knees' and that he and the wizards lined up and cast a spell on a young girl aged around two or three to turn her into a wolf cub." [Source: BBC online. 12 Sept. 2023.]

    Of course this testimony appears fantastic because it is fantasy.

    1. The average bath holds about 150 litres or 260 pints (sufficient to immerse a child as was claimed). The average human body contains about 8 pints of blood, thus to fill a bath the accused would have needed to sacrifice and dispose of THIRTY TWO adult victims or around SIXTY children!  It is just farcical that the police would even consider this statement anything other than fantasy.

    2. There are no demons in occult terminology with the names Fredrick, George, Molly and Dark Wyat - he simply made them up. (viz: Dictonary of Devils, Demons and Demonologists (Fred Gettings) 1988. Et al) 

    3. Entities evoked through a Ouija Board do not turn up and talk to those present. They communicate through the Ouija Board which spells out what they are saying. That is why a Ouija Board is used. To believe the child's Ouija-Board testimony we would need to also believe that discarnate entities exist and can transmogrify themselves into physical reality, because that is what the boy is saying he experienced. Clearly fantasy.

    4. For blood to be drinkable it must be consumed immediately after the kill, before it clots, which takes place within minutes. Raw hearts are 90% muscle and impossible to chew, they would have to be cooked first at the very least. The claim is contradictory and largely impossible. Why did Police Scotland simply accept it?

    5. Where did the 'witches' gather to drink blood and eat hearts? Did the police not ask? Did they not check for forensic evidence at that location? Did the boy not say?  Was he asked?

    6. The ancient Satanic rite of Sacrificing a Budgie simply doesn't exist. It is quite possible that these depraved people may have forced the kids to kill animals in some way but it wasn't part of an occult ceremony.

    7. Where is the chalice with a 'special rim'?   How is it special?
    Where is the knife he killed the budgie with? What happened to it?
    Where is the wooden wand?
    Where is the Ouija Board?
    Where are the knee length cloaks?
    Where was the bath full of blood located - were forensic samples taken from the bath to confirm it?
    What did the alleged perpetrators do with the remains of the heart and blood and the bodies of the many victims?
    Where did the coven meet in a circle? Has that location been forensically checked by police?
    Where is the girl who was turned into a wolf cub?   If she can't be found to corroborate it then where is the wolf cub? 

    There is not a single piece of forensic evidence to support these occult claims. That is why the Prosecution dropped all references to the occult, Satanism and Witchcraft on 13th October 2023.  it is the usual nonsense a child fantasises about what they think Witches do.  If SAFF investigators could talk to him for 30 minutes we would be able to discover exactly which scenes from the Harry Potter films he had regurgitated.   The truth is that Witches do not do anything of the kind suggested by this boy's testimony. But there are plenty of examples in SAFF annals of the flights of fancy of small children being used in court in false cases of SRA. It is in fact a given.

     In the classic book Wrongful Imprisonment: Mistaken Convictions and Their Consequences. by Brandon and Davies, ( an academic review of ambiguities in the law which generate injustices ), there is a chapter on Witnesses, Credible and Incredible which touches on the difficulties of child testimony in court. Parallel to the rise of claims of SRA (and often driven by clamour from believers in it) changes have been made to the way that children and women give evidence to avoid them having to stand in the witness box and be cross-examined. As Alisdair Palmer predicted in the Sunday Telegraph 13 February 2000 during another law change which disadvantaged the falsely accused:
    The lawyers who piloted this change, Like the psychiatrists and social workers who lobbied for it,argued the goal of punishing real child-abusers justified the risk - it is in fact a certainty - of punishing a number of imaginary ones. But relaxing the rules of evidence sets an alarming precedent. If those who believe in satanic abuse get their way, the law will eventually be changed to make uncorroborated testimony sufficient for conviction. That is why we should be deeply alarmed..."
    And of course that is exactly what has happened. There has been a steady rise in the number of people sent to prison for the abuse of children which parallels the rise in the number of appeals from the wrongfully imprisoned. Alisdair Palmer's full article, along with a section from Wrongful Imprisonment is at the foot of the rightmost column. Mark our words. We are not in any way saying that these children in the Glasgow case were lying about their abuse. They were however, clearly dissembling about the Satanic Ritual Abuse content.

    The Dangers of Believing The Children

    It is one thing for police to react sympathetically to a situation when a very young child says 'Father Kelly made me play with his tail'. Which is a possible crime where there may be no other witnesses and no chance of any real forensic evidence. It is quite another thing when that child relates a confused tale about being put in a bath of blood, by a ring of abusers in robes who raped the child , made the child sacrifice an animal with a special knife, made to drink blood from a special chalice and then made to kill babies whilst it was all filmed but in which NO forensic evidence is found to support any of it. The trail of forensic evidence after crimes of that kind would be immense.

    As Special Agent Kenneth Lanning wrote in his definitive FBI report on the 1990 Satanic Panic:
    Not only are no bodies found, but also, more importantly, there is no physical evidence that a murder took place. Many of those not in law enforcement do not understand that, while it is possible to get rid of a body, it is even more difficult to get rid of the physical evidence that a murder took place, especially a human sacrifice involving sex, blood, and mutilation. Such activity would leave behind trace evidence that could be found using modern crime scene processing techniques in spite of extraordinary efforts to clean it up.[Investigators guide to Allegations of Ritual Child Abuse, National Center For the Analysis of Violent Crime, Quantico, Virginia.]
    Thus insisting that we must 'believe the children' when claims of SRA are wheedled out of small children by crusading social workers is a superfluous argument if professional policing is used to discover forensic evidence. The lack of forensic evidence in all and every instance of such cases, including the Glasgow case, is a clear warning sign.

    Back to Microwave Ovens

    Little Rascals case first 1988 example of use of microwave ovens featuring in SRA claims The failed Glasgow SRA case was not the first SRA case which included claims of putting children in microwaves. The first such allegations began in 1988 in the U.S. and were neatly imported from there into the first British Satan Seminar for social workers in Dundee in late 1988

    Robert Kelly, owned the Little Rascals daycare centre (nursery). He was falsely accused in the usual hysteria which SRA hunters love to create. The claims were again nonsensical. After continued questioning by SRA hunting social workers the little children claimed to have been 'put inside' a microwave oven. Again, nobody questioned whether you could get a 3 or 4 year old child into a microwave oven. Most microwave ovens can't even hold a Turkey. The incongruity  of what the kids were saying (  the children's testimony said they had been taken out afterwards and had not been killed, so could tell their story) was brushed aside also.

    Eventually, like all the other cases, the Little Rascals SRA case fell through and Robert Kelly was thoroughly exonerated of all charges. Robert Kelly was not a Satanist, nor was he a Witch. The SRA hunters had yet again failed to establish their nightmare mind-set, but fears of microwave-ovens became a part of the demonology of SRA, and were brought into Britain in 1988, even though complete fiction. Here we 37 years later and they pop up again in the Glasgow SRA trial in 2023. They were one of the main allegations in the indictments related to Satanism and Witchcraft. The microwave-oven claims made extensive headlines across the UK. But they are still being repeated by the press in relation to the Glasgow trial on the 13 October 2023.

    What Other inconsistencies appear in the Glasgow Trial indictment?

    The court indictment, as reported by the news agencies, reveals some very strange statements. This, for instance:
    "All eleven are accused of forcing children to participate in seances and use an ouija board or similar object to “call on spirits and demons”, at various addresses in the Glasgow area" (The Independent, 5 September 2023)
    Boy at Church Exorcism Why was this indictment included?
    Playing with Ouija-Boards may be highly inappropriate for children but is not illegal and neither is trying to make contact with the spirit world which happens every Sunday in church.
    What are we supposed to take from this statement?
    What is the Prosecution trying to tell us?
    Is it being implied that seances and calling up spirits is a form of child-abuse?
    If that is the case, then be careful Judge, there are literally thousands of Christian Baptist churches and plenty of Muslim preachers who include children in exorcism ceremonies to drive 'demons' from them.
    You can see it happening in this clip on the SAFF's Youtube channel here.
    Will these thousands of good Christians be dragged into Scottish courts for 'forcing their children to participate in seances and use a ouija board'?  We think not!

    All Christian spiritualist churches hold seances virtually every time they meet, it is a component part of their religious service. The 2021 Census noted that there are over 33,000 Christian spiritualists in Britain.
    Is the court denying these people their religious rights?
    Is it indicating that they cannot pass their religious beliefs onto their offspring because the court has  redefined it as a form of child-abuse?
    If so it would directly conflict with parental rights under the British Human Rights Act 2000 and would interfere with almost all other extant religions as well.
    There would be uproar and protests if they even tried it.

    What this part of the indictment reveals to us here at the SAFF is an inherent bigotry and prejudice in the thinking behind this trial.

    Witchcraft is as Witchcraft does?

    Another strange inconsistency was in the very dangerous confusion in the indictments between the religion of Witchcraft and the religion of Satanism, which could not have done anything other than confuse the jury and corrupt its conclusions.   Here's just one example from the indictment:

    'Children were forced to take part in witchcraft and seances, and were sexually assaulted while members of a satanic child abuse ring watched, a court has heard.

    In other words it is insisting that Witchcraft and Seances are a component part of Satanism.  
    Other headlines said that the Witches 'chanted and laughed' as they raped the children.
    That meme caused much hatred in the population as is shown in the Tweets and comments on social media. As we have shown, the terms Witchcraft and Satanism were used by the court interchangeably but this is a factually incorrect error which occurs in other parts of the indictment too

    Witchcraft and Satanism are not the same thing.

    The truth is that Witchcraft (Paganism) and Satanism are two completely different things and could not co-exist in one group, as is being implied in court. The SAFF has been telling the courts and the police this for 35 years but they just don't listen.

    Paganism is the State Religion of Iceland and Paganism is recognised around the world where indigenous pagan beliefs are protected. From the Saami of Norway, Sweden and Finland to the Aboriginal / Torres Straight Islanders of the antipodes, the tribes of the Amazon basin etc.

    Decades ago the SAFF undertook detailed work with the United Nations Association raporteur on Religion and Belief and obtained a confirmation that a belief in European Witchcraft / Paganism is a valid religion under the meaning of that word. The religious rights of Pagans / Witches are recognised in the U.S. and many other countries and covered by the British Human Rights Act 2000.

    Witchcraft / Paganism is the original religion of mankind and has been represented across the globe. It is recognised by the United Nations as such and accepted as a genuine religion in many countries. 
    Witchcraft/Paganism has nothing to do with the Christian idea of a 'Devil'.

    There is no Devil figure in Pagan / Witchcraft cosmology.

    Witches do not 'worship the devil'

    Regardless of what that idiot James VI said.

    Most Witches actually decry Satanism for it is seen by many of them as a corrupted form of Christianity dependent entirely upon Christian beliefs.  Remember that Paganism predated Christianity by at least 10,000 years
    (viz: Gobekli Tepi Temple). prior to the inauguration of the Christian Religion and ALL areas of the world had pagan civilisations before Christian ones . In short to be a Satanist you must perforce be a lapsed Christian. It is the Christians' idea of a Devil which Satanists are supposed to worship.

    Witches do not need to attack, undermine, besmirch or ridicule anyone else's beliefs as theirs are far more established going back into prehistory. All other religious beliefs evolved from Paganism and many Christian legends and symbols were taken from Paganism, along with Pagan Holy Days and festivals, renamed to suit the Saints.  Witches therefore do not conflict with the Christian church, it is the Christian church which has a history of conflicting with Witches/Pagans to silence and suppress dissenters.

    Witches do not employ Ouija-Boards which are a 19c invention from the Seance Craze of Victorian times. Many witches actually decry the impromptu use of Ouija boards for technical reasons.
    Witches are certainly NOT Satanists.
    Witches and Satanists do not work together.
    Often there is enmity between them caused by such differing philosophies.

    Satanists on the other hand are mostly hedonistic atheists who see all religion as an opium of the masses which perpetuates the kind of ignorance which appears in this indictment, to wit; misunderstandings and errors which disable humans from reaching their full potential. Satanists may decry both Christianity AND Witchcraft just like other atheists do which is why Witches and Satanists cannot and do not work together.   Satanists do not have a belief in 'spirits' (they are atheists remember) so they do not use ouija-boards either.  Whichever way you look at it the Court was mislead.

    So who then is the indictment talking about?
    Is it saying that the accused are Witches or is it saying they are Satanists?
    Is it saying that they were pretending to be Witches or / and Satanists?
    What 'ouija board' did they use? Where is it?
    What 'rituals' is the indictment referring to? It cannot be one in which both Satanists and Witches participated, as it claims, for as we have just shown there is no such ceremony ever recorded.

    These are crucial matters which could interfere with the course of justice. It smells bad to us and this was again confirmed when on 13th October 2023 the Judge threw out the claims of rape in Witchcraft and Satanic ceremonies because there was absolutely no supporting evidence of it.

    Are the accused Witches?
    Are the accused Satanists?

    In fact it appears that none of the defendants have actually been formally named as BEING Satanists or Witches. If none of them have claimed to be a Witch or a Satanist why is both Witchcraft and Satanism being dragged into the trial?

    We hoped their defence would make it clear by asking them formally in court whether they are, or are not, Witches or Satanists, instead of the court simply accusing them of it based on the fantasies of witnesses. However that was not done because the prosecution withdrew those Witchcraft / Satanic allegations before they could be cross-examined. 
    As the trial progressed it became clear that the prosecution could not portray the accused as Witches OR Satanists because they simply were not Witches or Satanists, and this part of the indictment was also dropped by the Prosecution on the 13th October 2032.


    This trial was protracted.
    2012 - 2019: The offences, against three children, occurred.
    March 2020:  Police Investigation ( Operation Woodwhite ), begins.
    03 Jan 2023: The
    First hearing to set a trial for Sept 2023.
    05 Sep 2023: Trial Starts at Glasgow High Court. All the defendants denied the charges.
    14 Nov 2023 
    Trial ends. 11 accused Found guilty, 3 other people, two men and a woman, were acquitted. 
    09 Jan 2024: Sentencing was deferred by Lord Beckett for risk assessments.
    27 Jan 2025:  Sentencing concluded

    Owens: He was jailed for 20 years
    Lannery:  She was jailed for 17 years
    Brannan: He was guilty of attempted murder, sexual assault, rape, class A drugs; got 15 years.
    Williams: She was guilty of attempted murder, assault, rape, supplying drugs: given 14 years.
    Clark: He was found guilty of rape and sexual assault and given 10 years, 
    Watson: He was found guilty of rape and sexual assault, was given nine years and six months
    Forbes: He was found guilty of rape and got eight years.

    8 found guilty of abuse in glasgow witchcraft trial

    And then at the bottom of this BBC Article we see a perfunctory:
    'Charges related to causing the children to take part in seances and witchcraft were dropped during the two-month trial'.

     Big change from the BBC's earlier gung-ho headlines which helped cause a wave of revulsion against innocent believers in Paganism in Scotland.  

    There was no Witchcraft or Satanism involved in the Glasgow trial. 
    It had nothing whatsoever to do with witchcraft, paganism, Satanism or any occult method or belief
    There were no 'wands' brandished.
    There were no baths of blood,
    There were no hearts eaten.

    Yet how many of those lying headlines which peppered the British media at the start of the trial will reside in the memories of mad social workers, fundamentalist agitators and SRA vigilantes to be evoked again the next time someone in the British Media cannot resist writing a lubricious headline?  The conspiracyloons will snarl at the result of the Trial, they will nod at each other' ; 'It's happened again' they will say, 'another SRA cover-up!'

    And go blithely on acting as though the Glasgow case really was a case of Satanic Abuse after all, writing their books on Satanic Abuse and quoting the false claims in the Glasgow case as though somehow they add proof to the weight of evidence showing that SRA exists. They will attend Satan Seminars and mention it as the 'latest' proof, and they will persist in publishing fake news about SRA on the internet from the wicked mind of 'someone who knew the brother of man who was the cousin of a schoolmate of one of the victims' who will insist that the Judge was corrupt, and that the police were all Freemasons!    That is what this kind of reporting gets you - 36 years of delusion and unfact which has tortured thousands of innocent men, women and children. A slow-burn witch-hunt spanning 36 years.

    The indictments in the Glasgow case were read out in court and reported thus
    It is alleged one of the girls was shut in a microwave in an attempt to kill her. (Daily Record)
    How did this statement get into the court papers without anyone actually realising it was false? There is no microwave in existence big enough to contain a 10 year girl! As five of the defendants are indicted on charges of attempted murder ( which may very well rest on this claim ), the truth behind this statement is crucial to understanding the kind of evidence being accepted at face-value by the team bringing the case to court, and it doesn't look good.

    Was the Satanic / Witchcraft content of this trial worked-up by superstitious cretins which the authorities simply repeated, or was it a cynical attempt to sway the jury with ancient stereotypes? Could it be interference in the process of justice from the clique of Satan-Hunters who now populate Scotland? The following may help you decide;

    Videos, Videos everywhere and not a one to see

    During the trial it was stated that the victims were made to film their abuse or that various accused had filmed the abuse.
    'The women are accused of watching the abuse, with the indictment adding that they did “clap, cheer and verbally encourage” the abuse, with some filming the attack.' (Independent)

    'Another child was allegedly raped within the same time period, with the group accused of filming it.'(Times 5 Sept. 2023)

    'Owens and Brannan go on to face an accusation of raping the boy. The duo along with Lannery and Williams are also said to have made him watch a video of one of the girls being attacked.' (Daily Record)
    Clearly if the prosecution actually had a single one of these films the accused would have been caught red-handed, yet they have all pleaded not-guilty. In short, as with many earlier cases of SRA, claims of filmed abuse were central yet came to nothing. In all earlier cases there never were any films found to back up what the SRA victims claimed. It appears there are none in this trial either.

    The idea of perpetrators filming the abuse of their victims and then selling the films into the porn industry was a prejudiced assumption first made in 1988 when the fundamentalist activists who started the Satanic Panic began pretending to have inside information and were subsequently allowed to present fictional 'criminal profiles' of supposed Satanic Abusers to police forces in the UK in what amounted to highly prejudiced and unconfirmed conjecture based on ecclesiastical records which depicted confessions gained under torture during the 15c and 16c Witch-trials which disgraced Europe. NOT ONE OF THEIR CLAIMS TURNED OUT TO BE TRUE.

    The first mention of Satanic Snuff Movies was in early 1988 in a keynote speech given by
    The Reachout Trust in Britain's first Satan Seminar in Dundee which infected local churches and social workers and police. The similarities with the guff eventually thrown out of the Glasgow case on 13th September is amazing. Back in 1988 the Reachout Trust baldly stated:

    'After the sacrifice they take out the heart, spleen, and. eyes and eat them. The children are also taught how to remove these parts of the body. The children state how bodies are chopped up. What is not eaten of the foetus is stored. Some of the bodies are melted down. The fat is used for candles and the bones are ground down and the powder is used as an aphrodisiac. What I have reported so far is only a partial picture. I know that there are other types of rituals which I have not mentioned. From our information a lot of these rituals are videoed by the people involved.' Maureen Davies, Director Reachout Trust, 'Satanic Ritual Abuse' lecture, 1988.

    Presumably Reachout's director, Maureen Davies, was doling out similar untruths to attendees at the other Aberdeen and Dundee Satan Seminars held in the early 1990s?   To see how irrational these claims, which were based solely on the manic testimony of mentally ill patients who fell into the hands of Reachout and who gleefully confirmed what Reachout wanted to hear, please view the five minute clip of Maureen Davies being interviewed on camera by Martin Bashir for BBC's Panorama special on Satanic Abuse, in December 1992 in which Davies' 'expertise' about Satanic Abuse ( which had for 3 years previously underpinned and encouraged a belief in SRA throughout the police and social services ) evaporate like the smoke and mirrors it really was, under a few minutes of direct questioning. (  - clip starts 33.00 minutes in. )

    In the intervening 35 years which has covered over 80 cases of claimed SRA there has not been one film, photo, recording or tape ever found which backed up these claims. Despite hundreds of cases here and overseas, film of 'Satanic Abuse' has never been discovered, but see how utterly false claims of 'eating hearts' has also made its way through from 1988 to impinge upon the Glasgow SRA trial in 2023!

    So adamant were these earlier Satan Hunters that Satanists must have filmed their rituals that they hoaxed the entire population of Great Britain, in February 1992 ,when a group of them headed by fundamentalist agitator Andrew Boyd persuaded Channel 4 Television to broadcast what was billed ( with nationwide press fanfare) as 'an actual film of satanic abuse happening' in an hour long documentary, which included an interview with a woman, Jennifer, who claimed to be a previous member of the cult who claimed that they had made her kill her own baby!
    The Truth about Jennifers Story

    The public uproar at this 'evidence of SRA' lasted for a few hours until the SAFF found the original recording and proved that it was a performance art video by a well-known rock-group, on open sale and given an 18 rating by the BBFC in which various avant garde celebrities took part. The producers of the documentary had lied. It was NOT a film of actual Satanic Abuse and proved nothing of the kind.

    By this time Scotland Yard had been stampeded into busting the rock-group's headquarters and took away tons of music videos and other documents. They found absolutely NO SRA videos or illegal videos of any kind and no charges followed. It was all fundamentalist generated hysteria.

    Furthermore the woman 'informer' who claimed to have killed her own baby turned out to be a confused mentally fragile individual who had been indoctrinated with the 'baby killing' idea during Recovered Memory therapy at a Christian healing seminary which had been heavily involved in pushing SRA at the time (a representative of this group - Ellel Grange - was actually invited to speak at Reachout's Dundee SRA Seminar in 1988! See for the full story.

    Getting the picture yet?  The words 'Police', 'Lead' and Nose'  come to mind.

    2014 false claim that snuff movies were made by ritual abusers in Scotland The fact is, there has never been a film recovered in any case where Satanic Ritual Abuse had been claimed during the 35 years the myth has been ongoing.

    Even so the 'satanists filmed their abuse' meme was given a new spin in 2014 when two groups of Satan Hunters in Scotland, one of which had direct links to the 1990 Satanic Panic, drummed up shocking publicity by claiming children were being killed in Satanic snuff movies. Despite decades of failed claims about Snuff movies which many ordinary folk think just MUST have happened somewhere, the facts are that it is an apocryphal rumour which has no basis in fact. Here, Snopes takes the unfact apart in detail. There have never been any Satanic Snuff Movies.

    Note that the Scottish child charities pushing the Snuff Movie unfact, ( Izzy's Promise and Break The Silence ) used the same memes that had earlier been presented to police and government back in the 1990 Satanic Panic (and were proven false way back then, but which have since become part of 'the demonology' of SRA within satan hunter circles ). Unbelievably, people running the Scottish police and government agencies quickly fell for those Satanic Snuff Movie lies again in 2014!   Just how foolish is Police Scotland?  The obsessed SRA-hunters shout 'jump' and Police Scotland respond by asking 'how high?'.  The SRA obsessives have  done it a zillion times in 35 years and each time they come up with new twists to their manic claims the cops knee-jerk into action searching for phantoms. Ray Wyre retracting his statement that he had seen a snuff movie

    The lie about Snuff Movies being involved in SRA cases (or any other cases for that matter) was given a hail of publicity in the 1990s when Ray Wyre, a key player in the promotion of SRA during the 1990 Satanic Panic, ( see Broxtowe.htm ) and a close colleague of Tim Tate, producer of the Cook Report, was quoted in an article as saying he had personally witnessed a child killed in a Snuff Movie.  This was sensational!   However when Wyre was challenged about this he retracted saying that it was a movie which simulated a murder

    Cost of Scottish SRA inquiriesWhen contacted about the possibility of Snuff Movies (Satanic or otherwise)  both the FBI and Scotland Yard said Snuff Movies did not exist.  You can decide for yourself how much the irresponsible British Media perpetuates untruths of this kind about SRA by looking again at the Daily Express's despicable report above, and estimate for yourself the total amount of police resources which were squandered on this issue in the UK over the past three decades. It runs into tens of millions of pounds, most of it wasted in Scotland with the £6 MILLION cost of the Lord Clyde Public Inquiry to tidy up the unnecessary Orkney SRA case which was a travesty of Police and Social Service malpractice.

    Wyre's glib original insistence that he had watched a child being killed in a snuff movie, which he later retracted when challenged, can be compared with his 1989 interview on Australia's 'Sixty Minutes' series about early Claims of Satanic Abuse. Whilst somewhat more careful of his pronouncements in the UK, once in Australia he clearly told millions of Aussies that Satanists were torturing and killing kids in Australia when he had absolutely no factual evidence that this was the case in Australia or anywhere else in the world.

    You can see how Wyre also lies about the Broxtowe case and includes the '21 cases' which featured in the Cook Report's The Devil's Work, (for which he acted as an advisor). See him look straight into the camera and lie. You can view this clip from Sixty Minutes here: Servants of Satan. Wyre is a lying toad yet is billed by Sixty Minutes as the world's most experienced expert on Satanic Ritual Child Abuse!   Really?  Not in our neck of the woods he isn't.

    By the way, Theresa, a self-proclaimed SRA victim, who was also interviewed by Sixty Minutes ended up giving evidence in court at the Old Bailey in London a month before this Oz programme was broadcast. After three days in court the judge threw the case out and exonerated the people she had falsely accused of Satanic Abuse. Some people make good liars and some people lie for God. Wyre had completed a course at Baptist Bible College before he jumped on the SRA bandwagon.

    After the hysteria of the Satanic Panic of the 1990s had faded, Ray Wyre moved from being a child-protection professional to being a professional poker player. Apparently he was very good at bluffing. From Bible thumper to Satanic Abuse Expert to Gambler. What a life trajectory!  If you want to see just how the Satanic Panic in the UK was exported to Australia and New Zealand then this well-researched history of the scare from the Australian side, gives a blow-by-blow account and you will find that 90% of the people who 'discovered SRA' in Australia were the same ones who foisted it on Britain! History of SRA in Australia and New Zealand

    These two organisations who began pushing rumours of Snuff Movies in 2014, ( Izzy's Promise and Break The Silence ), are contributors to the Scottish government on child-protection!  One of them Break The Silence has a delegate who sits on the Holyrood Committee on Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse.  I wonder what she's telling them?

    The Daily Express
    (which has a long-running campaign to hype and sensationalise tall tales of Satanic Ritual Abuse and is always ready to print any old headline-grabbing tosh) questioned Police Scotland about the snuff movies.  Police Scotland said they are taking the claims seriously. See how these unrepresentative groups can manipulate the police and judiciary with unfact?

    Today, a decade on from those 2014 snuff movie claims, it can be seen that there were of course NO films and NO snuff movies and NO children at risk despite what these two groups said in 2014.  

    Izzy's Promise and Break The Silence have not produced a single piece of evidence to back up their claims but got full page headlines for them in a national newspaper anyway. Neither of them, to our knowledge, has apologised or qualified their false statements about SRA Snuff Movies.

    It is interesting to see how easily these lies were seeded into the minds of cops at Police Scotland after having been completely discredited 35 years previously.
    After the Ayreshire SRA Scandal
    After the Orkney SRA Scandal.
    After the government's 1994 report proving SRA did not exist.
    After Lord Clyde's Public Inquiry which castigated believers in SRA in social work.
    After the 194 rule changes.
    After the terrible errors of the Isle of Lewis SRA case where the main witness admitted she lied.
    And after every other police force in the UK had investigated claimed SRA cases and found them FALSE. 

    Here we are now a decade after the Daily Express printed what were at best paranoid fears on Snuff Movies and at the worst manipulative grifting, neither of those two organisations have been able to produce even one example of a Satanic Snuff Movie!

    And the salient point here is that neither of these groups have ever been challenged about those lies which tens of thousands of members of the public read and were horrified by.  If you carefully read the false claims made in this ten year old Daily Express report you will astonishingly see an almost word for word rendition of what appears today in the indictment in the current Glasgow case. It is as though Police Scotland used it as a template!

    Could it be possible that the drip, drip, of SRA propaganda from the coterie of Satan Hunters who have coalesced in Scotland around Dundee and Edinburgh and who have become a focus for Satan Hunters nationwide for their insistence that Satanic Ritual Child Abuse exists, has actually infected the Scottish Justice system with new tales of SRA? Were some of these Third Sector groups involved in Police Scotland's' 1000 lines of inquiry' over the the Glasgow SRA trial we wonder?

    Izzy's Promise

    Izzy's Promise is a registered charity and has been encouraged for decades by the Scottish Government. They began as an offshoot of the infamous RAINS group which was the prime mover behind ALL the early claimed cases of SRA in the UK from 1988 onwards. You can see more on the evil activities of RAINS and how they were behind the hysteria about Edward Heath being a Satanic Abuser, below and here: The Truth About the Westminster Satanic Abuse Ring

    Laurie Matthews, the founder, set up a scion of RAINS to promote the idea of SRA in Scotland. She called it RANS (Ritual Abuse Network Scotland). Many Satanic Panic activists and groups were members of RAINS and RANS, the two were virtually indistinguishable networking points for Satan Hunters in the UK.

    The SAFF exposed the workings of RANS back in 2002 ( ) but such is the desire amongst the child-scare lobby to foster false ideas about Satanic Child abuse that they've done quite well since.

    Izzys Promise 2011 Satan Seminar and SRA training workshops After a rename from RANS to Izzy's Promise the organisation apparently flourished. To the right you will see a flyer for their 2011 Satan Seminar in Devil Town (Dundee) and it clearly illustrates the pyramid selling techniques that all these groups tend to use.

    By promising to heal or help mentally disturbed people they proffer therapy and then also work to train the 'survivor network' of therapists and counsellors who therapise the self-identified victims of SRA. The demand is a self-fulfilling feedback loop.

    People who are mentally-ill come in with or without tales of SRA, get therapised using recovered memory therapy ,which the NHS should ban, and many come out with false memories of Satanic Abuse.

    These self-styled SRA victims are used as 'evidence' of the existence of SRA.   After a while some of the victims turn to being trained in DID therapy themselves when they are trained to 'help' (i.e. seek out) other SRA 'victims' to draw into the cycle.  It is a perfect exercise in paranoia.

    RANS 2020 Satan Seminar in Dundee How do the RAINS mob manage to work their SRA magic in plain sight? Well they disguise their satan-hunting behind the term 'Ritual Abuse'. When talking to 'straights' they hardly ever use the word 'Satanism', yet it is concomitant with all their claims.

    Of course there is no such thing as 'Ritual Abuse' , the term means nothing and cannot be adequately defined in psychiatry. The compulsive washing of hands by people suffering from OCD could be termed 'a ritual' but repetitive actions like this are not the kind of Rituals the SRA hunters are talking about. They are talking of a pan-global network of Satanists who are supposed to ceremonially sadistically and sexually abuse children and then kill and eat them.  They are just bonkers. 

    When you get right down to it, the activities of these people are very much like rolling Tent Crusades picking up converts to SRA as they go; and of course most of these groups are run by fundamentalist Christians to save souls. Why, some of these Third Sector groups even provide an on-line SRA self-identification form in which mentally imbalanced people can validate themselves as victims of SRA from the comfort of their own sofa!  You can become a victim of Satanic Abuse in minutes on line, just tick the boxes!

    Izzy's Promise's Yearly activity report to the Scottish Charity Commission for 2010 makes interesting reading:
    This month has been one of the busiest this year with even more survivors dropping in for face-to-face support, phoning, emailing and texting for support and with more referrals from other support agencies. We sent out questionnaires and consultations to more than 700 abuse support organisations in the UK by post and email to make them aware of all the services we offer to ritual / organised abuse survivors. We provided consultancy services to 8 abuse support agencies via email and phone. Some of the agencies needed more information on how to support ritual / organised abuse survivors. We were approached by 2 agencies to deliver awareness training on how to support ritual abuse survivors. We have two upcoming training opportunities for people and organisations working with ritual/organised abuse survivors taking place on the 7th and 8th July 2010
    When they say 'provided consultancy services to abuse support agencies', they do not preclude local authority social work departments, child safeguarding departments, police and other official bodies. In short they have a direct line to confuse, corrupt and misdirect Scottish child care with unproven assumptions about SRA and mad claims about Snuff Movies.

    Therapists forced woman to believe her parents abused themI am sure that these do-gooders think they are doing something useful and helping people escape from some horror or other but history shows that crusading Satan Hunters in the past usually cause suffering to children and vulnerable adults not cure them.

     As in the 1990 scare the foolish police and social services rarely  seem to  question what these groups say. They rarely ask anyone who does not believe in SRA what their take on the situation is. SRA therefore becomes  a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    The claims of Satanic Abuse are as grotesque as can be; RANS even inferred that Satanists were sacrificing seals by shooting them in the seas around Orkney!

    They made this claim at the height of the Orkney scandal, it was as if their intention was to 'confirm' the existence of abusing Satanists in Orkney and support the allegations in the Orkney Case which we all now know were utterly false in every respect.  

    Clearly anyone who knows about coastal communities realises that inshore fishermen HATE seals. There is a glut of them and they take all their catch, therefore, although illegal, the culling of seals by fishermen does occasionally happen and will be reported;  but it has absolutely nothing to do with Satanists or Witches.

    Claims of Satanic Animal Sacrifice are a perennial allegation in SRA circles.  The SAFF discredited such claims many times with this research here:

    You can see more of the kind of stuff that Izzy's Promise have been doling out for decades, here: but this what they said in the article:
    “I recently spoke with a lady near here who couldn’t stop crying. She had been through it all and said she couldn’t live with the things she’d done. She was telling about everything that had happened to her, drugs, abuse, watching others being abused, sacrifices, animal sacrifices, being raped, being forced to conceive and then abort the child for sacrifice. At one point she says she may have killed a young child because she was forced to strangle the child. That’s the sort of power the perpetrators have on their victims.” Lumbasi, Izzy's Promise, Statement to the Daily Express 9 Nov 2014.

    Er, excuse us but; that's the sort of power therapists have over mentally vulnerable women who come to them for help and instead have false memories pushed into their heads about non-existent Satanic crimes!  These are the same false claims made by 'victims' during the 1990 Satanic Panic and which were completely discredited in every single case in the course of time. Word for Word. 

    Breeders and Killing Babies

    The idea of sacrificing of aborted babies in Satanic ceremonies was imported directly from the U.S. where the SRA myth had established itself a year or two before it was imported from there into the UK's first Satan case, in Broxtowe, Nottingham in 1987.

    In the US they called children whom they claimed had been impregnated to produce babies to abort and sacrifice as 'breeders'. It never ever happened either here or in the US.  Satanic Child Abuse is of course a parable for anti-abortionists which demonises empowered women (witches) as evil and portrays non-Christian men who condone abortion as devil worshippers.

    It is of course a parable for anti-abortionists which demonises empowered women (witches) as evil and portrays irreligious men as devil worshippers.

    These people are stretching it to be continuing these lies in this day and age and the last thing the authorities should do is give any of them credence, yet they get tax breaks by being Scottish Charities. Trouble makers are always rewarded, it would seem. No matter how moronic what they say is, they always seem to end up being listened to. In the case of SRA it would appear nothing succeeds like excess. The Dundee and Edinburgh link to USA SRA nutters Satanic Abuse will not die because believers like them keep stoking the flames.

    Look at these activities in S.M.A.R.T.'s, Ritual Abuse Pages (see graphic to the right - double-click to open a large size version).

    RANS, Izzy's Promise, from Devil Town Dundee and Sarah Nelson from Edinburgh University ( Remember her? '1650 people in Edinburgh have been satanically abused') appear alongside each other on S.M.A.R.T.'s website so all the world can see that Scotland is a hive of abusing Satanists, when it is nothing of the kind.

    Or more accurately, Scotland has a clique of Satan Hunters who have claimed that Scotland is ridden with Satanic Abusers without ever having been able to produce even one example in 35 years of warning about it.

    The Network of Carping Satan-Hunters in Scotland Have Spent 35 Years Warning About it Without Being Able to Produce a Single Example.

    The Daily Express's hysterical piece on Snuff Movies and of Ritual killings in Scotland got a bad reception in academe.  Within days Professor Chris French (the Head of the Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit at University of London and a specialist in false cases of SRA) disputed the whole idea and took it to task in the Guardian, suggesting the police were on another wild-goose-chase. Nine years later we all now know that he was right and Police Scotland were chasing phantoms. https://www.

    Hollie Greig: This is What Scotland Gets when it suffers evil Satan Hunters...

    But this is not the first time Satan Hunters in Scotland began a hysterical scare that gave the Scottish Legal system the run-around. Another hiatus of Satan Hunting began in 2009 but it was hardly covered in the Scottish Press so the public are largely unaware of it.  If you read what follows, you will be.

    In 2012, after 3 years of vigilante attacks, self-appointed SRA crusader Robert Green was jailed for his part as leader of a campaign of lies and persecution which had created an Internet sensation by falsely accusing several judges and legal VIPs in Scotland of being part of a Satanic Paedophile Ring at a high level in the Scottish Justice system.  Many thousands of Scottish conspiracyloons still believe in this cabal of Satanic abusers within the Scottish judiciary, discussing and reinforcing belief in it on the internet.

    Robert Green's campaign concerned a Downs Syndrome girl (now an adult) called Hollie Greig, whose mother maintained, had claimed to have been abused in Satanic Rituals by 26 people. These completely false accusations occurred first in 2009 and also included the public doxing of several innocent members of Hollie Greig's extended family who were persecuted terribly on the internet and locally. The false claims about Hollie Greig were taken up by that conspiracyloon David Icke. He backed Green's campaign and brought thousands more SRA vigilantes into the mix.

    Two extensive Police Scotland investigations into claims made by Hollie Greig's mother proved that there was no truth in them but the vicious Satan Hunters would not stop. This hiatus was ongoing at the same time as England was suffering it's own VIP abuse accusations which eventually lead to the investigation of the late prime-minister Edward Heath for Satanic murder. It concluded saying that nothing of the kind had ever occurred.

    One of those at the top of the Scottish legal system who was falsely accused of being part of the VIP abuse ring cover-up,  was Lord Advocate Elisha Angiolini.   She was hounded on the internet to such degree by Green that she eventually sought a lifetime non-harassment order against him in 2012.

    Green had falsely claimed Angiolini had covered up an "establishment paedophile ring" in Scotland. It followed the granting of similar non-harassment orders against Green given to 15 (fifteen) other people whom he and his campaign had vindictively and falsely persecuted for imagined Satanic Crimes on the internet by, for example, revealing the registration numbers and details of their vehicles so vigilantes could attack them, and the distribution of poisoned pen leaflets designed to drum up hatred against falsely accused people by posting them through the letter boxes of their neighbours to get them to turn on the falsely accused. Some of Green's victims, though completely innocent, were forced to move home. One had to close down his business.

    You probably want to ask how did Green and this Mob get away with all this hateful activity but watching the authorities turn a blind-eye to dangerous false claims of Satanic Ritual Abuse is a constant occurrence throughout the last three decades. Their aloof arrogance in ignoring the pernicious affects on those falsely accused of SRA is why we have ended up still chasing the same phantoms 35 years later! The authorities seem to think it is beneath them to address this issue, as though anyone with any common-sense can see that these false accusers are nutters and not worth attention, yet isn't it just the same twisted fundamentalist psychological beliefs which have created terrorism across the Western world and how much time, effort and resources do the government, police and local authorities spend on that?

    There are now hundreds of thousands of believers in Satanic Ritual Abuse in the UK and they network with each other very successfully on the internet. We have far more believers in SRA than we have people supporting Islamic Jihad yet it is still treated as a Cinderella subject.

    The full story of Green's despicable actions and bigoted vigilantism is outlined here: https://www.   'One Devastating Fantasy' written for the Scottish Herald by David Leask, was a masterful analysis of a complex run of events for which he is to be congratulated, however a crucial aspect is missing from it - Green's previously unrevealed connections with the coterie of activists who had started the 1990 Satanic Panic and Green's networking with RAINS and other SRA survivor groups behind all the earlier SRA cases which hit the headlines.

    Only the SAFF could give you the full insight into this and here it is below:

    The Helen G List [Also known as The RAINS List]

    This long list of suspicions about VIPs who were imagined to be involved in a child-abuse ring at high levels in the British Establishment, came from RAINS director Joan Coleman. It outed famous people, MPs, Police Chiefs, Celebrities from the world of entertainment, and others in high-places based solely on fantasy, fiction, gossip, and guesswork.

    Do you remember the controversy over TV celebrity abuse? The persecution of Cliff Richard, Paul Gambaccini, Jimmy Tarbuck, Jim Davidson, Coronation Street's William Roache, and many more? All of these people were falsely accused through rumour and false allegations during a time of hysteria about VIP abuse.  Tarbuck was libelled in the Helen-G List long before the police investigated him and found him innocent.

    The belief that there were hidden paedophile VIP rings at the heart of the British Establishment was old gossip going back to 1977 when a political group called PIE (Paedophilia Information Exchange) campaigned to reduce the age of consent for homosexuals and received local and government funding from the Home Office between 1977 and 1980.  Of course pressure from the Gay lobby did eventually result in the dropping of the age of consent to 16 years later in 2001 but decades earlier PIE's attempts to do this ended up with very negative consquences.  Some members of PIE were involved in the Westminster bubble, particularly linked to the Labour party. Then a package of child pornography was found on a London omnibus with links to PIE.

    How Hayman's identity was leaked. A detailed police investigation was inconclusive (left-wing political support for homosexual rights and membership of PIE was not evidence of being a paedophile) but Tom O'carroll, the organiser of PIE was successfully prosecuted. Ten people were arrested. Most of these were dealt with under their own names but unwisely, in an obvious attempt to avoid a scandal,  a top diplomat and member of PIE, Sir Peter Hayman, was allowed to use a pseudonym to escape opprobrium. 

    Private Eye magazine was the first to expose this but the man was not named until 1981 when after an ongoing police inquiry it was leaked to Geoffrey Dickens MP,  he named Hayman in parliament under parliamentary privilege (MPs can say anything they like in the chamber and are immune from being sued ) The resulting publicity was widespread and made Dickens something of a 'children's champion'.

    Five years later Dickens 'outed' someone on the floor of the house a second time. This time, a doctor was alleged to have raped a child. The police investigated and found it untrue.  Persisting, Dickens worked with the SUN newspaper who paid for a private prosecution of the doctor.  The trial found the doctor completely innocent.

    I will stamp out any black magic hereUnabashed, rent-a-quote Dickens moved into demanding that gay vicars be sacked and also, as an addendum, appealed for public hanging to be brought back!   This typical Tory was a committed Christian and homophobic laypreacher.  He then linked up with Childwatch, a Hull child-protection charity and in 1988 began a campaign to falsely accuse innocent people of being involved in the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children by fabricating unfacts in the  house of commons yet again.  He was directly responsible for the 1990 Satanic Panic.  The full sorry story of Dickens' career in being the 'children's champion' is outlined here:

    Some people thought the PIE issue had been covered up and that a cell of abusers were still active in Westminster.  Nobody else was ever caught in the intervening two decades but this suspicion came back to haunt the government in the early 2000s when hysterical claims of Satanic Ritual Abuse were twinned with the earlier PIE suspicions and 'VIP Abuse' was invented.

    In 2008 Coleman's Helen G list brought it all together again. Yet the list was in fact simply the outpourings of a single 'star victim imposter' called Helen G, a psychiatric patient of Coleman's, who had for a year or so previously enthralled Coleman with imagined Satanic Crimes at her therapy sessions. Helen G told Coleman exactly what she wanted to hear, that there was a large group of child abusers at the highest level of the State which had Satanic connections.  Prof. J La Fontaine Report on SRA said that it did not exist

    It was bunkum but since 1994 ,when the La Fontaine Report had totally undermined RAINS, Coleman had been trying to reclaim her reputation by insisting that SRA was a threat, because her  patients claimed that it existed. Coleman seemed oblivious to the fact that many patients lie to please their therapists.  

    All Coleman's SRA cases had failed miserably in the course of time and her patients were proven to be either attention seeking liars or dippy middle-aged women with mental problems who had fantisised SRA stories under Recovered Memory therapy.

    SAFF knew that Coleman was a foolish liar because later on she lied about us in print!

    Following the La Fontaine report RAINS was on the back foot, but the Helen G list offered what they apparently saw as 'insider evidence' to confirm SRA. Coleman collated the Helen G List and without checking or testing any of it for factual accuracy, promptly distributed the list to other SRA therapists in the RAINS network. The SRA believing social workers and police who made up the 180 or so members of RAINS.

    From there the Helen-G list soon got out into the wild and quickly ended up in the hands of 'survivor groups' who took the matter much further. They cross-contaminated wild stories of SRA across forums, blogs and survivor groups. The conglomeration of these tidbits in the minds of the Satan Hunters created a reservoir of what seemed like identical stories and memes which further agglomerated convincing, but wholly untrue, tales of Satanic Ritual Abuse.

    It was the Helen G List which was behind the sensational false accusations against former prime minister Edward (Ted) Heath and a host of other Westminster VIPs of abusing and sacrificing children.  Rehashed through the influential network of survivor-groups the list and the meme gained impetus and eventually the British government suckered in to it, for it formed a thread of the Governments £100 Million IICSA inquiry into historic abuse.

    The first floating of the Elite Paedophile meme in the UK But VIP abuse was not new. The uproar over secret paedophile groups in the Elite of Society had first been floated in July 1993 from the meanderings of other mentally ill patients undergoing Recovered Memory therapy at the Jupiter Trust, run by GP Jim Phillips and his colleague Vera Diamond, a founder member of RAINS and another front-runner in pushing the false allgations of SRA at the time.

    In this pre-internet version of the 'Elite Paedophiles conspiracy' Diamond's mad patients claimed that the Royal Family itself was involved in drinking the blood of babies. The front page of the Daily Sportnewspaper 16 July 1993 was the start of this meme which much later went on to just about destroy Prince Andrew when Virginia Guiffre made claims of under-age sex with him in 2014.

    In November 2015 The IICSA inquiry into historic abuse commenced. It lasted six years and concluded in September 2021 by saying that there was no evidence of any abusing elite in Westminster.
    'There was ample evidence that individual perpetrators of child sexual abuse were linked to Westminster but, despite some assertions to the contrary, there was no evidence of an organised ‘Westminster paedophile network’. pp 11'
    That's 'official speak' for saying that the claims of SRA rings and groups were untrue.

     Additionally IICSA's full 190 page published report dealing specifically with 'Allegations of child sexual abuse linked to Westminster' contains lots of detail about various historic cases of sexual impropriety, extends to 57,000 words but does not mention Satanism, Witchcraft, Ritual Abuse or anything at all related to SRA. '' This conclusion followed several watersheds which had occurred in-between time as we will relate below:

    Edward Heath was part of Satanic Sex Ring that killed 16 kids Firstly, In 2016 the Met police began a countrywide investigation into new false accusations made about Edward Heath and an imagined clique of VIP abusers who had allegedly sacrificed a school boy in Satanic Rituals. These lurid claims were made by three women and a grifter called Carl Beech (who was given the pseudonym 'Nick' in news reports of the time). Beech made up a complex story about being a victim of VIP abuse in Satanic Rituals.

    The resultant police investigation besmirched the honourable careers of many innocent VIPs and ex MPs including Sir Benjamin Herman, Lord McAlpine, Lord Brittan, Harvey Proctor and others, but eventually it became clear that Beech was a fantasist who nearly succeeded in getting two payments of £22,000 each from CICA's criminal compensation fund.  His SRA story was false and it collapsed. When police looked deeper they found him in possession of child-porn and he had secretly filmed young boys in a toilet. In January 2019 Beech pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography.

    Yes, folks, the liar who had convinced thousands of self-righteous Satan Hunters and survivor groups across the internet of his plight as a victim of VIP abuse was actually an abuser himself. They had hung on his every word, they had used his lies to condemn other innocent people and troll them on the internet for being Satanic paedophiles, yet Beech was actually an abusing paedophile himself whose SRA story was a front.  This shows just how ridiculous their claims of expertise about SRA really are - they can't even detect a paedo when he's stood in front of them.

    In July 2019 Beech, who had destroyed so many honourable people with his lies, was tried again for Perverting the Cause of Justice and obtaining "£22,000 by deception". On 26 July he was found guilty and given 18 Years in prison.

    The Beech case cracked-open the hysteria of VIP abuse allegations and the stories of self-styled victims slowed as the police and support groups at last began to demand more than anecdotal evidence of what self-styled 'victims' claimed. Hoskins says operation conifer useless - witnesses are satanic fantasists

    As the Beech investigation (part of Operation Midland) progressed, another extensive and highly controversial police inquiry was ongoing - Operation Conifer - into Edward Heath's life based on the testimony of three women who had made claims of Satanic Abuse.

    A leading criminologist who was asked to look at their evidence by Wiltshire police said they were Satanic Fantasists. Although Wiltshire police still insisted on furthering the inquiry, in October 2017 it closed reporting that none of the allegations checked out and they could find no other evidence against Heath. Another waste of £883,000.00 on non-existent SRA hysteria.

    When Beech was jailed in 2019 it was clear that any claims of a high-level VIP abuse ring in the British Establishment was utterly without foundation. The SAFF covered the scandal and its main players in great detail here:

    SAFF maintain that the rise in unsubstantiated allegations of VIP abuse on the internet began with the Helen G List in 2007. Two years later Robert Green was pushing the idea in Scotland in connection with false allegations related to Hollie Greig and false abuse allegations in the Scottish Justice System. It rose to a crescendo in 2012 after Jimmy Savile died and the spotlight was thrown onto 'Celebrity Abuse'.

    Green was imprisoned for a year in Aberdeen nick for vigilante excesses in 2012 but that simply spurred on his compatriots in the Satan Hunter scene as you will see below.

    The Satanic Crimes of The Hampstead Elite

    Almost a year later and 400 miles away in England, similar lies about a new case of claimed Satanic Ritual Child Abuse began at Christchurch School in Hampstead, London. The tendentious allegations began to circulate on the internet. It was the same old worn-out allegations of SRA but this time the people being falsely accused were part of the London Elite and were not standing for it.  They began to fight the lynch-mob with an influential media campaign to expose the lies. They were subject to the usual doxing, on-line threats, poisoned pen letters and mob protests outside the school itself. The hysteria rose to fantastic proportions with claims of child-abusing Satanists in a local restaurant (which had crucial similarities to the hysterical Pizza House conspiracy raging at the time in the U.S.). Police were regularly called in to restore order but failed, as usual, to see the long-term dangers.

    All this activity caused award winning journalist David Aaronovitch, who knew the school well, to review the Satanic Ritual Child Abuse Myth since the 1990s. He was astounded that a panic which started in 1990 and which had been roundly discredited numerous times, was still going and causing serious problems 23 years later.  

    His research resulted in a now famous two part BBC Analysis program titled 'The Anatomy of A Panic' .  Aaronovitch  looked into the entire history of the Satanic Ritual Abuse Scare and concluded that it was all falsity created by hyper-vigilance within fringe child-protection groups and promoted by a clique of SRA believers ensconced within child-care. Anatomy of a Panic was broadcast on 25th May 2015 and the key players and RAINS activists who had pushed the scare since 1988, ( some of whom had given interviews in the programme ) , didn't like it one little bit.

    Key RAINS activists who had pushed the scare since 1988, and were interviewed in the documentary,  pulled out all the stops to try to discredit the programme.

    Within days Aaronovitch's programme received an official complaint from Sarah Nelson and another from Tim Tate. Nelson, a supporter of RAINS and consistent promoter of the idea of Satanic Ritual Abuse since 1988 was a member of the Department of Sociology at Edinburgh university and positing herself as a specialist in Ritual Abuse. Nelson officially complained to the BBC about Aaronovitch's interview with her, but then she went further, she published extensive criticism of him with additional vituperation in an internet blog for all Satan Hunters to see.

    The Needleblog had been very active in promoting the VIP hysteria, had backed Carl Beech's case and had also earlier carried articles by Tim Tate on VIP abuse. It was a blog where many SRA believers coalesced and swapped their ideas.

    For good measure the same repudiation was published on the website of Izzy's Promise along with another scathing attack on Aaronovitch over Anatomy of a Panic, this time by Tim Tate.

    Many of the criticisms from the Satan Hunters seemed to rely on impugning the professionalism of David Aaronovitch and he used barristerblogger's site here: to correct them in no unscertain terms.

    Nelson's key complaint appeared to be that she claimed Aaronovitch had mislead her about the SRA content in the programme and that she may not therefore have given an interview had she known he was to focus on it. In short, entrapment. But Aronovitch knew Nelson was a key influencer in the current and past promotion of the idea of Ritual and Satanic Abuse who was currently pushing the idea at home and internationally. Surely he had a right to question her about it? Apparently not as her written complaint to the BBC Trust went:

    “I was not dealt with fairly and honestly but deceived in terms of what I was led to expect in participating, and what I was assured would happen, compared with the broadcast content of these programmes.”

    “I repeatedly sought and received assurances both verbally and by email, and as part of my agreement to participate, that the programmes would fairly reflect conflicting views and evidence on this controversial and sensitive topic...“I was not dealt with fairly and honestly but deceived in terms of what I was led to expect in participating, and what I was assured would happen, compared with the broadcast content of these programmes.”

    “I repeatedly sought and received assurances both verbally and by email, and as part of my agreement to participate, that the programmes would fairly reflect conflicting views and evidence on this controversial and sensitive topic...'
    You will notice, if you read her full complaint, reproduced in the BBC's adjudication, that she is not accusing Aaronovitch of factual inaccuracy but appears to be whingeing about the inclusion of criticism of Satanic Abuse in the programme.

    Her approach as outlined in her appeal to the BBC complaints Trust was rejected as unfounded by the Trust's tribunal in December 2016. 

    Two months before Anatomy of A Panic was broadcast Nelson had an article published in the website for a U.S.A. extremist Satan Hunter group called S.M.A.R.T. [more on their lunacy later]

    Nelson's  article, implied that  the authorities in Scotland were WRONG to believe that there was no abuse in the Orkney and Ayrshire SRA cases which occurred during the Satanic Panic.    So here Nelson is insisting, 25 years after these infamous Scottish SRA cases had collapsed and been proven false, that Ritual Abuse HAD existed in the Orkney and Ayrshire cases.  In the case of Orkney the allegations were proven utterly false in every respect and after the extensive Clyde Inquiry the great and the good in Scotland had promised the public that lessons would be learned and such mistakes would never occur again.

    This constant repudiation of reality and historical memory is typical of Marxist-Maoist 'struggle sessions'. By drowning out reality with constant re-interpretations and the stretching of definitions whilst selectively quoting misleading statements out of context,  the perception of history is altered and so is the conclusion about what really happened.  The plan is to plant the seed of doubt in the minds of the undecided which in turn will cause a conversion to the required point of view.

    SAFF support Feminism The RAINS satan-hunters have spent the last 35 years infiltrating academe with articles ostensibly being objective reviews of the historical ramifications of the 1990 Satanic Panic but which are really black-propaganda designed to alter the conclusions made by the courts and public inquiries of the time so as to promote a belief in Satanic Ritual Abuse. This enables today's radical feminist Satan-hunters to portray SRA as a patriarchal cover-up to oppress women. It is being eagerly sucked-up by a new generation who did not live through those awful witch-hunts of the 1990s. Ironically, many of them are right-winger MAGA types who have no idea that the conspiracies they rely on have been fed to them by apparatchiks of the Left!

    The SAFF of course is here to ensure that the TRUTH about what has happened since the 1990 Satanic Panic remains in view and that the awful repercussions and suffering that this evil myth has caused is minimised.

    The Time Line On This Page Proves SRA is an illusion

    To prove it to yourself,  you will find a complete timeline of ALL claimed cases of Satanic Abuse since it was invented in 1988 along with the associated official inquiries and their conclusions listed for you plainly in the rightmost column. Click here to read this catalogue of errors and ignorance:

    Check it out! - By our count that is 34 major instances of FAILURE to prove the existence of SRA in every single case alleged, and every official investigation and inquiry undertaken in the past 36 years. For the radical feminists to continue their war against men this litany of malpractice MUST be hidden at all costs but the SAFF have tracked and recorded it for decades and they hate us for telling the Truth.

    These 34 failures to prove SRA is not our opinion it is INCONTROVERTIBLE FACT  and every detail can be seen in the public records. Anyone who contradicts these facts should be shunned as an anti-social troublemaker.

    Yet In March 2021 Sarah Nelson seemed to blame those who had maintained that SRA had NOT occurred in Orkney for the 'regular' sexual abuse of children in cases that came later!  In an article for the CRFR website she wrote: 
    'The spectre of a huge scandal against respectable families, magnified by disinformation, dealt a hammer blow to child protection social work. Dramatic media language about children snatched from their beds at sunrise painted them as cruel monsters, despite the timing and conduct of the raids being one act Lord Clyde did not criticise: “the conduct of the workers was efficient and supportive.” Although police and social workers acted jointly throughout, some right-wing media hostile to social work but supportive of the police painted a lasting image of social work as entirely to blame.    The Orkney case was so negatively publicised and notorious that it had a prolonged intimidatory effect on social work action against child sexual abuse (CSA) in particular. It was one factor in the continuing decline in identification of sexual abuse through the child protection system and children’s hearings
    This rewriting of history continued in 2021 when Nelson presented another paper entitled The Legacy of Orkney for Child Protection, published by the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships ( -child-protection-2/ ) in which Nelson insists that the social workers involved did no wrong in Orkney and also, for good measure, throws in an wholly inaccurate statement about the 2003 Isle of Lewis case. This is what she wrote:
    The 2005 Social Work Inspection Agency report on Eilean Siar (Western Isles) analysed failure to act on 222 official concerns about three girls who faced severe abuse, trafficking, violence and neglect. It suggested one reason for the prolonged attempts to engage with the family rather than remove the children, was the new children’s legislation and the aftermath of the Orkney Inquiry.'
    Nelson implies that the true import of the Isle of Lewis Satanic Ritual Abuse case was hidden because the rush to correct social services malpractice, after Orkney, imposed new laws which disabled the social workers from dealing properly with the abuse found there.  She insinuates that the abuse in Lewis was real and that the cowing of social workers who believed in SRA in that case failed the children.

    This is a preposterous rewriting of reality. The fact is that new social service rules imposed after the scandal of Orkney has SAVED the children. There was absolutely no abuse at all in the Isle of Lewis case, it was all entirely a figment of the imaginations of Satan Hunters in the local Social Services Department. Predicated upon the lies of a young girl.   Not a single person was prosecuted and the police dropped all the charges! 

    Nelson seems to be suggesting that if left to themselves, the social workers would have sorted the matter out and confirmed their suspicions of SRA.  Yet social work history is replete with the unintentional harm which can be caused by maverick social workers who believe in this nonsense. The idea that they can be left to police themselves is laughable, as this extract below shows:
    In 1973 there was an event which sent shock and terror throughout social work – it was the death of a child, Maria Colwell who was at the time under the care and supervision of a social worker. It was followed however by many, many more such children – Jasmine Beckford, Tyra Henry, Stephen Meurs to name but a few and most recently, Victoria Climbie’.

     There have now been almost 40 such
    incidents since 1973 where children have died while under the care and supervision of social workers. There have also been other major inquiries such as Cleveland/ the Orkneys / Nottingham / Rochdale and Shieldfield
     [source: The Role of social workers – advocates or investigators” by Charles Pragnell, UCAAFAA. ] 

    Sarah Nelson's approach, involving as it does a state of denial about the Satanic Ritual Abuse hysteria and a twisted view of the efficacy of social work interventions,  is typical of the coterie of RAINS types who have clung on to this ridiculous SRA myth for three decades despite every case they produce falling flat on its face.

    Yet earlier, on 1st March 2016,  Sarah Nelson published a vituperative article which appeared in 'The National'  headlined:    Orkney, Ayrshire, Cleveland... will the authorities ever learn about child sexual abuse cases?

    Why did Nelson come out of the woodwork to write this re framing of Orkney?  

    Because 'The National' had the month previously marked the 25th anniversary of the Orkney Scandal with an utterly biased article by Jean Rafferty titled  When evil visited Orkney: Untold story of ritual child abuse allegations on the island. For those who are unaware, 'The National' is a SNP supporting, left-leaning, Scottish Nationalist propaganda mouthpiece and rewriting history about scandals involving the lack of protection for Scottish children whilst Scotland was under the control of Westminster makes nice copy for them.

    Rewriting history is a key feature of  those who want to change the past. As Orwell's '1984' clearly states:
    "Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past "
    These articles by Nelson and Rafferty are not factual reviews they are polemics and entirely misleading to anyone who did not live through that awful panic.   I wonder how many wet-behind-the-ears readers will believe them?   You would think that no falsely accused people and kidnapped children were still alive to give the nay.  Do you want to see what the public and all other non-RAINS observers thought at the time? Then look at this extract from Anthea Hall's summary of the state of UK social work in the Daily Telegraph of 7 April 1991
    "Whereas at the end of the Cleveland inquiry, the reader was no wiser as to which abuses had or had not taken place, Mr Justice Douglas Brown was unequivocal.  After 47 days, he condemned gross breaches of good practice “on the excuse of lack of resources", leading questions and interviewing techniques which resulted in "exaggeration and fabrication” and concluded there was no evidence of ritual abuse and no evidence of sex abuse in all but one case.

    It took Sheriff David Kelbie less than two days to dismiss the "flawed, incompetent
    Orkney case. The children, he said, had been "coached" into giving statements, He ridiculed the alleged use of ritualistic music - it could have been anything from Kylie Minogue to Strip the Willow - and demanded that the children be returned home without delay.

    Now it is becoming as clear to the. public as it was to such politicians as MP Stuart Bell in Cleveland and Councillor Peter Thomson in Rochdale - and the entire population of South Ronaldsay - that the social services can no longer be relied upon as kind do-gooders working with individual deprived families to help them to lead reasonable lives.

    Home: Satan Kids set freeWant more? 

    We got plenty more! 

    Such as seething criticisms of idiotic outpourings from RAINS in broadcasts, reports, documents, inquiries, cuttings, all saying much the same thing, that SRA obsessed social workers had converted 'orthodox' abuse into SRA and even fabricated cases where non existed.
    'The SSI inspectors last week spoke to PAIN, the organisation Parents Against Injustice, about a dossier alleging that Rochdale social workers ignored guidelines...the Butler-Sloss report on the Cleveland affair was flouted..........In particular, parents were:
    • Denied a report of the full home assessment of their circumstances.
    • Not told of the allegations against them
    • Not given advice on their rights or about how to obtain legal advice.
    • Denied the right to seek independent medical or psychiatric opinion.
      [source: Mail On Sunday 7th Oct 1990]

    The only faith in social workers appears to be the arrogance of the faith they have in themselves.

    At the time there were hundreds of similar  articles in the regular press which reviewed the history of the false Orkney SRA case and the mistakes that were made.  Occasionally the Scottish media will actually do their duty and report honestly on the Orkney case and its aftermath.   This article here;        Is a good example where the local Orkney GP who had to cope with it all speaks candidly about the errors in social work and child-care.  Dr Helen Martini concludes that
    'Dr Martini believes social workers at the time were influenced by a then-fashionable American theory of child-sex abuse which saw satanist perverts at every turn.  She said: "I don't think there was any malice - an awful lot of stupidity, but no malice. I think the people involved really genuinely thought they were doing the right thing.  "They genuinely thought we were all satanists who were abusing children."

    She added: "The whole thing was absolutely awful. The kids were interrogated for hour after hour, day after day, week after week. "People involved in child protection and the whole social work field are poorly trained. Everyone goes on courses and that's great. 'I've been on a two-day child protection course so I'm now an expert'.

    "There's a total lack of common sense. So 20 years ago, I don't think there was any malice - there was just no brain.

    "That's what worries me, I think it could happen again. Not the same scenario - but the same underlying problem.
    Dr Helen Martini was predicting a resurgence of SRA hysteria in this interview which she gave in 2011 ;  and she was right wasn't she?  It DID happen again in the Isle of Lewis Case in 2003 and the VIP abuse claims in 2015 and now again in the Glasgow case in 2023.  Satanic Abuse will not die because those moral crusaders who believe in the phantom just won't stop pushing it.

    Another doctor on Orkney, Dr D.H.S. Reid, a consultant paediatrician, was asked to look at earlier medical examinations of the children done by a doctor who worked for Orkney SS.  His diagnosis was scathing. The first prognoses, which were crucial in condemning children and parents, were ambiguous and uncertain.  The conclusions of abuse made by the first doctor could not be relied upon.  When Reid submitted his second opinion to the Orkney Social Services they ignored it!   And then the doctor who had first examined the W children  threatened him with a writ for defamation to stop him publishing his diagnoses!  

    Dr Reid was so incensed at the malpractice and cover up in Orkney that he wrote and published a  powerful book on the entire fiasco 'Suffer The Little Children'   ( isbn1871479037 first published 1992 )   in which he lays out the obsessions of SRA hunters in Orkney Social Services and how they corrupted accepted rules and fail-safes in social work.  It is a superb insight into what happened which is , we think, even more informative than Lord Clyde's
    82 page inquiry report. There are hundreds of shocking points made in Suffer The Little Children but here's a salient one considering the subject under discussion.
    'The assault by the believers has not just been on Mrs. Kemp. Sheriff David Kelbie, Mr. Paul Lee (the director of Orkney social services),  the Scottish Secretary (Mr. Malcolm Rifkind) and others have also been attacked. ....  Let me give one typical example.  It shows how Dr. Y's medical report has been much expanded and embroidered by the believers in the abuse.  In the Glasgow Herald on 14 December 1991 a Sarah Nelson reported in a letter to the editor that 'a sheriff's proof hearing in January 1991, established 'chronic penetrative sexual abuse'  on a small child discharged home without a hearing in 1989. The truth is that there never was a court hearing in January 1991 and no court has ever been asked to determine whether any of these seven youngest 'W' children is or was abused.

    Although now billed as an academic on social work courses at Edinburgh University Nelson started out as a freelance journalist and titled herself in that way in the submission she made to Lord Clyde's Orkney public Inquiry.

    This double-barrelled attack by Rafferty and Nelson in The National is important not just because of its faulty content but also because of its complacency. Perhaps they think that the true facts about Orkney are now so dimmed by the mists of time that ridiculously untrue assertions will go without criticism? But the truth is still there and the truth says that Orkney was the worst example of social work bloody-mindedness in history.  Replete with malpractice from SRA hunting social workers who to this day refuse to admit their wrongs. 

    Were these articles in The National meant  to cause doubt and a reconsideration or were they designed to encourage those who already believe in the SRA conspiracy meme?   Perhaps, as Dr. Helen Martini suggested, they were looking for more 'people without brains'?

    Ritual Abuse in The 21st Century book coverWho is Jean Rafferty?.  Well as you might guess from reading this page so far, she's part of the RAINS  SRA caucus.  In "Ritual Abuse in The 21st Century" an omnibus of ridiculous articles and essays on SRA, which was published in 2015,  page 320 clearly states.:

    Some journalist are concerned about ritual abuse and   have written intelligent and sensitive articles. They  include Andrew Boyd, Beatrix_Campbell, Nick Davies, Tim Tate,  Sarah Nelson, Jean Rafferty ..

    It is a roll-call of key SRA fanatics from the Satanic Panic.

    Andrew Boyd's work on SRA was utterly discredited here:
    Beatrix Campbell's work on SRA was challenged and exposed here
    Tim Tate's work on SRA was undermined here:
    Jean Rafferty's take was challenged by none other than Professor Jean La Fontaine herself (she ran the government's definitive inquiry into SRA - including the Rochdale and Orkney cases).  Following a contentious article by Rafferty in the Guardian on 22nd March 1997 titled 'Ritual Denial', Professor La Fontaine had a correction published in the Guardian's letters page a few days later and stated:
    'I would welcome the opportunity to correct two points on which she (Jean Rafferty) is quite wrong. To try and correct all the errors would take too long.'

    Nelson was apparently so pleased at the articles in The National that a month later she lauded them in the S.M.A.R.T journal issue 127 (2016),   reproducing both  articles for the groups extensive U.S. and international Satan-Hunter membership.  Nelson writes:
    Secondly, like Jean Rafferty I and others have over 25 years tried to publicise suggestive evidence that children were indeed in danger. Particularly over the Orkney case, we have tried to correct untruths - in print, on the BBC, in documentaries and online - and point up the flaws in the endlessly recycled and invented theories by supporters of accused adults, who allege it was just "satanic panic".  [ source:]
    Here Nelson illustrates that she is part of an international clique ( S.M.A.R.T. = Stop Mind-Control and Ritual Abuse Today )  which has fought to get Satanic Ritual Child Abuse accepted in academic circles and social work professions across the globe, for three decades.

    Dundee 2020 SRA conference programme All the people mentioned so far make up Satanic Abuse PLC.  They network with each other, nationally and multi-nationally to pursue their obsessions about SRA.   In Britain, and for three decades, most things related to SRA coalesce around these RAINS  people. In this programme (see illustration right)  for the 2020 Dundee Satanic Ritual Abuse conference you can see how far the international spread of this caucus of SRA believers extends. From Australia there is Mike Salter, a criminologist and rising star in the RAINS firmament. See more of him here, hugging another RAINS founder Valerie Sinason:   

    From the US is the madcap Neil Brick who runs SMART and who believes he is an involuntary CIA hit-man (shades of the 'Manchurian Candidate').  Believing in SRA is not the academic cul-de-sac you might have thought.   Is it any wonder that SRA is still percolating within social work with these people consistently and constantly working it up?

    On 21st September 2001  a person pseudonymed 'Kali' wrote a report on attending The Dark Side of The Rainbow, a conference for all those in the UK who still believed in Satanic Ritual Child Abuse.  The conference was organised by RAINS and attended mostly by RAINS members. Kali stated:
    I heard about the second conference in this country  concerning ritual abuse, organised by R.A.I.N.S. ( Ritual  Abuse Information Network and Support ) and the Clinic of  Dissociative Studies, via my then therapist who had just  joined RAINS.
    According to Kali's report, Nelson and Rafferty not only attended this Satan Seminar but actually participated, she wrote:
    Sarah Nelson and Jean Rafferty are journalists, Sarah also conducts academic research in child sexual abuse, together they addressed the painful feelings around coming to terms  with failing to protect children and the distortions spread around famous abuse cases;

    Sarah Nelson starting a campaign to overturn the public inquiry of the 1991 Orkney scandal Clearly Nelson and Rafferty are colleagues and part of the RAINS clique.  In their 2001 Satan Seminar they are again challenging the conclusions of Lord Clyde's Public Inquiry into Orkney and other cases where false claims of SRA were made. They and most of the RAINS coterie maintain that they were NOT false and that the Orkney abuse claims were TRUE.   They are deluded. 

    Fast forward another 19 years and in the 2020 Dundee Satan Seminar Sarah Nelson feels confident enough to present a long lecture on why Orkney should be re-evaluated and seen as a real case of SRA abuse.  See the illustration right for an important extract, and note also the mention of Tate's documentary on the Cleveland Scandal (Death of Childhood) which she implies somehow proved her case when SAFF's review of it shows that it did exactly the reverse!

    Sarah Nelson boasts of writing to any publication or broadcasting programme which repeats the Truth that Orkney was a false case worked-up by Satan Hunters in social work. She says that she 'always' emails in, and indeed she was as good as her word when she complained to the BBC about David Aaronovitch's Radio 4 Analysis documentary titled ' The Anatomy of a Panic' (see detailed account of it elsewhere on this web page) . This is a continuation of the old crusade which RAINS pursued during the 1990 panic.  Then RAINS types said that they had uncovered a pan-global Satanic conspiracy to abuse children and complained that their evidence was being corrupted by a Satanic campaign of disinformation which caused others in social work to be resistant to 'the facts'.

    Satanists of the kind that do this use sabotage, threats, false accusations,lawsuits and the media for discrediting the work. I have to deal with permanent fear of attack and overwhelming grief. Images from children's cartoons are deliberately exploited. For example, one satanic group wore Disney characters' masks so that when a child kept telling his mother that Mickey Mouse had hurt him she just dismissed what he was saying as a nightmare."

    [source: Pamela Hudson child-protection specialist interviewed in Talk of The Devil, Guardian, November 4th 1990 ]

    Judge Dismisses Status of SRA Expert Pamela KleinThis is of course 100% conjecture. 
    There have been no real Satanic Threats in three decades.
    There have been a few innocent fathers victimised by social workers about Satanic Abuse who snapped and threatened violence but they were not Satanists. 
    There has been no media discreditation except where it was richly deserved.  See cutting on the right.

    There has been no lawsuits except by patients who woke up to the lies being implanted in their memories by  loony therapists. See:
    The Woman Who Had 48 Personalities:

    Pamela Hudson does not of course mention the instances where patients have killed themselves whilst undergoing  Recovered Memory Therapy linked to false claims of Satanic Abuse. See The tragic case of Caroline Marchant here.
    Nor does she mention the hundreds of bemused parents who have had their lives destroyed by false claims of SRA from daughters who have fallen into the clutches of Satan hunting therapists who implant false memories of abuse by innocent parents. Some of them just lost the will to live.

    Even the Disney Mask meme is unreal. It has been repeated numerous times in papers, books, and presentations.  Trotted off the tongue as though it is incontrovertible.  Some times it is a Disney Mask, other times it is a Lion Costume, then again it is an animal Mask,  yet in truth it is all the out pourings of children's imaginations worked-up by obsessive believers in SRA. There is not an ounce of truth in any of it. There has not been a single police investigation involving SRA in which abusers had used this Mask idea or anything remotely similar to it.  

    Local Reaction to the 2020 Dundee Satan Seminar

    So what did the local Dundee newspaper do when faced with this new Satan Seminar held in their university in 2020?  Why, just like in 1990 it gave the foolish claims prominence as though there was a scintillae of truth in any of them.  Just as in 1990 it printed abject unfact without question and without referring to the bulk of specialists in social work who know the history and dangers of SRA, and without giving any representatives of the Witch or Satanic communities a chance to repudiate the false claims perenially made against them.   This is how the SRA axis has always succeeded, in a goldfish bowl of their own making, pandering to the salacious appetite of the mass media, on the back of the prejudices of those who think they are well-informed but are actually utterly ignorant.

    In her article in The National, Sarah Nelson claims to have 'reassessed' (she means 'denied') the official conclusions about Orkney and she says she has done so publicly, yet, she complains, that it has been given very little exposure.   

    Like some modern day Canute she stands in the shallows demanding not only that the tide goes out at her command but that bystanders believe it will as well!  She expects others to validate her foolish standpoint which goes against all available evidence, all available testimony, all available forensic evidence, all available fact and every single police investigation into hundreds of cases of false SRA claims.

    Lip Smacking - Satan-hating,  Masonic-hunting, Vatican-detesting, Mind-bending, Zionist-killing, MK-Ultra, LOONIES!

    Moreover if you use this link to read Nelson's boring and speculative nonsense in full you will see that it is enshrined in the American website of SMART - one of the most lunatic and reactionary conspiracy theory groups on the internet which believes in the full-blown CIA/FBI - Five-Eyes - Satanic - Freemasonry - Zionist-conspiracy, Rothschild, New World Order hatred;  in which a Jewish Elite is claimed to be ruling the world using MK-Ultra mind-bending techniques to turn ordinary people into schizophrenic Manchurian Candidates who kill on command!   

    Yes, dear reader, they're just BONKERS.   But the NWO conspiracy theory is a haven for many schizophrenics and paranoids who think they hear the Satanic Illuminati talking to them. These are undoubtedly the types of people who are populating Nelson's stable of 1650 victims of Satanic Abuse in Edinburgh.  Did you watch flashing TV advertisements last night?  Then you've been MK-Ultra-ed!  

    Nelson has not only written for SMART but appeared at their conferences.  As well as believing in SRA does Nelson also believe in an anti-Semitic trope about Jews establishing a new world order? . Is this the kind of racist information that the Scottish Educational elite condones?  Is it being taught to students there?

    Jeanette Archer advertising for rent-a-mob at Waddesdon Manor As recently as the 23rd January 2022 a 'survivor group' of self-styled SRA 'victims' planned a mass-march of other self-styled SRA 'victims' and their supporters to blockade Waddesdon Manor near Aylesbury, Bucks which was once owned by the Rothschild family.  The blockade was to protest and promote their 'truth' about the New World Order anti-zionist myth which has gained new traction of late with the war in the Middle East.  

    The police got wind of it, swooped and arrested the ring-leader, one Jeanette Archer, who for years has claimed to be a victim of inter-generational Satanic Abuse and has lead protest marches in London to falsely accuse all and sundry of it.  Her own SRA story has been proven totally untrue (she even invented a sister who was supposedly sacrificed to Satan but who never existed - see here for full story: ). 
    Jeanette Archer linked with SMART
    Now don't for one minute think that Archer is an outlier. She is directly in contact with many of the SRA academics through the ESTD in Europe and the USA. You can see , from the screenshot to the right that Archer is also networking with S.M.A.R.T in the USA.  The same outfit that Sarah Nelson and Laurie Matthews works with.  Yes folks, belief in SRA is a world-wide conspiracy. ( Remember you can double click on each image to get a larger version to read in detail.)
    On 15 July 2023 Archer hosted The International Conference on Satanic Ritual Abuse in London with dozens of delegates and speakers attending from all over Europe and the USA. 

    International Conference on Satanic Ritual Abuse 2023 The SAFF's blow-by-blow assessment of this conference here:  shows that the unhinged people giving  the lunatic outpourings on the podium about SRA are the same type of people Nelson and RAINS consider to be genuine victims when undergoing 'analysis'. 

    What has happened is that the monster RAINS has created has surpassed its controllers in the feminist and therapist arenas. This new breed of SRA victim-imposters have simply left their therapists behind.  So many fools now believe in SRA that there is no need for a therapist to validate 'victims' , they can self-identify as SRA victims on-line, get validation and support from 'SRA victim's groups' on line and bypass RAINS and the therapists completely.
    Jeanette Archer outside Number 10 downing street  Do not give your moral support or sympathy to these self-styled SRA victim imposters, many of them are nasty and evil racists. Almost all of them are 'useful idiots' to extreme political enclaves. Just as they damn and accuse Satanists they also accuse Jews of drinking the blood of children, the original millennia old blood libel.  And if you click this link you can see a video of Jeanette Archer stood outside No.10 Downing Street with her mob, shouting about blood-drinking child abusing Satanists in the British Government.

    Are you aware, dear reader, that the New World Order myth is actually taught by Hamas to Palestinian children in their schools in Gaza as a reality?  Seeding the murder of tens of thousands in the minds of the next generation of terrorists? Things which have no basis in fact have killed millions throughout history - just look at the death toll of the Church witch-trials spanning the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries. Defenceless old biddies burned alive at the stake to pacify the Churches' hatred of dissenters. 

    People who believe in and further the SRA myth are NOT saving children, they are creating and promoting inherent evil which will end up killing thousands of children, as it has done throughout history  and did recently in Israel and Palestine.  "The True meaning of a thing always resides in its opposite". The paranoia of SRA is a projection of the evil within those who fear they will lose control and do those things to children themselves. Their warnings are pleas to be stopped and that is what the SAFF has always known and always highlighted.

    850,000 damages awarded to Cleveland ParentsAcademics who pretend to know what's what and consistently breath life into these horrific lies, are even more guilty of these horrors as the psychotics and grifters who have jumped on the SRA bandwagon to grab the headlines and feed their own megalomania.

    Nelson insists in her article for
    The National, that Cleveland, Orkney and Ayrshire cases were all TRUE
    and that everyone else got it wrong.  All the judges, all the juries, all the police, all the public inquiries, they all got it wrong.   

    She fails to mention that the Cleveland Parents were awarded £850,000.00 in damages in acknowledgement of the wrongful kidnapping of their children by Social Services.  Or that the mother of the 'W' children at the centre of the Orkney fiasco was offered £100.000 if she admitted that her children had been sexually abused and REFUSED that considerable sum because she knew the social services were trying it on and the kids had not been abused.     

    Nelson's Stalinist like Revisionist logic maintains that the Satanic content of these cases was worked-up by the media itself and overpowered the true abuse which lay beneath.  She infers that the true work of ground-breakers in social services dealing with SRA was censored and misrepresented by the mass media. Is that true?

    NO it bloody-well is not!

    Faery Stories from Satan Hunters - the truth of how the British media supported and promoted the lies of RAINS

    Talk of The Devil - Guardian Give SRA a push in the UK in the middle of the Satanic Panic The SAFF's Research Library has studied the incidence of published accounts of SRA in the media, both tabloid and broadsheet, during the Satanic Panic and certainly before the tragic consequences of the Rochdale SRA case in 1991, RAINS and other pushers of SRA had almost carte-blanche to state their case with the media hanging on and believing in their every word.

    See inset image (right) of a two full page special on promoting the 'threat' of SRA from the Guardian newspaper (Talk of The Devil) in which Valerie Sinason founder of RAINS is front and centre. RAINS and other believers in SRA had two years of being able to promote SRA with almost every single newspaper and media outlet in the country accepting RAINS 'expertise' on trust. These newspapers just printed any old tosh that believers in SRA claimed, without challenge.  They just assumed, as did every other right-thinking person, that responsible people, Doctors, Therapists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers and the like would never claim  such things unless there was good evidence for it.

    Double click on the image and you will get a full-size version of Talk of The Devil to read easily and you will see how much leeway RAINS was given to spout it's SRA nonsense.  It is entirely UNTRUE to say that the world was antagonistic or that the Media refused to accept what people like Sarah Nelson were saying.  The SAFF Research Library is literally packed with major articles where the British Press supported them.

    What is noteworthy about this Talk of The Devil article in the Guardian

    The most notable thing is that there is absolutely no challenge to any of the SRA allegations made by Satan Hunters
    . The Guardian abdicated it's own journalistic rules and did not include ANY responses or countering arguments from a single expert who thought differently.  Representations from Witches and Satanists wanting to clear up the misunderstandings were simply ignored.  Most other national newspapers did the same. A strong belief in SRA within the populace was established by these early unquestioning newspaper reports which could not resist repeating the mad claims. That is what actually caused The Satanic Panic.

    Satanic Abuse Total Grows Far from being antagonistic to believers in SRA the British Press ensured that the RAINS clique had it all their own way, yet now Sarah Nelson has the cheek to complain that the cause of their failures in Rochdale and Orkney was not that they were chasing a fantasy, but that the media mis-represented their case! Weird.

    If you look at the Guardian reports during the early days of the Rochdale SRA case  (right- Satanic Abuse Total Grows) you will see that the newspaper consistently downplayed the parents complaints and promoted the conclusions and statements of social workers, in particular Gordon Littlemore, director of Rochdale Social Services. Littlemore's actions in supporting the mad ideas about Satanic Ritual Abuse held by his staff in Rochdale meant that he had to resign when the truth came out and the Rochdale SRA allegations were found to be fiction. The blame was squarely laid in court on the shoulders of crusading social workers with an obsession about Satanic Ritual Abuse. 

    In fact the Guardian itself, in an article covering the state of play in the debate after Prof. Jean La Fontaine's 1994 report ( which concluded that SRA was a figment of the minds of obsessed social workers and fundamentalists) admitted that:

    'But the believers, both patients and therapists, can only flourish and publicise their claims in, a society that is prepared to listen,  although they constantly complain that the media has offered nothing but callous ridicule, it has in fact granted [believers in SRA] prolonged and respectful coverage, and not only in excitable tabloids.'

    [Satanic Verses, Guardian Weekend 10th Sept 1994]

    What Really Happened?

    Saran Nelson must have forgotten what actually happened in 1991.  After the SRA allegations had collapsed following the Rochdale case and then the Orkney case was found to be an even bigger mistake, the media turned on Satan Hunters as perfidious.  Believers of SRA have been in a state of denial over it ever since. They simply cannot swallow the fact that their contentions were wrong, their allegations false and their conclusions bigoted. They who foisted SRA onto Britain were caught out three decades ago but still seem to be pretending that no one spotted them!

    Radical Feminist Beatrix Campbell attacks Anatomy of A Panic.

    The third complaint against David Aaronovitch's and the BBC's Anatomy of a Panic came in two articles by the journalist and radical Marxist feminist, Beatrix Campbell, a key figure in the promotion of the Satanic Panic since 1989. ( see: Small Selection of Claims Made By Beatrix Campbell" ) . Her repostes were hosted on the Open Democracy website, the first being entitled “Analysing Aaronovitch: - has the scourge of ‘conspiracists’ become one himself?”  and the second “Analysing Aaronovitch: - a skeptical narrative. 

    Almost anyone who had been prominent in the pushing of non-existent SRA in the UK seemed to be on David Aaronovitch's tail.

    Tim Tate's complaints to the BBC were even stranger. Tate is a key believer and promoter of SRA from the Satanic Panic days.   He was the man who researched and produced the ridiculous Cook Report's Devil's Work special which almost single-handedly kick-started the SRA scare in Britain.

    Note: The NSPCC's sensational announcement that their child-protection teams had found instances of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse in the UK was held on the morning of the 17th July 1989.  Of course it was just coincidental that at 10pm that very evening, the Cook Report screened its Devil's Work documentary. A special hour long programme designed to expose what they said was a new found threat of SRA to the British Public.

    Note also  that the Cook Report had originally been scheduled for broadcast a couple of weeks earlier at their usual 7pm slot, but its content worried the Independent Broadcasting Authority who demanded that it be screened AFTER the 9pm watershed. Thus it is clear that the NSPCC's announcement and the Cook Report coming on the same day revealed a monumental synchronistic accident which just happened to maximise the shock and horror of their SRA claims on the same day!

    Tim Tate's book on the subject of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse titled 'Children For The Devil' (was based on the research he did for The Devil's Work, ) but was withdrawn and pulped in 1991 soon after publication, due to libellous inaccuracies. See

    When Arronovitch's Anatomy of a Panic was first broadcast the SAFF was disappointed that in his interview with Tate, Aaronovitch had not questioned him about the many errors in The Devil's Work including the fact that of the 20 claimed SRA cases Tate held as having proven Satanic Abuse NONE had actually been successful in court.  Every single one of them failed to be what the Cook Report had told the British nation they were. NSPCC's own claims of having 6 of their child protection teams dealing with cases of SRA was also an untruth. None of those cases were found to be true either when they got to court. It was all just hyper-vigilance. You might say that the Satanic Panic was the most horrendously successful hoax ever broadcast to the British people.

    David Aaronovitch's replied to the SAFF stating that Tate had told him that he was 'just the researcher on a flawed show' but SAFF knew that the entire programme had more or less been the brain-child of Tate and he was involved in editorial control of it.  He says as much in his book Children For The Devil.  He was there for most of the filming, was responsible for the research that justified the programme, liaised and interviewed most of those who appeared in it, and sometimes directed the cameras (for instance he was found directing the use of a hidden camera when trying to film outside the Sorcerer's Apprentice Bookshop when Cook tried and failed to doorstep Chris Bray, his patsy).

    Tate did not say that his show 'was flawed' when he defended the programme at the Broadcasting Complaints Commission hearing, on 6th December 1990. According to Mr Chris Bray, the bookshop owner who was defamed by Tate and Cook as a villain in the programme but who had absolutely nothing to do with any form of child-abuse. Mr Bray was invited to bring the complaint against the Cook Report after hundreds of his loyal customers spontaneously wrote in to the BCC to complain. Mr Bray attended the formal BCC hearing in London, at which Tate was also present and took a major part in defending it. Bray recalled:
    'Tate appeared to be fighting for his professional reputation' and did most of the talking during the hearing from the Central Television side. I called him out for several inexactitudes and once for stating a crucial untruth about me which when tested by the adjudicators he simply could not back-up.'
    One of Tate's specific complaints to the BBC about Anatomy of a Panic was that Tate's promotion of the idea of SRA had been misinterpreted by Aaronovitch to show him in a bad light in reference to a specific quote in an interview Tate gave to Radio Leeds the day after the Cook Report's Devil's Work was broadcast. Aaronovitch asked Tate about him implying on air that there was a world-wide conspiracy to abuse toddlers,  According to the BBC's Tribunal ruling, this is how the transcript of Tate's interview with Aaronovitch went:
    In the interview David Aaronovitch cited a quote which the complainant (Tate) was said to have given at the time of The Cook Report to BBC Radio Leeds (the relevant section is in bold):

    DAVID AARONOVITCH: I believe you were interviewed about the Cook Report – the day after it was shown. Is that correct?

    [TIM TATE] If you say so. I’m afraid it’s twenty ... no it’s the best part of thirty years ago, so ... I’m afraid my memory isn’t that good.

    DAVID AARONOVITCH: ...You were asked about ... what appeared to be an extremely bizarre phenomenon. And then you said, “Well you either have an international conspiracy of toddlers, which is extremely unlikely,or some rather more intelligent adult organisation doing it.” And that seemed to give credibility to the notion of a much bigger conspiracy of I don’t know what you’d call them – Satanists, occultists, ritualists or whatever – abusing children.

    [TIM TATE]You’re right, I don’t remember the quote. It doesn’t actually seem an unreasonable ... quote if it ... That said, it was slightly clumsy, and I think we have to be careful about the word “conspiracy”.

    David Aaronovitch did not challenge Tim Tate's answer. Why Tate would choose that specific point to complain about is kind of weird for David Aaronovitch was perfectly correct. That's precisely what Tate had said, and he said it more than once.

    Tate's Conspiracy of Toddlers quote 
later in 1989 In fact the SAFF has a complete audio-recording of that Radio Leeds Interview and we don't know how Tate could have possibly forgotten it as he was being interviewed alongside Mr. Chris Bray whose Bookshop Tate had unfairly targeted as the 'patsy' for his discredited Devil's Work documentary.

    The head-to-head was highly emotional and combative as Mr Bray was naturally incensed at being falsely accused in front of 9 million viewers! The interview ended up somewhat of a shouting match in fact. Not something anyone could ever forget easily and to assist your understanding of the SRA circus we have uploaded it in full to our SAFFutube Channel here so that you can listen to Tate saying it.

    Moreover, Tate had used his 'conspiracy of toddlers' quote on OTHER occasions. Was he really trying to imply that he didn't remember using it?  The illustration (above right) is a transcript of Tate quoting the 'conspiracy of toddlers' meme again three months later on 19th Sept 1989 to hundreds of thousands of listeners on the BBC World Service! Did he forget that one as well perhaps? Tim Tate using his infamous quote Conspiracy of Toddlers in his 1991 book Children For The Devil

    To cap it all, Tate also used the quote ' A Conspiracy of Toddlers? as the title of the first chapter of his 1991 book Children For The Devil. (see image to the right)

     Clearly Tim Tate must have a very poor memory indeed don't you think?   Children for The Devil was, soon after publication, withdrawn by his publishers for factual inaccuracies,  but still exists in many Satan Hunter bibliographies as a supposed source-work of insider knowledge on SRA even though copies are now rare.   So does Tate still back up his failed 'Conspiracy of Toddlers' claim?  

    Interestingly in early 2021 an Irish conspiracyloon by the name of Angela Power Disney who has a large satan-hunter following and produces podcasts on SRA over the internet, managed to obtain an original copy of Tate's Children For The Devil and began narrating it in a series of weekly podcasts. Tate was apoplectic to get her to stop as of course she could have easily breached the defamation agreement Tate's publisher signed with the Detective Inspector whom Tate had rashly libelled over claims of SRA and thereby open up another writ. 

    Amusingly for observers, Power-Disney suspected that this person on Twitter/X who was demanding that she stop podcasting the book was not Tate but a Satanist trying to stop dissemination of true SRA secrets!  You can't beat SRA paranoia folks!  We're not sure how Tate solved this issue but it opened him to Power-Disney's eclectic SRA hunter network and there's sporadic flaming and repudiation of the extreme ends of the SRA myth all over their social networks, where Tate is subjected to the paranoia he himself helped to create!
    How exquisite.

    Tim Tate's Book Children for the Devil is included in the ESTD's bibliography on SRAAt the other end of the scale, in 2014 the august European Society for Trauma and Dissociation published a lengthy article promoting the idea of a conspiracy of Satanic Ritual Child Abusers to its international membership base and Tate's book was included in the bibliography (see image). Note that Alexis Jay, a prime mover in child-protection and who chaired the UK government's 6 year inquiry into Historic Abuse attended the ESTD's annual conference in 2017 as an observer.

    In these two opposite events we have a good example of why SRA will just not die.  Clearly Tate not only believed in his 'conspiracy of toddlers' meme but actively promoted it at the time. It must have convinced a lot of onlookers.  Why on earth would he now complain to the BBC about David Aaronovitch pointing this out in Anatomy of a Panic?   Did Nelson and Tate have genuine reasons to complain against Aaronovitch or was this simply a case of the SRA lobby turning on an influential leftist journalist who had gone against their narrative?

    Cook Report Show Reviewed The many entries in the SAFF's Research Library records shows that Tate was more responsible than most for hiking the 1990 Satanic Panic. Does he really want to distance himself from The Devil's Work and its excesses? This distancing could have begun quite early on if this letter (reproduced below) is anything to go by.

    Interestingly, despite the continuing antagonisms twixt Tate and Bray, by June 1990, Tate was passing follow-up interest on the Devil's Work back to Chris Bray. On 19th June 1990, Jean Ritchie (author of many books on crime and the psychology of crime) wrote to Mr Bray for information for a new book on Satanic Abuse which she had been commissioned to write. This was how her letter went:

    "I initially made contact with Tim Tate (I did not see the Cook Report, but had heard about it and was referred by their office to Tim Tate.) He agreed to see me, and gave me several names connected with two religions, paganism and Satanism. He explained to me that there had been a problem with the programme, in that it did not differentiate between the two sufficiently. However, he said that whatever bad feeling exists between him and you, I should make every effort to contact you as he believes that you are, in his words, 'the most intelligent, the most sincere and the best informed person on the subject".
    So according to Jean Ritchie here we have Tate, admitting that The Devil's Work was at fault for not drawing a distinction between Witchcraft and Satanism. Yet that was entirely the backbone of the assertions in it and today 34 years later those same untruths are also integral to the failed Glasgow SRA case

    David Aaronovitch told SAFF that he couldn't find a copy of Tate's The Devil's Work documentary to view. Had he asked us we would have pointed him to video extracts from it which have been up on the SAFF's Youtube channel for the past seven years. Click here to see:

    Do you want to know more about Tim Tate's activities in promoting the Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth? Read on: 

    Laura's Story: The saga of a little child exploited by unscrupulous media to sell the Myth of Satanic Ritual Abuse.

    As time moves on, the insupportable weight of Truth completely and utterly destroys what these promoters of SRA claim.

    Laura being exorcised of non-existent SRALike the little girl Laura whom Tate featured being 'exorcised' in church in The Devil's work, (included in the video extracts in the SAFFutube link above) who, years later, when she had become an adult and escaped social services domination, contacted the SAFF to complain about how SRA believers had ruined her life based on lies and sectarian suspicion. Now married with a child of her own she told us in detail how she was exploited by the Cook Report who made money out of her suffering. It was Satan Hunters who tortured her, not Satanists!

    Tate expanded on Laura's 'suffering' as evidence of the existence of SRA in his deplorable book, Children for the Devil, but you would never have got to know that it was all entirely false had the SAFF not published her full story here: (scroll down the page to 'LAURA'S STORY' ) Tate should be rushing to apologise and correct his misuse of her story, but it appears he is more interested in criticising David Aaronvitch.  For his part if David Aaronovitch had liased with the SAFF he could have put these points to Tate in his interview.

    Others wrote to the BBC Trust to make an official complaint. One was Dr Sue Hampson, who runs Safe To Say Training which is headquartered in Edinburgh (EH3), and specialises in training officials in the Scottish child-care system. Her Website boasts she will:

    Build staff capacity and quality of response to adult survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) within existing agencies.

    Train front-line staff in all sectors to be more confident in dealing with adult survivors who disclose CSA and

    Train supervisors and managers supporting staff working with disclosures.

    Raise staff awareness of the challenges parent survivors may face.

    On this page: you can also see a list of testimonials from Early Years centres, Victim Support Staff, North Ayrshire Social Care Team, Health and Community Staff in Edinburgh and many more Scottish groups and people who presumably may equally be taught that Satanic Ritual Abuse exists and is a problem?

    David Aaronovitch castigates believers in SRASue Hampson's complaint about Aaronovitch's programme was also carried on the Izzy's Promise website alongside Sarah Nelson's. As you can see Aaronovitch was under concerted attack from key players in the SRA believers' camp.

    He replied to these Satan Hunters in no uncertain terms, in a widely read legal blog which you can read  here: which speaks for itself.

    Eventually the BBC tribunal came to its long-awaited decision which was to entirely support everything David Aaronovitch had done in Anatomy of a Panic and reject the complaints and appeals of Tate, Nelson and Hampson. In England at any rate the Satan Hunters had lost that round

    The Anglo-Scots SRA Believers' Axis.

    So from 2009 whilst the English courts and Police were dealing with an avalanche of false allegations related to VIP abuse the exact same thing was occurring in Scotland in a kind of separate goldfish bowl. The local Scots didn't appear to make the connection with what was ongoing south of the border. Almost all of it was sourced to the works of RAIN's members and supporters. None of it had any basis in fact. There was no evidence to support any SRA claims. Just as there has never been any evidence to prove the idea of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse.

    Belinda McKenzie and Robert Green By this time Robert Green and those pushing the false Hampstead SRA allegations on the internet were swapping information and giving each other support.

    One of the main players in the false Hampstead SRA allegations, which had motivated David Aaronovitch to look into this madness, was the activities of Belinda McKenzie. The photograph to the right shows McKenzie standing with Robert Green during a protest in front of a British Court proving the link between false claims in Scotland and false claims of SRA in England and elsewhere (remember, you can double click on these images to get larger versions to read in detail)

    Her later trial for contempt in the case of Sabine McNeill (another key promoter of the Hampstead lies) is covered in this detailed analysis here: https:    The police arrested McKenzie from the public Gallery in court after she was found uploading information to her SRA supporters on the internet. The McNeill trial ended with Sabine McNeill being sentenced to 9 years in prison for stalking and other offences related to false claims of SRA.

    Robert Green's connections with Joan Coleman and her English coterie of RAINS Satan Hunters cannot be refuted. When Coleman died in 2018  Robert Green wrote a glowing 'official obituary' of 'his colleague' and her SRA exploits. He concluded how history will eventually prove her right about SRA (!) Green explained how he had been in constant contact with her and had obtained the Helen G list directly from her.   He was obsequious about his and her conjoined belief in Satanic Ritual Abuse. This was one of the last things Green did for he himself died on 11th April 2019 after a short illness.

    Furthermore, in an attempt to influence Operation Conifer (the much criticised Wiltshire police investigation into Edward Heath) Green said he had contacted Mike Veale (the then Chief Constable of Wiltshire) who was running the inquiry. Green claimed he had sent Veale a copy of Coleman's Helen G List sometime in early 2017 along with ancillary information on SRA. Green wrote as though he was in regular correspondence with Veale but the true nature of their contact has yet to be understood as has the effect it might have had on the police inquiry itself. 

    Wong's SRA hunter gang sentenced to 63 years The conspiracy of activity of Coleman, Green and other Satan Hunters in pressing false claims of satanic abuse is completely ignored by police and the courts as though they are cranks.  The real danger to society and the negative effects on the functioning of Justice is ignored. Paltry sentences are given to SRA vigilante troublemakers and this encourages them to go further.

    It is only when, after being enthused to become Martyrs by the very system they are wanting to destroy which continually slaps their hands instead of cuffing them, they gain strength and infamy amongst their clique with every arrest. They wear ASBOs as badges of pride, and can go on to commit really dangerous acts of spiritual terrorism such as the fundamentalist SRA hunter gang which kidnapped an 8 year old child at knifepoint and tried to spirit him away into Europe, never to be seen again.

    Wilfred Wong, the ring-leader of this kidnap gang had spent three decades prior to his criminal acts promoting the idea of SRA including working with RAINS, until armed police caught him in a motorway chase and the courts banged him up for 19 years (full story here

    The authorities never take SRA hunters seriously until they've spent years infecting other sectarian extremists with the same nonsense who then constantly enlarge the pool of unreality. There is therefore nothing to dissuade these Satan Hunters from their mania.  Because of that they have continued to thrive and do their worst over three decades.

    Namaste 2011. Satanic Ritual Abuse 
by Joan Coleman Robert Green stated that he was contacted by Coleman after his imprisonment for Breach of the Peace in Aberdeen prison (Craiginches) in 2012 (where he had been incarcerated for stalking and harassing many falsely accused people and VIPs) but there is evidence that Coleman was already in contact with the Hollie Greig lobby as early as 2011 for at that time the RAINS supremo was contributing articles on Satanic Abuse to Carl Sims magazine 'Namaste'.

    Coleman's article 'Satanic Ritual Abuse' (see image to the right) contained defamatory lies about people involved in the first-wave of the 1990 panic but Sims refused to remove the untruths, declaring his absolute belief that SRA existed and that Coleman knew what she was talking about. Coleman makes many false assumptions and statements of unfact in her article, which had appeared elsewhere in RAINS literature before Namaste republished it, but one section is of particular interest where she writes:
    'Some courageous journalists such as Tim Tate, Bea Campbell, Sarah Nelson and Jean Rafferty have tried to expose ritual abuse but they are a minority...
    Clearly admitting to the conspiratorial links behind the scenes.   Sims was a major player in the Hollie Greig clique. He worked with Green and is rumoured to have had a relationship with Hollie's mother Anne Greig.

    Is it just by chance that this coterie of Satan Hunters coalesced around Aberdeen?   Many of Hollie Greig's supporters lived in and around Stonehaven, a coastal village 9 miles south of Aberdeen. Most of his victims lived in or around Aberdeen. Note that a crucial early Scottish Satan Seminar had been held in Aberdeen in 1989, with Maureen Davies, director of Reachout Trust, speaking.

    There was a follow-up Satan seminar in Aberdeen a year later which influenced the Orkney SRA case. Did Green attend either of those lectures by Reachout we wonder?

    The Reachout Gang of Fundamentalist Troublemakers

    Mary Whitehouse and Maureen DaviesThese early Satan Seminars were set up by Christian Fundamentalist vigilantes, prominent amongst which was the Reachout Trust .  Anyone from the local Christian community was invited to come to listen. This included Christian social workers, Christian policemen and women, Christian doctors and plain old bible-thumpers.  Once established, there was a cross-over with 'professional' secular conferences of social workers and child charities where Maureen Davies would speak as an 'expert' on SRA.

    Maureen Davies was an advisor to Tim Tate's Cook Report, The Devil's Work.  She also handled the 'help-lines' after the programme. Yet she was first and foremost a director of the Christian fundamentalist group Reachout Trust.  Audrey Harper who also appeared in Tate's The Devil's Work - is a fundamentalist bible-thumper and another director of Reachout, though the Cook Report never told viewers that when interviewing her on camera.  Her false allegation about all Witches being Lesbians and Satanists being homosexuals, sort of gave it away.
    Logan adds flames to the conflagration surrounding Rochdale
    Rev. Kevin Logan, a fundamentalist Anglican vicar,  was also a director and speaker for Reachout.  Later he would campaign against Sunday trading and got arrested for vandalising a supermarket Sunday opening banner. 

    In March 1987 Logan announced the results of a thoroughly duplicitous research he had undertaken by sending questionnaires out to fourth formers in Church of England schools asking for responses to their leisure interests.  Discounting the fact that most 5th formers would simply have fun lying, in Logan's questionnaire an interest in such things as 'Heavy Metal or Rock Music' or 'Meditation'' or 'Yoga'  was interpreted as involvement in  'Occultism'.   By this duplicitous method he was then able to claim that he had statistics to prove that 87% of children had some form of contact with the Occult and were in danger from it!    

    On 15 March 1988 Logan's campaign against the Occult had become so influential that Geoffrey Dickens MP quoted Logan's faux 87% statistic in the House of Commons to convince other MPs that there was a threat to children from Witches and Satanists!   

    His disinformation was also covered elsewhere, on LBC radio etc.  Lord David Alton mentioned it in his column in the Catholic Universe. " A recent survey found that 87 percent of young people in Britain admitted to dabbling in the occult before the age of 14. So what has triggered such a disturbing and ominous trend?

    Yet the statistic was meaningless. Just because 14 year olds have a passing interest in magical things, mostly generated by the mainstream media which pushes Harry Potter and Superhero images as well as promoting children's books on The Worst Witch etc, it  does not mean that they are on a descent into Hell!  

    Logan's book Paganism and the Occult Later in 1988 Logan  took it upon himself to challenge the growing interest in Paganism, ( a newly reconstructed religion for modern times ).   He wrote a book Paganism and The Occult which was his polemic against the 'dangers' of Paganism and Witchcraft.  The book was an appalling collection of trite suspicions, illogical conclusions and unsafe assumptions which were used to bad-mouth Neo-Paganism and defame it in the eyes of outsiders. As such, today it would be seen as what it was, sectarian hatred. 

    One notable point is that Logan had unfairly singled out The Sorcerer's Apprentice bookshop in Leeds for criticism in his book. In fact references to the Sorcerer's Apprentice were replete within it to the exclusion of other sources.   Readers may remember that Roger Cook falsely accused the owner of the Sorcerer's Apprentice bookshop in The Devil's Work and used Logan as a source whilst filming him in the documentary.

     Logan  was also involved in attempting to erect a giant crucifix on top of Pendle Hill in Lancashire (more on Pendle later) , and was not averse to dissembling over SRA when on 19 March 1990 he gave an interview on Satanic Abuse to LBC radio in which he claimed that the NSPCC had evidence of children being sacrificed in Satanism.  Clearly that was a dastardly untruth which the NSPCC itself denied.

    Logan and Reachout Jumped on the Rochdale Case Bandwagon.

    The Rochdale SRA case broke three months later in May 1990.   By September that year, even though it was becoming abundantly clear that there were big problems with the Rochdale claims, Logan was still banging his SRA drum. See 'Dark Shadows' cutting above).

    The police finally concluded their investigation into Rochdale saying that there was no proof of Satanic Child abuse there, In March 1991. 

    Until then speculation was rife and Logan with other Reachout activists were making hay with defamatory publicity against Pagans and Satanists.  The Sunday Telegraph article Dark Shadows that Hang Over Rochdale's Children  shown above, features Logan pushing the idea that there was some SRA activity in the Rochdale case. This was just one of many similar articles and interviews Logan and Reachout activists gave at the time all over the country. 

    Audrey Harper starts in on Lancastrian PagansOn 14th March 1991 Logan and Reachout director Audrey Harper, together created scaremongering publicity about Witches in Burnley. The Pendle Citizen; newspaper, with the headline:  'DANGER ZONE - Former Witch says Pendle is a centre for the occult.' 

    Harper claims to have been a witch who converted to Christianity. (a claim we very much doubt going by our review of her life story and her abject ignorance of Witchcraft tradition and liturgy.  After all, she thinks they kill and eat babies!   You can read about ' Dance with the Devil' here: ) 

    In the  DANGER ZONE newspaper article Harper tells tall tales of witchcraft and Satanism based casually on the historic Lancashire Witch Trials of 1612 in which the brooding bulk of Pendle Hill featured and which has been used for years as a tourist draw by 'witchy' gift shops in Sabden, Lancs . 

    Who has not heard of the dreaded Pendle Witches;  Demdike and Chattox?  Yet the Pendle Witches ( executed 1612) were NOT Witches at all.  They were recussant Catholics persecuted following the Reign of Queen Mary. During her tenure Bloody Mary had tried to reverse Protestantism in England using terrible tortures on the Protestant population to do it, but after Elizabeth I took the throne the tables were turned and recusant Catholics were persecuted instead. This created quite a few 'Witch Trials' which did not involve Pagans or witches but did involve Catholic dissenters and there are monuments to Catholic Martyrs who were killed for their faith all over England at this time. 

    Audrey Harper blames Witches in Pendle because she is an ignorant sectarian bigot.  Nowhere is this more evident than when you realise the Reachout Trust was pushing these evil lies whilst the Rochdale Satanic Abuse Case was ongoing at the time,  just 28 miles away from Pendle, without any empathy with the children taken into care or the parents fighting for their innocence!

    Police Investigation finds NO evidence of Satanic Abuse in Rochdale caseOn the 11th March 1991, three days earlier, Rochdale Police had concluded that there was absolutely no evidence of Satanic Abuse in the Rochdale case or anywhere else in England and Wales . The Pendle Citizen's shock-horror piece on imaginary threats of Satanic Abuse in Lancashire was probably being penned by journalist Kirsten Stokes at the very moment that the Police officially concluded SRA didn't exist! 

    Yet Tim Tate has the gall to deny in his 1989 interview with Radio Leeds that The Cook Report was not part of a fundamentalist Christian conspiracy!   He probably means HE wasn't a conscious part of it - he just let them do their worst, good telly eh? 

      Satanic Ritual Abuse was the biggest sectarian con-trick in history.

    The first 'SRA Survivors' were in fact adult Christian activists witnessing to God about the existence of Devil Worship in today's world. Soon these sectarian liars who often had a back story of street-preaching were appearing on the podiums at 'official' satan seminars at which ordinary Christian social workers and police attended and 'learned' of the existence of SRA.  The sectarian malice of the fundie extremists was hidden behind a veneer of scientific and psychiatric authority and sucked-in by shocked nominal Christians. I mean, they're Christians, why would these people lie?

    The malefic fundamentalist influence on Scottish SRA cases...

    Scottish Fundie Summer Camp directly started by Reachout Trust This is of course exactly what happened in the Orkney case but so few people actually know the details. It is as though it has been hidden from the public for decades.  Today the SAFF outlines it all and reveals what really happened below and you will be shocked to see how the UK Justice System could be so easily corrupted.

    A group of evangelical activists primed Orkney with the Satanic Ritual Child Abuse Myth several months BEFORE the first Ronaldsay case occurred.

    There is absolutely no doubt that this priming was part of the hysteria generating activities of the wicked Reachout Trust.

    The cutting on the right clearly proves that the seed hysteria about the existence of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse on Orkney was learned by the Baptist Minister Francis Gordon who had attended Reachout Trust's second Satan Seminar at on SRA at Aberdeen University in 1990.

    There is a direct correlation between the evolution and generation of the Satan Myth in Scotland and that Aberdeen seminar. See proof in the rare news report on the right, and the associated Timeline in the rightmost column. 

    Christian activists who stir the pot are a component part of every SRA case the SAFF has investigated and indeed the Glasgow case is no exception for an active church worker was the key witness relating to claims of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse.  

    How the fundies hi-jacked child-protection in Orkney

    Elsewhere on this web-page we relate Christian extremist Maureen Davies' involvement in the Orkney and Rochdale scandals, in particular the crucial part she played in injecting false SRA claims into Scotland through the Aberdeen Seminar she held in November 1990 at which fundamentalists from Orkney attended to learn how to diagnose SRA in children and adults.

    Frances Gordon a leading evangelist and member of the Baptist Orkney Christian Fellowship,  travelled to Aberdeen to attend Davies' Satan Seminar. As well as the fundamentalist contingent, 100 clerics and social workers attended the seminar which took place in Aberdeen University's lecture theatre. The crucial influence of OCF on the SRA hysteria in Orkney will be discussed below.

    Watch the dates! The family at the core of the Orkney scandal was Family 'W' involving 7 children who had been overseen by the Orkney Social Services as far back as the early 1980s. The original allegations were that their father physically abused them and he was imprisoned for it in 1986. No mention of sexual or Satanic Abuse was involved at that time.

    Once in the hands of Orkney SS the kids were interrogated constantly by social workers until claims of 'conventional' sexual abuse occurred and their father was found guilty of incest in 1987, long before SRA became the latest thing in social work circles. .

    After the successful prosecution, and with the father out of the way, there were recommendations for the children to then be returned to their mother.   A Case Conference was held by Orkney SS on 17th.July 1989 (the day the NSPCC issued their press report confirming the existence of SRA in the UK).

    The lobby of SRA believers in Orkney social services for some strange reason deliberately opposed the decision to return the children to their mother (
    The Times: 15th February 1993 ) and instead, social workers then redoubled their efforts to find SRA in the case, subjecting the children to intensive ‘disclosure therapy'.

    Sample of Media Headlines resulting from  NSPCC Presser on SRA

    The Times:: NSPCC says ritual child abuse is rife; 

    The Independent: Children abused in bizarre sex rituals

    The Guardian :  NSPCC uncovers 'satanic' abuse

    Independent:  A satanic litany of children's suffering;

    Newcastle Journal:  Helplines Set up for Child Occult Victims.

    South Wales Argus. Christian Crusade At Satanic Threat

    Evangelical Maazine:  The Nightmare We Refuse To Believe

    Western Mail:  Church War on Satanic Plan

    Yorkshire Evening Post:  Devil Worshippers: Dossier of Horror Stories.

    From the Clyde Inquiry it seems that it was at this point that the clique of Social Workers in Orkney began to impose their beliefs about Satanic Paedophile Rings onto what had been a 'regular' case of physical and sexual family abuse. 

    This is pretty good evidence to show that the UK wide hysteria generated by the NSPCC's fateful July 17 Press Conference,  helped create the Orkney SRA case. 

    Prior to July 17th 1989, claims of SRA had been prominent in the tabloid media but treated cursorily by the Authorities.  Within social work circles it was seen as 'the latest thing' and child protectionists had been secretly on the warpath over SRA since the Broxtowe Case in 1987.  On July 17th all that altered for the NSPCC held it's London press conference on SRA declaring that 7 of its 66 child protection teams were dealing with cases of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse in the UK. At 9pm that evening the Cook Report just happened to broadcast its long-heralded documentary exposing Satanic Ritual Child Abuse to 11 million viewers across the UK . and that day and for the rest of the week papers across the UK were carring wall-to-wall banner headlines about Satanic Ritual Child Abuse being a threat to all British children.

    This NSPCC Press Release was crucial to the start of the Satanic Panic in the U.K.  We have reproduced the Press Association's official report of it in full in the rightmost column here.  But the actual Press Release sent to newspapers was far more shocking, originally involving claims of babies being sacrificed in Microwave Ovens!  A claim which was quickly deleted,  however other shocking claims of Satanic Abuse were transmitted across the land and were on everyone's lips.

    Gould's List of Satanic IndicatorsOf course we now know that this was untrue and that the NSPCC had no firm evidence of the existence of SRA and they themselves redacted any mention of Microwave Ovens.

    The NSPCC's actual 'research' on SRA amounted to sending out tick-box questionnaires to their 66 branches asking them if any of the 'Satanic Indicators' were present in cases they were dealing with. 

    Six branches replied saying they had some cases which had 'signs' that SRA might have occurred ;  and that is all the NSPCC needed to jump on the SRA bandwagon and start a national panic.

    We still  do not know how these 'signs' were defined but they are likely to have involved 'indicators' invented by radical feminist witch-hunters in the US which had been recently imported and which included so many things that ordinary kids did as part of growing up that it virtually guaranteed almost any child would come out with a high 'Satanic Abuse score' and be taken into care!  Ridiculous things; such as making farting noises and laughing;  or pulling off the arms of dolls ( see Indicator list to the right and inset below -
    double click to get a large version to read).
    Later the NSPCC had to publicly apologise for making such sensational statements on such trivial evidence but this illustrates that a hard-core of SRA believers in child-care throughout the country, who had been networking with each other about SRA were chomping at the bit to be the first to expose this shocking (if imaginary) threat to children.

    Farting at the dinner tabl?  Then you've been Satanically abused. What was it that had convinced the Orkney SS team that the W family were involved in a Satanic Ritual Abuse ring?  Why did they get caught up in the hysteria at exactly the same time that the NSPCC announced it?

    Look at the timeline! It followed a year long tsunami of false claims at Satan Seminars throughout the UK and in Scotland, at which RAINS and Reachout Trust combined their poisonous lies.

    The public didn't see this campaign as the seminars were all closed-shop events to indoctrinate social workers, police and medics to be on the look-out for SRA, but SAFF did.  The entire social work industry was chomping at the bit to hunt down imagined Satanic Abusers and it was the NSPCC which fired the starter gun.

    There had been FIVE conferences on SRA in the first seven months of 1989. The first one in Aberdeen was in October 1989 but there was one a month earlier in Devil Town (Dundee). where Norma Howes & Pamela Klein (two early crusaders who pushed the idea of SRA). Ms Klein was the one whose Expertise on 'Satanic Abuse' was subsequently dismissed by a Judge in a Trial in the U.S.A. in 1991 who said that Klein was 'not a legitimate therapist'.  She wasn't but earlier that year she involved herself in the Epping SRA Case which made headlines across the press but turned out to be so palpably weak that it was thrown out by the judge when it got into court - all the evidence was utterly unreliable! No change there then.   Howes and Klein organised the conference on Satanic Ritual Child Abuse in Dundee in Sept 1989 at which Maureen Davies, another infamous pusher of the SRAmyth,  was also invited to Dundee to help.

    The Truth about Jennifer's Story of SRADavies arranged for David Woodhouse from Ellel Grange to give a 'Christian presentation' of the Satanic Abuse 'problem'.

    Ellel Grange
    is a wealthy Christian fundamentalist group which specialises in de-programming and identifying SRA victims from people who go to them for help with 'regular' mental vulnerabilities. They have produced some notable SRA victim-iimposters They were responsible for convincing poor Louise Etherington to falsley claim on camera that she had satanically sacrificed her new-born baby in a channel 4 documentary called Beyond Belief (see here for details) but Etherington's false claims were soon debunked by national newspapers days afterwards. She was just another pawn in the hands of the sectarians pushing the SRA myth.

    Geoffrey Dickens Announcement in Commons As you can see God's warriors could be found tilling fertile ground in Scotland and were heavily invested in injecting their sectarian poison into the country during 1989, and probably well before that, for the threat of SRA was first announced by Geoffrey Dickens MP in the House of Commons in April 1988.  He had been 'conditioned' into believing SRA existed by the same clique of Satan Hunters from The Reachout and The Childwatch, child protection group.   The Daily Mail reporter found Dickens' initial allegations in the House to be so far-out he reported it with amusement, little realising how deadly and serious this first-shot in the fundamentalist campaign to persecute Pagans actually was, nor that it would create a witch-hunt that would still be ongoing in Glasgow 37 years later. 

    This tsunami of allegations about SRA in the summer of 1989 , ignited by the NSPCC's rubber-stamping of the reality of SRA, created hyper-vigilance in Social workers. Is this why they then subjected all the Orkney children to further intensive ‘disclosure therapy', securing another half-dozen vague statements about abuse to keep the pot boiling?

    The social workers in Orkney were scheduled to return the children to their mother in July 1989 and the Orkney Childrens' Panel appeared to think there was no real impediment to doing so, but the social workers involved became locked in a long-running dispute with the Childrens' Panel concerning further assessment at home, and on 31st. October 1990, the day before supervision orders on the children were to be revoked, they found a 'new' reason to take the children into care......the RSSPCC interviewers secured from three of the W children, during more than a hundred hours of ‘disclosure therapy' nine more children's names whom they indicated had been Satanically Abused and this lead to dawn lifts of the other 9 kids, and their parents being falsely accused of ritual child sexual abuse.

    So the social workers, who had been convinced that Satanic Ritual Child Abuse existed on the island following a heightened hysteria about the possibility of Satanic Abuse by the activities of RAINS, the Reachout Trust and backed by the NSPCC, saw the W family as a classic case of SRA even though they had been in their care since the early 1980s without a single mention of ritual, Satanism, the occult, or witchcraft!  Obviously something was seriously wrong in the Orkney Social Services department. How wrong it all was played out over the next few months.

    Let's recap: At the precise time that the NSPCC backed the Cook Report and ignited the Satanic Panic the SRA hunters in Orkney conflicted with the Orkney Childrens' Panel and refused to send the W children home. Instead they repetitively interrogated them for over 100 hours until the W children came out with bizarre fantasies which the Orkney SS Satan Hunters believed to be indications of SRA and which nicely incriminated other innocent families on Orkney, who just happened to be the exact ones who had tried to defend the Mother of the W family from previous unfair social services persecution.

    In short the Satanic Ritual Abuse claims in Orkney began in July 1989 right at the start of the Satanic Panic.

    A month later in October 1989 Reachout held their first Satan Seminar in Aberdeen.

    Maureen Davies gave a Lecture on Satanic Ritual Abuse to the Church of Scotland Study Group in Edinburgh.

    In October 1990 she attended the second Satan Seminar that was designed to promote SRA in the minds of Scottish social workers, in Aberdeen. 

    Charles Fraser who worked as a social worker on the W case was a member of the Orkney Christian Fellowship and was involved in the lifting of child SW from the W family in November 1990.  The mother of SW had taken him to the Manse where Fraser traced them and so he went there to take SW into care. The Reverend Morris McKenzie who lived at the Manse was not there but his wife said she could not let Fraser and a policeman in to get SW as 'the lock had jammed'.

    Effectively child SW was given 'sanctuary' from the Orkney SS.

    McKenzie is falsely accused of SRAAs the false SRA allegations ran wild following the children being taken into care, Reverend McKenzie just happened to become one of those falsely accused at the centre of the accusations of Satanic Rituals. How convenient for believers and Orkney Social Services department!

    The Satan hunters in the Orksocial work department were scheduled to return the children to their mother in July 1989, the social workers involved became locked in a long-running dispute with the Children's Panel concerning further assessment at home, and on 31st. October 1990  (co-incidentally at Halloween!), the day before supervision orders on the children were to be revoked, they found a 'new' reason to take the children into care......the RSSPCC interviewers secured from three of the W children, during more than a hundred hours of ‘disclosure therapy', nine more children's names whom they indicated had been Satanically Abused.  Orkney Social Workers said the kids had said that Reverand McKenzie conducted ritual dances in black robes in a quarry and then Satanically abused them after hooking them with a Crook. (sigh)

    This was of course completely untrue but it seemed that anyone who contradicted the obsessive believers in SRA in Orkney SS soon became denounced as a suspected Satanic Abuser.

    When Charles Fraser was questioned about his involvement with the evangelical Christian lobby he told the Clyde Inquiry:
    'Mr Charlie Fraser experienced some publicity in respect of his own religious beliefs which sought to present him as a Christian zealot fighting Satanism which did not accurately represent the character of the alleged abuse nor his own individual attitude to it.

    A more complete story of Charlies Fraser's membership of the Orkney Christian Fellowship and one of it's prime movers, Baptist minister Frances Gordon's trip to learn about Satanic Ritual Abuse at the 1990 Aberdeen conference, appeared in the Sunday Times 17 March 1991.

    A sub-article by Stewart Lamont inset on the same page covered the fundamentalist history of Orkney together with an account of the internecine conflicts there between the Church of Scotland and the torrid Christian fundamentalist activity then competing for souls. The impression given was that Christian sects on the Island appeared to be outbidding each other in their piety to the Lord. 

    Journalists John Rowland and Stewart Lamont, tried to interview Charles Fraser but 'Fraser was not available for comment'. However Francis Gordon was located and  told the Times:

    “I went [ to the satan seminar in Aberdeen ] because it is something that is coming more and more into the headlines. If it was going to cross my path, I wanted to know what was being said, so I went.”
    'Gordon left his church in Kirkwall, the island’s largest town, to join more than 100 clerics and social workers in an Aberdeen university lecture theatre. Together they sat through two days of lectures given by Maureen Davies, a fundamentalist Christian and self-appointed “expert” on ritual and Satanic Abuse.
    'Davies, described by critics as the founder of the “British Inquisition”, was in Aberdeen to spread her vision of satanic abuse which she believes is rampant in Britain. Gordon listened as Davies talked about “Satanic Indicators” among children which, she says, are sure signs of abuse'  

    This could have only been the same 'list of Satanic indicators' which were passed to the Team 4  in the Broxtowe Case and distributed amongst SRA believers

    The Rousay Mass exorcism of Children

    Four months earlier, in the summer before Francis Gordon attended that fateful Aberdeen Satan Seminar,he was involved in helping to organise a ' children's camp' on the Orkney Island of Rousay for 40 youngsters, aged 11 to 13, which went radically wrong when fundamentalist Baptist preachers tried to exorcise children and subjected them to mass hypnosis prayer sessions, talking in tongues and other extreme fundamentalist methods which caused some kids to collapse, suffer permanent trauma and recurrent nightmares. When the children got home they told their parents who complained officially to the police and an investigation into what happened began.

    'It is alleged that children returned from Rousay frightened and withdrawn. Parents reported personality changes which in some cases required psychiatric treatment and counselling by orthodox Church of Scotland clergy. Trevor Hunt, Church of Scotland minister for the parishes of Evie, Rendall and Firth, said: “There seem to be satanic things under every stone, and that would fit in with how these charismatic groups behave.”
    H. Sprange, a Baptist minister from Dunbar lead bible classes at the Rousay camp. When the children returned home, they told parents the full story of what happened in classes lead by Sprange. They alleged that classmates:
  • 'Fainted as Sprange preached to them;
  • Fell into trances under hypnosis induced by Sprange;
  • Fled the Rousay schoolroom in fear as other children collapsed around them;
  • Suffered nightmares about Hell and Satan;.
  • Watched as Sprange spoke in unintelligible languages, which he later explained was “talking in tongues”, a form of prophecy which extreme evangelicals believe is a form of divine intervention.  

  • This cult-like mind-control was clearly genuine ritual child-abuse but  the police investigation resulted in no prosecutions. Despite this being clear evidence of the mass hysteria over Satanic Ritual Abuse which had been created in England and imported into Scotland by Reachout, RAINS etc. the police refused to prosecute any churchman for psychologically torturing the children.

    Even more strangely no mention of the effects and influence of the Rousay summer camp bible ceremonies was made by the Orkney Social Services. Why? There can't have been a resident of Orkney who did not know what had happened. The scandal was known across the Islands, the 40 children would have told their schoolmates. Maybe the W children had soaked-up their fantasies about Witchcraft and the occult from such tales and this might have easily corrupted their memories or imagination?   But as usual, the fundies were given a quick pass. They were Christians! They meant well didn't they? Why would they be he cause of any harm?  Why indeed.

    The Orkney SS eventually roped in poor old Reverend McKenzie as a Satanic abuser for dancing about singing in his surplice and using a ceremonial Crook to corral the children?

    In his evidence to the Clyde Inquiry Charles Fraser implied that his evangelical view of the world and the activities of his group the Orkney Christian Fellowship did not play into a belief in the Orkneys that SRA existed.

    Wasn't the false implication of the Church of Scotland's Reverend McKenzie suspicious for a start?   In a climate where rival churches were apparently conflicting and competing for authenticity and souls in a market as small as the population of Orkney.   According to the Times report there was animosity between some Christians on Orkney. In a report from the Daily Telegraph on 17 September 1991 Fraser was quoted saying:

    'Asked what the police were looking for, Mr Charles Fraser, a social worker, replied: "Anything related to the case, to the allegations... clothing, symbols of abuse a cloak, a crook, that sort of thing."

    But when giving evidence in the Clyde report Constable MacLaren said about the lifting of the H children and how the police searched their home, Mrs H went upstairs with WPC MacLaren and dressed.
    Constable MacLaren came on some horror novels in the bedroom but did not remove them. She had been instructed to look at any books relating to unusual practices. [6.28]
    This sort of hyper-vigilance is how a Dennis Wheatley Novel became 'evidence' of Satanic Ritual Abuse in Orkney. A fictional novel about witchcraft which had sold in the millions of copies to anyone who liked a good story was held as being sufficient evidence of Satanic Abuse to incriminate an innocent person and destroy their life!

    I mean, did they really think that these shocking exorcism rites and talk of the Devil at the children's camp did not get broadcast across all schoolchildrens' minds in the relatively tiny community in Orkney?

    Did this fundamentalist generated fear also become fixated in the imaginations of the W children and the other 9 kids taken into care?  It certainly seems to have penetrated into the minds of the Orkney Police.

    Clearly the Satanic Panic, which first began in the Baptist and charismatic evangelical churches of the U.S. was having an impact on the small population of Orkney at the precise time that the W case was being turned from an 'ordinary' case of abuse into a case of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse, yet astonishingly none of this came out in the Clyde Inquiry.

    Ayrshire SRA case. June Gardiner and Lyn Gilmour are let off The inquiry into the 1990 Ayrshire SRA case found that Social Workers worked-up Satanic content by indoctrinating children they believed were at risk, see cutting (right). For a time two key social workers on the case, June Gardiner and Lyn Gilmour were under investigation because of errors of judgement.

    This progression can be seen in ALL the key cases, Orkney, Ayr, Lewis, Rochdale, Nottingham, Epping etc. Find a case of suspected 'regular' abuse in one family, snatch the children, interrogate them until they accidentally fantasise some bizarre things and then use that to incriminate neighbour's and extended family for the SRA inquisition. This is precisely what happened during the witch-trials of the 14th and 15th centuries.

    Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'  - Santayana
    Of course it was all hyper-vigilance from a clique driven by feminist ideology to confirm their worst fears. During the 35 years of the SRA myth, there has not been a single case of SRA successfully prosecuted through the courts in Britain.

    From these early false SRA cases believers in RAINS developed their 'Demonology' of SRA and began teaching it and distributing it to every other hyper-vigilant social worker who listened. The lies RAINS promoted are virtually endless. The SAFF has a list of all the Satan Seminars and SRA conferences held during the 1990s and there were dozens of them, all across the UK and plenty of them in Scotland. In Dundee, In Aberdeen, in Edinburgh, in Clwyd, in Reading, in Birmingham, Nottingham, Cardiff, Manchester, Birkenhead, London, Harrow, Harrogate, Bolton, York, Sheffield, and many, many more.

    RAINS ever present, influencers of academe and Lynch-mob vigilantism.

    Portrait of Joan Coleman Joan Coleman was the psychiatrist who had in 1988 jumped on the embryonic 1990 Satanic Panic and inaugurated RAINS (The Ritual Abuse Information Network Services ) along with Valerie Sinason and several other key players, to act as a dissemination point for the promotion of the idea of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse across therapy, psychiatry, police, NHS, Social Services and Media. 

    RAINS' opinion was inevitably sought and quoted in numerous articles and interviews during 1988-1990 until the cases they had supported began to collapse. RAINS members were irrevocably involved in every single case of claimed SRA in this country during the Satanic Panic,  but not one of their claimed cases turned out to be true. Not one of them was proven. Not one of them was successfully prosecuted through the courts.

    Even so, RAINS became a highly influential hub of ideas, falsehoods and impromptu validation which kept the myth of SRA simmering for years even after the governments' 1994 La Fontaine report which, after having had access to ALL records and video interviews of the children in the claimed cases involving 86 children across the UK, had concluded that there was no Satanic Ritual Abuse in any of the cases which occurred during the Satanic Panic and which Coleman and RAINS had backed.

    Here, courtesy of the SAFFutube channel you can hear Coleman trying to refute the conclusions of Professor La Fontaine's report even though it had been fully accepted by the government. There was no such thing as Satanic Ritual Child Abuse it said, but by 1994 RAINS had pinned its colours to the mast of a sinking ship and could not abandon it. Best to simply carry on saying black is white. I mean, who would ever challenge them? They only have the best interests of children at heart you know.

    The Scottish and English judiciary, and their respective police forces were obviously ignorant of the actual networking going on, not only between English and Scottish SRA activists and the Scottish scion of RAINS (RANS) but also between them and even dafter SRA hunters in the U.S. They were being played like the proverbial fiddle In short, the situation in Scotland was largely created by the very same clique of believers who started the 1990 Satanic Panic in the U.S. and then the U.K. and it is still going on today.

    Spurred on by the controversy over the Glasgow 2023 SRA case it is only a matter of time before these SRA hunters create more false cases in Scotland, which will also fail and bring the Scottish courts and police into disrepute. At that point maybe even the Scottish people will begin to see they're being made fools of.

    By Tony Rhodes and John Freedom, Imbolc 2025.

    Scottish Witch-hunt mentality is deeply 'Institutional'

    What is it about Scotland and Witch-Hunts?

    Who is responsible for this waste of resources and continual injustice? THE SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT, that's who! It is the Scottish government which has allowed, nay PROMOTED this state of affairs. This clique of obsessed Satan Hunters in Scotland have, literally, made a life-long career out of a sectarian phobia and the Scottish Government has helped them do it.

    Despite their many claims to 'diversity' they glibly allow the religion of Paganism to be repetitively mis-represented, defamed and insulted in court in the 2023 Glasgow SRA case .

    It makes you wonder just what level of scholarship is actually occurring in other Scottish universities apart from Edinburgh and Dundee . Is SRA included in their Social and Political Science courses? Degrees in Presbyterian Bible-Thumping, Sectarian Bigotry and Vigilante Mob tactics perhaps?

    Nicola Sturgeon gives public apology to witches falsely accused due to 1563 witchcraft act

    Then, as if to show how monumentally eclectic Scotland's Leaders are, right in the middle of the police investigation into what the BBC headlined as ' Eleven on trial over child sex abuse and witchcraft in Glasgow' the International Women's Day people organised a petition to PARDON SCOTTISH WITCHES. It was, they said, time to correct the errors made in the 16c 17c and 18c and pardon all women accused of Witchcraft because it is now clear they were falsely accused and persecuted by a sectarian Scottish Legal System.

    Let's run that again:

    Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland at the time, gave a public apology for unjustly torturing and killing Witches at the same time that her police force was mounting a Witch-Hunt to do it again. You really couldn't make this up could you?

    One of those named in the Glasgow trial indictment was Maureen Goudie. The namesake of Isabel Gowdie, from Nairn, one of the most renowned Scottish witches. who was brought to trial in 1662. What a synchronicity! Witch-hunting back in Scottish courts 360 years later in 2023! There is already a monument to Isabel Gowdie's memory in Auldearn near Nairn. Gowdie became famous because 'she had confessed to using a broom for flying and transforming herself into a hare. ' This is particularly interesting considering the claims in the court indictment at Glasgow High Court that the accused in the 2023 case used rituals to make the children think they had changed themselves into animals, in one instance a wolf.
    'It is alleged all the accused forced two children to participate in seances, used a Ouija board to convince the children they could “communicate with spirits and demons”, and made them participate in classes involving witchcraft causing them to believe they had “metamorphosed” into animals on various occasions between 2016 and 2020.[Glasgow Indictment]

    Same old Same old! The image below; shows how easily Social Workers fall for this guff. When the boy being questioned during the 1991 Rochdale SRA case ( See here: ) spoke about 'eating cats' he was referring to his favourite meal of animal pasta! He used to pick out the cat shapes first as he liked those best! Instead of listening to him the Anti-Satanic Crusaders in Rochdale social services deduced he had actually been eating real cats. It is stupidity of this kind that hallmarks cases where fundamentalist social workers seek validation of their own horrific beliefs.

    Boy Said He Ate Cats and the social workers believed him

    Are we saying that Mediaeval Witch-hunting is still alive and well in the racial memory of Scots? That Scots are predisposed to believe in the Supernatural? YES we are.

    For a roundup of how Witchcraft hysteria has regularly swept through Scotland and caused an estimated 4,000 unnecessary deaths read this: Scottish Witch Hunts And How The Nation Went Mad:

    The North Berwick Witch Trials - It is not history, it is legacy

    The first mass witchcraft hysteria to hit Scotland was the despicable trials of the supposed North Berwick Witches. It was started and overseen by the uber-pious and wickedly fundamentalist King James VI of Scotland, in 1589. North Berwick is only 30 miles from the city of Edinburgh and it is interesting to note that there are still Witch and Satan Hunters being supported and promoted in the university of Edinburgh today!

    Based on this 1589 travesty of justice, involving Witchcraft mania during which at least 70 people (some sources say nearer 200) were put on trial and tortured. Many of them were executed for Witchcraft.

    James concluded that a storm at sea off North Berwick which nearly killed his Queen, who was en-route, had been whipped up by supernatural agencies!

    Records of the trials are replete with idiotic and fantastic statements which could not possibly have happened, such as that witches sailed off in a giant sieve, (Edward Lear watch out!) but these hapless innocent people went to their deaths all the same.

    A few years later, in 1597, the smug James having piously killed dozens of innocent Scots, turned to personally authoring his terrifying sectarian hand-book 'Daemonologie' which was a completely fictitious idea from his own tiny mind of what he thought Witches did. It was in fact a religious and political call to a crusade. It was the superstition and mad witch-hunting activities of James VI that underlay Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' (first published in 1623) and which play was quite probably also influenced by the sensational confessions of Isobel Gowdie of Nairn which came out in 1622

    Confessions during the North Berwick Witches trials mention 'the adventure in the sieve' which is mentioned in Macbeth. In the opening scene of the play, Shakespeare's First Witch cries

    “But in a sieve, I’ll thither sail
    And, like a rat without a tail,
    I’ll so, I’ll do, I’ll do”

    At which point they promise to conjure up a storm.
    'Demonologie' asserts James’s full belief in magic and witchcraft, and aims to both prove the existence of such forces and to lay down what sort of trial and punishment these practices merit – in James’s view, death. The book is divided into three sections: the first on magic and necromancy (the prediction of the future by communicating with the dead), the second on witchcraft and sorcery and the third on spirits and spectres. Source:

    It is undeniable that the Scottish mind, or at least the minds of those who have ruled Scotland, were obsessed with imaginary tales of Witches and Devils and Spirits; and they were willing to believe any supernatural bunk to confirm that belief.

    One would have thought that in this modern world we would all have outgrown that nonsense but the 2023 Glasgow SRA case is yet another indication that they have not
    . I wonder if the RAINS clique is playing on this predilection of the Scots to believe in Witchcraft?

    James, The King of the Scots (from 1603 also King of England and Scotland) helped to cement institutional sectarianism against not only Pagans and Witches but also any other dissenters.

    In 1611, eight years after his ascension to the throne of England, James VI (then James I of England) brought out the King James Bible. Due to its unmitigated psychotic language it is still today, 400 years later, the most preferred mistranslation of the bible for Protestant activists.

    The Church of England is embarrassed with its psychopathic hatred and its many errors in translation so they tried to promote various editions of the English Bible in the 1960s to bypass it's paranoia,  but the King James Bible is especially favoured for its vindictiveness by fundamentalist activists. Look what 'the good book' says:

    Exodus 22:18-20 King James Bible:

    'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.'

    This murderous mistranslation of the original biblical texts which must have sent thousands of innocent people to their deaths nicely encapsulated the obsessive hatred James VI had for Witches. But the original word in the Septuagint was not 'Witch' but 'Herbalist'.

    It is well-known that the original village healers were women skilled in the use of natural herbs and ingredients for many healing purposes, particularly childbirth. These herbs were 'charmed' to do their work and so any instance of pagan traditions about the 'spirits of plants' became reinterpreted as 'trafficking with the Devil'.

    For background on how the creation of the Church of Scotland by the Devil-obsessed James VI encouraged a 95% Christian god-fearing population continually on the hunt for Witches and Satanists - a meme which seems to have worked its way into the National mind-set today read Scottish religion in the seventeenth century, here:

    Satanic Lies?; I see no Satanic lies!  

    How The NSPCC chose to run with a Satanic Hysteria.

    Diary of Correspondence with the NSPCC and how they turned a blind-eye to false allegations of Satanic Abuse:

    April 28th 1989: SAFF sends a copy of the 1989 Occult Census to Allen Gilmour , then Director of the NSPCC, along with a 2 page letter which asks the NSPCC not to jump on the SRA bandwagon. SAFF provides a copy of the official Home Office letter clearly stating that THAT THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO LINK WITCHCRAFT WITH CHILD ABUSE. SAFF makes clear to Dr Gilmour that there is no substance in the SRA allegations and that they are being perpetrated not to save children but to suppress Paganism and Witchcraft by followers of an opposing religion.

    May 11th 1989: Christopher Cloke then Policy Information officer replies on Dr. Gilmour's behalf acknowledging receipt of the information which has 'been placed on file for future reference'.(in other words, Get lost)

    July 17th 1989 NSPCC press release is issued supporting the Cook Report's Devil's Work' documentary. It refers to Ritualised Abuse of children and gave the press the first authoritative support of the Satanic Abuse allegations. Despite its ambiguous wording and generalisation this NSPCC press release (see full copy of it below) provides sufficient justification for the media to claim that the allegations had been 'proved' even though everything they alleged was suspicion and no evidence was ever presented by the NSPCC to 'prove' anything of the sort.

    July 25th 1989 SAFF
    contacts NSPCC and provides them with a detailed breakdown of characters and background to the sectarian conspiracy to defame the occult and criticises the NSPCC press release in support of The Cook Report. The 28 page document SAFF provided reveals the facts and thoroughly contradicts the NSPCC's public stance. Over the following years all the people listed in this document and whom the NSPCC were then listening to are subsequently discredited as manipulators, liars or fantasists.

    July 27th 1989: Alan Gilmour the director of NSPCC replies "Thank you for your letter and its enclosures; I would like to share these with my professional advisers." (In other words - we're kicking it into the long-grass)

    August 10th 1989: Kevin Barrett responds to an enquiry concerning the July 17th NSPCC press statement by confirming its contents but declining the additional information adding to it. ' I am not in a position to comment upon the reference elsewhere in the article to about 20 cases of this kind of abuse having come to light in the past year. I do not know where the journalist obtained such a figure or of any organisation which might be able to confirm its accuracy.'

    October 20th 1989: On being unable to obtain the promised response from the NSPCC the SAFF instructs its solicitors to write a letter accusing them of collaboration with the Cook Report to promote a myth. The NSPCC acknowledge our solicitor's letter but no reply is forthcoming. November 14th 1989: SAFF's solicitor has written more letters to the NSPCC but they have only replied that they 'are obtaining legal advice.'

    December 1st 1989: SAFF asks our solicitor to write yet again to hurry up the NSPCC .

    December 6th 1989 : NSPCC answers our solicitor's letter saying that following legal advice taken by the NSPCC the society was not involved in Cook Report and mentioned the programme in its statement ' in passing comment' The NSPCC deny that their statement supported or condoned The Cook Report. The NSPCC admit receiving SAFF documented evidence concerning the anti-occult conspiracy and The Occult Census but say that 'a reply was not called for'. The NSPCC state that they are not prepared to make comment on that material nor further documents now provided to them concerning the falsehood of the anti-occult allegations. The NSPCC refuse to comment any further.

    December 15th 1989 SAFF introduces itself to Kevin Barrett Policy Information Officer of NSPCC, informs him about the background to the fundamentalist conspiracy about SRA and confirms SAFF's earlier letters and evidence whilst requesting a full copy of the NSPCC's July 17 press statement.

    December 19th 1989. Barrett acknowledges receipt of SAFF's letter and says he will reply in due course.

    January 8th 1990 Barrett provides the full NSPCC statement at long last and says that the NSPCC is only looking after the best interests of children and that the NSPCC is not prepared to enter into any detailed observations concerning the allegations.

    JANUARY 25th 1990: SAFF writes to the NSPCC concerning discoveries that their original July 17 press statement was misinterpreted by The Press Association News Agency and that all subsequent press exposure in local newspapers which used it, included references to 'Devil Worship' / 'Satanism' / 'Witchcraft' / 'Evil' / 'Coven' which words were not included in the NSPCC statement. The NSPCC stance has therefore been misrepresented and embroidered.

    In short the Press Association report had sensationalised and 'sexed-up' what the NSPCC had said which went beyond the truth. SAFF ask Barrett to disclaim reporting of that statement as inaccurate or make the NSPCC position clear as to whether they hold any evidence to support Satanic child abuse theory.

    SAFF also asked Barrett to confirm whether the NSPCC is aware of the danger of young Pagan families being split up by NSPCC inspectors who are untutored in the dignity of Pagan religion under the misapprehension that Paganism is Satanism. SAFF accuse the NSPCC of harbouring inspectors whose religious bias has interfered with their objectivity and produce two examples of NSPCC inspectors having an anti-occult pro-fundamentalist bias revealed in newspaper interviews; exaggerating truth and making unproven allegations on behalf of the NSPCC.

    January 29th 1990 Barrett acknowledges receipt of SAFF letter February 5th 1990: Barrett responds to letter of Jan 25. "It is not for the society to take any step in connection with an alleged misinterpretation by newspapers of the Society's press release'. 'The Society has always been sensitive to the needs and requirements of members of different social,ethnic and religious groups.The Society has no comment to make about remarks attributed to Mr Kearns (fundamentalist inspired NSPCC inspector) in a newspaper published in July 1989."

    February 21st 1990 : SAFF replies insisting upon the NSPCC addressing the problem of fundamentalists in its ranks. Reminding Barrett that the NSPCC has not complied with SAFF's request to issue a directive warning its inspectors to take minority beliefs such as Paganism into account. SAFF makes the point that over two dozen vicars were prosecuted for child-abuse during 1989 and asks NSPCC to confirm that they will inspect their procedures to ensure Pagan families are not mistreated through ignorance and prejudice. The SAFF's letter also discloses that the systems operator of a Christian fundamentalist bulletin board which imports sensational and discredited information on the satanic child-abuse scare CLAIMS TO BE A SENIOR INSPECTOR FOR THE NSPCC and what do the NSPCC intend to do about this?

    March 2nd 1990: Barrett responds that all this has been carefully considered and that the 'Society can do no more than to emphasis what I said in the penultimate paragraph of my last letter to you' That the NSPCC has no further comment to make on fundamentalism within its ranks.

    March 12th 1990: NSPCC publish their annual report containing enhanced allegations of Ritualised Abuse of children and their National Child Care Officer Jim Harding talks of Cult Sacrifice and singles out Witchcraft and Devil Worship for blame.

    May 22nd 1990 We introduce ourselves to the newly appointed Director of the NSPCC, Christopher Brown, update him with our long correspondence with Barrett and inform Brown that:
    'There is no such thing as Satanic or Occult related child abuse. As time passes, and our researches reveal the true extent of the fundamentalist conspiracy, this will become even more evident and the decision by leaders of the NSPCC to jump on the bandwagon will be seen to be even more irresponsible. The longer you desist from properly addressing these things the greater will their effect on the reputation of the NSPCC be.
    October 5th 1990. We try again, offering SAFF expertise on SRA to the society and pointing out NSPCC intransigence.
    'Had you responded positively to our earlier correspondence during
    1989 and 1990 the Rochdale case would simply not have happened and you and Jim Harding would not have needed to be economical with the truth in order to save the NSPCC from further damage.

    October 31st 1990. Brown writes back a dismissive letter saying the NSPCC refutes our research and will not accept any more 'unsolicited material'!  Clearly the NSPCC is not treating us as the experts we are in this area. They do not value SAFF research work which has over the years become legendary. The leaders of the NSPCC are in a state of denial over the facts and the NSPCC in total appears to be institutionally religiously prejudiced against non-Christians. They appear to be fighting harder to refuse our input which, as history testifies, could have saved several adult lives and hundreds of children being wrongly torn from their innocent families, rather than actually taking notice of the facts we provided them with and adopting a more reasonable approach. So we write back and tell them this:

    Personal Attention of:
    Christopher Brown
    67 Saffron Hill
    EC1N 8RS

    Wednesday 31 October 1990

    Dear Christopher Brown

    We are in receipt of your letter of October 18 and are appalled at your blatant refusal to work with us for the best interests of children nationally.

    You have consistently avoided addressing our information and in so doing have put innocent children and families to undue risk and suffering.

    "Listen to the children" is your watchword, what a pity you will not listen also to those who wish to provide you with information to protect the children.

    Surely what is necessary is to get at the truth and avoid subjecting innocent children and families to undeserved victimisation?

    It is astonishing to think that the pursuance of the Satanic Abuse Myth by the NSPCC and others has resulted in ordinary working-class parents in Rochdale who have absolutely no connection with occultism at all, whose children have NOT been sexually abused; whose children show NO signs of physical abuse and about whom the police have REFUSED to bring criminal charges; have not only had to suffer months and months of agony and emotional turmoil by being forcibly
    separated from their children but have also had to suffer prejudice
    and persecution locally because of the Satanic Abuse Myth allegations.
    As if this was not enough they now find that they may never see their children again , because the council have applied for permanent fostering orders.

    We have offered to help you understand how this myth began and educate you about what Witches and Satanists do to pursue their beliefs so that Rochdales don't occur elsewhere. You have refused our help repetitively even when all the facts now show that we were right all along and the NSPCC were mislead by bad actors. By listening to us the NSPCC could have avoided Rochdale. How many more people must suffer before you admit that you were wrong?

    We accused the leaders of the NSPCC of fabrication; intransigence and double-dealing. These are accusations of FACT.

    Our accusations are based on the following criteria:

    (1) The unfact: Jim Harding repetitively used the words Devil Worship
    and Satanism in a press briefing and was quoted in several newspapers.
    Several local NSPCC inspectors, primed by NSPCC HQ were interviewed by local newspapers and also used sensational terms relating to Satanism; devil worship; witchcraft and blood sacrifice. Jim
    Harding later was reported as saying**** that NSPCC officials had never used those words or referred to Satanism.

    (2) The intransigence: We think six weeks in responding to our evidence about the manipulation of the NSPCC by fundamentalists during 1989 qualifies as 'intransigent', especially when we had to eventually insist upon a response through our solicitor in order to get one at all.

    Add to this two further letters which were not acknowledged and about which we had to send further hurry-up
    letters before obtaining a reply and the word 'intransigence' could actually be seen to be a polite way of describing the way the NSPCC dealt with our responsible representations. Let me remind you that we have been in constant touch with the NSPCC, trying to develop a dialogue since early 1988. Intransigence? We think so!

    (3) Double-Dealing: We consider this a fair comment with regard to the strategy of Kevin Barrett. Barrett's recalcitrant minimal responses in the face of representations from a group ostensibly ready to provide unique information and background about a most serious and vital problem, stand in contrast with the NSPCC campaign to back the totally unprovable Satanic Child Abuse Myth with a blaze of publicity.  A campaign which was being organised throughout the period when Barrett was playing catch-as-catch-can with our genuine representations and requests to provide the NSPCC with details of what Witches do. Basically, in hindsight, Barrett appeared to be keeping us busy and tying up our trust while the NSPCC planned to launch direct criticisms of occult ceremonies and liturgy. If that's not double-dealing, what is?

    We are surprised that you are ready to describe genuine information, FBI documents and verbatim tape transcripts which discredit organisations from whom you have accepted representations as 'unsoliticited material'.  We thought it was hard evidence which you would pounce upon. Especially when you have admitted yourself that this area of research broke new ground about which the NSPCC was ignorant.

    Even stranger, we are astounded that, though we have made it clear that we have much more information on the U.S. Satanic Abuse Scare and the way that the American social services / therapeutic agencies were mislead, and on the background and intentions of the people you consulted as 'experts' you are STILL refusing to receive this information, discuss it, or learn from it. This is the same kind of head in the sand approach which you extended to us during 1988/89 and early 1990 and is a deplorable admission from an organisation which has special responsibilities in law to protect the well being of children.

    The SAFF does not intend to allow the NSPCC to escape its responsibilities in this area for if the NSPCC does not employ a new and corrected perspective, including safeguards in your training to protect families who hold alternative / minority beliefs then the witch hunt started by the NSPCC could quite easily spark off again at any time and further victimise innocent people.

    It is because you have been dilatory in facing the repercussions of your actions that your organisers have had to dissemble and form a holding-pattern in order to protect the NSPCCs reputation.

    Because you are STILL refusing to address the problem, the unresolved
    thinking in local NSPCC branches and social services departments will continue to cause injustices. Here's just three examples:

    (1) The enclosed cutting from the Bournemouth Echo of October 5; and associated editorial comments regarding Reverend Biggs' confirmation that occult ritualised abuse exists. As head of the Child Protection Team this man Biggs is severely mislead and the diplomatic mopping up operations which followed a few days later did nothing to correct the original impression given. If Mr Biggs is so badly informed is it not likely that he may over-react in interpreting the risks to a child of their parents involvement in alternative religions?  Is it not MORE likely that a priest of one religion will find the tenets of a competing religion unacceptable and mistakes will occur IF RELIGIOUS CRITERIA ARE USED AS A YARDSTICK TO ESTIMATE WHETHER CHILDREN ARE AT RISK?

    (2) The clear conclusion and promotion of the idea that the NSPCC has CONFIRMED the link between Satanism / Paganism & child abuse is nowhere more explicitly shown than in the Christian fundamentalist book, DANCE WITH THE DEVIL. The foreward to this book, which was penned by Geoffrey Dickens MP, (see photocopy enclosed) a strident campaigner to outlaw Paganism, clearly states that the NSPCC has issued a report confirming occult related child abuse. I am sure that you will wish to correct Mr Dickens publicly over this interpretation of NSPCC policy AND LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING A COPY OF YOUR LETTER TO HIM SO THAT HIS MISTAKEN CONCLUSIONS DO NOT FURTHER AGGRAVATE A DELICATE SITUATION.

    (3) The undignified spectacle of NSPCC child protection teams embroiling themselves in and giving support to the sensational and inaccurate allegations of the fundamentalist's spoilsport anti-Halloween campaign is nowhere more evidenced than in the cutting from the Luton District Citizen (enclosed) where your Gillian Rose is quoted as saying that 'children are at risk from all types of abuse by taking part in Halloween celebrations NOT JUST BECOMING INVOLVED IN SATANIC RITUALS'. Really, and do you STILL think that your inspectors don't require educating Mr Brown?

    The Facts are these:

    (a) Most of your area workers do not know that Satanism is a completely different philosophy to Witchcraft / Paganism and that Pagans do not worship a devil figure. They therefore are likely to confuse innocent pagans with innocent Satanists.

    (b) Many NSPCC officials firmly believe that there is evidence to prove that Children have been abused in satanic rites, when in reality there has not been one conviction which categorically links Satanism or Witchcraft with child abuse.

    (c) The NSPCC have allowed their local officials to believe that there is an epidemic of Satanic child abuse. Local NSPCC organisers have no sense of proportion and have not been made aware that statistics show that a child is far more likely to be abused by Clergymen than by Satanists. That out of 186 separate cases of investigations into child abuse networks during the past three years only five were thought to have some tendentious connection to satanic beliefs and that none of those have actually been confirmed. Out of 438 investigations into alleged child abuse in the Manchester area last year only THREE were said by police to possibly have any occult connections, and none of those have been confirmed either.

    (d) The NSPCC is still directing enquirers about Satanic child abuse to the REACHOUT organisation which is not a child charity, has no proper training in these areas and which is a fundamentalist anti-occult organisation which has been discredited for its fanaticism.

    (e) Our offers of supplementary training of NSPCC personnel so that they are in an informed position about Satanism / Witchcraft have met with repetitive rejection by the NSPCC.

    (f) Whether or not the NSPCC desired that outcome, the media clearly and sensationally represented NSPCC involvement in detecting ritualised abuse as being confirmation of the fact that there is an epidemic of satanic or occult related child abuse. Although the NSPCC has said that they did not mean to convey this the public is left with an indelible impression that is the case. WHEN IS THE NSPCC GOING TO STOP MOVING THE GOALPOSTS AND ACTUALLY COME OUT WITH A DEFINITIVE PUBLIC STATEMENT WHICH WILL STOP THE AMBIGUITY; SUSPICION AND HYSTERIA. You owe it to the British Public, having started all this, to lay your cards on the table once and for all.

    THEREFORE: because the seed of hysteria has been planted in NSPCC workers by their HQ and because NSPCC HQ has refused to correct these misunderstandings, injustices; inaccuracies and breaches of human rights such as Rochdale will continue to occur unless the SAFF brings these points to the attention of members of the public.

    Whether or not the NSPCC wishes contact with the SAFF we will continue to offer our help and assistance on a permanent basis for the best interests of children and society in general.

    Please understand that we do not wish to damage the NSPCC in any way at all; your ordinary work is too valuable for that, but you MUST accept that you have made a very big mistake in backing the Satanic Abuse Myth and PUT THAT RIGHT PUBLICLY otherwise this error will eat away at the reputation of the NSPCC and ultimately make things very much worse for everybody.

    As you have repetitively avoided doing the right thing we offer again one last time to join with you to clear the matter up.

    We will expect a telephone call from you in a few days time.

    If we can build a dialogue then fine; if the NSPCC still remains obstinate then the SAFF will be forced to begin a new wave of publicity to inform the public and make the NSPCC change its mind.

    The first mailing will consist of reproductions of this letter.

    I look forward to hearing from you within 7 days.

    Yours Sincerely

    Tony Rhodes

    Astonishingly, almost by return post, the NSPCC's response to this letter was to set their Blue-Chip lawyers onto us to threaten the SAFF with a libel writ if we went ahead and published our evidence!

    So that's what the NSPCC do with your donations! Naturally we wrote back and told them to do their worst. Print and be damned! The NSPCC's threat didn't work on us and you can see the truth of the NSPCC's recalcitrance in the face of the truth about non-existent Satanic Ritual Abuse throughout this SAFF website but particularly on

    The NSPCC was a prime mover in the scare. It was heavily involved in the social work team which handled the Broxtowe case, Britain's first claimed case of SRA which believers in Ritual Abuse hailed as a watershed in child-protection. When it got to court there was NO satanic ritual abuse in it.   The NSPCC was also involved in the tragic Rochdale SRA case at a formative stage, and many other false SRA cases from the Satanic Panic era.

    All the disclosure questioning of the Rochdale kids, which turned out to be utterly false, was done at the NSPCC's spanking new child care centre there. Indeed, the NSPCC has a lot to answer for. NSPCC 
Get Sack

    By March 1991 the NSPCC was eating humble-pie and denying they had misjudged the threat to children of Satanic Abuse. Click on any image to get a large format version to read.
    NSPCC sory for its wild statements on Satanic Abuse

    The NSPCC nearly destroyed itself over false allegations of Satanic Ritual Abuse which it unwisely backed to the hilt.  It is supposed to protect children but it was involved in causing the suffering of at least 86 children whose innocent parents were falsely accused of SRA.

    'The NSPCC the organisation which never knowingly undersells a statistic.'


    (Ed: The Orkney Seven Action Group distributed their own report ( below) of the Orkney SRA Scandal in response to the publication of the results of Lord Clyde's Orkney Public Inquiry in the House of Commons on 27th October 1992.

    The OSAG felt that despite the £6M cost of the Inquiry Lord Clyde had not got to the bottom of the mafeasance and malevolence of the Scottish Social Services in the persecutory way that it tried to destroy the W family at the centre of Orkney's SRA allegations.
    This rare publication (below) from 1992 hasn't seen the light of day for decades. We have included it here to reveal just what really went on in Orkney and how awful and vindictive those who believed in SRA acted towards the children they took into care and the parents they falsely accused. It makes shocking reading.  It also gives the lie to the new generation of social workers who think that there was some SRA in Orkney.

    This paper is crucial because it corrects many of the historical inaccuracies enshrined in the Orkney Public Inquiry, as well as the sheer fraudulence of people in Scottish social work now trying to airbrush away their malpractice and lack of professionalism that went on.

    First distributed circa December 1992 (paragraph numbers e.g. ‘12.24’ refer to evidence given during the Inquiry hearings and listed in the official Public Inquiry report. )

    Orkney Seven Action Group

    Report on the Forgotten Children of Orkney

    Orkney SevenAction Group
    Tel: 0342.xxxxxxx056 Walden
    Fax : 0342.xxxxxxx37
    Secretary :-Andrew Fenton BSc.ACGI.


    The Orkney Seven Action Group has been formed to effect the release of seven Orkney children into the care of their mother Mrs.W.

    To this end, after a short resumé of the case, we draw your attention to the following disturbing issues:

    1. There is a total lack of first hand evidence for allegations of abuse in the W family. Even the medical evidence has been discredited ... p2-3

    2. All existing records of the children's interviews show that the vague allegations made about sibling abuse have been induced as a result of heavy-handed ‘disclosure therapy', clearly discredited by Lord Justice Butler-Sloss (Cleveland Report 1988) ... p.3-5

    3. The children's demands to return home have been constantly ignored, and their mother's access to them severely limited, so much so that the children's spirit has been all but broken by months of ‘disclosure therapy', in premature anticipation of their adoption ... p.5-7

    4. There are too many similarities between the treatment of the W children, and the subsequent Orkney Nine who were returned home, to ignore. Since the findings of the Clyde Report apply no less to the W children, they also should be released, and the family reunited ... P 7-9

    5. The present state of the children ... p.9-10


    During the early 1980's several children from the W family in Orkney informed the social services that they were subject to abuse by their father. No action was taken. When inquiries were finally made following a further complaint by the eldest daughter, the family was too fearful of the father to offer evidence, and 'medicals' appeared negative.

    In 1986, the complaints of one of the sons finally led to a successful prosecution of the father, for physical abuse of the older children. After the trial in 1987, two of the girls, OW and EW, with the help of their mother, made complaints concerning sexual abuse, for which evidence was now found, and the father was prosecuted for a second time. He received seven years.

    The family's problems of readjustment were not helped when EW and OW began to face problems at school generated by other pupils. Social services did nothing.

    Almost a year after the father's trial, the W family were subject to an RSSPCC family ‘assessment', based upon the unfounded theory that "all abused children become abusers", and which advised residential care for the children, in order that they receive 'therapy'. The W family argued that this late help could and should be provided on Orkney, in the family setting. Mrs.W did, however, finally agree that EW, whose difficulties continued, could be '‘assessed' on mainland Scotland.

    Once away from home, in May 1989, EW was subject to disclosure therapy - the process so heavily criticised by Lord Justice-Butler Sloss [viz Cleveland] only the year before. Having secured half a dozen induced 'statements' concerning EW's siblings, the social services secured Place of Safety Orders for the eight younger children, whom they claimed were being abused by the older children as well as each other. The W children were then taken to the Scottish mainland.

    Despite being instructed by the local Children's Panel to return the W children, a Case Conference on 17th.July 1989 deliberately opposed this decision (The Times: 15th February 1993), and instead, social workers subjected all the children to intensive ‘disclosure therapy', securing another half-dozen vague statements about abuse. Having finally to return the children in July 1989, the social workers involved became locked in a long-running dispute with the Children's Panel concerning further assessment at home, and on 31st.October 1990, the day before supervision orders on the children were to be revoked, they found a 'new' reason to take the children into care......

    OW, who had been extremely disturbed by the experience of the first uplift in 1989, was alleged, in late October 1990, to have made allegations concerning some of the other children. The younger W children were taken for the second time in November 1990, and remain in care, in mainland Scotland, to this day.

    The Orkney Case you have heard so much about concerns the uplift of nine children from other families in early 1991, following allegations the RSSPCC interviewers secured from three of the W children, during more than a hundred hours of ‘disclosure therapy'. The nine childrens' parents and others, were falsely accused of ritual child sexual abuse. Most of these adults were believed by the social workers to have helped Mrs. W secure her children's previous return in 1989 (What good neighbour, knowing such allegations to be nonsense, would fail to do likewise?) [Ed: RSSPCC = Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children]

    According to RSSPCC, three of this second (February 1991) group of nine children then provided corroborative accounts of the W children's allegations. These children were, however, released on 4th April 1991, by Sheriff Kelbie who asserted that they had been "subjected to cross examination designed to break them down and admit to being abused". As BBC Panorama revealed: these were the same "interviewing techniques as were used with the W. children." [Ed: BBC Panorama’s documentary ‘In Satan’s Name?’ broadcast in December 1992. You can view it here:  -

    In other words the W children's allegations were also induced. No charges have ever been brought against any adult, nor against any of the older W children. Yet the W children remain in care.

    The Reasons for not Releasing the W Children.

    There are three possible reasons for keeping the W Children in care, believing them to be at risk. First, OW's original allegations had to be taken seriously; second, it is claimed there was medical evidence; third, it is claimed that further allegations have emerged from the W children about their siblings. Yet all three can be easily answered.

    OW's Allegations?

    That OW was later to be described as "psychotic" and "exceptionally disturbed", by three highly experienced psychologists, in itself gives serious grounds for caution. Yet none of the social workers who questioned OW appeared to notice her disturbed state, and none mention it in their reports. No records exist of the number of interviews to which OW was subjected, nor of the questions asked. The half dozen 'statements', that are constantly referred to as her ‘disclosure’, are open to alternative interpretations. For example, the idea that a sarcastic remark, such as: "Yes, I made wild passionate love to the Rev. MacKenzie", could be taken seriously, is ludicrous: the Reverend is well over 60, and suffers from both chronic angina and a heart condition.

    The Medical Evidence?

    When the W children were examined in November 1990, medical opinion suggested that three of the children showed signs of sexual abuse. Yet when Dr.David Reid, a highly experienced consultant paediatrician, who utilised the guidelines in the April 1991 Royal College of Physicians Report unavailable the year before, examined these findings, he concluded that the original findings were at fault. His conclusions have been ignored despite subsequent verification. Having initially refused to consent to a medical, MW was examined with the second batch of nine children, who all received extensive medical examinations. Like them, MW received a clean bill of health; yet, according to RSSPCC, MW was supposed to have suffered the most abuse!

    Further Disclosures?

    When Dr.Boyle, who was employed by the Children's panel, questioned the W children, he was not only told that there had been no abuse since the father's departure, the children all surprised him with their common insistence that "social workers lied" and that "nothing happened". underlined His findings were ignored.

    When Dr. Reid spoke with the children (like Dr. Boyle, away from the influence of the social workers) he was also confronted with the same statements: that the social workers had "lied", and that "nothing happened".

    So why have the children apparently said one thing to social workers in the privacy of the RSSPCC interview rooms, and yet told a completely different story to independent outsiders when away from social workers' influence?

    Securing Allegations

    The actions of the Orkney social workers would appear to have created a self fulfilling prophesy. Holding to the theory that all abused children become abusers, Orkney social workers, assisted by the RSSPCC, found the evidence they believed existed through a 'Care Plan' of isolating the children, and then secured allegations by using a thoroughly discredited interview methodology.

    The social workers, perceiving themselves to have been thwarted by the Children's Panel, in their original attempt to interrogate the children in 1989, denied Mrs.W all access to her children for five months, on the occasion of the second removal in November 1990. The children, detained on mainland Scotland - 100 miles away from their home, their family, their pets, their friends, and their familiar surroundings - were persistently questioned against their will. For the whole of this time, and in breach of Articles 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17.2, 18, and 25.2, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the children were denied letters, cards, photographs, gifts, visits from relatives and friends, and forbidden even the comfort of their own toys from home.

    Within a month, they were also separated from one another. Some were even subjected to ‘child-abuse role-playing' to help them 'remember' their 'abuse' !

    No wonder some of the children finally capitulated, and agreed that they had been present at a Ritual Ninja Mutant Turtle dance, prior to an orgy involving the sacrifice of their favourite pony - a fantasy conceived by RSSPCC interviewers determined to discover the secret meaning of the Christmas presents sent to the children. The dead pony, needless to say, is alive and well......

    The Care Plan - completely to isolate the children from Orkney - and supposedly drawn up at the Case Conference on 20th December 1990, because of the abuse the children had purportedly suffered, was actually formulated in July 1989, sixteen months before the November 1990 removal. Its intention was solely to facilitate disclosure, and thereby ignored many of the Butler-Sloss' [Cleveland Inquiry ] recommendations. The care of the W children came a poor second best.

    This policy was defended on the grounds that the children "wished" to disclose but were inhibiting one another. Yet, for any child, the greatest and most painful distress is separation from its mother. Such a fundamental human instinct is common to all children, and is vital to maintaining a child's sense of identity. Yet this consideration was denied these children. These chilling echoes from the Nazi Lebensborn programme are further exemplified by the fact that the

    two youngest children even had their names completely changed by their foster parents, pending the children's anticipated adoption.

    No wonder one of them assured Dr.Boyle in August 1991 that : "my mummy, my real mummy, is dead."
    The mind boggles.

    This same isolation policy was strongly criticised by the Clyde Report, which, however, only considered its use in the case of the second wave of nine children. Yet the distress this policy caused to the W children, the initial anger they displayed, and its effect in eliciting their ‘disclosures', is still being held up as 'proof' that the W children were sexually abused.

    Likewise, whilst the interview practices of RSSPCC (which utterly ignored the Butler-Sloss recommendations, ( Cleveland Report : para. 12.34.5,) that there should where possible be only one, and not more than two interviews for the purpose of evaluation) were criticised in the case of the second wave of nine children, the two youngest W children (then aged 5 and 6) were, initially, each interviewed no less than seven times in eleven days. All the Orkney children were subjected to "repeated interviews" of "the probing and confrontational type of 'disclosure' work" (also criticised after Cleveland); but, whilst the second nine were (fortunately for them) only subject to these interviews for five weeks, some of the W children were still being interviewed as late as September 1992 (a staggering 22 months after their removal.)

    When one looks at what these 'interviews' really entailed, it is easy to see why three W children, who initially steadfastly denied abuse, but who were regarded as 'weak links' (Orkney Report : para.2.62), finally broke down after three months, and suddenly 'remembered' being Ritually Abused.

    In para 2.63 of the Orkney Report we read: 'During the course of the interviews with QW certain particular themes recurred. One was of sexual conduct ... The matter was taken up by the interviewers on 26th.November 1990 with mention again of dickies going into fannies ....

    The implication of this statement, as reported by the interviewers, is that it was the child who had raised the matter of sexual conduct, and thus that it was the child who wished in some way to pursue such matters.

    Yet, an extract from an audiotape of an early interview with this 6 year-old child, heard nationwide by BBC Panorama viewers on 7th.December 1992, gave an entirely different impression of how 'such matters' were made to arise.

    In Martin Bashir's words:

    '... The interview begins with a social worker telling her what another child ... has already said. From the outset the child has been fed information, and the interview is therefore contaminated. But even when the child protests, the interviewer refuses to accept her denials, thus giving the impression that she is not answering in the way they wanted':-

    Mrs.Liz Maclean : "One of your big brothers was telling us that he saw ( another brother) put...his dickie... into your fannie".

    QW: "He didn't".

    LM: "He did".

    QW : "He didn't".

    LM: "And he says....."

    QW: "You're lying". (child screams this out)

    LM : "No, we're not lying, dear, we're not lying. He says that ...".

    QW: "You're lying".

    Martin Bashir reminds viewers that : 'Up to this point the social workers refuse to accept the child's repeated denials. The child is clearly upset. The social worker then tries to calm her down, before continuing in a similar vein' :-

    LM: "And we want - we're here - because we want to help you".

    QW: "Yeah, but he's telling lies". (child beginning to cry)

    LM: "No, we're not telling lies".

    QW : "He is".

    LM: "Oh, he's telling lies". (child now plainly tearstricken)

    LM "Why do you think he's telling lies?" (child heard sobbing and distraught)

    LM repeats : "Why do you think he's telling lies?"

    QW : "Because (the other brother) would never do that". (child screams with emphasis).

    Val Mellor, one of the country's leading consultant child psychologists, told Panorama that these oppressive interview techniques (which sometimes included physically restraining children from leaving the room), were "seriously flawed" and "some of the poorest I've ever seen" .

    Conveniently, no tape recordings or contemporaneous notes were made of the 'crucial' interviews of 6th., 12th., and 13th.February 1991, by the RSSPCC interviewer, Mrs Liz MacLean. Constable Williamson, Mrs.MacLean's sole co-interviewer of the child MW on 6th.February 1991, subsequently shredded her ring pad containing the original interview notes, thus destroying the only original record of what really happened, and of what was actually said.

    Keeping Them In.

    Once the isolation period was ended, the W children all stated clearly that they wished to return home. They repeated these statements at the Children's Hearings that Mrs.W was permitted to call. The children's wishes were, however, denied. The panels continued to "fear" that, on the "balance of probabilities", sibling abuse might have taken place, and would thus do so again if the children were returned home.

    The panel members were initially encouraged to do this by social workers who continued to assert that all abused children become abusers - a theory utterly discredited by Wynne and Hobbs (Cleveland Report: p.319). As time went by, however, the social workers began to refer to isolated statements culled from the children's ongoing interviews, which 'proved' that they had been abused. Excuses were also found to hold the panel hearings without the children present.

    At the quarterly Hearings, Mrs.W is not entitled under Scottish law to receive legal aid.

    She may take a solicitor with her in a friendly capacity, to advise her, but since she cannot afford expense such as this, Mrs.W finds herself outflanked, legally unrepresented, and her views over-ridden.

    Mrs.W lives five miles from the nearest bus stop and 25 miles from the nearest large town: despite being faced with time-consuming and arduous overseas journies to mainland Scotland, Mrs. W has never failed to attend the fortnightly access meetings with her seven children in care, yet in recent months she has suddenly found her access strangely limited.

    The social workers, who according to Dr.Boyle were "reluctant to acknowledge the obvious affection between the children and their mother", now asserted the children did not want to see their mother. Mrs.W was presented with one-line notes from first one child, and then another, that they no longer wished to see her. Mrs.W now sees only two of these seven children on a regular basis. We find this very curious.

    Unlike the parents and representatives of the other nine Orkney children taken into care, Mrs.W has been offered no detailed evidence as to what her children are supposed to have confessed. Such records are a matter of local authority privilege. This means that social workers may accuse anyone of abuse, on the basis of what they assert a child has said, irrespective of context. Such accusations are impossible to refute, and once referenced become a matter of record, to be repeated over and over again.

    Yet when Dr. Kusumakar attempted to verify such allegations, he found they amounted to nothing more than "chinese whispers" between the social workers. Despite this, the assertions continued. On Wednesday 4th.March 1992, after 16 months (!) of 'disclosure' work, one of Mrs.W's young daughters suddenly accused a friend of the family, Mrs. Oakes, of sexual abuse.

    Though these allegations, and their context have never been made public, Mrs.Oakes is powerless to refute them. Yet their 'truth' means that Mrs. Oakes can no longer accompany Mrs. W to access meetings, and Mrs. W is thus further isolated.

    Bearing in mind the concurring conclusions of Dr.Kusumakar, Dr.Boyle, and Dr.Reid (each of whom, quite independently, had the opportunity to speak with the children away from the presence of social workers), that "nothing had happened", and that all the children "wanted to go home", we find it extremely disturbing that as many as five of these children now no longer come to access meetings with their mother, and rarely appear even at their Children's Hearings.

    The right of a child to be heard (reflecting Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) was recognized by Sheriff Kelbie on 4th April 1991, when he ruled that the second wave of nine children had been deprived of their rights, by virtue of being excluded from their Children's Hearings, and he therefore judged that the case against them was fatally flawed.

    The effect of excluding the W children from their hearings is threefold:

    (a) Mrs.W and her child do not get to meet: both are deprived.

    (b) Decisions are made affecting the child without its knowledge or consent.

    (c) No independent observer gets to hear the child's views, nor does the child itself have the opportunity to comment, in any way, on the situation in which it finds itself. An avenue of hope has closed.

    Combined with heavily supervised access, this means neither Mrs.W or any independent third party have the opportunity to have a private word with any of the children. We find this deeply disturbing

    Mindful of the abrasive and oppressive quality of the interviewing revealed by Panorama, and of social worker Jeanette Chisholm's "open criticism of Mrs.W's behaviour during access"

    (Dr.Boyle's report), we ask: is it possible that the children now feel so intimidated, that they have come to fear social workers' disapproval, should they voice a wish to meet their mother? This supposition would appear to be borne out by the facts.

    Our reservations, over the quality of the RSSPCC interview teams headed by Mrs.Liz Maclean, were repeatedly voiced by Lord Clyde, and once the second group of children returned home they asserted that: the interviewers had kept going "on and on" at her (WB 11.55), the same question being asked "repeatedly" (WB 11.58); the interviewers "would keep going on and on till I answered them" (PH 11.70); "they wanted to get as much out of me as possible, and kept at me" (TH 11.76); they "tried to convince me that something had happened"(BT 11.90).

    So despite this highly suspect methodology having been condemned as "something which required examination" (13.31), similar methods have nevertheless been blatantly employed on the W children purely to confirm social workers' theories, and thus, tragically for the W children, to reduce their mother's access to them, and their contact with her, to virtually zero.

    No Appeal.

    The first bulwark of defence against a false accusation in Scotland lies with the JP or Sheriff to whom the social worker presents the Place of Safety Order for signing, but as with Cleveland (para 10.6) such Orders are rarely refused.

    Whilst we do not suggest that any carelessness devolves on the JP who signed OW into care on Ist.November 1990, it is a fact that 17 months previously, in 1989, social workers had no difficulty whatever in obtaining a Place of Safety Order on these same W children, and duly flew them off to Inverness in order to "obtain evidence".

    Despite the best efforts of the Children's Panel to have the children returned, it took a full four weeks effort, culminating in the threat of High Court Action, before Orkney Social Services Department would admit that they were holding the children illegally.

    We have to ask: bearing in mind the fact that the social workers had no evidence to justify removing the children beforehand, and after four weeks of detaining them could still find no evidence, what protection did the JP who signed the Place of Safety Order on Mrs.W's younger children have to offer her in June 1989 ?

    The second line of defence is the proof hearing, where a Sheriff decides whether or not a case exists for referring a child to a Children's Panel. Yet, as Scottish Law allows a child to be taken into care if it resides in the same house as an abused child, it was inevitable the Sheriff would allow the W children to be taken, because no one disputes that some of the older W children had been abused by their father. Thus, for the W family, the Sheriff's Hearing was futile. The social workers did not have to prove their case of sibling abuse . Nor have they done so to this day. But since the only grounds of appeal are procedural, the rarely specified allegations cannot be challenged


    It is the opinion of the Orkney Seven Action Group that the type of bullying interview techniques, so devastatingly portrayed on the Panorama programme, should have no place in the questioning of young children. Reinforced by such interviewers' clearly expressed attitudes that a child is to be disbelieved, until its statements accord with the interviewers' own "obsessive beliefs" (Lord Justice Brown: Rochdale), such interviews on young children amount, in our view, to psychological and emotional abuse of the worst kind. It follows that ‘allegations' obtained in this way are highly suspect.

    We believe that such interviewers should be called to account for their actions.

    We believe such methods have been deliberate employed to justify a decision made as early as 1989 to destroy this family.

    We seriously question whether the social workers have acted in good faith.

    Given the similarities between the actions of the social workers in the W case, and in the second group of nine children, we believe it absurd that whilst one group of children is free (and the Clyde Report devastatingly criticised the social workers involved for their ineptitude), the W children are still in care, and no one says one word of criticism against these same social workers.

    Common features appear in all three uplifts which deserve mention:

    (1) The social workers never have any first hand evidence.

    (2) They rely on allegations from a third party, which they believe absolutely.

    (3) Denials of the supposed victim are always disbelieved.

    (4) The social workers need time, disorientation of the child, and strictly no interference in their activities, to encourage disclosure.

    Besotted with lecture-room theory, they 'know' that abuse has taken place, and ignore, to a child's detriment, the words of Dr.Jones (Cleveland Report: para 12.24) that

    The third and crucial alternative possibility, namely that the child has no sexual abuse to disclose, is not considered a viable option".

    In this context, Dr.Zeitlin (12.31) cautioned against the hazards of over enthusiasm, and spoke of disclosure as having taken on "almost the character of a crusade", and Dr.Underwager(12.32) suggested that some interviewers "lie, threaten, fabricate". Quite.

    The Death of a Family?

    As we have said, access to Mrs.W's children is severely restricted. The children themselves are scarcely encouraged to meet one another, and do so rarely. Should an older sibling happen to meet one of the younger ones in, say, a mainland bookshop (this has actually happened), the older sibling must hurry away discretely, for fear of breaching Departmental rules governing Mrs. W's access visits. This is pathetic. The destruction of this family as a family is all but complete.

    Mrs.W has told us that some of her correspondence to her children, including, for example, harmless poetry, has been returned to her by social workers, marked 'unsuitable'. [Ed. See elsewhere on this page about the false idea of 'trigger words' in Satanic Ritual Abuse' promoted to Scotts social workers by RAINS and Reachout ] That such a simple motherly impulse to keep in touch with her children should be treated with such contempt is unbelievable. A wedge has been driven between Mrs.W and her children, and as a result of what appears to be a deliberate policy on the part of Orkney Social Work Department, the children are becoming estranged not only from their mother, but from their former identity.

    A letter to the Scottish Office dated 21st.December 1992, drawing attention to the unusual difficulties Mrs.W has been confronted with in securing proper access to her children, has met with the reply that the case is "confidential", it "cannot" be discussed, and that Lord Clyde's 194 recommendations have "no bearing" on the seven W children. Quite so. The children have effectively been buried and forgotten, and the key all but thrown away.

    Clyde Revisited.

    The remit issued by the Scottish Office included (Orkney Report: 1.3) inquiring:- ‘into the actings of Orkney Islands Council in relation to ... the decision to seek authority to take to a place of safety nine children resident in South Ronaldsay', should have ensured that the origin of the decision, to uplift the second nine children, was thoroughly investigated.

    Given that the decision rested solely on the supposed evidence provided by the three young W children, the fact that 'allegations' were being forced from them should have led Lord Clyde to challenge (as those watching Panorama did) the integrity of those interviewing the three 'disclosing' W children. Not unnaturally, we are curious to know why this did not happen?

    Adults are now to benefit from Lord Justice Lloyd's (Regina v Barry: Times Law Report : I1th.December 1991) insistence that: "Everything that is said or done to a person whilst that person is detained must be taken into account ... All the circumstances should be taken into account whilst someone is detained". Lord Clyde did not afford that protection to the W. family.

    The original key 'discloser', the teenager OW, needed more than that. OW needed specialist psychiatric counselling; instead she received a Place of Safety Order. Yet despite the confused and contradictory allegations she is supposed to have made, in the disturbed state she was in, nowhere in his Report does Lord Clyde enquire into the circumstances and methodology surrounding OW's interviews. We have to ask why?

    O.W.'s father had not only sexually abused her for a number of years, he had bound her to secrecy. As Ryan observes:

    The isolation imposed by secrecy supports the development of irrational thinking in the child, which may erode the victim's self-esteem, and allow the guilt and confusion to grow without external feedback. Within such isolation, into fantasies of retaliation in order to gain control

    As with OW, so with EW the year before. Far from being helped she was given ‘disclosure therapy' and was under constant pressure to reveal supposed older sibling abuse. And indeed, after six weeks of such treatment, the social workers in Orkney felt they 'had enough on' the W family to seize the remaining younger children.

    The similarity between the events of 1989 and the events of 1990, which led to the Inquiry, is striking. Each girl was in her teens. Each had been sexually and physically abused by her father over several years. Each had been taunted on that account by her fellow schoolmates, and each had been removed from her school on this account. Neither had received any specialist psychiatric counselling to help them over the trauma of the abuse.

    In place of help for her children, and a home help for herself (as recommended by the Children's Panel), Mrs.W once again found her younger children seized. The social services took a second opportunity to turn a teenage child's difficulties into a weapon to break up the family.

    Of the many people whose formal offer, to assist in the deliberations of the Orkney Inquiry, was refused, we note (Report: p.12) the names of Dr. Broadhurst - General Practitioner to the W family in Orkney; Dr.Kusumakar - Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist (who conducted one of the assessments of the W children in care, in April 1991); and Dr.David Reid - Consultant Paediatrician (who reported on the original medical findings on the W children). We would add to this list the names of Dr.Jack Boyle, Ph.D. (previously referred to); Mrs.Katherine Kemp - Reporter to the Children's Panel until March 1990; Mrs.May Armour - Health Visitor on South Ronaldsay; and last but not least, Mrs.W - who throughout the Inquiry was obliged for months on end to put up with other people discussing what her children were supposed to have said, without being able to utter one single word to set the record straight. Lord Clyde and his two colleagues failed to obtain testimony from seven vital witnesses, each of whom was well qualified to judge the validity, or otherwise, of what was purportedly being alleged by Mrs.W's three children, in regard to the Orkney Nine.

    Queen's Counsel

    At the Orkney Inquiry, the various parties involved were represented by eight Queen's Counsel, and eleven Advocates, rather more than is deemed necessary to form a jury of twelve just men and true. Without exception, all of them - as with Lord Clyde and his two colleagues - had unrestricted access to tape-recordings of the W children's interviews, and all, therefore, heard such interviews - and worse - as that shown on the Panorama programme. Not one, but not one , of these worthy, highly qualified, and eminent legal minds presumed to challenge the propriety of the methods used to elicit 'confessions' from disorientated and helpless young children. We ask: would any single one of them dare to trust a child of their own to such abominable treatment, in a room for months on end, with such interviewers? Are then, the tears and anguish of a small child, desperate to have the truth heard and believed, to be ignored by such learned minds as these? As did Lord Clyde, these QC's failed utterly to challenge the authenticity of the evidence.

    Sauce for the Goose

    The Orkney Seven - the W children removed three months previously - have been subjected to the same slipshod interviewing practices, inadequacy of interviewers' records and reports, and other treatment, as the highly publicised Orkney Nine. The 150 criticisms and 194

    recommendations made by Lord Clyde in his Report apply no less to the W children than they did to the Nine: Lord Clyde made particular reference (para 13.16) to the paucity of Mrs. MacLean's own specific written material when he said:- "Where there is no complete record, then not only may the substance of the allegations become distorted...... but any critical assessment of the source material becomes difficult or impossible". We ask: what complete record (as defined by Lord Clyde) exists of the source material which brought the W children into care, and which Public Inquiry will now assess it?

    Enough Suffering

    The Orkney Seven Action Group seeks maximum publicity for the plight of these children, and for their mother Mrs.W. These children have already suffered enough.

    We trust that the media will see fit to give the widest possible coverage to this case, in the interest of securing justice for Mrs.W and her children. We trust that concerned politicians will hasten to raise the matter in the House, and will insist that the quite unnecessary suffering of this family ceases forthwith.

    In our view, the enforced detention of these children should be brought to an end at once, and the legal process allowed to pursue its leisurely course at a later date. As matters stand now, we believe that public confidence in the system is being maintained at the expense of justice, and that this surely cannot be right.

    Orkney Seven Update

    Of her seven children in care, Mrs.W, as we have said, has access to only two, the boys, now aged 11 and 13, both of whom still insist at their Hearings (but not quite so optimistically now), that they want to return home.

    Her daughter AW, aged 14, and the subject, as stated elsewhere, of an unbelievable total of 22 months ‘disclosure work', and other interviews (such interviews are not noted for their being of a voluntary nature), and originally (as with the others) vociferous in her insistence to return home, has recently told her mother that she wants her birth certificate, and wants to change her surname to that of her foster parents. We have in our possession a group photograph taken shortly before the removal of these children from their home two years ago, which includes AW as a carefree 12 year-old, relaxed, smiling, and clearly pleased with life. We say no more.

    Mrs.W described OW as having been a "bright, vivacious person"up to the time of the first removal in 1989. OW is now 18, but her foster parents succeeded recently in renewing her supervision order for a further 12 months, and so OW remains in 'care’. Despite what we trust to be the thoughtful attention of her foster parents, we understand that OW has, if anything, deteriorated further over the past two years: her sister EW, now living nearby, describes her as "difficult", and Mrs.W describes her speech as "disjointed and disturbed". Mrs.W receives no medical reports on OW (bear in mind that Mrs.W lives over 100 miles away, so that_really-hurts), and no-one tells Mrs.W how her daughter OW is getting on. Mrs.W has no idea what specialist therapeutic counselling, if any, her daughter receives. In early 1989, Mrs.Sandy McEwen, the wife of OW's tutor, considered OW “university material". Removed with the other youngsters for four weeks in June 1989, OW was separated from the others, and told a local nurse on her return that she had been drugged; the nurse was concerned, and described OW's behaviour as "disturbing", compared with her state of mind prior to being taken away. At a Children's Hearing on 15th.December 1989, the Hearing found the Education Department to be "failing in its responsibilities regarding OW". No education personnel troubled to attend the Hearing.

    As is the case with AW, the three youngest children, girls now aged 7, 8, and 9, no longer see their mother at all. Mrs.W's two boys in care both sent her Christmas cards recently, and both boys telephone and keep in touch, but Mrs.W did not receive a Christmas card this year from any of her other five children in care, and cannot be sure that any of these five children even received the Christmas presents she sent them, so thorough has been the disruption of normal human contact between her and the children, on the part of Orkney Social Work Department. We are reminded of a recent news item of a research study which stated that:

    "children in foster care for as long as two years still think, and even dream, about their birth parents, sometimes every day" (Social Work Today: 29th.October 1992).

    Someone has a great deal to answer for.

    To suggest that Mr.Lee, as Director of Orkney Social Work Department, bears a grave responsibility for the failure of his department to consider properly the needs of the W children, would be to put it mildly. By the simple statement of their Social Work Department's original intention on 20th December 1990, to implement a plan which resulted in such profound isolation, and such drastic emotional deprivation for these children, Orkney Islands Council have utterly forfeited any moral claim to be a good parent to them. To this day Mr.Lee has declined to tender his resignation.

    In November 1992 (Social Work Today: 12th.November 1992), one hundred Orkney inhabitants at a meeting organised by local MP Jim Wallace, unanimously repeated their demands not only for Mr.Lee's resignation, but also for that of the Chairperson of the Social Work Committee of Orkney Islands Council, Mrs.Mhairi Trickett, and in addition, the removal of a number of social work staff. Mrs Trickett declined to tender her resignation.

    It is a matter of record that, on 30th October 1991, Orkney Islands Council issued a statement unequivocally accepting Lord Clyde's view that "the parents and children involved, and the Reverend and Mrs.MacKenzie, must be accorded the presumption of innocence".

    (Mrs.W was one of the suspected parents...... ).

    In this report we have raised issues, and posed questions, which cry out for answers.

    Mrs.W has a very simple question:-

    What have these people done to my children?"

    She deserves an answer.


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    Cases involving sexual offences are always diffcult. Many of these cases involve children; and cases involving children present problems of their own. They may find it difficult to distinguish between fantasy and reality For various reasons, they are likely to tell lies in a more unpredictable way' than adults. Children who have told lies often resist fanatically having to admit that they have lied. By themselves they find it hard to distinguish lies from truth, and yet they are very well aware that adults regard the telling of lies with strong moral disapprobation. We have already discussed the problems created by the lack of accuracy of perception and memory in adults, especially with regard to cases of misidentification. Children experience these problems to a greater degree than adults, and in a wider variety of circumstances. Again, adults are susceptible to suggestion and rehearsing: children are even more vulnerable to pressures of this kind.

    The law recognizes that there are difficulties in accepting children’s evidence. If a judge satisfies himself that the child knows the meaning of an oath or affirmation, then the child will be allowed to give sworn evidence in court just like an adult. If a child is too young or immature to appreciate the meaning of the oath, but nevertheless knows the meaning of ‘telling the truth’, then the judge may allow the child to give unsworn testimony in court. In this case, the judge must instruct the jury not to convict solely on the unsworn evidence of the child. There must be corroborating evidence, and the unsworn testimony of another child is not regarded as ‘corroboration’.

    We have already mentioned the rule that in cases involving sex offences the judge must warn the jury of the danger of convicting on the uncorroborated testimony of the victim. This rule applies equally Where the victim is a child. There may be added di?iculties Where this is so because of the traumatic effect of the assault and its aftermath on the child. This may particularly be so where the child’s parents and the authorities have made a great fuss about the incident.
    (page 137)


    Alisdair Palmer*s Worst Fears Become Reality|

    “They would Like to see rules of evidence changed so that it would be easier to get convictions for satanic abuse and have in mind something Like the Criminal Justice Act of 1994, which abolished the requirement for corroborative evidence in child abuse cases. The result of that change is that you can be convicted - and many people have been simply on the word of the individual who accuses you, even if the allegation dates back 28 years.

    The rationale for the change in the rules of evidence was simple: without it, it would be impossible to get convictions in most cases of child abuse. Its effect has been to lower the standard of proof: no one could say that a charge of sexual abuse based on one, unsubstantiated, recollection of what took place 15 years earlier has been proved “beyond reasonable doubt”.

    The lawyers who piloted the change, Like the psychiatrists and social workers who lobbied for it, argued the goal of punishing real child-abusers justified the risk - it is in fact a certainty - of punishing a number of imaginary ones. But relaxing the rules of evidence sets an alarming precedent. If those who believe in satanic abuse get their way, the law will eventually be changed to make uncorroborated testimony sufficient for conviction. That is why we should be deeply alarmed..."

    Alisdair Palmer; Excerpt from The Sunday Telegraph 13th February 2000.

    Summary of the Cleveland inquiry

    The report of Lord Justice Butler-Sloss on her inquiry into child abuse in Cleveland was published on 6 July (HMSO, Cm 412), together with a 2] page summary of the main events and findings (HMSO, Cm 413) and several pamphlets of guidelines from the Department of Health and Social Security and the Department of Education and Science dealing with the sexual abuse of children. During the crisis in Cleveland, which developed over a period of about five months, 125 children were diagnosed as sexually abused, of whom 98 have now been returned home. Proceedings in 27 wardship cases were dismissed. This article summarises the main findings of the report.

    The events

    Cleveland’s social services had a good record of response to issues of child care. Its growing concern about the problem of child sexual abuse led to the appointment in June 1986 of Mrs Susan Richardson, a former social work team leader, to the new post of child abuse consultant. On 1 January 1987 Dr Marietta Higgs began working as consultant paediatrician in South Tees Health District. Dr Higgs had established an interest in child sexual abuse through previous work as a senior registrar in Newcastle and her contact with the research and teaching of the Leeds paediatrician Dr Jane Wynne, who, with Dr Christopher Hobbs, had published an article in the Lancet describing the sign of anal dilatation in the diagnosis of buggery in children, which they considered to be a common form of abuse.

    Dr Higgs quickly established a close working relationship with Mrs Richardson. In February she started to pick up cases of suspected sexual abuse, in many of which she found anal dilatation, and her increasing certainty about the importance of this sign was reinforced by the concurrence of Dr Wynne, to whom she referred several cases for a second opinion. In March Dr Geoffrey Wyatt, a consultant paediatrician colleague, also became convinced of the value of this sign when he saw it elicited for the first time by Dr Higgs; he thereafter supported her, coming to believe with her that the identification of sexual abuse was one of a paediatrician’s most important tasks.

    In March and April Dr Higgs diagnosed anal abuse in several children, including two who had already been removed from their families and placed with foster parents. Eleven children who had been through this particular foster household were subsequently brought up to hospital for examination by Dr Higgs, and 10 were admitted when she found signs of anal abuse. At this time the director of social services, Mr Michael Bishop, became aware of the scale of this new development in paediatric activity and started to become personally concerned. By the end of Aprila rift had developed between Dr Higgs and the police, in particular with the police surgeon, Dr Alistair Irvine, who did not believe that most children diagnosed as abused by Dr Higgs had indeed been abused. He was particularly sceptical of the value of the anal dilatation sign in diagnosing buggery and received support in this from Dr Raine Roberts, a police surgeon from Manchester with particular skills in sexual assault. Mrs Richardson discounted Dr Ivine’s views and firmly supported Dr Higgs, arranging the referral of increasing numbers of children with suspected abuse to her, most of whom were admitted to hospital under place of safety orders.

    Matters came to a head during May and June, when unprecedented numbers of children were admitted to hospital by both Dr Higgs and Dr Wyatt with what was an unfamiliar problem, some in clusters at weekends, some late at night. Accommodation and nursing services became overstretched, and field social workers and ward nursing staff became increasingly anxious about the diagnoses. The police issued guidelines, unknown to social services, to the effect that officers should “proceed with caution” when asked to investigate cases diagnosed by Dr Higgs and “look for substantial corroboration of her findings before proceeding.” Mrs Richardson drafted a memorandum, endorsed by Mr Bishop and distributed through social services, unknown to the police, that there should be routine place of safety orders in all cases of suspected abuse, that parents’ access should be suspended (as they might interfere with the child’s disclosure of abuse), and that the police surgeon should be excluded from making a second examination.

    During June several events occurred that led to the recognition that there was a crisis. There were two further large waves of admissions, stretching accommodation and nursing services to breaking point; interim place of safety orders started to be contested in the courts on the basis that the medical evidence was disputed; there was an angry scene on the children’s ward concerning parents and Dr Wyatt, when the police had to be called; parents organised themselves into a protest group aided by a local priest and the affair began to be noticed by the media; and Dr Irvine announced in a television interview that Dr Higgs was wrong to diagnose sexual abuse in a particular case. The Northern Regional Health Authority became concerned for the first time in mid-June, and a second opinion panel was rapidly organised; but this failed to defuse the situation because by this time the media were in full cry, aided and abetted by the local member of parliament, Mr Stuart Bell, who took the part of the parents both in television interviews and in his representations to parliament and to the health minister. On 9 July the health minister announced that a statutory inquiry was to be set up. Drs Higgs and Wyatt were relieved of clinical duties from the end of July to allow them to prepare for the hearings.

    Main findings

    The report is at pains to present a balanced view of the events and the various pressures which led to a breakdown of communications. In many cases it goes out of its way to praise effective and sensible responses to the crisis, praises the Northern Regional Health Authority for its effective intervention from mid-June onwards, and acknowledges the dedication and com- mitment shown by Drs Higgs and Wyatt and by Mrs Richardson. There are, however, many criticisms reflecting both individual and corporate actions during the crisis. It was concluded that one of the most worrying features of the Cleveland crisis was the isolation and lack of support for the parents of the children concerned, whether they were abusers, possible abusers, or “‘ordinary people caught up in the results of a misdiagnosis.”


    Dr Higgs, as a new consultant venturing into a new field, is criticised for undue reliance on physical signs alone, in particular the anal dilatation test. She was too ready to draw certain conclusions from her findings and too fixed in her belief that the children should be separated from their parents to allow “disclosure.” She lacked appreciation of the forensic elements of her work and did not recognise the inadequacy of resources 1n Cleveland to meet the crisis. Her relentless pursuit of her goals, which never seemed to be interrupted by a pause for thought, caused unneces- sary distress to children and their families.

    Dr Wyatt also did not allow for the limited state of present knowledge in what is an extremely difficult area. He arranged for the admission of many children with suspected sexual abuse without thought for the consequences and showed a lack of common sense in responding to the crisis. He made no independent inquiries about the diagnostic techniques used until a late stage. Many of the criticisms of Dr Higgs’s actions apply equally to him, and it was concluded that they both share a responsibility for the crisis. No evidence was found that either doctor had attempted to screen for sexual abuse, as was widely claimed at the time.

    Mrs Richardson acted on her belief that the only way to deal with suspected child abuse was to take control by means of a place of safety order. She did not consider the possibility of misdiagnosis by Dr Higgs or Dr Wyatt, and there was no evidence that she sought to exercise any restraint on the accelerating numbers of admissions of children with suspected abuse. Her commitment to the protection of children from abuse led her to disregard the need to proceed at a pace commensurate with the need to gain the trust of other agencies, particularly the police. It was concluded that she bore a significant share of the responsibility for breakdown of communications between social services and the police.

    Mr Bishop is criticised for failing to make any attempt to bring social services, health services, and the police together, and in particular for failing to appreciate the serious differences between the social and medical services and the police. He uncritically supported Mrs Richardson’s and Dr Higgs’s actions until a late stage in the crisis. His department, under the guidance of his senior staff, failed to recognise that child sexual abuse has different characteristics from physical abuse and requires cautious intervention to allow the risks of false positive findings to be balanced against those of false negative ones.

    Dr Irvine had strongly held views, reinforced by conversations with Dr Raine Roberts, who herself was not neutral on the issue, and allowed these views and an overemotional response to the situation to colour his judgment. It is considered that he must bear some of the responsibility for the poor relations between the police and social services and for the bias of some of the media coverage. Lacking confidence in Dr Higgs’s diagnoses, the police themselves, instead of making efforts with social services to seek an authori- tative outside medical opinion, retreated into an entrenched position and made little effort to solve the problem. There was a regrettable tendency, shared with the social services, for the interagency squabble to become increasingly personal and for the interests of the children to be submerged.

    It was concluded overall that “it is unacceptable that the disagreements and failure of communication of adults should be allowed to obscure the needs of children both long term and short term in so sensitive, difficult, and important a field. The children had unhappy experiences which should not be allowed to happen again.”


    It was not a function of the inquiry to evaluate the accuracy of diagnostic techniques in the diagnosis of sexual abuse. The report, however, explores the issues raised by the problem of diagnosis in some 20 pages and discusses the sign of anal dilatation in some detail. It is emphasised that grounds for removing a child from home on the basis of anal dilatation alone during the Cleveland affair were found on comparatively few occasions. The anal dilatation sign is elicited by separating the buttocks, preferably with the patient in the knee to elbow position, whereupon after several seconds the anal canal opens and allows a view of the rectum. This sign is not a new one and has been recorded in passive homosexuals. The consensus of the evidence given to the inquiry was that anal dilatation in children is abnormal and suspicious and requires further investigation but is not in itself evidence of anal abuse. It has been described in some cases of chronic constipation. There is, however, a need for more information about how often it may be found in normal children who have not been subject to abuse.

    Main recommendations

    The recommendations of the inquiry run to 10 pages and are succinctly expressed. It is therefore impossible to summarise them all within the confines of a short article. There may well be disagreement about which are the most important. We have chosen to include the following:

    The children - The child must be treated as a person and not an object of concern. Professionals should recognise the need for adults to explain to children what is going on and not to make promises that cannot be kept. Children should not be subject to repeated examinations or confrontational “disclosure” inter- views for evidential purposes. Those concerned with investigating child sexual abuse should make a conscious effort to ensure that they act at all times in the best interests of the child, which may not necessarily mean removing the child from home.

    Parents - should be treated with the same courtesy as the parents of any other referred child and should be informed and consulted by professionals dealing with the child when appropriate. They should be made aware of their rights. The social services should always seek to provide support for the family during the investigation.

    The courts - It 1s recommended that the white paper on the law on child care and family services should be implemented. The clerk to the justices should have a statutory duty to keep records of all place of safety orders. A simple written explanation of the meaning and effect of a place of safety order should be provided to parents. All lawyers engaged in this type of work, at all levels, should make themselves more fully aware of the nature of child abuse and its management.

    The social services, police, and medical profession - No person or agency should make a decision in isolation as to whether a child has been sexually abused. There is an overriding need to consider carefully the appropriate speed and level of any intervention planned. The medical diagnosis and any physical signs that led to it should not be the prime consideration except in straightforward cases. Responsible agencies should get together for a wider assessment of the likelihood of sexual abuse based on all available information. Specialist assessment teams should be established to provide advice in difficult cases. There is a need for more extensive training, particularly interagency training—for example, the combined training of police officers and social workers. The medical profession needs to appreciate the legal implications of work on child sexual abuse.

    Abusers and the abused - Finally, there is a need to recognise and rectify the problem of the lack of help provided for adults who were abused as children and to recognise the problems of the abuser who may wish to confess his activities and receive help but is inhibited for fear of the consequences.

    BMJ VOLUME 297 16 JULY 1988 pp190-191


    ( From Dramatis Personae Website)

    An example of the continued collusion and the driving forces of the feminist lobby can be seen in the publication of the academic book Home Truths about Child Sexual Abuse: A reader contributed-to and edited by Catherine_Itzin. The book included the essay/paper Confronting sexual abuse Challenges for the future from feminist Sarah Nelson, that advocated for the SRA Myth, in it's Mind Control form.

    "Prevention or reduction of child sexual abuse is not possible, except in a very limited way, until professionals and the public discover and confront its full scale and nature. To tackle a social evil you must know what you are dealing with, and however disturbing the truth may be, it is necessary to know the worst before building an effective strategy. I suspect that we still have very little idea of the true extent, nature, savagery, planning and organisation of child sexual abuse in society. Many new clues have been garnered, especially over the past decade: what Roland Summit describes in his moving paper 'Hidden Victims, Hidden pain' as 'fleeting glimpses of the reality brought by each brief clearing of the fog (Summit 1988). These include revelations about the extent of repressed memory among adults; the scale and organisation of paedophile rings, especially in the residential childcare sector, the existence of sadistic child murder, the scale of the multi-million international child pornography industry, and of international 'sex tourism'; and the existence of ritual abuse by cults, who use hitherto unimagined physical, sexual and emotional torture and mind control. (Source: Page 389 Home Truths about Child Sexual Abuse: A reader (2000) contributed-to and edited by Catherine Itzin, from the paper Confronting sexual abuse Challenges for the future by Sarah Nelson)

    Ms. Nelson had previously presented her paper, including her advocacy for the SRA Myth in its 'Mind Control" version, to the British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (BASPCAN) Third National Congress in Edinburgh in 1997, and part of it was published in Child Abuse Review (1998).

    The 'Mind Control' version of the SRA Myth that Ms. Nelson determined is a 'revelation' (though in 2000 it was probably a revelation that a 'serious' academic publication would be willing to publish advocacy for the religious fundamentalist-derived theory) is the second version of the 'Myth to come to Britain's shores. It was driven this time by fundamentalists in the US who had realised the shortfalls in the older 'Classic' version of the SRA Myth, with its flying witches and inanimate objects, spacecraft in the back yard and inanimate objects being turned into magical creatures. The Mind Control version envisioned all the previous impossibilities, together with satanists being able to be in two places at once, and, a huge government/CIA conspiracy that used ritual abuse as a means to control the thoughts of hundreds of thousands of people. As it was, persuading many that Britain's MI5 had much interest in Mind Control was tough, so as with Classic SRA Myth, the poor and disadvantaged in the country were and are blamed as being the those who have the Mind Control skills to inflict suffering on their young charges. A summary of the three versions of the SRA Myth (the most recent one involves space aliens and 12-foot tall lizards).

    In addition to Ms. Nelsons paper, Home Truths about Child Sexual Abuse: A reader also featured an essay co-authored by Dr. Liz Kelly, head of the CWASU (Child ; Woman Abuse Studies Unit) hosted by the London Metropolitan University, and which describes its original establishment as being to both develop feminist theory and practice, and take this perspective into professional training, especially that of social work. The CWASU is a leading center for feminist research that attempts to bolster belief that rape and child abuse are rife in British society, and that evil men require greater restriction and supervision. Despite her feminist credentials, as with many other feminists, Dr. Kelly is a leading advocate for the Christian Fundamentalist-derived SRA Myth, having jointly authored numerous papers on the subject (although there is no evidence that she has taken on the Mind Control version of the 'Myth or the 'Lizard' version.)

    Before her death Catherine Itzin was aleading member of the feminist lobby, intent on identifying all males - boys and men, as pedophiles. Home Truths about Child Sexual Abuse: A reader though couldn't be subjected to any confusion; it simply determined all men (or certainly the vast majority) to be pedophiles - either active or waiting for the opportunity. The contributor and editor determined in her introduction that she would make it patently clear what the book was intended to do;

    This book aims to make and to try to keep, visible this maintaining of men's sexual access to children as essential to the formulation of an effective public policy response to child sexual abuse. The radical feminist contribution to child protection is the identification of child sexual abuse as being what ordinary men want and what ordinary men do. What this book does I hope, is to make it clear that this is nothing to do with 'feminist anti-men thing', but a fact for which there is a substantial body of empirical evidence. This is what men do because they want to; because they can; and because, largely, they can get away with it (Source: Page 5 Home Truths about Child Sexual Abuse: A reader (2000) contributed-to and edited by Catherine Itzin)

    In 2000 Dr. Catherine Itzin was Research Professor in Social Work and Social Policy and Co-director of the International Centre for the Study of Violence and Abuse at the University of Sunderland. She died in March 2010. Unlike the Dr._Liz_Kelly-led CWASU (Child; Woman Abuse Studies Unit) at the London Metropolitan University, which references the papers advocating for the religious fundamentalist-inspired SRA Myth, the University of Sunderland's International Centre for the Study of Violence and Abuse makes no mention of the Myth and presumably has purged itself of all fundamentalist attributes.

    Dr. Itzin, prior to her death and together with leading SRA Myth advocate Dr. Kelly, imposed a huge influence on academic belief in the extent of sexual violence, notably domestic violence, incest and organised abuse, including the SRA Myth, still believed by a sizeable minority of key individuals in key positions. These beliefs are buttressed by a further series of distinct beliefs - including the idea that the primary reason for the existence of families is to allow males to sexually abuse and rape their daughters, that most women with children are subject to serious personality disorders (including MSBP, BPD and bi-polar disorder) and that Vast Conspiracies exist within government, the police and the security services to buttress the 'patriarchy', which includes the use of Mind Control to exert influence. A primary concern of Dr. Itzin was to draw attention to the invisibility of the normal, ordinary, heterosexual family men who sexually abuse their own and other people's children on a very substantial scale (from Incest, paedophilia, pornography and prostitution: making familial males more visible as the abusers by Catherine Itzin, Child Abuse Review, Volume 10, Issue 1, pages 35â??48, January/February 2001).

    Consequently, particularly during the period of New Labours time in office (1997-2010) government policy was increasingly driven by the sometimes obsessive conspiracy-theory-driven fantasies of a small number of civil servants, academics and researchers, sometimes intent only on pursuing political or religious dogma, but most often concerned with simply consolidating a power base in departments that attract substantial investment and funding. As of 2012 there is no indication that this environment has changed, and it appears relatively vulnerable from budget restraints.


    The contributors to Itzin's 'Home Truths About Sexual Abuse: Influencing Policy and Practice' are a veritable who's who of early believers in Satanic Ritual Abuse, most of whom were involved in contributing to the Satanic Panic in the 1990s and who are still involved in promoting the idea that it exists today. Those in bold type in the following list, from Itzin's Introduction,are also covered in detail in the main texts on this web-page.

    Contributors to this book represent a wide range of professional and academic disciplines. Professions include: paediatric medicine (Marietta Higgs and Geoffrey Wyatt), social work (Hilary Eldridge, Tony Morrison, Bobbie Print, Sue Richardson and Sara Swann), probation (Ray Wyre), child and adolescent forensic psychiatry (Susan Bailey), clinical psychology (Heather Bacon) and psychotherapy (Alice Miller and Joan Woodward). Academic disciplines include sociology (Sheila Burton, Liz Kelly, Sarah Nelson, Linda Regan and Diana E. H. Russell), social work ( Rebecca Bolen and Maria Scannapieco) and social policy (Elaine Farmer, Morag Owen and myself). Louise Armstrong is an independent scholar and author.

    The book is a pot-boiler of misandry. A collection of untested, unproven opinions - mostly false or in error - from friends and colleagues who crusade against men to confirm the third-wave radical Feminist world view. There were dozens more people involved in social work, academe or child care who do NOT appear in this book who originally were convinced about SRA but then saw it was a myth and switched course. Some were publicly discredited and slunk away into oblivion. Some were brave enough to confess to their errors publicly, such as Cult-Cops Randy Emon and Sandy Gallant. The only reason why It zin's crowd will not let SRA go is that demonising men is more important to them than the Truth. Radical Feminism demands that ALL men be demonised as rapists waiting for a chance. As Hull Rape Crisis Centre clearly stated 'Satan is the ultimate rapist'. Yet after Itzin's death 'Home Truths' is now seen within social work as unique source of information on child abuse in the UK! Clearly it is simply Feminist Propaganda which should not be believed.

    Front Cover of Catherine Itzin's Home Truths About Child Sexual Abuse

    Timeline of FAILED Cases of Satanic Abuse and Official Inquiries into it since 1988 which are INCONTROVERTIBLE.

    1. 1987: Scandal in Cleveland as 121 children are taken into care.
    2. 1987: Congleton SRA case begins and turns out FALSE.
    3. 1988: Butler-Sloss Judicial Enquiry and Report on Cleveland 80% of those accused were innocent.
    4. 1988: Epping SRA case starts - proves to be totally false, judge throws it out.
    5. 1988: November: Broxtowe, Nottingham social workers agree they have a satanic sex ring.
    6. 1988;  Extensive police inquiries prove that there is no SRA content in Broxtowe case.
    7. 1989: Manchester/Trafford SRA case begins - found completely false.
    8. 1989: November: a claim of ‘satanic abuse’ stems from a boy in Rochdale
    9. 1990: March: Rochdale’s social services head to a London ‘satan’ course
    10. 1990: June: sixteen children in Rochdale are forcibly removed on allegations of SRA
    11. 1990: November: eight ‘W’ children are taken into care on South Ronaldsay, Orkney
    12. 1990: December: some of the Manchester/Trafford case children are released
    13. 1991: February: Orkneys girl reports satanism; 9 more children are taken into care.
    14. 1991: March: High Court frees remaining Rochdale children
    15. 1991: March: 9 recently-removed Orkneys children are ordered home
    16. 1991 Eight children are removed and kept from their homes in Ayr due to 'Satanic Abuse'.
    17. 1992 £2M Police inquiry in Hull stems from false accusations made by Geoffrey Dickens MP concludes there was no SRA involved.
    18. 1992: October: the Clyde Report on the South Ronaldsay abductions
    19. 1992: December: first arrests in the Pembroke ‘SRA’ trial
    20. 1993: Bishop Auckland satanic abuse case begins - falls flat on its face. No SRA.
    21. 1994: January: 12 ‘satanic abuse ring’ defendants are on trial at Pembroke
    22. 1994, February: while still awaiting trial, the Pembroke is judged not ‘satanic’.
    23. 1994: La Fontaine report on satanic abuse for the Health Department concludes SRA is a figment of the imagination of satan-hunters and fundamentalist activists in social work.
    24. 1995: Ayrshire Inquiry Report denounces social service malpractice over 1990 SRA claims.
    25. Things went quiet for a decade, then a new generation of SRA believers jumped on the bandwagon.They caused so much trouble over that period thai several detailed policeinvestigations were put in place to answer their hysterical suspicions and false accusations: This was the result:
    26. 2014: SRA hysteria about Haut de la Garrene children’s home in Jersey, offidal report concludes no SRA involved.
    27. 2014: Report concluding Savile investigation - no SRA involved.
    28. 2016: February: Operation Midland disbanded - all SRA allegations false.
    29. 2016 October: Judge Henrique report ruled that SRA allegations were untrue and many fraudulent.
    30. 2017 Operation Conifer (Ted Heath) closure report - SRA allegations unproven.
    31. 2019: January: Sabine McNeil, ringleader of the fase allegations of SRA against Christchurch School, Hampstead, is jailed for 9 years for perverting the course of justice. No SRA involved.
    32. 2019: July: SRA believers star victim imposter Carl Beech tums out to be a kiddie pervert himself. Is given 18 years in jail for fraud and perverting the course of justice by making false allegations of SRA.
    33. 2020: February: The governments own Historic Abuse Inquiry IICSA concludes that
    34. ‘the idea of a conspiracy of abusers in Westminster, including mad tales about Edwarfd Heath murdering children in Satanic Rituals was bunkum.

    So by our count that is 34 instances of FAILURE to prove the existence of SRA in every single case alleged and every official investigation and inquiry undertaken in the past 36 years..   This is not opinion it is INCONTROVERTIBLE FACT  and every detail can be seen in the public record. Anyone who contradicts these facts should be shunned as a pestilence. There is no such thing as Satanic Ritual Child Abuse.

    NSPCC's crucial 17 July 1989 Press Release on SRA which started the UK Satanic Panic

    Press Association: July 17, 1989, Monday


    BYLINE:Sally Weale, Press Association

    A child protection society warned tonight that it was becoming "increasingly concerned" about the ritualistic abuse of children in occult ceremonies.

    The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children urged parents and professionals not to simply dismiss childrens' accounts as "fantasy" but to listen and offer help and protection.

    A national network of counsellors is to be created to offer support to both the youngsters and adults lured into covens and abused. In the last year about 20 cases have come to light of children being subjected to abuse by occult worshippers and it is widely thought such a figure is just the tip of the iceberg.

    Dr Alan Gilmour, the director, said: "Children must be listened to if we are to begin to deal with the problems which ritualistic abuse confronts us with. "The information about this type of abuse is very limited but it is becoming increasingly clear that this is a very real area of concern which must be addressed." Dr Gilmour added: "Children speaking out about accounts of ritualistic ceremonies must not be dismissed. Children rarely exaggerate about such matters."

    The NSPCC said a major fear must now be that some children have been killed during ceremonies and that others were seriously at risk.

    The problem is highlighted on ITV tonight by The Cook Report. After the investigative programme, helplines will be opened for people who have fallen victim to groups.
    Cases which have come to light involve young girls being raped and babies being induced five-and-a-half months into pregnancy then killed and eaten during ceremonies.

    The national network of counsellors is made up of experts from organisations already dealing with occult-related problems and has been brought together by the Evangelical Alliance, an interdenominational church body.


    HeMaureen Davies handling the Helplines on the Cook Reportre is an actual screen shot of Maureen Davies handling the help-lines on the Cook Report. Ray Wyre and members of Team 4 were also present

    The Truth about how The NSPCC jumped on the SRA bandwagon

    Reachout exorcising Laura when she didn't need it

    The link between the NSPCC and The despicable Reachout Trust which influenced the Evangelical Alliance to jump on the SRA bandwagon thereby recruiting a million dim Methodists to work with the Cook Report to pressure the NSPCC into following suit, is clear from the full page article in The Evangelical Alliance magazine headlined 'The Nightmare we refuse to believe' published earlier in late June 1989 in which the Reverend Kevin Logan, a director of Reachout Trust, is seen exorcising children who their mothers claimed had been Satanically Abused, for the now discredited Cook Report special;  'The Devil's Work' .

    Logan is placing his hand on the head of Laura (see for her heartbreaking story about how her mother beat her until she memorised a story about being Satanically Abused). Laura later gave her personal story about the TV exorcism to the SAFF when she became an adult. She and her brother were never abused by Satanists but now, as a mother herself, she agrees that her mother's psychopathy was exploited by believers in SRA. 

    The photo also shows Maureen Davies and Audrey Harper, both Reachout Trust directors, kneeling at the altar (far left). They are ever-present in articles, documentaries, and newspaper reports during the 1990 Satanic Panic.

    Reachout hi-jack the Evangelical Alliance
    In this cutting above, Ritual Abuse Report Prompts Calls for Action we see an article from the Church Times from July 1989 in which Reachout Trust has managed to hi-jack the million-strong well-meaning but mega-gullible Christians who are members of the Evangelical Alliance allowing Reachout to speak with the massed authority of Methodism on SRA because of their backing. The article goes on to link Reachout's work with the NSPCC and the Cook Report and under the umbrella of The Evangelical Alliance and is a watershed in the coalescing of several groups ( Chris-tian Medical Fellowship, (who held the first Satan Seminar in April 1989 in London) , The Christian Response to the Occult (an established defamation group intent on warning of imagined 'dangers' of the occult which had up until this point not featured SRA)  and the Methodist Church which, the article says, is hoping to stage a conference for church leaders on the subject of ritual abuse.

    This church 'war-cry' on SRA was issued in tandem with the broadcast of the now discredited Cook Report, 'The Devil's Work' which Reachout had a key role in creating.

    Logan claims babies are killed in Satanism

    By the time the Satanic Panic was in full-swing Rev. Kevin Logan was making blatant claims not just that children were being sadistically abused but that Babies had been killed in Satanic Ceremonies. A blood-libel myth which was part of many Christian pogroms against Jews going back to the 12th Century and which had an equally false origin in hysterical lies about Jews cutting the throats of Christian babies to drink their blood.

    Needless to say it is complete fiction but was seen and believed by key players in the Church of England of which church Logan was a vicar.

    Reachout were consulted, quoted, had a presence in, provided information for and usually appeared in almost every single newspaper article, magazine article,  TV documentary and radio broadcast on SRA during the peak Satanic Panic years of 1988-1994.   Clearly Reachout and it's evangelical friends were virtually controlling the news-output on SRA country-wide and generating sectarian hatred  against Pagans and Satanists  amongst nominal Christians who knew no better.

    Satan Slaves Are After My Baby

     So all of this. (the publication of the NSPCC's report on SRA, The broadcast of the Cook Report's 'Devil's Work', The hi-jacking of mainstream Christianity by Reachout and the eager complicity of the media in publishing those despicable claims (see above for typical example), underpinned the massive hysteria of the Satanic Panic in the 1990s. In 'The Nightmare we refuse to believe' The text says:
    NSPCC Child Care Director Jim Harding, stressed that his society had not made its fears public until it was satisfied that the stories were not fabricated. The NSPCC findings confirmed the fears of several Christian groups working under the auspices of the Evangelical Alliance of Great Britain. Ten months previously the groups - including Reachout Trust, Christian Response to the \Occult, Christian Medical Fellowship and others - had begun to investigate ritual abuse.

    Note that quote! The NSPCC had not made its fears public until it was satisfied that the stories were not fabricated.

    It is an untruth! The SAFF had been in correspondence with the NSPCC's director, Ian Gilmour, since April 1989 warning them that they were being had with sectarian lies! See the diary of correspondence here.

    SAFF warned the NSPCC that they would rue the day they chose to run with the Satanic Panic and by March 1990 here they were below apologising for misleading the public and repeating sectarian lies. And who is doing the public contrition? NSPCC Child Care Director Jim Harding!

    NSPCC admit they were wrong

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